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RELOAD! There are 6292 unanswered questions (90.0500% answered)
Best way? Make an attempt and put it on Code Review and they might optimize it for you. — KnowNoTrend 22 secs ago
Q: Add two inputs in base and return result in array

RikaThe input of the method is two inputs in base: each input is given as array of its digits in that base. The method should add the inputs and put the result in outDigits (if there is an overflow, keep only the least significant digits). I cannot call other function (even Math.pow)...

3 hours later…
Q: Project Euler Problem 54: Poker Hands

J. DoeI was working on problem 54 of project euler, poker hands, for the past 45 minutes or so and I finished my program but I get the result wrong even though I checked all my code. Please help me understand what I am doing wrong. Here is the code: import time start = time.time() def makeNice(l): ...

Are there speed issues in your current code? 1. codereview.stackexchange.com/tour is more suitable for this type of task. 2. This is not our code. — KnowNoTrend 33 secs ago
1 hour later…
Code Review is the SE site dedicated to code review, but make sure to read its rules – posting a GitHub link and asking for any tips is too open-ended. — Ry- ♦ 15 secs ago
1 hour later…
Q: Code in having Optimized AWS Lamda purpose

user1510139As we are executing the below code as an AWS lambda function , looking for an optimized code with faster execution time we are looking for an optimized code of writing csv to parquet with the max size of 64 MB chunks import pandas as pd import uuid import boto3 s3 = boto3.client('s3') out_path...

2 hours later…
Q: Direct Mapped Cache simulation in C

din96b18This is my attempt to build a simple simulation of a direct mapped cache, I'm new to C and trying to learn some low level concepts. I had some difficulties with the design, because I'm used to program in a object oriented style. #include <stdio.h> int create_mask(int num_of_bits, int pos) { ...

What is gData? What is shape? What is xThis? Provide us with all the information we need or we can't give you any answers (like what kind of data we're dealing with here and how much data we're talking about) Also, Stack Overflow is not the place to ask questions about working code improvements. There's Code Review for that. — icecub 51 secs ago
HI, I think this is the wrong place for your question. It's more a code-review related question. Here we ask to some specific topics that could be helpful also to others. Try here: codereview.stackexchange.comlviggiani 32 secs ago
Q: SQL - Querying all records from one table, add column from another with foreign key constraint

AlexApologies for the cryptic title, I don't quite know how to title this question. I'm asking here rather than StackOverflow since I've got a working query, I'm just wondering if it can be improved. Anyway, I've got three tables, administration, mapping and used_mappings. Administration holds detai...

This would be a question for CodeReviewtrincot 49 secs ago
Q: TrainSet Practice Problem from CodeChef - Wrong answer(But for Test cases works fine)

shaik moeedA dataset consisting of N items. Each item is a pair of a word and a boolean denoting whether the given word is a spam word or not. There shouldn't be a word included in the training set that's marked both as spam and not-spam. For example item {"fck", 1}, and item {"fck, 0"} can't be present in...

Q: Program Java should be able to calculate the cost of carpet and fitting but struggling

lindsay...These methods should be private. So I need to write a method calculateCarpetCost() that takes two int arguments representing the width and length in metres of the carpet to be purchased and returns the cost of the carpet as a double. It should first calculate the area of the carpet than multip...

possible answer invalidation by shaik moeed on question by shaik moeed: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/233108/revisions
possible answer invalidation by shaik moeed on question by shaik moeed: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/233108/revisions
Oh boy, that question should've been closed. It's unsalvageable.
@CaptainObvious @Vogel612 Feel free to close that before it becomes even more of a mess.
question got an edit which probably fixed the code, so I reopened that
Q: down and out barrier options CK6

sarah hogan adasd fkajsdkad ajdhaksdhakd asdaskdjh aksjdhkasddeffas akajshdkajsdkajsdhkajsdsfdhfiweufhiauf Monte Carlo for European delta import numpy as num import math Step 1. Define parameters S = 50.; # Current asset value h = 0.1; # Size of perturbati...

Q: Uploading files securely with php - OOP

Mantykora 7I wrote code to upload multiple(2) files. 1.Check if this is image: mime/extension/getimagesize. 2.Remove execute file permissions from the file(chmod). Is this script secure? What can go wrong? Class photograph class Photograph extends DatabaseObject { protected static $table_name = "ph...

try asking on codereview.stackexchange.com — Tom 32 secs ago
@CaptainObvious Wat
@Vogel612 Thank you.
Q: Webpack config - how to figure out if it is good or not?

GutelaunetypI have the following webpack config: const path = require('path'); const webpack = require('webpack'); // https://github.com/johnagan/clean-webpack-plugin const CleanWebpackPlugin = require('clean-webpack-plugin'); // https://github.com/webpack-contrib/mini-css-extract-plugin const MiniCss...

Q: Python. How to count words in text?

no_named_nobodyI am begginer in Python. I am trying to create easy function to compute words in any text. I create this code, but its only working for one word. And I dont know, how to solve it. def compute_word_frequencies(name): dict = {} f = open (name, 'r', encoding = 'utf-8') count = 1 ...

Q: Initiate property inside python class

IntToTheI'm trying to initiate a property inside a class but it doesn't seem to work. The class should use another class. this is the code I've made: Book.py: from Paragraph import Paragraph as Paragraph '''definitions''' class Book: def __init__(self, book): self._paragraphs = book ...

Q: Ternary Expression To Binary Tree

ShadThis is my tried version in C# for this question- TernaryExpression To Binary class Node { public char data { get; set; } public Node leftChild { get; set; } public Node rightChild { get; set; } public Node(char data) { this.data = data; this.leftChild = nu...

Is it normal for spam type questions to be asked on American Holidays?
Q: How do i reference a tkinter combobox dropdown list from an sqlite db - Python 3.x

JohnbullAll, please I need a quick help on this: I'm trying to populate a combobox dropdown with values from an sqlite database. Here conn = sqlite3.connect('ghhjjklll') c=conn.cursor() listv = StringVar() self.list = ttk.Combobox(master, textvariable = listv) self.list['value'] = c.execute('SELE...

You might want to see if your question would fit better at codereview.stackexchange.comADyson 20 secs ago
Generally Code Review is the better place to ask about improving working code. Either way, please provide some sample input. — wjandrea 26 secs ago
Q: My code for HackerRank Problem "Quee's attack II" runs slower than a similar looking code

Naveen DookiaI am new to python and coding in general and I recently found HackerRank. I have been mostly doing easy problems until now. Today, I saw the problem "Queen's Attack II" (https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/queens-attack-2/problem), wrote my code, and it didn't execute in time for some of the te...

Q: I would like some feedback on this small quincunx "game" I created

Daedric_Man_guyQuincunx is that little game where you drop a ball or disk down rows of nails in a pyramid formation until they land in a slot. This was a project for my class in Java, but its already been submitted, I am just looking for personal feedback since the professor does not give any feedback on these ...

Q: Re-write JavaScript code but in Object Oriented Programming

GobiI started Javascript 2 weeks ago but i just heard about OOP, i was already working on a project for fun, but now i wanna re write the same code but in OOP, i watched a lot of tutorials, i kinda understand it but i dont really understand how i can translate it in more "practical code" how can i do...

I kinda think this question might have a better home on codereview.stackexchange.com - you could check out their topic rules — ADyson 1 min ago
Q: how to remove backwordslash(\) in json object

user214067//how to remove "/" in below scheduler json array .i am new to the java please help me [ { "eventName": "xyz", "description": "asdfgg", "store": "eeee", "ticketPrice": 56.00, "duration": 34, "startDate": "1991-03-12", "endDate": "1991-03-1...

1 hour later…
@pacmaninbw Why not?
questions about reviewing your code belong over at codereview.stackexchange.comChris Doyle 47 secs ago
A lot of crap today.
Q: Playing with operator<=> (operator spaceship) in c++

davidbearI have been trying to get a better handle on the operator<=>, so I wrote two different string wrappers. The Strong_String wrapper uses std::strong_ordering to allow the std::sort function to sort words like a dictionary sorts words (i.e. a capitalized word occurs before the lowercase word, but no...

3 hours later…
Could you at least provide some imaginary (Java) code! Since this is rather a design-question I would see it better posted in (codereview.stackexchange.com) — hc_dev 45 secs ago
Q: Is this stratgy pattern application legit?

autistik1I need to give the user the possibility to use the list in 2 ways : - the list must be sorted by a paramter1 and the insertion can only be made on top of the lsit - the list must be sorted by a paramter2 and the insertion can only be made in a position to compute Now I thought this was the case t...

You are asking for code review and debugging without any access to the data. Voting to close for that reason. — 42- 42 secs ago
1 hour later…
You'd have to time this exact case to know for sure, but I wouldn't worry about it unless you were finding that test was becoming a bottleneck. And a review of how Pythonic is is would be beyond here. Once you can get the code to work though in your own testing, it can be posted on Code Review as a review request. — Carcigenicate 41 secs ago

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