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And that's exactly why I suggested the migration to Code Review: opinionated answers are frowned upon here, but are perfectly on-topic there. — Gerardo Furtado 12 secs ago
RELOAD! There are 4694 unanswered questions (90.4159% answered)
@GerardoFurtado Sure- the issue isn't that it was suggested to migrate there, the issue is that that was the reason for closing. Please see the section What you should not do in this postSam Onela 32 secs ago
Q: Extending Polynomial Class with math operations

Vivek JhaBackground After seeing a random coding interview question "write a program that can take the derivative of a polynomial", I decided to solve the problem using an OOP approach in Python. Then, I wanted to practice more, so built out a "fully" functioning Polynomial class. I am looking both for w...

Q: Improving code for basic html/bootstrap page

Joel BanksI've been coding for a while but I wouldn't really consider myself all that good at it. I recently started to learn bootstrap, and I really liked it and made a page to test it out. It has some basic bootstrap layouts and a little bit of jQuery. I recently learned about this stack exchange, and it...

1 hour later…
> and Rustaceans use Cargo to manage their Rust projects
I was not crazy ! It is still in use ahaha
Q: Is it better to having two overloaded methods or check for input in single method?

Emad I have two methods in a class with almost same functionality, one of them take an object as an input and fill the data structures with the object, and other one taking no parameter. which approach is better to handle this situation? First approach: public void Action() { //Do common ...

1 hour later…
@Marc-Andre nice
Q: How can I make this Perl Script execute in my browser?

HebruiserI have this tiny bit of code, that for some reason, is not able to execute when run from http://localhost/cgi-bin/sysinfo.sh. I'm on a VM of CentOS 7. I'll take all the help I can get. #!/bin/bash echo -e "Content-type: text/html\r\n\n" echo " <html> <head> <title>Bash as CGI</title

Q: Lazy string_view splitter range

FrankTrying something out of my comfort here, and attempting to implement a D-style range around std::string_view. Looking for any and all suggestions or improvements. One of the things I'm not exactly happy about is having to declare difference_type, pointer and reference just to fullfill the forwa...

Q: Gap Buffer class: implementation problems in search backwards method

JaldharPreviously I had asked for help implementing a standard-compliant container and corresponding iterator implementing the gap-buffer algorithm for efficient text editing. Thanks to the feedback I got, it now works swimmingly or so I thought. Now I want to implement some more advanced features tha...

Questions like this about working code are better suited to codereview.stackexchange.com . — charlietfl 15 secs ago
I didn't know that such thing exists thanks! So if I delete this question it will no longer be available to see by others and then I can ask the same one on codereview? — M.Dawid 40 secs ago
All 3 codes are set up differently, but they all accomplish the same thing. What is it you're trying to accomplish? This type of question might be a better fit for codereview.stackexchange.com. — stealththeninja 24 secs ago
Q: JavaScript simple library

SzymonSo I got this pretty interesting homework which was to finish off very simple javascript library. I couldn't use jquery. First I will show you the raw piece of code that I got than I will show you my solution and the last piece of code is what i think the test of all the functions I had to make. ...

Q: Which of these codes is better, and would you change anything in the code to make it better?

coding765Of these 3 CSS codes, which code set up is better to use and why? All 3 codes are set up differently, but they all accomplish the same thing. I'm trying to figure out which one I should use. https://jsfiddle.net/75tu065b/2/ http://testing45435.blogspot.com/ Code 1 https://jsfiddle.net/3fcc4...

@CaptainObvious Why was this closed? It contains working code, and the OP just wonders why writing a small working part differently breaks (which is easily fixable by adding correct const qualifiers to some operator overloads).
At least the description for "broken code" doesn't really fit for this case...
Q: minimum window subsequence leetcode dynamic programming solution

noman pouigtGiven strings S and T, find the minimum (contiguous) substring W of S, so that T is a subsequence of W. If there is no such window in S that covers all characters in T, return the empty string "". If there are multiple such minimum-length windows, return the one with the left-most starting index...

@ImFlash By the way, as one of the commenters has mentioned, this question is opinion based. You may find you get more answers posting it over on codereview.stackexchange.com. — bornfromanegg 17 secs ago
Q: Display multiple video in video tag using timeduration in Grails Application

Vivek BuddhadevI've requirements to display video of some time duration in video tag. I've written following code for the same in my grails application. videoFeed.gsp <div id="content"> <div class="container"> <!--=== Page Header ===--> <div class="page-header"> <div class=...

The StackExchange network has a vibrant and active Code Review site at https://codereview.stackexchange.com/

The languages are wide and varied, the questions and answers are actively curated and moderated, the solutions range from the simple to the overtly complex. The support for code markdown is more than adequate, and of course, the StackExchange voting system helps bring the best questions and answers to the fore.

There's even an integrated chat system as part of the network, where mods, reviewers and questioners can collaborate and discus
That's opinion based. Personally I think your code is fine and 'proper'. If you really want feedback better move this to stack codereview, which is better suited IMO. — kabanus 19 secs ago
@ThunderFrame Rubberduck is also mentioned in that thread.
@Mast that would be my comment too...
@Vogel612 I'm slightly tired, is my Morra review comprehensible or abstruse?
LGTM, needs a bit of thinking to fully grasp, but that's fine
Q: Change method decorator at runtime

João FerreiraI wanted to have a boilerplate class with methods all decorated with a single custom decorator. The class did not have attributes or a __init___. I initially tried a metaclass in an attempt to subclass the returned class and not have to decorate the new methods, relying on the parent's. But overr...

Q: Perl, letter frequency analysis. (Breaking Vignere)

LudisposedTrying to improve my Perl, and doing some wargames online. I wrote a small utitliy to help me pass a stage. The main weakness of a simple substitution cipher is repeated use of a simple key. In the previous exercise you were able to introduce arbitrary plaintext to expose the key. In this exa...

Q: multithreading write to single csv (Huge file) python error

jennifer ruursI have a CSV file where the first line is a header and all the others are rows of URLs. When this file is small lets say 10 Urls all the columns are stored correctly. Whenever the list of URLs gets big (more then 1000URLs) the column times is not stored correctly. All the rows in the column times...

We are online again !
Q: Incorrect Automatic Perl regex syntax

LudisposedBecoming a Perl bandit , in this question I had to do escape my regex expression \: , to avoid funny syntaxing. Now on my newest Perl question, I encounter the same issue. Can this be fixed somehow? Should I just escape them all? Go to google/code-prettify with the issue. (Doubtfull if they ...

Q: Is this a good practice for EF Database First?

MetMe colleague and I recently had a discussion on good practices in EF. So I showed one of mine. He said it is a little bit muddler. My practice consists of modifying the autogenerated class in a specific way. This is my starting model: namespace PCServer.Data { using System; using Syste...

Q: Various right answers for a quiz

AmirSo I created a quiz asking what 2+2 is? I want to allow the user to either input 4 as a right answer or a/A [as the options are a)4 or b)6]. The part where the user inputs 4 as an answer is correct, but i can't seem to work out how the user can pick a/A. Can someone please help me and tell me wha...

2 hours later…
Q: Simple Audio Player to play music using a URL built using Media Player in Android?

AndroidNewBeeI just want to create a very basic application in android that plays a audio file based on a URL input.I have made the Application and I would like it to be reviewed based on good programming practices.This is the first time that I have used the Media Player class it works as I would like it to b...

Q: XOR cipher C program

MarcoLucidiI'm a C beginner. I was learning about getopt to parse command line options and I decided to write this small XOR cipher program for files. It acts as a "UNIX filter" (I guess) since default input and output are stdin and stdout. It can generate a random key file from /dev/urandom if the provide...

Wow, I just encountered the first website with a cryptominer in the wild
@GlenThomas this is a pretty old post. The PR/code review would happen in step 4 in order to merge the feature branch to develop. — Aspasia 36 secs ago
1 hour later…
Note that general-purpose code review is off-topic on StackOverflow. Code Review exists, but read the Help Center there before asking your question. — Charles Duffy 48 secs ago
Q: Optimizing Brute Force Searching

John MeehanI'm currently working on a natural language processing project and I have two arrayLists<String> where each arrayList contains a verb at index 0, a noun at index 1 and a noun at index 2 (repeat). I'm trying to find any two nouns in the first list that is present consecutively in the second by usi...

@ThunderFrame Didn't know that was you :-)
@skiwi I haven't bothered checking sites for it yet. What's your procedure?
Q: plotting a dictionary by it's values and keys with matplotlib

sheldonzyhave the following dictionary: top = {'aaaa': {'☹': 7, 'πŸ‘Ή': 12, '😑': 6}, 'bbbb': {'πŸ‘': 2, 'πŸ˜‰': 2, '😘': 2}, 'cccc': {'☹': 5, 'πŸ˜†': 3, 'πŸ™‚': 3}, 'dddd': {'🌝': 8, '😈': 7, 'πŸ€—': 3}, 'eeee': {'☺': 3, 'πŸ˜‚': 5, 'πŸ˜”': 4}, 'ffff': {'☹': 5, 'πŸ’ž': 5, '😒': 5}} each 'a...

@Mast How do you mean?
I entered the site and my CPU fan started spinning up to maximum volume
I left the site and it went back
Double-checked it with the task manager and it also showed Firefox 100% at those times
That's blatant.
Q: CodingBat countYZ

AnirudhIn reference to the problem here Given a string, count the number of words ending in 'y' or 'z' -- so the 'y' in "heavy" and the 'z' in "fez" count, but not the 'y' in "yellow" (not case sensitive). We'll say that a y or z is at the end of a word if there is not an alphabetic letter immediately ...

@CaptainObvious That's... interesting. I'm actually kind of surprised both SE and this chat display emojis fine
@Phrancis They're Unicode, right? Unicode is supported just fine on pretty much every modern platform nowadays.
throws @Phrancis into the Void
returns nothing
I saw you got a pretty thorough answer on your email thing
@Phrancis indeed. I've been busy something fierce so I haven't taken that infomration and applied it yet.
also stuck waiting for the bloody train which is delayed because of rain. How the hell are trains delayed by rain i mean come on
(it's already 2.5hrs late)
(and I'm bored of just sitting here in the train station)
So, Skyline Chili has one of the most dysfunctional websites I've ever seen
@ThomasWard Could be a part of the rails is flooded
Nevermind the fact the website is all PHP, which can be OK, but their menu has no prices, no item pictures, you can't order online
And the whole website is stuck inside this tiny little frame
1 hour later…
Q: Unit Test: Prove that custom sort function is stable

S. WalkerI want to prove that when provided reference types, my custom sort function will return the same reference. Does the following code do that? // Create 2 strings with 2 difference references. string[] stabilityText = new string[2]; stabilityText[0] = "This is a test"; ...

possible answer invalidation by Vikas Yadav on question by Vikas Yadav: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/180641/revisions
Q: converting anki-furigana to html-furigana without parser libraries

user2740I wrote a converter from anki-style furigana to html-style furigana. Eventually I want to do it as a parser, but as a first step I do it without. Furigana is used to write the pronounciation over certain characters in japanese. E.g. Anki would write it like this ζž—[はやし]さんは θ‹±θͺž[γˆγ„γ”]は θ©±[はγͺ]せます。...

Q: Tic-Tac-Toe python3 game

luispython 3.6.1 I was given the challenge of creating a tic-tac-toe game that would print out the board each time. It was fun to make and part B of the challenge was to have others review my code. If you would like to see my code in action, you can do so from here. Any comments or advice on adjust...

possible answer invalidation by Jamal on question by jbrock: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/179933/revisions
Q: Richelieu - product scrapper

Cajuu'I wanted to see how would I deal with a large amount of data being scrapped and written into a CSV file, so I decided to get the info out of a random website. First off, I found a way to search for all the products on the website and I figured out that any product will have a space in its name o...

If anyone provided the printf() example to me for code review, they would be sent away immediately to revise the code. However, Clang on macOS High Sierra does indeed both compile the code and prints 'Hello World' when it is run. (My default compilation give warnings for 'no previous prototype' and 'unused parameter', but nothing else.) I suppose that if you arrange to pass an array with a second dimension of 14, it is even 'OK'. Outside of IOCCC code, I'm not sure it is useful, though. — Jonathan Leffler 9 secs ago

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