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REFRESH! There are 6042 unanswered questions (92.2427 answered)
Q: How to redact/omit/undefined JSON elements using Node typescript?

lincolnadymWe need to implement a simple redaction function to redact (set to undefined) certain JSON elements when logging the JSON. The requirements are a.) We can't modify the current JSON object as this will impact downstream processing, b.) We want to use dot notation and string[] for easy coding, c.)...

5 hours later…
Q: Amount Transfer Between Different Accounts - Improved Version

JillThis is an improved code version for Amount Transfer Between Different Accounts Welcoming any further improvements for this. import jakarta.validation.constraints.NotNull; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.concurrent.locks.StampedLock; import static com.java.learning.bankaccou...

Q: New contributor despite having more than 200 "points"?

Billal BegueradjI have been reading this question when I noticed the author is labeled as a new contributor despite his reputation and former questions contradict that: Is this a bug , or am I missing something ?

Q: Refactoring Enumeration Classes to Use Generics

James BlackI'm working on an ASP.NET Core application using .NET 8, following an Onion Architecture. In our domain model, we are implementing Enumeration classes instead of using simple enums, as recommended in this Microsoft article. Here's our current EnumerationBase class: public abstract class Enumerati...

1 hour later…
IMO it's somewhere in the middle. If there is 1 or 2 lines => go for shorter; if there are more than 2 lines => go for longer since it's already long, can't hurt if it gets a bit longer. Anyway, this question is not suitable here, you should try on CodeReview or something. — Lã Ngọc Hải 40 secs ago
Q: Tricky printing the pattern problem using python

SilahContext: We're given an even number n. If n=4,you have to print the following pattern. 4444 4334 4334 4444 if n=6, output is: 666666 655556 654456 666666 655556 654456 I would be grateful if anyone could give me feedback on my code and suggest any potential improvements to code style and optimiz...

4 hours later…
@Peilonrayz re. https://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/292925/typical-password-generator-in-python/293494#comment584721_293494

> you want to fix 5 in the question?

Yes. Under normal circumstances that would be answer invalidation, but the off-by-one wasn't intended to be a bug, so it's producing feedback for less-interesting things than I intended.
The whole answer is a nothing-burger: (2) is boring feedback and the simple name is very clear in such a small program; (3) is boring feedback; (4) is maybe passable feedback, but replaces one kind of problem with another: it removes the original number from the string
(5) is the off-by-one that I'd like to just invalidate
(6) is the exact opposite of what the first answer explains as good practice
(7) is another dupe
(8) is not wonderful feedback, and a cleaner technique of making a single character set is described in the first answer
So for me, this raises more questions than it answers, at least some of which I should probably split off into meta:
What does it mean for a CW post to have two answers? Should we just have one answer? Do the answers need to be independent?
For low-quality CW answers, do we just edit it into oblivion? Do we need to solicit the participation of the original answer author in the comments?
Do we leave a breadcrumb trail of <!-- comments --> capturing discussion points in the edited answer?
3 hours later…
Q: Printing a pattern of input string in X shape

SilahContext: Write a program to print the output for the given input(Example is given in comments of my code). String is of odd length. I would be grateful if anyone could give feedback on my following code. The code runs correctly but I want to know if there can be any potential improvements in ter...

In a number of lines you are writing non idiomatic C language. When you will have fixed your code, I suggest that you post it on Code Review to get more remarks on code not respecting common usages and best practices. — Serge Ballesta 9 secs ago
@toolic I was able to update the playground demo to use cURL via the function shell_exec() instead of calling file_get_contents() and the graph is displayed as expected
so this is just since May 12 as it is just the first page... I'll need to get it to load subsequent pages to get more results
@Reinderien Sorry for the delay. Thanks I can agree with your feedback with 2, 3, 4, 5, 7. However 6, using Random.choice, is duplicated across both answers. Yes, the answer should be edited to use SystemRandom not random. But I feel being caught up by a minor edit to a community owned post should go contrary to the point of an Exemplar Post.
In my opinion an Exemplar Post should only have one community owned question and answer. The community edits the posts similarly to the Exemplar Posts we have on Meta.
How would you think we should handle the boring feedback? (2, 3) Should the question also be edited like you'd like to do for 5? The feedback is valid and so would indicate an issue with the strawman -- putting intentional issues is fine, but should probably be the best version of a question in all other regards.
What makes certain feedback boring? I personally am not sure strings should be part of the strawman and the question should just use strings. In my mind the feedback should be fairly agnostic and targeted at a specific issue. strings is a Python specific issue and doesn't really relate to passwords. To put another way, not using strings in the question indicates less password focused feedback is welcome and so encourages boring feedback.
Personally I think my answer to Interpreter for NLRNIS programming language, written in Python up until the "Op's Code" header would be an example of the abstraction level I'd expect from Exemplar Answers to dissuade boring feedback. Going over PEP 8 for the millionth time is just boring. I will also take "Metaclass Operators" and "Decorated Class Operators" as potentially detracting from the abstractness of the answer.
How do you think we should dissuade boring, but valid, feedback from being put into the answer of Exemplar Posts?
2 hours later…
3 hours later…
does this doc answer your question, Managing code review settings for your team ? — Hujaakbar 43 secs ago

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