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RELOAD! There are 7114 unanswered questions (89.7429% answered)
Asking for a code review is more suitable for Code Review than for Stack Overflow. — JaMiT 5 secs ago
Sorry, Stackoverflow is not a code review web site. You're looking for codereview.stackexchange.comSam Varshavchik 42 secs ago
Q: Is this function "in place" and O(1) space and O(n) time?

RyanI'm trying to learn about algorithms and found the practice question shown below. I wrote this answer to it, and my answer works, and I was happy with it. function reverseWords(message) { const max = message.length; let n = max; let wordLen = 0; for (let i = 0; i < max; i += 1) { ...

1 hour later…
Q: Rust decimal to roman numeral kata

James SchinnerJust wrote this decimal to roman numeral converter, inspired Kevlin Henney's talk "Get Kata". I have been reading the rust doc's little by little and this is one of my first attempts at some code. I'd like to get feedback on style, general rust idioms and how I could have implemented this algorit...

Q: Please help me optimize this code

JGProgrammerI have created a Reddit bot that goes thru an "x" amount of posts. for each post it pulls all the comments from that post into a list then a data frame and then it loops over a csv look for words that match a ticker in csv file and then finally it spits out a sorted dataframe. is there anything I...

possible answer invalidation by jacobcan118 on question by jacobcan118: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/252452/revisions
1 hour later…
I’m voting to close this question because it should be asked on codereview.stackexchange.com — Peter O. 18 secs ago
2 hours later…
Sorry, I should have clarified what I meant by that. I don't mean to use this code in the function passed as a pointer to a qsort/bsearch-like function, but in an implementation of a qsort/bsearch-like function itself to have more readable code that matches the algorithm involved and makes code review much easier. I guess I'll add an implementation of qsort using this kind of construct for better understanding of what I mean. — nebel 19 secs ago
@Duga Vandalism, rolled back by author of answer.
@CaptainObvious Wrongful migration.
Please send it back.
1 hour later…
Q: Handling user sessions on website using $_COOKIE and $_SESSION

username0So I am building a website. It will be only used inside our small company and it's not made for public use. What I want to achieve is the ability for user to maintain session after sign in for a prolonged period of time while also maintaining some sense of security and common sense. My website bu...

2 hours later…
Q: Would I need to check duplicates for UUID?

vivietUUIDmaker.js, a middleware that creates a UUID directory before multer exports.makeProjectUUID = (req, res, next) => { let checkIfDirExists = true; let dir = ''; let uuid = ''; // public/uploads/projects/projectUUID/ while (checkIfDirExists) { uuid = uuidv4(); dir = `public/upl...

Q: Game of Noughts and Crosses Feedback

IBYZ RULEZthis is my 2nd project on Python. I created a game of Noughts and Crosses(Tic-Tac-Toe) that you can play against the computer. What are your thoughts on my implementation of the game? Is there anything I've missed or could improve upon? I did think about adding a figure window and making it more ...

Q: Hashtable Visualizer in TypeScript

L292092Implementation is based on the MVC design pattern, with callbacks to allow model and view to communicate with controller. Concerns: It's not ideal to have async code inside the model, i.e the model should be as close to a basic hashtable implementation as possible. However since we need to set a ...

As this is fully working code that you want to improve, I think you would be better posting it on codereview.stackexchange.comJeffUK 54 secs ago
would belong to codereview site, but maybe would be downvoted there... I migrated it there, but maybe it wasn't the best choice. — Jean-François Fabre 13 hours ago
Migration rejected.
If Jean-François enters chat, please ping me. I'm happy to talk about what we can help with on CR.
If you have working code that you want to improve, you might want to check if your question could be on-topic for the code review site. — khelwood 53 secs ago
Thanks, looks good and is useful. Btw, for working code you might get better feedback at Code Review. — Heap Overflow 32 secs ago
1 hour later…
Q: How do I shorten & optimize my Fibonacci Code?

LolfaceftwHere's the code I'm having trouble shortening. I am currently a beginner in Python 3.x. from os import system def fibonacci(terms): count = 0 x = 0 y = 1 z = x + y if terms <= 0: print("Enter a positive integer.") elif terms == 1: print("Fibonacci sequence...

1 hour later…
Q: std::array and std::vector Type Arbitrary Nested Iterable Generator Functions Implementation in C++

JimmyHuThis is a follow-up question for the previous questions about recursive functions, including A Summation Function For Arbitrary Nested Vector Implementation In C++, A recursive_count_if Function For Various Type Arbitrary Nested Iterable Implementation in C++, A recursive_count_if Function with S...

possible answer invalidation by Adamantoisetortoise on question by Adamantoisetortoise: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/252450/revisions
Q: R programming - plot of ml values against range of M values for count data

Farhan AktarThe questions were these: The answers i got so far: need help on c and d please! Code so far: The data looks like this: library(ggplot2) load("aut2020.RData") y <- frogs$counts y y_bar <- mean(y) n <- 365

If you want someone to "critique" your code, you want codereview.stackexchange.com because this is not an appropriate question here. — Sam Varshavchik 8 secs ago
SO is a Q&A site about specific programming questions. If you want to ask for a code review, post at codereview.stackexchange.com. Dataflow doesn't overflow memory. It already offers restricted DOP, bounded capacity and task recyclyng to produce back throttle requests, produce backpressure and prevent tasks from monopolizing cores. All you have to do is specify a BoundedCapacity, and pump messages at the head of the pipeline with await headBlock.SendAsyncPanagiotis Kanavos 17 secs ago
Q: HackerRank: Capitalizing the first letter of every word in a string (with arbitrary spacing)

FoundABetterNameI solved the following question on HackerRank You are asked to ensure that the first and last names of people begin with a capital letter in their passports. For example, alison heck should be capitalised correctly as Alison Heck. Given a full name, your task is to capitalize the name appropriat...

2 hours later…
Q: Creating a SOA database with encapsulating interface c++

zstreetI want to create a SOA database but also have a separate interface that gives encapsulation. I am close to the design I think but would like more experienced coding eyes to have a look to critique my design. Here is what I have so far: struct OrbitalDataBase { OrbitalDataBase(uint32_t a_num...

2 hours later…
possible answer invalidation by hlapointe on question by hlapointe: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/215473/revisions
1 hour later…
This type of *How to improve my code` questions are better suited for the Code Review site. Take some time reading the Help Center on how to ask good questions, and welcome to StackOverflow! — progmatico just now

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