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RELOAD! There are 6292 unanswered questions (90.0556% answered)
Q: I would like to add the outcome of a random number generator to a list using c#

Liamrochie01I want to add the 10 random numbers created by this code to a list but how can i do this if i don't know the values of these numbers? Random x = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { double y = x.next(1, 100); } list<int> nums = new list<double> (); nums.add ????

Q: Cache implementation in Rust

skittishI've started learning Rust recently using the Rust book. In one of the chapters, the authors encourage the reader to experiment with closures, and try to create a generic cache implementation. I've managed to get it working as below. However, it irks me that I need to add Clone trait on the inp...

Q: General matrix class

George WillcoxI have written a matrix class using python, allowing me to perform a variety of operations on matrices. I'm pretty happy with how it performs, and everything works fine. However, I feel like the way I've handled the initialiser could be much improved. I wasn't sure how to handle different possib...

Well, I respectfully suggest that you are wrong. The non-robustness of this solution is probably one of the most well-known things about the language. Sorry but there it is. It simply should pass code review in any code written since 1998. Please remember that you are teaching. — Lightness Races with Monica 57 secs ago
1 hour later…
If you want someone to review your code, you should post it on codereview.stackexchange.com, not here. — Andreas 40 secs ago
@Andreas: Codereview is for code that works. The OP's code doesn't work. — Stephen C 13 secs ago
Welcome to SO! Post your question at Code Review as your codes works but you need some improving. — David García Bodego 32 secs ago
1 hour later…
Q: fasm convert hex byte to binary string

the_endianThis fasm x64 (Linux) code seems very crude and repetitive, but it gets the job done. How could I perform this task in a more idiomatic manner? format ELF64 executable 3 segment readable executable entry $ prompt_user: mov edx,prompt_len lea rsi,[prompt] ;<------ String mov edi,1 ; ST...

2 hours later…
I sounds to me like a good question for codereview.stackexchange.com. — Ole V.V. 56 secs ago
1 hour later…
Q: Given two dataframes, perform membership check for all elements in both dataframes

Shirish KulhariI have two dataframes: df: c1 c2 0 'a' 'b' 1 'a' 'c' 2 'c' 'd' df2: c1 c2 0 {'a'} {'e'} 1 {'c','d'} {'c','e'} 2 {'a','c'} {'d','e'} 3 {'e','a'} {'b'} Now I want to check for each column (df and df2 have the same columns), each row of df and each row of df2 wh...

3 hours later…
Q: Handling view state for cardview

Prashant TukadiyaI have two buttons 1) Chat button 2) Annotation Button On tap each view comes from bottom and when tap outside view hidden back (Please refer the screen shot) On tap On annotation On tap on Chat To Handle This I have created following classes //Annotaion Card struct CardInfo {...

possible answer invalidation by Naveen Dookia on question by Naveen Dookia: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/233123/revisions
@Duga Rolled back. Would've become a mess otherwise.
1 hour later…
1) See also the File Browser GUI. 2) "EXACTLY LIKE Windows" My condolences to the *nix and OS X users. I'm guessing they'd want a .. different type of look. — Andrew Thompson 11 secs ago
You probably want to post this on codereview.stackexchange.com This site is more for specific questions to specific problems. Also, this is pure C, not C++. — n314159 25 secs ago
Q: (while) 1 is wrong? What is the problem of my code?

Isaac YIU Math StudioRecently, I have made a python (using python 3.7.4) program about a guessing number game. from random import randint from math import log2 def ran_genr(x): x.split("-") return randint(int(x[0]),int(x[1])) def least_gtime(x): x.split("-") return int(log2(int(x[1])-int(x[0])+1)+1 ...

Q: Dice game with rules and three dice

spaghetI'm trying to make a dice game with three dice and with rules. It costs 10 credits to roll the dice. If you get 6 6 6 you win 90 credits. If you get 5 5 5, 4 4 4, 3 3 3, 2 2 2, 1 1 1, you win 40 credits. If two of the dics have the same number you win 0 credits (because it costs 10 to roll). ...

1 hour later…
If your code works but you are looking for possible improvements then your question is better suited on codereview.stackexchange.comPshemo 56 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by spaghet on question by spaghet: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/233194/revisions
@Duga cc @pacmaninbw ^ that edit adds the missing brace. I assume that OP is compiling with c++ options and just doesn't know there's a significant difference between [c] and [c++]
@Vogel612 Without including stdio.h where will printf come from?
not my area of expertise, tbh...
I doubt that the code doesn't compile for them though.
I wrote C compilers for 5 years, I'm kinda strict on it.
@Vogel612 So you want me to remove my comments and my VTC?
I already removed the comment under the question, actually.
I don't care about the VTC if you still consider it broken :)
@Vogel612 And someone changed it from C to C++.
Q: Android Java ogame alarm

PeroPericCould anyone review my java code for android app on github, what could I do better? I want to improve my coding ability so it will be really helpful if someone pointed mistakes and suggestions what could have been done to have more efficient and cleaner code protected void onCreate(Bundle s...

@pacmaninbw Yea, not sure why. There's nothing in that code that would make it C++ specific, would it?
Q: Is there a elegant way to parse string in code below using streams or other way?

tech_quesI have a HashMap and I want to convert data in it to a Response object. Is it possible to achieve the code below that parses the string in a better and optimized and cleaner way? May be using streams? class Converter{ public static void main(String[] args) { Map<String, Long> map = ne...

Re, "how can i make it in a better way?" Please note, this site is meant for questions about code that doesn't work the way you thought it would work, or code that won't compile for reasons that you don't understand. Questions about style or efficiency or "best practices" might be better received on codereview.stackexchange.com . — Solomon Slow 46 secs ago
@Mast The header iostream is C++ specific
iostream won't compile in C
@pacmaninbw Oh, right, C has stdio
I haven't touched either in a while.
Q: Strictly typed dynamic proxy to call dynamic object

Dmitry NoginGitHub and NuGet I would like to use ExpandoObject derived types to execute REST API/NodeJS module calls. It would also help to capture API shape in a strictly typed manner, so here comes an interface proxy which hides low level machinery allowing to do tricks like this: [TestMethod] public vo...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is about improving working code, may be suited for codereview.stackexchange.com . — luk2302 1 min ago
possible answer invalidation by Oliver Schonrock on question by Oliver Schonrock: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/233177/revisions
Q: crossword using tkinter without classes and objects

DeathstalkerFor my python project, I wanted to make a crossword game GUI with sql connectivity to display high scores so I tried to learn tkinter the only difficulty was that I cannot use classes or objects as they are not taught at my school yet. Still I managed to make a highly inefficient and ugly looking...

@Duga sigh
Not exactly sure what's going on there, but that's the kind of things you get when you don't guide people into proper questions.
Asking for feedback on existing working code is more suited to codereview.stackexchange.com — Raymond Chen 1 min ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is a request for general code review. Question is probably more suitable for Code Review but please check their help before posting to ensure the question meets their criteria (in particular the code must compile and work). — kaylum 5 secs ago
2 hours later…
Q: Window functions in SQL server 2008 R2

Alfred BeitI've got a table that contains summary of daily index trading. Each index has got a string name (column "index_code"), a daily value as a numeric (column "value") and a date (column "date"). Other columns contain more information, but for the purpose of this question we'll ignore it. My task is...

Q: Prime Number Table, i.e. List<int>

Rick DavinI have written many variations of the Sieve of Eratosthenses, which is the fastest way to generate a large collection of primes. If you later want to query the gathered primes by count or at a specific index, the performance of the sieve is lacking compared to a list. So I thought, why not make ...

Q: Memory game implementing arrays and functions

OllivanderSo we've just finished covering arrays and here is my final project in my first CS course where we were tasked with creating a game of memory. We were to do this by having two "decks" of cards with values 1-10, randomly inserted into each deck. The values of these two decks needed to be stored in...

possible answer invalidation by Russell356 on question by Russell356: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/233147/revisions

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