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RELOAD! There are 6639 unanswered questions (89.9932% answered)
Q: CSS :focus using text-decoration: underline

RonI have my website that I am needing to make keyboard accessible by using the tab button to move around the web page. I added the below code to my layout.css file and there is a blue border which works, but how do I add text-decoration so when text is highlighted when tabbing, the text is also un...

Q: Python while loop runs, but extra use of int() and can't enter 'quit"

slourencoI am working through a textbook assignment from Python Crash Course by Eric Matthes. The code runs according to the instructions, but I wanted to fix three issues and do not know how. Issues are: (1) I do not know if I am using the flag correctly. (2) I used int() to manipulate the user input, ...

1 hour later…
Q: Check if two lists are permutations of the one another ( Improvement)

Uncalled AstronomerTask: . Complete the following function that determines if two lists contain the same elements, but not necessarily in the same order. The function would return true if the first list contains 5, 1, 0, 2 and the second list contains 0, 5, 2, 1. The function would return false if one list contains...

Do you have a specific answerable question? If your code works and you are looking for a review then codereview.stackexchange.com may be what you are looking for. — Retired Ninja 18 secs ago
Thanks, I'll check out codereview — Charles Yang 27 secs ago
1 hour later…
possible answer invalidation by Brayoni on question by Brayoni: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/242581/revisions
Q: I wanna use this code to generate an Array, insted of this table

Ben``` import random def MakeSudoku(): Grid = [[0 for x in range(9)] for y in range(9)] for i in range(9): for j in range(9): Grid[i][j] = 0 # The range here is the amount # of numbers in the grid for i in range(5): #choose random numbers ro...

Improving working code is off topic at SO really. Try Code Review (do read their guidelines first). — ivan_pozdeev 1 min ago
Ben Popper on May 20, 2020
We reflect on the wealth of small software startups doing strong business in relative obscurity.
Q: Scrape Page and Send User Only New Results

John S.Review Wanted Application Summary The application is a simple screen scraper which is to notify the user when new items are posted. The code is run as a CRON job every ten minutes. It will scrape the target page and return an array of ALL items matching the search criteria ( hard-coded ) by th...

@CaptainObvious ...
@Peilonrayz Markdown is different in chat than on the rest of the site, what are you trying to test?
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it's asking for a code review rather than about a specific problem. This question may be on-topic at codereview.stackexchange.com, but please review what types of questions are on-topic in that community and what types of questions to avoid asking before posting there to ensure that your question is on-topic. — Ryan M 22 secs ago
@Duga Looks OK
possible answer invalidation by greybeard on question by Orland: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/242597/revisions
possible answer invalidation by Pitto on question by Pitto: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/242589/revisions
Q: Recursive os.scandir() for copying/moving files preserving subdirectories

mechanical_meatThis is modified from the general recursive solution here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/54544211/42346 to, more specifically, copy/move files with a given extension from one directory to another whilst preserving subdirectories. I'm reluctant to use .rename() for this purpose as it seems slightly...

Q: How to calculate wierd number in efficient way - optimization of algorithm needed

SequeI am trying to print n weird numbers where n is really big number (eg: 15000). I found this site to check the algorithm for n 600 if I have some errors: http://www.numbersaplenty.com/set/weird_number/more.php However, my algorithm is really slow in bigger numbers: import java.util.ArrayList; ...

@Duga Rolled back.
Q: Last thing that I have to do in grok but I am confused

Cant think of a UsernameCan you raed tihs stencence? Apparently, the human brain can read misspelt words fairly easily as long as two things are true — the misspelling is an anagram of the correct spelling, and the first and last letters of the word are still the same. Two words are anagrams of each other if they contai...

Q: How to make filtering on db in flask more efficient?

reinhardtFlask beginner here I have a flask app that stores data in a db. I am trying to filter the db based on the user parameters like country_code or price_type etc. Right now, I have multiple filter functions in database.py as follows: class DatabaseService: @staticmethod def read_list(): ...

If this is a code review request, you might want to post it on Code Review instead, but be sure to read their help first. — T.J. Crowder 29 secs ago
Q: Ruby Exercise: Implement your own "#group_by" method

michael.zechTask: "Implement a method 'gruppiere', in a way that it can be invoked on all enumerable objects (Enumerable). The method receives a block and returns a hash. The items of the enumerable a grouped within the hash according to the return-value of the block." What they like to have is an own impl...

Q: Filtering and adding additional properties to array of objects

AkshayHi I am working on a complex application and currently adding two additional properties to objects that match the condition and returning it back. I was able to achieve the expected output, but just wanted to know if there is any other way which is more efficient than what I have tried. Step 1 :...

Q: Java multithreaded withdrawal and deposit banking

maxiangeloi'm exercising Java multithreading on an example of simple banking funcions. The programm is able to perform multiple transactions at once on different threads.All accounts transfer money to the following account, the last transferes money to the first. I want some feedback so I can improve my c...

@Mast I was seeing why Maarten's bolding didn't work :) However if you type Test ..**foo** **foo** when the message is being sent to the chat server it bolds both foos, however when the server sends the response back the bolding disappears on the first foo.
Wat, it just did it even though they were in a literal markup too... This client-side markdown they have is proper janky
17 hours ago, by Maarten Bodewes
Last comment reads "...**the author** thinks it can't be accept, but it do". Seems like the asker is not the author, in other words (?)
As for your problem, if the code works (a hard requirement) then you could post on the Code Review SE instead, but please make sure it's really on topic there first. — Some programmer dude 30 secs ago
scipy has a built in methods for doing this: codereview.stackexchange.com/q/55717WeavingBird1917 21 secs ago
Q: Draw element border according to scroll amount

a_prodsI needed to draw border element according to scroll amount. I made it work but I am not sure about optimization and performance. There may have a better way? I am open to suggestion you can see it in action here: enter link description here here my js: Thanks var el = document.querySelectorA...

Q: How to store a url in configuration that is to be formatted with a variable?

Jan PislI am working on a Python project in which I am using the url below: url = "https://f-tep.com/secure/api/v2.0/services/{}?projection=detailedFtepService".format(self.service_id) As you can see, the url is formatted with the service number. I need to store the url in configuration (an .ini f...

This is off topic for SO. It's probably better to post it at codereview.stackexchange.com but before that, you should translate strings and names for variables and functions to English, and also tidy up your code with at least 4 spaces indentation. — klutt 53 secs ago
@Peilonrayz Yup.
Here is the site intended for feedback on working code: codereview.stackexchange.comklutt 52 secs ago
Q: Typescript Express - Controller in Controller via dependency Injection or logic in routes

Dusty48I'm trying to give one Controller one operation. However, some Controllers exists of 2 or more operations. I'm not sure whats the best way to structure this part of the app. For example, I have 2 Controller Functions, each doing their independent thing 1. attemptGetUserById (checks input, calls...

Q: Stacked inputs with rows using flexbox

darkhorseI am trying to create stacked inputs using flexbox, with the additional ability to also set rows. Here is the code: .stacked-inputs, .stacked-inputs .row { display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; -ms-flex-flow: row wrap; flex-flow: row wrap; -ms-flex-align: center; align...

Q: finished Josephus-Problem in C#, how to make this more efficient?

Jeremias T.using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Function_JosephusSurvivor { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { //Debug purposes Console.WriteLine(JosSurvivor(7, 3)); Console.ReadKey(); } //Actu...

Q: Efficiently update matrix calculations in Python

mazuka487I'm trying to create functions in Python that would update calculations for a matrix only for new entries. These functions are created within a Design class, where users would submit a design into an existing database of designs. The distance between each design should be calculated, but ideally ...

@Peilonrayz You there? I have a problem understanding if I'm too dumb to understand the code or if the OP does not understand how Python works: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/242617
@Graipher I'll have a look :)
@Graipher Yeah you raised all the concerns I have.
I haven't used Flask with a DB so there may be some arcane powers at play here, but I really really doubt they'll be able to magically change how string's __eq__ work.
Welcome to Stack Overflow! It seems that your code currently works, and you are looking to improve it. Generally these questions are too opinionated for this site, but you might find better luck at CodeReview.SE. Remember to read their requirements as they are a bit more strict than this site. — Богдан Опир 1 min ago
@Peilonrayz Thanks for taking a look. I was starting to doubt myself ^^
Q: snake game move automatically Qt c++

Jennifer..Cpls how do i make a Qt snake move automatically without keypress event. Now I can let it move according to my keypress, but i want a continues movement in that direction untill another key is pressed void snakehead::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event){ // move up //move down }

This question sounds like it would belong on Code Review more than here — Big Temp 47 secs ago
Greetings, Programs.
Q: recursive file search, C , linux

checcasio hi guys this script recursively searches for files with a certain extension and possibly in a directory passed by the terminal ....(In case no directory has been passed, search from the current one) I believe it works correctly but I wanted to ask you if you noticed any flaws and report them to m...

Perhaps try the Code Review stack exchange site? — Michael Litchard 57 secs ago
Q: A tictactoe game where i want the player turn to keep switching while storing the information inputted

ShreddedPumpkinThis is part of my tictactoe game where this will make the player switch turns. The problem here is every time they switch, the input data will be lost and it will display the initial tictactoe board. def player1repeat(): #Player X global count while count != 9: playerx() ...

Ryan Donovan on May 20, 2020
Copying and pasting can be dangerous, but then again, so can many aspects of software development when done incautiously. In this post, I’ll take a look at what code copying actually means for software development, what good code theft means, and the pitfalls of copying badly.
Q: How we can create workqueues without using DQL query in BDD

Awadhesh kumarCreation of WORK QUEUES with the use of DQL query is given below,i just want the same work queue without any implemention of DQL query and with their corresponding JBehave story. can anyone helps me please //create new work queue public void CreateWorkqueues(String wqpolicy,String wqcategory...

@Feeds Tell me something I don't know.
@Donald.McLean Is she considered the mother of the Hubble telescope project or is she the mother of the person named Hubble?
@pacmaninbw The mother of the Hubble Space Telescope.
Q: RScript. Call function in another function to drop all data in environment except functions

Roma QI have R script. What i want to achieve is after initializing script, doing some manipulations — to run getGeneralinfo() function via console in RStudio and to clear GlobalEnvironment except previously initialized functions. Please help me to understand why this doesn't work. Thanks! # Funct...

Try posting this on Code reviewKooiInc 54 secs ago
Q: Creating multiple DOM buttons in JavaScript (I am not DRYing)

RobertI am making a Tic-tac-toe game and I have the basic board but I am repeating the code and it is very badly written. I am wondering how I can use better practices to write the DOM elements that I need. I am referring to the function boardController.buildBoard() which can be found here: https://g...

@Donald.McLean Any idea when the first results will be published if launch is not set back?
I recommend the Code Review site for this, but if you're asking about performance, having Inactive will need a separate compilation, which obviously uses memory and processing power to actually generate the IL and then JIT compile it. Plus it's not easily extensible from the caller side, unlike having an actual lambda function that you can write however you need -- which may or may not be just adding a ! at the beginning. — Blindy 16 secs ago
@Mast With launch tentatively being in 2025, who knows. At least they're not building entirely new tech from scratch the way they were with JWST.
That's your call, but if you go pro you'll encounter a little thing called Code Review. It's next to impossible to get a goto statement through a Code Review. — user4581301 28 secs ago
Q: Functional Python Script to write a large amount of CSVs to database

dylanjmI just finished up this script that crawls hundreds of local git repos for csv files and then stores them into a database. I've tried to follow a "functional" paradigm for this script but am kind of confused with all the side-effects (printing, writing to db, shell subprocess). Definitely looking...

It could be improved, but Stack Overflow isn't the right place for these sorts of broad requests - ask on Code Review instead and I'm sure you'll get a good answer! — CertainPerformance 30 secs ago
If this is working code you think could be improved, see Code Review. — jonrsharpe 26 secs ago
Q: How can I optimize my code that uses nested for loops?

mlbI am working to solve a problem where I need to determine if a Point lies on a line connecting two other Points. For example, if I have Point a, b, c, I want to determine if c is on the line segment connecting a and b. In my code, I have a point, me (a in the example) and two lists of points, h...

1 hour later…
Q: given ints 1-9 count the ways unique sets of 3 add up to a given sum

amalgamateGiven a range of integers, count the number of ways each single integer can be used in unique sets of three operands that all add up to a given sum. For a technical interview I was asked to solve a puzzle (Without coding). The puzzle was given a 3X3 grid with unique integers 1-9 each filling a l...

Q: How can I clean up (DRY) this verbose jQuery code?

kvkootenI had posted this on StackOverflow — someone pointed me here. My code is working, but it's incredibly verbose and I know that it can be made more compact. I just don't know how :-) I'm building an audio portfolio. When a button is clicked, a sequence of events happens. When another button is cl...

possible answer invalidation by S.S. Anne on question by lettomobile: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/242473/revisions
@CaptainObvious Does JavaScript support inheritance? Example have a button class that has the same functions and inherit from it for each function?
@pacmaninbw IIRC ES6 added it
Or TypeScript did
@Peilonrayz Thanks.
@Donald.McLean That should help.
Perhaps you could find a good implementation of Eliza and spend some time trying to understand how the code works. One strategy you can do is to write your own suboptimal but working chatbot and then post the code at Code Review and ask for advice as how to improve it. Your question as is asking for how AI and natural language processing works. — John Coleman 13 secs ago
Q: How could I refactor this JS/make it industry standard?

Ruari DouglasI'm looking for someone to tell me how I could refactor/change/improve my JS, I'm still learning and really want my code to be the best it can be for when it comes time for me getting a job in the industry. Would really appreciate a professional's help. It's just a fairly simple todo list... He...

Q: Javascript - Is this a good approach to extract data from html table

Supercool.I want to extract the headers data and column data from html table using javascript. Is this a good approach of doing it? and how can i simplify this using jquery? let table = document.getElementById('tab') debugger let headers = Array.from(table.rows[0].cells).map(x => x.innerText) let co...

Q: Stack Implementation Using Linked Lists

MahdeenSkyI have tried Implementing Stacks Using Linked Lists, and would like some tips and tricks regarding optimizations or ways to simplify/compact processes. It has 3 functions, Push, Pop, and Peek (For checking the top item in stacks) class Node: def __init__(self, data, next=None): self...

Q: How Can I Make The Visual Appeal Of My Text-Based Pokemon Battling Simulator?

nishantc1527I created a Pokemon battling simulator in C++. I showed it to my mom, dad, and brother, and they didn't say anything about this, but I have a tugging feeling that they didn't think it looked to great. I myself don't think it looks to great. I'm not talking about the code (the code is a huge mess)...

1 hour later…
If the code works, a better place to post would be Code Review. — Thomas Matthews just now
@ThomasMatthews, I did here: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/242501/…. But it includes more methods and I haven't received specific review about constructors/assignment operators. — user_185051 41 secs ago
1 hour later…
Such questions are meant for codereviewZohir Salak 14 secs ago
Q: Yolov3 Real Time Object Detection in tensorflow 2.2 full implementation - trainer.py

bullseyeNote There are many modules here which I will be including in several posts, I understand this might be a lot of code to review so I'm not expecting an exhaustive review, pick as many modules as you want and I'll be very glad to hear your feedback about this work as I've been working on it for m...

Q: Yolov3 Real Time Object Detection in tensorflow 2.2 full implementation - detector.py

bullseyeNote There are many modules here which I will be including in several posts, I understand this might be a lot of code to review so I'm not expecting an exhaustive review, pick as many modules as you want and I'll be very glad to hear your feedback about this work as I've been working on it for m...

posted on May 20, 2020 by bullseye

Note There are many modules here which I will be including in several posts, I understand this might be a lot of code to review so I'm not expecting an exhaustive review, pick as many modules as you want and I'll be very glad to hear your feedback about this work as I've been working on it for more than a month and any questions, feel free to ask. Thanks in advance. Description

Q: Yolov3 Real Time Object Detection in tensorflow 2.2 full implementation - models.py

bullseyeNote There are many modules here which I will be including in several posts, I understand this might be a lot of code to review so I'm not expecting an exhaustive review, pick as many modules as you want and I'll be very glad to hear your feedback about this work as I've been working on it for m...

Q: Yolov3 Real Time Object Detection in tensorflow 2.2 full implementation - augmentor.py

bullseyeNote There are many modules here which I will be including in several posts, I understand this might be a lot of code to review so I'm not expecting an exhaustive review, pick as many modules as you want and I'll be very glad to hear your feedback about this work as I've been working on it for m...

What a flood
Q: implementing parser - improvment

Amiram GoldblumI have been trying to develop a program which implements a parser, i.e., syntactic analysis. Here is what I have done so far: parser.c #include <stdio.h> #include "parser.h" void error_handle(char *expected, YYSTYPE *token) { if (token) { fprintf(yyout, "Error: Expected token is {...

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