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Well I fixed that error, turns out import and export functionality is not implemented by any browsers natively
Q: A function that moves a tile in the game of fifteen

Joseph PalominoI've created a a function that will move a tile that a user specifies within the game board. The game board can be from 3*3 up to 9*9. This function is called within another function that keeps track of "space" array and the 2d "board"array. This function works however, I feel that I might be u...

I rolled this back, I wasn't quite sure if I should, but it looked like an accidental Edit
@Malachi Agreed, either accidental or vandalism
@Malachi It looks more like, you closed my question I'll remove the code. It could look like: I ask online but my teacher told us not too, and now I want to remove the "proof".
I think something just "clicked" for me... I was trying to export something from the Node.js server to be used directly in public client-side code, when in reality I have to make the client request the thing from the server via socket or HTTP request
posted on March 02, 2017 by CommitStrip

Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: List users, ordered by accuracy of soccer match predictions
@Phrancis :)
Even though the server hosts the public code, there is no reason for the public code to have access to server-side stuff directly
From a security stand-point, I would say you wan't to restrict to a minimum what clients can do with the server :)
Right, I just need to make a news socket event type on the server and make it return the thing I need to the client
@Malachi @Marc-Andre Why bother even editing it back? OP states code doesn't work, may as well vote-to-delete because, at this point, regardless of whether we delete it or they do it's going to count against them now because Malachi edited it.
Q: Ridding repetitive if-checking with small variations

Owen HinesI've made a C++ program that calculates a missing variable in an equation for one of the five following laws of gas: Boyle's Law Charles' Law Gay-Lussac's Law Avogadro's Principle Ideal Gas Law The way I made it includes a lot of repetitive if statement checking and different functions with s...

@EBrown It's less true here, but the OP could always decide to go back and edit working and re-open the question. I'm really not against voting to delete the question. Until a question is deleted it should not be vandalized for any reason.
@Marc-Andre The problem is that by rolling that edit back, @Malachi just created much harsher punishments for the OP if they get the question deleted either by themselves or another.
SE takes edits into account for question bans, just like answers and even comments to an extent.
It's working as intended I think
Which means that by rolling back a question that should probably just disappear, we give the OP much harsher punishments
@EthanBierlein @Peilonrayz @Vogel612 What's so unclear about the Haversine formula?
Q: Haversine Formula in Clojure

Felipe GuerraAn user at StackOverflow suggested me to post my code here and find out if it would sound natural to Clojure programmers. Is there a better way to make that? What could be improved? (ns br.com.reactive-poc.calc) (def raio 6372.795477598) (defn calculate-distance "Calcula distância entre duas...

If we force challenge descriptions to be included in the question, why not also explanations for formulas?
Is that all? I'll just link to
The haversine formula determines the great-circle distance between two points on a sphere given their longitudes and latitudes. Important in navigation, it is a special case of a more general formula in spherical trigonometry, the law of haversines, that relates the sides and angles of spherical triangles. The first table of haversines in English was published by James Andrew in 1805, but Florian Cajori credits an earlier use by José de Mendoza y Ríos in 1801. The term haversine was coined in 1835 by James Inman. These names follow from the fact that they are customarily written in terms of the...
and reopen it then.
I partly explained tschebychev- and lagrange polynoms in my post :/
@nickb This question was closed on Code Review because broken code is off-topic there. Please read carefully the on-topic section before recommending any Stack Exchange network. — Marc-Andre 29 secs ago
sure. if you feel that's sufficient as an explanation, then I won't object ... I figured it was grey, but it got 4 cvs in rather short time so I just finished up
Well if we're going to require formulas to be described in the question, we may as well require algorithms and close most of the current active path-finding and sorting algorithm questions because they're unclear.
I didn't ever hear of the Haversine formula before today ... I've had two (or three depending on how you count) classes that dealt with algorithms ...
So? Just because you don't use it doesn't mean we have to force the OP to describe it? We don't do it with anything else except challenges.
agreed. might as well be consistent...
I literally typed 'haver' into my chrome bar and it autocorrected to 'haversine', it's obviously popular, just might not be for us.
But if we take 100 programmers, and 100 mathematicians, chances are more of the programmers know Djikstra than the mathematicians...
Just like more of the mathematicians will likely know the haversine formula than the programmers.
@nickb Indeed and it's great really :)! I just wanted to let you know it has been closed and to extend the check to all network, not just Code Review! :) — Marc-Andre 29 secs ago
I'm a simple programmer. To save time, let's just assume my code is always wrong
^ stargreed
Q: WPF Multiscreen Media Application

iNCEPTiON_Information I have a Multiscreen Application written for a Client that basically is displaying Video content with MediaElements bind to a ContentControl on 5 Screens horizontally(5 splittet Videos). Depending on wich view the User is im playing different 5 Videos and Stopping the Other Videos. ...

Q: Implementing a Loop to play again in Java

BreindyI've been working on my code for a few hours now, searching all the database and I am stuck on getting this loop to work I'd appreciate if someone could help me out. It first starts out as a slot machine and if the player wanted to play again and said, "y" they would play again but I don't know w...

I could not Vote to delete at the time. not enough down votes
@EBrown Dijkstra, not Djikstra.
Too many people spell that wrong...
@EBrown Except for the most popular ones, I think describing an algorithm makes for a good question.
Hell, people can't say the name, let alone spell it, and as such, it's a silly name.
(for English-speakers).
It's Frysk, of-course it's a silly name.
Q: Fractional Knapsack implementing Greedy Strategy in C++

abhi11095#include <iostream> #include<vector> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; double fractional_knapsack(vector<int>& val,vector<int>& wt,int weight)//vectors of values and their respective weights and max weight are passed as parameter { int sz=val.size(); vector<double> ratio(sz); //vector t...

@Mast him too.
West Frisian, or simply Frisian (Frysk; Dutch: Fries [ˈfris]) is a West Germanic language spoken mostly in the province of Friesland (Fryslân) in the north of the Netherlands, mostly by those of Frisian ancestry. It is the most widely spoken of the three Frisian languages. == Name == The name "West Frisian" is only used outside the Netherlands, to distinguish this language from the closely related Frisian languages of Saterland Frisian and North Frisian spoken in Germany. Within the Netherlands, however, "West Frisian" refers to the West Frisian dialect of the Dutch language while the West Frisian...
@Mast It doesn't make it unclear if it's omitted, in almost all cases.
TIL ... there's yet another European language.
And that's what the issue at hand was.
@EBrown No, but if combined with enough other problems it pushes it far enough into a grey area to acquire close votes.
And that line is pretty subjective.
@Mast I fail to see what problems remain.
And I really don't like using VTC's in the gray area.
Not saying I'm doing it, just chalking down some conclusions from things I've seen.
But you should talk to the monkey, he has seen more.
I haven't used a VTC in a while.
The monkey is wise.
I think I average 1 every 1-2 weeks.
I think I average 5 a day.
I think I have a loose ground on my sensor.
@EBrown ...
That's a rookie mistake :-)
@Mast I mean the graphs don't lie lol
@EBrown Eh, if I put a servo controller next to the sensor I'm sure I can get something similar.
It's probably because the pin on the sensor itself is much smaller than the female connector I have it in, so it's probably not a great connection.
@Mast It's in a mostly isolated area.
Well, if the ground is loose, that's the likely culprit.
Just saying if it isn't, there's plenty of other things left to blame.
@Mast You can see several of the dips.
Around 1700PM UTC I was playing with the sensors a bit which is what those jumps are.
Only one way to find out, check the wiring :-)
And at roughly 0930 was when I calibrated sea level.
@Mast Yeah, I am gonna do some more soldering on it tonight/tomorrow.
I'll get the contacts solid then see what it looks like.
Right now I have it pretty well cobbled.
@EthanBierlein See the graphs above for my progress. :)
@200_success Nothing is unclear about the formula. I VTC'ed the question because it was simply code and nothing else.
@EBrown Looks good!
I'm somewhat curious as to why the altitude graph dips, shoots up and then remains constant. Did you take the weather station for a drive?
@EthanBierlein Ah, yes, Rev 1 looks horrible.
Yeah, that's what I VTC'ed. I just wasn't around to see the revisions.
@EthanBierlein No it was due to not having sea level configured properly.
The massive upshot is when I configured sea level.
@EthanBierlein Still, closure seems a bit harsh, when the intended purpose of the code is right there in the title.
@EthanBierlein The temp/humidity dips are because the ground on that sensor is low quality right now.
@200_success We should have an explicit rule against code dumps just to keep the quality bar of the site high enough, IMO.
Code dumps are unacceptable.
If people put such a low amount of effort in it, what are we doing it for?
I disagree. Downvote if you want, but sometimes a code dump is sufficient. If the title says "Base64 decoder", and the tags state the language, that's all I need to know.
@Mast imaginary internet points Agreed, code dumps/no effort questions should be at the very least downvoted, if not closed (if it really is unclear)
@200_success Without regards for why the wheel was re-invented? We'll just get in the old problem of the answer mentioning something and the OP disqualifying it for previously undisclosed reasons.
@200_success Agreed. The op shouldn't have to add 'I have. base64 encoder in C#' just to make it 'on-topic'.
That's a quality issue that doesn't make the question off-topic.
Exactly. A 'code dump' question like that invites down votes, but it's still perfectly on topic.
In the Haversine Formula case, we were just harassing a newbie to provide more information, without guiding him on what we wanted to see. And after stumbling around, it turns out that we could have just edited the question for him.
What was the point of that?
And here is my answer, by the way.
A: Haversine Formula in Clojure

200_successNaming and interface Please avoid mixing English (calculate-distance) with Portuguese (raio). The code should be in English; write your comments in whatever language you prefer. ltd and lgt seem like awkward abbreviations; lat and lng seem more conventional. It's what Google uses for the Maps...

None of that stuff was relevant in producing the review.
So quit harassing people.
If you want a review of your code, you should post to Code Review. — Thomas Matthews 58 secs ago
@200_success I, personally, believe we should only be closing questions that cannot be reviewed, or would be harmful to review.
Also, this isn't working code. It doesn't belong on Code Review. — user2357112 54 secs ago
Some broken, hypothetical, and some example code should not be reviewed because it's unproductive for everyone. They can be reviewed but it is harmful and/or unproductive. Code requests cannot be code reviewed.
@200_success Wow that's a huge improvement on the code!
Small nitpick maybe accidental, the inside of the top function should probably be indented two columns in instead of same column, at least that seems like the typical formatting with Lisp
(defn distance
  "Calcula distância entre duas coordenadas geográficas em metros"
  ([latlng1 latlng2]
  ; ...
@200_success I take offence to that, just for the record.
@EBrown In my opinion, reviewing questions which have no effort put forward by the OP is harmful to the site.
The OP was likely offended as well.
I stand by my point: Without regards for why the wheel was re-invented? We'll just get in the old problem of the answer mentioning something and the OP disqualifying it for previously undisclosed reasons.
And if there's no reinventing going on, it needs a description anyway.
Getting the site a reputation for having an unfriendly culture is also harmful to the site.
@200_success Mug can give you plenty of quotes saying we're not unfriendly, I'm not concerned.
Saying that we are a wonderful community does not necessarily make it so. In fact, it tends to piss people off when their observations seem to indicate the opposite.
All fun and games, but my point still stands.
@Mast That goes both ways though, I'd bet if we search through deleted questions and comment threads we find plenty of instances that people think we're unfriendly. We need to take self-criticism. This is the same problem my workplace has right now, and we have a very high turnover rate when we shouldn't. But that's because we (here and there) don't take criticism well.
It's human nature to get defensive but we cannot just ignore the negative comments and focus on the positive because it's what we want to hear.
Perhaps I've been negatively influenced by my current companies culture as well, I don't know.
Anyway, long day tomorrow, so TTGTB.
@Mast Later. :)
I should probably fix that ;)
I have a simple sketch that draws lines as raindrops and makes them fall with random velocity, but it doesn't fall/look realistic
Any tips/maths magic to make it look more line actual rain?
I made them of different width also but doesn't look quite as good as I'd want
What makes them look unrealistic?
Idk just doesn't feel right to look at
It's 2D, but some concept of depth of field could do the trick I think
Does this look realistic?
It doesn't to me
@MasterYushi Alter the velocities slightly.
This might be better suited for Code ReviewWondercricket 37 secs ago
I'm sorry I didn't that Code Review page exists. — django11 just now
Should be in code review instead — Sam Hammamy 14 secs ago
Q: Is this code well written?

django11I have this simple piece of code from my django project. I feel that it isn't very well written. Maybe it possible to write this simple function in a better way? Maybe could you give me any advices how to improve this code? I'm trying to learn how to write good quality code. Or maybe this code ...

Q: Making this C++ code cleaner and more succinct

Sam HammamyI have been a python developer for a few years and I'm going through some simple exercises to learn C++. Please consider the following python snippet # Find the most frequent integer in an array lst = [1,2,4,3,1,3,1,4,5,15,5,2,3,5,4] mydict = {} cnt, itm = 0, '' for item in lst: mydict[...

@TomFennelly Seriously, our code review system is showing literally hundreds of diffs that are only whitespace changes, because we moved from Eclipse to IntelliJ recently. So freaking annoying, I hate IntelliJ. — pacoverflow 13 secs ago
Q: Code is clearly not succinct but I am unsure what all I should be refactoring

w2olvesTo give some background on this particular code, there is a controller which recieves an object, hashes parts of it and looks into a database to see if there is a similar hash in the db, if there is, it returns a stored result back to the caller. If a stored hash match isnt found, the current en...

Code Review SE is down the hall. They do expect you to present working code, though, so if you're not confident about that then you might consider doing a bit more testing, first. Do close this question if you decide to repost there. — John Bollinger 46 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because his question belongs on another site in the Stack Exchange network: codereview.stackexchange.comalfasin 59 secs ago
1 hour later…
Q: java : sequential BFS

questioneri am currently working on optimizing my code in order to do that i have to make sure that my sequential BFS works perfectly then i should apply threads or executor service to run it in parallel will my BFS break if the graph was too big ? any hints or modification will be very welcomed thank you ...

Q: Ruby - Is it OK to call .new inside a class when .new is called on itself?

Xirux NeferI am thinking about how to implement a parent-child relationship represented by hashes that look like this: parent = { 'parent' => nil, 'id' => 3 } child = { 'parent' => parent, 'id' => 7 } Parent and child could have more keys like name, etc. They both have the same keys. There are only paren...

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