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RELOAD! There are 6748 unanswered questions (89.8944% answered)
possible answer invalidation by user225756 on question by user225756: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/243571/revisions
Questions asking "how do I improve this already working code" are better suited to Code Reviewpppery 58 secs ago
Q: How do I make this math function (convolution) faster?

gurghetHello I implemented the following function using the matrix object from breeze library. Basically is just a glorified while loop. The convolution there is extremely slow so I rolled out my own, optimized on a kernel which is just a vector. This is already much faster but I figured there must be s...

3 hours later…
This question is more appropriate for codereview.stackexchange.com, they can probably help you there. — tiberius 59 secs ago
I’m voting to close this question because it’s asking for a Code Review: use that stack exchange site, not SO. — user2864740 41 secs ago
I’m voting to close this question because it belongs to CodeReview.StackExchange.com — Infinity 59 secs ago
"wrong" is a very strong characterization for code that works. I will say that the code is very poor, but that is a code review question and that isn't appropriate for Stack Overflow. — Aluan Haddad 45 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by Jamal on question by Sheep_Wizard: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/243883/revisions
possible answer invalidation by Jamal on question by Hooman Bahreini: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/243846/revisions
I’m voting to close this question because it belongs on codereview.stackexchange.comSelcuk 47 secs ago
Q: Leetcode : Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters (How to design the algorithm with more functional style)

madeinQuantThere is a solution (Leetcode : Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters), please feel free to comment how to design the algorithm with more functional or lisp style. ((ns leetcode.addTwoNumbers) (def L0 [2 4 3]) (def L1 [5 6 4]) (def tens (repeat 10)) (defn shiftRight [xs] (cons 0 (d...

Q: Changing one of two equal linkedlists alters the other one too

user127776I am not sure whether this is the right forum to ask this question or not. I'm pretty novice in programming, I was doing leetcode problems and encountered the following phenomena which I don't quite understand. Let's take the following example: # Definition for singly-linked list. # class ListNod...

Q: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ')' How to fix this?

NoobCoderSo i'm trying to open a file and fwrite points in it. I'm trying to put the values of a database into an array. Here's the code. $connect=mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","council_portal") or die("Could not connect to database"); //find the distance specified by the user $result=$connect->qu...

Q: Die-rolling program

KadragonI'm getting into learning python so to learn I made a die-rolling application. What would you do differently? What would you suggest to improve performance/readability? What tips do you have? Suggest pretty much anything. import random import time import re #installed via pip install inflect (htt...

I think this will help solve the unique color array problem. Please see — Naresh Bhople 27 secs ago
It's pretty good, but reviews of working code belong on CodeReview.SE, not here. — smci 12 secs ago
Q: How to prevent function timing out on very large inputs?

ZenoHere's the scenario. The function takes in an array of n item weights and an array of q capacities. The objective is to find the number of items that each bin can hold, depending on its capacity. I've written the following function but the problem I'm having is that it's timing out on very large ...

Q: VBA Function returning Array For RGB Color Combinations

Naresh BhopleSubmitting for review by experts. Inspired by this question to color value cell having duplicates with a different color. So "Apple" will have one color for all duplicates. Then "Banana" will have a different color for all its duplicates. What if number of such values exceeds 56 (max number of Co...

2 hours later…
@Duga Ugh. Yes. But now Jamal has touched it and I'm not overriding a moderator edit.
Should I migrate this question to CodeReview.SE? — Money Oriented Programmer 47 secs ago
Looks like the terms master and slave are going out of vogue in the software world. Python and Redis in 2018, GitHub is now working on it as well.
It's going to be really confusing if they start doing this in hardware protocols 4 decades old as well.
This could be affecting reviews eventually as well.
Wonder how long it takes before it's impossible to get a Masters degree.
Next they're going to ban whitelists and blacklists.
And I understand why. But it's going to take some getting used to.
May as well ban everything in the world because someone may get offended by it
Meanwhile Zwarte Piet has been publicly criticized since 1987 and it's still here, so, not all changes go fast.
In Sesame Street, out of all things.
I just can't be arsed anymore
Can imagine. I tried that, but the rest of the world keeps hammering it down my throat. If you can't beat them...
Besides, humanity is cruel.
Too many humans stupid.
Might as well try to fix it, we're in trouble either way.
@Mast I also keep getting funny pics sent by US friends, social distancing ahem
@skiwi In non-standard units, of-course.
2 muskies == 3 badgers.
@Mast done
@Mast lol
Your question is more suitable in codereview.stackexchange.com rather than SO — Islam Elshobokshy 19 secs ago
Q: Protecting Vue page based on the API response

MarvixIf the user/visitor has access to the API route, then the status code will 200, else 401. I know that I can user Vue navigation guards, but I will need to use Vuex. This way is much simpler and faster, what do you think, is it a right way to protect Vue page from unauthenticated users? <template

Q: Time limit exceeds in this simple program

drac_oIam trying to solve a simple problem challenge, but getting TLE. I had a different approach earlier, so tried this, again with no success. I know this can be optimized further but can't figure how. The problem: Print the matrix in a format depending upon the input. If input is divisible by 2 then...

Q: Deserialise Json and Read Stream twice in C#

JsonDork// You should not dispose of HTTP client, so disable in this file. #pragma warning disable CA2000 // Dispose objects before losing scope namespace x { /// <summary> /// The request provider holds our Get/Put request to our APIs in generic format. /// Implement this class in y...

Q: Generate binary image using coordinate vectors

random9I have a matrix M of size [n_rows, n_cols] and a list of x and y pixel coordinates. I use these coordinates to draw a binary image. Here is my code: std::vector<std::vector<double>> x; std::vector<std::vector<double>> y; // fill x and y std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int>> M(n_rows, std::vector<

1 hour later…
@Kaz WiFi saturation, too many networks contesting the same bandwith.
@Kaz Oh yeah, I wrote a presentation for a conference about that. (Conf got canceled sadly.)
Sorry, I missed that Ts is a Vec, so presumably the size is not a problem. Iterating over 150M items will probably take some time -- is this definitely a problem with HashMap, or are you just looking for general performance tips / code review? From my point of view (not having access to any of your data or perf metrics), it could be that your code is already optimal and it takes a while because your problem is just really hard to solve (not saying I believe that, just that the question doesn't contain enough detail to rule it out). — trentcl 35 secs ago
@DerKommissar Out of all places, why?
There's a decent company there I'm interviewing for
Q: A simple tic tac toe game in Javascript/HTML/CSS

L292092This is my first web app written in JS. I would like to know how the code can be improved in terms of style and structure, especially in terms of following JS's conventions and general heuristics. I would also be thankful for any improvements that could be made to my HTML or CSS. tictactoe.js var...

Q: Heroku Cant Connect Mongodb Atlas Cluster

Mad Here is the heroku logs --tail results (errors) 2020-06-15T11:29:48.535970+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Starting process with command `npm start` 2020-06-15T11:29:50.936899+00:00 app[web.1]: 2020-06-15T11:29:50.936914+00:00 app[web.1]: > [email protected] start /app 2020-06-15T11:29:50.936918+00:00 app[...

Q: c++ is it worth preprocessor optimization for for loops while i < 1

JakeI'm writing some code to take high precision timings of a function call for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { beginTime = high_resolution_clock::now(); CallFunc(functionPtr, otherParamaters ...); // inline function call to do the timed function endTime = high_resolution_clock::now...

@DerKommissar That's as good a reason as any.
Got tired of OH?
Not at all, just wondering if a change is prudent.
This isn't a minimal reproducible example of a problem. You have to test and try to debug your code yourself before you ask other people to spend their time on it. Asking "is it correct?" without testing it is even less useful than posting code and saying "it's not working" with no debugging. MIPS simulators like MARS and QtSPIM have debuggers built-in fora reason. Even codereview.stackexchange.com requires you to have tested your code before posting something you're pretty sure is correct. — Peter Cordes 48 secs ago
This question is probably more suited for codereview.stackexchange.comMartin 17 secs ago
@DerKommissar You might want to wait until after the election, but your reason is good.
Yeah I'm gonna wait until things are a bit safer anyway.
Q: Javascript Object to HTML

antonio almeidaI have an idea that can change the way we do UI forever!! just kidding :) The idea is to be able to create a dom tree + link JS to the element (kind of) + some other nice features from an js object My question is what is the best JS object architecture for this in your opinion? This object should...

Questions about making working code cleaner are better suited for CodeReviewtrincot 45 secs ago
I’m voting to close this question because it's a request for a codereview.stackexchange.com. — deceze ♦ 51 secs ago
@Duga 🤦
I think it's better to ask it on codereview.stackexchange.comPavel Anikhouski 17 secs ago
Q: Write my Javascript more cleaner in my Vue JS search functionality

meezIn my BlogList.vue component I made a search input field: <input type="text" placeholder="Enter key word ..." v-model="search"> And a computed property: computed: { getfilteredData() { return this.blogs.filter(blog => blog.name.toLowerCase().includes( this.search.toLo...

If your code is complete and works, it should be on Code Review. This site is primarily for fixing broken code. — Carcigenicate 21 secs ago
There's a bunch of smart people in here... For work I have a microservice that receives a bunch of headers and makes a request to an authorization-microservice that responds with a JWT, this JWT is then validated in the first microservice and some fields of the JWT is read to create an internal authorization object to be used. Anyway... now my problem is... How the hell do I write automatic tests to check that these two are working together?
- I can't simply mock the authorization-microservice since any hard-coded JWT I provide will eventually expire.
- I don't want to entirely disable the JWT-verification for the tests because if that code would accidentally be released into production... all hell breaks loose. (Security is super-important here)
- It's not that easy to generate the JWT in the first microservice because the JWT needs to be secure so we're using a private and public key pair, therefore preferably the first microservice should only have the public key, while the second microservice should have the private key. Using the private key also in the first microservice (even just in tests) doesn't really feel right
If your code runs correctly and you just want to improve it, you should ask on the Code Review tackexchange site instead :D — DarkWiiPlayer 24 secs ago
Could you not use a separate keypair for testing?
@Vogel612 That... might be possible. Should I then use integration testing and call the real other microservice running in Docker or so, or should I use wiremock or how to incorporate the JWT creation in the best way?
no clue,honestly
but if you are certain the microservice generating the JWT is behaving correctly, there's nothing wrong with using it in your testing setup as a "known working" component
You could reduce the time tests need by caching a valid token and reusing that in a mock
@Vogel612 That is true
There will be plenty of other services that will need to do the same kind of testing later, so I am aiming to make it pretty simple to test. Maybe even make a little library or something to help with testing as well.
This is not codereview.stackexchange.com. The OP question is on topic and didn't ask how to make their code neat. Also, you don't even say how you come to your very own meaning of elegant code and you don't tell what the good practices you try to follow are and their fixes. So yes, I'm forced to downvote. — Olivier Grégoire 17 secs ago
Q: Atm program xUnit unit test

Steve NgaiI have these 3 methods for ATM mock program. public decimal CheckBalance(BankAccount account) { return account.AccountBalance; } public void Deposit(BankAccount account, BankTransaction bankTransaction) { account.AccountBalance += bankTransaction.TransactionAm...

@SimonForsberg Could you just hard code it so the expiry date is say; working: tomorrow, expired: epoch 0?
@Peilonrayz In theory I could make a JWT that expires at some point far off in the future, but that JWT would have to be created sort-of manually as the normal expiration period is 5 minutes or so (actually not determined the exact time yet)
@SimonForsberg I believe I'm misunderstanding something. I don't think I'll be of help here :(
@Peilonrayz Very likely that I myself am misunderstanding something as well. Working alone on this task at work is not easy - especially not when everyone is working from home.
@SimonForsberg How about creating a secondary service dedicated to doing exactly that?
@Mast To disable the JWT-verification you mean? Or to make sure that it's not accidentally released into production?
@SimonForsberg The 2nd.
Seems important enough to sacrifice a few clock-cycles to.
Solving complexity by adding even more complexity :)
Solving dependency problems by extraction.
It's a bit drastic perhaps, but needs must.
Not sure if it's a dependency problem exactly.
@SimonForsberg Eh, if you and others can communicate effectively I think we can easily see who the weakest link is ;)
@SimonForsberg Not necessarily, but that would fix it, right?
I wouldn't want that kind of security-risk in my code.
Q: Run Teradata using Excel VBA

PumpkinI have a simple macro moving data from Teradata to Excel. The process normally takes me 10 minutes to perform manually, however the macro can run for hours sometimes. This is making the macro seems counterproductive. But I still want to give it a chance. Manually, I would just simply paste the sq...

@Mast It would fix that problem, if you can have a 100% certainty that it could verify it correctly. Another way to fix that particular problem would be to not disable the JWT-verification in the first place
You should post this to Code Review instead. — Guy Incognito 42 secs ago
Q: Why does this C++ program give me undesired output

PhantomSo I wrote a C++ program to print the prime factors of a given number. It goes like this : #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ int n=0; \\The number cin>>n; for(int i=1; i<n; i++){ if(n%i==0){ \\Check if div...

y cant u help tho, its not like u dont hv free time — Phantom 9 mins ago
Like, really...
@Mast That's much more civil then the "STFU" one previously said.
@Peilonrayz We've definitely been called worse, sure.
Just flag the crap out of the comments and move on.
@Mast Oh, no. Phantom said it like 2 minutes before the comment you quoted :)
@Peilonrayz Wouldn't surprise me if that user runs into a ban one of these days then.
Very much so
I’m voting to close this question because it does not contain an answerable question. I encourage you to consider posting on Code Review after reading up on that site's posting rules and expectations. — trentcl 47 secs ago
Ah, the joys of reviewing in the queues. :::(
@Mast I thought pedant was the worst o_o
@CaptainObvious Belongs on stack overflow, not really asking for a review.
@Mast Maybe they should use dominant and submissive?
@ankii Looks at chat room tags. *Starts sweating profusely*
@Peilonrayz it also has "nice-people" in it.. Phantom won't call you pedant nicely... ;p
@pacmaninbw Good thing I wasn't drinking coffee when I read that, or it would be all over both monitors.
Q: A structure for a system text messages dictionary

Mike B.I would like to arrange a system messages dictionary for an application in JavaScript. As an initial intention, I thought something about the following structure: export const SYS_MESSAGES = Object.freeze({ fileSizeExceeded: { code: "FILE_SIZE_EXCEEDED", text: "The file size ...

@pacmaninbw I know it wouldn't exactly roll off the tongue but would Metallica need to rename their album and song to "Dominator of Puppets"?
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ Some things can go too far. Maybe the Master Slave architecture should be renamed Master Puppet architecture.
Metallica would surely want loyalties
ah yes... multi-tasking is proving more difficult these days 🤦
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ They probably wouldn't get it, the term puppet master must predate Metallica by 200 to 400 years.
If you want a code review you should post on the code review stackexchange site. For questions on Stackoverflow, a minimal reproducible example tailored to the question is preferred. — Bryan Oakley 35 secs ago
I just saw a commit hash containing dead1 on a branch that got merged but my IDE didn't know about the merge...
TIL there is a TLD wtf - e.g. looks.wtf - for your ascii/unicode emoji needs
@pacmaninbw most people seem to opt for "primary/replica" these days
I've been seeing more users supplying answers to JS answers, which is great...
like this user:
or "primary/secondary"
Thank you @PavelAnikhouski. I have made a duplicate question there. (codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/243934/…) — PercyODI 16 secs ago
@Duga looks a bit hypothetical....
@Mast Meh, easy enough to rename the git "master" branch as a "trunk" branch, also jives more with networking where we have "trunk" all over the place.
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ Damn that's very offensive, hashes should be calculated such that there's no dead in them
@PavelAnikhouski the code above appears to be too hypothetical for Code review. Please familiarize yourself with what is on-topic for CR before recommending users post there — Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ 11 secs ago
Q: Avoiding Arrow Pattern with C# Pattern Matching

PercyODII have started to use C# 7's type based pattern matching. A method that only manages a single pattern-based result looks very clean and is easy to reason about. However, once a second pattern-based result that depends on the first pattern-based result creates an arrow anti-pattern, and will only ...

Q: Python : How to remove the Extra double quotes getting added to an Array at start and End

Rak Scat file.txt fruits=[ apple , grape ]|[ mango, pineapple ]|[ orange , strawberry ] written a python to pick the values of multi-dimension array from file.txt for fruits and split each array and display the list domainProps = Properties() input = FileInputStream(file.txt) domainProps.l...

@skiwi One of the well-articulated points I read, which I will likely do injustice in my attempt to describe, is that it's all in the context of "master" being a kind of "owner" of the other branches, and that the relationship being named as such can seem insensitive. I'm indifferent, the only reason I really care is because a lot of people are using the justification of "I don't care that it bothers you, it doesn't bother me so deal with it" with nothing else, which isn't quite right.
@skiwi I wrote some code that generated encoded error messages with the exception name, date/time, IP, and a few other things in them all combined and encoded as a Base56, but had special lists of character sequences we replaced because it could actually generate profane language.
@CaptainObvious too sketchy/hypothetical
@CaptainObvious borked
Q: Print out symmetric matrix from compactly stored array

P-AI have an array of the form (3x3 case as an example) $$A = [a_{11}, a_{12}, a_{22}, a_{13}, a_{23}, a_{33}] $$ corresponding to the symmetric matrix $$\begin{pmatrix} a_{11} & a_{12} & a_{13}\\ a_{12} & a_{22} & a_{23} \\ a_{13} & a_{23} & a_{33} \end{pmatrix}$$ I want to print out this very matr...

@DerKommissar interestingly that also matches what older VCS systems used to call these "main branches" and it fits better with the branching analogy overall
@Vogel612 I think SVN still does.
yea, for SVN that's actually builtin
git doesn't really care what you name the branches
it doesn't even have the concept of branch protection as a builtin system, every branch is equally valid in git
@Vogel612 Yeah, there are two types of "trunks" in networking: one port carrying multiple VLAN's, multiple ports acting as a single port. Both are valid, and Git fits into the first facet quite well, to be honest.
@DerKommissar If you include VHF communication as networking, trunking is also used there to share frequencies to be used by multiple users.
Sure, we'll count it.
@CaptainObvious Closed.
Q: Use django engine to fill in a .html file on storage (no template) and use weasyPrint to convert it to pdf. Please help me refactor my code

Vishesh ManglaI 'm new here. I wrote the following django code. I 'm opening, closing files here and saving them temporarily and deleting them. I tried to use python's tempfile and was getting Permission Error and I did asked about it on IRC #django but maybe windows is not a pleasent to use os for programmers...

Q: C++17 ECS Implementation

user8780062I am (relatively) new to game programming and have been exploring creating an entity component system for my simple 2d game engine. Here is what i have so far: Entity.h #pragma once using Entity = int; ComponentArray.h #pragma once #include "Entity.h" #include <unordered_map> class ComponentA...

Can someone make sure this is either rejected or rolled back? I'm logging off for the day.
@Mast Looks fine to me. Am I missing something?
It's an answer and number really should be result.
Q: Command Line app for calculating payroll in Java

shaggyI had an assignment last semester to program a payroll app utilizing methods. I went back to it and re-wrote it to include an extra class as well. I would like some feedback regarding whether my code is following the Single Responsibility SOLID principle - should the class be split further into m...

@Peilonrayz @Mast while I agree that improving an answer should be approved, it was proposed by an anonymous user and the OP hasn't seen any SE site in a couple years... I rejected it...
should be approved * given it doesn't deface the existing content or conflict with the authors intent, etc...
Janos could still approve the edit... or one of you could manually adjust it if you wanted...
Hi, Ahmed! Did you know there's a site specifically for code review? If you have working code and you want help improving it, consider codereview.stackexchange.com. — kojiro just now
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ That's some proper unSE like reasoning - "vote on the content not the user".
Assuming the code works, this question is a better fit for code reviewuser3386109 36 secs ago
You might want to ask this on Code Review Stack Exchange — user 39 secs ago
@user3386109 when suggesting users post on CR it would be great if there was also a suggestion like "Please read the relevant help center pages like 'What topics can I ask about here?' and 'How do I ask a good question?". In the current form the post above would need a title that describes what the code does instead of CR goals. — Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ 12 secs ago
Q: Class that imports FX Rates from Excel File

Victor CorreraI have a class that imports the FX Rates produced by another department. This works as intended, which is to return a Pandas DataFrame with all FX Rates by month. The DataFrame it returns is then used by another 5 classes, that basically import other files and do some formatting and calculations ...

@Peilonrayz makes sense - I've been trying to follow rolfl's advice more
will do so in the future
Code Review can befound at Code Review. Just so you know. — usr2564301 31 secs ago
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ That's some good advice
Q: What is the fastest way to record the names of each file in a directory?

user226175I want to fill an array of strings with the name of each directory item. The issue is allocating memory. I either need to count the items before, allocate memory, then go over them again, or I will have to reallocate each iteration of the while loop. Both of these options seem slow. Surely there'...

Q: How to create the form dynamically changed when type is switched

JevgenijsThere is a "table". With inputs, the information of which will be sent via php to the database. One of the attributes should be changed depending on the "select" tag selected. <form action = "... .php" method = 'post'> <input type='submit' value = 'Save'> <br> <br> SKU: <input type='text'...

@CaptainObvious CNWAI(Y)
Q: Bank with factory method for accounts, multithreaded deposit and withdraw

JamesI have a couple questions about this program Should I implement runnable instead of using thread class? I like the idea of the consumer and producer being thread objects, it seems simpler to me, but I have seen people argue the benefits if runnable interface. Are static methods in the main clas...

@deceze While this is on-topic on CR in the future, please don't use the existence of the Code Review site as a reason to close a question. Evaluate the request and use a reason like needs focus, primarily opinion-based, etc. Then you can mention to the OP that it can be posted on Code Review if it is on-topic. Please see Does being on-topic at another Stack Exchange site automatically make a question off-topic for Stack Overflow?Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ 7 secs ago
@Duga it is rare to mention that to a SO moderator, but I feel it applies to them just the same
If your code works without any problem, please ask at code reviewAsocia 17 secs ago
Q: What is the fastest way to record the listed files in a directory in C?

user226181I want to fill an array of dirent pointers with each entry of a specified directory. I either need to count the items before, allocate memory, then go over them again, or I will have to reallocate each iteration of the while loop. Both of these options seem slow. Surely there's a better way. Are ...

Apr 16 at 17:38, by Mast
@Duga @Peilonrayz He does that every so often when he thinks we're not looking.
oh yeah
we'll show him...
I've noticed that a lot of the comments are starting to get better. From normal SO folk
This question is really more asking for a code review rather than about a specific problem. It may be on-topic (and you may get better answers) at codereview.stackexchange.com, but please review what types of questions are on-topic in that community and what types of questions to avoid asking before posting there to ensure that your question is on-topic. — Ryan M just now
Q: cant add items do shopping cart node js

Tiago0 when i try to add an item to the shopping cart appears this error in the screen https://prnt.sc/t08epi this is my cart models file: module.exports = function Cart(oldCart) { this.items = oldCart.items || {}; this.totalQty = oldCart.totalQty || 0; this.totalPrice = oldCart.totalPrice || 0; this...

I don't think this site is the best place for general code reviews. But here's a hint: check the place(s) where player1 is defined. — gidds 17 secs ago
@CaptainObvious borked
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ What's the (Y) mean "yes"?
possible answer invalidation by Emma on question by Emma: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/243872/revisions
@Mast I recently cleaned up non-closed questions only tagged with one Python version, -[python] and [python-3.x] or -[python] and [python-2.x] and ones with too many Python versions, [python-2.x] and [python-3.x]. Should I clean up the closed ones?
possible answer invalidation by Steve Ngai on question by Steve Ngai: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/243921/revisions
@Duga AI, can someone else clean that up. That user is probably vexed at me
@Duga @peilonrayz rolled back
flagged this comment:
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ That's an "update" on the code. that's an "addition" after review. Your rules are extremely irrational. Make no sense at all. Also remove your repetitive comments beneath my post. — Emma 1 min ago
ffs, whenever I ask someone else to handle things they seem to always get the same type of feedback I was trying to prevent. It just feels like I'm passing the buck.
that OP has likely gone through this scenario before
possible answer invalidation by user226181 on question by user226181: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/243951/revisions
I didn't have to search long to find an instance of it
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ Eh, that's quite different to this one.
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ Your comments are noticed. Remove them or I will be flagging it for moderator attentions. — Emma 32 secs ago
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ Yeah, I got two of them yesterday. TBF she did follow my advice in the end.
Q: LeetCode 767: Reorganize String - Java

EmmaI'm posting my Java code for the Reorganize String problem of LeetCode. If you have time and would like to review, please do so, I appreciate that. Given a string S, check if the letters can be rearranged so that two characters that are adjacent to each other are not the same. If possible, outpu...

@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ Considering your reputation in the community, I wouldn't worry about her flagging you for moderator attention too much. 2 Moderators have already rolled back her code or commented on it.
@pacmaninbw yeah I'm not worried
We're getting a lot of newbies that want to argue this week.

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