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RELOAD! There are 4138 unanswered questions (90.9278% answered)
1 hour later…
@EthanBierlein Monking.
possible answer invalidation by Max on question by Max: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/169012/revisions
Non-validated moving is done: chessonline.azurewebsites.net
4 hours later…
I believe this question should belong to Code Review SE. codereview.stackexchange.comKeyu Gan 46 secs ago
Hmm, there's this message that I know nothing about: [Global Notice] The next two months could mark a turning point for the Internet as we know it. The FCC is deciding what its future course on Net Neutrality will be. To learn more, and to see how you might make a difference - particularly if you live in the USA - see . Thank you for your attention, and for flying freenode!
anyone any ideas ?
Stackoverflow is not a code review service. It is a question and answer site. Please describe the problem. See also How to create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example. — georgeawg 35 secs ago
You can just tell them and do code reviews. — Steven 54 secs ago
The FCC is the US *Federal Communications Commission*. They basically make the rules for communications, which includes phone, radio, and *networks*. One of that rules says that every (internet) service should be handled the same way. That rule is, as far as I understood, currently subject to removal.

This would enable (US) ISPs to charge extra for "fast lanes" or other malice.
@Zeta Oh, thanks for making that clear!
But then again, I'm neither an US local, nor did I follow that topic too much. The folks on /r/linux tend to post such things there, though.
@Zeta I received that message on IRC in #Status and I was curious what's all that about ;P
@MrGrj I guess you've missed the large banner yesterday
@Zeta Oh, so that's what that ugly banner was there for
Not every banner is a "This site uses cookies; by using our site you agree to that practice" banner.
Q: print sequences and missing files from a given path

Ciasto piekarzHi I have written logic that prints the frame range sequence and missing if any. this is the below calling command getSeq #!/usr/bin/env python import os as _os import sys as _sys import itertools import sequence as _sequence import re def getDirContent(path): return _os.listdir(path) d...

Q: Regex to find wildcard imports in Java

Andrew MCould I get a review on the following regex: ^import[\s\S&&[^\*\n]]*?([\*]{1}\;\s*$) All the details: Years ago a colleague shared a useful little regex for finding wildcard imports in Java, such as the following: import org.example.project.*; But not: import org.example.project.someClas...

Q: Get Instagram photo links of a hashtag using Selenium

Diego BarrenaI wrote this methods that store instagram links in an ArrayList based on a hashtag or list of hashtags and the number of desired links. Something to notice is that if I tell the program to get 10 links it will get 12 links instead because of how Instagram places the photos in a grid style but aft...

Q: C virtual machine 3rd follow up

Nergalcoming again from previous questions on this, I've expanded the virtual machine a little bit in terms of a direct API to read and write data to the VM. I've attempted to add a callback system so that host apps can add callable code that can be used by the scripts though I have no clue how to imp...

that's true, but i am thinking of separating it to different activity for classify code review tasks from development tasks and for better capacity assigning and reporting — mfarouk 12 secs ago
Go to CodeReview, another SE site. — Usagi Miyamoto 52 secs ago
Monking @all
Q: Minimise function with single minimum and no maximums

Colonel PanicI'm learning F#. I wrote a function to minimise a function with a single minimum and no maximums. At the bottom I test it on Math.Cos. What do you think? I've wrote it pretty much as I would in an imperative language. Could it be done more functionally? /// <summary>Assuming f is a continuous f...

1 hour later…
Q: Retry after exception - SCA compliant

xplorerajHere's the logic I used: int retries = config.get("retries"); Response resp = null do { try { resp = operation.execute(); retries = 0; } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex instanceof ExceptionA) { retries--; LOGGER.info("Integrity exception, can...

Seems like this is more suited to code review? — Daniel Shillcock 50 secs ago
Q: Generic Builder in Java needs annotation support

Timothy TruckleI was thinking about how to minimize the code needed to implement a builder. There is some code that any builder needs to have. This is: temporarry store of property values validation of type null check mandatory properties check So I defined a builder interface public interface GenericBui...

Observables are nice.
var application = new Application();
var eventStream = application.ScanAsync();
var firstEvent = await eventStream;
Assert.Equal(firstEvent.Type, ApplicationEventType.Started);
hmm ..
unless you're progamming in a language that prohibits multiple class inheritance
I don't see how this is related to observables :s
It's still early in the morning so maybe I'm dense
how are observables implemented in OO languages?
oh, I scrolled down
the blog post title might be a bit misleading..
I mean, it's the observer pattern, but not that kind of observer pattern
Sort of. Maybe.
in C# IObservable<T> has LINQ-like actions on it (and async), it's much more like a stream of T rather than the observer pattern
As such I'm using it for collections and not having to implement that stuff myself
hmm ...
await observable would make the current code await the first result from the observable for example
I'm sorry, while this is terribly interesting I have a business meeting coming up and gotta get going.
np :)
gotta get myself dressed and ready first..
not everyday you go meet the CEO of a non-profit looking for an IT contractor
Q: SSIS package has 15 dataflow tasks to insert based on formulas runs very slow

user2140740I am trying to build a SSIS package that extracts data from 1 table and sends it to 2 other tables based on different formulas. Basically what I am trying to do is this: 1. Copy each record from a table to a temp table 2. Apply a dataflow task for each formula and send it to the destination table...

Q: Simplifying this code

GeekLynx AfonsoSimple script, I think the title + the code talk from themselves... a = [] for i in listname: if i == ' ': continue a.append(i) (it turns every character from a string that is not a space into a list entry) Is there anyway to make this smaller/more elegant?

Code Review: You should rename "i", it's not an index when doing a For Each. I also find it strange that you use "i" before the loop. — the_lotus 15 secs ago
This should probably be asked on Code Review, not SO. — underscore_d 44 secs ago
This should be posted on Code Review: "If you are looking for feedback on a specific working piece of code from your project in the following areas… Best practices and design pattern usage, Security issues, Performance, Correctness in unanticipated cases ...then you are in the right place!"Andreas 32 secs ago
@Vogel612 Best of luck.
Q: My first C# program - how can I make it better?

August WilliamsTaking a problem from the website, "Project Euler", I have created my first C# program. The problem I have used is as follows: Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000. The program I have made: using System; namespace _5_multiples { public class MainClass { p...

Q: Javascript simplify code

user3397791 Objective of this program is to have the user enter 2 or 9 and output the respective numbers multiple by 2 10 times. Example if a user enters 2 browser will output the following: 2 times 2 is:4 3 times 2 is:6 ..... 11 times 2 is:22 I want like to know how can I simplify the underneath cod...

Q: Distance too close

PaparazziAre two points too close? Trying to do the math as efficiently as possible. // test bool distanceTooClose = DistanceTooClose(new System.Windows.Point(12, 12), new System.Windows.Point(0, 0), 17); // end test static bool DistanceTooClose(System.Windows.Point x, System.Windows.Point y, Double min...

@Phrancis cough alt text cough
Q: Simplify the counting loop

ummahuslaI was having fun on solving one of the HackerRank simple challenges - Birthday Cake Candles. Description Colleen is turning n years old! Therefore, she has n candles of various heights on her cake, and candle i has heighti. Because the taller candles tower over the shorter ones, Colleen c...

Q: increase the speed efficiency of the code

RAM#include <stdio.h> int main() { int k, t, N, B, max, num_tests; scanf("%d", &num_tests); while (num_tests--) { scanf("%d %d", &N, &B); for (k=N/B,max=0; k>0; k--) { t = (N-k*B) * k; if (t > max) max = t; } printf("%d\n", max); ...

Q: How to optimize this heavy function in Javascript?

Baha SI have react-redux application that allows to track different metrics on daily basis. Each metric can either have Records or store math function to calculate values. State stores normalized Metrics and Records. This function returns either a calculated value or stored value for certain date. ex...

possible answer invalidation by Lukasz Salitra on question by Lukasz Salitra: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/169075/revisions
Q: WGS84-coordinate encoded as Integers

user2033412I want to store WGS84-coordinates in two integers for latitude and longitude instead of floats to get a higher precision than with floats. Here's my code: struct Coordinate { private int latitude; private int longitude; const double latMin = -90.0f; const double latMax = 90.0f;...

Greetings, Programs.
@Donald.McLean Greetings
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it would be better suited on Code Review (or possibly User Experience) — Sayse 1 min ago
He asks a question - "Making two buttons sit on top of each in between two text areas using a table" in the title. It's not code review or user experience. — Ori Drori 25 secs ago
Q: Making two buttons sit on top of each in between two text areas using a table

user143299I am looking for some suggestions on how to make this look more visually appealing to the eye. I have a few of these text areas with buttons in between them. But I am trying to make it more user friendly. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. https://jsfiddle.net/bobrierton/o2gxgz9r/1004...

Wrote a class ~20 minutes ago and modified one file to use it, total LoC reduction of ~200 lines.
This would be a better fit for Code Review. — Amy 1 min ago
@Vogel612 Why would you want to have this code?
public class Subject {
	private List<Observer> observers = new ArrayList<>();
	private void register(Observer o) {
	private void notify() {
		for (Observer o : observers)
A private register and notify method? That's useless!
I guess btw that this is when @Donald.McLean says "TRAITS!!!"
#CloseCall: Just had a, charged, phone call with a senior guy in another company. Was writing up a summary in an email to send up the chain on my side, and almost sent it to the guy in question instead.
You should probably structure your Dictionary entries to have examples per meaning, instead of just a list of meanings and a list of example. Also, consider asking this question on another Stack Exchange, such as Code Review (with an initial implementation). This one is for code problems, not design questions. — AJNeufeld 23 secs ago
@CaptainObvious Off-topic, I think?
@200_success Are UX design reviews on-topic here? Currently however I don't think it's working as intended, but I'm clarifying with OP
@Kaz Bad things?
@Peilonrayz Not 200, but AFAIK as long as it contains actual code that can be reviewed it would be OT. Now if it isn't working as intended that's a separate issue and makes it off-topic.
@Peilonrayz we make the code "more visually appealing". Improving UX/UI is well beyond our scope and, frankly, quite opinion-based
IOW either "opinion-based" or "broken" works
@Mat'sMug I remember we had a discussion on this, and said a review containing UX improvements is OK. I'm unsure on if there's a meta on asking for UX improvements however
sure, any answer can say "BTW you could do XYZ instead and IMO that would be a much better UX"
but if "how do I make this HTML more visually appealing" isn't opinion-based, I'm quitting on the spot
@Mat'sMug I just mean I don't think there's a meta question about 'asking about UX improvements', :)
probably not. standard answer... we objectively review code against best practices.
gah whatever
there's another site for UX questions about UX best practices
@Mat'sMug Yeah probs best for them to go to ux.stackexchange.com
pretty sure it would get shot down over there too, the way it's phrased...
Yeah, probably, I edited it from suggest, :)
@EBrown Just business. But sending that email to the wrong person would not have helped matters.
@Mat'sMug User Experience? ([ux.se])
aye, thanks :)
@Kaz Sounds about right - had that happen with the department head of another department yesterday, some of his emails got relatively rude and my boss responded to him to STFU (since my boss was in on the conversation) and told me to ignore further messages until he calms down.
@EBrown Your boss sounds cool.
@Kaz He is. :) He pretty much takes care of us in his department - even if we forget to deploy something he tells the other department they can wait, because a lot of their requests are non-priority, and we're currently working on three priority things that are costing us lots of business.
Even though he's an owner, he prioritizes us (and others respecting us) over the rest of the company.
Which is good, I like working for a boss that is an advocate for me.
@SimonForsberg Traits are such powerful and beautiful things that I would never go back to regular Java if I could avoid it.
Just an aside, but if I found a function implemented this way in code review, I would be having a discussion with the developer that wrote it. Even ignoring the "useless" delegate, the empty and undocumented catch is a code smell. — Bradley Uffner 35 secs ago
@Kaz No, and people tend to have long memories in regards to such things.
Q: Check if a given grid is a valid Sudoku

venerikAt CodeFights I found a question about the validity of Sudoku grid. Given a grid, return true if it is valid, return false otherwise. I solved it using C# and I would like some feedback on my solution. The provided grid is guaranteed to be 9x9 and to only contain the characters 0 through 9 and...

Q: Simple game of lotto in Python v 2.0

Sergo GumkadzeThis is the second version of my lotto game, based on this thread before. I hope I used all the tips I was given, also I fixed it using only functions as promised. Game rules Each player is given 15 numbers, in increasing order. This is why I use sorted() on the lists of player and compute...

If you use JAVA 8, sample solutions were explained here codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/62815/…jeetendra 21 secs ago
If you use JAVA 8, please refer to sample explained in link : codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/62815/…jeetendra 10 secs ago
JAVA huh
These kind of questions should be on code review and not here. — Murat K. 55 secs ago
@Mat'sMug IKR, must be some quality stuff.
Q: Method to load a URL, with a null check

KarolyI have run into this pattern in our code frequently, I am trying to find an answer, is this a good way to handle is method param is null? public void loadUrl(String url){ if(url == null){ return; } webview.loadUrl(url); } basically this never ever can be null, the guy who wrote it just w...

Q: Web-crawler for yellowpage designed using python

SMth80I've written some code to scrape name, address, and phone number from yellowpage using python. This scraper has got input parameter. If the input is properly filled in and the filled in url exists in yellowpage then the scraper will definitely parse the three categories I mentioned earlier. I tri...

From the expected result,and method signature, it seems you wish to sort the map keys, not values. I'm not sure I agree this belongs to code review, he is asking if there is a better algorithm, not for remarks on the style/reusability/testability/etc that pertain to a code review. — Hugues M. 55 secs ago
If your code works and you would like it critiqued, I would suggest the Code Review Stack Exchange. If you are encountering an error with your code, please explain in greater detail. — zero298 1 min ago
"but I think it's not secure, how could I make it more secure?" - that might be more appropriate in a question on codereview.stackexchange.com... — Sam Onela 32 secs ago
Q: 2D Maze Backtracking

curiousBiggiefull question can be seen here : http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/backttracking-set-2-rat-in-a-maze/ boolean solveMaze(int maze[][]) { int sol[][] = {{0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; if (solveMazeUtil(maze, 0,...

Q: Insert data to PostgreSQL

Jorge VidinhaIm inserting data to a postgresql database using the below function. Im not very happy with the solution for the IF statements to handle the adaptation of Python None to PostgreSql NULL. Would there be a more elegant solution i woudl be happy yo know . Also i beleive im not beeing very performa...

Q: Codepen results vary with HTML, and CSS

D. DavenportI had posted the HTML and CSS for my portfolio page on Codepen a month or so ago and all was fine. I recently went back to view it and come stuff ahd randomly been changed. Specifically, the works section jumbotron background color was set to black and now it's white? Also the floating buttons at...

Q: Python Merge Sort Implementation

MadPhysicistI doing some algorithm reviews and am soliciting opinions on my implementation of the Merge Sort in Python. Anything from readability to optimization is fair game. In particular, I am wondering if accessing the elements of a list using pop(0) somehow slows things down. I am doing this because ...

@FedericoPiazza then why does this code here codereview.stackexchange.com/q/169115/22943 : is not wrapping the second one as part of sequence — Ciasto piekarz 18 secs ago
Q: express-validator and promise chains

daveIs this the correct way of chaining promises when it comes to express-validator? I am using express node and this is the endpoint for a get request Something about it seems a bit messy, but I can't think of a cleaner way to do it. function exitChain() { return Promise.reject(); } function ge...

can you implement the same in this code review: codereview.stackexchange.com/q/169115/22943Ciasto piekarz 33 secs ago
It may be time to upgrade my phone:
tried changing your battery? lol
@Mat'sMug It got knocked pretty hard, and one of the case hooks detached, and I was curious, so I just took the whole back off.
@Kaz I think it's broken.
@Mast The phone still works ^^
For some values of works. I'm pretty sure it won't for long.
You might be missing your buttons at the bottom as well.
@Mast It's only the back case that's come off. The rest of the phone is still in one piece (and now even thinner!)
@Kaz Ah, it's not broken. It just got upgraded.
@Kaz iPhone 5 Ultra-Thin Edition?
@EBrown iPhone 4 actually ^^
So close.
well now it's an iPhone 7
Q: Is this create script safe and how to make it better against MYSQL Injection?

Leeroy <? $user = check_user(); $uid = $user["id"]; $uid2 = $_SESSION['userid']; $link1 = $_POST['link1']; $link2 = $_POST['link2']; $flink = $_POST['url']; $action = $_POST['action']; $action1 = $_POST['action1']; $action2 = $_POST['action2...

Q: Deleting an element in java and the same in mysql

Shiva TunolyI have written a program where upon clicking a button I should be able to delete an element from a jList and delete a row from a table in a database which is connected. All of this is done by doing so: private void delete_btnMouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) { ...

@Kaz Wow, how
hammer, meet iPhone
But he has no modhammer?
no need, any hammer is good for an iPhone :)
Yeah, but it isn't very idiomatic. Everyone who knows Go well knows that 2 is an int and "hi" is a string unless the type is defined elsewhere. I would reject that in a code review. — Stephen Weinberg 56 secs ago
If this code is working and you're just looking for someone to give advice on you're approach, you may want to try another stack exchange site, perhaps codereview.stackexchange.com. That said, even if you only have 2 users, it's probably much easier, quicker, and more secure to just implement a standard authentication system than to do something unconventional in an attempt to save time — Goose 26 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because you are asking for a Code Review. — Lightness Races in Orbit 28 secs ago
You should start by learning the matlab's basics. SO is not a code review service. — obchardon 24 secs ago
@Lightness Races in Orbit I didn't know about "Code Review" . — Fahim Anwar 23 secs ago
Q: Complementary multiply with carry in Rust

valjeanBackground and motivation I'm a C++ developer with a passion for modern, multi-threaded and functional code. I came across Rust not so long ago and it sounded like everything I wanted my C++ code to be. Naturally, I decided to try it out. I was working on my own C++ project that had a need for ...

Q: Dockerfile for Laravel deployment

OpsseI'm looking for reviews about my first dockfile. I don't want to develop bad habits. The purpose is to quickly deploy my Laravel (5.4) application. I'm going to connect it with others database containers (mognodb and mysql). I used Ubuntu as parent image because it's my development environmen...

"std::vector<(T)> is kept due to its polymorphism" and, setting aside the spurious parentheses, what polymorphism is that, exactly? I can't think of any. Besides, beyond the usual 'use vector unless you have a specific reason not to', I think this will be too broad and/or opinion-based to be useful for SO. CS or Code Review are probably better places. — underscore_d 28 secs ago
I have the best email validation regex: ^.+@.+\..{2,}$
Q: A* Algorithm implementation

MichaelThis is an implementation of A* algorithm, that I will use in my game. Navigation.hpp #pragma once #include <SFML\Graphics.hpp> #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <list> #include <set> using namespace std; class Field; //Comparer using by set to allow pri...

@EBrown beats ^.*$
Zombie down?
@Mat'sMug Yeah, I don't care how correct the email is, for the most part, I just want to make sure it's mostly valid. (Two+ character TLD, 1+ character on each side of @.)
Q: Menu for pictures average program

Pella86I made a little script that takes images and averages / aligns them. The script grew and now I have different options bound to the program, it can calculate the average for rgb or gray scale pictures and can create test dataset to check if it works on different machines. at the beginning I defi...

There is a code review stack exchange site for this sort of question. — TheBlackCat 59 secs ago
Q: Need help calculating Big-O of my solution C#, sorting stock price

KillerSmallsI'm a newbie learning how to code, and I am trying to find the most efficient way to calculate the post profit I can make from an array of stock prices. For a given array, it's a list of stock prices over n days. So for {1, 4, 5, 100}, my maxProfit would be 95 (100-5). I'm able to get the right...

Q: SICP - exercise 1.7 better end test for square root approximation

morbidCodeHere is exercise 1.7 from SICP: Exercise 1.7 The good-enough? test used in computing square roots will not be very effective for finding the square roots of very small numbers. Also, in real computers, arithmetic operations are almost always performed with limited precision. This m...

@curious much appreciated, I should mention that I don't have access to any of the standard template library. Would love to find a observer/event model that is optimized. The best find I have right now is here: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/47098/…Jeremy Gilbert 21 secs ago
Your example is quite long for your specific issue. It's perfectly on topic here (I think) but I'm sure you would get more feedback on your whole code from codereview.stackexchange.com if that's what you are looking for. — Winter 33 secs ago
@rubberduckvba @folder @rubberduckvba you make #VBA great again https://t.co/aebIQDCDEx
of course I had to get some of that #MAGA stuff thrown at me lol
If your question is mainly about improving working code, codereview.stackexchange.com is a better place for it. — Algirdas Preidžius 31 secs ago
I like how Twitter thinks RD's @Folder annotation is a user
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this question belongs on codereview — ControlAltDel 23 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by Nergal on question by Nergal: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/169118/revisions
If the code is complete, working, and you just want a review of it, it should really be on Code Review. This site is primarily for fixing broken code. — Carcigenicate 36 secs ago
Then I would post it on Code Review. You'll get better answers there for questions like this. — Carcigenicate 33 secs ago
@Mat'sMug It is a user, though.
@Phrancis oops. oh well!
> asked Jan 15 '12 at 17:00
Old as snot
It just occurred to me that the question I answered was asked before I graduated high-school.
(Even if only by 3 months.)
Questions like this about working code are better suited to codereview.stackexchange.comcharlietfl 52 secs ago
Q: can this code be optimized or is it correct. [node.js, mysql, redis]

SharathI have a code which needs to get the data from mysql database, so if a key doesn't exist in redis database then fetching of data needs to be done from mysql database and then stored in redis cache, so that next time the key exists so query to database will be avoided. Please see the below code ...

possible answer invalidation by Arrow on question by Arrow: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/169104/revisions
Q: Simple task for Hibernate (JPA)

WolandTask: Create model Client, Account: clients can have multiple accounts. Create user interface that allows to: create/delete clients create/delete/change accounts Display list of clients and their accounts https://github.com/kn9wBP2JX/hibernate_task (Maven project) Entities AccountEnt...

Q: A small scraper for downloading and saving images from webpage

SMth80I've written some code using python to scrape movie names, link to the movie posters, and finally save the pictures on the local drive after downloading them from a webpage. I have used two functions to accomplish the whole task. I've tried my best to make the process clean. It is working great n...

Q: Is This F# Recursive Example Tail Recursive?

octopusgrabbusI have a payment/lockbox file archiving utility that is called several times per day and with different parameters depending on the files that need archiving. I know I can flatten argv into a string using a simple method like the following: let r = Array.toList(argv) let a = r |> Str...

Q: Redirect http to https, non-www to www and "/index.php" to "/"

user3304303Is this htaccess code the best/proper way to: Send all http traffic to https Send any visits to index.php to the URL that doesn't show "index.php" Send all non-www traffic to www This code works to do those things I mentioned, I just want to make sure it's the most proper/efficient way to d...

@CaptainObvious quite the scraper
side note, i'd close this and post on codereview.stackexchange.com — scsimon 1 min ago
@CaptainObvious Is this working/legal F# syntax?
let main argv =
    let test_array = [| "/mu"; "/al"|]
    let new_list = squash_str_array test_array
(mostly the lines with just a period)
possible answer invalidation by progonkpa on question by progonkpa: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/168717/revisions
@Zeta Stub code most likely then?
OK ty
Allright, let's stop with the one-word messages. It's most likely just an example how OP wants to call squash_str_array. But the periods aren't legal F# at that point. Even if they were, I'm pretty sure that the last line in an F# function must not be a let x = y binding/statement/whatever they call it.
Q: Duplicate statements in Promise

learnercysI have a module that has multiples methods that return promises this way: var a = 'a'; function methodA() { return serviceA() .then(() => { a = null; return 'result'; }) .catch((err) => { a = null; throw err; } } function methodB() { if(a === 'a') { ...

Q: C# shopping cart business rules. how would you rate my approach/design pattern

Francis  AdeA purchase order has an order ID, a customer ID, total price and line items. Line items can be a product or membership type. Business rules: 1. If the purchase order contains a membership, it has to be activated in the customer account immediately. 2. If the purchase order contains Comprehens...

@Zeta The way the question is phrased was a red flag to me... Kind of seems that the OP doesn't understand some aspect of the code they wrote
And if a question can be answered by Yes or No, it's most likely not something that should be here
@CaptainObvious example code
Q: Sieve of Eratosthenes prime number finder up to n in C++

ds3bLI'be been learning c++ recently and as an exercise I wanted to write a program to find numbers up to n using sieve of eratosthenes. I'm new to c++ and programming in general so I'm not sure if this is wildly inefficient or not. I would love some feedback for my code performance wise or better pro...

@jonrsharpe as the guys in code review often say, if this is not a fully functional code, this is not a code review, I do not care about the code, I care about the OOP principles here, SOLID to be exact. so this is in my opinion SOF question. — Gilad 45 secs ago
Q: SFINAE with several condition [Refactoring]

21koizydHow can I write this function shorter? template<typename U, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_fundamental<U>::value>::type, typename = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<char, U>::value>::type, typename = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<void, U>::value>::type > void mul...

Hmmm, setting a control property is not really cpu-intensive. You should ask on codereview.stackexchange.com how to refactor your code — Sir Rufo 57 secs ago
This forum is NOT for code review. — Saleem 52 secs ago
Q: Hangman mini-game on python

Omar4TWFirst things first, this is my first time posting here, so i apologize in advance for any rules I've broken while writing this. With that out of the way, i'd like to ask you guys for your thoughts about some code i wrote today for a simple mini-game that i'm sure the majority of you know: The ha...

This question is off-topic for Stack Overflow. You might have better luck asking on codereview.stackexchange.commeagar ♦ 21 secs ago
Q: clean Typescript Filter Sort Map

A KI built a search bar that will filter an array of objects. But I feel like I can improve it. When I filter, I want to filter the first and last name case insensitive, then sort the names and then map them to be rendered. I'm using typescript so ignore SelectedProps return contacts .filter((...

possible answer invalidation by Michael on question by Michael: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/169175/revisions
@JamesKo maybe it's the design that makes it complicated. Maybe start a question to ask about that or post it in code review. I think you should try and get the processor intensive task off the thread instead of trying to make your UI responsive. — Michael Z. 11 secs ago
This question might be more suitable for Code reviewRobbie Averill 54 secs ago
@RobbieAverill : Thanks for your suggestion, I didn't knew about Code Review, And would it be true If I think that I may get an answer here soon than there? — Umair Shah Yousafzai 13 secs ago

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