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RELOAD! There are 6494 unanswered questions (90.1027% answered)
@pacmaninbw Oh I wouldn't bet on that lol
I will fight anyone, anywhere lol
2 hours later…
Q: Why can't request.user see their own message inbox?

RezSo I am attempting to query and display messages between two users in an inbox. I am running into a problem where no messages are appearing for request.user's inbox. It's showing as empty when there are messages. However, when I go into an inbox for another user that my request.user has messaged ...

possible answer invalidation by teauxfu on question by teauxfu: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/240378/revisions
1 hour later…
You may want to try over at CodeReview (codereview.stackexchange.com), which is a great spot for getting tips on improving working code. — Stidgeon 9 secs ago
Q: How to update data on deck.gl with google maps?

SERGI am trying to update some deckgl ScatterplotLayer layer props like visible and radius. Here is my code params = { data: DATA, getPosition: d => { return [d.ACE_GEO_LNG, d.ACE_GEO_LAT] }, getFillColor:[2...

Q: Cannot deal with Dapper quotes

Sinan BasalanBelow highly instances of my code results that shows the matter. Hope no opposition comes the way of my expressing this matter. So overall Dapper not deal with my code string with quote. I use the string below as parameter. ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetEmployeeName] (@EE_Type varchar(40)) AS BEGIN...

As a code review thing - for pos, items in enumerate(items): in your own words, what does enumerate do? Is pos used in that loop? Thus, is there a point? Now, can you think of somewhere else in your code where enumerate would be useful? — Karl Knechtel 23 secs ago
I still think this belongs on code review or similar, but I appreciate the effort and have removed my close vote. — Mad Physicist 46 secs ago
@MadPhysicist thanks, I have a hunch there is in fact no canned method to do this in scipy or numpy and this is probably the best way. If I don't hear anything further in a few days I'll figure out a way to move this to code review. — uhoh 50 secs ago
Q: Thread safe reader-writer queue with C++11

Anand ShahBelow is my honest attempt to write thread safe queue using C++11 features. Please review it and provide your comments. #include <queue> #include <condition_variable> #include <atomic> #include <iostream> template <typename T> class ThreadSafeQueue { std::queue<T> m_queue; std::mutex m...

Q: LeetCode: Course Schedule II C#

Giladhttps://leetcode.com/problems/course-schedule-ii/ Please review for performance, please pay attention to the DFS function can this is be optimized? There are a total of n courses you have to take, labeled from 0 to n-1. Some courses may have prerequisites, for example to take course 0...

1 hour later…
@pacmaninbw The book on post-bans, but not everything is public.
I think we asked a mod once and he had to reply that he couldn't possibly comment. It's one of those things we mortals can get a good grasp on over time, but we'll never know the exact details.
Just as with serial-voting.
And yes, there was a warning for that user too.
Next, you were given an automated warning on March 14th when you tried to post question #7 on the above list. — Martijn Pieters 15 hours ago
2 hours later…
Q: General-purpose getopts utility for Bash

dimo414I've always found the boilerplate needed to use getopts correctly fairly fiddly and verbose, and was motivated to try to abstract it away. I wanted to try dynamically writing the parsed arguments into local variables accessible to the calling function, and I came up with this: main() { local _...

Q: Rust Conway's Game of Life: struct Board(Vec<Vec<Cell>>)

mb21What do you think of using struct Board(Vec<Vec<Cell>>)? It's nice that I can attach the Display trait, and just print the board. But on the flip-side, we have things that seem wrong, like: fn next_step(b: Board) -> Board { let Board(mut board) = b; // ... Board(board) } And I cou...

Q: API request, conversion from 12-hour to 24-hour format and conversion from UTC to MET time

JogiusThe script calls the sunrise-sunset API to get one of the possible values, then converts it to 24-Hour format and MET time (as the times from the API are 24-hour and UTC). At the end, it joins the list to a string and prints it. I know this isn't commented very well, but are there any significant...

You might get better answers in codereview.stackexchange.combalexandre 5 secs ago
Q: Custom allocator for improved cache locality and fast iteration in C++

Vignesh GunasekaranI am writing a custom allocator for my educational game engine project where I need to iterate through a collection of components(similar to Unity3D) every frame. There are game objects and every game object is composed of these components. Components are classes like Transform, Camera, Light, Me...

Q: Clean Code, step down rule and SRP

dudenr33I am currently reading Uncle Bob's Clean Code and wonder what would be the "cleaner" implementation of the following: Let's say I want to implement a HTTPRequest class which handles the execution of (well, obviously) http requests. This was my initial implementation: class HTTPRequest(object)...

Q: What to change to prevent double request from service worker?

ZenVentziPlease do not mark as duplicate. This is not an exact duplicate of the other similar questions here on SO. It's more specific and fully reproducible. Clone this repo. yarn && yarn dev Go to localhost:3000 and make sure under (F12)->Applications->Service workers, the service worker is installed...

You need code review for this? — Lemmy 35 secs ago
Q: std::vector implementation C++;

HBatalhaI just started studying data structures and being the std::vector the container that I most use in C++ I decide to try to implement it mimicking its behavior the best I could. While doing it, some questions came up and I ask them throughout the code in comments, I hope you can give me some light...

Q: Adding qty If duplicates keys found VBA

QuickSilverWould like to have a code review so I can improve my knowledge and expertise in VBA more specifically with Dictionaries as this is the first time I used one. For context I have duplicate data and need to consolidate creating a unique list. To achieve this I used a Dictionary concatenating 2 fiel...

Q: Async tasks cancelled when first is completed

Dorian TurbaI'm creating a simulation of combat and I want to run 2 players with different attack speed. The first to strike 6 times win the combat. This is actually a prototype in order to test different way to handle it. I made some tests, but I wonder if there is a cleaner, more effective or pythonic way...

@Mast I understand now why you wanted people in the queues. I VTC a question two days ago which is blatantly off-topic but only two reviews have happened.
If I'm around and stop reviewing for whatever reason, please give me a gentle nudge or a swift kick to get me back at it.
@Mast With Martijn's additional info. It's clear the OP was acting in bad faith and deserves the Q ban...
@Peilonrayz you got some hammers ?
also, bookmark it : codereview.stackexchange.com/review ;p
@ankii No, I'm not blue - so no hammers for me :)
gold badge gives some
Ah, gold lets you close duplicates. The thing is that duplicates are like flying pigs on this site
@ankii I've never really used bookmarks, I get lost in my tabs already; don't need another place to hide things :)
It's like a reading list for me, I click only one or two out of the 36
I put the most used one at the top so that I can hit alt+cmd+1 and reach there, right after cmd+T
Q: Some of our Spring beans are not thread safe according to the tool that controls our code's quality

user3002512At some point in our application the ConfigurationService bean is injected by using the @Autowired annotation. The ConfigurationService bean is not thread safe according to the tool that controls our code's quality. This tool recommends us to define a Constructor that initializes the values of t...

"It's like a reading list for me, " but I have a separate reading list too.
1 hour later…
Ryan Donovan on April 13, 2020
As we increase our social distancing efforts and have fewer people around us, building connections and socializing becomes ever more important for our mental health. We spend a lot of time at work and a decreasing amount of time socializing outside of it, so turning some of that work time into a social time can serve two purposes. For it to be effective, though, you can’t just push socializing initiatives alone.
@Mast, it is a poor answer but I think it can be improved with guidance. codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/240431/…
@Vogel612 I finally figured how to get it installed pacman -Ss adwaita only shows the icons... It's surprisingly a lot like my old theme. However it doesn't seem to play ball with my file manager :(
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because Stackoverflow is not a place for code review. Check out Code Review Stack Exchange for advice on making code run more efficiently/seeking for a 'better way' to do things. — Rafa Guillermo 16 secs ago
hmm... I'm not using a file manager most of the time, so I won't be able to help you there, sorry
Anyone here getting masterful with PyCharm?
Haha, same. Strange since in Windows File Explorer is one of my most used programs.
@DerKommissar The pro version was great
Yeah I use it.
I am wondering if I can do a thing in it though
Mostly (S)FTP files across my LAN when I hit "run", but I'm not sure if that's possible.
Hmm apparently you can
Their run profiles were the most overengineered things I've ever seen, I would guess you can. But I can't help there. I mostly only used the default venv.
Well, sorta
Why is Python 3.5.3 the latest version in aptitude....UGH
@Peilonrayz Found it, Settings / Preferences -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Deployment
It's not a run profile, but it should work.
Ok so Deployment is the best thing ever
You can setup multiple deployment targets (I did) to different servers and different paths that run at the same time, so that your files stay synced between 2+.
I modified the default settings, and it works great
@DerKommissar cuz ubutu canonical repos are legacy by design?
Yeah, I suppose...
@DerKommissar it's a bit of a mess for version control
I'm using Debian so it's further out of date.
@Vogel612 This isn't in SC, yet.
Q: Extending react hook useState for use in event handlers

maaartinusI use React with material-ui.com and I love them both, but I'm tired with writing the boilerplate handlers like onChange={(e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => setEmail(e.currentTarget.value)} again and again. Especially when stopPropagation si needed (AFAICT it's always either needed or...

@DerKommissar I don't know why you'd want that. But since you do that sounds pretty cool
Well I have several development servers here at my house, and I'm building this to be a cluster able app, it lets me deploy the app to all the appropriate servers in a single deployment so I can test the clustering.
Ah, yeah that makes sense now
Perfect? No. But it works. That's good enough for now :)
> Me: _turns PS4 on_
> Me: _presses "play" on GT Sport_
> Power: _goes out for ~2 seconds_
Q: A Dynamic stack implementation in C

Isho AntarI've been studying C for a while, as a programmer coming from a C++ background, i'm used to the standard library, STL, ...etc. and i quickly realized that i need some kind of a containers library/data structure implementations in C. so an an exercise decided to write one! i also intend to use it ...

Q: Find words from dictionary method

Dan CantirI've implemented a method to solve the following problem: Given a dictionary and a text string, find all words from the dictionary that are present in the text. One important point is that if the string is in double quotes, I should treat it a "single" value. If no matches found, the me...

I’m voting to close this question because questions about code optimization belong on codereview.stackexchange.comAhmed Abdelhameed 31 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by Ron C on question by Ron C: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/155613/revisions
@Peilonrayz It has been getting worse for weeks.
@ankii That's useful on SO, but rarely on CR :-)
@pacmaninbw It has been edited, looks ok now.
Initially it would've been better as a comment.
@Mast Yes, but there were ways to improve it.
@Mast Those of us that are here are trying to do our parts. I go through the queues at least twice a day.
@pacmaninbw Not by anyone else but the OP of the author. It was a single line with an off-the-cuff remark. That's a comment, not an answer.
Did they change the VTC menu again?
It's even worse than it was.
@Mast Oh god, they have
Q: std::vector implementation C++

HBatalhaI just started studying data structures and being the std::vector the container that I most use in C++ I decide to try to implement it mimicking its behavior the best I could. #ifndef VECTOR_H_INCLUDED #define VECTOR_H_INCLUDED template<typename T> class Vector { T* values; size_t v_si...

And I'm glad some people are stepping up their reviewing. We had 4 reviewers in the queue today, we need 5. It has been 1-2 a day at times.
Which means those that are monitoring the queues sometimes get presented with tons of questions which in the end don't get closed.
It'd be cool if they'd change us to 3 VTC like SO
Questions asked a week ago, VTC'd a week ago, close vote invalidated.
@Peilonrayz If this gets any worse, or if the situation doesn't improve, we'll have to ask to get that implemented indeed.
Q: How do I create a sub-lists of n numbers from a list provided by user in python

Aspirant_peregrineSo here is what my output looks like: """" Enter a list of items you want to add to the list: a b c d Enter the number of sub-lists: 2 [['a', 'b'], ['b', 'c'], ['c', 'd']] """" I also want to make sure that when we have singleton set, it should not be included in the output. This is what I ha...

SO lately has been overwhelmed with these online quiz questions. If anything, this question belongs on CodeReviewPaulMcKenzie just now
@Mast I don't think you can see the history, but after you commented on the answer, I left a comment saying what was wrong with it. The poster changed it and let me know through a comment. Who ever is moderating today deleted all of the comments.
@pacmaninbw They were obsolete so I flagged them
@Peilonrayz That is what I would do as well.
@Mast Duplicate question almost doesn't apply on code review. The only time I've used it is when the same user asked the same question a second time after their question had been closed.
Please take the tour and read about what's on-topic in the help center. This might be better suited to Code Review, but make sure to take their tour and read about what's on-topic in their help center before posting. — Chris 17 secs ago
@Mast Wish you had put this statement and the following statement on one line so I could star them together.
possible answer invalidation by Ahmed Emad on question by Blasco: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/239289/revisions
There are good existing answers on SO/Code review by at least '@SIM and '@alecxe. Can't remember if python and/or vba. Easy enough to see logic and use as a template. — QHarr 13 secs ago
Q: Are high-level design questions that do not [need to] contain code appropriate?

KBriggsI have a question about best practices for code design that I want answered before I start writing code. I wrote up my question, which seems reasonable, but I am not allowed to post it because of the 3 lines of code requirement. Fair enough. Are questions of this type appropriate to this forum? ...

possible answer invalidation by HBatalha on question by HBatalha: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/240457/revisions
If you have a suitable method (ie. one that you know of, and like) for C++ checking of the type you desire, I would consider just implementing in CUDA C++ as well (or describe it here or on code review to get some feedback). I — Robert Crovella 16 secs ago
Your code works! That is good, one change you could make is you don't need to call str over f.name as it is already a string. You might be able to speed things up using multiprocessing. You should consider posting this on code reviewAlex 50 secs ago
1 hour later…
Q: Parsing multiple values from a string within a column to new columns

user222042I created a dataframe column called LogEntry which extracts all the log entries from a text file that I'm interested in (using str.contains). I am completely stuck on finding the best method (or any method) for parsing values from LogEntry lines to new columns such as: position_nm, target_nm, p...

Q: Fibonacci iterator

Matias CiceroI've implemented the following Fibonacci iterator: lib.rs // lib.rs // num-traits = 0.2.11 extern crate num_traits; use num_traits::PrimInt; pub struct Fibonacci<T> { curr: T, next: T, } impl<T> Fibonacci<T> where T: PrimInt { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { curr: T::zero(...

Q: Is there any way to convert the string back to previous one?

nidhi bhatnagarThe Question Description: You write all your passwords in a diary so that you don't forget them. But clearly, this is too risky, so you came up with a simple plan, you will simply write it by shifting all the alphabets by a certain step. For eg: if you decide your step to be 3, then 'a' will bec...

Q: Mail Crypt Library for encrypted email

Joe Smith(Last Post) Mail Crypt CLI encrypted email wrapper for Gmail I've spent the past few days re-writing the logic of my program as a library to improve the structure and readability of my code. The idea behind MailCrypt is for it to be a python based client/library that allows you to locally encryp...

Please take the tour and read about what's on-topic in the help center. We're not here for code review. Code Review might be a better place to post, but please make sure to post text, not images. — Chris 52 secs ago
I see code review may be a better place, i ll swap it over to that place — Ogorf 38 secs ago
user image
@Mast @Peilonrayzl (and @Phrancis) ^^^^ my Python came together nicely.
@DerKommissar Don't know what it is but that looks pretty cool. You using d3 for the graph?
Yeah, d3 V5
The lines are the latency of my internet connection in ms, the bars are dropped packets.
The little red dots are the actual packets dropped.
So the bar is an aggregate.
Damn that's pretty cool
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