Generate a string with the following criteria:
string must only consist of 0 and 1
the string must be of length N
the string must have M pairs
a pair is a 01 subsequence
can return any string that meets the above criteria
if its not possible, then return an empty string
Input: N=6 M=...
after looking at the pseudocode for the Sieve of Eratosthenes on wikipedia I tried implementing a similar version using F#. The code runs just fine, that is, it returns all prime numbers up until a given number. But I was wondering if the implementation could be improved. See below for the code:
I am new to programming. And I have elementary doubt in regard of strings.
I can successfully print a string given by a user. But things get weird when I run the code for Caesar Cipher.
Following codes will explain where actually the problem is arising.
In the following code I am able to succes...
@Peilonrayz I wasn’t familiar with the EEA but I see it includes EU member states plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway
When I think of Liechtenstein I am reminded of a phone plan commercial from ~20 years ago when one lady says “ Liechtenstein” for fun- my attempts to find said video online have been futile -_-
I'm trying to implement a homogeneous multithreading example that multiple threads process portion of a huge task. In order to achieve this, I thought of clustering data/resource and multiple threads handle/process each clustered data/resource. In the meantime, I wanted to maintain singleton like...
I was/am working on an interpreter for a scheme-like language. Just some time back I shifted my implementation from C++ to Rust, which I just started learning. I know there are parser libraries like LALRPROP and nom in Rust that could parse easily for me, but I wanted to try and write it in Rust ...
The main problem is being awful at filtering sound. You need 2 ears to pinpoint where sound is coming from. That helps your brain with deciding what to listen to and what to ignore.
I used to be on the stage crew for plays in high school and at the university, never worked on the sound crew, I was only a deck hand, occasionally on curtains.
I've done some audio, video and stage set-up for small plays and small churches in a volunteering capacity for years.
Fell down a stage once while filming with a TV camera, that was fun.
I try to stay behind beamer laptops since then.
Honestly setting up a stage is easy. You determine how many people/instruments are going to be on, pull a line for each, jack them in the hub, cable the hub to the mixer, set some speakers down and done.
Usage :
Multipliction is simple, Enter your first digit in (eg. 1)
Enter your operator (x)
Enter your second digit in (eg. 1)
Enter your first digit in (eg. 1)
Enter your operator (s)
Enter your first digit in (eg. 1)
Enter your operator (c)
Division is...
Some guys I worked with at my first job out of the university were in a band, they were successful enough to get onto a local radio station and then they quit because it was easier to be an electrical engineer.
@Mast Yes, I need to read the Microsoft Documentation. I tried copying the .exe to the client's computer but the excel and word libraries didn't go with it.
@pacmaninbw Yea, but I thought those were simply less complete in the amount of programs they provide. No Access, Publisher, etc. but with complete versions of Word and Excel.
Yes! One or more of the 4 is enlarged. The calcium problem has been around for at least 3 years and may have had some input into the cause of my heart attack.
It's one of those things that act up once you get older AFAIK, so I imagine your muscles and joints are affected by it. Your heart being an important muscle, yea, I can see how that might've had some input on it.
I had a bone scan last year and the calcium is not coming from my bones. I had a para-thyroid CT scan in October and they did apparently find an enlarged para-thyroid gland.
I have the following .txt file that i want to parse in Java(8) and it has the below structure
100 200 300 400
1 2 3 4
200 300 400 500
2 3 4 5
If there was string3 then there would be another related set of lines such as:
200 300 400 500...
I recently took a ~three month break from professional software development and am feeling a bit rusty. I thought a good way to ease back into things before looking for a job would be to take a swing at one of the excellent coding exercises that The Guardian use in their interview process (GitHu...
This question is too broad and loosely defined for Stack Overflow. For improving working code, you can ask on Code Review instead. BTW, you might want to read their How to Ask page first. — wjandrea15 secs ago
Oops, actually Code Review might not be the best place for this. Instead, please be more specific: try your code on a chunk of your big dataset and see if it's performant enough. If it isn't, specify how exactly, and provide some example data so we can test it ourselves. — wjandrea48 secs ago
import javafx.util.Pair;
public class DijkstrasAlgorithm {
* The vertices are labeled 0 to n - 1. This is a weighted directed graph
* @param n no.of vertices
* @param edges array of adjList edges: [src, dest, cost]
* @return distance array
// T...