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REFRESH! There are 7268 unanswered questions (90.5898 answered)
3 hours later…
This is a typical geekforgeeks question, don't use that site to learn C++ (very low quality or even bad C++ examples). Also using competitive coding sites to get you past your job interviews is tricky. Such sites only test your problem solving skills, but totally ignore any software engineering skills and even worse show very very bad coding habits that will never pass code reviews in any decent company. — Pepijn Kramer 7 secs ago
Thank you for Regard. So Can I understand that "Owner" is the first publisher of this Branch code review?? — Owen 1 min ago
2 hours later…
Q: List of URLs to "convert" to other URLs

StackeritoI have certain URLs which I want to convert to another, for example, anything that starts with /some/url/: /some/url/a/b/, /some/url/a/222/111 will be considered as /some/url/ Currently what I do is to have an array of URLs I know I want to "convert": $urls_to_convert = ['/some/url/', '/other/url...

2 hours later…
Q: error of findcontour function in cv2

user275073executing following code for removing finger parts of images, i have errors as follwos. I confirmed "mask" has [0 255], so there seems not to be problems in passing arguments in findCoutour. A few month ago, which was before changing some envs, this code had no problems. def remove_fingers(image_...

possible answer invalidation by S Meredith on question by S Meredith: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/286163/revisions
possible answer invalidation by S Meredith on question by S Meredith: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/286163/revisions
possible answer invalidation by S Meredith on question by S Meredith: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/286163/revisions
Q: ViewModel updating database

HEY-heyI work at developing simple asp.net core application using classic MVC approach. I was told many times that placing business logic inside a controller is a bad practice, so I decided to place it inside ViewModel and ended up with following code: public class OutletViewModel { public int Id { ...

1 hour later…
Q: Is there a better way to filter an array of objects based on what the key is other than pushing to new empty array?

Kale I have this array of objects: const newArray:any[] = [] const arrayObjects = [{ Feature: "Expresso", total: 190, Ing1: 20, Ing2: 30, Ing3: 30, Ing4: 70, Ing5: 15, ...

If your code works, but you want feedback on it, this question might be more at home on Code Review Stack Exchange. You can login there with the same username and password as here. — pmacfarlane 51 secs ago
Stack Overflow is for when you have a specific question about your code, and Code Review is for when you have working code and you are looking for a general code review. See this question for further information: A guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow usersAndreas Wenzel 8 secs ago
I wouldn't provide the char *num parameter to the function but handle the input buffer internally: Suggested prototype: int read_int(int* a, const char* message);. More details in comments/answert to your question on Code reviewJabberwocky 47 secs ago
I’m voting to close this question because this should be asked on Code ReviewJabberwocky 9 secs ago
As per common suggestion, I posted the same question on Code Review. Thanks for the suggestions, both for the code and the correct community — shark_sh 30 secs ago
what do you mean: "I write answer in constructor"? looks to me like you're looking for a code review (of code you're not even showing). SO isn't the right place for that — Stultuske 41 secs ago
Q: C function to read only numeric values

shark_shI'm learning C and as exercise I'm trying to implement a custom function to parse a input from user and return successfully only if the input is a number. This is my code, how could I improve it? void main() { int a; char num[10]; size_t l = sizeof(num); a = read_int(&a, num, l,...

possible answer invalidation by shark_sh on question by shark_sh: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/286241/revisions
@Duga Time delta
Q: The cards are not calculating the right values, I had 20 in my hand but the game only calculated it to be 19 and dealer one

Nicoleimport java.util.*; class Deck { public static final int HEARTS = 0; public static final int DIAMONDS = 1; public static final int SPADES = 2; public static final int CLUBS = 3; public static final int JACK = 11; public static final int QUEEN = 12; public static final int KING = 13; public...

Sounds like Google is telling you to GFO and terminating the connection rudely, and your code doesn't handle the error condition robustly. I haven't looked at the code (Stackoverflow isn't, unfortunately, a code review site, we only answer specific programming question), but you should look over your error handling logic. — Sam Varshavchik 23 secs ago
Q: c# calling static methods from constructor on class initialization

user275090I have a c# console application. I'm making calls to methods in classes from Program.cs. All the methods in the class have the signature 'private static void', which I'm calling from the class constructor. The code is not throwing any errors, however, I have two questions: static void Main(stri...

If you want a general code review you should post in codereview.stackexchange.com. Better to limit posts here to a specific question. But to answer your first one, it looks like you're never instantiating StickyNoteWindow. It's a class - you should be making individual instances of it for each note by calling StickyNoteWindow(), but instead you're just calling methods on the class itself, and so constantly overwriting the same slots with new values and throwing the old ones away. — Mark Reed 36 secs ago
Q: Not calculating the right card values: Gives 19 when it should be 20

Nicoleimport java.util.*; class Deck { public static final int HEARTS = 0; public static final int DIAMONDS = 1; public static final int SPADES = 2; public static final int CLUBS = 3; public static final int JACK = 11; public static final int QUEEN = 12; public static final int KING = 13; public...

4 hours later…
Q: C++ UniquePtr Implementation

jdav22Took a shot at implementing std::unique_ptr. Code: #include <memory> #include <stdexcept> template<typename T> struct DefaultDeleter { void operator()(T* ptr) const { delete ptr; } }; template <typename T> struct DefaultDeleter<T[]> { void operator()(T* ptr) const { ...

I have generalize the spiral and made a variation with two spirals that each cross half the lattices and don't intersect with each other, and a variation with four spirals that each cross a quarter of the lattices and don't intersect with each other, I have posted my code on Code Review. Please go there and view it. — Ξένη Γήινος 1 min ago
Q: Python script that makes generalized Ulam spirals

Ξένη ΓήινοςThis is a Python script I wrote to generate generalized Ulam spirals. I call the spirals generated by my code Ulamish spirals, they are one dimensional polylines that cross all two dimensional lattice points (points where both coordinates are integers), and they grow in a counterclockwise spiral ...

Q: Recursively Tabulate All Folder Contents in Power Query

GregBackground As discussed here on Stack Overflow, I am comparing a local and a OneDrive version of the same superfolder, in order to identify discrepancies in the sync. As such, I must compare all files and (sub)folders. I am using Power Query to list the full contents of each superfolder. Since ...

3 hours later…
It’s been a while :)
Figured I’d drop in and see how the site’s doing.
@Duga Nice to see you’re still going strong ^^

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