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RELOAD! There are 7571 unanswered questions (89.4341% answered)
Q: How can I make my resource mapping faster?

Rafael FerreiraI have a Direct3D 11 application and recently I've started to implement a new feature on it, the UI(User Interface). It seems to work well, but I'm having one problem with optimization when it comes to moving stuff on my window, currently I can create a 2D square with textures and a 300x300 resol...

2 hours later…
This question is better suited for the CodeReview stackoverflow. — Richard Barker 7 secs ago
Q: Improving my solution to the Quiz project from Gophercises in Golang

Anthony GedeonI'm new to Go and I completed the first challenge from Gophercises. Any feedback would be highly appreciated. There are some things that I am unsure of if they are made in an optimal way. Github repo Goroutines and channels in the quizList loop Better error logging for the cli portion The Shuf...

Q: How to pass tests correctly in Typescript?

ShichazThe problem: I'm trying to write a TypeScript function suitable for a previously written JEST test. There are 5 tests in total. The function I wrote passes all the tests, but unfortunately, I was asked to write again in the review. How to write this more efficiently? Example case: Imagine an arra...

Hello Sehe. Could you please provide some feedback on this question? — a_sid 18 secs ago
We can't say whether it's "right" unless we know what it's supposed to do. But in general, if you have compiled and tested the program and it works as far as you can tell, then requests for review should go on codereview.stackexchange.com instead of this site. And if you haven't compiled and tested it yourself, then it is a waste of time to ask other people to read it. — Nate Eldredge 23 secs ago
3 hours later…
3 hours later…
Q: Consider both `print` code block are exactly the same, should I create another class which contains a static method does the job?

soplus2018This code is to demo how Multithreading works in Java in the simplest form, where main thread creates a thread before running the print code block, which works as expected. class MyThread extends Thread{ public void run(){ int i=0; while(i++<9){ try { ...

Q: Remove indicies from vector

IrimitenkanI am trying to optimise my remove-erase functions by using some attributes of C++ containers. This function should delete all indices defined in std::set form given vector. I am pretty sure that algorithm is functionality-wise working, but every time I see STL implementation or any code using STL...

Welcome to SO. This is really a question for SO's other site: codereview.stackexchange.com so i won't post a full answer but in short I would cache the ranges to show / hide in two seperate range variables (using the Union method to keep adding to the ranges) then hide / show those ranges in one operation. It's hiding them one-by-ne that takes the time. — Absinthe 16 secs ago
2 hours later…
Q: Implementation of the square root for real time application

Stevefor the real time control software I need square root calculation. I have heard that the sqrt function from the standard library isn't good choice due to the unpredictable number of iterations used during calculation. Based on that information I have decided to implement the sqrt function in my o...

Ben Popper on May 10, 2021
Spaceflight, from the beginning, has depended on computers – both on the ground and in the spacecraft. SpaceX has carried it to a new level. We recently spoke with Steven Gerding, Dragon’s software development lead, about the special challenges software development has for SpaceX’s many missions.
@a_sid And of course, couldn't leave well enough alone codereview.stackexchange.com/a/260560/4569sehe 8 secs ago
Q: Input validation

Kushagr JaiswalI am learning C from C Primer Plus, and am still a beginner. I have been introduced to only two functions for input, scanf() and getchar(). According to me, when stdin is associated with input from a keyboard, there are 4 possibilities for user input in this program :- (a) User provides valid inp...

Q: How do I make an image appear and disappear after a time limit(eg: 10 secs)

Chezhiiyan SabapathyThe languages I've been using on my website are PHP, CSS, JavaScript, I have asked this question here because I was not able to find many online resources. Please let me know if this dynamic image appearance and disappearance after 10 seconds is possible in any of these languages, or if it is not...

Q: Implementation of the integration for real time application

SteveI have been developing a control software in C language. For one of the control algorithms I need to calculate time integral of a voltage. I have found that there are basically three methods for integral calculation: backward rectangular rule forward rectangular rule trapezoidal rule Based on t...

If the program works, but you want it t6o work better, consider asking at Code Review. I've linked to the asking help pages so you can review your question to make sure it is a good fit before posting. — user4581301 12 secs ago
Q: A simple Dll injector using c# console

Jamie Ryan Mcvarnockhey guys apolgies for this. completely new to coding and me and another guy have decided to make a menu for a game. i have made this so far using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel.Design; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using Syste...

@CaptainObvious Code not written, currently recursive endless loop.
@CaptainObvious closed
Q: dom manipulation of yeoman app using api data

CB2100my apologies if this is posted in the wrong place. im working on a Yo project and understand i can get my code reviewed here. for the life of me the js dom modifications arent showing up! please could somone take a quick look!? ive masked the data to hide personal apikey. im running gulp. appreca...

1. Questions should be self-contained with all relevant code in them. 2. If you're asking for a code review, please do it at Code Review. On Stack Overflow we can help you with problems. — VLAZ 10 secs ago
This is off-topic on Code Review anyway. You need to have the code in the question there as well. — adiga 36 secs ago
I’m voting to close this question because it should be re-asked on Code Review following the site's requirementsVLAZ 44 secs ago
Q: Code for car sales platform designed with flexbox in HTML5

avenas8808This is intended as a simple layout for an auto showroom site: Disclaimer Details changed from original for privacy body { font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif; background-color: #B2BEB5; } b { font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif; } h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif; ...

maybe a better fit for codereview.stackexchange.com ? — mb21 14 secs ago
Greetings, Programs.
@mb21 it would only be on-topic for CR when the code is working as expected. — Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ 46 secs ago
Found a surprise $790 in Crypto stuff I had no idea I owned today
Q: Android APP connect to FTP server in Java

JimmyHuI am attempting to build an Android APP with the ability to connect specified FTP server in Java. The connection operation has been performed in FTPconnection class and the network call of FTP has been separated from main thread via FtpTask class implementation. The experimental implementation P...

Q: Is there any way to use a single for Loop for this code?

jerry00I want to use only one for Loop for this code.Is this possible? If not then how can I optimise my code further? It works well for the constraint 1≤T≤10 2≤N≤10^3 1≤M≤10^5. But I am getting TLE for 1≤T≤100 2≤N≤10^5 1≤M≤10^5. #include <iostream> using namespace std; #include <vector> #include <bits/...

possible answer invalidation by Zanzag on question by Zanzag: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/203325/revisions
@Duga rolled back
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ The question wasn't quite bad enough to close, but I didn't think it was good enough for an up vote. I think the old first post queue would allow us to answer the question as an option for review.
You may have noticed that I rarely click the No Action needed button, quite often I comment and VTC. I almost never down vote.
I up voted based on your comment.
okay - thanks! I'm not saying you have to...
OK, not the first time I've been warned. Janos got on me about it 5 years ago, but then I used No Action Needed a lot more.
me too
sorry for being over-eager
;) NP
Leave it there, it is a good warning for newbis.
If the code is working and you are only looking for design feedback, I'd recommend moving this over to Code Review Stack Exchange0x5453 22 secs ago
Been through the queues twice today, answered 2 questions. Time to install my new HP color laser printer and then finish unpacking / repacking from my move 2 years ago.
possible answer invalidation by Steve on question by Steve: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/260568/revisions
@Duga That doesn't fix anything.
But it is invalidating.
Makes one wonder whether the code actually worked.
@pacmaninbw I love my Brother Color Laser printer so much
@Mast Yeah, I thought the same
@DerKommissar Nice :)
@Peilonrayz Thanks lol
I'm gonna leave $200 in and give someone else access to my account (they wanted to practice trading so I'm gonna let them trade on my free/found money), and take the other $600 and put it in the bank
Oh nice. I have a friend who wants to get into trading, I wouldn't be able to do it
Yeah I hate it, I hate the anxiety and unpredictability. Told them I'd let them trade with my money, I'll pay them with 25% of the profits, so if they win we both win.
Given I'm very comfortable financially, the $200 could get lost entirely for all I care. I'm pulling the amount I want out, leaving the rest in
@DerKommissar I had a Cannon for 8 years, because of my Mac. Apparently twain is dead so scanning is a problem.
Haven't people been writing open alternatives for twain since years?
Adobe didn't play nice with it.
Adobe doesn't play nice with a lot of things. Perhaps a middle-man will help, like this.
I get it @pacmaninbw, all my previous printers have died from being old, but they were inkjets.
The last laser I had died from too many power brownouts, so I turn this one off-off when I'm done with it now
My last color inkjet was donated to a start up I was involved in. I prefer laser printers.
I hook all my electronics to surge protectors and in many cases battery backups (3 right now). I turn my printer off except when I'm scanning or printing.
No point in using electricity when I'm not printing or scanning.
Why is Brother better than HP?
@DerKommissar ^^
@pacmaninbw I don't know that it is, I've just hated HP for years lol
I've hated all printers for years.
I lived through all the HP driver kerfuffle's of the 2000's, including the spyware stuff, so they just leave a bad taste in my mouth
My very first personal printer was an HP Laserjet, had it for 16 years for B&W.
Ironically I own some HP gear but it's nothing consumer-level, only enterprise.
I used to have an old matrix printer that never gave me any trouble. All printers after that...
HP consumer level stuff is straight garbage IMHO, but their enterprise stuff is hilariously great...two different worlds
I've had HP, Epson and Canon for printers.
I had a few HP's, a Samsung Laser printer (stick to phones and TV's), and the Brother laser
Enterprise is designed to last, consumer is probably designed to die after 3 years.
I think part of it is that older things were built to last too
And specialty gear is built to last in general as well
I.e. how often do you need to replace audio receivers? Probably not very.
But that's why I can justify spending $2k on a camera or piano, they're built to last and the resale markets are solid
Yes, my Yamaha audio receiver still works, I replaced it 2 months ago because it can't handle HDMI. It was 20 years old.
Hope the Sony lasts as long.
Exactly. There's a stereo in my garage I got when I was 12 for Christmas, the CD Player broke but it still works fine otherwise
I anticipate my Pioneer receiver lasted for mostly ever.
Q: How can I optimize this Binary Search Tree?

SomeoneLearning17I've added some methods to a basic BST implementation for integers - if anyone can point out some ways that this could be written in a more efficient or clean manner, please let me know. public class BST { /* * 1) Node inner class */ private class Node { ...

possible answer invalidation by Zanzag on question by Zanzag: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/203325/revisions
@Duga Not the way you do things... Let me handle
possible answer invalidation by Zanzag on question by Zanzag: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/203325/revisions
possible answer invalidation by Peilonrayz on question by Zanzag: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/203325/revisions
@Duga that's fine - P updated the answers so as to avoid AI
Q: Is this file a good starting point for accessing data inside this json file via javascript classes?

DanielI was given a spreadsheet of data that I turned into a CSV file and then converted it into a JSON file. I threw it into my application and I am processing it in the following manner: const fs = require("fs"); class DataRepository { constructor(filename) { if (!filename) { throw new E...

Q: Simple Hangman implementation in Rust

BusyAntI'm starting out with Rust and decided to implement a game of Hangman. Can you please provide general feedback on the code? I've already identified some lines (see comments [A], [B], [C]) where I cannot find a better way; feedback regarding these would be much appreciated as well. use rand::seq::...

Q: AVL Tree in C Criticism

DagarI have made an AVL tree in C and coded the basic functionality of insertion, deletion, and search. I would love some criticism on my implementation especially on the insertion and deletion section of the code. Furthermore I think I could have used one less variable in the Node structure as you do...

1 hour later…
Q: AStar Implementation and Efficiency

ZeroMaxinumXZThis is my implementation of an AStar-like algorithm for maze solving. A quick summary of the problem I am trying to solve with my algorithm might be: A simple binary maze is given to you to solve, you may only go in the standard cardinal directions: north, east, west and south. There is a twist,...

@DerKommissar HP consumer software still can use improvement.
1 hour later…
This question is probably better suited to Code Review. However be sure to take their tour and read their How to Ask page before posting. — Nick 15 secs ago

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