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possible answer invalidation by DBJDBJ on question by DBJDBJ: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/214485/revisions
RELOAD! There are 5883 unanswered questions (89.8857% answered)
How is this off topic? I posted my question in stackexchange code review and it was flagged as off topic. I was told be a user in stackexchange that I should post it here in stack overflow. Now that same user has flagged it as off topic here in overstack. — phpccc 1 min ago
@Duga reminds me of this gem from yesterday
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ It doesnt make sense to ask a question about something which already works. — emcor yesterday
~[obligatory drawing of Jackie Chan looking confused and frustrated]
@Vogel612 Awesome. I need to review more when I get some time again...
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ The red dot went away for me...so there's that.
@Duga should we leave it up to Toby to decide, since he/she was requesting updates/fixes via comments...?
TTQW; ¡gniknoM
I think this should go to code review — Michael Randall 29 secs ago
1 hour later…
Q: Looking t speed up this Laravel Seeder

Kyle AdamsI don't proclaim to be the best developer, but I am always looking for new ways to learn how to improve my code. I have never posted on this stack section before so please be gentle. consider the following code: <?php use Illuminate\Database\Seeder; use App\Modules\Locations\Services\CreateMa...

Q: Simplify my sed to fix a messy nginx.conf

mar627I have a few servers to fix that repeatedly get their nginx.conf file messed up due to a rogue deploy script. These are the three sed commands I'm using to fix at present: sed -i '' 's/^\([[:blank:]]*\)#\([[:blank:]]*\)server_names_hash_bucket_size/\1server_names_hash_bucket_size/g' nginx.conf ...

Q: NodeJs Crawler - How can I make it more scalable and maintainable

Just4lolHere is my try on a crawler made in nodeJs with cheerio, I made it with the idea in mind to use it in a future project I wanna make. Here is the git link: https://github.com/Just4lol/CookCrawler If you look at the index.js you will see how to use it; const cookCrawler = require('./cookCrawler.j...

You have to post code here itself. Not images. It's imposible to check images of codes. As well this question seems to be posted on code review site of stack exchange not here — Alive to Die 34 secs ago
I think you should post this on codereview instead. — cglacet 55 secs ago
@cglacet, this would not be accepted on CR. Code Review is only for working code, written by the author of the post. See codereview.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/5777/…Charles Duffy 38 secs ago
Q: Operations on nested list/dict/generator comprehension

Rahul PatelI always use nested list and dictionary comprehension for unstructured data and this is a common way I use it. In [14]: data = """ 41:n 43:n 44:n 46:n 47:n 49:n 50:n 51:n 52:n 53:n 54:n 55:cm 56:n 57:n 58:n""" In [15]: {int(line.split(":")[0]):line.split(":")[1] for line in data.split("\n") if l...

Q: Program that converts a number to a letter of the alphabet

Alex Angel#include <iostream> int main() { int letter = 0; std::cout << "Please type in a number: "; while (1) { std::cin >> letter; //less than 1 or greater than 26 if (!(letter < 1 || 26 < letter)) { std::cout << "The letter that corosponds to that value ...

possible answer invalidation by Martin Frank on question by Martin Frank: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/214471/revisions
Q: Downloading attachments from web app

SolusPreface: This is my first work script, normally I'm just mucking around in console or writing snippets. This script has a lot of firsts for me (configs, logging instead of print, try/except). Typically when I just write snippets I don't care if things are breaking. Given this is set up as a sched...

Photo competition on the Great Outdoors outdoors.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/1408/…
Q: Android app that will take the registration info of a student and allow them to login using Firestore

DarkNateI am trying to create a registration/login form for my Android app (Minimum API Level 23, Android Studio 3.3.1, Using AndroidX Artefacts) with Cloud Firestore where a unique ID (starting with 0001) will be generated serially for every new registration. I have created a separate activity for the ...

Maybe post this on codereview or search through the archives here? — hd1 14 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by DBJDBJ on question by DBJDBJ: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/214485/revisions
Not everything that works is a good idea. This is for sure a creative idea, but nothing that should be written in production code, because is is horrible for code review and maintainability. — t.niese 35 secs ago
Q: Objective-C: Method Swizzling , why use class_addMethod?

black_pearlI am reviewing method-swizzling. Why add the branch if (didAddMethod) { ? #import <objc/runtime.h> @implementation UIViewController (Tracking) + (void)load { static dispatch_once_t onceToken; dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{ Class class = [self class]; SEL originalSelect...

If you are looking for performance improvement then it is the issue for Code Review — Markiian Benovskyi 50 secs ago
Q: 25 at twenty-five!

Toby SpeightAs well as reaching a personal landmark, it's also a site landmark when I became the 25th member to hit 25k reputation yesterday (narrowly beaten to the line by two others - you know who you are). I believe that's a great sign that this site is in great health and bodes well for the future. It'...

Q: Further dive into filtering using IPredicate

FlameHorizonPreface This is a follow up to my previous post from not long time ago about containers and filtering. This post can be found here. Now, I will attempt to expand what I have learnt from the answer given by Mathieu. Context Using implementation of IPredicate interface I was able to reduce num...

Q: Upload & Drag the image inside mask image

vickey colorsI am allowing user to upload image & drag image with help of below code , give me review of code and guide me to improve : <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.min.js"></script> <input id="fileup" type="file" > <div class="container"> </div> <style> .temp {} .container { ba...

You should post this in code review: codereview.stackexchange.com There's quite a few things you could do to make that more efficient. — Second2None 43 secs ago
Like @SirDarius if it is fully working and you are sure of it ask at codereview :) — 422_unprocessable_entity 57 secs ago
Q: Temperature and speed unit converter class in JS?

J Doethis is what I came up with, but not sure if: putting it in Class is the best approach, multiple repeats (this.val etc.) are acceptable, there is a better approach (maybe with constructor)? class UnitChange { temperature(val, to) { this.val = val; this.to = to; if (this.to ===...

Q: MultiThreading in single FOR loop in java

AnandI'm trying to call a method in a loop which will persist data into database. That for loop takes the values in a list. I want to do the operation parallel using threads. import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class Resource { public int function(int n) { System....

@422_unprocessable_entity Thnx :)
Q: PHP - function to handle requests

NicolasBI have the following function which handles requests. It has more than 130 lines public function run() { $objectRequests = json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input")); if (isset($objectRequests)) { $objectResponses = array(); foreach ($objectRequests as $objectRequest...

Since I am new to this site, I wanted to check up here what might be the best way to do something (or if it would even be a good idea). I recently got turned down for a job interview based on my solution to a coding assignment not being good enough. I got some basic feedback from the code reviewer and I am planning to try to improve it and ask about the resulting code here to make sure I am on the right track.
What would be a good way to do this when it is an Android app in Java with the code spread over multiple classes? Should I post the main Activity and link to the rest on GitHub, or what might work best?
How many classes approximately?
You can post multiple questions with clear explanations.
@TobiasKildetoft Welcome! Thrd party links are allowed, but the code needs to be the question body, we even have a close reason for that
Current version is 10 classes, though I may spread some things out into more based on the feedback from the job.
the character limit on Code Review is 65535 characters, it should be enough
See how I've done it in those questions :)
@Ludisposed @422_unprocessable_entity Thank you both.
@user463035818 I am having discussion during code review ;) — bartop 23 secs ago
Q: segstr - Get delimiter-seperated segements from a string in a non-destructive method

TheDcoderI wrote my first useful function in C which can be used in a different variety of situations as an alternative to common code logic. segstr (originally named strseg but renamed to not use a reserved identifier) is a helper/utility function which can be used as an alternative to using strchr, str...

Q: Python Binary Calculator

Kyle WardleSo my task was to build a calculator in python using binary addition etc. To begin I define a couple of custom exceptions : class MaximumValueException(Exception): pass class MinimumValueException(Exception): pass I then define the Binary class which does most of the work for me (...

Q: each element occourence in integer Array

pankaj malvii was asked in interview to find each element occourence in integer array . initially i thought to put array in string and split the space and put result in another array . but it was giving problem . so i tried below Code , that is also giving me issue . when i am putting it.hasNext() metho...

possible answer invalidation by TheDcoder on question by TheDcoder: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/214531/revisions
Maybe this fits better at codereview.stackexchange.com, though I recommend that you read their help center page first to see what is on-topic over there — Lino 53 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by TheDcoder on question by TheDcoder: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/214531/revisions
Q: Implement a job scheduler which takes in a function f and an integer n, and calls f after n milliseconds

Maclean Pinto public static void main(String args[]) { solution(new Command() { @Override public void execute() { { System.out.println("Hello World"); } } }, 1000); // java 8 solution(() ->...

Q: Check authority for every field in an update request - very repetitive code

TraubenfuchsDepending on whether the caller has the right STUDENT or TEACHER (or ADMIN), I want to allow the caller to update different fields. For now, I have created the following contraption, which is kind of offensive to the eyes. It iss also necessary to check if the caller even wants to update a field...

Sounds like this question belongs to the codereview site instead. — Chris G 50 secs ago
Q: Split an array of items into several arrays, given a condition

trichetricheThe question is very simple : I have an array of items, that all have a date. According to the date, I would like to split this array into several arrays. In my case, I would like to split the array into 3 arrays : one that contains result of the last 24h, the other 48h, then the last one on th...

Greetings, Programs.
Scoverage is magic.
@Donald.McLean Is that a test coverage thing? (Too lazy to Google yet.)
@422_unprocessable_entity Monking
Q: A string_splitter using C++17

degskiIn this repo I've put together a header only string splitter, allowing for characters and string literals as delimiters. The (little) library is strictly C++17. I would like to ask for your comments. As it appears to be mandatory to include at least 3 lines of code, here's the code: // MIT Li...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because the code is working and OP looks for a code review. A better place to ask this question would probably be codereview.stackexchange.com — sloth 57 secs ago
@DerKommissar Yes, for Scala - some of the functional stuff causes Java coverage tools to give less than helpful results. In the source display, tested code is marked in green, untested code is marked in red.
Q: Faster alternative to multiple loops in VBA

edevMy code takes 3 or 4 minutes to run and I want to make it more efficient. I've attached a sample of one of many loops I am using which I think are slowing it down due to needless iterations. Dim i As Long For i = 5 To endrow 'does a vlookup in CAIM file Acc = Application.Cells(i, 5) Cname = Ap...

Q: Remove multiple loops in generic function, which populates a collection based on collection interface implementation

JustLearningAs the above title states i have a function that i use to populate a collection's status names, currency names and other information that i do not store in the database. This is my function: public static List<T> PopulateStatusNames<T>(List<T> items) where T : class { if (typeo...

Q: Visual Basic AsyncKeyState definition

OliverI have a label that displays a key, For example, "A". When "A" is pressed I wish for the program to execute a certain command on keyDown and another one on keyUp. Here is my code: Private Sub keyBindBtn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles keyBindBtn.Click keyBindLabel.Text = key...

posted on March 01, 2019 by CommitStrip

Q: Eliminate shorter substrings from larger one

RohitI have a dictionary that stores a string and its frequency which looks like this test_dict={'large blue dog':2, 'cute blue dog':2 'cute blue elephant':1 'cute blue' :3 'blue dog':4 'large blue':2} My final list need to contain every thi...

Q: Avoid to use raw pointers in Rust

Ngọc Khánh Nguyễnthis is not actually a question. I am practicing Rust by writing doubly linked list using raw pointer (store the address to the node), Box to allocate data on heap, Box::from_raw to free data from heap. I feel it very silly to use a lot of unsafe block. Can I have some reviews? Thanks in advance!...

Q: (Codewars Kata) Memoised Log Cutting

Tobi Alafin(I am not sure of the official CS name for the problem in question, so I just gave it the name of the kata). Problem CLEAR CUTTER'S NEEDS YOUR HELP! The logging company Clear Cutter's makes its money by optimizing the price-to-length of each log they cut before selling them. An exa...

@CaptainObvious got error message, didn't understand what was necessary to define
though apparently found solution
You mos tlikely want codereview.stackexchange.com for review of working code. This site is more for the specific coding issues, with error codes, etc. — Cyril 22 secs ago
This is one of those questions that is a little hard to answer in the abstract, but when considering specific example, the right design would likely be more obvious. I might suggest creating a less abstract example and posting on codereview.stackexchange.com. — Rob 25 secs ago
If it isn't a question, you may post YOUR code on codereview but here this is off topic. — LotPings 45 secs ago
Hi! Please take the tour (you get a badge!), have a look around, and read through the help center, in particular How do I ask a good question?, What types of questions should I avoid asking?, and What topics can I ask about here? This is far too broad and opinion-based for SO's Q&A format. (As currently written, I doubt it would be appropriate for codereview.stackexchange.com either, but you might be able to edit it to be on-topic there -- here here.) — T.J. Crowder 44 secs ago
An example of a question which contains that piece is codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/161569/…, though the I may have confused that one self with a master. Also, I'm interested on the tweak you did: tk.Label(self,..., where does exactly the interpreter addresses when that line is executed? Can tkinter widgets be "inside" non widget classes (normal classes, just objects) via master parameter? Does accessing the instance of class App() via self makes a reference to the inherited class (tk.Frame)? — Brianprokpo456 25 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by Rohit on question by Rohit: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/214552/revisions
Q: Code runs slower when executed from ribbon compared to directly in module

MaineBlackBearsWe use third party addin that downloads market data from the internet into a workbook. The addin works with custom functions that begin with CompanyAddin. For instance, a formula in a cell could look like this: =A1+CompanyAddin(formulaparameters) My macro (code below) looks for all formulas th...

Q: Making static reference variable nullify will ever be garbage collected by java?

Abdul WaheedI have a question that looks very easy and simple but I am bit confused. My question is, in Android application I am making static reference of activity for some purposes. And in onDestroy() I am making that activity reference null while assigning null value explicitly. Is it good? Will it be eli...

Q: Sorting words by frequency

jtbandesI'm doing a simple task in Rust after reading the Rust book: read a text file split it at whitespace sanitize words by removing non-letter characters sort the words by their frequency of occurrence Here's what I've got, which works, but I'd like some advice: are there any unnecessary implic...

This might be more appropriate for codereview.stackexchange.com though they tend to be even more strict that Stack Overflow. — jdv 34 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by Rohit on question by Rohit: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/214552/revisions
@Duga That's ok.
Kind of.
Perhaps not...
possible answer invalidation by Mast on question by Rohit: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/214552/revisions
@Duga Shush, I'm fixing things.
Q: DOOM Engine error

Patrick Cootswhen i run the program read nw returns OUT OF DATA DIM vx1(15), vx2(20), vy1(20), vy2(20) DIM tx1(20), tz1(20), tx2(20), tz2(20), wc(20) AS INTEGER DIM w AS INTEGER DIM nw AS INTEGER READ nw FOR w = 1 TO nw: READ vx1(w), vy1(w), vx2(w), vy2(w), wc(w): NEXT vx1 = 70: vy1...

Q: perturbed phase oscillator integration

AbolfazlI am integrating a system of perturbed phase oscillators. I define the system of equation and also the Jacobian matrix. I have to reshape the one dimensional vector of system state to a 2 dimensional vector then do the matrix production. Is there any way to make the program faster by single threa...

You answered the question; I'm just contributing some off-topic code review :) — chepner 30 secs ago
Q: Skyscraper Puzzle Java

David WhiteFor an assignment, I have been asked to create a Skyscraper Puzzle solver. The puzzle and the ordinances are hard coded into the program. I would like feedback on efficiency and readability. Any and all suggestions are welcome! Thanks in advance. All code in this program compiles and runs. The Pu...

Q: XQuery Compare Two Sequences Order

swshaunI have written a function in XQuery 3.0 (using BaseX) which tests a base sequence against a test sequence, with the goal of determining if the items in the test sequence appear in the same order as the base sequence. This is best illustrated with an example E.G. let $baseSequence := ('a','b','...

And given that you do code reviews, it wouldn't be too bad to enforce — Andrew Meservy 42 secs ago
Thing is, without access to the code base, or willingness to abstract it away, there aren't many practical options to enforce it. Depending on your code review software, you may be able to set up a rule to catch exactly this scenario and automatically fail it. — Andrew Meservy 16 secs ago
Q: helping me to create a taxi meter

Amir O. HusainI'm from Kurdistan and I'm student of computer science stage 2nd ……………… I want to make a taxi meter how I can make or write a program to made this by java language? this code you're posted in here I can't understand why ? I don't know ……….. please help me to this project send to me all codes or ...

@CaptainObvious no
~sighs, ~whistles
Welcome to Stack Overflow! If you want help improving work code you should post this on CodeReview.SE. If you do decide to do so please delete the question here. — NathanOliver 59 secs ago
hmmm sounds a bit odd as to me both code review and check style lives as part of single PR. However is there some way to get the same code formatter settings which has been used while check in the code original zeppelin code. It would be really very helpful. — tarunkumar 14 secs ago
Q: Batch scripting first attempt, looking for where best practises are not followed

Bonner 웃The following is my first real attempt at batch scripting, and I'm new to it so I'm not sure whether what I've done is to best practice. The code works, and I'm open to suggestions. Basically the following code allows someone to download Node.js and npm per project, a requirement we have so that...

@Duga @YvetteColomb I guess we should pull that over... I flagged it for mod. intervention
Q: Rock, Paper & Scissor, possible changes? (C++)

gravili43Thanks for your time, I am new to programming and I spent some days making this rock, paper & scissor game. What other possible improvements could I make after the ones I've made myself? I've tried explaining each step as the program goes on, but I essentially at first generate a computer pick (...

d'oh - OP already duplicated post here - I retracted my migration flag
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ so @YvetteColomb please disregard that last message
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ ok

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