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RELOAD! There are 4240 unanswered questions (90.8308% answered)
Q: Should I give credits to reviewers when I post revised code?

nathI was just wondering about the following: I'm pretty new to programming and I use lots of help from people on CodeReview. So it happened that I came up with a basic script and while it was reviewed I came up with new ideas rising new problems. I then before giving the whole code to a revised rev...

possible answer invalidation by alecxe on question by Trufa: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/2164/revisions
@EBrown nice! I agree.
Q: Beginner Looking for Feedback on Basic Hangman Java Project

DIYGuy3030I have recently begun trying to learn java and decided to make a basic hangman game. The game uses a text file to retrieve a random word for the game. I am looking for some general feedback on how I can improve the structure and efficiency of my code. Thanks! public class Hangman { private stati...

1 hour later…
Q: Detect objects that the mouse is close to

fstylermillerHere is a little widget that I've made. I'm looking to refactor the way that I'm doing hit detection. Currently, every square on the screen finds the distance between itself and the cursor. Because there are quite a few of these squares, and that they are all being rendered 60 times per second. ...

1 hour later…
Q: Trying to Store EditText Values in SharedPrefs using a Single addTextChangedListener

DallasI'm completely stumped on this. I've found a lot of different related answers online but I cant put the puzzle pieces together to make this work. My goal is to store EditText values in SharedPrefs using a single addTextChangedListener. The code below is as close as I've been able to get. Any he...

Q: Modeling a parking garage

Prabu DhakshinamurthyI wanted to learn object oriented design and after listening to some online tutorials and some reading, I started with designing a simple parking garage. Problem Description: Design interfaces/classes required to implement a parking garage. It should have multiple parking spaces, park/unpark ve...

Q: error management when parsing multiple floats

YBermanI am writing a handler to render a GIF of a Lorentz attractor. I need to parse floating point numbers from the some querystrings attached to the GIF path. If any of them are bad, I need to log an error. func lorenzHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { var e error rho := atof(...

Q: Simple c# console tic tac toe program

Yummy275I've been teaching myself how to program for a little bit now, and was hoping to get some critique on my most recent project, creating a tic tac toe program! Im hoping for people to point out some of the flaws within my code, and some areas in which I should try to improve on going forward. Thank...

What's the appropriate way to respond to errors in portions of a reviewers answer? Comments? If the answer is factually incorrect, should the answer itself be edited?
To clarify: say the answer addresses different points with numbers (1.. 2... 3..) and point 1 & 2 are high quality but 3 is factually incorrect. Should 3 be edited?
specifically codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/171821/… #6 is what I'm referring to
@jsuth comment or comment and downvote
Q: Recursive Blum Blum Shub

spydonSince my last tattoo resulted in a syntax error I was thinking of getting it peer reviewed this time around, are there any errors or quirks with this recursive Blum Blum Shub implementation that I have made? f(1, S, _, L) -> [S | L]; f(N, S, M, L) -> f(N-1, S*S rem M, M, [S | L]). N - The numbe...

As this is working code (it presumably compiles, runs, and produces reasonable output), the question belongs over at Code Review and not here. — jwvh 23 secs ago
@Heslacher I feel like a downvote is a bit harsh since overall the response is good. Posting a comment seems like it could be easily missed by other readers. I think it'd be best if the reviewer edited their post to fix it. Maybe this is impractical though
Ok, in that case yes it should work. I would still go ahead and post this to the CodeReview section, but to keep it short, your use of ToList() on a DbSet, is worrisome performance wise (what happens when you have thousands of records? The UnitOfWork could have been a lot cleaner if it was implemented as an Attribute that you could apply to each controller action. The ControllerAction GetLocationsByClientId is setup as a POST request but there's no POST parameters. UnitOfWork is creating its own DbContext when Unity should be the sole entity doing that. — Aydin Adn 22 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by Sam on question by Sam: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/171769/revisions
possible answer invalidation by Sam on question by Sam: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/171982/revisions
Q: Add colour tags on click

BassieI have implemented some extra functionality for the tag-it javascript plugin, where I need an option where availableTags are displayed in one box, and the user can click these options to add them to the actual tag input (selection box is on the right, real input on the left): The user can then...

Q: shortening a switch case in PHP

AdamWthe code works fine below on my php file. However currently i'd like to know how else could i optimize the file below. Basically if someone could show me how to shorten the code, that would be great, a for loop here would be slightly difficult as people can select different rooms, so depending o...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it would be better on Code Review. — halfer 31 secs ago
Once the code is working you might want to run it by the folks on codereview.stackexchange.com to get some feed back on naming conventions and table structure as suggested by @apokryfos. There are a few things you should probably change to make your life easier in the future. — Chris Baldwin 27 secs ago
Q: Refactor Jquery .text () function

Nureke DuisekeyevI'm really concerned about clean programming and nice readable code. My goal is to change string (text), when user clicks on various products on the webpage. I noticed that my code is repeating and looks very simple (not professional). The most appropriate option would be to refactor my code and...

8 days later and I am up 1.89%. Perhaps my code isn't complete garbage after all ^^
Also, Monking
Q: Class that reads data from Excel

dm.I have a class that reads key-value pairs from an Excel file. I want to store the values in variables and access them from the class instance. I did this by putting in the constructor the method that reads the Excel file. Is this OK? AFAIK it's not a good practice to put methods in constructors....

Code Review Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for peer programmer code reviews. Your question should be there : codereview.stackexchange.comiFlo 58 secs ago
Q: Can a user show too much effort to solve his question?

miracle173Some days ago a new user posed a problem and sketched a sweeping line algorithm combined with a tree datasturcture to solve it. Here the problem, ass far as I remember: There is a set of rectancles with sides parallel to x and y aches and a set of points. find the point that is enclosedd by ...

This is more of a code review question: codereview.stackexchange.comShaun Barney 17 secs ago
Q: using window.self in javascript

hemant _I was trying to read a codebase and I came up with this code: function inIframe () { try { return window.self !== window.top; } catch (e) { return true; } } I am confused why is this being used & want to know when this is used and why!

IDEs like these are expensive for private projects though
I think I could get the Mug to grab me a license for that
I wonder how well I can use it on linux thoguh...
since I will need .NET proper
neither Mono nor .NET Core were able to deal with what Rubberduck needed...
@Kaz That's quite an achievement! What did Ethereum itself do as reference?
@Vogel612 That's going to be difficult on Linux I think
Q: Factory with static objects or enum with instance object?

SamMy application accepts different messages. A message is described by its schema. enum MessageFormat: represents all kinds of messages. (XML, JSON, custom) interface Message: represents an abstract Java Object for any kind of message. interface Schema: represents an abstract Java Object for an...

Q: Reduce boilerplate with RepositoryPattern

advapiI'm reviewing a WPF application that uses Repository pattern to access the web services, I've got a tons of repository wrote as public class DiagnosticsRepository : DefaultRepositoryBase, IDiagnosticsRepository { public Task<IList<MasterDiagnosticType>> GetMasterDiagnosticTypes(string userna...

I mean NuGet does already work on .NET Core
but miraculously I still can't properly compile RD...
@skiwi That's net of ETH Price movement.
ETH itself is up about 8%.
@Kaz soo ... you're up 2% in addition to the 8% price movement?
@Vogel612 Yep.
well, you've beaten inflation, then
possible answer invalidation by AdamW on question by AdamW: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/172049/revisions
@Vogel612 Eh, for the time being.
I'd much prefer to have, say, 6 months worth of returns before I start getting confident.
@SimonForsberg soo ... Duga does not say "Possible answer invalidation by ... on post by ... anymore?"
Q: VBA - If error return '0' else execute code

itsMeI am converting below excel formula to VBA code and it works as required. =IFERROR(IF(A2="NULL",B2*C2,A2*B2*C2),0) Could someone please review and suggest if any changes are required in terms of handling errors. What the code does : If there is an error it returns '0' else executes the code....

@Vogel612 Umm.... then what does she say?
18 mins ago, by Duga
possible answer invalidation by AdamW on question by AdamW: https://codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/172049/revisions
She's never said "On post by"
@SimonForsberg the deleted search only works for mods. Normal user will get a notice "Note: only content you own is returned when searching for deleted content"
Q: Finding the minimum number of swaps to sort a list

n0unc3I can handle large numbers with this code as well but I need to improve my execution time. def no_swap(a): sorted_a=sorted(a) rev_a=list(reversed(a)) b=a[:] n=len(a) noswap1=0 noswap2=0 for i in range(n): if a[i]!=sorted_a[i]: noswap1=noswap1+1 j=binarySearch(sorted...

@Heslacher Okay, thanks.
Tbh I didn't even know there was a deleted search until today.
39 mins ago, by Duga
possible answer invalidation by AdamW on question by AdamW: https://codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/172049/revisions
interesting ...
this showed up as follows in transcript search
but in chat it's only the revision link ...
@Vogel612 I can see it correctly here.
maybe browser caching issue
no that wouldn't make sense
Interestingly in an incognito session it works as expected...
that is really weird ..
@Kaz Ah, cool! I should've known as you are the numbers guy... Is it 2 percent point or what exactly?
@skiwi That's "The total value of my account is 1.89% higher than if I had done no trading at all".
Ah, cool
Now wait until the price drops and see how it performs then ^^
@JuanCortés Because the accepter wanted to improve their code. By the way, this case illustrates why stackoverflow.com and codereview.stackexchange.com are distinct projects. — Kirill Bulygin 5 secs ago
Q: Changing a color of canvas that contains multiple images

MadaraI have a canvas that contains 3 images. I want to change the color of those images for example in white so the code of the changing color is : function changeColor(img,hue,sat,l,x,y,width,height) { context.clearRect(x,y, width, height); context.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over" ; context....

Does it make sense in PostgreSQL to store raw data in an array as opposed to creating a column for each value?
Seems to be over complicating something simple. This question is probably better suited on codereview.stackexchange.comcharlietfl 7 secs ago
Q: Working with abstract classes and multiply servers with TX and RX interchange

Max R.I have different servers (TCP, Named Pipe, RS232, ...) in one program and I want that all the received data coming from one server are send to all the other servers (resp. clients of these servers) To do this I created an abstract class with an AutoResetEvent onNewDataRX wich is set if new data ...

Greetings, Programs.
Greetings, @Donald.McLeans.
Q: Paraphrase generation

Jaffer WilsonHere is my code for creating paraphrases, which I took for my research: https://github.com/JafferWilson/testing Here is what it does: paraphrasing$ sbcl --script pp.lisp . . . . . . ...2500 left ...2250 left ...2000 left ...1750 left ...1500 left ...1250 left ...1000 left ...7...

I'm not exactly proud of this code... pastebin.com/VTy3vF9j
Q: Regex to extra key value pairs inside square bracket

Saurabh KumarMy String as follows [composite={key1: value1, key2: value2, key3: value3}] Now first i want to make sure the string is a valid string. Than i want to extract the key value pairs in a map.

Q: Insert new and insert to old new data through function

DaAmidzaI have the following elements in my request: { "behaviour":"R", "names":{ "en":{ "name":"Ismir En" }, "gr":{ "name":"Ismir Gr" }, "ru":{ "name":"Ismir Ru" } } } It executes and adds the data to t...

@Johan ; you may want to try codereview.stackexchange.com for this type of question. If the code works and needs optimized, that would be the more ideal site. — Cyril 40 secs ago
You say you want this based on what is in "row A", though I will assume you mean the value in Column A... but do you mean Row 1 as well? Is there more to your code? Seeing how you're setting variables is one thing, but we would need to see how they're used in your code to correct issues. If the code is working as is, you might want to check out the Stack Exchange code optimization site, Code Review, found: codereview.stackexchange.comCyril 45 secs ago
@Mast Monking
Hey @Mast :)
Q: How to refactor JavaScript code?

tesicgI use GoJS library (diagramming) and want to refactor their code. I did the following so far and it works fine (module pattern): var SchemaEditor = (function() { ... var loadNodes = function() { // node template helpers this.sharedToolTip = $(go.Adornment, "...

@GSerg a lot of your points are more suited for https:/codereview.stackexchange.com which is not where this is posted. OP never stated locale. Given the language of the site and a bulk of the questions I've seen being en-us formatting. I see nothing wrong here. — GibralterTop 19 secs ago
sigh almost weekend
Q: C# best practices, improvements and dynamically calling classes

N1ghtwolf89I'm a self-taught programmer and I've recently started working as a junior developer. Unfortunately I'm also the most experienced member of the team due to my employers unwillingness to pay senior developer salaries. I've recently created a tool for our work which works but I'm worried its not as...

If your code is working and you are merely looking for broad suggestions on improvement, you can post it on codereview.stackexchange.comNisarg Shah 6 secs ago
@RishitArvindBorad I did peruse the ref and your code review post yet did not find time for a quality response. Good you are deriving a solution. — chux 22 secs ago
Yeah! And 1 week before my vacations :)
Q: Modification suggestion for Simplification game

user007Sorry for any confusion but I could only came up with the name Simplification. This game displays a simplification problem and the user has to solve it using BODMAS rule. The user will get 1 minute to solve each problem there are total 20 problems which are divided into 5 levels. I wanted to add ...

What a lovely SQL query...
INSERT INTO card_grades (card_id, auth, pr, pr_q, fr, fr_q, good, good_p, good_q, vg, vg_p, vg_q, vg_ex, vg_ex_p, vg_ex_q, ex, ex_p, ex_q, ex_mt, ex_mt_p, ex_mt_q, nm, nm_p, nm_q, nm_mt, nm_mt_p, nm_mt_q, mint, mint_q, gem_mt)
VALUES (:card_id, :auth, :pr, :pr_q, :fr, :fr_q, :good, :good_p, :good_q, :vg, :vg_p, :vg_q, :vg_ex, :vg_ex_p, :vg_ex_q, :ex, :ex_p, :ex_q, :ex_mt, :ex_mt_p, :ex_mt_q, :nm, :nm_p, :nm_q, :nm_mt, :nm_mt_p, :nm_mt_q, :mint, :mint_q, :gem_mt)
Oh, I had a NullReferenceException again, but it occurred on a different line now, and I failed to see that
Hmm crap, the empty string in C# is a string containing the empty string, right?
Or no, that doesn't make sense, it's probably the conversion to the database going wrong as a literal empty string ('') ends up in the database
@skiwi string.Empty you mean?
@EBrown Yes, but I blame the DB conversion
I guess it makes sense that an empty string is written to the database when you write an empty string
Q: PHP Switch Conditional Statement Better Way

BryceWhat is the best way to optimize this code? I know that if and else statements will be faster, but I want something that will be clean and concise. Any ideas? switch ($data['months']) { case ($data['months'] >= 400): $data['months'] = 400; break; case ($data['months'] >= 360)...

possible answer invalidation by Willy Goat on question by Willy Goat: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/171999/revisions
If you have fully working code that you want reviewed, then you can ask about it on [Code Review]. If you are having a problem, then you need to narrow it down to a specific question and include a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example that demonstrates that problem. — Cody Gray ♦ 17 secs ago
pgAdmin crashed when I wanted to view all my rows in my table
Well, crap
That might make sense for the fetched data, but it makes none for the login call itself (I have doubts about the fetched data as well- I find that 99% of RxJava usage makes code less readable and maintainable, but I'll give it the benefit of the doubt having not seen it). But even if so there's no reason to use it for the login where it isn't making things clearer. I'd reject any code review with anything remotely like this in it. — Gabe Sechan 42 secs ago
@skiwi y u use pgAdmin?
@Vogel612 What else?
psql .
aka the console interface that's not terrifyingly buggy
then again... you're on windows, right?
I SSH into my server, so I was using psql yep
pgAdmin 4 doesn't support SSH tunneling yet :|
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it´s a review and thus should go to codereview.stackexchange.com — HimBromBeere 40 secs ago
Q: C++ Dijkstra's shortest path implementation

HenrikSI have created a c++ function that searches for the shortest path between two points with dijkstra's shortest path algorithmus. I'm using it right now in combination with a program that solves mazes and it works quite well on up to 15K * 15K mazes (I ran short of RAM there). But I have problems s...

Q: Speed up nested for loops with parallel processing

user2117258A very slow function to parallel: def collapse_umis(x, edits=1): collapsed = {} for cell, gene_dict in x.iteritems(): collapsed[cell] = {} for gene, umis in gene_dict.iteritems(): collapsed[cell][gene] = len(umis) if len(umis) == 1: continue ...

Q: I'm not sure if my code is correct for my query. How can I fix it and as well as better it?

Ashley Howardso recently I've been trying to implement a registration/login system to my website. I have some experiences with this thanks to all the support I got from previous questions on StacksOverflow. I feel like something is wrong with my code because on Localhost I am able to log in correctly with the...

Q: Rational class with java

TobalHere is a class to handle fractions with Java using BigInteger because it supports gcd calculus. I don't know if BigInteger is the optimal use with fractions, but this is an alternative with fractions. This class supports the most common fractional operations. It's a pity Java doesn't support the...

@CaptainObvious IMO broken
Q: Pattern finding function for years between 1998 and 20017 with several test cases

ArrowPattern matching for years, I need to be able to return all years from a string. When there is a dash "-" I need to return all numbers between. For example, '2004-2006' should return an array of numbers [2004,2005,2006]; If the number at the beginning of the dash is larger than the number foll...

@skiwi so long as the server runs an X server that shouldn't be a problem... just ssh -x
That's two questions and a code review request. For the error see this questionstuartd 47 secs ago
(codereview.stackexchange.com) join the CodeReview community :) — Ricky Dam 32 secs ago
I didn't know about the CodeReview community. I hope I will get some feedback from there. Thank you for your suggestion. — Daniel Jordanov 38 secs ago
This question is off-topic; it is a code review question that really belongs on Code Review Stack ExchangeMr Lister just now
@Vogel612 Does that even work on Windows?
Good question, next question?
"I need someone to check my code for me" - that is not what StackOverlow is for. Consider posting on CodeReview instead. That being said, don't use mouse_event() and Sleep() at all. Use SendInput() instead, which allows you to send multiple inputs at one time, and don't bother adding a delay between them since that is not required for a single-click. — Remy Lebeau 13 secs ago
@Phrancis @SimonForsberg Thinking Vinder: what do you think about making the arrow keys work for voting? Up arrow = upvote, Down arrow = downvote, Right arrow = skip.
Seems bad, because arrows should do scrolling like everywhere else
Q: I would like to have a feedback on a webpage I've build in order to expand my HTML and CSS knowledge

Daniel JordanovI come up with an idea to make a fan web page to Arnold Schwarzenegger just to practice my HTML and CSS skills. But I would like to get some feedback about my work and improve my skills. You can see the web page and the .html and .css files here: https://github.com/DanielJordanov01/Arnold-Schwar...

@Duga Rolled back.
@Vogel612 W A S D instead?
@SimonForsberg That's kind of what I was thinking.
Q: Internal Zip-like Iterator

BrianMy goal was to create an zip-like iterator to selectively iterator over a subset of arrays in a larger manager object, compare itself to any other zip-like iterator, but can be copy constructed from any zip-like iterator with the same template perimeters. It's to be used like this: #include "It...

@Marc-Andre But S would make sense for 'skip'
S U D ?
too far apart
A S D ?
Add Skip Down
A good post, Skip, Down
@SimonForsberg That can work.
@Kaz I think I have an Excel spreadsheet that rivals what your company does. ;)
@EBrown Really?
In what way
@Kaz Yep. Took ~3 minutes to sort, and ~10 minutes to get ready to sort. :)
@Kaz Massive, used for a confidential thing that I process monthly.
@EBrown That does sound familiar ^^
The best part is we process like 20 of these each month, and I have to get a differential between the current one and the most recent previous one.
The spreadsheet I'm on right now is ~20k rows.
@SimonForsberg Yes, which is unfortunate. I'd have loved both arrow support & WSAD.
Unrelated, I can't figure out why this old SO question is attracting upvotes lately.
For future reference, codereview.stackexchange.com is better suited for such questions — Vandesh 35 secs ago
Q: Sorting a bands list (an array) by omitting articles in JavaScript

Hassan AlthafSup folks! I've written a simple script that takes an array, sorts it (by omitting the articles) and displays it on a list. But I feel like this code is really huge, bulky and messy and could be simplified! What I'm asking for: What would be a more efficient way to do what I'm trying to do? Ho...

Your description isn't really enough to go on. It is better if you can post a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example. In any event, if it is working code that needs to be tweaked, perhaps you should post on Code Review rather than here. — John Coleman 39 secs ago
Q: handling binary output of another program and portability

Patrick TrentinThe following is a script that is supposed to act as a wrapper for ltl2ba, a program which transforms LTL formulas into Buchi Automatons encoded in the Promela language. The wrapper adds a limited set of functionalities to the original program. I tested it on my local linux machine and it works. ...

Q: function computegrade(Score)

Lilian LiuScore = 0 def computegrade(Score): while True: try: Score = float(raw_input('enter score:')) if Score < 1.0 and Score >= 0.9: print'A' elif Score < 0.9 and Score >= 0.8: print'B' elif Score < 0.8 and Score >= 0.7: ...

If the code works this kind of questions fits better at codereview.stackexchange.comkosmos 47 secs ago
Code Review Stack Exchange is more appropriate — Anthony Pham 16 secs ago
Q: Check Status of All Child Generations of Medical Claim

puzzlepiece87When a medical claim is replaced, it gets a new number. The older version is supposed to get cancelled out, but this doesn't always happen successfully yet at my workplace. I wrote this to try to aid in my research by automatically getting the entire tree of claims and their statuses. However, i...

@AnthonyPham Is right. This would work much better being posted on Code Review. If you post this on there and ping me, I'll try to get back to you in a bit and give a quick review. — Christian Dean 23 secs ago
Q: Best way to get nearest non-zero value from list

pookieI have a list of values and I need to, given any arbitrary starting index, find the closest value which is non zero, if the value at the starting index is zero... Here is what I have: def getNearestNonZero(start_index): mylist = [4,2,6,7,3,0,0,9,4,2,5,8,1,7] val = mylist[start_index] ...

Q: A RESTful Web Service using MySQL Community Server

JuniorI have been working on A RESTful Web Service using MySQL Community Server. i would need your help to improve my code especially my database. data sql INSERT INTO group(name, offeredServices) VALUES ('Test 1','Test 1'), ('Test 2','Test 2'); INSERT INTO member(name, group_id) VALUES ('Memb...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is a request for peer review of working code. As such, it is better suited for Code Review instead. — Ken White 40 secs ago
Q: Manage Users and Groups

PaparazziThis is part of a document management application that is in a prior question. Manage users, roles, and groups. A user can have only one role but they can be in many groups. There is join struct UserIDGroupID to manage the relationship for user to groups. This the same as the DB model. A ...

Yes its working perfectly, but as i'm trying to improve my skills i thought i would ask here. Ken i did not know of code review i will close this and ask it there — Ron Howoard 27 secs ago
Questions asking for reviews/analysis of code are better suited to Code Review. — hnefatl 27 secs ago
Q: Best way to connect a wp run program to NetBeans or other IDEs?

tommytxI am an avid programmer and have written many programs using NetBeans IDE and have connected many smaller applications to the IDE for troubleshooting but am a little unsure how to connect a full blown wp site so that i can trouble shoot the application as it runs on wp. I have wp and the applicat...

Q: Reduce size of function

Luke SmithI've created this function below but i'm sure i'm doing it inefficiently ( less code ). Is there a better way to do it? function Select_Workorder_Type($Selected = NULL){ $q = DB::query("SELECT * FROM `tbl_workorders_type`"); $v = '<select id="Workorder_Type" name="Workorder_Type" class="...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on Code reviewG5W 20 secs ago
Q: Issue identifying specific instance of conversion error in Python?

rmaheshThe objective of my program is to identify the column data types after loading a CSV file (datetime, string, boolean, int, and float). I originally ran this successfully using the same logic by matching different row patterns using regular expressions. This time around, my supervisor wanted me to...

Q: A CLI calculator that can do basic calculations and can solve Geometric formulas using a built in template

RibchinskiThis is an update for my old post "CLI Calculator that can solve built-in formulas and basic equations" Here I made some changes to the code, by splitting it up into many classes. In the previous version, my program ran from one big main class. Here, I split it into multiple classes. I think I sh...

Q: Function ordered-tree? In scheme

Hunter KohlerI'm a quite new scheme programmer and I'm stumped on how to complete a function that checks if a tree is ordered or not. This function would have to not use the function IF but instead use COND.

Q: MATLAB BPSK Bit error ratio graph

momo I am trying to get below output using this code, but i am not able to find value of "Q" Does anyone know what is the value of "Q"

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