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RELOAD! There are 4120 unanswered questions (90.9508% answered)
Billy Jr. I think you want to take this to codereview.stackexchange.com. Stackoverflow is for questions and answers to problems, code review is where you go to get your code reviewed and ask for improvement tips. — Knight0fDragon 40 secs ago
Maybe a better fit on codereview? — James K Polk just now
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on codereview.stackexchange.comPhil 22 secs ago
I can suggest at least 3 alternative implementations that's heck of a less code, and thus simpler. Is that what you're looking for, or do you want us to only comment on what's posted above (in the later case, your question belong ins a code review forum)? Also, which version of Java are you using? — Abhijit Sarkar just now
Sorry, did not know codereview existed - will close and move there. Thank you! — MployBy just now
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on Code Review. — shmosel 33 secs ago
Q: Small Jquery to Pure Js conversion

MployByWe are using small extension that auto applies coupon from link. The extension had pop-up js based on jquery, here is the code: <script> jQuery.noConflict(); jQuery(function() { var appendthis = ("<div class='modal-overlay js-modal-close'></div>"); jQuery(document).rea...

Q: Two sum problem implementation with Hashtable

yangsuliProblem statement: Given an array of integers, return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to a specific target. You may assume that each input would have exactly one solution, and you may not use the same element twice. Example: Given nums = [2, 7, 11, 15], target = 9...

Q: What are major flaws of my multi-threading implementations?

user697911I moved this question to here from StackOverFlow for comments and suggestions. I am processing files in directories. I want to use multi-threading in two ways: 10 threads to process files/folders concurrently. 10 threads to process all lines in each file concurrently In code below, FolderProc...

I think this is the main source of the issue! Thanks for the code review — James Marino 8 secs ago
Q: Two if-else statements with one using goto

Adam LohI have 2 if-else statements that I personally think can be made better but have no idea how to. It looks ugly and furthermore, one if-else statement uses goto. Any suggestions would be hugely appreciated. Thank you! foreach (var ub in usersBookings) { MyBookingModel mb = new MyBookingModel()...

Q: value_ptr<T> - a C++11 header-only, deep-copying smart pointer that preserves value semantics for polymorphic and undefined types

TomMy previous two iterations were here and here. I've since finalized the concept as described in the title, and would appreciate any feedback on the new solution located on GitHub here. Introduction: value_ptr is a C++11 header only, deep-copying smart pointer that preserves value semantics for...

As long as your code works and nothing is wrong with it, I would recommend this to be migrated to CodeReview instead of StackOverflow. — SomeShinyObject 22 secs ago
Q: Codingame: Great Escape bot in Ruby - Follow-up

MangaraThis is a follow-up to Codingame: Great Escape bot in Ruby. As mentioned there, my first reasonably sized Ruby project is a bot for CodinGame's Great Escape contest (here is a sample gameplay video). Following the answers to my first question, I made the code much more Ruby-esque, and split it ...

Q: Creating a PowerShell Streamer Function w/youtube-dl, ffmpeg & ffplay

Adam ChilcottMy question is in regards to combining youtube-dl, ffmpeg, ffplay and PowerShell to handle video URLs. Some examples I've seen have piped a binary stream from youtube-dl to an external player using the Windows Command Prompt as demonstrated: youtube-dl --output - "https://youtube.com/mygroovyco...

Q: Python script for sending emails via console

artificialis_meI just made simple python script which allows to send emails from console (for myself). And I hope for some advices to improve code or to point in errors and misunderstandings. Here you can find the code: https://gist.github.com/0x28d/5f486ef811973170f57e6db1bd5eb77f I'll be appreciated for any...

Q: Insertion sort with high OOP and error processing

Михаил ХамхоевThe input file contains data of one of two types: integers or strings. Data recorded In the column (each line of the file is a new element). Strings can contain any non-whitespace characters. The result of the program should be a new file with the contents of the input file, Sorted in ascending o...

Q: Display Multiple polygons on google maps and toggle visibility of each polygon

user143089I want to display multiple polygons (with the co ordinates either given by the user or pre-defined) on the google map and want to toggle the visibility of each polygon. I wrote the code to display multiple polygons by manually entering all the longitudes and latitudes values. <!DOCTYPE html> <html>

Monking o/
Q: To prints objects from a hashmap using toString method in a more formatted way

L.GeorgeI was working with hashmaps and came across this situation, although my output is correct. I am inserting data through constructors,and printing it by overriding toString() method. But I need it in a well formatted manner. public class HashMapClass { String name; String add; ...

what are the questions? And have you tested the queries? What problem are you having? We don't do code reviews, we fix bugs. — ADyson 35 secs ago
@PatricK I'm not saying it's right. But code being off-topic here doesn't make it any better at CR. This is one of those questions that's simply off-topic anywhere on SE. His question at Code Review got closed. — Mast 48 secs ago
If the code works fine, it might be a better idea to post it at Code Review to ask for enhancements. — Wiktor Stribiżew 16 secs ago
IMHO any Regex that would do all of the splitting and replacing would look way more clumsy. The way you have it now is clear, and kind of obviously says how you are manipulating the input string. Using regex for this will strip you out of this. Also, as @WiktorStribiżew mentioned - you might want to check the code review for further improvements. — Asunez 29 secs ago
Q: Duplex Sandboxed Iframe Listener javascript

omegaI created this before to help with a project I am working on. Thought I would make it into a library. https://github.com/TheInvoker/Duplex-Sandboxed-Iframe-Listener It is a tiny little fully native es6 javascript library to simplify duplex communications between current window and a parent/child...

1 hour later…
where's your code for the last one? Like I said we fix bugs, we don't do code reviews and we don't do your homework for you :-) — ADyson 48 secs ago
Monking @all
Q: FInd the correct Casing description from process tracking - Scalar Function

MagischIt works as intended, I just wonder if there is any stylistic things I could improve. It already runs well fast enough, although I'd be open to speed increases. This SQL Server 2008 Scalar Function takes a tracking id from our internal system and finds the corresponding casing type for the produ...

Q: Removing an if-statement inside an if-statement

AmorrisI am doing a coding challenge and it basically says this. There are two players, "black" and "white" and they take turns at a game. If a player won the last turn then it is his turn again, otherwise it is the other player's turn. The whole challenge is here. Here is the original code I used for ...

The codereview says "It can be used to supply a capturing lambda as a C callback:" ...then follows some code... and the code here is the answer saying "This abuses the fact that the compiler must provide a thread-local stack for complex objects for use as exception storage, regardless of their support for other thread local features, and therefore enjoys much broad compiler support. The most obvious drawbacks are a) it's horrible, and b) it's limited to stack semantics." Imho the question here would be more clear if it included such background information — tobi303 48 secs ago
Although we can now read your question, it is still off-topic here. Ask this at codereview.stackexchange.comSir Rufo 52 secs ago
@Phrancis The dictionary is shared across all calls of the function. And so if you mutate it, it mutates the single default object. Take:
>>> def add_to_dict(key, value, d={}):
	d[key] = value
	return d

>>> add_to_dict('a', 'b')
{'a': 'b'}
>>> add_to_dict('c', 'd')
{'a': 'b', 'c': 'd'}
Q: Overly large syntax highlighting function

isaacgI've written a text editor in Rust, which you can take a look at on github. I have a function, make_highlights responsible for syntax highlighting. It takes a Row, which is just a wrapper around a String, and determines the appropriate syntax highlighting for each character. Currently, the funct...

It's common to think that the second would return {'c': 'd'} and tbf it's a bit confusing that it doesn't
@Peilonrayz I actually had no idea about that, very good to know (and also confusing behavior)
def is_pythagorean_triplet(triplet: List) -> bool:
    Assert whether the input is a valid Pythagorean triplet, i.e.:
    - It contains 3 numbers: a, b, c
    - The numbers are strictly increasing: a < b < c
    - That they are Pythagorean: a^2 + b^2 == c^2
        assert len(triplet) == 3
        a = triplet[0]
        b = triplet[1]
        c = triplet[2]
        assert a < b and b < c
        assert (a ** 2) + (b ** 2) == c ** 2
    except AssertionError:
        return False
Is this^^ using assert as "live" code the wrong approach? i.e. not for tests but for program logic?
@Phrancis yes, don't use assert for any checks you actually value (asserts can be disabled)
@Phrancis If the default object can be mutated it's normally best to default to None, :) One of the reasons it's used so much...
@Phrancis Yeah, run the code with -O and it'll stop working correctly python -O file.py. Some people say 'No-one ever uses -O', which is kinda true, but abusing a language is never good...
logically correct but this question belongs to code review stack exchangeXtremeBaumer 30 secs ago
@Phrancis Code style hint: a, b, c = triplet
@MrGrj Nice catch on that. :) (Note more erroneous than Phrancis')
@Peilonrayz more erroneous ?
@MrGrj Oops, I read their first assertion wrong, :/ Thought it was len(triplet) >= 3...
@Peilonrayz Things like that still bite me every once in a while.
@Peilonrayz @Phrancis this is also a common Python interview question about mutable default argument values
though I've seen those kind of questions applied to lists (but it doesn't matter)
@Mast There's a few nasty things with Python and mutables... Some I still fall for.
Uhh, I'm such a loyal monkey: Visited 534 days, 305 consecutive
@JBC please don't suggest posting broken/not working code on codereview. Thanks — Heslacher 16 secs ago
Pro Tip: Comments. Leave them liberally. Your future self will be eternally grateful.
If your code is working, but you'd like to improve it, you'd be better posting it on codereview.stackexchange.com. Here we fix bugs, rather than doing refactoring. — ADyson 33 secs ago
I just spent an hour trying to re-learn what past me had already figured out a year ago. Past me wrote copious instructions, but no notes on why those intructions were what they were.
Probably better suited for codereview.stackexchange.comassylias 13 secs ago
Q: Run one python script from another on windows, linux and unix machines that use the same code

Austin DowneyI have a series of rather complicated codes that I developed on a Linux machine, run on a Unix cluster and from time to time need to run on a Windows machine to gain access to a private network. They are all running Python 3.6 and I have not had a lot of success moving the subprocess.call or simi...

Q: finding all png files c#

LolidzeGood day, I have such problem : find all png files to disk and rename them as I did: static void DirSearch(string sDir) { try { var images = Directory.GetFiles(sDir, "*.png"); images.ToList().AsParallel().WithDegreeOfParallelism(100...

For reviewing working code turn to codereview.stackexchange.com. But study their help pages more carefully than the ones for here which you decided to completely ignore. — GhostCat 51 secs ago
@Vogel612 Hello
Does anyone know why italic/emphasized and bold/strong text no longer shows up as expected in posts/answers? Or is it just me?
@PieterWitvoet mind giving us an example ?
Here's an old answer of mine where I used bold text for headers, but they show up as normal text instead: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/164259/…
@PieterWitvoet I got that the other day, a mod deleted my meta post
But I'd link if I could, :/
@PieterWitvoet looks fine to me
I just checked Chrome and Edge (using Firefox by default), and only Chrome displays it as expected.
@PieterWitvoet Can you check some CSS for me?
@Peilonrayz: sure.
> Great removing local("Open Sans") from /Sites/codereviewmeta/all.css at lines 23050 to 23100 fixes this. So I apparently have a broken local Open Sans font. -.- - Me here
If you can repro that, then I'll ask a mod to undelete the post, or I will, if I can...
@PieterWitvoet I've experiences something similar with FF on Win8.1, but not on Ubuntu. I can check in approx 10h whether I still get non-bold headlines on Win.
@Peilonrayz: that solves the problem indeed.
Q: Generate thousands of JSON documents in go

felixI recently decided to try to learn the go language. In order to do this, I wrote a small programm which parse a JSON configuration file, and generate x bson documents according to it's properties. for example, with this config file { "collection": "test", "count": 100000, "conten...

@PieterWitvoet I've flagged for my post to be undeleted, as I can't. 2c here upon undeletion would be appreciated.
@Peilonrayz: I can't undelete either, but I'll upvote when it gets undeleted.
@EBrown You're with full name on the BBC on a page that could eventually hit quite high SEO-wise. So, not too shabby.
I'm having so much fun on Python's IRC channel where some user tries to prove that Python is old as in is not having an intuitive syntax
Greetings everyone.
Q: JS/ASP.NET quiz app

EvanI finally have a working version of my quiz web/game app. I used C# ASP.NET MVC with Entity Framework and JavaScript/Jquery. Would you guys mind taking a look at my code and make suggestions/improvements and also rate my app overall? I wish I could deploy a demo somewhere but I have no money for ...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because because it belongs on codereview.stackexchange.comS.Akbari 45 secs ago
@CaptainObvious no code no glory
@MrGrj That bloody thing is still active?
@Mast yup
@Heslacher No code, no glory, no comment?
I miss you guys
@Mast No kidding, the only bit that has me a little concerned is the full-name bit, but I think it'll be fine.
@Malachi Hi
how is it going?
Well, how're you?
Q: C# - Inheritance and Generics to describe differences

Enrique Moreno TentI was reading this serie of posts and I got the feeling that my code is suffering of a similar problem. This is the code (simplified) I did for the Gear in my game, which I am developing for Unity3D. We have Armorand Weapon, which are both a kind of Gear. All Gear has a series of levels, each ...

Q: Simple game in Javascript

Enn MichaelI have written a game in JS and html5, using the <canvas> element. It's an endless scroller where the player drives their car and tries to avoid crashing into enemy cars. The further they get without crashing, the higher their score. Here's the raw source code, and some commentary and explanation...

Useless warning in docs is being useless.
@Mast my autocomments got killed at switching to https :-(
@Heslacher :-(
Luckily there's this:
Q: Frequently Posted Comments

Simon ForsbergOn Code Review we often encounter questions with the same kind of problem over and over again. Some of us are using the auto comments script which allows you to maintain a list of comments to post. What are some useful tin-can comments that can be good to have in your list of comments? If you ...

Crap, someone should update those links. If it hasn't been done by the time I get home, I'll get to it.
Got some prints to burn first.
I had customized them and right now I don't have the time to do it again.
Q: Scraping table contents from a webpage using vba with selenium

SMth80Parsing the full content of a table from a webpage with javascript encrypted using vba in combination with selenium. There are around 300 rows of data which spread 7 column across. There are around seven steps to traverse to reach the destination page. It takes a while to parse them all. Just run...

Hmmm. Some part of this is an internal ID number:
I guess Brute Force it is.
hrmm... JS is weird ...
and it's a bit of a mess to keep clean ..
@Vogel612 well that J comes from Java so...
@CaptainObvious Stub Code --> This is the code (simplified) I did for the Gear in my game,
@EBrown I am doing well, trying to find some Freelance Testing Work. I have one site I am going to check out tonight, I have signed up for about 3 so far.
@Malachi Nice, you moved to TN, right?
TN ?
working for a Major Cell Phone Retailer
as a Senior QA Engineer
These kinds of questions are not good fit for SO format. You might have more luck on CodeReview. Please note that cross posting is frown upon. — Ron 51 secs ago
if it wasn't it wouldn't be CSS
Cascading, it's like birds on telephone wires, it cascades
div > p { float: left } > "Aye boss, gonna ignore all content when calculating the height of those divs" ...
I think this should go to CodeReview... — Usagi Miyamoto 34 secs ago
Q: Autocomplete ComboBox

DropKind time, I apologize in advance for verboseness. Not so long ago I performed a test task on creating an autocomplete list of cities. From the functional: When you enter the first character, the list is filtered. The first item in the list is highlighted. The optimal number of rows in the lis...

Q: Is this java code structure correct?

AnnI am implementing some new ad networks SDK to my android app. I followed their official documentation while modifying the mainactivity.java file but I'm not sure whether I put the codes correctly. Here is my code. Is its the structure correct or I missed something? The code is here: https://stac...

@Mast What links?
Q: interface or abstract class for this behaviour - c#

Jean PougetouxI have two classes, Error and Information (didn't implemented Information, exact same code than Error), which are some interactions with the user. They have some common behaviour, and i hesitate between make them inherit an interface, or an abstract class, so i want to know which is the best prac...

Code simplification would be better on codereview. — evolutionxbox 56 secs ago
Assuming that this code works, but you feel it is too verbose, I'd suggest looking, and asking over, at: Code Review. — David Thomas 1 min ago
@SimonForsberg Probably the http instead of https ?
Oh, right.
Q: Find number of combinations of strings

RonnieThis was an interview question I was asked. My answer is below, but I wonder if there is a more efficient way. Possible a combinatorics type function, or is an exhaustive generation + count the only way? Rules: Given a character, the next character can be any one of How many N character combinat...

Q: Utilizing JSON in Visual Element Client-Side-Only

user143143So I have a bit of code I'm trying to modify for use for a learning aid webpage that I got from bl.ocks.org. However, the webpage I'm implementing it on only allows client side access, but the code utilizes json to organize a tree (if I'm not mistaken). How would I go about either A. converting...

beware, I have been posting answer(s).....
@fvu I knew that. But i wanted some quick advice. I will probably post the question on codereview exchange. Thanks. By the way let's just delete these last comments. We may confuse someone. — RestlessC0bra just now
@Malachi How's your weather?
been warm.
rain for like 3 weeks and this week it's Hot! lol
Q: big O notation O(M+N*M) = O(N*M)?

DavidWhen talking about the worst-case space complexity. Is the following correct? O(M)+O(NM) = O(M+NM) = O(M(1+N)) = O(M)O(1+N) = O(M)O(N) = O(NM) = O(N+NM)

Q: Oracle - sum, join, group by

Kacper WeremaI need to simplify and optimize this query. I know I can somehow reduce the number of 2 joins and 2 group by but I can't find out how. Both tables got same columns. Select Container_id, Moves from (select c.container_id, count(*) as "MOVES", t.name as "STNAM" from mov_queue c join station s ON s...

@CaptainObvious Someone has voted to migrate that to SO. IMO, it's crap. We don't migrate crap. Can we stop the migration somehow? @SimonForsberg
For working code: see codereview.stackexchange.com ... but study their policies before dumping your content. Do not repeat your mistake again! — GhostCat 37 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because questions asking to review working code should go to codereview.stackexchange.comGhostCat 28 secs ago
Q: Error related to dynamic memory allocation I believe

Danail NedkovI am relatively new to programming. I was given the task to create a game, which allows a user to create different soccer players, pair them up in teams and simulate matches between the teams based on the players' stats. For that purpose I decided to save the information about every single player...

@Mast had been me. My bad.
removed vote
Q: C++ Merge Sort Implementation

Nick ALet me preface this by saying, I've never implemented a merge sort and do not know exactly how they work, I believe I have a general understanding of them and think I know how to implement one, but I decided to try my hand at implementing one without looking at any reference: #include <iostream>...

It was code review for a position I have applied and that was the feedback I have received. It also didn't come directly from the reviewer but via a middleman. Yes, I've never used H2, and just thought hashmap would be enough to store simple 'Name, Object' data. — Paweł Laskowski 33 secs ago
Kristina Lustig on July 11, 2017

On Stack Overflow, a question gets asked once, answered, and then becomes a central point of knowledge for thousands of others who read it on our site. But what about developers who don’t have the luxury of being public about their work?

Today, we’re announcing Stack Overflow Channels for teams that need a dedicated, private space to share knowledge. We’re working hard on an early beta, and we want your active involvement in the product as we build it. If you’re interested in early access and product updates, sign up here! …

@Mast No one voted to migrate that.
If you're just looking for general suggestions for improvement, try posting over on CodeReview.SE. I'm not sure if you have a specific question here about something not working. — Peter Cooper Jr. just now
possible answer invalidation by SMth80 on question by SMth80: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/168959/revisions
@Malachi Same here lol
Q: Using websocket to show progress for slow action with ASP.NET Core MVC

webwakeI have a process that takes a substantial amount of time (several minutes) and would like to trigger it from a web browser and give feedback to the user that it is working. I created some code that uses WebSockets to send progress and messages back to the client. So my question is: Is there a ...

Q: Django Rest Framework authentication architecture with auth0

authentication_questionI am trying to get some suggestions on how I should architect the authentication system for a django rest framework API. The stack looks like this: 1. Django rest framework 2. Django rest framework mongoengine 3. Django rest framework jwt 4. Django rest framework auth0 Since we have a mong...

@EBrown are you in Missouri?
@Malachi Ohio, Toledo, more specifically.
oh. isn't that a 3 stooges skit?
Q: want to make a gallery using PHP

pouyanzi have all the images array's in "the_sub_field('f_pic')",there are 6 image array in it, here is my code <?php $images = the_sub_field( 'f_pic' ); $image_attributes = "w=389&h=260&zc=c&q=90"; $image_attributesSmall = "w=88&h=83&zc=c&q=90"; $count ...

@Feeds I kinda dislike that RD can't use that yet, because there's no Company attached to RD ...
and that there's no plan for public channels ...
@Vogel612 No, but tags come pretty close already.
hmm... true that ...
Q: MemoryError for a small-ish dataset with RandomForestClassifier()

PatthebugI have a not-so-big dataset having 100,000 rows and 6k columns and I'm using the following code to fit a Random Forest to it: # Read csv and create dummy variables Sessions = pd.read_csv('filename.csv') cols_to_transform = ['a','b','c','d','e','f'] Sessions = pd.get_dummies( Sessions, columns = ...

As much as I hate some of the less-than-optimal things we do at my workplace, I really love being able to come in and just make things work. Even got permission to make some much needed optimizations and security enhancements.
Q: Write class name “connection class” for connection with SQL server for database connectivity

FayyazAliWrite class name “connection class” for connection with SQL server for database connectivity.. Pls help me what is the answer?

Q: Determine if an HTML tag name is valid

alecxeWe've developed an ESLint rule to determine if a tag name used inside the Protractor's by.tagName() locator is valid. A Tag Name is considered valid when: It can contain alphanumeric characters. It can contain the dash(-) symbol. It cannot start with dash or a number. It cannot ...

Q: Basic Sieve of Erosthenes

Dan AmbrogioThis is a basic command line program that, given a number, returns a list of primes up to and including that number. Also handles a lack of command line arguments and non-number arguments. I ran into a bunch of problems with Options while I was writing this, which led to me using unwrap() out of...

Q: Java Blackjack game Card class and Rank enum to get and setValue()

Paul PearsonTrying to figure out how my Rank enum can work with my Card class so the getValue() and setValue() methods work when I instantiate the Hand object in my Client's main method. I'm quite new to Java and OOP so feel like I have everything pretty darn close and guessing the answer is simple and righ...

Pssst, Code Review is over that way <-- — Will 45 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by MployBy on question by MployBy: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/168915/revisions
Q: Navigate a WebBrowser control asynchronously

Ahmed TarekI wrote a little method to navigate a WebBrowser control asynchronously and returns DocumentResult, yet i wanna know if this is a good approach for solving such problem. Code SemaphoreSlim _ = new SemaphoreSlim(1); public async Task<string> NavigateAsync(string url, string targetFrameName = nu...

Q: Need to return statistics in O(1) time and space from a collection

Mario TimI have a DelayQueue, and the goal is to collect statistical information from the collection in O(1) time and space //drain to a list List<Transaction> tempForCleaning = new ArrayList<>(); transactions.drainTo(tempForCleaning); //clear it tempForCleaning.clear(); Statisti...

Stack Overflow isn't a code reviewing service. You may want to hit up Code Review instead, I suppose. — Bytewave 12 secs ago
Q: JS-ASP.NET quiz app

EvanI finally have a working version of my quiz web/game app. I used C# ASP.NET MVC with Entity Framework and JavaScript/Jquery. Would you guys mind taking a look at my code and make suggestions/improvements and also rate my app overall? I wish I could deploy a demo somewhere but I have no money for ...

Technically this is a little off-topic for SO being more of a code review request than a specific question, but... I answered it anyway. — Adrian 57 secs ago
Q: Thread-safe Shared Pointer implementation in C

OrfbyI've been working on a C project where I needed a small, thread-safe shared pointer, and so I wrote this implementation. It's primary use in the project is as a way of allowing multiple threads to have ownership of a resource at once. This means it's very important that it is thread safe (and al...

Q: Lazy, functional streams library for Node.js

Alexis KingI’ve written a small library that implements lazy streams in (ES2016) JavaScript for use in Node.js. The library could work in the browser as well with some minor modifications, but that isn’t something I’m concerned with at the moment. Here is the library code, in its entirety: import { curry ...

I'm about to start a court order against my friggin apartment complex.
@EBrown What'd they do?
They have completely failed to make even the most basic repairs on my cooling system for 3 weeks now (my A/C hasn't worked for the better part of a month), and according to their own people "it is not an emergency until it's 85F", well it's been 82F all week and today it's 89, tomorrow it's 92, so I'd say it's about ---- time to fix it.
Sheesh, that's bad
I have a portable unit that has barely kept my apartment at 80F today.
Great news is I can escrow my rent until they fix it.
Q: Merge three pandas dataframes at once

AnalystExcuse the simplicity of the question. Is there a more efficient way to do the below, in one line instead of three? Im using pandas. Thanks. # merge root onto r3_v by operator id and create frame (df) # merge operator id's onto df1 and create frame (df1) # merge definitions onto df2 and crea...

Q: A* alghoritm for maze game

Mirceaguys, I've finished implementing and refactoring my A* code, and I would like to know if it's a right implementation and also how can I optimize it. A* Code and also Node code Because the code is too big I couldn't put it here, thanks for you help.

possible answer invalidation by 200_success on question by MployBy: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/168915/revisions
Q: Obtaining project size metrics with PowerShell

Ethan BierleinI'm often frustrated by the lack of ability to obtain simple size metrics about code projects I'm working on, like total lines of code, or character count. To fix this, I wrote the following PowerShell utility: Function GetProjectMetrics { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(mand...

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