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RELOAD! There are 5246 unanswered questions (90.0099% answered)
Q: Automatic exception wrapper in java

WinterThere's a lot of place in my code where I need to do something like this public static void read(DataInputStream stream) throws IOException { try { Object thing = getById(stream.readInt()); } catch(IllegalArgumentException ex) { throw new IOException(ex); // d...

anyone know of an application similar to SoapUI Pro that is free?
2 hours later…
possible answer invalidation by Ravi Joshi on question by Ravi Joshi: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/192751/revisions
@Duga Does not invalidate the answer.
Q: "Backend" of custom app made for editing Google Spreadsheet file

Michal VöröšSo I've been learning some basics of python for few moths now. My friend who works as salesman at company, which sales hookahs, asked me if a could write a simple app which would help him maintain a googlesheet which they use as database of products in stock. You can see example of this sheet he...

Q: Android: Playing & Pause media using MediaPlayer

Ansh yadavThere's one class named as MainActivity. Does the instantiation of MediaPlayer was done in correct way? As while accessing the fetched song from shared preferences the media player returns null even after null check. public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements View.OnClickLis...

Q: Bad Performance With 2D Engine?

bananashavingsI have been working on making an 2D game engine in Java from scratch, and it has been going very well, however, the rendering aspect seems to be very inefficient. I have been trying to do it mostly on my own with help from random tutorials and projects that I find when I run into a stump, how...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on Code Review. Good question though! — l0b0 just now
Hello - may I asl the reason for "Monking" greeting?
A: What's a Zombie? And what are the many other memes of Code Review?

Vogel612Meme: Monking Originator: Morwenn Cultural Height: The 2nd Monitor Background: A morning greeting to the Monkey doing his monkey-business, in other words: monking Examples: A small chat search Variations: Monkernoon, Monkevening, Monknight, ... Important is only that it begins with Monk... ;...

Beat me to it :)
I win @Phrancis
I think I will edit to include the more recent variation, "gniknoM"
@mtess Are you using Gerrit? (gerritcodereview.com) — VonC 46 secs ago
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
@Duga interesting. Does anyone know a similar tool for Mercurial by any chance?
Q: Optimize a very slow php script

Moslem CherifI am working with PHP5 (Laravel5.1), and I couldn't optimize my function, which takes more 4 minutes turning, and fails in the end when I have a huge data (around 6500rows, but working when i test with around 1000 rows only). Basically, I try to get an array of objects (which contains users with ...

1 hour later…
Q: Python: Code taking too much time to run

Shreya JhaHi here is my python code: First of all I would like to tell that input (.vcf) file is too large>60 GB of size. So I am reading the .vcf files line by line, but since I have to check for duplicate of two columns present in the input vcf file, I extract those two columns from the input file to a...

It sounds like you have working code and are just trying to optimize or improve things. You may be better asking on Code Review SETas 30 secs ago
Q: Javascript: Find max number of items that can fit in a given max-width

avivrGiven a list of elements, each with own width, and a max-width. I need to find how many elements can be fit inside that max-width, keeping the order of the elements. some examples: elements: { width: 10 }, { width: 20 } max-width: 30 result count should be 2, because both elements can be fit i...

Q: Is there a Linq way to write this?

vinI'm using an interface IloadPattern on deriving 3 classes from it LinearLoadingPattern , JointsLoadingPattern , AreaLoadingPattern. At some point, I'm creating a list all the objects created from those classes. At a later point, I want to retrieve list of a particular object (JointsLoadingPatte...

@CaptainObvious Missing code, and to some extent an explanation
possible answer invalidation by shreyashruti on question by Shreya Jha: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/192814/revisions
Q: High performance fetching Data

0x45I got the following use-case to upload a CSV (~500 Datasets) to provide an object information when it's called to display. Normally I would persist these values to a Database, however multiple users use this application and I think there might be a bottleneck when you repetedly have to call the d...

Q: Python - data structure

Oliver AragonI'm new here. I'm trying to teach myself programming by learning Python. I have assigned myself the following task. There's a game I'm playing (Rocket Valley Tycoon) where the goal is to basically place an Extractor to gather resources, then use Factories to transform the resource into a good, w...

If this is your code, consider posting it on codereview.stackexchange.comGeorgy 41 secs ago
Q: C++17: Boost.Hana based compile-time plugin registration

Lukas BarthMy aim with the following is to have a way of registering a list of classes, which represent plugins. In the end, I want a boost::hana::set that contains type objects for all plugins' classes. I want everything to be as loosely coupled as possible: Basically, I should be able to just delete a plu...

Q: Counting the number of words in a text file

MarcinWhy on earth isn't it working?? I want to count the strings in a text file but its always one string too many. f.e when it's 400 strings it says 401... I can't figure out why. #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; int main() { string word; int numberofwords=0; ...

Q: Parsing JSON array from object

HyperXSo its my first time using Kotlin programming language and for now i am converting old Java code into Kotlin. So for start i took simple function to parse JSONArray from JSONobject with key provided. Here is the code: fun getJSONArrayFromObject(jsonObject: JSONObject, key: String): JSONArray { ...

Q: How to get the form data by postman in short way using golang?

PuneetI am taking the form data using postman but the code is too long is there is any method for getting the data in short form. The code I am using given below:- Struct type Customer struct { FirstName string `json:"first_name" bson:"first_name"` LastName string `json:"last_name" b...

Q: Refactor store method inside Laravel Controller

TarasovychI have all logic below inside one store() method. I thinks it's bad to handle more than one entity in one method (because of SOLID). So logic I have: Part 1: store some Blog data in database (it's only one expression like $blog = Blog::create($request->all())) Part 2: get an image from Req...

@SumNeuron You ask for a more efficient solution. Where do you see possible improvements in this manner? If you want some general review instead, you might want to ask on the Code Review stackexchange site. — Søren D. Ptæus 44 secs ago
Since your code works and you're looking for a specific improvement, this question is a good candidate for Code Review. — msanford 33 secs ago
Q: Angular, sort objects by their keys

popStarI had to sort a list of objects - {name:'name', email:'email} by their keys, ex. by email, so they all be rendered with email key/value pair as a first key/value pair and I was surprised about the solution i came up to - Object.assign() when i loop through array and assign email key/value pair to...

Questions about refactoring working code are more appropriately asked on codereview.stackexchange.com. This site is dedicated to non working code problems — charlietfl 44 secs ago
Q: Fast insert unique container

SekkmerI posted the same question at StackOverflow then I got an advice to post it here. Original question: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49998297/fast-insert-unique-container I have to store elements (struct State) in a 2D vector container and each element must be unique. I store the elements ...

> "Hey Elliott, how do I do <thing> in SQL?"
> "Like this"
> "Thanks!"
And I still don't get paid more. Grumble.
You want to be paid per help request?
It's a regular thing, about half my day is spent answering things like this.
Greetings, Programs.
Q: AES File Encryption / Decription VB.NET

Jp19I've been looking for a while for the right code to encrypt/decrypt files with AES in vb.net. I created the code below. Is this the right way doing AES encryption/decryption nowadays? Public Function EncryptFile(ByVal plainFilePath As String, ByVal encryptedFilePath As String, ByVal EncryptionKe...

Also note that questions about how to improve working code are generally not welcome here -- those are on topic at our sister site Code Review, subject to the detailed guidance at codereview.stackexchange.com/help/on-topic. Per stackoverflow.com/help/on-topic, a StackOverflow question should revolve around a specific practical, answerable problem; "how can this be improved?" is not a problem. — Charles Duffy 34 secs ago
is there a site for reviewing logic and design?
super user is not for that....
maybe software engineering
@Malachi What kind of logic and/or design?
Anyone know of a good primer for python threading? Things like async, await, blocking and concepts around that. I have been code biting some examples but don't quite understand how they work... Apparently fileio is blocking so I am working around that with aiofiles but I would like to understand what the hell I am doing.
Q: Refactor store method inside Laravel Controller

TarasovychI have all logic below inside one store() method. I thinks it's bad to handle more than one entity in one method (because of SOLID). So logic I have: Part 1: store some Blog data in database (it's only one expression like $blog = Blog::create($request->all())) Part 2: get an image from Req...

Q: Substitution Cipher Machine

JMCHere is an attempt I made at a simple Substitution based cipher machine, it shifts input characters by an amount then returns an unreadable string which can then be decrypted back to its original self: package Pack; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.util.Arrays; import ja...

@Matt I love using actors for MT programming. It really simplifies things.
This should be posted on codereview.stackexchange.com, not here — Tom Dalton 43 secs ago
@Donald.McLean Any online reading recommendations of the top of your head?
off the top*
@Matt Because of my hair line, you can see the top of my head in my picture.
@Matt In the Scala community, Akka is one of the most beloved libraries. Pykka looks like either a python port, or is inspired by Akka, so I would check it out first.
Will check it out. Thanks.
@202_accepted shouldn't it be Like 'this%' ? ;-)
@Heslacher Teenage girls use "Like" a lot
Like, it's just that, like, everything is so, like, amazing and like awesome and like just great.
@Heslacher I usually put it like '%this%'.
@Mast Lol GTFO with that BS man that had better be a full-text index or you are just ruining perf lmao
@202_accepted I don't have the foggiest about SQL performance, so you may well be right.
But that's how I currently look for text in text.
Well any LIKE is super slow, and having multiple wild-cards just ruins it even more...lol
LIKE 'A%' is not as bad because it knows that A has to be the first character, just like LIKE '%A' is not too bad because it knows that A has to be the last character, but LIKE '%A%' is terrible because it has to scan the entire column.
@202_accepted I tried to help SO clean up their documentation links with SEDE using a like '%{link}%' query. It timed out.
No soup for them.
@Hosch250 That doesn't surprise me. Unless the column has a Full-Text Index on it, the perf is just horrible.
I know. It doesn't surprise me either.
FWIW, I hate storing raw text in a DB that needs to be searchable.
@202_accepted Column is usually between 10 and 60 characters long though. Got a better idea?
Sure, doing that on a 3000 character column would be bad.
@Mast If you can, split the searchable text out into flag fields, or something.
If you can't, see if you can build your query to account for any structure in the value. Note that attempted to parse the data may well take longer than just a raw search.
Nope. Them be names and titles.
I can split the names into given names and surnames, but that's about all there's to split.
Well, if you are looking for user "Foo Bar" then you don't need to use like.
If you are searching for someone by name.
Or if you want to see all the "Foo xxx"'s, you can do "Foo %".
Basically, try to use your knowledge of the data structure to A) reduce the required work on the DB and B) give it as many hints as possible so it can optimize the query.
@Hosch250 Yea, no, it's supposed to work for anything similar to 'I think there was C++ somewhere in the title'.
In which case %C++% works wonders.
I don't want to need to remember the exact name.
@Mast MYSQL?
@202_accepted That's the dialect of the moment, yes.
I don't see a reason to have a label called Branch_TEXT on one form be named Branch_TEXT2 on another form. Why can't they use the same identifier? Better yet, if you have 15 forms that essentially do the same thing, why can't you remove 14 of them? See UserForm1.Show on my Rubberduck News blog for some ideas. I'm afraid this question is too broad to be a good fit on this site. Consider putting your code up for peer review on Code Review, but make sure to include more context than that, and all the code of a form. — Mathieu Guindon 50 secs ago
TTQW. gniknoM!
WOW, @202_accepted that comment spiraled pretty quick...lol
Q: C# Eager Loading using Auto.mapper

Robert ThompsonI am using eager loading. My problem that I am having is that when using (Auto.Mapper 4.1.1) Mapper.DynamicMap the method is going back to sql server for each relationship. It's taking about 2 minutes to finish mapping. How do I only retrieve the data from sql one time. Here my code. Lab...

Q: PHP grouping based on a value

Harris QureshiI'm asking in arbitrary sense to avoid going into any unwanted specifics. Suppose we're to put balls in baskets. If the there are <6 balls, they don't get to go in any basket. If there are between 6-12 balls they take up 1 basket. But if the balls are >12, they take up 2 baskets. Following is W...

Q: Calculates a discount% based on units purchased & creates text files with this information

qazwsx598INPUTS: integer: unitsSold PROCESSING: Calculate discount based on unitsSold; keep track of which discounts have been applied, and how many times; create an output file containing all of this information. DESCRIPTION: There are three files, one has methods for finding the discount and price ...

I think codereview.stackexchange.com is better place to ask this question. — rsm 27 secs ago
Q: Improving retry mechanism for failed downloads?

carbinI'm writing a mechanism to retry any failed downloads that respond with certain http error codes, I've noticed the server I'm downloading from will unexpectedly throw these codes to me and when I manually visit the URL it appears to be fine. It also seems that its fine when trying to download fo...

@Malachi Meh, could be worse.
@Mast There's a way to tell the DB to do it better, but I forget how. I don't know much MySQL anymore.
I meant that we fell into talking about SQL performance
yuck...lol jk
I mean it did have a SQL pun.
Q: Finding a substring within a string using dynamic programming

sancheZI have a program which finds a string Q in string P at its first n characters and prints out a number of "operations aka. rules" used to find a match in P (this is based on min. edit distance algo). A special thing about string Q is that it was created using a set of rules: aa -> aaa abac -> ab...

Q: Iterator over a container with indexing operation

R zuThis is a random access iterator that stores an index and a reference to a container. It iterates over any container with indexing operation. It does not have copy assignment / move assignment operations. This is because I cannot re-assign the reference to a container to reference to another co...

Q: Python function to hash a python function

LukeSo I'm working on a sort of distributed build system. The system allows execution of snippets of scripts as build steps. I need to be able to hash these snippets of code in a way that comments and doc strings don't affect the hash. I'm getting part way there by using the ast module to parse the c...

@Malachi It's code. Of-course we talk about it.
@CaptainObvious Write code to write code.
Not going to ask to close the question but others will say that SO is not a code optimization site. For code optimization you should use code review stack exchange. — Matt 55 secs ago
Seems that you want your code reviewed and improved, but you haven't giving qualifications for what counts as "nice" code. — Crazy Train 8 secs ago
Q: Code efficiency check for hangman in Delphi

GeeekoidI recently coded a game of hangman and wanted to know, A: Are there any places it could be more efficient. B: Are there any things that are distinctly wrong with it since I know people seem to say to avoid using GOTO and SLEEP. C: Is there a way to have it generate words randomly or a database...

@CaptainObvious Not sure why the DV and VTC, question appears fine
> C: Is there a way to have it generate words randomly or a database the code could access
I presume that ^^^^ but that's not enough in my opinion, the other asks are general.
Q: Registration system

JAMAL ALlamA lot of institutions need systems to manage their works, so this project is going to be registration system which gives universities the abilities to manage their registration operations. so, you have the main objects : 1. Student 2. Teacher 3...

Q: Web Request Utility

GregOur company consumes a lot of telemetered data from sensors which we consume via an api. So I wrote a method to consume them a bit easier for internal applications. I didn't add a generic to the method, mostly because Json.Net didn't always build the object correctly. I'd like to remedy that i...

@rolfl Agreed
Effective Java, 3rd edition now recommends the lambda approach using this very example. — shmosel 1 hour ago
Huh, interesting :o
Ave moneyz
@skiwi Sounds like I should get myself a copy of it.
I'm quite curious to find that page if there's a free pdf around, not sure if there are though
One that's not a sketchy link then :D
Can anyone think of a way to write this better? This is regular JavaScript
let computerName;
if (caller.computerName) {
    computerName = caller.computerName;
else if (localStorage.getItem("callerComputerName")) {
    computerName = localStorage.getItem("callerComputerName");
else {
    computerName = "";
@Phrancis I would preemptive let computerName = ""; then just if (caller.computerName) { ... } else if (...) { ... } to rid the else branch first.
@Phrancis Use ||. caller.computerName || localStorage.getItem("callerComputerName") || ""
So you can let computerName = caller.computerName || localStorage.getItem("callerComputerName"); if (!computerName) { computerName = ""; }.
let computerName = caller.computerName || localStorage.getItem("callerComputerName") || "";
@Peilonrayz Does that actually work? It's unclear what happens with the final || "", because "" || "something" will evaluate to "something".
That OK? I don't mind abusing the type system at all :D
@Phrancis The only thing I'd worry about is the last || "" not working, I don't know JavaScript well enough to know if that would be successful.
@202_accepted Yeah it does. Just like true || false === false false || false === false
And "" || false === false
Nifty, then that's the easiest.
Q: Role Based Access Control (RBAC) System

Statik StasisI have been working on creating my own implementation of an RBAC system for the purpose of: learning to use an OOP approach instead of procedural switch from using mysqli to PDO and to learn how to use dependency injection DB Connect File: <?php $config = include '../config.file.php'; try {...

let foo = null;
let bar = undefined;
let test = foo || bar || "";
@202_accepted ^ printed empty string
@Phrancis Falsy null ftw :)
Apparently JS' type system is happy to oblige abuse :D
what type system?
And, it worked perfectly, superb
Well, there are "types", just not very many of them
posted on April 24, 2018 by CommitStrip

Today we’re saying hello to a new sponsor that we’re huge fans of, their website was formerly known as ‘Le Site du Zéro’ in France, and is famous among some of us *cough* older developers: OpenClassrooms! OpenClassrooms offers recognised and accredited online courses, and features a particularly nice mentoring system! In fact, they need your help! Ever thought about beco

this should be posted on codereview also i think its to simple to improve it — Maciej Kozieja 27 secs ago
@CommitStrip ROTFLMBO
Excel... wow
=SUMIF([Order Id], CONCATENATE("=", [Order Id]), [Subtotal])
This works
It will sum all subtotals of a given order id
Q: Php login system error

user168072I'm getting an error on line 3 saying this "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '$dbLocation' (T_VARIABLE), expecting identifier (T_STRING) in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/Website/db_const.php on line 3" <?php # mysql db constants DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_NAME const $dbLocation= ...

Q: C++ program that implement and print the results of the Red Black tree

user168073Write the C++ program that implement and print the results of the Red Black tree after inserting the following nodes {122, 110, 130, 113,160}

possible answer invalidation by Greg on question by Greg: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/192854/revisions
This question is more appropriate for Code Review — Victor K 11 secs ago
Q: JavaScript Traffic Light Control assessment

ray<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <title>Javascript Task 3</title> <h1>JavaScript Task 3</h1> <button onclick="changeImage()">Change Lights</button> <img id="Image" src="red.JPEG" width="150px" height="300px"> <script> function changeImage() { var image = document.getE...

Just want to see my balance and these guys @tsb think I'm robbing a bean factory with a bomb, jesus
Q: Scraping website and print them via routers

kondantaI've been working on a personal project for a while which simply extracts some information from a website and save them as JSON files. Then I've decided to move those scraping functionalities to the server and write simple js application which sends GET requests to extract that information. Befo...

@202_accepted LOL
Friggin Java.
actually... frigging spring
enterprise tech is ... well it's taxing on the mind and the machine alike
DB Experts Ahoy!
Is it important to re-index a database?
Aren't indexes supposed to automatically update?
@Hosch250 They don't reorganize or rebuild.
(Which is only important if you are adding data out-of-order.)
That's also what the "Fill Factor" helps with.
@Hosch250 So, it depends™.
@Hosch250 VACUUM ftw
that's the Postgres term for cleaning indices and compressing tables
OK. T-SQL here.
@Hosch250 Basically, if the index doesn't fill from top-to-bottom in-order, you should set a Fill Factor (usually something like 50% to 80%), and rebuild moderately frequently.
@202_accepted We rebuild every night.
Then you're probably fine.
Yeah, was just curious if we needed to rebuild.
Basically, when data is added to an index it goes from "top-to-bottom", that is, we fill each row from the top of the table, until the "page" is full.
So, if your index is on an "ID" column that is INT IDENTITY(1, 1), there's no need to rebuild ever, unless you delete data.
We have indexes mostly on PK/FK's, and a few string columns.
Because, if we assume a page holds 4 "things", then the first page is 1, 2, 3, 4, the second is 5, 6, 7, 8.
However, if the index is a UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, VARCHAR, etc, rebuilds are almost necessary, and a fill factor is as well.
Yep, uniqueidentifier here.
For reasons of copying data between DBs.
That way we can copy things and make sure they all point to the correct other things.
Because if we are adding random GUID's, then each page will be something like 485, 791, 111, 148, then 547, 180, 018, 979. So a rebuild would reorder that as 018, 111, 148, 180 and 485, 547, 791, 979 in an optimal case.
Except for enums in the DB. Those get int IDs. Mostly.
Fill Factors can spread that data out further on a rebuild, so that it will arrange them as 018, 111, <nothing>, <nothing>, 148, 180, <nothing>, <nothing>, 485, 547, <nothing>, <nothing>, 791, 979, <nothing>, <nothing>, so that the next insert can pick a more appropriate page if it exists.
Granted, I'm simplifying this so much so it's almost incorrect, but this is the general idea.
Q: Pruning logs, burning the remains

FreeManAfter implementing some logging in my system, I got tired of digging through very long files trying to determine where specific runs started/stopped to look for differences, so I began adding a date/time stamp to the file name so I'd get a new log file each time the processing kicked off. This wa...

2 hours later…
Q: JavaFX :redundant method calling in if-else blocks?

Xlint XmsI have a method which allows to create user account.It contains some conditions to control empty fields,wrong format of email ,weak password...etc. errorSet = false; @FXML private void createAccount() throws IOException { if (!lastNameField.getText().isEmpty() && !firstNameFi...

Q: Project Euler Problem #12 - Highly divisible triangular number

JamI know this question has been asked here many times regarding long run times (my problem) but I don't understand the explanations so here is my take; def euler_12(num): i = 0 for n in range(1,num): list= [] for j in range(1, n**2): if (n+i) % j == 0: ...

Q: Jumps of a pawn - Java interview - Why correctness is relatively low?

WesternGunI have just attended a code test of some code testing site, and I think one question seems easy but I didn't get a high correctness (57%), so if anyone can review this code snippet, I would be appreciated. In summary: given an array A, with dimension N, 1<=N<=100000, A[N] within range of [-10000...

Isn’t this off topic for this SE? I’m new here, but I've seen other posts slammed for asking "how do I get C++ to do that?" questions rather than code reviews. — JDługosz just now
@CaptainObvious This was DV and VTC as lacking context, however it seems quite clear to me so...?
Sad indeed, but typical. Decades have gone into making C++ easy to do. Students are taught to do things in ways that are not only error-prone, but would be completely unacceptable in a real-world code review. youtu.be/YnWhqhNdYykJive Dadson 56 secs ago

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