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RELOAD! There are 3495 unanswered questions (91.6857% answered)
@EBrown link or fail
@ThomasWard I'll wait for Captain Obvious. :)
too late already found it
Rule #1: If a library is not available in pip, link to where you got the library. — Thomas Ward 16 secs ago
you should know this being on CR for so long :P
adafruit is installable how?
@ThomasWard Added to question.
lucky you, you avoid the blade of doom today
and just get two little scalpels :P
from a style perspective.
Aaaand can't reach the site again, stupid evil SE
@EBrown so I'll just berate you here
Q: Reading a DHT11 to a file

EBrownDisclaimer: not a python-er, first actual python programme written right here. I'm reading a DHT11 sensor from GPIO pin 4 on my Raspberry Pi (thanks Thomas Ward), and I want to log it to a file which will later be parsed into a web-page. So I wrote the following Python script which is called ...

@CaptainObvious *resists correcting the spelling of "programme"...*
@Phrancis Always you and that spelling thing :P
@EBrown Problem #1, because I nitpick: def getLine... --> def get_line because that's more proper Python
@EBrown Problem #2: file is a builtin, use a different variable name
Problem #3: Nonuseful variable names h, t, use better names
@EBrown Maybe I just like to pick on you :)
@EBrown also, unused sys import
get rid of it if you don't need it lol
@Phrancis should we tag since he's a python newb?
@ThomasWard Probably lol
Q: re-write my jQuery to JavaScript ES5 w/ .clone()

Cage $(document).ready(function() { checkRemove() $('.add').click(function() { $('input[type=text], input[type=checkbox], option:selected').clone().appendTo('.results'); checkRemove(); }); $('.remove').click(function() { $('input[t...

@ThomasWard done :)
awesome :)
wow .... I'm a member for 3 years on CR now ...
got my yearling badge just now ..
Q: SCCM Update install status within PowerShell

user4317867Using the following code, we can install missing updates with a Compliance State of 0 on a Configuration Manager client. Is the following valid code to install missing updates, one at a time waiting for the Percent Complete property of every update to hit 100 before moving on to the next update?...

@EBrown how badly do you want me to beat on you for style and variable naming
All of it lol
(I assume that t = temperature, h = humidity, what's tt and th?)
Temp temperature and temp humidity.
Technically t = temperatures and h = humidities
@EBrown I be ninja'd.
but i still made a suggestion in a comment on the answer :P
@ThomasWard I thought it was your sock puppet. :P
nope, that'd be AquariusOne
I'm a Teapot!
that one's my sock
@ThomasWard Nooooooooooooooooooo! Goodbye cruel world!
@Vogel612 Nice! Though for some reason I thought you had been a member longer than that because you're really knowledgeable about the site :)
@AquariusOne 501 not implemented
@Phrancis well I'm in a bit longer on SO ...
4 years, 3 months ...
it's just that I got a few months more of the revival than you got :)
Ahhh ok, I joined CR days after SO
I don't recall how I found CR but it has changed my life for the better :)
Lots of good people here makes it fun to all learn from each other
Q: Convert Unicode text to font glyphs for display on Android devices

SuragchPrior to Android 6.0, Mongolian text is not supported on Android devices. And as far as I know, OpenType smart font rendering is still not supported. Therefore, in all my Mongolian apps I use a rendering class to convert Unicode text to the appropriate PUA glyph based on the context. The followi...

so somehow I got an upvote even though I made only a single suggestion (building off another's lol)
CR is real generous with rep.
I'm weird that way lol
With answers to my questions, if they put for any even minute amount of effort and aren't completely useless I usually up vote them.
@EBrown now if I were an abusive diamond wielder, I'd remove "that way lol" from your sentence and then leave it out of context. :)
but i'm not evil
@EBrown That seems to be the case with most reviewers
Otherwise, my ideas were all ninja'd.
'cause i go a tad overboard :)
@EBrown so one question about your project: indoors or outdoors weather station :P
Exterior. :)
@EBrown so, once you get the weather station built and working
your next job: WeatherUnderground integration
and then i'll give you equipment and you build me one :P
@ThomasWard Yes. :P
@ThomasWard I'll just give you the software and parts list lol
works for me :)
WTF random reload
Just ordered more of the parts I need last night.
Should be here Tuesday.
cool. DIY is probably cheaper than buying a prebuilt :P
the WeatherUnderground integration is gonna be a PITA though :P
That and more fun. :P
i believe it
I have no idea what WeatherUnderground is.
Q: Handling multiple uploaded images in JavaScript

12Me21function uploadImages(uploader,callback1,callback2){ uploader.onchange=function(){ callback1() var reader=new FileReader() var i=0 reader.onload=function(){ var image=new Image() image.onload=callback2 image.src=this.result ...

Q: Bootstrap 4 (Look Code)

Brandon PowellI need someone to review my code him trying to see this right way to use bootstrap 4 to make 3 col layout. If not can you explain what did wrong every time I do it has some margin that I never add before inside of style? <div class="portfolio-section col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-xs-12 nopadding"> <...

@ThomasWard Do you have a soldering iron? You'll need it to build the finished product lol
*looks at his complete computer repair kit including a barely used soldering iron and a buttload of solder, and other spare parts sitting on the shelf, then back at @EBrown*
You're kidding about asking me that, right? :P
If I were I wouldn't have asked lmao
Just, FYI, I have a great deal of electronics parts/knowledge. Lol
@EBrown i've had to disassemble and resolder to a motherboard the power connector for the AC adapter :P
I usually have lots of things others don't have.
oh I believe it
Literally a box of 7400-series IC's sitting next to my desk right now.
And on the other side is a case of 5,000 resistors of varying sizes, and 300+ capacitors of varying sizes as well.
I believe it from the pictures you showed previously :P
I have a lot of old obsolete computer equipment here
As well as 4 rolls of varying types and sizes of wire.
and a few seriously-end-of-life CISCO PIX-series firewalls
And an unused breadboard.
I have three Cisco 1700-series routers...lol
with the exception of the physical appliance at the border of my network
my routers're virtual
virtualized pfSense plus so many extra NICs on my hypervisors lol
if I got off my butt and installed this extra network card i'd have a total of 13 NICs on the one hypervisor lol
as I said, I have a lot of spare computer equipment here
I have computer equipment, parts, and a few small form factor computers that have the guts ripped out
you've got all the electrical components
I lied about the 1700's.
I have 2 1700's and one 1600.
And an 8-port enterprise-grade KVM.
And several other devices.
A box of miscellaneous SATA cables.
(Like, literally 25 different sizes and colours.)
A box full of USB headers that fit in an expansion card slot and use the built-in header on the motherboard...lol
well what I really need doesn't seem to exist
And multiple logic probes and generators...lol
@ThomasWard Which is?
@EBrown basically, a 'frame' that is the size of the CD/DVD optical drive in my laptop, but can hold a 2.5" SSD or hard drive and fit into the SATA slot on the CD/DVD bay.
Ah, that's manufacturer specific so probably hard to find.
plus a little screw hook on the inside that can be screwed down so it doesn't fall out heh
I could build one if given the specs, I have most of a fabrication shoppe in my garage.
@EBrown indeed. Hence the core problem.
I also have a box of 555 timers...lmao
@EBrown I'd be happy to send you this piece-of-junk CD drive lol, and let you build such a frame. The evil I have to deal with is that it's hard to get out with the bezel all fallen off xD
i have to half disassemble this system to get it out lol
i have an external drive now for my optical drive needs, but eh
actually i wonder
@ThomasWard I mean I just need either a 3D blueprint or the measurements to create a blueprint.
grabs the optical drive off of the other computers
i wonder if these SFF systems' optical drives are identical...
@EBrown I might be able to create a 3D blueprint, or take a picture and then dimensions and hand them off to you
i have a digital caliper for measuring these tiny ass screws when I need replacements, that'll help for accurate measurements
Either works, just need measurements. :)
how accurate do you need the measurements, to the millimeter?
As accurate as you want it built lol
this caliper goes to the hundredths place in mm, but inches should be accurate enough
i'll have to shut down to pull the drive out, so i'll probably do that 'later'
That's fine, you still have my email right?
it's stored in PayPal :P
Just use that. I'll have to pick up some stainless sheet metal for it, unless you want it to rust lol
you could use aluminum for all I care, so long as it fits and I can get it in here
CD DVD drives are ancient tech
And I need an accurate measurement for the port location, then I'll take a regular 2.5" SSD and fit it to that location.
@EBrown you'll have high-res pictures of what it's got, plus measurements accurate as I can get em on each part
@ThomasWard Al is expensive. It doesn't rust and it's light but it's expensive. I have a bunch of mild sheet metal and galvanized, but no stainless.
I have a six-pound block of aluminum I picked up out of the scrap heap from my old high school
i guess i think of salvaged metals as cheap :P
Netflix is down yay lol
Galvanized and mild are a lot easier to work with, but they can rust if treated improperly. Stainless is pretty hard to mess up. I also have absolutely no Al welding equipment.
Hell I could grab an old PC case and rip it apart.
@Phrancis you're behind the times - two hours ago
@Phrancis That's my life bro. Lol
Temp in my bedroom is currently 22C.
According to my RPi.
Roughly 71-72F.
Though this sensor has very poor resolution.
The good sensor arrives this week. :)
that's why you're getting a better one right :P
@EBrown well, that's average enough for my needs for my computer room temperature monitor
accurate within 2 degrees is what I need lol
what with eight computers running things get hot in that room
@ThomasWard Yes, but I'm also getting SIP mounting planes to get my already present BMP180 setup.
@ThomasWard Then the DHT11 is fine for you. :) I can send you this one when I get the new one if you want when you're ready to build your own.
@EBrown when I get two RPis, sure.
I need an external weather station
and a computer room weather station, though I can average-guess it without much work
The DHT11 is fine for both, mine showed a steady rise when I did the 5-pass averages.
well, the external weather station needs more sensitivity, I intend to hook it into Weather Underground eventually
I need to add a 1s sleep between calls.
the indoor one, it doesn't need to be that precise :P
@EBrown time.sleep(1)
from time import sleep
we have quite a few 'sleep' triggers in SmokeDetector
I need to get my Bayes filter running on my Outlook soon.
So much to do and so little time.
well I know one of the measurements
128mm width xD
Need to get Apache2 running on this as well.
@EBrown why not DB integrate with a tiny sqlite DB or a flatfile for datastore, and then LanguageOfChoice accesses it and serves to the web?
@ThomasWard Ehhh...not sure if I want to.
@ThomasWard The RPi is the web.
Or, add a socket for Python to listen on, and return a JSON object that can be parsed in web language of choice.
I want it locally served.
@EBrown well i meant rather than having to write the site in Python fully i mean :P
There won't be a lot for it to do. I can get Python integrated with Apache pretty easily.
in other news I have two Intel Core 2 Duos lying around
Just need a JSON endpoint for async refreshes, and a regular endpoint with a fancy UI for current data.
Q: Pascal's triangle using C++ vectors

GalaxyThis is my C++ program. I wanted to print out Pascal's triangle. I let the user decide how many rows to print out. The first row is considered as 0, and is just: 1 I'm using vectors for this task. I think that I do not have to store the full triangle as that would take up too much extra spa...

@EBrown pretty easy then :p
derps around with Python some more
@ThomasWard Yeah, we're getting lots of calls about Netflix, of course people call their ISPs because Netflix is down, even though everything else is working lol.
@Phrancis a packet trace is useful then. Not a tracert, but actual packet dissection
'cause then you see FROM: my system TO: Netflix CDN IP
FROM NetflixCDN TO: MySystem REPLY: HTTP503
so it's from their end not the ISPs :P
this is where the network experts facedesk like "Stop calling us ya ..."
Q: Why this crash? Is it a bug?

AntiMoron//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play import UIKit var str = "Hello, playground" fileprivate func _setDictionary( dict:inout [String: Any], value: Any, forKeys: ArraySlice<String>) { guard forKeys.count > 1 else { dict[forKeys[0]] = value // <- crash because of subs...

y'know i'm not gonna finish that sentence.
@CaptainObvious Burn it - broken
@CaptainObvious Mister Captain, I believe you need to give me the coffee your counterparts promised me.
@EBrown And you need to lay off the coffee, here have some soothing herbal tea instead.
Alright, now I need to parse this file.
Any help with that @ThomasWard?
@EBrown is the file JSON?
No it's the format from that question.
Y-m-d H:M:S: hAvg,hMin,hMax | tAvg,tMin,tMax
@EBrown mind sending me sample output?
and i assume Python?
oh that's not too hard
1 moment
@ThomasWard Yes, Python 2.7. And the output should probably be a tuple of date,Stats,Stats and Stats should each be a tuple of avg,min,max.
Also I altered the format because I have a vertical pipe between humidity and temperatures.
I can probably remove that.
@ThomasWard Also the file is already read to a data variable if that helps.
@EBrown probably, give me what you have so far?
@EBrown um
it'd be easier to reformat the output at first, but i can probably do it this way
data = ""
with open("File.txt") as file:
    data = file.read()
print data
are we working with decimal values or ints?
So data has all the information from that file.
@ThomasWard Floats.
so decimals.
I can reformat but that's a pita since I already started the file.
give me a few to piss around with this
I should just drop this in a MySQL database.
Then interact with it from there.
Since that allows more flexibility.
that'd be what I'd do, or an sqlite, but let me do what you asked first
@EBrown actually, a database would be far more useful
because otherwise we have to have a lot of... evil.
Well pip is currently installing pymysql.
I might be able to do it, but it's not gonna be pretty...
Gonna install MySQL itself next.
Installing MySQL.
@EBrown what i'm not sure of is how you want the output
@ThomasWard Anything will do at first.
do you just want to convert the lines right to individual data, or sum it all up, etc.
@ThomasWard I want to convert each line to it's own in-memory data.
@EBrown E: Unable to comply: No definition for feature
But I don't want to read the whole thing each and every time.
@EBrown Database. Or, read JSON, append data, write JSON.
pure string output, yeah not fun to parse nicely like you're doing here...
just saying.
doable, yes, but if you don't give me a "How do you want it saved/stored/produced" it's very hard to write anything usable
I'm gonna remove the average, minimum and maximum stuff and just store it all in a db server item by item.
that's what I'd do, in my opinion
though I'm working on 'parsing' your data in a usable format, gonna JSONify things xD
@ThomasWard Voted to close. OP seems kind of rude, maybe it's a language barrier though...
@Phrancis thanks.
@EBrown blah.
@ThomasWard Yep. Lol
% cat foo.txt
2017-02-26 22:30:00 10.5,9.5,11.5 | 20.5,19.5,21.5
2017-02-26 22:31:00 10.5,9.5,11.5 | 20.5,19.5,21.5
2017-02-26 22:32:00 10.5,9.5,11.5 | 20.5,19.5,21.5
hackish way, but it properly parses the str-format data.
As floats, etc.
it could be better
@EBrown Python, MySQL... what's gotten into Mr. Microsoft? ;)
non-golfed though I think I fubar'd some
@Phrancis I've done PHP before. :P
yes I did
oh crap hang on
JSON format:
'2017-02-26 22:32:00':
    'tData': (20.5, 19.5, 21.5),
    'hData': (10.5, 9.5, 11.5)
'2017-02-26 22:31:00':
    'tData': (20.5, 19.5, 21.5),
    'hData': (10.5, 9.5, 11.5)
'2017-02-26 22:30:00':
    'tData': (20.5, 19.5, 21.5),
    'hData': (10.5, 9.5, 11.5)
dataset = {}

with open('foo.txt', 'r') as infile:
    for line in infile:
        splitdata = line.strip().split(' ')
        date = ' '.join((splitdata[0:2]))
        hData = splitdata[2].split(',')
        tData = splitdata[3].split(',')

        dataset[date] = { 'hData': (float(hData[0]), float(hData[1]), float(hData[2])),
                          'tData': (float(tData[0]), float(tData[1]), float(tData[2])) }

print dataset
granted you have to do something with this data, if you want it stored in memory you have to store it somewhere outside of this set of code
because just like any other language, outside of here 'dataset' doesn't remain.
MySQL is storing data. :D
@EBrown that's the more sane solution, yes. :P
yes that looks FAR more sane :P
you could cheat and use an sqlite db if you really wanted to
but yeah :p
@EBrown you can get statistics out of that too
@ThomasWard @Phrancis ^^
Now you can group by Logged and select MIN, MAX, AVG, etc.
Oh crap
This overwrites everything
Oh good it's not
I was just being impatient lol
@EBrown INSERT INTO Table(Column1, Column2, Column3) VALUES (value, value value);
and you won't overwrite everything :P
SQL 101
Hehe me breathing on the sensor has the humidity at 94.6%, and temperature up to 26.4C.
Time to pull bootstrap in.
Q: Making job listings project more modular and flexible

CodeYogiI am creating a pet project where candidates can apply and recruiters can post their listings: db.js var pg = require('pg'); var config = { host: 'localhost', user: 'v', password: 'a', database: 'j', }; var pool = new pg.Pool(config); pool.connect(function(err, client, done) { if(e...

Q: AWS and S3 archive selected files

alfredogamaI have to .tar many files selected from my database buy i don't know how to get the files from S3 to my local drive and archive them with the command tar.add(), i have to tar about 500 image files and im using storages module to connect my django to s3. ¿Any ideas?

Q: Free General Ebook downloader in C#

unknownprotocolSo I decided to expand a little one-off C# console program I wrote awhile ago to download the free ebooks offered by Syncfusion, and decided to also do it for other free ebook publishers... like O'Reilly. But I now want to make it a generic E-book downloader, and make it easily expandable and ma...

Q: Battleship game (pointers) c++

AreliThe assignment is about 5 ships in the game "battleship" and I need to find a way to improve the algorithm so that we don't have to search through each cell in each ship to determine if a ship was hit (hint: use pointer arithmetic and the sizeOf operator). The direction are that Tile-based game...

@EBrown you got MySQL installed on the RPi?
Yep. :)
@EBrown Python is like PHP and JS in that sense, it may look ugly but it just works
@ThomasWard @Phrancis Apparently the DHT11 question went HNQ.
A: RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags

bobinceYou can't parse [X]HTML with regex. Because HTML can't be parsed by regex. Regex is not a tool that can be used to correctly parse HTML. As I have answered in HTML-and-regex questions here so many times before, the use of regex will not allow you to consume HTML. Regular expressions are a tool th...

Crap stupid phone
@CaptainObvious sent OP a link to this ;-)
A better place to post this question might be Code Review. — bejado 59 secs ago
Q: How to use ajax with php and jquery

Jyotirmoy NathI am using jquery and ajax to get server side response in my php applications. Given below is the code i am using...is this the best practice for building production based application? $('#button-click').click(function () { var a = $('#inputvalue1').val(); var b = $('#inputvalue2').val()...

@ThomasWard Based on my estimations, the 16GB SD card I put in that RPi will hold ~100 years of data at the current gathering rate in the remaining free space, or >50 years with the Barometric pressure readings as well...lol
Q: How can calculate length of string

Desul Sudarsanstr(len("ontology")) Out[13]: '8' but I want it should return 1 for eg ["information exchange"] return 2

Q: multiple if and conditions

Bhojendra NepalSorry to ask newbie question here but I couldn't think to code clean way for the following conditions: if(isset($a) && $a != '0' && !isset($b) && !isset($c) && !isset($d)) : //a else if(!isset($a) && isset($b) && $b !='0' && !isset($c) && !isset($d)) : //b else if(!isset($a) && !isset(...

2 hours later…
This question belongs on another site in the Stack Exchange network: Code Reviewicza 57 secs ago
Monking @all
Q: unit of work in repository pattern with EF

SamI have got some troubles to understand unit of work in repository pattern. I 'm using Visual Studio 2015 I have my Solution with 3 different project : Business, DAL, Webservice For now I just impletented the repository pattern and unit of work following this tutorial : http://www.c-sharpcorn...

@CaptainObvious no code no glory
wow .... five acutually on-topic questions since I was online last ...
that's ... kinda really bad ..
make that four?
Q: Java Spring Framework: The occupancy of carriages and rows in a train algorithm

Rady Archuleta I have train > carriages > rows > seats: our algorithm is that we would like place passengers' reservations beautifully (comfortable placement). Example: - We have 1 train (Train A) - We have 3 carriages (C1, C2, C3) - In each carriage we have 2 rows (R1, R2) - In each row we have 10 seats...

@CaptainObvious no code, no glory ... also: wtf?
possible answer invalidation by TradingDerivatives.eu on question by TradingDerivatives.eu: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/156105/revisions
@Duga rolled back
Q: Optimizing on brute force checking approach to increase performance

ImSlake#include <iostream> //For strcpy: #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> using namespace std; //Gets match score for checking which match is the best of all. The highest match value is the best. int getMatchScore(string matchCheck, string matchTarget) { //Declares integers for length of mat...

Can we get one more VTR on this, an unfortunate typo seems to have kept it closed, ):
@Peilonrayz what about that self-deleted answer?
Thanks, :)
@Vogel612 I'm going to fix it, I wrote it and then noticed the code was broken. :/
@EBrown Am now.
I always read my pings, just not always the same day they're issued :-)
Hey @Mast about HasStackSTV ... I might have some time to sink into that in two to three weeks ... I'd probably finish it then, unless you want to go and take a stab at it..
Q: Copy part of array in javascript

jocI have an array and must fill another one. Depending of a boolean I copy first or second element and the rest must be as is... Currently I do it like this (data has the desired info): const newArray = []; newArray[0] = theBoolean ? data[0] : data[1]; for (let i = 2; i < data.length; i += 1) { ...

@Vogel612 I tried, tried again, tried another time. Not making any progress whatsoever.
So feel free to finish it.
fwiw you can try to clean the code a bit .. Zeta already had some minor critiques ...
but I'll do that, then :)
I hate it when proofs from the lecture are spread across more than three slides .. it just makes them imposibly hard to follow ..
This is a new question, moreover more appropriate for code review stackEttore Rizza 5 secs ago
@Vogel612 Print the slides and lay them next to each other.
I ain't gonna print 300 slides ...
especially not when about 20 % of them aren't even relevant to the exam and another 30% is the details of a proof (which I need to reenact to understand anyways)
and yes, you read that right: about 50% of the material I'm learning with is worthless...
on that note ... brain overload. bbiab
This would be better suited to Code Review. — Quentin 22 secs ago
@Vogel612 Just the 3 that didn't fit on 1, of-course.
@Vogel612 Sounds about right, isn't that true in most courses?
no. usually the lecture slides at least don't have things like 60 slides on a topic that hasn't even been talked about
or stuff like (quote-ish):
"Regarding the relation of P, NP and NP-complete problems there's the following three possibilities:

We'll now show that the third: P \neq NP \implies there exists a language in NP \setminus P that's not NP complete is false[...]"
like ... the prof literally forgot to list the three possibilities...
right ... proof with the old slides: 4 slides, some pretty confusing wtf stuff creating a grammar from the states of a turing machine ...
proof in the new slides: 1 slide, reducing a rather easy problem onto a grammar ...
Q: Find all subsets of a list whose sums equals to elements in another list

eeedevProblem statement: Given two list of integers find all subsets in first list whose sum is equal to element in another list and print the remaining items in both list Example: Input: Big List= {250, 1500}, Small List = 260, 500, 500, 500 Output: 1500 matches with (500, 500, 500). Remaining 260 i...

Tests succeed on their own, fail when run after other tests. Oh boy..
export {
	baseDex as default,
// TODO: Bodge, remove this.
// Removing this breaks inverse battles.. but only if they are run as part of the rest of the test suite.
module.exports = baseDex
module.exports.BattleDex = BattleDex
I don't understand
Refer this sample implementation of DFS(Depth First Search) : codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/78577/…Yaman Jain 38 secs ago
Q: Java Random number generator Excluding values in an array

user132151My problem is that i have a random number generator method in which i would want to generate random numbers excluding numbers stored in an array/arraylist. For example i have a range of numbers from 1-2000. And i call the random function which gives me a number 6. i would then add 6 to an array l...

It was me. I was the bug. Woops.
> I think I may have the definite answer to this. This naming comes from a 1963 IEEE standard 255-1963 "Letter Symbols for Semiconductor Devices" (IEEE Std 255-1963). I'm an electronics history fanatic and this might be interesting to other (fanatic)s, so I'll make this answer a bit broader than necessary.
probably best suited for codereview site. — Jean-François Fabre 10 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on Code Review.se — Vittorio Romeo 57 secs ago
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