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REFRESH! There are 7373 unanswered questions (90.3971 answered)
2 hours later…
This also seems kind of opinion based, or perhaps more suitable for Code Review. My initial impression is that the trait approach is the way to go, because then your downstream users can implement their own patterns. — cdhowie just now
2 hours later…
Do you have a specific question about this code? Have you tried it and is it not working? If so, what is the error or problem? Right now it seems like you are just asking for general code review, which is not really the purpose of StackOverflow, especially if the code is working just fine, so I would ask that you update your post with a specific question and a bit more focus, if possible. — Jake 48 secs ago
3 hours later…
3 hours later…
I’m voting to close this question because it's better suited to codereview.stackexchange.com — Rory McCrossan 21 secs ago
1 hour later…
Q: Binary adder implemented in Rust

theonlygustiI implemented a ripple carry adder in Rust. The function takes and outputs strings of 1s and 0s. How can I improve this according to better Rust coding practises and API design, and make it more robust? struct SumCarry { sum: char, carry: char } fn add_bits(left: char, right: char, carry...

1 hour later…
@Red.Wave, sure. But your code review concerns parts of the originally provided minimal example which are not central to the question asked. — joergbrech 26 secs ago
@RoryMcCrossan: being on-topic elsewhere is not a reason to close (unlike being off-topic here, which this question is, as it's too vague and seems to be seeking opinions). As it happens, it's completely unsuitable for Code Review, since it's lacking any of the necessary motivational context, and missing any definition of (e.g.) map and selectedType. — Toby Speight 56 secs ago
The best thing you can do is practice. Just keep writing code. If you wrote some code and you want feedback about it, try codereview.stackexchange.comMoshe Katz 40 secs ago
I’m voting to close this question because questions about improving code that already works are considered off-topic here. Instead, you should consider asking the question on codereview.stackexchange.com. Before asking your question there, please ensure that you read their help pages about asking questions. — Dávid Pásztor 31 secs ago
Ryan Donovan on March 23, 2023
Do you solve new problems the same way because it’s already done? Or do you go with a new approach that offers more benefits?
Did you mean to post this on codereview.stackexchange.com? — rory.ap 54 secs ago
Q: Building a UITableView with fixed number of cells progammatically

motitaI am building this pet project with UIKit. The App's main goal is to keep track of my daily expanses. The AddExpanseViewController is responsible for capturing user input, parse it into a Expanse instance, and send it back to the UIViewController containing all my expanses using the delegate patt...

Q: Copy object without reference using reflection

RoeRecently I was in need of a method to copy an object and pass it to a method which alters the data. Since a class is passed by reference this would alter the class in the caller which I don't want. So I wrote a generic extension method which does the trick. Yet i'm unsure if this is a good soluti...

Q: Algorithm to find sequential ID gaps in List<long>

So_oPI had to develop an algorithm that will find gap between sequential Id's within List. For example as input we had the following List = {1,2,3,6,7,8,11,12,15,16} this means that algorithm should found the following numbers 4,5,9,10,13,14 . For this task i developed the following method, but not ...

2 hours later…
Q: Error handling with OPENJSON and multiple table update

OraceI need to feed a t_client table from a t_api_response one. For sake of simplicity, we assume that the t_client table only contains some client ids: SELECT TOP (3) [client_id] FROM [t_client] client_id 1 81384A44-CFEB-4C9D-B6FA-23C69E861656 2 94E57F65-871B-48BF-BD79-2799116096B0 3 ...

@RMunroe I'm reminded of a university calculus professor who would classify answers to how many-type questions like "a lot" as social science answers
Q: Python code for Timetable generation needs to be reviewed for the error

Yatin Trikhathis code is to generate a time table for the school. import random class SchoolTimetable: def init(self, num_teachers, teacher_subjects, teacher_classes, periods_per_subject): self.num_teachers = num_teachers self.teacher_subjects = teacher_subjects self.teacher_classes = teacher_classes self.pe...

Q: How do i get the value of a dictionary object in <string,Object>

ghostflythe dictionary as returned by an api is Dictionary<string, object> dict2 = new Dictionary<string, object>(); the items in question resides in the object part which by the looks of it is also returning various types of dictionaries such as : the call is dict2 = jss.Deserialize<Dictionary<string,...

Q: MVVM + CoreData + SwiftUI and updating view problems

Riccardo CarlottoImmagine you have to do an app using CoreData and SwiftUI and sticking on the MVVM pattern. You have a ParentView (ContentView) with his ViewModel (ContentViewModel) and a ChildView (ContentDetail) with his childVieModel (ContentDetailViewModel). Suppose this childViewModel is responsible of u...

If the code works and you're looking for advice on improving it, Code Review is the appropriate place. But see codereview.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/5777/… first. — Barmar 10 secs ago
3 hours later…
Q: Building an API for an e-commerce system to allow third party software to import products

Hooman BahreiniI am working on an e-commerce website called Shopless, which is similar to E-bay/Gumtree. Our website integrates with other DMS systems, in order to allow organisations to import products into our system. The following diagram shows our B2B import process (note: black lines indicate tasks perform...

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