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REFRESH! There are 5070 unanswered questions (93.4597 answered)
4 hours later…
Q: Gap showing between canvas element and div container

Eric MarceauI am fleshing out a small desktop game that will be HTML5-based. Grid zone 3 uses one canvas element, and that is placed correctly without any visible gaps between the edge of the canvas and the container div element. Grid zone 5 uses one canvas element, and that is place, using identical method ...

@chux I have an array of these objects and need to be able to index them uint16_t-wise. Some background information can be found here. — CPlus 1 min ago
1 hour later…
Asking "for the best approach" will only lead to opinionated answers, making your question off-topic here on StackOverflow. You could post your question on codereview.stackexchange.com ,but first have a look at A guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow usersDarkBee 27 secs ago
7 hours later…
Q: Review of this code structure and suggest a different way of structuring C#

Ryan WilsonGiven the following, I need your help either restructuring what I have or suggestions on a different way to design it. I am using C# and .Net 8. What I am trying to accomplish: A base abstract class that is setup for DI and the services being injected are Interface types, one for sending email an...

Q: Abstract Class that takes Interface types with generic parameters via Dependency Injection

Ryan WilsonGiven the following, I need your help either restructuring what I have or suggestions on a different way to design it. I am using C# and .Net 8. What I am trying to accomplish: A base abstract class that is setup for DI and the services being injected are Interface types, one for sending email an...

3 hours later…
Does your program work, and you want to improve it? Or are you getting some sort of error? If the former, consider whether or not it is better asked here or at Code Review . If the latter, please edit the question to clarify how the program fails. Before moving to Code Review, please review their good question standards. — Old Dog Programmer 52 secs ago
Q: LetCode 678: Valid Parenthesis String, Recursion memoization to DP

Elias El hachemHow can the following recursion + memoization code be converted into a tabulation format dynamic programming solution? The code is working, but I want to improve it. The challenge I am facing is handling negative indices (count < 0) and shifting them to the positive side. Problem link: https://le...

1 hour later…
It seems that you're asking for a code review? Perhaps the Code Review Stack Exchange could suit this type of question better? — cbr 51 secs ago
3 hours later…
@cbr Unless there is code included in the question, this doesn't even come close to what is exceptable on code review. Also, perhaps it would be better to point to the Code Review help page. — pacmaninbw 18 secs ago
This question in its current form would be closed as off-topic on Code Review. — pacmaninbw 26 secs ago

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