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@EBrown you completely misunderstood ... it's not about hurting OP, it's about using the right tool for the job..
A VTD is the right tool.
it's also about avoiding redundancy
it's explicitly stated in the VTD privilege that you should use flags for offensive content
@EBrown Offensive answers == Offensive flag.
tha'ts just SE-wide not just one site
@Vogel612 YES, you should, but that doesn't except you from VTD'ing as well.
if it's one person who happens to just say "f***" once... :P
That's like saying "Don't down vote because we already close-voted".
@EBrown VTD is implied in the Offensive flag
if the flag is valid the post goes away by community nuke.
or mod nuke.
I give up.
Do what you want.
sorry i just handled a flurry of these last night on a site :p
@EBrown that was obvious from the start ... ;)
oh yay my ide is busted.
@EBrown maybe i'll review your code over spring break
the point is VTD is incorrect because redundant
for now i'mma enjoy my coffee
@Vogel612 That's what we need, ad-hominem.
woot woot.
@EBrown color me confused...
@DanPantry Is it when the nerf gun is powerful enough to be a potato cannon?
Btw VTD is a privilige that is quite high in term of requirement, so flagging is quite important (I'm not prononuncing myself on if we need to VTD or flagging). There is a lot more people who can flag than VTD (on answer)
Let's not get worked up about a rant from a 1-rep unregistered user who hasn't even logged in since the post.
Also, if a post gets deleted before a threshold of Ofensive or Spam flags happen, then the control StackExchange tools don't always trigger
It's not a huge deal, but if you flag it as spam or offensive, then don't also vote to delete it.
On another note, I eat a poutine with pepper sauce and filet mignon beef! I know you're all jealous :)
@rolfl If I flag as spam/offensive I'm going to vote-to-delete, because flagging the question doesn't make it known to anyone except the four mods we have, and they're not always around.
If I VTD it, then it gets sent to a queue somewhere that other users might see and have a chance to act on.
And I really don't care whether the SE controls will affect it or not, because it's irrelevant at this point.
I believe flagging spam/offensive also puts it in the low-uality queue.... let me check.
@rolfl I doubt that
Let's focus our wrath on code-dump questions. Like this one:
Q: Is there anyway I could clean up this long nodejs function?

NoobSterexports.existingCheck = function (req, res, next) { function check() { var query = [], message = [], userObj = {}, i, body = req.body; if (body.displayName) { var regex = new RegExp(["^", body.displayName, "$"].join(""), "i")...

@Mast ^^
The user's not going to return, and if they do and they do it again, then if we VTD and/or flag it away, then they get even harsher penalties regardless.
@EBrown actually the SE controls learn from stuff that gets thrown here
@EBrown not quite, no... also I don't understand what point you're trying to make ...
> Low Quality Posts
> The Low Quality Posts queue contains posts which were automatically determined to be of low quality based on several system criteria that generates a post quality score. It also contains posts that have been flagged for being extremely low-quality and answers flagged for not being proper answers. If you feel that a post is acceptable for the site and cannot be improved further, click the Looks OK button. Keep in mind that you can also post a comment before clicking this button.
Naruto answer; accepted non-selfie answer with 0 score: Search function for books
A: What are the review queues, and how do they work?

ManishearthWhat is a "review queue"? Review queues (also known as review tasks) contain posts that possibly need community attention, as determined by the system or other community users. You are shown these posts, one at a time, and you "review" them. Like flagging, there are badges for this. So, what co...

if he returns he'll know that he cannot write whatever ha likes, if his answer gets censored he's most likely to do it again hoping someone will edit it for him anyway
@Vogel612 I give up. It's obvious that we don't see eye-to-eye when it comes to these things. I don't even think we're looking at the same ballpark right now, so there's no point in continuing.
@rolfl that's NAA and VLQ, but not rude / spam
@EBrown Football vs. Soccer?
Quill... that's who you are .... finally.
It's hard to say, because you posted only CSS and not working example. Also, for such questions, i.e. when you have some working code, but need to improve it, you coluld try codereview.stackexchange.com. — john c. j. 47 secs ago
@rolfl Huh?
5 hours ago, by Peilonrayz
@rolfl As an ex-mod, should we just remove "Can someone explain me the algorithm behind my implementation compared with CXF's implementation?" or should we suggest them to remove it, so their question no longer has the request to explain their code (Another off-topic reason).
Peilonrayz <= Quill
@rolfl No
Quill was here a few days ago.
@rolfl Huh? I'm Joe
Quill is still Quill ...
Joe, oh... I am trying to track down name changes in the past years ;-)
Right.... OK, my headspace is unwarped now, thanks.
Ah, Joe Wallis => Peilonrayz, :) I didn't come on chat much a year ago, ;P
runs @rolfl's headspace through a call to random
It's just a thing that not many people I don't know, know that I was a mod here a couple of years ago... so I had to dig.
And there's not many >10K users on CR that i have not interacted with....
The only way to hunt these things down, as a non-mod, is to find old comments that have references to the wrong username...
hum ... couple of years ago?? ... wow ...
@rolfl one option. the other would be to check the message history in chat...
Ahh, good option too
@rolfl I have a list of a lot of the old -> new user name maps.
September 2015 ....
Anyone who spoke in chat with any username I actually have.
Id	Names
4143	["Adam Lear","Anna Lear"]
4781	["Loki Astari","Crappy Experience Bye"]
10145	["Thomas Ward","Thomas W."]
15060	["Kit Z. Fox","KitFox"]
15709	["William Mariager","William \u0027MindWorX\u0027 Mariager"]
15752	["Yannis","Yannis Rizos"]
50049	["Dave Kennedy","Koveras","davidkennedy85"]
59776	["Doorknob","Doorknob 冰"]
59958	["EngieOP","МикроПингвин","MicroPenguin"]
60420	["Darth_Vader","Matt_2.1"]
69747	["Malachi","Lyle\u0027s Mug"]
85352	["Ludwik","Paweł"]
88483	["CPlusPlusOrDie","Hellovart","Chris last"]
@rolfl ^^^
Need to run the chat analysis programme again, I think my data ends in January.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this is code review material. — IInspectable 18 secs ago
Now I want to be in that list...
Id	Names
4143	["Adam Lear","Anna Lear"]
4781	["Loki Astari","Crappy Experience Bye"]
10145	["Thomas Ward","Thomas W."]
15060	["Kit Z. Fox","KitFox"]
15709	["William Mariager","William \u0027MindWorX\u0027 Mariager"]
15752	["Yannis","Yannis Rizos"]
50049	["Dave Kennedy","Koveras","davidkennedy85"]
59776	["Doorknob","Doorknob 冰"]
59958	["EngieOP","МикроПингвин","MicroPenguin"]
60420	["Darth_Vader","Matt_2.1"]
69747	["Malachi","Lyle\u0027s Mug"]
85352	["Ludwik","Paweł"]
88483	["CPlusPlusOrDie","Hellovart","Chris last"]
@rolfl Updated with the latest data ^^
what's this list again?
It's only users from Chat, and the Names is JSON, so you can probably parse it easy enough.
and why am I on it
Are there also people who have not changed their name? :P
@ThomasWard Chat users who changed their names.
@skiwi Lots of them, but he's interested in those who have changed it.
I have 1077 users logged in our chatroom in it's entire history, not including feeds.
Is that all? odd.
I see :)
how do I have a lower user ID than most of them lol
Id	Names	Messages
90667	["Mat\u0027s Mug","lol.upvote","retailcoder"]	70361
99734	["rolfl"]	62323
98200	["Hosch250","Hosch250 Looking for Hats","hosch250","Dain II Ironfoot"]	51914
110433	["skiwi"]	49553
128223	["Mast"]	48124
117738	["Phrancis","Pin Crash","sᴉɔuɐɹɥԀ","Francis Veilleux-Gaboury"]	45822
-263	["Captain Obvious"]	42634
125211	["Dan Pantry","A Red Herring"]	40926
98071	["Simon Forsberg","Simon Forsberg McFeely","Simon André Forsberg"]	40281
74946	["Vogel612"]	37088
93867	["nhgrif"]	33864
Top 20 users in chat ever.
oh good I am not on that list.
Is that the amount of messages I've sent? Wtf
Now I wonder what's my position on that list too! STOP There's too many lists!
Id	Names	Messages	TotalStarred	TimesStarred
90667	["Mat\u0027s Mug","lol.upvote","retailcoder"]	70361	11769	5807
99734	["rolfl"]	62323	8557	4042
98071	["Simon Forsberg","Simon Forsberg McFeely","Simon André Forsberg"]	40281	6175	2717
117738	["Phrancis","Pin Crash","sᴉɔuɐɹɥԀ","Francis Veilleux-Gaboury"]	45822	5284	2321
128223	["Mast"]	48124	4699	2037
125211	["Dan Pantry","A Red Herring"]	40926	4584	2020
110433	["skiwi"]	49553	4507	2340
78135	["Jeroen Vannevel"]	23452	3240	1405
76076	["Jamal"]	17724	3123	1470
That's the top 20 starred users, by number of stars.
oh good I'm not on that list either.
So Mat's Mug has been starred 5807 times, with 11,769 total stars used on him.
I wonder how many percentage of stars we have of the entire SE network
The 'lol' query takes a moment to run.
Id	Names	Messages	TotalStarred	TimesStarred	TimesOnlyLol
90667	["Mat\u0027s Mug","lol.upvote","retailcoder"]	70361	11769	5807	1535
69747	["Malachi","Lyle\u0027s Mug"]	27702	2431	1279	653
117738	["Phrancis","Pin Crash","sᴉɔuɐɹɥԀ","Francis Veilleux-Gaboury"]	45822	5284	2321	480
128223	["Mast"]	48124	4699	2037	319
125211	["Dan Pantry","A Red Herring"]	40926	4584	2020	306
132354	["Ethan Bierlein","Alien Herb Nite"]	15085	816	503	281
145604	["Quill","Quill - HAT MANIAC"]	20422	1719	835	196
76076	["Jamal"]	17724	3123	1470	190
Top 20 users by messages that are only lol.
Is there a certain user who has said "lol" quite a few times?
@skiwi Just in general, or as the only part of the message?
@skiwi Other than me?
> 90667 ["Mat\u0027s Mug","lol.upvote","retailcoder"] 70361 11769 5807 1535
oh wait, i'm also the blep and derps and "Good Chaos to you!" person.
Id	Names	Messages	TotalStarred	TimesStarred	TimesOnlyLol	TimesSaidLol
90667	["Mat\u0027s Mug","lol.upvote","retailcoder"]	70361	11769	5807	1535	2152
69747	["Malachi","Lyle\u0027s Mug"]	27702	2431	1279	653	1338
117738	["Phrancis","Pin Crash","sᴉɔuɐɹɥԀ","Francis Veilleux-Gaboury"]	45822	5284	2321	480	1067
125211	["Dan Pantry","A Red Herring"]	40926	4584	2020	306	973
110433	["skiwi"]	49553	4507	2340	107	474
154925	["EBrown"]	30499	1820	858	69	395
132354	["Ethan Bierlein","Alien Herb Nite"]	15085	816	503	281	388
@skiwi ^^ Is that what you wanted?
The TimesSaidLol is all messages containing lol in them as either the first word, a middle word, or the last word, or the only word.
Oh the first one was starring lol?
And @Mat'sMug is still on top.
@skiwi No, it was the times the message was only lol.
No whitespace, no anything else.
Oh.. I see
Just the term lol.
I also have a TimesWasIdiot query.
That must be @DanPantry on top
I am not on any of the lol lists .... good.
@rolfl Yet.
Id	Names	Messages	TotalStarred	TimesDumb	TimesIdiot	TimesStarred	TimesOnlyLol	TimesSaidLol
90667	["Mat\u0027s Mug","lol.upvote","retailcoder"]	70361	11769	9	52	5807	1535	2152
125211	["Dan Pantry","A Red Herring"]	40926	4584	28	36	2020	306	973
74946	["Vogel612"]	37088	2568	4	30	1331	30	163
-263	["Captain Obvious"]	42634	108	2	19	61	0	0
98200	["Hosch250","Hosch250 Looking for Hats","hosch250","Dain II Ironfoot"]	51914	2029	7	19	1087	10	30
117738	["Phrancis","Pin Crash","sᴉɔuɐɹɥԀ","Francis Veilleux-Gaboury"]	45822	5284	6	19	2321	480	1067
@skiwi Top 20 TimesIdiot ^^
@EBrown Why am I in that list ....
My lols: chat.stackexchange.com/… - only 122
Id	Names	Messages	TotalStarred	TimesDumb	TimesIdiot	TimesStarred	TimesOnlyLol	TimesSaidLol
125211	["Dan Pantry","A Red Herring"]	40926	4584	28	36	2020	306	973
93867	["nhgrif"]	33864	2215	14	14	1137	56	69
118589	["RubberDuck","ckuhn203"]	18948	3095	12	7	1520	161	303
110433	["skiwi"]	49553	4507	11	13	2340	107	474
90667	["Mat\u0027s Mug","lol.upvote","retailcoder"]	70361	11769	9	52	5807	1535	2152
115116	["chillworld"]	6611	227	8	2	123	13	110
128223	["Mast"]	48124	4699	7	6	2037	319	371
98200	["Hosch250","Hosch250 Looking for Hats","hosch250","Dain II Ironfoot"]	51914	2029	7	19	1087	10	30
LOL he's done it again.
@Marc-Andre You've said idiot at some point.
@skiwi ^^^ Top 20 'dumb'
I wonder what lists i'm in other than recently changed names lol
And @CaptainObvious is on the 'dumb' list...wut...lol
@EBrown Great sorry I'm an idiot ... :P
These are also phrases like 'that was dumb' or 'this is dumb' so the results may be ever-so-slightly skewed.
Id	Names	Messages	TotalStarred	TimesDumb	TimesIdiot	TimesDumbOrIdiot	TimesStarred	TimesOnlyLol	TimesSaidLol
125211	["Dan Pantry","A Red Herring"]	40926	4584	28	36	64	2020	306	973
90667	["Mat\u0027s Mug","lol.upvote","retailcoder"]	70361	11769	9	52	61	5807	1535	2152
74946	["Vogel612"]	37088	2568	4	30	34	1331	30	163
93867	["nhgrif"]	33864	2215	14	14	28	1137	56	69
98200	["Hosch250","Hosch250 Looking for Hats","hosch250","Dain II Ironfoot"]	51914	2029	7	19	26	1087	10	30
117738	["Phrancis","Pin Crash","sᴉɔuɐɹɥԀ","Francis Veilleux-Gaboury"]	45822	5284	6	19	25	2321	480	1067
Top 20 'Dumb + Idiot' ^^
and twit ... ;-)
@rolfl I can add that quick.
@rolfl That can only be you
I have 9 twits: chat.stackexchange.com/… but only 7 idiots: chat.stackexchange.com/…
Better add moron in there too ;-)
Oooh, I need to adjust this filter.
It only shows 3 twit's @rolfl.
Because some of them are twit. and the period is not accepted properly.
Ohm they have to be starred maybe? I have 3 starred twits.
No this is all data, but look at how they're formed.
Q: Safer way of constructing LPWSTR and improvements overall

DanI'm using the WinAPI GetLogicalDriveStrings() function that requires a LPWSTR and am wondering if there is a safer way to do this to ensure there is no memory leak. Currently I construct an initial pointer to a buffer buf using: auto buf = GetLogicalDriveStrings(0, nullptr); Then I create the...

I look for % twit %, % twit and twit %.
Not twit or twit? or twit..
twit, twitter, twittest
Well, i am moron spending time searching for twits with these idiots.
See twitter won't be caught because I require a space after the word, or it has to be at the end of the line.
@rolfl That idiot won't count because idiots.
wouldn't \btwit\b do?
@Mat'sMug Does that work in SQL Server 2016?
Sounds like there's a problem with the filter, not the message; -)
Wow we don't say moron a lot.
There are more productive things to be doing, gotta run.
@EBrown if your instance is CLR-enabled, you could expose a .net function that makes it work, yeah.. might be overkill.
@rolfl See you soon
@Mat'sMug A full-text index would work for this, wouldn't it?
no idea
gotta get some work done, catch y'all later!
oh BTW, seen this?
A: Close the loop on "Too Broad"; make the close reason's actual intent reflected in its message

KonamimanThe description of the "Too Broad" close reason has been changed. This is the new text: Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with enough detail to identify an adequate answer. Avoid asking multiple distinct questions at once. See the How to Ask page for help clarifyi...

@Mat'sMug There is no word play with mug for a salutations, so salut!
Q: How can I optimize my implementation of Atkin's Sieve?

daOnlyBGI recently implemented the Sieve of Atkin prime generating algorithm in Python. Though I know the term "pythonic" isn't exactly set in stone, I can tell that my program doesn't quite take advantage of python's inherent traits; my program looks like it was written with "C" in mind. My question is...

@EBrown Looking good!
@Marc-Andre Mug ya' later.
I need to stop that
Q: Gold-badge holders and moderators can now edit duplicate links

Shog9As of a few minutes ago, if you have a gold tag-badge for a tag associated with a question that's been closed as a duplicate, you can edit the duplicate links to replace, add, remove or re-arrange them: These changes are tracked in PostHistory to allow anyone to detect abuse, while the res...

not that it applies very much to CR anyway
Still nice to know!
Q: Compare two ArrayList in a two way comparison?

user1234I have a class called Task which I cannot touch because it's a legacy code and I have two ArrayList made up of Task class which I need to compare. Items can be in any order or there can be duplicates as well in the ArrayList. What is the best way to compare two ArrayList which has object in it a...

Q: Two different buttons

beginnercoder123i whant to be able to adjust 2 buttons in css separately but im not able to figure out how to do it. If i change color to blue on one button the other gets blue too. Same goes for size, text etc. i whant to be able to adjust them one by one. I just copied the first button and pasted it.

@IInspectable That is not a valid closure reason according to the rules in the help center. Please explain why this question is off-topic for Stack Overflow, and why it is "Code Review material". — 200_success 37 secs ago
You're askig for a a review of working code. CodeReview is a better fit for this question. — Gert Arnold 44 secs ago
This question could be suitable for Code Review, as long as (a) your code works as intended, (b) your code is real code, rather than example code, and (c) your code is included in the body of the question. If you wish for a peer review to improve all aspects of your code, please post it on Code Review. — Mike McCaughan 39 secs ago
> If i change color to blue on one button the other gets blue too. Same goes for size, text etc. i whant to be able to adjust them one by one. I just copied the first button and pasted it.
Sounds like CSS is working as intended, the user just doesn't understand it...
First, I'd move the session logic out of the view, as it's not really view logic, but more controller logic. If you're trying to avoid having the code in each function that uses the view, abstract it into a function or constructor and call it when needed. If you need more clarification, take it to softwareengineering.stackexchange.com or codereview.stackexchange.com. The fact you're doing it in the view may be related to the issue as that's pretty unusual. — Goose 59 secs ago
OMG been scratching my head for a while tracking this silly, sudden functionality-breaking bug
So I started Chrome's dev tools and started inspecting closely what goes across websockets...
Found this...
@Duga pretty good
5:::{"name":"message","args":[{"room":"Room: Lobby","text":"Foo"}]}
Specifically, I had made an edit somewhere so a section would display "Room: roomname" instead of just "roomname"... hence then "room":"Room: Lobby", evidently I made the change in the wrong place
There's no room called Room: Lobby hence the messages just disappear in the void
There, squashed
jQuery is full of pitfalls :|
Q: Python program to check consistency of a list of statements, with fuzzy rhyme matching

LinusI made a program today that solves the following problem on a programming competition site (open.kattis.com): Check if all statements with the following format X is Y or X not Y are consistent. X and Y are words of the length 1-20 and a-z. The catch is that every word that rhymes with X in any p...

Q: "Algorithmic Crush" Segmentation Fault

andrem12I'm currently trying to solve the Hackerrank challenge titled "Algorithmic Crush". Here are the instructions: You are given a list of size N, initialized with zeroes. You have to perform M operations on the list and output the maximum of final values of all the N elements in the list. For eve...

I'm not quite sure what exactly you are asking, but this might be better suited for codereview.stackexchange.com ? — UnholySheep 32 secs ago
Q: Handing Multiple Workflows Cleanly in LOB Application

James HillBackground I'm about to build a LOB application that resembles an e-commerce solution (without paying and being open to the public). It will be used to receive orders for fulfillment purposes based on fulfillment contracts with one or more companies. The UI will be MVC, and it's a going to be a ...

Q: Automating renaming .pdfs and assisting with uploading files

MarkI'm a notetaker for my college, and as part of my duties I have to upload my notes daily. As I type them, this is something I can do from my computer, without needing a scanner. Generally, this involves: Find the .pdf with the "highest number" (The .pdf's are named <word>XY.pdf where XY is a n...

@Riker CR? Ah, CodeReview, correct. — Goose 27 secs ago
I suppose I ought to get this code reviewed now that it works (again) as intended
@EBrown woohoo i'm #1 in something
Q: Hit the target number

MixopteryxAfter I played the game "The Mesh" for a while I figured that I wanted to make a solver in Python. See the video on the website for a quick intro, I also explain the rules below. The Mesh rules We start with a number of tiles with integers on them. The target is to combine the integers by addit...

Q: IRC Client with TLS and SASL support

EzechielI wrote this little program to... I don't know. But it connects to IRC servers using OpenSSL and can login via SASL. The code needs refactoring, of that I'm certain, but I need some advice in that regard, so please roast my code. tallis.h: #ifndef TALLIS_H #define TALLIS_H #include <openssl/ssl.h>

You forgot the part where you describe a problem and ask a question about that problem. As for a "code review", the first suggestion would be to sensibly format your code. — David 35 secs ago
Q: Basic chat server and client using WebSocket

PhrancisBased on Node.js in Action (Manning Publications) chapter 2 "Building a Multi-room Chat Application", I've taken the model they presented (which is all typical ES5 and jQuery) and completely rewrote it using ES6 and adding a bit of functionality, as well as JSDoc throughout. While the functiona...

@CaptainObvious @DanPantry ^^ FYI
I'm also not sure if this includes an actual language tag...
Maybe I can remove and replace with
Since is necessarily also WebSocket
Q: Hand-rolled function to flatten a generic nested array

karan satiaI'm trying to write a simple hand-rolled function to flatten a nested array. My code works fine as a switch statement, but not when I'm recursively calling it within a "for i in 0..arr.count" loop. I look at each element in the passed in array and say "if this is an array, call the function and p...

Q: BFS/DFS Web Crawler

123I've built a web crawler that starts at an origin URL and crawls the web using a BFS or DFS method. Everything is working fine, but the performance is horrendous. I think the major cause of this is my use of synchronous requests. I've used BeautifulSoup and the Requests library to implement thi...

@CaptainObvious Uh, I'm trying to decide if this is on-topic... OP mentions it works fine in a switch, but not in a recursive loop, and asking if there's a way to make it work that way too... thoughts anyone?
I'd say it's on-topic as part of "how can i do this thing in a better way"
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