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RELOAD! There are 6502 unanswered questions (90.0929% answered)
If you want to get feedback on code that already works correctly, consider posting to Code Review. This really isn't a specific programming question that's appropriate for Stack Overflow. — MrFlick 22 secs ago
Looks way cooler now.
Haha, yeah it does. You on osx?
Q: Java Abstraction Practice

Konstantin VictoriaI've just learned the OOP concept of abstraction, and I was wondering if I was implementing it correctly in my code and if you guys can point out any bad practices. Thank you :)! This is the test1.java which has the main method: package OOPConcepts; import java.util.Scanner; public class test...

@Peilonrayz Yeah, for this.
I'm mixed between Windows, Debian and macOS
A man with all the hats
Basically lol
How do you easily switch between them? Dual boot?
Q: how to do the conditional simulation(path dependent simulation) in R language

XUN ZHANGMy codes are not good, I want to konw how to solve my problem efficicently and learn writing some elegant R codes.Thanks in advance! "r" is the starting value in matrix[loop,T], I want to use it to do the simulation for 45years in 10 times,which means that I will get a new matrix[loop,T] also na...

I have a lot of equipment here lol
@Peilonrayz ^^^ that's how lol
Oh boy, that's a lot :O
We're trying to sell the house atm, and people come into my room and comment about 3 screens. I can only imagine what they'd say about 5 XD
There's another 3-monitor setup to the right of the camera you can't see.
Haha there are 8 lmao
And there's a rack in the other end of the room too.
Damn, that's a lot of computer stuff
Damn, that's more of a setup than my dad has :O
Honestly it isn't that great yet, still working on some kinks...
@DerKommissar You need to get a UPS that fits into the rack.
I know lol
I looked at rack-mount UPS' but they're more expensive than I need.
That APC powers the networking gear (the servers don't have anything on them worth salvaging).
There's one on my desk that powers the desktop and iMac as well.
But a surge can break the hardware, I once lost 4 disks to a power surge on an unprotected tower.
Yeah, but again, if I lose anything on them it's whatever lol
I got all 4 servers for free, I'm not particularly attached lol
I know you did, from your former employer if I'm not mistaken
They just fold now
And do my Postgres and Python server
With a setup like that for free, you could put either Oracle or SQL Server on one of them since the hardware was free, the software could be paid for.
I need to do more Postgres as it is, though SQL Server has Linux licensing now...
@Peilonrayz ^^^ made "dropped packets" 100% vertical lines.
Can your servers see the internet?
What kind of fire wall are you using?
Cisco RV340
The router is your firewall correct?
Router + Firewall, then I have a separate WAP and Switch.
I do everything wired, no WAP.
My phone and laptop are wireless, phone obviously can't wire in and the laptop is a PITA because it doesn't have an Ethernet port so you need an adapter.
My router and switch are running 1G speed.
Everything here is 1G full duplex
Internet is a 100M/10M connection.
Spectrum gave me 37M. Still faster than DSL.
Yeah I'm on Spectrum too. DOCSIS3.1
I can get 1G down / 1M up, but I don't need it.
They have three options here, 100M, 400M and 1G for download, all are 10M up (that's a DOCSIS limitation).
What are you paying for your internet, mine costs about 18 a month.
I have cable and internet so it's like $150
I think internet only is $60 or so
I have cable and internet, 93.
Slow internet. :)
For my needs it's really ok.
I'd been having a lot of packet loss over the winter, so I had them send a tech out who brought a signaling meter, found out some of the connectors the old tech put on went bad, replaced them, re-ran my cabling, replaced my modem (from a WAP + Modem + Router + Switch all-in-one to a plain-modem) and now it runs 100x better.
You had to replace your NIC's?
No, no nic's.
They just took out the Arris TG1672G and put in a Motorola SURFboard.
My cable modem looks like a surfboard with square edges.
Don't know the make.
HiTron technologies.
Probably says 'Spectrum' on the side? They've been making their own lately.
Oh ok, nice.
Q: Code for a function that behaves like a promise

nmdrI have come up with the following code which behaves like Promise. The interface that this provides is follows: promise((resolve,reject)=>{...}) .pipe(functions, errHandler) where functions is an array of functions that will be applied to the result of the promise. The functions are applied s...

Gotta wash dishes and then make dinner. TTYL
Have fun
1 hour later…
Q: Unroll for loop as macro to make array unmutable

SimsonI wrote these lines of rust yesterday. It turns 27 bits from a 32 bit integer into a 3x9 byte array, but my gut feeling is this should be done without having a mutable variable ans. pub fn u32_to_preformated_vector(image:u32) ->[[u8;9];3] { let mut ans:[[u8; 9]; 3]= [[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0...

Q: Material ui snackbar/popup not rendering

fahzshHere is my code to show up the snackbar once the seterror is detected - i cant get to figure out why it doesn't work in one of the methods - however it does show up in the return statement of my component which isn't exactly what I need. I need to return the snack bar only if the seterror is dete...

1 hour later…
Ben Popper on April 14, 2020
In this week’s episode, we chat with Anna Lytical, a drag queen and engineer who creates sickeningly entertaining and educational coding tutorials in order to engage more LGBTQ+ people with coding and the tech industry.
For feedback/refactoring/etc. you want the Code Review Stack Exchange. — Dave Newton just now
@pacmaninbw I can see answer history, not comment history. So thank you.
@DerKommissar Shiny. You're handling the data with Python and leaving just the plotting to JS?
@Mast I find matplotlib complex for easy tasks. and at times buggy too. it has bricked my vscode + Jupyter setup while plotting a big image, with hundreds of thousands of dots with high resolution.
was it my poor code ? but it shouldn't leak memory at least.
Q: How to update album art in mediastore on Android 10 (API 29)?

Vince VDNow that MediaStore.Audio.Media.DATA is deprecated in API 29, how can we update the album art in the mediastore? My Code final Uri sArtworkUri = Uri.parse("content://media/external/audio/albumart"); Uri albumArtUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(sArtworkUri, albumId); String albumIdColumn = ...

@ankii I try to stay away from Jupyter and I'd definitely advice against trying to use it for heavy imagery if you haven't tried it in a bare script first.
@Mast I found it the hard way ;p
what do you use for times when you need all the variables in place, for experimentation, and quick transfer of code from testing to the script ?
@DerKommissar which iMac is that ?
I imagine I'd be looking for one while upgrading from mid 2017 MBA.
@ankii Bare Python if at all possible. Cheat a bit with pseudo-globals during development if you have to.
ah, though I use it for courses only, for now
I've seen many courses shift to Jupyter. It's easier for whoever is giving the course, but it's a pain in the behind to work with really.
if Spyder wasn't using qt & made their UI a bit better like pycharm, I'd be happy to use it
well it doesn't matter much now, there would be a few assignments after lockdown lifts
Q: Multiple LEFT JOIN to same table

Ingusmultiple LEFT JOIN to same table I m using MariaDB 10.1.8 Here is my query: SELECT L1.category_id AS step1, L2.category_id AS step2, L3.category_id AS step3 , L1.title AS title1, L2.title AS title2, L3.title AS title3 FROM category AS L1 LEFT JOIN category AS L2...

I’m voting to close this question because this would be a much better fit for Code Review. — altocumulus just now
@ankii At work I'm limited to portably Python, so using Pyzo there.
I think that's also based on Qt and the UI is crap, but it works and I don't need much of a UI when writing Python.
It has breakpoints, I can nuke shells without crashing the IDE, there's a basic source structure available, what more do I need.
I can set indentation, line endings, encoding, etc.
I just realized I don't use breakpoints nearly enough, but shrug.
Honestly I prefer Notepad++ with a shell. But I'm not a programmer most days.
1 hour later…
@ankii I didn't even know it was possible to combine Jupyter with VScode. How do you like Python + VScode?
Ok. Hmmm, maybe, you'll get better (or any at all) answers on code review SE? Check if it is on topic for them. Here, I think it is a little bit off topic, since it is working and technically "legal", so this question will likely attract opinionated answers. To me personally it looks odd, very odd, but that means nothing. — Fildor 45 secs ago
Code review notes: 1) Your modal.html is refered nowhere, it just exists alone. 2) browser_action field in manifest cannot have scripts property, so "scripts": ["js/script.js"] is just ignored — hindmost 39 secs ago
Q: JUnit - Unit testing

chrysaetos99As you can see here, I wrote the methods public static int romanToArabic(String number) and public static String arabicToRoman(int number) to convert roman numbers to arabic numbers and vice versa. I now wrote a unit-testing-class to test these methods. It is my first attempt to write a (real) u...

Q: SQL Group qry by codeProduct and Last(description)

FabrizioFor the ADMIN: I wrote this tread on S.O. questions/61183026, but I think that is more correct to post this tread here, if you think no, please scuse me and delete this message. Hi, I've one xls table with the stock values of goods into my warehouse, in the same file are the stock values from la...

> But, off course it not run
Q: Quickly throwing together a text-and-button-based client-server web game

OpenSauceWith much of the world in lockdown at the moment, my friends and I wanted a way to play our favourite game, Celebrity, over video chat. This seemed like a fun coding project, so I put together a little web app. The functionality it would need to provide would be the ability for everyone to put n...

This would probably fit better on codereview.stackexchange.comCorak 37 secs ago
Q: Rock Paper Scissors without arrays and if-statements, how to reduce

Caspar KleijneAs working on a little private programming challenge, I tried "Rock Paper Scissors" without arrays or if-statements. It works as intended, though, I am sure this can be done a little bit more optimized. Especially in the context of Math/Programming. What I try to achieve: Create 2 Players, one...

@ankii I'm on the 27" Late 2015, honestly it is still a beautiful machine I still have no reason to upgrade.
@Mast Yeah, Python collects the data and does the Postgres queries, then D3 graphs the results.
@DerKommissar Feel free to put it up for review.
I’m voting to close this question because copied to codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/240494/…Caspar Kleijne 32 secs ago
Q: A wrapper for (perfect forwarding + initialization)

L. F.Problem Perfect forwarding is known to be imperfect when it comes to list-initialization; I'll use std::construct_at as an example: std::vector a(3, 9); // OK: [9, 9, 9] std::construct_at(p, 3, 9); // OK: [9, 9, 9] std::vector b{3, 9}; // OK: [3, 9] std::construct_at(p, {3,...

Q: Javascript - use ternary operators or use && || operators

Michael DurrantI've realized that I can re-write const k = j % 2 === 1 ? counter[j] : 0; as const k = j % 2 === 1 && counter[j] || 0; Is there any advantage in terms of edge cases of using one over the other ? Do folks have a preference on readability? My thought is that a reasonably experienced js pr...

@Mast I've put a couple snippets in chat, but I think that's as far as this one is going lol
@DerKommissar Your call :-)
A question like this might be better suited to codereview.stackexchange.comaynber 9 secs ago
Adjusted some colors / opacities and added the ability to hide parts of it to reduce noise.
@Mast make a new file, save it as .py, type #%%. Go to next line, hit shift + enter. it should prompt for required installations
choose the one you want :)
I like to have a script file that doesn't depend on javascript for scrolling etc
Ugh, yes.
@DerKommissar even 2012 iMacs can run Catalina, so yeah no reason for nearly a decade
I haven't done the Catalina update yet...
You lot do what you want. I build a new 3700X system last fall and got my 2nd 27" monitor this weekend :-)
If anyone is looking, I can highly recommend the AOC 27P1 and Q27P1 for most purposes. You don't need 4k on a monitor.
What you are asking for is a code review and you should be asking such questions on the Code Review Stack Exchange Please delete this and ask over there. What topics can I ask about here?Rob 42 secs ago
@Mast Lol I have 2 4K Samsungs for my desktop
@DerKommissar me neither.. mainly due to adobe apps I have, and ublock origin in Safari. I might not update macOS ever on this laptop I guess. Catalina is so freaking restrictive.
@DerKommissar You have a bloody serverrack. With your set-up, I'm not surprised :-)
@ankii I'll do it someday, but it's always a process for me to reboot my mac...
@Mast You might be surprised what other cool stuff I have here lol
@Mast don't make me envy you.. I work on 1400*900 on a 13"
@DerKommissar 2 years ago perhaps, not anymore. I've seen some pretty fancy photos and heard some pretty good stories from you since.
I expect your entire basement to be filled with a wet dream of electronic goodness now.
The great thing about being multi-faceted is that you have a bunch of crap for every part of the field lol
I actually threw a lot of stuff away over the last year :(
Well something just happened
You need to lower the labels of your X-axis a bit, I think.
Yeah, maybe move the y-labels outward as well.
Monking @avazula
@Mast Monkafternoon! How's it going?
@avazula Good enough, you?
@DerKommissar If they currently have the same off-set, I'd just increase that for both, yea.
None of them had an offset, so I'm adding one.
@Mast Haha, I don't either. Python and break points don't really mix unless you've got a fancy GUI debugger
Q: Two checkboxes, one depends on the other

LukaszBielskoWhen Make public is checked, For review has to be checked automatically. I came up with following code that went for code review. I was asked to reformat with less if statements. I spend 2 hours just to make it working and have no clue how to reformat it. const [isPublic, setIsPublic] = useS...

@Mast Good to hear! weather's nice so pretty good in here too.
If you're looking for advice on how to improve working code, CodeReview may be a more appropriate forum. — Sean 45 secs ago
quarantine is making a total mess of my productivity and sleeping habits
Monking @Vogel
with nothing semi-regular to stop it my sleep cycle drifted over to america
Good, welcome to the party.
I can imagine. Luckily I can still go to work, to hold the fort. As only employee on the floor, I should be isolated just the same as at home.
Keeps me sane.
I wish I could go to uni rooms just to get out of my flat and have a place away from my distractions to focus on my thesis
@Vogel612 Hope your sleep cycle likes being in the world epicenter of the Corona Virus.
since one of the other epicenters is "just around the corner", it doesn't make that much of a difference TBH
grand-est and northern italy are less than 100 and 300 km away from my place
Western part of Germany is doing relatively well so far, I heard.
@Vogel612 The USA has more than a quarter of the known cases.
yea, mostly. There's some hotspots here and there, but overall we're holding on pretty well
Q: TicTacToe implementation in Java

Denis BurtsevRight now I'm studying Java, and as a part of understanding arrays, I've implemented a Tic-Tac-Toe game based on two-dimensional array. Any suggestions/comments are much appreciated! Source code will be below, also available in GitHub repo. Main.java package TicTacToe; import java.io.Buffere...

My sleep schedules are ruined too. And I work full time, just that it's from home.
@Peilonrayz @Mast ^^^ I think I'm done now.
possible answer invalidation by Caspar Kleijne on question by Caspar Kleijne: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/240494/revisions
@DerKommissar What's with the spikes?
Which spikes?
The spikes on the line, or the vertical lines that run from top-to-bottom?
@DerKommissar The latency spikes at 5.30 and 7 AM.
No idea, but I don't throw outliers away so it's entirely possible a single packet got lost so it spiked.
You'll notice the average was minimally affected so chances are they were one-offs.
I need to build a better statistical analysis that can adjust the max to count like the worst 5% average, and min for best 5% average or something.
But until I do that, errant spikes are relatively likely.
@DerKommissar Looks nice. Which is the average the blue?
Yeah, blue line = average.
Green = min, red = max, bars = dropped packet counts for the "Aggregate" period, thin vertical red lines = dropped packets timeline.
I think this would be better suited to Code Review. It's too broad for SO. — wjandrea 5 secs ago
Q: how to correct non accessible classes in android?

aqwAfter running my android app, I read in my emulator: ''' java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.example.my/com.example.my.MainActivity}: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Already attached at at androidx.fragment.app.FragmentController.attachHost(FragmentControlle...

@DerKommissar 5% packet loss would be quite a lot already, but 1-3% or so should keep the real strays out.
That one has nothing to do with packet loss, those aren't counted in 'max' / 'avg' / 'min' aggregates.
But if one packet takes 400ms but the rest took 40ms, then that one packet skews the max to 400ms.
Yea, so if you throw out the extreme 1% already you'd sanitize the graph already, right?
Yeah, that's what I'm getting at.
We're in agreement
The content of the question has changed, resulting in making all of the comments, and answers thus far of no value. If you need to get a review of the new function, the correct way to do that is to post a new question , perhaps on code review asking about the functionality, or problems with new function. — ryyker 56 secs ago
It's unclear what you are asking. You state that the code posted intentionally doesn't work, but aside from some missing includes and the definition of print_s, the code as given works. It looks to me like you should post this on codereview.stackexchange.com, not on stackoverflow. SO is for specific programming questions, not general 'improve my code' advice requests. — TamaMcGlinn just now
@TamaMcGlinn I think there is a completely valid question hidden behind the typos in the code, I am just waiting for OPs confirmation. Btw please dont refer broken code to codereview, code that is not compiling is definitely off-topic there — idclev 463035818 29 secs ago
@TamaMcGlinn i suppose they want to get rid of the multiple definitions of the static members. If you call code that does not compile because it is riddled with syntax errror "not broken" we have a different understanding of the meaning of "broken", in any case I am certain that if this code would be posted on codereview it would be welcomed will downvotes — idclev 463035818 18 secs ago
5 people in the queue today, great!
possible answer invalidation by daisen on question by daisen: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/240281/revisions
@Mast 6! Related, when did the UI for the Close Votes change?
Q: I have a light/dark theme toggle react component that I want to optimize

Kevin HerreraI have a dark theme toggle switch for my React component that works well, but I know the code could use some work. First I am checking to see what the users' preferences are for light/dark. Then I am setting in local storage what the user has chosen as a preference and then also checking for that...

@Graipher Some time between 1:30 and 6:30 yesterday
Questions about optimizing working code are generally better suited to the code review stack. — azurefrog 44 secs ago
@Peilonrayz That's more specific than I expected :D
I would have expected a featured Meta post, though...
I think there's one saying that they're uniforming site designs. Which this probably falls under. The profile changed a couple weeks ago. Now we've got horrendously short bubbles all over it.
thank you. I will post on code review stack. — MiSFhE 1 min ago
Q: Bellman Ford algorithm using vector

cpploverI have written this code for bellman-ford algorithm. Please review and suggest improvements: This code takes input graph as an adjacency matrix, and stores it the same way with additional info as a graph object. It then finds the shortest path to all vertices from the vertex at location [0][0] i...

Q: server client program not working they don't seem to communicate with eachother

ne neHello I am new at this and I recently made a server client program where the client sends "ping" to server and the server responds with "pong". Could you please help me correct it and understand my mistakes cause I am pretty lost. Thank you in advance for any help. The server code: #include <u...

@Mast Nothing for me to review right now, been through the queues twice today.
There's a little red dot on my queue thingy
Now I remember why I quit reviewing
Scrolling window inside scrolling window inside scrolling window and ALL the padding
This UI is straight trash
actually I think the changes are from the closing workflow revamp
Q: Can I optimize this function with just a loop (in first method)?

MiSFhEI wonder if there's a way to optimize this problem with a loop (in method findPairs) that prints out the Integer pairs so that the numbers from 1 to N and the pair of numbers have a sum less than 50 and have more than 3 common divisors. public class foo { static void findPairs(int N) { ...

@DerKommissar I often click the link to see the original quesiton.
@Vogel612 Tell them to undo it. I can't review if I can only see a half-paragraph of the question with all the sticky crap on top.
I reviewed 3 or 4.
That's all I've got.
hum ... can you screenshot it for me?
'cuz I seem to have the old review queue UI
@Vogel612 ^^^
If I click "more" (which I usually have open) it's horrendous.
looks just like usual, actually
Well usual was bad lol
This is a little wider than 1440 and just a hair shy of 900 with a taskbar, so anyone using a 1440x900 or smaller screen is...SOL.
@DerKommissar More will tell you what other users chose as close reasons.
I have the left sidebar hidden
@DerKommissar That's why I buy 17 inch laptops.
@pacmaninbw Yeah that's why I always have it open.
@pacmaninbw This is on my iMac. For...reasons...I always have Safari setup for a relatively small viewport
> We only support 1080p
My laptop defaults to 1280x720, which would be even worse.
(I have it set to 1600x900 as well.)
Like it's the only resolution around, right? Mobile users should download our non-existent app.
Yeah...don't get me started on that one.
I'm skipping most of these.
I disagree with a lot of these CV's which means I'm probably not supposed to be in there.
@DerKommissar That's what the Leave Open button is about.
Except if I disagree with that many (almost all) then it's not prudent for me to "Leave Open" through them all, because I am obviously the minority opinion.
And if I "Leave Open" through them all that used to affect how often I get "audited" (among other things).
Yeah, Janos came down on me one time for reviews I did in the First Post queue. I no longer use the first button there, if I can't vote up, comment or VTC I press skip.
Eh first posts is just fubar
@Peilonrayz Just like a lot of the first posts.
Use the codereview site to ask questions about working code. — Peter 58 secs ago
Q: Simplifying decision tree when working with map which has two keys and value as a slice

JonBCan this logic not be simplified more, the code works, but it has become too much of a spaghetti. The requirements are that there should always be one connection if possible in available state, but I need to take all the available states down and re-create them. these paths I have to cover: if ...

Q: Run dir scan as fast and efficient as possible / clean code

BenjaminKI'm not a very experience python programmer. But I want to make my code as fast and efficient as possible as well as write it clean and therefore got the advice to share it here. So I'm having the following code, which works well but isn't very fast as I have dirs bigger than 4TB and I'm executin...

Q: Tensorflow Python ML to Detect Emotion

Jack ReillyI've created an application to predict emotions. But I think the application is being over fitted. And I cannot figure out how to solve the overfitting. I'm using a small data set of 107 images spread across 6 emotions. Train.py #Adding Seed so that random initialization is consistent from nump...

Q: Compute the derivative of a function

user366312 1.11 Arranging the derivative of a function The derivative of any function f (x) at x0 can be estimated according to the following formula: Write a program that prints three columns of numbers: x, f (x) and the derivative f '(x) for some simple functions, e.g. sin (x) or arctan(x)...

@DerKommissar I think @Peilonrayz wrote a userscript for that recently that works.
@Graipher Thanks :-)
And roughly right before this comment, I suspect:
yesterday, by Mast
Did they change the VTC menu again?
There is an example project here that has been used to read a buffer well over that size, but in smaller bite segments. Look at it and see if you can use parts of it to help you understand. It is in ANSI C, compiled in GCC and CLANG without issue. — ryyker 45 secs ago
3 hours later…
Q: how to show user's logged in status in every template

nahidI am trying to add a code to my base template so that on every page of the website it displays whether the user is logged in or logged out. I already do have a log in form and it works fine. I tried to add the following code to my base template: # I have the header and navbar blocks before t...

If it works it's off-topic here. Consider posting on Code Review (after taking their tour and making sure to stay on-topic according to their rules). — Chris just now
Q: Parsing nested JSON with Haskell and Aeson

JohnBoyI'm trying to reduce nested JSON data using Haskell and Aeson without creating data/record types. The following code works, but seems ugly and unreadable. Any advice on cleaning this up would be great. Thank you import GHC.Exts import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Data.Text (Text) import Data....

Q: C++ code, testing, project structure and building

Simon S.I've been writing code for some time but never had the need (or opportunity) to write C/C++ code. Did a small project to learn some C++ and would appreciate feedback on code, testing, project structure and building. Project Layout . ├── CMakeLists.txt ├── src │   ├── personnummer.cpp │   └── pe...

Welcome to StackOverflow! If you're looking for general review and critique of a working piece of code, you may want to consider posting to CodeReview.SE instead. — Brian 48 secs ago
Q: Is my Python tkinter application properly structured?

GuilhermeI started a simple OOP GUI project with tkinter in python since I've been studying the basics for a while, but i'm not sure if my code is properly structured and following the programming conventions. I haven't finished it yet but the sooner I learn the good practices the better. My goal is to ma...

Q: querying users from table if user.id is found in another table

HadiI am using flask with sqlAlchemy to connect with a postgresql database with two tables Users table (id, name) Admissions table (id, userId) Admissions table with a foreign key (userId) connected to Users(id) I want to get Users if user.id is found in admissions userId This is what I am doing...

Q: Common Lisp code check (Code definitely works!)

KoshVorlonI finished a short Common Lisp code , it does work, I wanted to post it up and see if there would be a better way of coding this. I'm learning Common Lisp (my current Window Manger is in Common Lisp so I have plenty of incentive to learn! ) and I decided to also tackle exponential numbers as I'...

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