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RELOAD! There are 4710 unanswered questions (90.3999% answered)
this seems like a question for codereview.stackexchange.comjcarpenter2 54 secs ago
Code review is, ironically, good for cleaning up code :) My approach with legacy code is to do it piece by piece, at regular intervals, until you're there. Also, if someone 'touches' a section of code, make them responsible for checking and cleaning it up. That's a potentially useful way to weed out sections of code that doesn't get used often. — roelofs 51 secs ago
> It thinks Qtrupberscotch is a thing.
Q: Reaction time game

Sipher_So, I made a game requiring reaction time, and I just came here to see if there's anything I could improve on. Here's the code: import datetime import random import time points = {} player_1 = input("Player one: ") player_2 = input("Player two: ") points[player_1] = 0 points[player_2] = 0 roun...

Q: Memoizing in PostScript

luser droogThe pusherr and poperr procedures maintain an internal stack as a lisp-like linked-list. It's a little slower than an earlier stackwise version according to naive testing. It allocates lots of 2- and 3- element arrays for its data. But the code using them becomes very readable IMO with this ap...

Hey @Phrancis
Hey @Marc-Andre!
Hey @Duga! ... oh darn... :/
Q: Storing values in an N x N grid

user6731064I am trying to write a program to store/display a grid of size N x N with cells containing either a 1 or a 0 in preparation for further computation: module Board where import Data.List as List data CellState = One | Zero deriving (Eq, Ord) data Cell = Cell {cellPos :: (Int, Int), cellState ::...

Maybe you should post your code here or perhaps Code Review SE for us to determine why performance in your code is poor. Regards — MickyD 56 secs ago
Q: How would I convert my Hailstone Sequence Method to Recursive?

emessbeepublic static String hailStone(int a) { String result = ""; int counter = 1; while (a != 1) { counter++; result += Integer.toString(a) + " "; if (a % 2 == 0) a /= 2; else a = a * 3 + 1; } result += "1"; return re...

Q: Converting English words to numbers in Haskell

BrainFRZA few weeks ago, I finished a number to word converter and received an excellent review. It caused me to make several fundamental changes to numToWord, although I'm also more interested in improving my newer wordToNum converter. I played a little bit with trying to use Maybe and Nothing instead o...

I see no problem description here, no explanation of what's not working in your code, and no question asked. This isn't a Please comment on my code site. If you're simply looking for someone to review it for you, Code Review is the site for you. If you have a problem with the code you've posted, this is the site, but you need to clearly explain the problem and ask a specific question related to the code you've posted. The tour and help center have more information. Please read them before your next post here, so you know how this site works and what is appropriate here. Thanks. — Ken White 53 secs ago
Q: My Code Uses My Basic Knowledge of JavaScript To Overlay a YouTube video iFrame Over an Image

Henry7720This is my code and the main thing I wanted to accomplish when creating this was to: overlay an iFrame over an image and also to see if I could embed a YouTube video iFrame with the video ID entered through a form. This is what I came up with. I came here to see if anyone has any ideas of somethi...

@CaptainObvious Should this be flagged as offensive? Asking for a friend
<title>What's Osama Bin Watchin'?</title>
Video linked is 9/11 footage
Does your code work? If so, this might be a better fit for Code Review. — shmosel just now
Q: Finding edge cases for Identifying Triangles

Human Cyborg RelationsI'm trying to solve a coding challenge. The idea is to get 3 integer inputs, and figure out if they can be the lengths of the sides of a triangle. The output needs to be either "Equilateral", "Isosceles" or "Neither". public static String identify(int a, int b, int c) { if (a > b + c || b > a...

Q: Insecure links in custom close reasons should be https

mdfst13In the comments on this meta answer, a person said: When I click on your link, Chrome says "Attackers might be trying to steal your information". The link in question was from this quote: Questions seeking an explanation of someone else's code are also off-topic. "Questions mus...

@JimGreen Maybe CodeReviewGuilherme 38 secs ago
1 hour later…
If the code works as intended and you're looking for better /more robust ways to do the same thing, you may want to put up the actual solution (e.g. the whole form's code-behind, and the calling code) on Code Review, to get feedback on any/all aspects of the code. — Mat's Mug 59 secs ago
code reviews are off-topic delete this and post it on codereview.stackexchange.comJarrod Roberson 13 secs ago
Q: Improvements and functionalizing a bash script

Christian BongiornoI am fairly new to bash script programming so I would love some feedback. I am trying to write a series of migration scripts for our DBs (please don't direct me to other tools; I spent a lot of time evaluating them and am forced to write custom code) and this is script that contains validation lo...

Q: Default folder structure of expressjs project with sequelize

sunkuet02I am very new to JavaScript project development. I want to develop a simple rest-service-api project. I have decided to use express, sequelize, swagger. I have also created a sample project with these libraries. But I am in a bit confusions that my project's folder structure is following the ...

@SimonForsberg We get so much crap and this question looked so much more like the crap than the real deal, it's not hard to understand why we didn't believe OP at first. It's at least POB & UWYA, the former explicitly so and the latter by lack of context, but even rephrased it would be a bad fit for the site.
It's simply too snippety.
While we don't have an explicit rule against one-liners, they're bloody hard to review and almost by definition UWYA by lack of context.
@Guilherme No. Code Review is for improving one's own code, not explaining what other people's code does. — JJJ 32 secs ago
Q: Four sum algorithm mock interview practice

Jianmin ChenProblem statement The algorithm is similar to Leetcode 18 4Sum, the algorithm is to find one unique quadruplets compared to Leetcode 18 finding all unique quadruplets. Given an array S of n integers, are there elements a, b, c and d in S such that a + b + c + d = target? Find one unique...

Too broad. If it fits the definition of 'unit test', it's unit test. If it fits the definition of 'e2e', it's e2e. I'd suggest to post your current test. May be still too broad and belong to codereview.stackexchange.com but at least can be answered. — estus 37 secs ago
Would suggest you take this to code review — BugFinder 8 secs ago
@BugFinder Since this code does not work as intended, I'd advice against it. Please take a look at their help center. — Mast 42 secs ago
If the code works, but is slow, perhaps try Code Review instead. — Andy Turner 29 secs ago
Q: Should I pass a list of objects or an object to a domain object method?

w0051977I am developing a registration portal for a gym. When a user registers; a list of sports are recommended based on their age; sex; fitness level etc. Here is the tables in the database: CREATE TABLE Person (ID int, name varchar(100), dateofbirth datetime, Gender char(1), primary key (ID)) CREAT...

Hello and good morning everybody !
You have a typical producer/consumer. You can start with codereview.stackexchange.com/a/84116 or stackoverflow.com/a/9396587/8918119 or just look for C++ topics on the theme — A A 53 secs ago
Q: Transform String a into b

ManyaYou can perform the following operation on some string a : Capitalize zero or more of a's lowercase letters at some index i (i.e., make them uppercase). Delete all of the remaining lowercase letters in a. Given string a , print YES if it can be transformed to string b. String a has on...

Q: Implementing POSIX file mode library

Richard NeumannI implemented a virtual file system library with POSIX file mode representation. Any suggestions regarding optimization are welcome. """POSIX file system library.""" from collections import namedtuple __all__ = ['PosixPermission', 'PosixMode'] MIN_PERM = 0b000 MAX_PERM = 0b111 DEF_PERM = 0b1...

possible answer invalidation by Nicole on question by Nicole: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/180856/revisions
@Duga Handled.
Question about optimizations of working code should be posted on codereview.stackexchange.com — OH GOD SPIDERS 59 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because question about optimizations of working code should be posted on codereview.stackexchange.com — GhostCat 19 secs ago
wow ...
FML it's royally annoying to try to set up a C++ program you get from people working with VS
It's missing so much.
At least when they include the .sln you can whip up an instance of VS and make it compile with that. Otherwise there's just a heck of a lot of work involved.
it's not even a .sln
and I'm on linux.
Q: could I have made my question "fast responsive navigation in CSS & jQuery" more attractive/better?

undefinedI would carefully like to ask, what (if at all) I could have done to make my question fast responsive navigation in CSS & jQuery more attractive and/or interesting for the cummunity? Or is CSS and Javascript in general not an interesting subject for this community? Please be aware that I am not...

@Vogel612 Now you'll have to do all the work by yourself and hope it doesn't use non-standard libraries :-)
Q: C++ DLL Injector

sand_storm_of_code.txtI made a DLL Injector in C++. It provides multiple functionalities. What could be added or improved in the code? It works well as far as I've used it. Here is the source: #include <iostream> #include <Windows.h> #include <TlHelp32.h> void display_usage(const char* argv0_) { std::cout <<

Q: how to filter text from a string and convert it to dictionary and check for matching values in python

pydI am new to this community, I have tried this below code, this works fine, but looking for a better way of approaching for performance. Please edit my question, it it is not understandable. I have a string and list, I need to filter that and converting that string to a dictionary , then if a d...

Q: Read from InputSteam only text in quotes

sheldonzyIf the input is: this is irrelevant "return this substring" this is irrelevant I need to return: return this substring Only return the first text in quotes, and if there is only opening quote, and not closing quote - just return the text from the opening quote to the end of the steam, Using...

@Mast glad, gl0wl, imgui GLWX
code reviews go on codereview.stackexchange.com — Tim Castelijns 33 secs ago
Q: Improvements in implementing MVP in Android

BRDroidI am implementing MVP architecture, code works fine, I wanted your suggestions if I there can be improvements done or in any areas where I am not following the pattern correctly. It is a simple application using RecyclerViews to list games in a Fragment. FGames - Fragment which displays the lis...

Q: Reading text in C++

Pouyan.BnThis code is supposed to read some text files. What should I do in order to optimize my code. I was confused about writing a user defined function so that I can pass any text to it and it stores it in vectors. I have different types of vectors as you see below. #include "stdafx.h" #include <ios...

Q: single component angular 4 / node.js app

Kamil LewandowskiI take part in the recruitment process and I have done a small task for it - a searchable map of bus stops in angular with node backend. I am new to angular and I need someone to do a serious code review of my solution. I really care about this job. This solution needs to be perfect. Task descri...

Q: Where can I use HTML and JS? And why does my TextEdit display the tags, not just the text inside?

WorkingCupid549Where can I use JS and HTML? I have already tried on TextEdit. But When I type the !DOCTYPE html And the body and the p tags I open it in my browser, it actually displays the tags. I open it and this is what it looks like: !DOCTYPE html head Hello! head Obviously with the < and the > and the />...

Q: Check header token if valid

Nina watcherI've written the following function which reads an authorisation header, compares it and returns whether it is valid or not. The function works correctly. func Auth(req *http.Request) bool{ sHeader := strings.SplitN(req.Header.Get("authorization"), " ", 2) if sHeader[0] != "" { ...

Q: Function composition in Python

Sebastian WagnerI have this example: from os.path import dirname, realpath dirname(dirname(dirname(realpath(__file__))) And the chained dirname() applications look a bit odd to me. Is there a way to improve my code? There is of course something like Better Function Composition in Python, but that seems too co...

About division by zero: if you know, what it does, then comment the code with the knowledge, why it doesn't matter (also watch for any performance penalty incurred, if that silent failure is cheap, or not), but having it in code without comment is plain bug upon code review. If the code explains why it is ok, then it is ok. — Ped7g 19 secs ago
Q: Minimize nested for loops

bluerenI have two arrays: var knownIP: ['','',.....]; var blacklist: ['','',...]; I have a list of connections that keep coming in with conn.client and conn.server. I need to iterate through the arrays and check the below: for each connection `conn`: if `conn.client` ...

@Bilkokuya - Quite the opposite if the shop has any sort of code review process — StoryTeller 54 secs ago
Q: concatenating rows by column python3

user154060I wrote code python3 which prints result of sql query: field1,field2,field3,field4 (3, 'value1', 'value2', '984') (3, 'value1', 'value2', '155') (3, 'value1', 'value2', '311') (2, 'value1', 'value2', '198') (2, 'value1', 'value2', '957') I want to group rows by field4 and get result below:...

Me: "Yay, I can benchmark small python methods now easily with time-it"
Also me: "Wtf these benchmarks for string, list and numpy array comparisons for equality make no sense whatsoever in terms of performance"
@Isofruit cProfile is your friend
A: O PC, why are you so slow?

Mastdef get_range_list(amount, val, end): return [ ('flcon1:DataValue~Osiris_Test_Data_' + str(i + 1) + end, randint(0, val)) for i in range(amount) ] You're only interested in the value of amount, not in the variable it produces itself. Have you tried using xrange instead? ...

I was literally testing string1==string2, list1==list2 and numpys array_equal method because I was curious which of these was how fast under what conditions
@Mast Tried benchmarking for python 3.5. Currently am looking at timeit claiming that comparing 2 arrays/lists/strings element by element (char by char) is horribly slow in numpy and that list is non-plus-ultra
All hail pythons list-class I guess. I mean, numpy might be faster when it comes to doing math operations to an entire array (at least I hope so, have not benchmarked that) but comparing elements of sth appears to be not numpy's strong suit
@Isofruit Numpy is strong for the things numpy is designed for. Ordinary operations are usually faster in 'native' Python.
@Vogel612 By the by, my browser is complaining about partial HTTPS again. Any idea what the culprit may be this time?
@Mast Guess I'll need to read up on what those were. I originally got the impression from my supervisor that numpy was more universally faster. I misinterpreted there I guess
Grrr, Narnia work with me dammit. I made the bufferoverflow work, pointed to a memory location in the middle of the nop sled. At leave breakpoint, the correct address is pointed to, right before my shellcode. Yet when I continue have a SIGV fault at a completely random location.
@Mast Same problem as before, xkcd comics, terrible_small_logo.png
XKCD should be over HTTPS by now, I suspect commitstrip.
@Isofruit Numpy is never 'always faster'.
Sometimes it simply has too much overhead for small operations.
For massive data, numpy is usually faster, yes. For small data, not.
When I inspect the browser, that is the warning message I get.
ahh. .. that's the profile picture for rmunroe @Mast @Ludisposed
@Isofruit This looks like a fairly good description, in short Python's slow, so you want to offload stuff to C/C++/Fortran.
It's the same reason there's no for loops in the itertool recipes
@Vogel612 Seems like it, is that a bot?
Q: Extract important data from skype chat history

user154065I have skype chat history. from that I want to extract important question answer and store that in another file in any format. using python and I want to make api for that.

@Ludisposed Feed.
Ping a mod to have that profile edited... that's not within my power
Q: Create SiteLinks from a spreadsheet

Dave//Your spreadsheet url var SPREADSHEET_URL = "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kNcvviiSDmLHjOd-VmpCtw79HldoeoJ6fTRfUEU6kUo/edit#gid=1474306441"; //Your sheet (tab) name var SHEET_NAME = "Builder"; //Spreadsheet info var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(SPREADSHEET_URL); var sheet = ss.get...

@Peilonrayz Oh heyho, good to see you again :-D , thanks I'll look into it
Q: Reducing nested loops used together with QXmlStreamReader

AkiraBackground The following XML snippet contains configuration parameters for our application in key-value pair manner. (Despite using INI files for such purpose may be better, I have to use XML files.) <configuration> <parameter id="serial_port_name">ttyS0</parameter> <parameter id="seria...

Q: Add an automated list of number in a google spreadsheet with GS code faster by improving the code

ShinobeI'm new in coding and I use google script in my spreadsheet to add a list of consecutive numbers automatically by giving the first number to add and the last one (with an arrival date and an option "A" or "B" for each number). I created a table to put all the informations with an html file. The c...

Popen.terminate() is, in general, the right thing. By the way, for requesting feedback on working code (as opposed to questions about specific problems), consider Code Review instead of StackOverflow. — Charles Duffy 45 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by 200_success on question by sand_storm_of_code.txt: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/181053/revisions
@MattClark you don't seem active on CR, so please read this before continuing to dump performance questions on Code Review, just to be aware of the reception on the other side. Furthermore, the existence of CR doesn't imply that performance questions are automatically off-topic here. There's some overlap and one should use their best judgment. And don't forget the golden rule: "don't migrate crap". — Andras Deak 10 secs ago
Q: T-SQL Trigger Updating another table - Baseball Database

jDave1984This is my first time writing T-SQL so I'd like to get some criticism on how I wrote this trigger. I'm building a Pitch-Tracking App that will use a relational database to track Pitches, At-Bats, Games, etc. Everything starts with tracking the individual Pitch in an individual AB, so I figured ...

Q: Checking password strength while honoring functional requirements

Noctis SkytowerA program needs a password strength estimator but has several implementation restrictions: Nothing outside of Python's standard library may be used. A database of common passwords may not be consulted. The code must be simple, self-contained, and easy to verify. As for the interface of the pa...

Thank you, i am a noob in programming. I will move to the code review to ask. — Cun Li 6 secs ago
I think this would be better asked on codereview.stackexchange.comLiam 38 secs ago
Q: I am using arecord through subprocess to record in raspberry pi

Cun LiI am using arecord through subprocess to record in raspberry pi : press joystick button to start recording and press button again to stop recording, here is my code, i am really a noob in programming, ask for help for reviewing if joystick.get_numbuttons() >= 1 and joystick.get_button( 0 ) == 0...

Q: Method for divider check

Lazar Slavković-RacoSo as the title suggests I'm trying to create a method for divider check. \What should method do? It should do a check does have any divider at that number, if It has then should stop completely the programme and have a message //Output This number has a divider. Please re-enter the number('s)...

Q: Storing and Retrieving data with User Forms in Excel 2010

MaldredI'm currently designing a check list for my office using Excel that requires the user to save anywhere from 4-10 documents that need to be saved in the same folder as this check list. I thought it might be easier to consolidate everything into one Excel file by using User Forms. I noticed that it...

anyone do a lot of Front End Development? I am looking for a specific feature when scrolling and can't remember what it is called
@Malachi I wouldn't say I do a lot, but some amount... are you thinking about the debounced effect?
@Isofruit Sup, long time no see.
@SamOnela not sure.......
I want the scrolling effect where the background looks stationary between sections....
let me google.
@Malachi fixed position?
parallax scrolling effect I think.....
yes it is parallax
@Malachi okay cool
I am hoping I can add it to what I already have without much issue.....
Parallax is usually a layer (or more) with another speed, which creates the illusion of depth (think Super Mario World).
I'm not sure if the effect is called the same If the background is stationary.
Man, frontend developers use any old term for their new fancy stuff.
doesn't seem like too much trouble.
@Zeta I know what you mean, I saw other definitions like the one you gave.
> Parallax scrolling, also known as "Asymmetrical scrolling", is a technique in computer graphics and web design, where background images move by the camera slower than foreground images, creating an illusion of depth in a 2D scene and adding to the immersion.
but that is wikipedia
@Malachi Well, it fits the Greek parallaxis (alternation)
This site is about helping people solve issues with their specific code problems, not advice. Please review stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask for the kinds of questions Stackoverflow desires. After your specific problem is solved, if you want to ask if there is a better way, or to make it more performant, you can ask such questions on codereview.stackexchange.comTaplar 56 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by Wood Glass on question by Wood Glass: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/180989/revisions
Q: Duplicate Video Finder

bricktopThis finds duplicate video files using size, duration and partial filename. I have a mass of 17000+ videos and it seems to do an OK job; the amount of duplicates has certainly reduced drastically. Even so there should be many more methods of finding duplicates using these three (or possibly more?...

Q: Brain-flak interpreter in Go

pycoderI'm learning Go, so I decided to make a Brain-flak interpreter for practice. package main import ( "fmt" "strings" "bufio" "os" ) var openToClose map[rune]rune = map[rune]rune { '(': ')', '[': ']', '{': '}', '<': '>', '&': '^', } var bracketNames map[rune]s...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because questions about improving programming style are more on-topic for CodeReview.stackexchange.com. — Barmar 37 secs ago
I can't get it to work.... ugh...
Q: Simple, pixel independent, CSS Grid resizing with no third party libraries

AquaziI wanted to see if I could implement codepen-like or jsfiddle-like window resizing by using simple boxes and CSS grid without any third party libraries. Live version can be found here: https://codepen.io/Aquazi/pen/bYomRN?editors=0011 HTML, a simple div containing 3 divs: <div class="container...

This question should really be on Code Review, which is for working code and discussions of how to improve it. Stack Overflow is for solving problems with non-working code. Post it there and I (along with others) would be happy to comment) — samanime 26 secs ago
Q: Make code clear in C++

trafalgarLaww#include <iostream> //#define NDEBUG #include <cassert> using namespace std; struct Matrix { int n, m; int* elements; int getElement(int r, int c) const { return elements[r*m + c]; } void setElement(int r, int c, int e) { elements[r*m + c] = e; } ...

can I bug you guys for a second?
var firstImageUrl = document.getElementsByClassName('thumbnails');
    function() {
            function () {
                $('#BigImage').attr('src', this.attr('src'));
        $('#BigImage').attr('src', firstImageUrl.item(0).getAttribute('src'));
anybody see anything wrong there?
shove the declaration of firstImageUrl into the $(document).ready block
that can be undefined otherwise
I am getting issues with this.attr('src')
@Vogel612 good to know
I actually have to put it inside the function
am I using this incorrectly?
I had it $this but I was getting an error that way as well....
maybe I don't have something installed....
@Malachi There is no $this in JS ^^". Unless you create it yourself.
Visual studio 2017 keeps freezing so I am working in 2013 web and I might not have something in there
@Zeta it's jQuery isn't it?
@Malachi That would be $(this).
@Zeta what does that select?
Nothing. It just enhances the object referenced by this with additional features.
I want the src from the img.thumbnail that was clicked
it works on the other version of the site but not this one.
attr needs jQuery, though.
So you need $(this).attr(...).
I don't get any error now, but it doesn't populate the #BigImage img tag's src. Nevermind
I still had that one as a runat server tag
now it should work.
when I am finished getting a running version of the site then I will work on getting this user control to work when there are several on the page.
Several big images?
I want a Before Photo Gallery and then an after Gallery
I had to revert to the original user control.
once I have the site production ready I am going to put it into source control
and then try to make it so that I can use multiple on a page.
then I will try to get fancy....lol
@Malachi Why don't you put it into a VCS right now?
I put photo gallery asp.net c# user control into Google and my previous post about this code came up....lol
Q: Python Account creation using SQL

Olly PiperSo I am trying to create a program that allows the user to enter their details for an account creation, the data then gets stored in a database file. I have created a table for the users. I am stuck on how to make a function that will ask the user for a forename, surname, password, DOB. Any he...

@Zeta you know, you are right, I should do it right now. bit bucket still does continuous integration with Azure right.....?
Oh, wait. Nvm. I thought you were talking about version control management, not code driven website behaviour.
@Malachi I have no idea, sorry. I just use git locally for my projects and then push whenever I feel like it's ready.
I use Travis for GitHub, and GitLab CI for, well, GitLab, but on both only CI, not CD.
Monking folks
@CaptainObvious #GimmeTheCode
Gimme gimme gimme the code (after midnight).
You heard about the man thing with the gimme gimme gimme easter egg?
Better suited to Code Review. — Andy Turner just now
possible answer invalidation by Belle on question by Belle: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/181012/revisions
@Marc-Andre I thought that was hilarious
@Marc-Andre I think Mast posted it yesterday. But I'm not sure about that since it's not in the star list.
can I interupt
nevermind I think I can find what I need....I forgot what the name of it was for a minute there
@Malachi Yes, please. I think I'm going crazy, because I don't find the original message that brought me to the "gimme gimme gimme" issue on Unix.SE.
I need to figure out how to pull a file from one repo to mine, a gitignore....
What happens when you invoke man after midnight? https://buff.ly/2zYjbVb
and I have to remember where to put the file so it works....
@Malachi Root directory of your git repository (the folder that contains .git, not .git itself), unless you only want to ignore certain files in a subfolder (then put the .gitignore there).
thank you.
echo "node_modules/" >> .gitignore && git add .gitignore && git commit -m "Ignore locally installed node packages"
> # Node.js Tools for Visual Studio
I found a good place to get gitignore files
you ever use gitkraken?
Nah. I usually use git add -p a lot, or magit.
git add -p?
git add --patch lets you choose what parts of a file you want to commit. For example, if I worked at the same time on a Matrix and a Vector, and both changes are logically disjoint (no interface changes, only some internal implementation changes) but in the same file, I'd like to have two commits, one for the Matrix and one for the Vector. In case one of the commits introduced a bug, it's much easier to find that one with git bisect later.
@Malachi Yeah, whenever I finally fix my broken configuration.
possible answer invalidation by Sam Onela on question by kawnah: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/180686/revisions
I don't think I have ever used Emacs. I have used VIM a time or two, or maybe it was VI
Q: Excel VBA: Potential code optimizations

DarukiThe code below does the following: Look through rows 10 and the lastrow of a sheet, and based off certain criteria, loops through each row If the scenarios match, then the code will drop in 0s and 1s onto another sheet in a formulated range In some scenarios, the code will fill down formulas. ...

Vi is a lot of fun, after you finally learned how to combine verbs and movements. But it's not an IDE.
Either way, use the tools you're most comfortable with. No need to learn magit or the git command if Gitkraken or another applications fulfils your needs completely. Although the git command(s) can be helpful.
@Malachi Basically this feature of Gitkraken.
I find myself using the GitBash and GitKraken
Seems like a nice tool for people who prefer a GUI, so thanks for sharing.
you're welcome.
it is pretty good. a couple of people where I worked last were using it also
how do I fork one of my repos from the community github?
Nevermind I figured it out
For questions seeking advices on working code, please refer to code reviewlitelite 45 secs ago
But please only go to Code Review if you want an actual review of working code, not just a rating out of 10. — miradulo 47 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on Code Review. — Jonathan Leffler 23 secs ago
Q: Bug not allowing the first player to select the third row in my Tic Tac Toe game. (Python)

Daniel LoughranAs the title suggest, the bug I am running into is not allowing the first person to select the third row of my Tic Tac Toe grid. It's is behaving like that row does not exist. Perhaps I did something wrong that I do not see or I over complicated it. Anyway, everything else works as I want it to....

My two cents about the GitHub Organization:
A: Code Review Community on GitHub: where is it going?

Simon ForsbergIf you want to leave the GitHub organization, leave. That's what I did myself. I personally felt that it doesn't serve a purpose and I personally don't see a reason to stay inside the organization. The last thing I changed before I left was to fix the webhook for the CodeReviewCommunity.github.i...

code review is not the dump of SO. They don't do ratings. — Jean-François Fabre 21 secs ago
@Duga Thank you.
Q: Solving an order 5 magic star with limited use of numbers?

noflowIf we have this: and the following limitations: Each line (e.g., A+H+F+J) = 16 Only these numbers are available {2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6, 6} How would you code an algorithm that could solve this (i.e., find where each number should be placed) ? I am more interested in the code than the the...

I guess you need to post this question to codereview.stackexchange.com. — Tigran Saluev 17 secs ago
Q: Right way of oop or should i change it

ZaxZixSo i'm currently kinda stuck in what's the correct way of oop since my teachers are explaining oop very vague. Do i need to use the constructor and the getters and setters like this or am i better off remove the constructor and pass the information when i call the methods. this is currently my d...

Q: The Movie Db React App

Dan ZawadzkiI'm searching for someone, who could make code review of my app. It's working fine for me, but i would like to keep improving my react skills, so would really appreciate all suggestions! https://github.com/danzawadzki/the-movie-db-react-app The most important things are in the source folder "sr...

Q: Mars Rover - Javascript Functional Programming

Isabella ChenI have written the solution of the Mars Rover problem in Javascript, with a sort of functional approach. I would like to know how I can improve it and if there are any additional edge cases I missed in the tests. A rover’s position and location is represented by a combination of x and y co-or...

Q: Code to get order info from database and display to client in Joomla

joomlanoobWe have cloned a Joomla 2.5 site and moved it to a digital ocean server. Most parts of he website are working well - the database id deifnitely connected as you can read and edit the database form other pages on the site. However this one page is not working. The page always shows You have no...

If this code works fine, then this question is off topic on Stack Overflow, but may be good for our sister site Code Review. — Joe C 34 secs ago
Good grief the flags
Q: Given a string of letters, output all English words formable using only those letters

ModelHXAs an introduction to Python classes and an exercise in recursion / tree-traversal, I wrote a small script that forms all English words using only the letters in an input string. Useful for things like creating words from musical-note letters or typing "words" on upside-down calculators. I used t...

1 hour later…
Q: Check if two date ranges overlap by X minutes

AdmiralAdamaI have a list of volunteer shifts. For example, 9AM-2PM and 12PM-5PM. I need to check by how many minutes multiple selected shifts overlap, and then throw an error if the overlap is too high. I coded this for my website and it works great. Just purely out of intellectual curiosity, is there a fa...

If what you have works, which can be inferred from the title of the post, this does not belong on stackoverflow but rather codereview — George Jempty 46 secs ago
Q: Best markup/css for a form whose top has to be aligned with an image in the background

Xirux NeferI have received a design to implement for a page with a form, where the bottom of the top part of the form has to be aligned with an image in the background. Like this: As you see, there is a "form section" after the "form top". The bottom of "form top" and the top of "form section" are aligne...

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