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RELOAD! There are 3777 unanswered questions (91.3264% answered)
Q: Project Euler #8 Largest product in series 13

SuperUser_NoviceI created a python script to calculate the largest series of 13 product in a 1000 digit number. I keep getting the wrong answer despite changing the code over 9000 times and making sure no numbers are skipped. The largest product I get is 6270566400. Below I will include the algorithm, number, an...

So I found an apartment...
Here's a secret for anyone working on a relationship: make sure you let your significant other see the apartment before you get it.
Also: apparently she called a place last week and the guy literally said 'drive by our apartments before you decide to live here'.
Apparently this guy asked her like four times if she was 'really certain' she wanted to live there.
Are you asking for a code review? That isn't on topic for Stack Overflow. Is there an actual problem with what you are doing currently? — David L 27 secs ago
Q: Self registration in factory class

Chen OTI currently want the base class also be the factory with static Create function. To make base class does not need to know the imp concrete classes, I try to forward the two core jobs of factory to the concrete class. One is what are the all concretes. Another is how to dispatch it. I try let the...

Q: Is it Less Readable to Initialize a List's Capacity

Kenneth K.I received my code review comments for the following method: private RequiredDocumentEntity GenerateRequiredDocumentMapping(string documentTypeCode, params string[] alternativeDocumentIds) { int alternativeDocumentCount = alternativeDocumentIds?.Length ?? 0; List<DocumentTypeEntity> sati...

1 hour later…
Q: User input validation that might be unbreakable for C++

takintoolongI am new to programming and have been having a lot of trouble with user input validation. Everything I found online I could break and I finally put this function together that appears to be unbreakable. It is for int and double specifically. I am curious about how it might be critiqued by experi...

Q: Optimizing rc4 encryption

kazI am working on an rc4 encryption implementation for s3fs and I'd like to better optimize my design so I'd like feedback on my encryption/decryption here. Below is the code which accepts a file descriptor of an open file for a parameter: void crypty(int fd){ // Initial steps, read the file...

Q: The best tool for the code checking perspective

StevenWhat is the best tool for the code review that can be integrated to the TFS and Octopus for auto deployment process?

Q: Curious why I am using a custom GET & POST wrapper

Bluestreak22I am creating a messenger for my class project, I decided to do things more complex than the requirements given as I am using a class based PHP/MYSQL system. In my javascript file there is this code $.tzPOST = function(action,data,callback){ $.post('php/ajax.php?action='+action,data,callback,'js...

@Heslacher How's it going?
Fine. My wife and daugther are doing a bicycle tour for one week ;-)
Ah, home alone eh?
Yes ;-)
The quietness of solitude <3
@CaptainObvious code-review-review eh? I think -4 is a bit much, though it's not a great question I don't think it's that bad, maybe erring a bit on the unclear side
If this is working code and you want improvement suggestions then Code Review is a more appropriate forum for this. — kaylum just now
@kaylum Sorry for the tags mess, I picked 'C' from suggestion and thank you for codereview.stackexchange.comPlaban Biswas 10 secs ago
Q: Monitoring real-time air waves

NicoI have a program that monitors real-time air waves and demodulates them into useable data. The program runs fine and with very little issues over time. The only thing I am really interested in is whether the calls to memcpy can be handled differently. I have tried using valgrind and this code do...

Q: how to create a program that outputs a name when an id number is inputed using java and dialog box

Franklin Umendiegoplease I am new to java and i was asked to create a program that when u input an id number it bring out a name.I need as much input as possible.using dialog box method. Thanks.

Q: Code optimization, error and flow control

StefanSo I've written up my code. Obviously, I'm looking for easy of use and error checking. I don't have more idea what could I do to optimize my code. Will be glad the hear your opinions or suggestions. It's a lot of code, so bear with me. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sqlite3 as sql from P...

This question belongs on the Code Review site. — aschipfl 5 secs ago
Q: Simple binary search in a vector

user1044328I was reading binary search from an interview book and changed some part of the algorithms. It is working for all the values I tested with: i.e. all the values in array and outside the array extremes. Appreciate another person's glance on my use of lower <= upper condition. Any other opinion is ...

Q: why does this code throw an System.IndexOutOfRangeException:

Jamiscoint[,] dimensions = new int[1, 2] { { 83, 41 } }; Rectangle destRect = new Rectangle(10, 234, dimensions[1, 2], dimensions[1, 1]); when ran in windows form,I get the out of range exception and I get this message "System.IndexOutOfRangeException: 'Index was outside the bounds of the array.'" wha...

Q: List Comprehension for Nested for loop

Shubham Namdeofavorite I know how to create list comprehension, however I am confused whether it is possible or not to convert below code into list comprehension: def value(a): # a is any integer ln=[] for i in range(1,a+1): for j in range(1,i+1): ln.append(j*i) for j in ra...

If your code has no errors, you should post your code on Code Review instead of Stack Overflow. People over there are more than happy to help you figure out more efficient ways to write your code. — erik just now
Q: Attempt at Idiomatic Hangman in Clojure

NightMareI am pretty new to Clojure & am loving it so far. After going through a few resources, I decided to make a hangman game. I'm wondering how idiomatic is my code. Where can I improve it stylistically & reduce complexity. It is divided into two files. Both of them are shown below. src/core.clj (n...

Q: PHP Uninitialized string offset

user136647This is throwing Uninitialized string offset. I want to persist a .ini file in the $_SESSION array. $items = parse_ini_file($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config.ini'); foreach ($items as $clave => $valor) { $__SESSION[$clave] = $valor; echo '<br>ee' . $__SESS...

Q: Crying baby recognition

Jon DierI've created an algorithm which uses envelope detection and other means to recognize that a baby is crying. As it's using audio as input signal it constantly processes a lot of data, which is fine for a laptop, but the algorithm need to run separately on a Raspberry Pi which has much less process...

Q: Finds the length of arbitrary ASCII character strings

AdamI have implemented this MIPS code to determine the length of given ASCII character strings. Is there a simpler way to implement this code or if there is a built-in function in MIPS? Given String: "Hello\n" Output: 6 .data message: .asciiz "Hello\n" .text main: li $t1...

Q: Infinate door Monty Hall simulation

PeilonrayzAfter answering http://codereview.stackexchange.com/q/160567 I wondered what the outcome were to be if there were more than three doors, say four or seven. And so I decided to modify the problem slightly to adjust for this. There are \$x\$ amount of doors. Behind one door is a car, the others ar...

Q: Credit card validation - Python 3.4

EugeneProutJust completed a piece of code - a credit card validation program in python - as a little side project. Having no experience with classes in the past, I decided to employ classes in this project. I am wondering if you could review my code, both appraising the actual code, but also evaluate my us...

Q: Simplify the restructuring of json data

YconI am trying to ad nested to some flat data, which is nested. Basically this code works the following way: "taglevel":1 tags should be key of the array "taglevel":2 or higher tags should be nested within an array and not be duplicated in its' array If no "taglevel":1 exists add, it to a generic...

eww ... ArcGIS is using a pretty fugly data format. ..
user image
Hey :)
We are not a code review or rewrite service. — Olaf 40 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by FloatingRock on question by FloatingRock: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/161046/revisions
@Kaz Monking! Nice to see you again, :) Have a nice break?
@Peilonrayz Nice probably isn't the right word. I missed the 2nd quite a bit. But it was good for me. Which is what I was aiming for. So, pretty good.
Ah, that's good tho, :)
How's the 2nd been doing?
I'm normally a lurker, but it seems like the amount of talkers has decreased, ):
Me leaving probably didn't help. I was one of the more talkative people at the time.
@Peilonrayz Any big site stuff come up in the last couple of months?
IDK, the second took a massive hit after Dan joined Riot, ): Big stuff, EBrown got a job, and I can't remember anything else, ):
Q: How to change following class to LinkedQueue(making it Queue)?

Junaid Akhtar public class SinglyLinkedList implements LinkedList { protected SinglyLinkedListNode first; protected SinglyLinkedListNode current; protected int size; public SinglyLinkedList()`` { first = current = null; size = 0; } public int length() { ...

possible answer invalidation by Graipher on question by EugeneProut: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/161089/revisions
btw you might get more feedback at codereview.stackexchange.comtobi303 just now
@Duga Fine
@EBrown Congrats :D
@tobi303 oh and btw should I repost it there ? I don't know if it's possible to move it since this question already contains comments. — justHelloWorld 50 secs ago
@justHelloWorld Reposting on CodeReview is fine. Be aware that CR requires your actual, unaltered code. Preferably straight from your IDE. In its' current form, this runs the chance of being closed as Pseudo/Example code. — Kaz 55 secs ago
Reviewing someone else's code review is not really what this site is intended for. I'd suggest to add context to clarify what this piece of code is meant to do, so that we can review it properly. — Phrancis' DROP TABLE Users-- 8 hours ago
@Phrancis'DROPTABLEUsers-- ^ What indication is there that it is not his own code?
Q: Getting runtime error for dfs recursion implementation using Python

RakibRecently I have tried two DFS problems(UVA459-Graph Connectivity and SPOJ-LASTSHOT). I used DFS recursively to solve both of the problems. In my terminal, I run the programs with multiple test cases and all are given right answers with no errors. But when I submit the problem, I got Runtime erro...

Q: count number of bits to convert one integer to another integer

HarshaReturn the number of bits (N) that will need to be changed in order to convert an integer, X, into another integer(Y). Constraint: 0 <= X <= Y <= 2**128 Example: X = 1, Y = 2 => N = 2 X = 2, Y = 3 => N = 1 X = 0, Y = 4 => N = 1 I have written following code, How to impro...

        match (jira_status, status, substatus) {
            (Some(JiraStatus::Done), _, _) => RowBuilder { status: Some(Status::Closed), ..self },
            (_, _, Some(Status::Resolved)) => RowBuilder { status: substatus, ..self },
            _ => RowBuilder { status: status, ..self },
Pattern matching is a beautiful thing
wat ...
Hey @DanPantry, How's Dublin treating you?
top of the mornin' to ya
It's going okay, yourself? @Kaz
the business logic looks pretty big on magic to me
@DanPantry Busy.
@Vogel612 yeah, it's due to basically having 3 status fields and each one deciding what the ultimate 'status' is
this is a collection of 3 differing data sources, so :/
bit of a mess, but what can yo udo
Jira, the wrenchmen boxes and something else I guess?
jira + hackerone
We just went through the end of the tax year, followed by the beginning of the new tax year. I think I placed about 2,000 Trades on April 6th. I might even be able to get my work backlog caught up by the end of the month.
And politics just got interesting again :D
hackerone has a open and closed status, and there are varying 'substatuses' for each of those things. an open issue can be triaged, a closed issue can be closed as not applicable or closed because it was resolved.. etc
@Kaz o.o
@Kaz Yeah that'll be an interesting one for sure. Most people in my team are left-wing but my boss is right-wing, so :D
@DanPantry I've decided I'll stick to political predictions this time around. That way I can discuss politics without having to pick a personal side.
I do wish the bookies would get their act together and start offering election bets already.
Q: k th smallest element in row wise and column wise sorted matrix

HarshaFind the kth smallest element in row wise and column wise sorted element: Example: matrix[row][col] < matrix[row+1][col] matrix[row][col] < matrix[row][col+1] mat= 1 2 21 11 23 25 31 36 41 I have written following code, How to make more readab...

Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Responsive video embedding
Since the code already works, shouldn't this be in code review? — Evan Carslake 8 secs ago
Q: Play Fair Cipher Implementation

Sayam QaziI have implemented a play fair cipher.The code works fine but I would like to improve the clarity and/or performance of the code. Crypto.java public class Crypto { private static boolean verbose = true; public static void setVerbose(boolean verbosity) { verbose = verbosity; ...

youtube-dl should be able to do it. ffmpeg can't process DASH manifests at present, but there's a DASH demuxer in code review. — Mulvya 38 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by EugeneProut on question by EugeneProut: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/161089/revisions
Technically this is more of a "code review" than an issue. — evolutionxbox 34 secs ago
Q: Tail recursion in java

Eko SusiloI am learning recursive functions and I kinda understand that tail recursive functions performs the processing at first and at the end of the statement it goes into the next iteration/recursive call. I am trying to solve a problem which is difficult to understand using loop but makes more sense...

@Duga its ok
Q: How can i delete a register in my database?

eduardo2207 from Panama function verModal(mostrar) { mostrar = (mostrar) ? 'show' : 'hide'; $('#cargandoModal').modal(mostrar); } function refrescarPantalla() { location.reload(); } $(document).ready(function () { $('#refresh-TE').on('click', function () { verModal(true); var $btn,...

Seriously. How hard can it be to get your asterisks to line up next to your text boxes?!
possible answer invalidation by Null on question by user1044328: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/161074/revisions
Q: CapiMove codechef january 2017 challenge

guru_909https://www.codechef.com/JAN17/problems/CAPIMOVE can someone explain the test case mail me at [email protected] if possible

possible answer invalidation by Sayam Qazi on question by Sayam Qazi: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/161105/revisions
Q: Python 'logging' program -Python3

ERMANNOOk, i started to program with python some moths ago and i've made this login program:` UserAge=(int(input('how old are you?: '))) if UserAge < 18: print('you can\'t enter') accesso=False elif UserAge >= 18: print('you can enter') accesso=True elif UserAge >= 100: print('WTF you a...

Hey! Welcome to Stack Overflow. Working code actually doesn't really belong on this site. You're better off posting on the sister site Code Review. — Michael 19 secs ago
@CaptainObvious Broken
Q: Computing most reliable path in undirected probabilistic graphs using Java

coderoddeProblem definition We are given an undirected graph \$G = (V, E)\$ and a weight function \$w \colon E \to (0, 1]\$. The weight of the edge \$e \in E\$, \$w(e)\$, describes its reliability, or, in other words, the probability that the edge is available. Given two distinguished nodes \$s, t \in ...

Q: How to increase performance of this program? (reading big files)

JohnCalmsI have a big txt file containing some specific IP addresses, and all of them appear more than once (the file has around 13 million lines). The file looks like this (the first octet is set to zero for anonimity): What I want is to read all thos...

should be posted on codereview.stackexchange.com — AmitK 19 secs ago
@AmitK ["Trouble-shooting, debugging, or understanding code snippets [...] is off-topic for this site."](codereview.stackexchange.com/help/on-topic) — Radiodef 5 secs ago
Q: How to process dependent results of Producer/Consumer queue without locking

stt106I have seen many examples which the results of a Producer/Consumer queue implemented using BlockingCollection<T> are independent, e.g. each result can be consumed independently in parallel. For example, here the produces calculate a square root and consumers grab each result to update the UI. I ...

Q: Design Twitter LeetCode

thebenmanI solved this Challenge from LeetCode Design a simplified version of Twitter where users can post tweets, follow/unfollow another user and is able to see the 10 most recent tweets in the user's news feed. Your design should support the following methods: postTweet(userId, tweetI...

Q: Turn ball red when it hits the paddle and turn ball blue when it misses the paddle

user136690This is my code so far <HTML> <BODY> <canvas id="myCanvas" width="600" height="600" style="border:1px solid #000000;" /> <script src="JQuery.js"></script> <script src="scripts.js"></script> </BODY> <script> if( ball_hits_paddle ){ $("#myCanvas").css("border", "#ff0000"); }...

I'd recommend writing your own solution and posting this question to CodeReview.stackexchange.com. It's not really suited to SO answers, you'll get far better answers there. :) — Jack C 59 secs ago
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Scoring Ping Pong in Elixir
Is Hyperman stronger than Superman? Or did he just drink more coffee? — bib Oct 18 '12 at 14:59
OP - you should refer this Q to codereview community. But yes - your approach is good — Mikelis Baltruks 28 secs ago
We don't do library requests here... and code review is better handled at CodeReview SE. One note; this kind of code is why you should use WPF with MVVM, its just awful the WinForms way. — BradleyDotNET 25 secs ago
Q: Hackerland Radio Transmitters

Koray TugayI wanted to do a practice and randomly picked: Hackerland Radio Transmitters. I highly encourage you to give it a shot, I at least enjoyed working on it. Please do not proceed if you want to solve it yourself! My implementation is as follows: package biz.tugay; import java.util.*; public cla...

Q: two or more classes in C++

Ruba Abdullahcan you help me! I need program in c++ contains two or three classes and that almost contains most of (selections, repetitions, arrays, pointers, vectors and classes A deeper look) *the program can be a simple game or simple program of arithmetic or other. thank you!

codereview.stackexchange.com is a better place to ask for help in improving working code. — GER 23 secs ago
Q: Unit conversion application

userI have a form with listboxes as below. It is used for unit conversions. I'm looking for some some .net libraries that will help in doing this. Below are my questions, Is my code proper way of approach? If any changes must be made to this code, what are they? What are best available sources for ...

Q: Handle MySqlExceptions in transaction context

MhdI'm working on retry mechanism for inserting data into database. If there is an exception while invoking ExecuteNonQuery from MySqlCommand, I will try to instantiate a new MySqlConnection and execute the command again. The problem is: MySqlCommand is related to a MySqlTransaction object. Here...

@Graipher how do you get that nice table when doing the benchmarks ? ^_^
Q: Shopping Cart design interview task

Sergii NevydanchukI was interviewed for one position and had the following task. Goal is to design system according step1, then step 2 is like next requirement and we need to adapt system to it. Step 1: Shopping cart You are building a checkout system for a shop which only sells apples and oranges. Apples cost...

@Dex'ter I use ozh.github.io/ascii-tables You can separate the columns with tab and choose between quitea few output formats.
Q: C# Calculate working days and excluding specific dates (Holidays)

MiBolI read some questions/answers related to functions in C# to calculate the working days; some uses an extended code to achieve that. I have a data table with more than 50,000 rows and I required an effective method to calculate this information.

@CaptainObvious that sounds familiar?
I wonder if anyone has ever done that before....
where have all the mods gone?
possible answer invalidation by Malachi on question by MiBol: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/161135/revisions
@Duga , yeah, I don't think so. more like question validation
wow that was cool. I clicked delete and it deleted it....
but it wasn't me, it was @200_success. Hey how is it going?
@Malachi Did you VTC it? Why?
Did you add code to another users question? I don't get what is happening...
> Added the false answer to the question so that the review request makes sense.
But yes, that looked confusing on first sight.
Where did the "false answer" come from? Wouldn't it be better to just close it down with no code?
@Malachi IKR, sometimes I feel like flags are handled instantly.
Q: A DFS sudoku solver

Rakete1111This is my attempt at a Sudoku solver using a DFS approach. I mainly developed it to become a better Rust developer, but if you have any performance tips, I will be glad to hear them :) Note: My program should work for any dim > 1, but fails for some reason for dim >= 4. Just ignore those cases...

@holroy Both would be valid courses of action.
Has Malachi converted an answer (which I can't see any trace of), into the question?
@Graipher Awesome. Thanks !! Favd!
I'm not a 10k+ user, so I wouldn't know.
Why are you not a 10k+ user? :-) Have you been away lately, as I have?
I remember you as rather active, so after me begin away for so long, I'm a little surprised you're not a 10k+ user!
( I hope you wasn't offended in any way! You got so quiet! I truly meant this in the most positive, although surprised, way! )
With code, this might be a better fit for Code Review SE; here, it feels too vague and open-ended. — trentcl 24 secs ago
I agree with @trentcl but encourage you to read A guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow users first. The "answer" to your question as posed is "maybe". — Shepmaster 46 secs ago
@holroy He probably went to bed :P At least I hope
Q: React Tic Tac Toe

Cameron 2531This is a project that grew out of the React Tutorial and is one of my first efforts at solving React problems on my own. There is a lot of code here and I am sure that there are more concise ways to have completed aspects of this project. Any suggestions, insights or positive comments would b...

@skiwi Hope so... How are you doing? I remember you also from my previous period here...
@skiwi Me, to bed?
That's like saying you closed all your tabs.
Closing all ones tabs?! That sounds awful...
@holroy Never answered much and didn't get around to asking questions as much as I'd like.
I'm just missing a few thousand points (or a few hundred upvotes)... Almost there?! :-P
Vogel, still around?
@Duga If so, could you check whether this question has a deleted answer, which has been moved into the question? (I'm trying to figure out what happened with that question)
Q: Extending Python 3's built-in array type to handle complex numbers

castle-bravoPython 3's built-in array type has no support for complex numbers. As an exercise, and in support of a possible future array-based multi-dimensional array I decided to implement a class complexarray that extends array to support complex numbers. The goal here is to have a class that behaves exact...

Q: Towers of Hanoi solver in Ruby

FloatingRockSolved the classical Towers of Hanoi problem in Ruby, using recursion. Would love your feedback on this. # Excellent explanation of the solution at # http://www.mathcs.emory.edu/~cheung/Courses/170/Syllabus/13/hanoi.html Move = Struct.new :disk, :from, :to do def to_s "Disk #{disk...

@holroy hmm??
Could you please check the question malachi edited, and tell us if there is an deleted answer which has been incorporated into the answer?
I'm kind of baffled where he found the code to insert into the question....
This question:
looks like a straight copy-paste to me
@DanPantry so I hear somebody noticed that using floats to represent integral numbers doesn't play well with assuming unique integral values for file inodes
and now I'm wondering whether my "programming paradigms" prof might get a laugh out of this ...
@Vogel612 Cool... I don't have enough rep, to see that answer, so it kind of popped into existence! :-D
next time if you need me, just ping. that's easier
Didn't want to disturb if you had other more important business... :-)
I'd just ignore the ping in that case ;)
HeHe... I kind of try not disturbing if possible... But thanks for the help!
@Mast Well, sometimes it crashes
@holroy Doing okay, close to going to bed
We do not field questions about improvements to working code. Once you have tested your implementation enough to have a reasonable degree of confidence in its correctness, CodeReview SE would be the place to ask about possible improvements. — John Bollinger 33 secs ago
Q: Shortening critical sections in thread-safe (unbalanced) Binary Tree

Zephyr PellerinI'm implementing a set of thread-safe functions that update and search an unbalanced binary tree with Pthreads (see The Linux Programming Interface: Exercise 30.2). It's easy to implement a 'functional' tree that simply locks the entire body of functions like add or delete, but I believe it poss...

Q: C# MVC Filter Enum values based on session

CecilyI have a program, where I have to display only certain items from one enum list. Each session has a value as RRE, PLU, ELE and based on these session id's I need to filter so that only so many show for each one. For example RRE should only show 4 out of the total amount of items. I am very new...

Voting to close as too broad; perhaps Code Review would be more appropriate than Stack Overflow for such a question. — Giorgos Altanis 29 secs ago
Q: Handle MySqlConnection exceptions in transaction context

MhdI'm working on retry mechanism for inserting data into database. If there is an exception while invoking ExecuteNonQuery from MySqlCommand, I will try to instantiate a new MySqlConnection and execute the command again. The problem is: MySqlCommand is related to a MySqlTransaction object. Here...

Q: TypeScript. What is the design pattern used on this code?

José Quinto ZamoraI created this class in TypeScript: export class ViewerItemCardType { public static Big: ViewerItemCardType = new ViewerItemCardType(1, "FeaturedBig", 330, 660); public static Medium: ViewerItemCardType = new ViewerItemCardType(2, "FeaturedSmall", 155, 310); public static Small: View...

@GiorgosAltanis The following sounds hypothetical: "though it is mostly all theoretical, we aren't actually plugging in the SQL". Code Review does not deal in hypothetical code. The author will have to clarify (and read the help centre) or risk getting the question closed. — Mast 39 secs ago
Q: Does my SQL look okay? Does it have any major faults?

JacobWe are to normalize a database, though it is mostly all theoretical, we aren't actually plugging in the SQL. This is the Data we have normalized to these tables.. and here is our SQL for normalizing it. I'd just like to know if anyone spots and glaring issues. insert into bldg_table (bldg) S...

@Phrancis'DROPTABLEUsers-- Monking
user image
If this is working code that you want improvement suggestions for then the question is more appropriate for Code Review. — kaylum 9 secs ago
@Mat'sMug I see a lot of 100 in that image. Makes you wonder whether they hardcoded it.
It's magic!
TIL: there's a clothing brand calling itself Magic Number.
To quote our favorite monkey: "woot-woot!"
This feels rather like a code review question. — David L 16 secs ago

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