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RELOAD! There are 3777 unanswered questions (91.3326% answered)
Q: Total number of common factors for two numbers LARGE VALUES upto 10^12

Ashutosh MallaInputs are two values 1 <= m , n <= 10^12 i don't know why my code is taking soo long for large values . time limit is 1 sec. please suggest me some critical modifications. #include <iostream> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; int main() { long long count = 0, m, n; cin >> m >> n; //...

Q: Sorting Floating Point Values

Neil EdelmanI found sorting large arrays by a comparator that looks at the floating-point difference problematic, especially -ffast-math, (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24442725/is-floating-point-addition-commutative-in-c.) This is intended to compare 32-bit floats exactly using integer arithmetic. Most...

Q: Avoid --compiler-options in makefile using nvcc

XaphaniusI am working with CUDA and I am currently using this makefile to automate my build process. However, there are multiple --compiler-options, basically one for each flag I want to pass to gcc. How can I avoid repeating it over and over? (Any suggestion about improving my makefile is also really w...

1 hour later…
We are no code-review site. Read the FAQ of code review, iff your code is correct, it might be a candidate for them. But you should provide definitively more information, there are a lot of very different CPUs on the market. — Olaf 35 secs ago
Okay. Will repost on codereview. — Aneesh Dandime just now
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because review of functional code is off-topic for Stack Overflow. Your question may be on-topic for Code Review. — Makyen 44 secs ago
There is an event happening on today
I would happy to see you there in order to refine my presentation content
It's on SO Java room
Q: please help me how to insert before the number input for example i input 1,2,3,4,5 then i input 5, then i input 6 the out put is 1,2,3,4,6,5

javajavajavaimport java.util.*; public class k { public static void main(String[] args) { int input, input1; Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); Queue que = new LinkedList (); Queue que1 = new LinkedList (); System.out.print("Input how many Elements? "); input = in.nextInt(); for (int a=0;...

Q: Improving cache hit rate

Aneesh DandimeHey so I have a function written in c whose cache performance I have to improve. The statistics are being provided by cachegrind. But I'm completely stuck and cannot get more than 10% improvement in the performance. I really need help with this. Here is the function: #define LARGER 50000 type...

"we are all just undercooked slabs of bacon when it comes down to it"
@Heslacher Monking
hey @Phrancis'DROPTABLEUsers--
Same as yesterday :-) Enjoying the peace at home alone at least if I am home
I just realized I've barely done any SQL in the last few months
I've setup a couple of MySQL schemas for using with Node.js for practice but that's about it
Where did that crappy SQL question from earlier go
Q: Normalizing an apartment rental database

JacobWe are to normalize a database, though it is mostly all theoretical, we aren't actually plugging in the SQL. This is the Data we have normalized to these tables.. and here is our SQL for normalizing it. I'd just like to know if anyone spots any glaring issues. insert into bldg_table (bldg) S...

I'll probably answerit by copying the code into a SQL formatter, then tell them their table and column names are terrible
possible answer invalidation by Koray Tugay on question by Koray Tugay: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/161129/revisions
@Duga looks ok
Q: Maximum Value show as a Fraction : Hackerank

Jude NiroshanThis is a question from Hackerank. Here is what I have tried, but no luck on it. import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import java.text.*; import java.math.*; import java.util.regex.*; public class Solution { public static void main(String[] args){ Scanner in = new Scanner(Syste...

Q: Assigning hash value to text from .txt file

Fab JI am trying to write a program that assigns a hash value to words that the program is reading from a .txt file (I have the program doing so in my main() function). The problem I am having is that i am unsure how to go about this; I've tried a few methods but keep getting errors (currently that ex...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because working code might be reviewed on codereview.stackexchange.com — GhostCat 48 secs ago
Is there a problem with your code? If it is working, but you would like advice for making it better, head over to Code Review. — juunas 30 secs ago
Your code reviewers should be able to explain why they believe that to be the case, otherwise they should not make the review comment. For every rule, context is king. There are times to follow it, and times to break it. The reviewer should be able to clearly explain both. They might be referring to fluent interfaces, they might be talking about immutable data structures, they might be talking about company coding standards, they might be . . . — Chris K 14 secs ago
Q: simple jQuery plugin that excerpt text

pencilpixfirst I work on all of my projects alone, and I feel like I need my code to be reviewed by others and deep dive into performance and best practice ... etc. so I created a simple jQuery plugin that excerpt text of an element depending on whether lines / characters count. here is the source code ...

Q: Permutations of string in Java

Johnthis is a program about finding all the permutations of an string. I want to be able to make it faster and more efficient like eliminating the recursion maybe. Please advise. public class StrPerm { static int count = 0; public static void main(String[] args) { String str = "ABCD...

Q: Project Euler Problem #4 C# Solution

IvenBachThe problem is as follows: A palindromic number reads the same both ways. The largest palindrome made from the product of two 2-digit numbers is 9009 = 91 × 99. Find the largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers. Using Project Euler to stretch my C# learning, I solved...

Q: Protocol Analysis in C# in tabular format

sumitI am developing Code for dispalying data in tabular Format on c# platform. I am getting data stream from embedded board from 3 different BUS systems with Speed of 5 Mbps & i can now successfully read them on my c# text box window in hex format. Further i want to classify this data in tabular For...

@Raymond this may be the wrong site for you. Check out Code ReviewpiRSquared 21 secs ago
Q: Optimize my file upload function

Vikram Anand BhushanHere is my file Upload function , With following code I have observed that the best upload time is with 1400 as chunk . Is there any possibilty to optimise my code more . Perhaps fewer lines of code could lead to faster upload ?. i understand that the Database query speed is also a factor bu...

If it works and you want it done better the right place is codereview.stackexchange.comphogl 57 secs ago
need to move this question to :- codereview.stackexchange.comAlive to Die 1 min ago
Q: Computer Allocation(allotment) System

Abhiraj VarshneyI want the program on computer allocation (allotment) system in c++ . Like we all go to cyber cafe we have to fill up some entries and then we are given with a computer to the task and then the person charges money according to the time computer used. Thanks in advance

Q: Loop through database and run shell commands with Python and exiftool

pee2peeBriefly, I'm looking at getting the code below to execute faster. I have 100k images to go through. I'm running a query against MySQL, looping through results and then running exiftool against an image, then moving it. I started running it and it quickly became evident it wouldn't be a quick thi...

Q: HTML Input Form send as Multi Dimensional Array as group / set

Saket AnandI have a form where there are some set of data. Or we can say that some input fields are grouped together. I want them to process by PHP. Array( [0]=> Array( 'city'=>'city name', 'welcome-type'=> 'airport', 'attractions' => Array([0]=>'red-fort',[1]=>'india-gat...

Just change all the uls and lis to divs and the invalid html goes away while keeping the actual issue that should be on codereview. — freedomn-m 14 secs ago
Q: Python Issue in Code: Displaying only 1 column

ZaireSo i have 2 input files as follows: IF1.txt ID,S_NO,S_CLASS 1,123456789,a 2,987654321,b 3,123459876,c 4,987612345,d IF2.txt ID,L_NO,L_CLASS 1,5426457694159,z 2,27864248224,y 3,987654321,x 4,7264726278,w On these 2 files i'm performing the operation ((IF1.txt INTERSECTION IF2.txt) UNION (IF1.t...

@CaptainObvious Broken
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because there is no clear problem statement. With significant editing, the question might be suitable for the code review stackexchange. — Quentin 43 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by stt106 on question by stt106: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/161122/revisions
Q: LPTHW Exercise 43: Error

EllenI get the following error but cannot see why its happening. Pls help! from sys import exit from random import randint class Scene: def enter(self): #why exit(1)? exit(1) class Engine: def __init__(self, scene_map): self.scene_map = scene_map def play(self...

Hi svick, can you take a look at this please codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/161122/…stt106 54 secs ago
Q: Im trying to make this more Dynamic

NewToCodeprivate static MyApi My_h = new MyApi(); private static NEWsignals ABCsig; private short x = 1; public void IPC(NEWsignals avalue) { if (ABCsig == null) { ABCsig = new NEWsignals(); ABCsig = avalue; return; } if (avalue.Value != ABCsig.Value) { ...

Q: binary tree to binary search tree

HarshaToday I had an interview where I was asked to solve "Given an binary tree, convert it to binary search tree in minimum time, space complexity". I wrote this code, but got an feedback that complexity could be improved without using sort and without using external storage. How to do it? ...

Also, generally, this kind of question should be posted on code review if it's technically functional. Whether these type of questions get answered here usually seems to depend on how interesting the problem is and how focused the question is on a specific bottleneck. — roganjosh 6 secs ago
Q: conversion of the vhdl coding into haskell coding

sugu priyaI am new to haskell. literally i am zero in haskell. now i started doing thesis in haskell for a challenge. Now I am HAVING VHDL code my task is i have to write the haskell coding for that vhdl code. Anyone knows how to convert the vhdl code into haskell code. Thanks for advance.

@Rory McCrossan. the problem is i have to reuse the cache variable which are used multiple times within the function and code reviewer won't accept this way — raja 20 secs ago
Q: Replace an element of a list to get maximum sum of susequence

HarshaI was practicing for interview question, my friend asked me solve this question: Given an initial list of integers L, and a number N, find the smallest member M of L, which on being replaced by N, gives the subsequence with the largest sum S for any subsequence within the modified list. ...

@CaptainObvious You're doing what? With what? WHY?!
Stop doing that.
Also, it's rubbish. Free close votes.
Q: Recursively count nodes in binary tree with 1 internal node and 1 external node as children

IsofruitI'm currently working through "Algorithms in java" by Robert Sedgewick (3rd edition, german version) on my own and am trying to solve one of the exercises there. The exercise Write a program that counts the amount of nodes in a binary tree, that have an external and an internal node as ch...

A question about speed / performance? Sounds a lot like a question best suited for Code Review. — Ralph 16 secs ago
Q: i am new in in java please help me to find the optimize code

deepaka. Optimize this function as much as possible. public void q1(String str, int[] arr) String local = "findnumber"; for(int i=0; i 10) {Integer in = new Integer(arr[i]);in = in * 2; System.out.print(in.toString());}}}

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this question belongs on codereview.stackexchange.comAndré Dion 12 secs ago
@CaptainObvious UWYA
@holroy sorry I left work shortly after I did that yesterday.
the answer was meant to be an edit to the question, so I copied the answer into the question without changing anything but spelling and grammar.
at first I did VTC, but I retracted when I edited the post. I didn't do anything that a Mod wouldn't have done.
Mods please correct me if I am wrong
You might try the codereview site. SO is for solving problems you have rather than reviewing a solution. Of course the question should be self-contained, wherever it's posted. Code and explanation belong in the question. — chris 57 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because because it should be posted to CodeReview.SE — NathanOliver 42 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is asking for a code reviewQuentin 8 secs ago
@Quentin I'm not really asking for a code review. The purpose of the code was to show an example. This code is fictitious. I just want to confirm behaviour. — Nate 19 secs ago
May I ask what exactly monking is?
Q: Retrieving tweets from trending hashtags not working well

Al-HanoufI'm trying to print popular tweets from trending hashtags in my country. First, i fetched the trending hashtags then i set the query in the tweets URL to be within the trending hashtags. The problem is that the tweets are fetched from only one hashtag and it is the most trending one! Also, someh...

Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Matrix rotation
hrngh ... wtf java?
Exception in thread "JavaFX Application Thread" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
	at java.util.ArrayList.elementData(ArrayList.java:418)
	at java.util.ArrayList.get(ArrayList.java:431)
	at com.sun.javafx.collections.ObservableListWrapper.get(ObservableListWrapper.java:89)
	at com.sun.javafx.collections.VetoableListDecorator.get(VetoableListDecorator.java:306)
	at javafx.scene.Parent.updateCachedBounds(Parent.java:1591)
	at javafx.scene.Parent.recomputeBounds(Parent.java:1535)
	at javafx.scene.Parent.impl_computeGeomBounds(Parent.java:1388)
A: What's a Zombie? And what are the many other memes of Code Review?

Vogel612Meme: Monking Originator: Morwenn Cultural Height: The 2nd Monitor Background: A morning greeting to the Monkey doing his monkey-business, in other words: monking Examples: A small chat search Variations: Monkernoon, Monkevening, Monknight, ... Important is only that it begins with Monk... ;...

@Isofruit See also:
This meme, it speaks to me. I have no idea how people get to that meme, even including randomness thrown in
Q: Load and Save answers

sferso basically Ive to create a quiz game and in it I have 10 questions which is currently on a time however I need my code to be able to reload the quiz at a certain part depending where the person doing it stops, eg if I start the quiz and only get to q5, I want to be able to open it at a later st...

Q: C++ namespace name isolation

oleg.lukyrychIt's been considered for a reason, that using for namespaces/names is side-effect-prone, and generally, fully qualified names should be preferred. I've come up with an idea on that, which I couldn't find implemented yet, so I created my own project. Since I'm relatively new to C++, I can't be c...

Q: Awaiting multiple HTTP Requests

MarkScenario : Sending a POST to 2 different endpoints (not related to or dependent on each other). I'm really just not sure if I went about this correctly, and whether or not the responses will have returned from the context before the method returns. I have read some about async/await and the cont...

@Malachi As you most likely saw earlier on, so didn't I question your actions, I was just wondering what happened as I didn't see the deleted answer.
@CaptainObvious Sorry, we don't write your code for you...
@holroy I figured, I didn't mean to be rude. I should have laid it out for those curious. at first I thought that the question should be closed, but with everything in the question it seemed like a good question.
I am have not been around for a while....lol
You've been around long enough to be able to delete answers, and see deleted answers, and so on... But I'm just back my self from a little time off, and that is why I wanted to know just what happened.
What is the name of the SE site for discussing programming design on a higher level?
@holroy Software Engineering? Was called Programmers
Possibly... What was the full name before? Programmers what?
Just "Programmers"
Hmm... Maybe my memory is playing tricks with me, then. I kind of remember something with at least two words in the title... Software Engineering seems a little "too professional" compared to my "imaginative" SE site...
Greetings and Chaos to all.
hi there
Enough chaos, please leave that at the entrance. :-)
Oh wow, had no clue codereview existed. Thanks! — Brett Thurston 25 secs ago
@holroy no no, not THAT kind of Chaos.
Blue Diamond Chaos is the GOOD chaos.
the bad chaos is the evil spammers :P
Blue Diamond Chaos?!
points at his blue diamond in his infobox
Blue. Diamond. Chaos.
Anyways, how goes things, all?
Unfair... I don't have one!
Heyho @ThomasWard I am currently eating my way through exercises and exercising my confused looks because this book is doing things to me I did not expect at all. Also trying to get more familiar with stackexchange-sites in general over time. Also what on earth are blue diamonds xD
I'm about to eat my way through some pommes frites and hot dogs...
@holroy How do you feel about sharing those fries :D?
Just come on over...
... to Norway. They might be cold (or eaten) before you get there, though.
@Isofruit You know about moderators, right?
I do not at all
Or wait, the position moderator for chats/forums and such?
yeah, but with a StackExchange twist ;)
stackexchange site moderators get diamonds next to their names. In any of the SE chat rooms, any diamond-level moderator of any SE network site shows up as blue in the chat.
when you click my username, it brings up an infobox with my name and a diamond next to it, in Blue.
so Blue Diamonds.
Ahhh so that blue name is not there to mean drunk, it means mod ! :D
Good to know :p
So Blue Diamond Chaos is people going nuts with reports on you?
Edit: One of these days I'm learning how to spell, I swear!
Also @holroy So easily has my plan for free food been foiled.
The food is free... The travel, however...
Q: Refactoring code to the optimal level

MagePsychoI am using following classes/interface to redirect user (after login, register, logout etc.) File: RedirectInterface.php interface RedirectInterface { public function getUrl($customerId = null); } File: LoginRedirect.php class LoginRedirect implements RedirectInterface { public funct...

Q: Computing most reliable path in undirected probabilistic graphs using Java - follow up

coderodde(See the previous iteration.) Now I have took some (not all) good points from the previous iteration. Problem definition We are given an undirected graph \$G = (V, E)\$ and a weight function \$w \colon E \to (0, 1]\$. The weight of the edge \$e \in E\$, \$w(e)\$, describes its reliability, o...

@holroy Germany to Norway, probably costs a couple bucks.
I shall sadly eat my pasta in place of fries
While even more sadly waiting for correct codereview answers
It has only been 3 hours, give it a day or so.
@Mast You're right, should exercise more patience. The quick answers just got me excited ^^'
Well, it's Java, so I can't help you :-)
But the code in your question does work, you're just wanting to optimize it?
Yeah, I personally think the recursion is ugly as hell
It checks way too many if-statements
It is kind of ugly, as you repeat the traversion for each new level... That is usually not good... The call graph for your code will get bad...
The question, is how to avoid it... And that requires some thinking...
I agree in full, just bashed my head against it and didn't get any clue in what direction to think after an hour
Usually I have at least an idea that I can try to pursue, here just straight up nothing.
One idea which springs at me is to simplify some of the ternary operations taking advantage of boolean shortcutting.
Meet me over at the Nth room...
Q: Segmentation fault (core dumped). I can't figure out why it's doing this

user136765#include <iostream> using namespace std; int size = 1001; struct priority_element{ int command; int id; int priority; }; priority_element *array_elements = new priority_element[size]; void heapify_Up(int heapSize, priority_element *array_elements){ if(heapSize > 0){ ...

Q: Faster way to de-linearize a 2d linearized grid and calculate distance between 2 points

Louis15In a simulation of mine, for which performance is paramount, I have the following bottleneck. I have a huge 2D grid of dimensions width and height, whose dimensions are stored in linearized form, i.e. positions at x and y are stored as one integer x + y*width. Every iteration I have to get thous...

@Vogel612 oops
ya something like that :)
@Vogel612 Thanks for the clarification on the De Morgan's laws, was just then looking for it
Q: Adding permutations of a string and sub-strings to Set

R. KistnahSo, I did this program to find the permutations of a string and its subs and add it to a Set. Having a problem with the output though. Why is the first output blank? import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; public class PermSet { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.p...

Q: BVP with scipy, problem with the code

Sonya SeyriosI'm trying to solve the following BVP on Python scipy: r=-myu*r/(|r|^2) r=[x,y,z] |r|=sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2) myu- constant y(t0)=a y(t1)=b Required: y'(t0) I'm doing something wrong. My code: from pylab import * from scipy.integrate import * myu= 398600.4418E+9 t0=86400* 2.3577475462484435E+04 t...

Q: Namespace name isolation in C++

oleg.lukyrychIt's been considered for a reason, that using for namespaces/names is side-effect-prone, and generally, fully qualified names should be preferred. I've come up with an idea on that, which I couldn't find implemented yet, so I created my own project. Briefly, the idea is to define a set of macro...

Q: checking if object in list

user3667111Using the contains method I'm checking to see if an object is in an arraylist, if its not then I add it else I want to increment the count. if (!data.contains(d)) { data.add(d); } else { for (int j = 0; j < data.size(); j++) { if (data.get(...

Q: How to count the number of times a phrase occurs in a text file using Python

Harper PeckI am wondering how I can count the how many times the phrase "Good morning" occurs in a long text file that I have on my desktop using Python. How would I go about doing this?

@Isofruit Historically, there were a lot of monkeys in this room. Hence and many other monkey-related memes.
hey @Kaz you've got some breathing room at work again?
I wonder if this type of question might be more appropriately posted at code review?mrfreester 47 secs ago
And you have the term "code monkeys" before that as well... So monking has some history to it...
Q: Server wiped after "yum remove python"

tadomanA disaster just occurred to me after I ran the command yum remove python and now I can't boot the server up anymore. How it happened: I tried updating some apps via yum on my CentOS 5 VPS and the command was failing due to some weird python 2.4 error. I noticed that my version of python was old ...

^^ That guy has a problem
Q: BattleShip Game C++

CarlI have finished a battleship game, written in c++. I was hoping someone could review my code and tell me where I could improve. I have posted all of the code below, I hope that is okay. If not, and I can only post snippets, please let me know and I will delete the question. The options for gamepl...

Q: SQL subquery to determine whether or not a particular row is the first item that matches the subquery

EJoshuaSHere is my VB.NET and SQL query (which is one of the things I'm particularly interested in having critiqued): Private Sub BindHistory() Dim list = New List(Of CSRate) ' I hate the "case when" and subquery here - it seems like there should ' be a better way to do this Const Quer...

@skiwi Ouch... Not good that one. He does have a problem
yeah, and that could leave the user with a very bad experience. So take care when referring to Code Review, as closing it both places, is not good. — holroy 38 secs ago
Sometimes, it would be nice if Duga could either link or ignore when the referrals were from something it just linked responses from earlier on.
there is a code review site which you can look into. this site is Q/A not code review. — Ousmane Mahy Diaw 30 secs ago
Perhaps this would be a better question for codereview.stackexchange.comAndreas 38 secs ago
you're welcome, as for deciding to leave the post open or not that is up to you, However, as I have mentioned CodeReview is more suitable for your question. — Ousmane Mahy Diaw 7 secs ago
Thank you very much for your input! I'll close this thread and post it on CodeReview. Have a nice day dude! :) — user3423386 29 secs ago
Yes - don't try to post anything for another 40 minutes, then post your question on codereview.stackexchange.com. — Ben 12 secs ago
Juan M on April 19, 2017

¡Casi se me escapa este mes! Lo bueno es que los números que vamos a explorar no se van a mover a ningún lugar porque forman ya parte de la historia de este sitio.  Les comparto algunos datos que resaltaron en el mes anterior.


for vs while – LOOP – compartida 9 veces

¿Cómo ordenar nombres de fichero por extensión tras leer un directorio? – compartida 9 veces

¿Cómo funcionan las tarjetas de prueba de MercadoPago, y qué datos poner en el resto de campos que no son el número? – compartida 8 veces …

Thanks. Thats it. But some code review. Confirm it pls ;) — Vlad Pulichev 35 secs ago
Naruto answer; accepted non-selfie answer with 0 score: Can this Swift code be simplified?
This question appears to be off-topic because it is a code review request. This might be better suited to the Code Review Stack Exchange site. Before posting there be sure to read their FAQ to ensure that your question meets their guidelines. — John Conde 34 secs ago
Q: A multi-threaded key-value cache that only has thread contention while querying for same key simultaneously

Bulyume SenriMaybe the title fails to make myself clear, more explanation to the requirements: Implement a thread-safe key-value cache. User of this cache will use an unique key to query for data. If the data is not found in cache, it should call a data provider to load data and then return it. The provider ...

Q: Basic height map generator

user3423386I've made this relatively basic height map generator on my own just to see if I could pull it off because I'm still a newbie when it comes to programming. So my question is: "Is there a fairly obvious way I can optimize it?". I put in effort to make the code as clean as I can write it so any inpu...

Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Matrix rotation
Q: A Simple C program, but a pesky compile error

PlueI've written a simple code in C, but I'm getting an error at compilation. Supposedly I'm not declaring a variable, but maybe I'm not understanding something. Any insights? Code /* Adds Two Fractions */ #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int num1, denom1, num2, denom2; int result_num, ...

possible answer invalidation by mdfst13 on question by R. Kistnah: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/161215/revisions
Q: send email using pyhton

user136781I want to send weekly 1 email to a group email id - using python, how can i do this using. For this I want send email id to be a shared mailbox id (we use lotus notes), how can i do this using python I tried various codes with smtplib but failed - also, I won't be using gmail/yahoo ids but my co...

If your program works as intended, post it at codereview.stackexchange.com to for code review. — R Sahu 12 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it will be better ask the question at codereview.stackexchange.com. — R Sahu 31 secs ago
@VladMatvienko is correct, though it may also be helpful to know that there is a place for this type of question. StackOverflow is meant for questions about a specific programming problem; they should be practical and answerable, as documented in the help section. While Code Review is meant for asking questions on how to improve a working piece of code. — Bryan just now
possible answer invalidation by Simeon Laplev on question by Simeon Laplev: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/161236/revisions
@Duga I think this answer invalidation, but the OP seems to be in a real hurry. Could someone more experienced, please look at it?
Unsure on how long to do the rollback, and how to comment properly...
I commented a little, but didn't do any rollbacks.
Q: JS Slack Notification Filter

TronyxUtilizing Slack webhooks and webtask.io I've created a notification filter (based off of a generic script I found online) for Slack that, at this time, filters out messages that contain the string NON-SLA. I'm totally new to JS so getting to this point has all been trial and error. I would like t...

Q: Generic min heap in C++

abhay guptaI have recently started programming in C++. I have coded in MATLAB and C in the past. The following code implements a min heap as a generic class in C++. I would like to get some feedback on the coding style and if you guys have any tips on how to make the code more acceptable to the C++ communit...

Q: Excel Array from defined name

user7578030I am trying to use an “defined name” array from another worksheet to get the hours worked on a given day. I have tried =SUM((A2:A10="Fax")*(B2:B10="Brown")*(C2:C10)) works fine, but if I do =SUM((TCard.Day,A3)*(TCard.Time)) returns an erroneous number. I need to be able to call from the defi...

Q: Is there an objective reason for not including a lambda expression as parameter to a function in a conditional

Matt JohnsonWhat is a drawback to including a lambda expression inside function called in a conditional; see the code below. I am looking for a functional drawback like an antipattern and not something like increased cognitive load, or i don't like it? (for the record I don't like it, but don't have an obj...

Q: Is it good practice to instantiate DI component in presenter class?

Umer FarooqI have recently started learning Dagger2. For this purpose I have written an app. App Architecture: ComicListFragment.java is the main fragment This fragment has a presenter that keeps all the logic related stuff in a presenter class called ComicListFragmentPresenter.java ComicListFragmentPre...

This belongs at codereview — mplungjan 14 secs ago
Q: Count Buffered Streets That Intersect Buffered Points PostgreSQL

MattPostgreSQL 2.0 with PostGIS extension This first section creates an intersection (clip) of the streets from another polygon (MTC15), then it buffers the intersection: with cte_intersection as (select st_intersection(a.geom,b.geom) as geom from public.streets a, public."MTC15" b ...

@skiwi relative to 6 weeks ago, sure.
1 hour later…
Q: Plotting a graph after retrieving date range

Burns1006I am working on a project in Python, and I'm not sure how to complete the last part of the program. The program is supposed to take an input from the user (election year), and return a graph of stock data for a specific date range. So far, I have the data separated into two csv files. The firs...

Q: Correct way to check for a local variable

R3turnzIs the set_cookie variable the correct way to signal that the cookie should be set? It does not seems pythonic to me: cookie = request.COOKIES.get(TIMEZONE_COOKIE_NAME) set_cookie = False if cookie and cookie in pytz.all_timezones_set: timezone.activate(pytz.timezone(cookie)) elif request.ip...

If the code behaves as you expect but you think it's too complicated, the right place to go for advice would be our sister site Code Review. — Joe C 18 secs ago
Interesting, and imo, not good practice - but probably off topic for here as it's primarily opinion based. You may have more luck at the Code Review stack exchange. — Gareth Pulham 44 secs ago
@GarethPulham thanks for the comment and I didn't know there was a code review stack. Thanks for point this out I'll take a look into it. — Mr-F 19 secs ago
I think the idea is to ask a more specific question that's not purely opinion. Also the question should include the code. Maybe the "code review" stack exchange is a more appropriate place to ask — MrJLP 38 secs ago
Q: Int implementation using linked lists - C++

msaitzThis is the first code I written on my own since I started learning a couple of months ago. Before I move on it would be greatly appreciated to know if I'm doing something wrong, if my code is properly structured or if I'm following a good/bad style. #include <iostream> using std::cout; using ...

Q: biggest values and the most occuring elements in 2d array

VeritasI have a quite complex(for me) exercise to do in C++.There are (1<=n<=1000) towns and (1<=m<=1000) days. The program ask first for n and m and then for the n*m data for the 2d array.These are temperature datas. Task: I have to write to the output the most often hottest towns and their number. I...

Q: In centos: how can i add 2 different domains to my vps's ip with bind?

blogoI want to make my own DNS for every domains on my VPS... How can i setup that by bind? I want to have a special DNS address for any

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because questions about improving the style or design of working code should be posted to CodeReview.stackexchange.com. — Barmar 30 secs ago
> This is my programme but I got lost completely. Can someone help me?
I asked for clarification if that is working code
@Vogel612 @Malachi This question doesn't look like example/pseudo/stub code, as far as I can tell the code should work just fine... thoughts?
I was going to vote to reopen, but perhaps I'm missing something?
We can review the SQL code, but with this kind of question, unless you show tue table creation code, what we can comment on is pretty limited. — Phrancis' DROP TABLE Users-- 18 hours ago
what's the source of this comment?
I don't SQL good so idk
@Phrancis'DROPTABLEUsers-- The question is about the design, as I read it..
@Vogel612 We've answered database design questions before, as long as it includes the SQL code
@Riker I was hoping they would include the CREATE TABLE etc. DDL code for the tables shown in the chart
@Phrancis'DROPTABLEUsers-- that doesn't mean I have to consider them on-topic ...
> We are to normalize a database, though it is mostly all theoretical [...]
That sentence is problematic indeed
OK fair enough that makes sense, thanks for the input
sure thing :)
Hello folks. Is there a right SE to ask the following question(s) without being punched in a face for a good reason:
> how to design a proper RESTful API for POSTing a collection of complex objects?
> is it okay to return the representation of the POSTed object in RESTful APIs?
also, in my scenario these questions are interrelated. should I post it as a single question, or two separate?
@IgorSoloydenko those sound pretty separate to me, FWIW
the latter one might be on-topic for Software Engineering
the former ... might possibly also fit there, but don't take my (or anybody's) word for it
@Vogel612 thanks! how do I improve your CR reputation through this nice chat UI?
not at all ;)
chat doesn't come with rep. It just requires 20 to get in.
i get that. i wonder if I can vote up a response in here
there's stars.
We are not a consulting/code review service. — Olaf 48 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by Simon Jackson on question by Simon Jackson: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/159396/revisions
@IgorSoloydenko If you have working code that does those 2 things already, it's also fine to include them as part of a general code review on this site. However, as open-ended questions (without including the code) the 1st would most likely be too broad for any SE site, the 2nd should be OK on Software Engineering as Vogel612 suggested
@IgorSoloydenko This chat can certainly be used to help improve your Code Review activity (and by extension your reputation)
The CaptainObvious feed posts all new questions here so it's easy to find things to vote/answer/flag
@Phrancis'DROPTABLEUsers-- do you see a way to restate the 1st question in a way I can get the answer to it?

E.g. what are the examples of the (Amazon/FB/Google/...) RESTful APIs that allow "POSTing a collection of complex objects" -- I know even this statement sucks for SEs
@Phrancis'DROPTABLEUsers-- no. my reputation is unfixable. that was a curiosity question initially
@IgorSoloydenko I'm sure you could search the internet and find some articles/blog posts about designing RESTful APIs like that. Are far as rephrasing it, it depends. Have you already written code for that RESTful API?
@Phrancis'DROPTABLEUsers-- the real system has some crappy implementation, but my question is not "how do i improve it".
therefore, the question is not for CR-SE
thanks anyway!
You might ask on The Whiteboard chat room about possible ways to word it to make on-topic on Software Engineering
will do! thx
I only have a small amount of knowledge of RESTful APIs otherwise I'd be happy to discuss it here with you :\
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it looks more suited for code review (which is more targeted at improving written and working code) and not SO. — Vality 29 secs ago
Performance improvement of working code is on-topic for Code Review site, however the specific question "why I can't get this factor 4 for speedup" may not be answerable very easily even on Code Review. — Phrancis 31 secs ago

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