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REFRESH! There are 6855 unanswered questions (91.1365 answered)
3 hours later…
Very interesting question but since this post is not about non-working programming code, consider asking on other StackExchange sites (CrossValidated, CodeReview, DataScience) and keep question specific and not for open-ended constraints. This sounds like an optimization question with multiple variable constraints. — Parfait just now
2 hours later…
5 hours later…
possible answer invalidation by symon on question by symon: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/197258/revisions
possible answer invalidation by symon on question by symon: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/197258/revisions
Q: Dynamic python config reader

SilverwillyI am looking for a code review on the following code. Say I have a simple example class, something like the following: import dataclasses @dataclass class MyClass: self.attribute1 = attribute1 self.attribute2 = attribute2 self.attribute3 = attribute3 self.attribute4 = attribute4 ...

possible answer invalidation by symon on question by symon: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/197258/revisions
I think this is question rather for similar portal CodeReviewfuras 7 secs ago
1 hour later…
possible answer invalidation by Attila Vajda on question by Attila Vajda: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/287978/revisions
possible answer invalidation by Attila Vajda on question by Attila Vajda: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/287978/revisions
possible answer invalidation by Attila Vajda on question by Attila Vajda: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/287978/revisions
possible answer invalidation by Attila Vajda on question by Attila Vajda: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/287978/revisions
1 hour later…
Note a good question for Stackoverflow in my opinion. The question would fit more for Stack Exchange Code Review as it is also opinion-based — tacoshy 49 secs ago
This is indeed more a code review question than a problem. However, IMO you did not do it right. The block element should always keep his parents name in it. (E.g. main-nav should be main-header__nav) — Wimanicesir just now
@Duga Rolled back and commented.
@Duga @Phroggie handled this one.
Q: Is this a safe and secure implementation of aes-cbc-hmac combined with xchacha20-poly1305?

bismofunyunsI’m using two ciphers in this code that are in this order- encrypt plain text with xchacha20-poly1305 then encrypt the resulting ciphertext with aes-cbc-blake2b hmac. I was told elsewhere rather than derive 2 keys from one key that’s derived from a password, it would be better to derive all the b...

2 hours later…
I’m voting to close this question because it is opinion-based and more suitable for Code Reviewtacoshy 41 secs ago
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ It's not my birthday.
@The_AH IIRC there was something on one of your SE profiles about a birthday when I left that message on Oct. 26th, however it doesn't appear to be available in web.archive.org 😏
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ It was my birthday on Oct 25th.
Or Aonking
Or Honking
Or Eonking
And Monking
@skiwi @Mast Okay, my bad on the answer review.
I assume you meant to ping @SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ
@Phroggie I'm really not doing well today.
All good :)
FWIW I did help the OP out quite a bit by making the justification explicit
Q: Settings and global variables in one place

ImtiazI have a configuration (YAML) file used across related modules. I also have a few additional variables to be accessed globally in my modules. I want to have them at one place (an instance of a class in my implementation below). This implementation (based on recommendations from the web and ChatGP...

2 hours later…
@pacmaninbw No problem.
Those not capable of making mistakes are not capable of anything.
Anyway, code style questions are off-topic for SO, they're too opinion-based. Code Review is the place to ask for help writing code well. — Barmar 49 secs ago
1 hour later…
Q: I want to give an alarm if the password is wrong and an alarm if it is correct

RumiHow should I use switches like the example above? I want the switch to work like an IF I want to give an alarm if the password is wrong and an alarm if it is correct - I'm just curious if this is possible. (users == "admin") ? password = prompt('please enter password') : alert('userName incracet'...


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