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RELOAD! There are 7416 unanswered questions (89.5390% answered)
Q: How should I go about implementing rust into the unity3d engine?

Dimitri BobkovRecently, I've explored using rust as a scripting language for unity. My current method involves creating a DLL from rust, and loading it into my game at runtime. It requires that the user use a library I've made which has specific datatypes that I use to link unity and rust together, and must al...

Typically this is a symptom of overlapping pin assignments in the various libraries. This in turn stems from 1) Not reading the datasheet for your parts and 2) blindly relying on libraries you don't understand and haven't code reviewed. — TomServo 1 min ago
Q: Em que posso melhorar esse código?

Fabiano VidalCriei um jogo da velha utilizando java e gostaria de saber se tem alguma pratica que posso melhorar e deixar o código mais limpo e performático package Exercício106; import java.util.Scanner; public class Main { public static boolean testa(String[] valores){ //Verifica as diagonais ...

Q: C# to C++: Basic Console Replication

タコスI'm working on converting my basic cryptocurrency miner from C# to C++ for performance reasons (I've been told that C++ is faster in many aspects). However, that aside, the focus of this post is to get some feedback for a very basic port of ReadLine, Write and WriteLine as I understand them, from...

Q: Finding a path from one wikipedia page to another using semantic similarity of links (Spacy)

WillI've just picked coding back up for the first time in a long time, so I understand if your eyes bleed looking at this code. It all works, but I'd be grateful for any tips (how to improve the python code, how to use Spacy's semantic similarity vector feature better, how to make it work faster, etc...

3 hours later…
2 hours later…
Q: I inserted few entry boxes manually without loop, how can i declare entrybox multiple time without calling again and again (Tkinter)

JohnnyyyHow can I declare my entry boxes with more efficient ? Currently I manually insert all of my entry boxes one by one, is this a best practices? or do you guys have any suggestions ? Images My code #Declare all entryboxes (Stupid but its worked. Going to loop it after everything completed) def All...

Q: Server-side events with Node.js and TypeScript

HadidAliI recently had a job interview at a start-up. I was asked to write an application for server-side events with Node.js and TypeScript. I didn't get feedback from this company, all they said was that my code is not up to scratch! I've uploaded the code on my github page and you can see the content ...

2 hours later…
Q: A program that reads from file And saves to the class and to in class struct

GrimalkinSo i wrote this program that is suposed to save lines from file to class, scheme is 4lines x * 5lines ; 4lines x * 5lines etc. But it won't finish even first loop i dont know what is wrong with it. I am super sorry for variable names. and yes i know this code is supper shitty and i can be done ea...

1 hour later…
@Yugenswitch: if you are a beginner, avoid manual allocation in ctror, or respect the rule of 5, to automatically release it in destructor, and handle it in copy or move operations. There are corner cases so if you go that way, show your first working code on CodeReview. — Serge Ballesta 24 secs ago
I think you are looking for Code Review. — Péter Leéh 55 secs ago
2 hours later…
Q: Solve maze with python, speed issue

nicolaI'm currently trying to speeding up my python code. The code should calculate all the possible routes in a maze that is generated from a black and white image. The maze should be solved starting from the 0,j pixel of the image to every point in the bottom of the image(Better explained in the imag...

If the code works it may be better to ask at codereview. I would suggest using std::strings instead of char[] though. — Ted Lyngmo 25 secs ago
codereview.stackexchange.com is the better place where to ask. — Werner Henze 14 secs ago
I’m voting to close this question because it is a better fit for Code ReviewAndyG 40 secs ago
1 hour later…
Medi Madelen Gwosdz on March 15, 2021
In this series, we look at the most loved languages according to the Stack Overflow developer survey, the spread and use cases for each of them and collect some essential links on how to get into them. First up: Rust. Intro Despite its relatively tiny userbase—roughly 5% of programmers use it—Rust has consistently come in…
Q: Why vote for Code Review questions?

CATboardBETAOn other Stack Exchange/Stack Overflow sites, voting is used as a form of quality control. High quality questions get lots of votes and are seen by many, low quality questions get negative scores and are pushed away from answerers. But what is the purpose on Code Review, where some of the point o...

@MZ - Im not sure if this is suitable on codereview — Sayse 25 secs ago
Is someone trying to be deliberately obtuse here? chi's answer explained how to decode this, but honestly even with experience it takes time to identify all the parts. If I were to see such code in a code review, I'd require that they break it down in components somewhat like chi did to make it more readable. — Matthieu M. 34 secs ago
Q: I have made a library for generating passwords. I was wondering if the code is good enough?

some_user_3GitHub: https://github.com/lunAr-creator/pw-gen I am going to make this code below into the second release of my library, but I want to make sure I haven't missed anything or if there are improvements that can be made I'd like to implement them. Thanks :D Code: import random import secrets import...

Q: Replacing Goto Inside Switch Statement PHP

raviga151I'm updating some code and ran into this: switch(filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'action', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING)) { // GOTO <-- probably should fix this... case "countryFoodArticle": $contentQuery = $page->dbf->query("query 1"); goto defaultLabel; case "stateFoodArticle": ...

Q: Utilizing idle socket server to do meaningful thing (timeout after sleep on epoll_wait)

Ammar FaiziI write an app server that uses TCP socket on Linux. When there is no traffic (no data is sent by client, no client connect() or close()), the process sleeps on epoll_wait() while waiting for events hit the socket file descriptors. What is a good thing to do while the process is sleeping? So my i...

If you want a code review there’s a site for that, but do read their help section first to understand how they operate. This site is for specific programming problems, as you can see from the help center and from taking the tourSami Kuhmonen 55 secs ago
A) as others have said, this really is more like a request for a code review, thus off topic here. B) absolutely forget about getting EVAL of user input strings to be safe. If you need security, the real solution would be to step back and look for a solution that doesnt expose something like PYTHON to strings coming from users. — GhostCat 56 secs ago
Q: Resampling a proteome to count motifs

EstifI'm looking to improve performance. I'm doing a statistical resampling of proteins from a proteome while counting motifs. AKA I'm doing a statistical resampling of many strings to count reoccurring substrings. I've whittled this code down as far as I think it can go. It's decently fast, but I w...

Q: rsync C helper program

yan_khHi guys how you doing?? I just finished creating a rsync helper program that reads it's configuration file using a program that i also created and it deletes some cache directories that I included in the config file plus few commands for cleaning the system then it creates a directory in my HDD w...

possible answer invalidation by raviga151 on question by raviga151: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/257187/revisions
Q: Re-organizing indices in case of fragmentation is T-SQL

gil.fernandesIn order to keep the fragmentation ratio of indices low, you should re-organize the indices from time to time on MSSQL. Microsoft describes in the link below how you can check the fragmentation of indices on tables in MSSQL and then how you can re-organize (re-build) the indices to reduce the fra...

Perhaps you're better asking on Code Review, although check their posting guidelines to make sure you're conformant. — Peter Wood 24 secs ago
Q: Does Oracle have a mistake in their documentation regarding switch case formatting?

notacornHere is a reference to how switch statements should be formatted (I've never seen this used at the two companies I've worked at): And a contradictory one, which I am partial to (and is IntelliJ IDEA default): The obvious discrepancy is in the tabbing of the case statement - whether it's switch(...

That's novel, downvoting a post after you've answered it...
obligatory: (-‸ლ)
I know the expression of putting a foot in your mouth, but putting a fist in your eye...
I'll assume it's supposed to be a facepalm.
yes- that came from looks.wtf
@Mast would you prefer that to 🤦 or 🤦‍♂️ ?
I must be an idiot. 'Cause I always thought ლ looked like the top of a flower... I was confused why you'd have a flower in your eye.
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ Something a little bigger.
Q: Delete cookies in PyQtWebEngine

Saptak BhoumikI have made a web browser using pyqt5 and PyQtWebEngine.It works fine but I want to give the feature to clear cookies but how will I do this. You can view its source code by clicking on this link https://github.com/SaptakBhoumik/WebPlus . Please review my code and tell me what to do from PyQt5.Qt...

@Mast I now associate that image with YCS, since that is his avatar
Q: Which episode is the "double facepalm" image macro from?

TimwiThere's a Demotivational-style image macro that features Picard and Riker facepalming at the same time: I believe the person in the left of the picture may not be Picard in the original scene: the picture of Picard that you see here was probably photoshopped from another scene. But what is the...

@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ LOL
Q: lazy_map implementation for C++ | Similar to unordered_map but with O(1) copyable

Mohit SainiI implemented lazy_map - https://github.com/tinytrashbin/lazy_map. lazy_map is an implementation of unordered_map that has O(1) cost of copying irrespective of the current size of map. The optimizations done for O(1) copy operation don't have visible side-effect on other map interface no matter h...

Q: Skyscraper Solver for NxN Size Version 2 (Using Backtracking)

Sandro4912This is a follow up of Skyscraper Solver for NxN Size I followed the advice in the last question and changed my approach from generating Permutations to use Backtracking to solve the puzzle. Unfortunately my solution is still to slow for certain tests. Here are the worst test cases: struct TestDa...

@Peilonrayz Lay-out wise, I'm not sure how helpful it is that the menus under the paragraphs are bigger and much better readable than the text is. I think the 'Categorized posts' index (which is in the 'rules' folder for some reason) is too long and poorly organized, but that's probably something that's relatively easy to improve over time.
Til pressing escape deletes your message and you can't ctrl-z to undo... [insert picture of YCS ;)]
@Mast Darn, I thought I'd gotten the menus to be a good size, but smaller I will go! The original were huge. Wrt "Categorized posts" since all the old tab system will be hidden behind a menu under "extra" the view will only be 2 deep. Currently the index is 4 deep. I may get rid of the tag system later but having the posts categorized to then build references from is helpful.
Do you think I should change the colour of the headers for the menues too?
@Peilonrayz Considering it was under Rules, I dind't expect it to be a set of tags.
@Peilonrayz I don't know.
@Mast Makes sense; I've only really changed Authorship nothing else atm.
codereview.stackexchange.com, but read their help center first!Robert Harvey 44 secs ago
Welcome to the 2nd @MohitSaini you have an interesting picture, do you know the source?
Thanks @Peilonrayz. Actually no. I accidentally discovered this picture and I liked it so much that i use it everywhere for my profile pic.
Anyway, if you want to search similar picture, you can search this picture on google-images, you will find a lot of similar pictures...
@Peilonrayz @MohitSaini Possible source
It's all over DA and Pinterest.
Yah. Possible. Though i don't remember where I found this.
@Mast I should probably up my source searching skills! D:
@Peilonrayz Or cheat Google
It's one of the few things I use Google for, reverse image search.
I look at Google and just see a bunch of white noise... I'm too used to DDG ;_;
It takes a little practice :-)
Yeah. Does Google Image search not have infinite scroll for you? Pages on web engines?!
This question might be more fit for codereview.stackexchange.comWOUNDEDStevenJones 42 secs ago
codereview.stackexchange.com but take their tour and read their "how to ask" before posting there as well. — luk2302 41 secs ago
@Peilonrayz No.
Pages FTW.
Oh noes, another thing we disagree on! D: ;) I always enable JS on DDG just to get infinite scroll
Naturally, it takes some browsing and scrolling until you find something that looks remotely reputable like a source.
Yeah either Pixiv or DA and you've probably found the source... Just figured out I should probably get used to using site:da when searching for sources
Definitely block Pinterest.
Oh yeah I could just do -size:www.pinterest... and ofc you have to duplicate for every tld
If it works, it works. If you're looking to refine it, try codereview.stackexchange.com. — isherwood 15 secs ago
This type of question is better suited for Code Review Stack Exchange, which is a lovely community for evaluating working code and suggesting improvements. I had some feedback which I’ve posted as an answer since they were too long for the comments, but if you repost this to Code Review let me know, and I’ll move my answer over there. They’ll likely have additional feedback around the specifics of a scheduling system. — Jeremy Caney 37 secs ago
@JeremyCaney, I will post this on CodeReview and post the link here. — Pankaj 25 secs ago
I posted it here: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/257199/… =) But thanks for the answer! — Marc 12 secs ago
Q: Copy the reply button to each comment thread in WordPress. Converted from jQuery to JavaScript

MarcI converted an old Wordpress Plugin of mine from jQuery to plain JavaScript using a cheat sheet. I was very surprised that it seems to work right out of the box on my first try. (function ($) { $(document).ready(function ($) { $('.comment-list > li .comment-reply').each(function () {...

Q: Best approach for the Design Pattern for multiple schedulers using interface and abstract class

PankajI have a requirement to fetch data for different types of Users (Customers, Publishers etc) for three different timelines (retro, current, and past), all have different URLs. There is a scheduler which will run at the different interval (for example 2 minute for retro data, 5 minutes for current ...

For those interested, the OP has posted this question on Code Review. @Pankaj had left this as a comment under my answer, but I've deleted my answer and reposted it on the Code Review thread. — Jeremy Caney 47 secs ago
Note also that if you have working code, the appropriate site for your question is Code ReviewTangentially Perpendicular 12 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by Ammar Faizi on question by Ammar Faizi: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/257188/revisions
Hiya, what's the story for new answers to ancient posts (like 6 years old), okay, or off-topic? codereview.stackexchange.com/a/257201/54571 It's not like it's wrong, just seems a bit pointless?
I'm curious what others would say... my two cents: if there are a bunch of other answers then yes it might be pointless... the OP of the question has been active in the past year and might see it, though in theory posts are supposed to be valuable to the community so some would argue it should be fine
I often answer zombies that are that old...
Q: Should a method loop over a container be called independently?

pstatixIf I have a sequence of objects that need to have an operation performed on each element, is there a best practice in abstracting the loop or not? Looping over list and call def func(item): some_op(item) some_other_op(item) for item in items: func(item) Call method and loop i...

Q: How can I better test whether the player won in my tic-tac-toe?

Fabiano VidalI created a tic-tac-toe using java and I would like to know if there are any practices that I can improve and make the code cleaner and more performative import java.util.Scanner; public class Main { public static boolean test(String[] values){ //Check diagonals if((values[0]....

@ferada Only questions can be off-topic. AFAIK the recommendation is to vote on the quality of the post not the time taken to answer. But then again you are in control of your own vote buttons and can vote however you want.
@Peilonrayz this was in context of first-time post queue, not so much about voting.
Alright, then nothing to be done and I'll wish them a good day.

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