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RELOAD! There are 6396 unanswered questions (90.0645% answered)
Q: Loop through group and difference lags

AmstellI have time series data (t) that I want to loop through each t and take the difference of the previous five lags. This code works, but seems overkill. I'm not sure how to increase the performance and efficiency of the code. Sample data import pandas as pd import numpy.random as nr dat = pd...

possible answer invalidation by Risho on question by Risho: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/236451/revisions
An improvement would be using .closest() and than back up the DOM tree using .find(). Your suggestion is brittle and error prone as soon a HTML sibling is added or more nesting inserted. Looks more like a comment, or an answer better suited for sites like Code Review. — Roko C. Buljan 56 secs ago
Q: Bash code to install bootstrap in a Ruby on Rails repository

american-ninja-warriorWrote some code to install bootstrap (latest) in a newly created rails application. update: fixed a typo yarn add bootstrap jquery popper.js expose-loader yarn install --check-files perl -pi.bak -e "s/extract_css: false/extract_css: true/" config/webpacker.yml s1=$'\n\nimport "bootstrap/dist/js...

1 hour later…
If you have working code that you're just trying to get help improving, you should ask on Code Review instead - that's exactly the reason it was created. This site is for questions about code you can't get working. — Ken White 24 secs ago
Q: recursive function best practices

Maths noobLet's take the famous fibonacci problem as an example but this is a generic problem. Also, taking scala as the language as it's rahter feature-rich. I want to know which solution you'd prefer. we all know that the following implementation is evil as it's not stack-safe: //bad! def NaiveFib(n: ...

@KenWhite: Not actually. I also recently was made aware of it. It is on topic for both sites. :) You may want to see Please stop redirecting performance problems to Code Review and Performance question - Stack Overflow or Code Review? and Guidance on migrating questions to Code ReviewSiddharth Rout 55 secs ago
@SiddharthRout: The policy is extremely unclear. Based on the second link you posted, there appears to be absoltely no reason for Code Review to exist at all, as nothing that is relevant to ask there is off-topic here. It would appear that SO should adopt a clear set of guidelines and enforce them, instead of the vacillating back and forth about what should/shouldn't/might be/maybe should/who knows that is in place now. It's difficult enough now to do anything right here, and conflicting or confusing guidance from moderators and staff doesn't help. — Ken White 45 secs ago
2 hours later…
If you have working code you should post it to CodeReview.stackexchange.com. But only if it works. — Torben 56 secs ago
Q: Me and wife came up this iterative post order traversal routine

Curious ProgrammerI wanted to get feedback on the correctness and efficiency of this post order traversal routine that both me and my wife find really easy to grasp. def postOrderTraversal(root: TreeNode): curr = root stack = [] while stack or curr: if curr is None: if stack[-1].right is None or ...

Q: need help in looping guessing game

JV MontoyaI'm doing a project of mine and I have trouble looping the trials. It should be when you guessed the number right it will display the number of tries and the program will loop again to the start. Can someone help me. I'm just a newbie in java so please understand. Here's my code: import java.ut...

2 hours later…
You can test if it's correct by writing a test case yourself. Other than that, the question is unfortunately a bad fit for StackOverflow, since it does not ask about a programming problem (yet). It might be well-received over at Code Review, though. — phipsgabler just now
Q: Plotting plane surfaces in Julia

Davide PapapiccoVery simple, yet stressfull task to perform for me apparently; I have two planes defined by the following set of \$3-\$dimensional points \$ L_1=\{(x,y,z)\in\mathbb{R}^3\;\text{s.t.}\;x-y+2z=3\} \$ and \$ L_2=\{(x, y, z)\;\text{s.t.}\; 10z-y=12\} \$ I want to plot them to show that they inter...

You might want to ask that at codereview.stackexchange.com if there is no error it is off topic here. Also if you original question here is answered please mark it as solved. — Pᴇʜ 40 secs ago
Q: Enhance and Shrink Preg_match lines

sammaxI made a preg_match to get my results and it works fine but I think it can be done with simple lines instead of repeating the code $input = ('http://example.com/blue-bloods-s10e13-more-text/','http://example.com/charmed-2018-s02e11-more-text/','http://example.com/dynasty-2017-s03e11-more-text/',...

Q: Which one is the best Scala aproach to translate from Try to Either?

angelcerveraI want to parse a String to a Case class. The valid format is {int}_{int} I don't like to use Try as the return type for a function. Why? The main reason for this is that I try to avoid to use native Java classes and especially Throwable. Exceptions are for exceptional cases. :) I usually u...

Q: Double pendulum animation with tkinter

Flewer47Here is my first project : I have made a double pendulum animation with tkinter on Python. Can you give me some feedback on what can be improved ? Thanks ! Code : # General imports import tkinter as tk import random import math as m # Parameters G = 9.81 class Pendulum(): def __init__(s...

Q: Do I need still to be concerned about favouring str_replace over preg_replace in PHP 7?

RouninI am less familiar with the evolution of PHP than with that of javascript, css etc. so when I see (long-stated, albeit from the late 2000s and early 2010s) recommendations like: Avoid preg_replace unless you need to use it and always use str_replace instead, which is an order of magnitude f...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because is asking for code review and the OP is not even sure if there is a problem with it. — karlphillip 50 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it's asking for Code Review. — karlphillip 30 secs ago
Q: I am trying to write basic MVC program to change the background of a div element and what are the things that I am doing wrong?

Amit kumar PanditI am for the first time trying to write a basic javascript mvc pattern but I am quite confused about what mistakes I might be making in the code which I have written? It is basically a simple program to change the background of the div element on click event. Also, how can I understand the MVC i...

If you run it you will see that it's correct. If you don't have any specific problems with the code and just want someone to review it codereview.stackexchange.com might be a better place to ask :) — churill 53 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by Hugo on question by Hugo: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/236222/revisions
One-liner using itertools.groupby: list(list(b) for a, b in itertools.groupby([4, 4, 1, 6, 6, 6, 1, 1, 1, 1])). Also, if your code works, your question may better suit Code ReviewForceBru 40 secs ago
4 hours later…
@OliverSchönrock For multiple reasons many previous regulars asking&answering activity has declined significantly recently (myself included). The users you call gatekeepers probably once used to be the ones that were providing most of the answers on this site. I have always tried to encourage others to post good comments when doing moderation-work, sadly it's hard to force people to keep posting good and friendly comments. There's a lot of things I want to have said here, but chat is probably better. Please join me in The 2nd MonitorSimon Forsberg 27 secs ago
1 hour later…
Would appreciate if someone could help me understand what this comment is trying to communicate, in the context of the post it's on.....
Most of moderators are narcissistic. — Billal Begueradj 10 hours ago
Hard for me to respond to it, or decide whether I should even respond, if I don't know what it's trying to say....
@rolfl Highly unclear. Inclined to respond with "Care to elaborate?"
Good to see you btw, @rolfl
In other news, Factorio 0.18 was released recently
In other news, I updated my mods today for compatibility to support Factorio 0.18
Yeah, I upgraded my most recent mega-base using it. Hoping the advertised performance-improvements will bump up my FPS.
Too many modules had not been upgraded to work (yours had, IIRC, so thanks).
In other news, I barely even play Factorio these days.
@rolfl I just updated them about an hour or so ago...?
Although the only changes I did was to mark them as using Factorio 0.18, nothing seemed to have broken (fingers crossed)
Well, I had 20 or so modules, and some of th emore critical ones I use were not upgraded (like Power Armour MK4) .... so I lost all my "Mechanical walkers", and extra inventory, so I spewed all my inventory all over the floor when the game loaded. The advanced radars all disappeared, so the map went dark, and my Super-charged power poles disappeared as well, so the electrical grid was broken everywhere.
I figured I woud wait a couple more weeks before trying again.
Yeah, probably only a matter of time before those other mods are fixed
I don't remember getting a notification that your module was disabled... but really, I did not get far enough in to check, or care.
Although updating the mods is a bit of a pain, as it involves renaming the entire directory and stuff... I'm glad I built a Jenkins pipeline for releasing new Factorio mods.
The base is "awesome" though.... 1.5 Rockets per minute, running 20GW nuclear electrical.
We should start up a game.... you're not asleep yet, right? Got time?
@rolfl What kind of game should we start? Regular vanilla one, or modded?
Modded with some convenience mods - squeak through, and warehousing? For big bases I like LTN , but that's optional, and can be added later.
Your mods can be added when we get heavy on far-away networks?
The timezones will be the problem.... Probably not going to be able to organize useful blocks of time with any regularity.
@rolfl I'd definitely want Visual Signals and What is Missing. Preferably also Lamp Placer although that's not needed until later.
@rolfl Yeah I'd also have that problem.
Decided that I am not a moderator, so don't have to be as polite as I normally would, and also I just thought I would play with him, if he notices....
Comments that have generally inflammatory meanings, while not targeting anyone in particular, are just people tying to get a rise out of a situation. without committing to any particular perspective, so they can later deny it. Also, some people consider it to be cowardly. ;-) — rolfl 1 min ago
Heck, let's do this.... discord?
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it should be moved to code Review — EEM 40 secs ago
@rolfl Zomis#7085
On my way, will need a few minutes to get my stuff together, on a differnt PC, not wmy work laptop.
In other news, I just added a new mod that I definitely don't want to play with: mods.factorio.com/mod/no-loot-at-all
@rolfl Oh, and Helmod and FNEI are also good to have.
@rolfl I think the cowardly part covered it.
@rolfl That sounds pretty disastrous
Q: Console Commands with dependency injection (C#)

Gabrielle XSo I'm writing a big server and I've made a simple start on console commands. I'm not sure if the way I'm doing it in is correct so I'd like to have it reviewed. I have a class called ServiceCollectionExtensions where extension methods are defined that can be used on ServiceCollection. In there ...

2 hours later…
For code reviews, please post your code at CodeReview. — Turing85 48 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs to CodeReviewTuring85 20 secs ago
@Turing85: challenge all you want, but I still posit that as written, the question does not belong on CodeReview, since they OP is asking about malfunctioning code. They can edit the original question or re-write it, but the result will be the same -- the question belongs here but needs to be improved. — Hovercraft Full Of Eels 39 secs ago
@HovercraftFullOfEels I challgened your second comment, not the first =) if the code is buggy (I did not care to check since it's off-topic for SO), then yes it is absolutely off-topic for CodeReview =) — Turing85 27 secs ago
1 hour later…
Nice story! But is there a question? If you are looking for code review, you can ask it on codereview.stackexchange.comkarlphillip 46 secs ago

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