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RELOAD! There are 4495 unanswered questions (90.6360% answered)
Q: What library to use for making a Laguerre polymoial function

WolfyI am writing a c++ class of "A simple least squares approach" by Longstaff and Schwartz. I have posted my class here. I have made a Laguerre polynomial function using the Eigen library but I want to avoid that and use standard template classes such as vector. I am not sure if that is the best way...

Q: Modeling a pipeline in C++ with replaceable stages

wcochranI am trying to concoct a C++ data structure for modeling a simple N stage process where each stage can be replaced with a different process. The idea is I can mix and match different algorithms for each stage and see the effect; It's actually a specialized image processing pipeline, but the follo...

@PeterCordes, I used it as can be shown here - codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/177658. Is that what you meant? Any idea why is it still so slow? — Royi 17 secs ago
Q: Finding the Minimum and Maximum Value in an Image

RoyiGiven an image which is padded to support aliging (SSE) I need to find its minimum and maximum value as fast as possible. This is the code I created: void ExtractMinMax(float* vMinMax, float* mI, int numRows, int numCols, int numColsPad) { int ii, jj, numColsSse; __m128 pxI; __m12...

This is actually more a topic for codereview.stackexchange.comMichael Butscher 43 secs ago
Here's a suggestion: Take your eigen implementation over to codereview.stackexchange.com/help for hints and tips on improving the performance. It seems a better fit for what you are after. Note I linked you to the help page. You'll want to do a good read of the Asking section before posting a question there for maximum benefit (and minimum sarcasm). — user4581301 31 secs ago
I read here that code in a post can be arbitrarily long, but longer posts will likely result in a more high level review. I'm developing an OpenGL application from the bottom up and I'm interested in getting as full a review as possible, but the applications is 1.2kLOC roughly spread over 18 files, does anyone have any idea what my options are?
I am not sure what your question is. If you are looking for code review suggestions, you should post at codereview.stackexchange.com. — palsrealm 1 min ago
Say you're a code reviewer, if an error occurred at an else-statement, you have refer back to all the if and else-if statements beforehand to determine what the else conditional actually is. On the other hand, if the coder just ends all his if-statements with else-ifs (if possible), then that hassle is resolved. — NoName 6 secs ago
Q: Any function that changes the color of only certain characters with one function at the top?

Gibbylimmer I want to change all the words with caps to a certain color, and not have to use console.foregroundcolor every sentence in ConsoleApp for C#. A sort of color code. Any easy way to do this?

Q: How to choose the right container in a react/redux application?

Bruno FernandesI'm a beginner learning about react and redux and so far I'm coding this vertical menu. I'm trying to code this functionality: When the nav is clicked, it should change the background color to blue. This is how I designed the component Black is the Redux Container called VerticalNav ...

2 hours later…
@NickA You can post the code with your major concern and add a link for e.g a GitHub rep hosting the remaining code. After receiving and implementing answers (if you agree on them) you should update your code in the repository and take the next part into a question.
Q: Is there a simpler way to write this drawing code?

drekkaI'm working on a draw function which needs to draw the word 'crux' in the center of the current view and then draw a red box around the 'x' character like this: My code to do this looks like this override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) { guard let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext() else ...

Q: Beginner Code of Tic Tac Toe with two players with Java

AnaMy assignment for my CS class is to code a multiplayer Tic Tac Toe game. I am getting a lot of errors but am having difficulty understanding how to fix said errors. Here is my code: The Mechanism Class (which does all the inside work for the game) import java.util.*; import java.lang.*;...

@CaptainObvious broken
Seems like StackOverflow and at least codereview are down/having errors
> An exception occurred while processing your request. Additionally, another exception occurred while executing the custom error page for the first exception. The request has been terminated.
For me the only site up is meta.stackexchange.com
Q: Stackoverflow is throwing Runtime error

Ishan KanadeServer Error in '/' Application. Runtime Error Description: An exception occurred while processing your request. Additionally, another exception occurred while executing the custom error page for the first exception. The request has been terminated. This is happening as I'm posting this quest...

<XAMPP browser tabs, "redirects to"> Found the non-ASP.NET developer. — BoltClock ♦ 7 mins ago
Well, then I can reboot ...
Q: How to use std::min_element in C++17?

rspI have small piece of code to print smallest element in the range using std::min_element. #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> #include <vector> int main() { std::vector<int> v{3, 1, 4, 1, -5, 9}; std::cout << std::min_element(std::begin(v), std::end(v)); } But, I got following an...

possible answer invalidation by Marko Petričević on question by Marko Petričević: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/177562/revisions
Up and running again
#FunWithNames We have an adviser, call him John Smith, who is also a client, who himself has a client, also called John Smith.
Also, Monking
Q: constexpr hashtable string to user type

NickThis is take to create something like constexpr mar using C++14. Collision resolution is with static_assert and manually increase of hashtable buckets. I do not store keys inside the hashtable, so I can get wrong result for non existent key. However for my use case this is OK. #include <cstdint>...

possible answer invalidation by Marko Petričević on question by Marko Petričević: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/177562/revisions
@Duga Keeps editing the post over and over. But I'm not sure whether it invalidates t3chb0t's review yet.
possible answer invalidation by srig on question by srig: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/176862/revisions
@Duga Minor changes, but still rolled back.
Q: Are Javascript Callbacks No Longer Preferred?

UebynSo I'm working on a new project at work that uses React/Redux, and it is my first forray into both React and Redux. One thing I notice is the way the previous programmers sort of "hardcoded" the after effects of a function. Say for instance, I have a function that calls another: // main.js g...

Since this is a working query, and you want optimization, you may want to ask this in Code Review instead — Swellar just now
You might want to take this to Code Review, but it would probably be helpful to explain what the point of it is. — jonrsharpe 17 secs ago
What can I do if one of my responses is not marked as an answer?
He hasn't selected any of the responses as an answer
@EugeneProut Nothing, I have a lot like that too. I wouldn't worry about it
You can check whether they never accepted an answer yet and link to the "How does accepting an answer work" article on meta. However, this particular user has accepted a lot of questions on SO, so they should be familiar with the process.
None of the answers might scratch every itch yet.
By the way, you haven't accepted your only response on a question too. :P
Q: Using toString in Enums

Rocket PinguI like using Enums in Java. I have a question regarding the best way to return the toString of an Enum constant. Here's the first one: public enum SomeEnum{ SOME_ENUM_CONSTANT, ... (other enum constants) public String toString(){ switch(this){ case SOME_ENUM_CONSTANT...

@Zeta Thanks, just tidied up my questions
Does anyone know any good image sharing sites? SE's borking my images, -.-
possible answer invalidation by Royi on question by Royi: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/177658/revisions
Thank you @Lundin. I was asking for a general code review and added some English words, it is not bracketed as code. Apart from that is the IDE written in Java, at least it returns sometimes java errors. Hence why not flag it accordingly? — Constantin 35 secs ago
Here is an example: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/29353/… (just did some googling) — peco 17 secs ago
@EugeneProut Could try that, but IIRC they're the same... :/
Huh, Imgur worked, how strange...
I wonder if it is pure coincidence that the second hash function looks like the one in codereview.stackexchange.com/a/111573/35991 :) — Martin R 57 secs ago
Of course it always depends on the properties that you want to hash: integers (in a small or large range), floating point numbers, strings, ... – Here is an example which shows the effect of different hash functions: codereview.stackexchange.com/q/148763/35991. — Martin R 58 secs ago
When you have a working program (of reasonable size), you might want to submit it for review over on Code Review - you'll likely get good advice on reducing the duplication of code. — Toby Speight 55 secs ago
@Peilonrayz Strange indeed, since SE basically uploads to Imgur.
Q: Validating a Domain or Service Method

DrivenTooFarI'm trying to determine at which level I should validate a method on my class. In my class method I throw an exception if it ever gets to that point. In my service layer I do some validation and return a validation object to be used by the controller. Here is my code. Does it seem like I am m...

Greetings, Programs.
@Peilonrayz @Mast SE has a special version of Imgur though.
Q: Binary search implementations comparison

Evgeny MamaevI implemented a binary search algorithm. And did it using recursive and non-recurcive approaches. Then I compared the performance of both implementations with java out-of-the-box solution. And what I got is my implementations execute for pretty the same time as Arrays.binarySearch(), which seems ...

Q: Really long django test, How to fix violating "each test method should test one thing"?

surfer190I am writing tests for the password reset flow. It involves emails, links to reset the password etc so I made a really long test. It is testing quite a lot of things. If I break up the tests then the full flow is not tested, so this is more like a functional test. How should I break this up espec...

Hm. Did anyone here back the Librem 5?
I don't even know what that is.
@Donald.McLean Smartphone that runs Linux (but not Android). The crowdfounding campaign reached its goal yesterday, see puri.sm/shop/librem-5
Interesting, but not something I would buy.
@Zeta Uhh...this is literally what Blackberry was in the beginning.
@202_accepted Blackberry uses/used a complete open source stack on their phones?
It wasn't open-source, but it was entirely security-based.
BlackBerry is a line of smartphones, tablets, and services originally designed and marketed by Canadian company BlackBerry Limited (formerly known as Research In Motion Limited). These are currently designed, manufactured, and marketed by TCL Communication (BlackBerry Mobile), BB Merah Putih, and Optiemus for the global, Indonesian, and Indian markets, respectively, continuously using the BlackBerry brand. BlackBerry was considered one of the most prominent smartphone vendors in the world, specializing in secure communications and mobile productivity. At its peak in September 2013, there were 85...
Whereas PureOS is completely open source and Pureism seems to go the extra mile for open source drivers. The security focus is similar, but the rest is not literally the same, as far as I can see.
Either way, I guess the answer on my original question is "no" :D.
For problem 2 @danieltakeshi already provided a good link. Concerning the code optimization: Please read this on meta - It's better to go to Code Review with problem 1, since the actual problem is already solved. — Rik Sportel 24 secs ago
I am not sure how I wrote code before I knew about tests
Badly, I guess
Q: Syncing NTFS Permissions with SMB Share Permissions

JohnLBevanI recently wrote scripts to automate the setup of shares on a server using the New-SmbShare cmdlet. I hadn't realised that this cmdlet doesn't automatically amend the underlying NTFS permissions to honour the SMB permissions. This script is a generic one which can be run after the SMB permissio...

Q: Custom ResponseModel for Spring Controller - ResponseEntity<?>

PatrickI created a custom responseModel to have a standard json responseModel for some of my different RestController. Superclass TransactionResponseModel: public class TransactionResponseModel { private HttpStatus httpStatus; private Double amount; private String transactionId; priv...

But before posting on Code Review, please read thisdanieltakeshi 1 min ago
I can see flags?
thats new
What flags?
@DanPantry Congrats on 10k network wide, :)
Oh, those flags.
thanks @danieltakeshi. will look forward to code review and will try Like Operator. will update you soon — dFialok 36 secs ago
Q: Python scapy - TCP port scan of subnet

LudisposedQuestion I love using NMAP and other related tools to scan networks really fast. But using a tool and understanding how it works are 2 different things, thus I tried creating a program where I can scan a subnet for open TCP-Ports. I am using scapy on a *NIX machine in python2.7 It works, but i...

Q: Resolving MySQL 1215 errors in a declarative MySQL migration system

Conor ManconeGithub here: https://github.com/cmancone/mygrations I'm building a migration system for MySQL that operates in a very different way than the usual. Rather than recording changes in the database, the database structure is managed by simply having one CREATE TABLE command for each MySQL table in ...

Q: Implementing an Enum field for peewee

Richard NeumannI have implemented an enumeration field based on peewee.CharField. I am using a peewe.CharField and thus VARCHAR instead of an integer representation of the enumeration values on the database side, because I also require human readability on this end. I'd like to improve the database <> python ...

It's like I've always said--people just need more common sense. But not the kind of common sense that lets them figure out that they're being condescended to by someone who thinks they're stupid, because then I'll be in trouble.
Q: Acquiring multiple resource exclusively before processing using lock and monitor in JAVA

user1589188Here is my implementation of an all-or-wait-until-all kind of process. Each thread (kid) needs to guarantee it is the only thread processing the required resources (toys) at that moment. If some resources are not available (being marked by another thread), then it should wait for them and check ...

Q: Using Task.FromResult to change Task<Interface> to Task<Impl>

FildorI am fixing some code and during this I came across following situation: I have Interface TInterface Concrete Impl. TClass : TInterface A function in our (internal) API with signature Task<TInterface> DoSomeAsync() And finally the corresponding API that I must use is Task<TClass> DoSomeAsyncIn...

All the code from Pods folder shows up in merge requests and makes doing code review very difficult. — Chris Gunawardena 56 secs ago
@DanPantry I had a look at an old JavaScript game I wrote six years ago. The code was written over the course of two days or so. I know that I felt so so clever and modern.
Monking all
javascript code older than 2 days is no longer modern
@DanPantry Simple, Failure Driven Development. If it failed, it obviously wasn't finished yet.
So clever and modern. Or, to put it in nowadays term: it's mind bogglingly ugly, an abomination of any standard practice, and shout get git filter-branched from existence.
@202_accepted I thought they simply bought a sub-domain with reserved space.
@DanPantry Eh, it was VanillaJS. That's timeless*.
@Mast No, AFAIK SE has some custom Imgur stuff even.
@DanPantry Oh, I misread "days" for "years". Yeah, that makes a lot more sense.
I should rewrite that game though. Maybe I'll use Haskell, just to make sure that no one will play/review it.
ah yes, in my team (AppSec) we call that practice JobSec
@DanPantry Write a (critical) component in an obscure language that only a handful of people know?
Job Security
My colleague had it with Elixir, before I learned Elixir
I have it with JavaScript. Everyone in my team can write JavaScript they just refuse to
Can they write TypeScript?
Either way, TTG for me. !gniknoM
@DanPantry Elixir, holy carp, that language should only be used by niche markets.
Should probably be on codereview.stackexchange.com — DiskJunky 34 secs ago
Q: Using gulp + gulp-babel + browserify to work with ReactJS

joltSo this is my first attempt at setting up a local environment to build a react app. I got my code to work in broswer using the code below, but i'm curious if using .pipe(babel) AND .pipe(browserify) is redundant? Is babel capable of accomplishing the same task that browserify does? const gulp =...

Q: Writing a secret santa pair allocator javascript

hasti123I have a secret santa with my family and we always forget who we had last year and never find time to do it so I wanted to create a simple web app to manage the whole thing. What I'm looking for is a critique on my code. Could it use more built-in javascript functions? How's my style? etc. Any c...

@DanPantry New mugshot :o
@Mast its actually a really nice language
yes its my 2017 riot one @skiwi :)
@DanPantry Cool :)
It's the This Is Fine dog
@DanPantry It has it's advantages, but I don't recall any of them being praised in modern development.
@Mast It's a nice server-side language alternative to something like Ruby or Node
I think the biggest problem with it is that no one uses it
Q: Mean average of integers, except ignoring the largest and smallest values, using custom functions

srigThe code returns the mean average of a list of integers, except ignoring the largest and smallest values in the list. If there’re multiple copies of the smallest value, ignore just one copy, and likewise for the largest value. Assume that the list is length 3 or more. For this problem, as part ...

There's a StackExchange site for this as it's off-topic here. — tadman 25 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this belongs on the Code Review site. — tadman 20 secs ago
DO NOT USE THIS TAG TO ASK FOR A CODE REVIEW OF YOUR CODE. At least that's written in the description of the code_review tag. — Michael Walz 54 secs ago
The visual representation of tech debt: giant.gfycat.com/EachImpressiveDrongo.webm
@DanPantry lol
@tadman Well, maybe this question isn't a good fit for Code Review too, as e.g the OP are using rand() before srand() and they don't really accomplish the last task (the play-again part is after the loop). — Bob__ 25 secs ago
@Bob__ Those are good things to mention in a code review. rand() is utter garbage. — tadman 1 min ago
Q: No longer accepting question on code review

WolfyI recently posted a question about two days ago and I got voted up three times. But now when I go into code review to ask another question it says that I can no longer ask any questions with this account, I am not sure why this is the case. I am hoping the moderator could uplift that hold since I...

Q: Tournament data structure

Praveen kumari have written a generic code for implementing a Tournament with c language. i have written all the documentation with Doxygen standard and kept it in header file, also i have written a unit test with CUnit framework. i am attaching all the files below. tournament.h /** * @file tournament.h ...

@Feeds Any moderator around?
Q: Serial Port Wrapper with Internal Blocking Buffer

SnoopyHere I have some complete working code but some aspects seem questionable to me. What I have done is written a wrapper for the Microsoft serial port (System.IO.Ports.SerialPort) in C#. Essentially what the serial port wrapper class does is wrap the event handling mechanism to streamline how we ut...

Q: Coworker curses under his breath as he works - should I ignore?

The SpartanI work in an office where there are 4 of us in the corners of a cube. One of the guys who sits in an adjacent corner acts a little strange. A few times a day (or more), he curses under his breath as he's working. They're just little things, along the lines of "Why does it [insert expletive]ing do...

lol ^^
Let's say there are some interesting days at my work from time to time
15-20 minute long rants is unprecedented though
@skiwi If you can't fix it, ignore it.
Just when you've seen it all, you find a book in your collection consisting of pictures instead of PDFs. 544 pictures. With varying rotations.
Guess I''ll have some sorting to do on a rainy day. The merging will be automated.
They aren't scans either. They're photographs.
Somebody made 544 photographs of a book and did it WRONG.
posted on October 11, 2017 by CommitStrip

@CommitStrip Someone seems to lack an understanding of the business world...if it isn't broke, don't fix it.
@202_accepted Unless you want to sell your software to a client. Then the old software is always broken beyond repair and needs to get replaced with your shiny new version.
Still requires justification. "What advantages does the new version have?"
Q: C programming Guess the Number loop

Zayn KippI'm trying to create a "Guess the number game". However I'm having trouble with the loop repetition, once the user inputs if he wants to play again or not. This is what I have yet: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> int main() { int input; int answer = 0; int...

Q: file handling ( error: no match for 'operator>>' )code::block (c++)

shaistha#include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; int main() { ofstream theFile("students_info.txt"); cout<<"Enter the data as requested"<<endl; cout<<"Press ctrl+z to exit"<<endl; string name, address; int contact[10]; while(cin >> name >> address >> contact){ t...

@CaptainObvious Broken code.
possible answer invalidation by Gae on question by Gae: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/177220/revisions
@Duga Rolled back.
This makes perfect sense and I used to use this (before CRTP was something that passed code reviews without much pressure). — lorro 39 secs ago
If your code works correctly, and you want only to improve it, consider asking on codereview.stackexchange.com. — Algirdas Preidžius 26 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by hasti123 on question by hasti123: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/177699/revisions
Q: Week RWD what i did wrong (Codding only html+css)

SmileyMy mentor say i make very week RWD What i know is bad: css class methodology footer nav should have only li remove load style.css in head font-sizes in mobile better dropdown menu Something else? I think weekest is: @media (max-width:640px) { .gallery aside {height:50px;} .galler...

@CaptainObvious 1 more VTC
Jess Pardue on October 11, 2017

Welcome to The Stack Overflow Podcast episode #118 recorded Thursday, October 5 at Stack Overflow HQ in NYC. Even without Joel, who’s still out working on NamCoin, there’s still a full house! Including VP Jay Hanlon, CTO David Fullerton, News Editor Ilana Yitzhaki, me, Producer Jess, and a whole slew of guests.

Today’s episode is sponsored by Oracle. Stack Overflow appreciates Oracle’s support for this podcast and for our community. Learn more about all the ways Oracle supports open source, java, and developers like you at oracle.com/developers. …

@CaptainObvious Improved the clumsy English. Boy that CSS is ugly.
@Justin What do you mean by featured?
@Justin IIRC it runs out after a month... Also I really need to do more on that one, :/
@Phrancis The featured tag, that makes it show up on normal in the hot-meta/featured/SE-blog section
Oh. Seems to be a moderator thing?
Yeah, I think
I can re-pin it in chat if it's relevant, but for the featured tag probably need to have a mod do it - @Justin
We can find a mod to help if needed
Yeah that's what I meant, is I think it should be until the end of the contest. @200_success could maybe renew it?
@Phrancis Probs just do it as the last month of the three month period
I guess the featured status automatically expired.
CODE REVIEW 2017 is still on until Nov 30!
@200_success Exactly what happened
@Peilonrayz Done
possible answer invalidation by Jamal on question by Royi: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/177658/revisions
Q: Radix trie optimization

Marek CzaplickiI have got a list of Users that I want to filter using text typed in TextView. I want it to be a smart filter, something like searching contacts in contact book on smartphones. Based on example list of users I want it to work like this: LIST = "Bob Dylan", "Mariah Carey", "Bob Ross", "Barrack Ob...

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