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RELOAD! There are 6503 unanswered questions (90.0953% answered)
Not saying this is necessarily off-topic on SO, but you might have a better chance of getting feedback on codereviewcigien 16 secs ago
Q: Maxwell's distribution using Box-Muller transform

user366312I am given the following problem to solve (This text is translated from Russian. So, there may be some translation issues): ... Another method to draw from the normal distribution is to draw two independent random numbers from the uniform distribution x1, x2 ∈ [0:0, 1:0). Then apply the fol...

Perhaps you need to post on Code ReviewWeather Vane 53 secs ago
Q: Generic interchangeable search algorithm applying a search criteria for the object searched

Miguel AvilaI were considering the possibility of having a util method to implement a generic search algorithm which search procedure could change and adding a search criteria so that the objects passed could be qualified (compared) using a programmer defined search criteria. For example: if you need to exe...

2 hours later…
This is most helpful to me. I have a very subtle bug that happen randomly with a frequency about 1%. I process large number of input files with (16 major steps; each one done by a different C or C++ binary). One later step will trigger segmentation fault only randomly because of multi-threading. It is hard to debug. This option triggered the debug information output at least it gave me a start point for code review to find the location of the bug. — Kemin Zhou 43 secs ago
Q: Turle Keyboard Method Not working

Eric F.I made a Pong game but not working properly when pressing keyboard to move up or down the paddles on top of that, the ball's not working either. The question is : Why anything isn't happening ? What's wrong with my Labtop[ Asus p2540 nv ] OR my Graphic [ Nvidia (GForce - 920 MX) ...

2 hours later…
Q: New to coding and wrote my first battle simulator can anyone give me some feedback and constructive criticism?

shane solomonThis is my code I wrote completely on my own its one of my first real programs that I have written using Booleans, functions, and loops if anyone could give me some feedback about how its structured and how it runs when executed. Any feed back or constructive criticism would be greatly appreciate...

Or even via a service mesh, where the databases for each service (which themselves are '"services") are isolated except through a driver/API that always amends the necessary statements to constrain the query, and one team maintains that. Can someone circumvent this? Well sure, in the same they can do a lot of harmful things - some of that is an organizational problem that isn't best solved with software but process (code review, other guards against manipulating or provisioning infrastructure, but I prefer to work in a more trusted environment)... — Doug Moscrop 40 secs ago
Q: Refactor rest endpoint for symfony controller

jikaillThe context currently i have solution request rest api for push new request for solution, this request can be validate by solution request validation like that: SolutionRequest 1 - * SolutionRequestValidation SolutionRequest(departments) * - * customEntityValues for get departments code work f...

Q: Arithmetic series formula in Forth

NoctilucenteI want to implement the arithmetic series formula in a single word named Sn. This is the code I came up with: ( a1 d n -- [n2a1+d[n-1]]/2 ) : Sn 1- ( 1 1 9 ) DUP ( 1 1 9 9 ) 1+ ( 1 1 9 10 ) SWAP ROT ( 1 10 9 1 ) * ( 1 10 9 ) SWAP ( 1 9 10 ) SWAP ROT ( 10...

1 hour later…
@DeanDebrio You haven't showed enough code, just three regular classes. I think this question is better kept as is though. You have codereview.stackexchange.com where you can ask questions on how to improve code. — Magnilex 55 secs ago
Q: Has this List memory issues?

JazzschmidtI just started learning C fundamentals and started to write a List that is limited to integers for the beginning and has dynamic memory allocation according to its content. I've written custom simple assertion functions that revealed, that upon reallocating less memory when shrinking the list, it...

Q: python password hashing

eight-fingersI simply made it for practice. But I want to know if It can be used in realworld or absolutely not. Please point out any bad programming practices I used here and how I can chang them and look out for them next time. Your advice or tip will be the invaluable rain on my deadly isolated programmi...

You could write a custom descriptor, then do e.g. city = my_descriptor('_city'). Here's one I had reviewed earlier: codereview.stackexchange.com/q/98892/32391jonrsharpe 12 secs ago
FYI, linear space solution is possible (not counting the output of course). Time of course is still exponential. — Will Ness 49 secs ago
1 hour later…
Q: Loading and Refreshing DataGrid in WinForms using C# .Net Framework

LV98I am looking for some review on the code I am about to provide below. I'd like to improve my coding in general and happy to hear any comments from the community. The goal of this code is simply load dataGridView1 with some data from MySQL and Refresh it with a click of a button. I have not yet...

possible answer invalidation by user366312 on question by user366312: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/240535/revisions
@Duga Yup, rolled back + commented.
possible answer invalidation by Mast on question by user366312: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/240535/revisions
@Duga Shaddap.
possible answer invalidation by Mast on question by Felix Wieland: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/240384/revisions
Q: GeeksForGeeks: Alien dictionary C#

Giladhttps://www.geeksforgeeks.org/given-sorted-dictionary-find-precedence-characters/ please review for performance, the adjacency list is the problematic part for me. Given a sorted dictionary (array of words) of an alien language, find order of characters in the language. Examples: Inpu...

you might be better off taking this to codereview.stackexchange.comsahwahn 35 secs ago
Q: Paint Program in HTML

Dexter ThornI have written a little Paint-Program in HTML. You can also save and Load your wonderful paintings. My code works, but my heart says that my code is not so beautiful. I dont user JS/HTML/CSS very often and thats why I dont write how to write clean JS-Code, but I want to know that. Javascript seam...

Q: My method of php ajax product filter with pagination

Mantykora 7After a few weeks of searching and learning ajax, pagination php, product filter, I created ajax php product filter with pagination. 1. index.php <?php require_once('../../../private/initialize.php'); ?> <?php include(SHARED_PATH . '/staff_header.php'); ?> <!-- Filtering --> <section id="fi...

Q: Need more effiency in script that calculates rewards

TheDankestPutinThe problem is as follows, i've been assigned this code and i need a way to fix the function def evaluateChange(self, oldSolution, variableIndex, newValue). The below code works, but is not effienct since it calculates the vertices is being calculated twice. And it shouldn't be. It could be ...

Q: GMP - keep leading zeros when reading a string into a bit vector with mpz_init_set_str

SGhI'm working on a program where we read in a string of ones and zeroes "0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 ..." etc as input. For part of the program, we need to convert this string to a bit vector/array of bits. Conveniently, mpz_init_set_str offers this functionality in the GMP library (the rest of the program ...

Ryan Donovan on April 15, 2020
Culture and science are happening in real-time during the worldwide COVID-19 epidemic, which means that Apple and Google are working together in collaboration with health and governmental organizations and rapidly publishing specifications and standards.
@CaptainObvious I was still writing my comment... Ok, fine, now I can't tell you there's 2 problems with your question. 1) The code doesn't work yet, 2) there's insufficient context.
It seems that your code is too slow. There may be more efficient implementations. You should try asking the question here: codereview.stackexchange.comrandom9 35 secs ago
1 hour later…
Q: What should I do to reduce run time of my code?

ASADThis is a URI online judge problem (problem no: 1973). After buying many adjacent farms at the west region of Santa Catarina, the Star family built a single road which passes by all farms in sequence. The first farm of the sequence was named Star 1, the second Star 2, and so on. However...

Q: Calculate Finishing Position

Matt D. WebbI am trying to efficiently produce a finishing position for a given set a results where I want to account for a duplicate score. For example: I am trying to accurately assign the correct finishing position for an ordered set of points. My code here works but seems very ugly! https://jsfiddle....

This might be a better fit at our sister site codereview.stackexchange.com. — user7761803 19 secs ago
Q: Run directory scan as Class

BenjaminKI've progressed with the directory statistics function and want to proceed by making it a class. Link to the first version of this code: Link My current state of things: About my namings: I first used the name fcount as I wanted to have it stand for files and folders as otherwise, the name wou...

Q: A lousy assembler

cpploverWe have been given a college assignment (Yeah even during lockdown!!) to implement an assembler to assemble the reference instructions given here. The following is my code to implement pass1 of the assembler. Please review it. //imperative keywords std::list<std::string> Mn_imp = { "READ","PRI...

Q: How may I export the output of SQL query in excel fetched through PowerShell?

AndyI am using this power-shell script to fetch the versions of all SQL servers in a list. How may I export the result culumns(only query output not error messages) into excel and send to email after the script is run? Can someone help me add the required script please? Import-Module SQLPS -DisableN...

Q: Prim's Algorithm

EugeneProutPrim's Algorithm This is an implementation of Prim's algorithm in Python. From Wikipedia: Initialize a tree with a single vertex, chosen arbitrarily from the graph. Grow the tree by one edge: of the edges that connect the tree to vertices not yet in the tree, find the minimum-weight edg...

possible answer invalidation by QuickSilver on question by QuickSilver: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/240444/revisions
Maybe you could post this to softwareengineering.stackexchange.com or codereview.stackexchange.com for some insight. — jfaccioni 36 secs ago
Wow already 5 close votes in the queue :O This thing fills up during the day
@Peilonrayz Yea, forget it for 2-days straight and it's about full at times.
@Duga A mess, rolled back before it gets worse.
@Mast Do you have an opinion on this?
Please show an example of the data itself. I also suspect that this question would be more suited for the Code Review Stack Exchange since the code works in its current state. — cbr 57 secs ago
@Peilonrayz Yes, borked. VTCd.
With a validation accuracy that low...
Honestly I think OP has not a clue what they're doing.
Ok, ty. I normally go if it's not 100% then is broken. But I know ML's a bit special here.
Tensorflow is one of the easiest packages out there, even I understand how it works and I suck at ML.
@Peilonrayz Yea, ML is a bit of an odd case on which we never fully got consensus.
I may have to give ML a go if it's that easy XD
@Peilonrayz A well-written question I answered years back here.
Might be as good a starting point as any, even though it's not the easiest data and goal to start with.
@Mast And an upvote has already been given to both posts ;(
I fear if I were to experiment with AI I'd just make a bad JoJo meme. Is question off-topic? Yes. Yes. Yes. Can it be improved? No. No. No.
it helps that that's just saying "Impossible" over and over and over
Haha, I'm sure you could get quite a few JoJo memes to fit XD
Something similar to what you are describing: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/191503/…Bike_dotnet 58 secs ago
I need to proof read my comments more, I keep making typos and don't see the typos until I can't edit the comment anymore.
Q: Reduce run time of NLP approximate matching code

RtimeseriesThe code below matches a list of features to a large corpus and returns the sub-query match with a score above 80. The challenge is the list of features on the full data-set is > 5,000 and comparing to multiple documents. Therefore is taking too long to work using the fuzzywuzzy package. I tried...

Q: Decoding request object before use it in an Insert query

Karol-KahnI want to decode a request object before use it in an insert query. Request object containes the following JSON body: { "device":"887B53", "data":"89582c60", "station":"B0A6", "rssi":"-99.00", "time":"1586121398" } That's the way I solved it: const convert = { bin2dec : s =>...

@Vogel612 OK what's impossible?
it's a meme from an anime called "JoJo's bizarre adventures"
Reminds me of Hunter x Hunter.
I don't know about Hunter x Hunter, is that like the old Mad Magazine cartoon Spy Vs. Spy?
quite far from it, actually
HunterXHunter has a lot datker themes
Yeah I can see that, Mast
Also see codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/20136/… for commentary on the code in the linked question. — Barmar 30 secs ago
Stack Overflow is not a "code clean up" service. If you've written this code yourself, and you want a full review of all aspects of the code, read the help center to find out if this is on topic at Code Review. They're also not a code clean up service, but they will review the code and give you an assessment. — Heretic Monkey 36 secs ago
Q: C# - Updating a dictionary discarding irrelevant elements, before doing some clean up

Enrique Moreno TentSo I have a dictionary with different elements, and every now and then, I have to update it. Remove elements that are not important anymore, and do some clean up on those elements that are going to be discarded. This is what I am doing so far, using LINQ. Can it be improved, for performance? Di...

Q: A Text-Based Browser using Requests, Beautiful Soup, Sys, OS, and colorama

MahdeenSkyI have worked on this for quite a long while, and this is my 3rd attempt after completely demolishing 3 other 200 liners, and i really need ideas on how to make my code add more functionality or efficiency, or some python coding tricks, i can implement to make it more compact. I'm still a beginni...

you should post your question in CodeReview forum, StackOverflow is for issues with code, when you're kind'a stuck codereview.stackexchange.combalexandre just now
Q: Encrypting file from source AEAD

dylan solamanI am trying to encrypt/decrypt file using source code directly. The issue is how to properly do it after reading the file. int crypto_aead_encrypt( unsigned char *c, unsigned long long *clen, const unsigned char *m, unsigned long long mlen, const unsigned char *ad, unsigned long lon...

@Vogel612 Oh yes, including mind control and Armageddon.
Q: Open a file and then plot it with GUI

Helix FossilI want to create a GUI that allows me to read a text file into a variable by pressing a button. Then, I want to plot a histogram out of the data from the text file. The text file is just a 1D array of many values. Here is what I have so far: from tkinter import * from tkinter import ttk from tki...

@CaptainObvious FUBAR
Please make this go away, 1 more VTC.
Q: Code Refactor 2: Tic Tac Toe

Erica GulfThis code is in Java language, could anyone help me figure out what the methods do and what the variable "mn" and so on is really for? Thanks! import java.util.Random; import java.util.Scanner; public class CodeRefactor2 { //What do these magic numbers do? Should they be final? static int mn...

possible answer invalidation by BenjaminK on question by BenjaminK: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/240574/revisions
@Mast Wow, completely forgot that about Killua...
1 hour later…
Q: Synchronous socket with response from clients

I.patternI want to create server socket where users will always be to connect, and to send message only when I send them specific message,"CLIENT_ACTION"( they will know when, client side is not important now). So basically I know when to expect message from the client. But now, will they be able to conne...

Q: React useState setter call other setter in callback

HMRWould it be problematic to set other state while in a callback to set state? For example code below: const Component = () => { const [values, setValues] = useState({}); const [errors, setErrors] = useState({}); const onChange = useCallback( (name, value) => setValues((values) => ...


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