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REFRESH! There are 6042 unanswered questions (92.2421 answered)
Since, except for the last attempt, your program worked, this looks like it would be better asked at Code Review. Please read their How to Ask. — Old Dog Programmer 18 secs ago
This question should be reopened. Code Review is not what this is about: The code was broken - it did not correctly do what was required. In this specific case, the requirement includes performance. Algorithmic Complexity is entirely within what SO is for. — rzwitserloot 52 secs ago
6 hours later…
@pacmaninbw Great answer. I've added one of my own, though I needed to consider it overnight before I could write it constructively.
2 hours later…
Q: React Heatmap like GitHub Contributions calendar

DorukAfter having trouble with a few Charting libraries I decided to implement my own GitHub style heatmap with react and React-Bootstrap. It actually works. Since it does not need to be extensible it only has the features that it needs. However I was wondering if the code quality can be improved. Sel...

I suggest you to ask this on code review and to don't write "What is the fatest way" but "How can I make X faster?" which is not asked as opinion-based thing — Elikill58 41 secs ago
3 hours later…
@TobySpeight Thanks.
Q: How to do performance for code Full-option detail updates (delete, update, add)

Thanh SkyDevThis is my code: My db has a table tbl_request_transfer_detail include request_id and this table join with another table tbl_request_transfer, which also contain id. I'm building api to update of tbl_request_transfer along with associated tbl_request_transfer_detail. Example: request_transfer_c...

3 hours later…
I’m voting to close this question because it's better suited for Code ReviewJRiggles 16 secs ago
@JRiggles While this may be on-topic on CR, in the future, please don't use the existence of the Code Review site as a reason to close a question. Evaluate the request and use a reason like Needs more focus (as I have done here), primarily opinion-based, etc. Then you can mention to the OP that it can be posted on Code Review if it is on-topic. Please see Does being on-topic at another Stack Exchange site automatically make a question off-topic for Stack Overflow?Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ just now
If you believe that the code works correctly, consider presenting your work (with its unit tests if you can) in a more-complete fashion over at Code Review. You'll likely get some suggestions on making it more efficient, easier to read, and better tested. Before you do that, make sure to read A guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow users first, as some things are done differently over there - e.g. question titles should simply say what the code does, as the question is always, "How can I improve this?". — Toby Speight 44 secs ago
CODE REVIEW might be a better place. — Olivier Jacot-Descombes 36 secs ago
2 hours later…
I need two downvotes lol (:
@skiwi or triple the number of bronze badges
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ I thought it said 66,668 but misread (:
If you believe that the code works correctly, consider presenting your work (with its unit tests if you can) in a more-complete fashion over at Code Review. You'll likely get some suggestions on making it more efficient, easier to read, and better tested. Before you do that, make sure to read A guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow users first, as some things are done differently over there - e.g. question titles should simply say what the code does, as the question is always, "How can I improve this?". — Toby Speight 51 secs ago
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ: Thanks for updating your old Duga question today. What timing, too, because earlier in the day, I was just thinking how I'd like to see the historical data somehow. Unfortunately, when I click on your playground demo link, I get an error. I'll try to figure out why later.
@toolic Duga has had her high days. We're looking for a backup that's actively maintained, but that's not an easy task.
@toolic The request to chat.stackexchange.com/… comes back with a HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden response :/
Also, it appears that sometime after 2021-06-20 the beginning of her message changed from RELOAD! to REFRESH!
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ That's a known issue.
For some values of issue.
Since it was on purpose.
perhaps they are blocking scripts like this
at this point perhaps a tampermonkey script might be the only way to get around CORS issues
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ: Maybe that's the day Duga became self-aware :)
its not her fault... it appears to be StackExchange blocking the request from domains other than chat.stackexchange.com
 Access to fetch at 'https://chat.stackexchange.com/search?q=%22REFRESH%21%22&user=125580&room=8595' from origin 'https://stackexchange.com' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.

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