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RELOAD! There are 7604 unanswered questions (89.4282% answered)
4 hours later…
Q: Is this a good structure for SQLAlchemy code?

LizzieRight now i'm making a Discord Bot written in python, i'm using SQLAlchemy to deal with the database. My structure is: One database.py containing a "DatabaseConnection" class initializing the SQLAlchemy engine, and making a new session with the DB every time i use it Many .py file(each file for ...

2 hours later…
Q: To-do app front-end in Vue 3

Razvan ZamfirI have put together a To-do Application with the Slim framework on the back-end (API) and a Vue 3 front-end. In the main App.vue file I have: <template> <div id="app"> <Header title="My todo list" :unsolvedTodos = unsolvedTodos /> <List :todos="todos" :dataIs...

1 hour later…
Q: Python binary, decimal, hexadecimal, IPv4, octal converter

Xeнεi ΞэnвϵςThis is a Python (3) script that converts numbers among 5 data formats: binary, decimal, hexadecimal and octal, it supports 16 conversions, that is, it can convert each of the five data formats to and from the other four data formats. This script is adapted from my previous PowerShell script that...

Q: How to simplify this function?

prehistoricpenguinI have a match arm in rust, I think it may be simplified, but after googling and read books, I haven't find the solution. Especially for the str_vec.pop(), it returns an option type, I have to write a meanless () to make it compileable. pub fn simplify_path(path: &String) -> String { let mut ...

Q: How is this Calculator Code? Because i started learning Programming and its good if I know what I can make better

JonasIts an Basic Calculator I worked on, and now I wanna know if I can make something better like not so "much" Code or I made somthing to complicated? Have a nice day! Keep safe! import java.util.Scanner; public class learningCode { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scan...

2 hours later…
Q: Computing nth Tribonacci number at compile time using C++ template metaprogramming facilities

coderoddeI have this small C++ program for computing the \$n\$th Tribonacci number at compile-time. My main concern is: is it possible to get rid of the statickeyword (I had to use it in order to silence my compiler (VS 2019))? Code #include <cstdint> #include <iostream> template<uint64_t N> struct tribo...

Q: VSFTPD server configuration file

MinskyI'm learning to set up systemd file-transfer & related services (samba, ftp, http..). So far it's all LAN or WLAN. The configuration file for most these services is under /etc/<bin>.conf (like smbd.conf or vsftpd.conf). Because systemd services running on port < 1000 have to be run as root. (syst...

Q: JavaScript app Translator app (digits to German and French)

Xavier LignieresI was asked to make a simple translator in JavaScript that translates a number between 1 and 30 to German or French. The app should : -Ask the user to type a digit between 1-30 (alert an error message if the user does not enter a number) -Ask the user to type French or German (Alert an error mess...

Ryan Donovan on May 29, 2021
In the second lesson of the series, we’ll learn how to fit and interpret a simple linear regression with a categorical predictor. We’ll use a simulated dataset to predict the amount of time someone will spend on a website based on the browser they are using. We’ll also predict the rental prices of NYC apartments…
1 hour later…
Q: check students positions

MagnusCarlsesI created a function that prints where the students are - lesson, long break or short break (and which short break) Function parameters are: shortBreak - duration of short break longBreak - duration of long break lesson - after which lesson is long break time - the time where stud...

If the code is complete and works, it should be on Code Review, not here. This site is primarily for dealing with broken code. — Carcigenicate 18 secs ago
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ Maybe being a moderator does trigger the AI response.
Please use codereview.stackexchange.com. But even there, copy-paste your code and avoid a link to external code. — prapin 47 secs ago
@pacmaninbw Did you mean doesn't?
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ Pretty sure (non-manual) roll-backs don't trigger Duga
Typo, sorry.
Just started first cup of coffee overslept by 2 hours.
Oh, you doing ok?
Q: A versatile deck of playing cards. Standard 52-card deck and more

Rick DavinI have seen many posts regarding a standard 52-card deck of playing cards. I recently was composing an answer to one such post when I realized my answer should be its own post since (A) the answer diverged greatly from the OP and (B) my classes addressed my own objectives and not the OP's. I hav...

This question might be better suited for codereview.stackexchange.comjoanis 27 secs ago
Q: Is my implementation of connection scope for Dao right?I have Dao and Service where I implement connection and transaction scope

JusttoasktheneededquestionsI have DaoFactory that returns DaoImpl and can make connection/transation scope public class MySQLDAOFactory extends DAOFactory { private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(MySQLDAOFactory.class); private static DataSource DATA_SOURCE; private static boolean isConnectio...

possible answer invalidation by And9686 on question by And9686: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/260983/revisions
possible answer invalidation by And9686 on question by And9686: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/260983/revisions
@Duga First edit was bad, and rolled back, changing main2() to main() was okay.
possible answer invalidation by pacmaninbw on question by And9686: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/260983/revisions
@pacmaninbw I scanned over the groovy source code- didn’t see any obvious parts about user being mod but I could have missed something
@Duga As I said, changing main2() to main() was okay.
@Peilonrayz Fine, 8.75 hours of sleep rather than 6 hours is good.
Q: Python for Finance: Using Newton Raphson and IRR for NPV Calculation

Joneslumy task was: Create a function npv_zero. Its input argument should be a cashflow vector and a start value. Its output argument should be a zero of NPV(r). Use the Newton-Raphson method to calculate the zero of the function NPV(x) = C1+2C2x+3C3x**2... with the explicit derivative. Then re-transfor...

Since you are not facing any issues in the current code, this is more of a code review type question. I would recommend you to post this on stackoverflow's exclusive site for code reviews - codereview.stackexchange.comGautham M 29 secs ago
Q: Would the simulation of D be infinitely nested unless simulating partial halt decider H terminated its simulation of D?

polcottWould the simulation of D be infinitely nested unless simulating partial halt decider H terminated its simulation of D? I spent two years creating the x86utm operating system to concretely address the halting problem using a halt decider written in C. Partial halt decider H bases is halting decis...

Q: Python trivia game getting questions and answers of a website

userHere is my code that I recently made (I am a beginner). I used BeautifulSoup and Requests to get the data of this website. Please read over my code and tell me how to improve it. Thanks. import random import time from os import system import keyring from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import requests ...

Q: Spring Boot API - Avoiding Concurrency issues

PhilbanI'm still in the process of learning Java / spring and I think I'm getting better. Now at this point I'm able to build a rest api BUT I'm at a lost at how to ensure I've no concurrency issues . I've read quite a bit of documentation on having my classes stateless and I "think" I've achieved that....

@CaptainObvious I may be off on this one, but I think it needs to be hammered. There are 3 VTC already.
@pacmaninbw Good to hear. Yeah 8 is better than 6 for sure :D
@pacmaninbw Sorry for the delay, we're looking into the post now :)
Q: Dynamic allocation, creating and accessing of structs of same struct

APVTrying to learn about structures (and pointers...). As my program works, I assume it is correct but asking here to make sure. As to my understanding, malloc is used to reserve some memory for all the students. In the first for-loop, each iteration of the loop takes some input that is used to crea...

@pacmaninbw Why do you feel it needs a hammer instead of going through the queue?
Left a comment. Closed.
2 hours later…
Q: sum of multiple piecewise functions python

Gina09suppose I have a few lists b_wi=[[1,2,3,4],[6,7,8,9,10,11]] #b_wi is a subset of x f_wi=[[5,4,2,7,9],[5,4,3,7,2,3,4]] x=[[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,2,5,3],[1,24,36,42,35,6,7,8,91,2,5,3]] #the following two are step functions formed by the above lists. ''' F1 = f_wi[0][0] if x< b_wi[0][0] ; f_wi[0][...

To be answerable this question would need to display code. Even so it's probably off-topic and better suited for codereview.stackexchange.comSteven Rumbalski 47 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by JamesTheAwesomeDude on question by Arnon De Paula: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/261356/revisions
@Duga shrug, fixed.
I might as well point out that while you have my sympathies, and I should make it a habit to always link to other sites' [help] and [on-topic] pages, I'm definitely not going to start pretending CR doesn't exist just because someone may read that as a hint that they should post off-topic questions there. I'm definitely open to suggestions as to how CR can be mentioned while avoiding that as far as possible.
@cigien The main problem is that people don't read. Perhaps we don't shove enough modals in their face or they don't work half as good as they should, but lots of people post crap on a site the moment they know of it. "X on Y said to post it here" is something I see way, way too much. We even got a bot in our chat room monitoring comments on Stack Overflow because we get a lot of bad referrals.
Stack Overflow gets a ludicrous amount of questions a day. Code Review gets 20-50 a day.
If we get even half a percentage of what's off-topic on Stack Overflow redirected to Code Review, it means a significant increase on the community with next-to-nothing as gain.
@cigien You may have read it already, but this guide would be a good start.
We get users on CR that are distraught by getting send from one place to another and getting their question closed on both. It's simply not necessary.
Yes, I understand. Like I said, y'all have my sympathies, and in fact I've stopped mentioning CR on SO entirely. Are you suggesting that I not even mention it on MSO?
Like I said in the comment: if you're sure, there's no problem. If you're in doubt, there's usually someone in our chat that can provide an informed opinion (I'm always pingable, feel free to do so). In all other cases, it may be better not to mention it at all, even on MSO.
The context of those comments is always that they're placed on questions of which the author is looking for a new place to go. They'll take that chance.
Unfortunately, people do exactly that: "as a hint that they should post off-topic questions there"
Half the askers appear to have no idea about off-topic being a thing. They're used to forums where mostly anything goes.
It's nothing personal either. I've had this discussion with many SO users, including moderators.
The Stackoverflow is not a good place for this type of question. Please prepare a MWE with a specific issue or try codereview.stackexchange.comPrzemyslaw Szufel 1 min ago

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