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RELOAD! There are 3484 unanswered questions (91.7089% answered)
@EBrown Yes
@EBrown let me know if you need anything else :)
Will do, been playing with it getting things setup. :)
cool. :)
@EBrown it shouldn't be too hard getting things setup if you connect everything right :P
My DHT11 works, I need to get the BMP180 working next.
Then I have to order a DHT22 because I didn't want the 11.
And some extra IO jumper wires and such.
@EBrown sounds like you're already well on your way to making it do what you want it to. Sorry if that case was hard to get open, I don't think they designed it with "Easy Removal" in mind heh
@ThomasWard I got it open without damaging anything. :)
Do you want the blue case and the USB drive back?
indeed :)
@EBrown USB drive, yes but only if you don't need it. Blue case you can toss - I have no need for it anymore heh
it was from an old external hard drive that I just repurposed for carring my RPi around a long time ago
Does the address on the package work for returning the drive? I'll drop it in a letter envelope and send it out Monday if so.
@EBrown yep, that address works fine :)
Excellent, I'll drop it in an envelope and send it out on Monday. :)
@EBrown No rush, the ISOs on there also exist on my NFS share that is used by my hypervisors and systems :P
makes it easy to have ISOs at hand when I need them - VPN in, and BOOM they're right there on an NFS share :P
Until I get my new parts (probably Tuesday or Wednesday) I can't work on this any further. :(
Or can I?
I bet I can if I take it out of the bottom of the case...
And grab an IDE cable...
I could probably drill a hole in this cable to make it fit
@ThomasWard I made an IDE cable fit the GPIO header...
lol nice
Yes it is lol
@EBrown so I presume everything is working as you want it to, in terms of booting up, etc.
Enjoy :)
Better than. :)
What's a GPIO?
@EBrown wonderful. Best use of spare equipment, in my opinion.
@Phrancis General Purpose Input/Output
You only have to pay $7-8, you get a fully functional device that's worth about $35 excl. tax and shipping for virtually no cost :P
Indeed. :)
@CaptainObvious not their code
@EBrown well I'm glad you're happy, and I'm glad that I was able to help :)
enjoy :)
thanks for clearing some space on my shelf of spare equipment xD
No problem. :P Like I said, I'll get that USB drive back to you ASAP, thought it won't be packaged nearly as well as it was when you sent it to me. :P
And that wireless adapter works really well.
And Raspbian was a breeze to setup.
@EBrown heheh, well I just used spare crap to package. The shipping label was the most pricey part :P
less concerned about a single USB stick :P
@EBrown Yeah I use a couple of those adapters on VMs on my hypervisor heh
and yeah, Raspbian is real easy to setup
@EBrown I'm glad you're happy :) It's not an RPi3 but it should still be good enough for your needs :P
in other news i feel stupid today, apparently a window has been 'cracked open' for four months and I never noticed until today oops
Q: Alternate Tree implementation

shaktimaanI am trying to implement algorithms related to trees in Scala. I have dabbled with the following implementations of a tree. Are there any pros and cons of preferring the non-Option related implementation over the one that uses Option Implementation with Option sealed trait Node { val labe...

Since I keep getting upvotes on my answer on this one, let me explain the downvotes on your question: Stack Overflow is a place to find help if you have problems with your code. It's not a place to find improvement on working code (Code Review is the website for that), and not a place to find or request tutorials either. Simply because (as you see), it takes writing half a book to give a good and proper answer. The amount of views is simply because you offered a bounty on it. Not because everyone needs this :) — icecub 28 secs ago
Q: Check if two strings are premutawtions of one another

TheLearnerI am working my way through "Cracking the coding interview" problems and have finished implementing this question: "Given, two strings, write a method to decide if one is a premutation of the other". Can anyone give me any feedback on my implementation in regards of efficiency or improvements? p...

@CaptainObvious Check if two strings are what!?
they fail at spelling
i bet they meant "permutations" :P
I did a code review of where it was validating the client, and the ability to do what I want has not been accounted for via some abstraction other than implementing my own IEndpoint and hooking the incoming call at the very start. It bails out pretty early if the client is bad. I was hoping my use case was not that uncommon. Perhaps I will have to go down the custom grant path. — Herb Stahl 51 secs ago
@EBrown whenever you've got that thing working to do everything you need it to do, I'd love a rundown of the project :)
because I'm curious now :P
Q: A simple implementation of a mutable String in C

logo_writerThe following code implements a simple interface to operate on mutable* Strings in C. It is composed of two files: one for the structure definition and the available operations, and the other with the actual implementation. *This can be inexact, as only adding characters to the end is implemente...

@ThomasWard Definitely, parts and all. :)
what's your ultimate goal if I might ask
some of those sensors you mentioned, makes me think "weather station" sorta lol
@ThomasWard Nailed it. :)
Currently building a nice web-GUI for it.
Using Python for everything...never done this before. Lol
sorry i couldn't help myself :)
@skiwi why would you assume otherwise lol
Is there a printer-friendly version of PEP8 and the other Python docs?
@EBrown just write your code, then submit it for CR and ping me.
I'll beat the heck out of you enforcing PEP8.
Lol Wilco. :P
fun fact:
flake8 code.py gives you a load of error notices about PEP8 and stuff :P
Right now I'm just HTML / CSS / JS 'ing a UI up.
Need to make (or get) some vector images for the icons: sun, rain, snow, etc.
Q: ArrayList Lab Error in the Output / Incorrect Outout

Steve DavisThe output of this code should be the arraylist words and the toString that you will see below, but it is just “file.txt” in the form of a String. I really can't understand why this is happening could someone please explain a correct way to get the output that I have described above using the cli...

@EBrown just... don't judge me too harshly when I drop a wall of text at you explaining your python failures :P
the hammer of Judgement doth not fall gently, after all :P
I'd expect nothing less lol
Q: XML Import on EXCEL using the Developer Tab

AveryI have been using the Excel XML Import feature in the developer tab. My XML files have over 200 elements nodes and I have mapped 182 of them into the sheet (schema). However, when importing 50 XML files, it takes roughly 7 minutes. I then use a Macro to format the data to the way I want. When I ...

Q: Parsing wikipedia table with python

DatenBergwerkerI am new to python and recently started exploring web crawling. The code below parses the S&P 500 List Wikipedia page and writes the data of a specific table into a database. While this script is hardcoded and I would certainly be interested in some thoughts on performing the same task in a sli...

possible answer invalidation by Kerndog73 on question by Kerndog73: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/156328/revisions
2 hours later…
Q: Generate New Latitude and Longitude in decimal

Gujarat SantanaI have created simple algorithm to generate the new Location from given latitude and longitude. // How to use : first call SetupLocation(InputLat,InputLon float64) to set base latitude and longitude. // To genreate the location you can call RandomLatLong() to generate using seconds degree. // A...

Q: Aws mobile hub and asp.net web api integration is it a good design?

Naushad QamarCan we use aws mobile hub for authentication and integrate asp.net web api for other business logic is it a good design ? I want to use sql server instead of dynamodb also i am not very fimiliar with lambda functions. Any suggestiosn

2 hours later…
Q: Having doubts about MVP and gc

Artem Dobrovinskiyas a rookie I have couple questions regards code I've written. It's a part of code where two Threads ("priests") talk to each other. One asks and waits for the second to answer - then something happens depending on what has been answered by second thread. I have two simple questions: 1. Regards s...

@ThomasWard See, I'm a very optimistic person
Q: Java executing rSync shell

IsthaI basically want to write a simple gui program to sync to directories using the unix shell rsync. The core part of the code is below. My main question is, do I need to have the waitFor method included? At present, I have left it out, because I would like to show the user the --progress responses ...

@EBrown You can check some of it's parts online though.
There are also PEP8 checkers available off-line, to be installed in Python itself
For example, pycodestyle
Pretty powerful stuff.
user image
:/ even in my work, when I say that, I get stars/pinned
well ... don't say that then?
Let me repeat what I said you last time: your irrelevant remarks belong to either comments or a codereview@SE. While on SO your answers are off topic — Your Common Sense 9 secs ago
@Duga Oh... that guy
@Duga Free NC flag.
This would probably be more appropriate if asked on codereview.stackexchange.compinkfloydx33 27 secs ago
Let's see what I can make with allcountjs.com :)
It looks promising
@skiwi "Insecure connection." Are you secretly pointing to meta instead?
@Mast Huh, Firefox has no trouble loading this for me
And MongoDB only offers Windows Server 2008 builds :o strange..
I mean stop posting irrelevant comments on the code style. Stack Overflow is not a code review site - either post an answer or welcome to comments — Your Common Sense 38 secs ago
Q: simple java calculator

N3m0can you reviwe this code for me? how do i make it better? //this is the calculator import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.util.*; class dog extends JFrame { private JButton n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, n9, n0, add, sub, mul, div, slo, cls; priv...

Seems like it would work fine for W10 though
This isn't really comforting, getting all kinds of deprecation warnings during build of dependencies
Hello everyone, is this the right place to ask what may be wrong with a question I posted to CodeReview? I posted it nearly two weeks ago, but the lack of responses leads me to believe I must have done something wrong with it.
yes, you're in the very best place for that:)
Very well then!
Q: AES encryption/decryption using pure .NET and streams

InterminableI'm trying my hand at simple encryption and decryption. Ideally I'd like to be doing it the 'right' way, ie something secure without doing it in a way that will have a serious hole. I'd prefer to do this using just the standard .NET libraries, rather than utilising an external library. If what...

yea I already see it from the tags ...
for one there's not a lot of people who review around here.
and you're asking about , which is a topic notorious for being dangerously hard
That's why I asked it. ><
Wanted to try and be sure I was voiding any potential pitfalls.
I had hoped that even though it was VB.NET, the code was straightforward enough that it could be understood by someone who mostly works with C#.
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: React beginner exercise: Build a base arithmetic calculator
The hell?
@Interminable looking at the code in a bit more detail I just don't know what I'd review there :/
it seems to me that nobody found a flaw they could review...
I mean, I could rewrite it in C#, but I didn't think it would make that much of a difference; is VB.NET really that uncommon?
I thought the purpose of CodeReview was to either point out flaws, or, in the unlikely event that the code is actually fine, state that 'it looks like you're doing it right!'. The lack of answers is ambiguous. If code posted to CodeReview has no flaws (somehow), is it standard policy for it to receive no answers?
I honestly don't know, as I'm new to CodeReview.
there's ~250 questions tagged and there's ~6.2k questions tagged
Holy biscuits.
I don't think one could say that :/
Maybe the people who code in VB.NET don't care about reviewing their code? :D
It's true that it's most likely either that the question has received not enough attention or that it was fine :D
@skiwi how did you get that done??
I've worked at several different companies, and I was open to coding in C#, but they've all used VB.NET. ><
@Vogel612 Trying to open my Task Manager, second time it did work though
@Interminable I think vb.net has a bad rep, because there's vb in it's name ...
There are some nasties in there.
The 'Module' for example. You use it in place of a static class from C#, but it behaves a bit like a namespace.
And then of course there's not having option strict or option explicit on, allowing for quiet data type conversions, declaring things without types, and other nonsense.
It's a fairly solid language, I feel although I do only have a few years of experience, BUT it will allow you to get away with stuff that you probably shouldn't. :P
*I feel,
This "answer" doesn't address the question asked. Suggesting code style changes is off topic and suitable for codereview@SE site, but not on Stack Overflow. — Your Common Sense 43 secs ago
sheeesh ... YCS is on the fast route to another ban it seems ...
@Vogel612 I hope he'll get permabanned for all of his lives... It's a wonder to me that he's even still allowed on this site
well he was banned for ... 5 years or something?
Really? :o
That makes me happy, because I sent a pretty ranty-ish email to SE once about him I believe
Found it :o I sent a mail to SE about him on 31-12-2013
ya they were banned for most of my time on SO ...
well ... let's not talk about toxic SO users :)
I'm pretty sure we got better things to do ...
like learning for my exam on tuesday ...
oh him
wasn't banned for 5 years at all
He was actively around when I still was, which is only about 2 years ago
@Vogel612 What kind of fun subject is it about? :)
@JeroenVannevel was banned during 2015, was banned during 2013, too
@skiwi Computability and Complexity
That sounds pretty broad
stuff like "How complicated is it to check whether a path from s to t exists in a graph?"
"Can we express problem X in terms of problem Y?"
"Can we even decide this problem in all cases?"
I'm pretty sure I've had a subject on that, though it was called differently here
Algorithm theory builds onto this ...
this is the class that has the largest failure percentage...
usually there's 200-300 students taking the class. of those something like ... 60 students actually take the exam and of those usually only single-digit numbers or low double digits pass..
I think I actually had these things in my Algorithms class, which I had lots of difficulty with to pass
IIUC that's mostly because the marking is extremely strict regarding formal correctness
the semantic content isn't terribly difficult, but the formal notation is what weeds people out
I'm actually unsure if I even took the Algorithms exam in the end
Wanted to figure out so logged in on my uni's website (still have an account), but I'm not following any study anymore according to it
Okay, so from what's been said, I should rewrite my question in C# in order to get answers? codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/155376
Q: Iterative Deepening code explanation

john michalI've came across this code on the interwebs but i don't realy understand it (except main) and I'm loathe to use code i don't understand, would anyone be willing to go over and add some quick comments to help me a bit? import java.util.*; public class Board { public static void main(String[] a...

Q: Find largest substring which repeats to yield entire string

Matthew FarabaughMy job is to find the largest repeating substring in a given string, which repeats to re-create the entire string. For example, if input="cdcdcdcd" then the longest pattern would be "cdcd". If no substring can meet this requirement, return -1. Apparently the best possible time for this is 0(n), b...

Q: Assembly program which detects all numbers with two integral divisors

mizechFor an FASM assembly course I've to do the following exercise: "Write a program that takes the number n as input. Then it prints all the numbers x below n that have exactly 2 different integral divisors (Besides 1 and x). For example: 15 is such a number. It is divisible by 1,3,5,15. (Here 3 an...

@Interminable I don't think that will help here ...
@skiwi Blame timing.
@Interminable No, that won't help at all.
So this kind of framework is what I'm looking for, but this one I have here is horribly immature
It won't help? Nuts. What will help? What should I do/what's wrong with my question? I did some reading of meta articles to try and ensure it was written in a way that would encourage answers.
@Interminable Add more context, explain why you do what you do.
Let me rephrase that. There's plenty of text there, but most of it doesn't say much.
Adding some clarity would help.
@Mast Started on my RPi stuff. :)
Also ordered some ribbon cable so I can make a nice jumper from this GPIO header to the breadboard.
I should probably start working on my MALP again, but too busy with other projects.
Or, more precise, too busy recovering.
What sort of clarity do you think would help, exactly? I'm unsure how I could make it clearer without removing context and explanations of my reasoning behind why it's written the way that it is.
I've had a cold since New Year's and my concentration has been lacking severely. After a long day of work I simply don't have the energy left.
@Interminable Remove the fluff. Tell us what the code does, why you wrote it instead of picking something off-the-shelf and how it achieves what it does. When in doubt, that's all you need.
The rest is distracting.
Also, when in doubt, look at how other high-scoring questions tackled it.
I did. :|
While reading your question, it wasn't clear to me whether you were trying to roll your own crypto or not. Granted, my VB.NET is about as bad as my Java, but it's simply not clear enough IMO.
It looks like you build a wrapper of sorts, but you start with 'I'm trying my hand at simple encryption and decryption.'
Does anyone have a suggestion for a popular framework that supports CRUD but also allows you to fully customize the CRUD pages or even add your own custom pages if needed?
roll your own in your spare time?
I certainly don't want to write my own crypto stuff. I'd hoped that even a cursory glance at the code would have made that obvious. :S
@Interminable Not gonna lie, looking at your question there are two very different aspects that can be answered.
There is the code you have, and then the issues you raise which are unrelated.
Please clarify.
> I've read that it's good practice to generate a random key. If I do that, then both the server and the client would need to know the same key. I assume this would then mean that I'd need to transmit the key in the call to the web-service from the client. Is that correct? Is that secure? I'd assume that the call to it would be done via HTTPS, but is there anything else I'd need to be aware of in that scenario?
@Vogel612 Was that directed at me? If so, I don't quite have the spare time left anymore
How is that relevant to your question? You ask about AES, but then discuss HTTPS and sending data between client and server which is very different from AES.
It would ultimately be used for a web service. Encrypted server-side and transmitted, but if the key is randomly generated, both sides would need to know it. As it's one application, I simply pass the key as an argument. If that's wrong, then I'd hoped it could be pointed out.
This was the context behind what I'd written. Adding the web service could would have been superfluous at that point, surely?
Right, but AES isn't used for that. Some sort of PKCS is (like RSA).
The idea of a PKCS is that there are two keys: one for encryption, one for decryption.
See, that's important information I don't know!
One is public (the encryption key in RSA) and one is private (the decryption key in RSA).
But there are other schemes that swap them.
That sort of information is what I'd have been looking for in answers.
There are PKCS schemes that use the public key to decrypt, and private key to encrypt.
Whichever one you choose depends on where you can secure things entirely.
@Interminable No. Code Review reviews the code, not statements.
fwiw this is called "asymmetric encryption" ...
AES isn't asymmetric
But code without explanations of context would be meaningless, surely?
@Interminable That's a completely different matter.
No, AES Is symmetric, as it uses the same key for each operation.
It should have context, the things I listed before. Not a lot of unrelated questions next to it.
They make it hard to follow your question.
I wanted specific aspects about the code answered. Things I wasn't sure were right or not. It didn't seem to fit with what Stackoverflow takes as questions.
I'm not sure if that's what it really counts as, because you told me the 'ideal' answer would point out that you should use asymmetric encryption for that, which isn't really what the code does or even related to it, as the code is just a basic wrapper over AES.
The code looks simple enough to me to be easily reviewable, I think the bunch of text is throwing people off
I think my next project will be writing my application in Django...
It seems to be the best choice if I don't want to use MS Access
And don't want to use another kind of half-assed framework
Q: How to properly fetch object and list of objects if query have joins

Super Mario's Yoshii have this function that returns me list of users with their roles and groups, as you can see this is how i fetch and create list of objects, i'm wondering is this good approach and is there something that i could improve, i'm not that experienced with PHP so i would appreciate code samples. Als...

This isnt codereview. Can you atleast give us some comments? what does it do? — Tacolibre 50 secs ago
Q: Nand2Tetris Hack Assembler

Light DrakeNow I know the same type of question (same task) has been asked on this site before, but I recently wrote my C++ implementation of the Hack Assembler from the Nand2Tetris Chapter 6 course (defined here). I'm not really looking for tips on solving the task itself, although these are appreciated as...

@Plutonix, yes I agree with you, it just seems such a large gray area of what's a question and what's code review. In this particular instance, it is apparent the questioner knows enough to add controls to a form, no simple task in itself, and a little about how events work.. kind of. He is just was not aware of how controls and events are CONNECTED. No amount of code here would have helped with that question in my opinion. — Trevor 56 secs ago
Q: Queue with multiple cosumers and one producer

MoerwaldI've written a queue supporting one producer and multiple consumer threads. Idea is that the queue instances a definable number of long running comsumer threads. Internally I'm using a BlockingCollection to solve the producer consumer problem. I've done some little testing via a console applicati...

the do code does not matter to get this to work.`. In thise case the question is off-topic for SO. You better put it on code reviewAlex B. just now
Q: Thread Synchronized ObjectPool

SvekI have written my own object pool class called ObjectPool<T> which uses SpinLock and Stack<T> public class ObjectPool<T> where T : class { private int _size; private Func<T> _factory; private SpinLock _spinLock; // Storage for the pool objects. The first item is stored in a dedi...

This question probably fits better on our sister site Code Review than it does here. — Joe C 46 secs ago
I tried to clear this question up, but I still don't know what way to vote it and whether it's actually on-topic.
@Mast Oh, the joy of PHP, where you just literally hack together some stuff
ffs edit-queue
@Mast I think it's OK
This question might also be a candidate to be asked on Code ReviewTuringTux 36 secs ago
Lost a check mark on an answer I posted a few days ago (the day I posted 3) to another answer today. >.>
Not that I'm surprised. There was most probably going to be a better answer posted just...grumble.
My bounty didn't help much on my question :/
possible answer invalidation by Robert Fraser on question by Robert Fraser: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/156126/revisions
> You're outside the maximum absolute ratings, so nobody knows anything. As far as the manufacturer is concerned aliens are messing with your warp field coils.
As you've asked your question on Code Review, you might now consider deleting your question here or providing a backlink, so that it doesn't appear on multiple sites at once (which is generally discouraged, I think). — TuringTux 12 secs ago
Q: Java I/O and from file example that needs refactoring ideas

NoDirectionI have a single class - App.java, with another class that I have imported from a library inside of my project - AnotherClass.java. The project is a very simple calculation tool that takes user input (I/O) and runs from file if one is given. My question is to ask whether there is a better way to ...

Q: `std::move_as_tuple` and `std::when_all`

QuuxplusoneWorking with futures and .then, I keep running into the problem of needing to "capture by move" in a lambda. In fact, not only that, but when implementing e.g. when_all, I find myself needing to capture a whole parameter-pack. Neither of these things are supported out of the box in C++17. Howeve...

Codegolf asks for answers which make CapsLock light (or equivalent) blink.
One of the answers has his entire keyboard blinking.
Q: Identifying the pattern of rearrangement in Code Hunt

Ankit ShubhamI am new to Code Hunt. There is one problem that I am trying to solve for hours but couldn't succeed. Sample Testcases Input: 3 691 779 947 11 170 368 472 298 22 150 370 1061 162 1073 491 Sample Testcases Output: 779 691 947 22 368 370 1073 162 298 472 1061 491 150 170 I understand that first...

Q: Solving the max-subarray problem from CLRS in C++

MattI'm working through Algorithms Cormen et al to learn more about algorithms and modern C++. I've implemented the maximum subarray problem and would like some feedback. I'd really like to use the modern additions to C++ effectively, so please let me know where things can be improved. One of my...

Q: Polynomial minus Operator Overloading - C++

KouroshImagine you are given this polynomial x + 2x^2 and you want to subtract it by 2. How can you do this using the operator minus overloading ? My guess would be: Polynomial Polynomial::operator-(Polynomial object1, double constant){ object1[0]-= constant; return object1; } Note: I am...

Answerer couldn't comment, so they made the comment a (decent) answer:
A: Simple array usage demonstration

Enigma MaitreyaEverything EBrown said with this ... minor exception ... the input close should precede the announcement that the program is done. I can not add comments or I would have simply made it a comment suggesting to EBrown the change. public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Wel...

Combine this with my answer and the one from h.j.k. and this programme becomes substantially better. :) +1 — EBrown 1 min ago
Q: Generic copy function

davypoughCommon Lisp does not have a generic copy function for reasons outlined in Kent Pitman's article The Best of Intentions. However, it may still be convenient for rapid prototyping purposes to provide such a function that would recursively copy any given lisp object down to its immutable core object...

@Mast Only the Corsair K70 was available when I purchased mine :( The K70 RGB got released later
Must be mighty distracting.
Q: Getting input from users command and using .equals

SlavIm trying to read the users input from the command box of my program and based on what the user enters into this command box the program should output appropriate messages. For example when the user enters quit the program is supposed to stop and I have implemented this correctly. SO what I am tr...

@Mast You still about?
This is better suited for Code ReviewDrew Kennedy 34 secs ago
Q: HTML display non-tabular data using <table> or <div>?

AdmiralAdamaI read that, in HTML, it is better to display non-tabular data using the <div> tag instead of the <table> tag. I have a website that is displaying a lot of things as tables, because I like the look of it. Here's what it looks like: Screenshot And here is the table code: <table> HTML <!-- **...

Q: Project Euler+ #35 - Summing circular primes less than N

Josh DawsonOverview The following code is a solution for a Project Euler+ problem on Hackerrank. A circular prime is a prime number whose rotations are also prime. For example, 197 is a circular prime since it and all it's rotations (197, 971, 719) are prime. The sum of all circular primes less than 100 i...

Q: 4x4 Matrix Keypad on Arduino UNO

clockw0rkI recently bought a 4x4 keypad. It is one like this: http://www.learningaboutelectronics.com/images/4x4-matrix-keypad-pinout.png Now every code I found on the net was either using a highly overloaded library or was poorly hacked by a guy in the arduino forums. I realized that almost all blogs ab...

You claim it works properly, but the variables used are uninitialised. Anyway, should the question be on CodeReview, as (apparently) working code you wish to improve? — Weather Vane 49 secs ago
@CaptainObvious Someone help this poster ask a proper question?
@200_success Can you help me with a cron thing quick?
I just got a Raspberry PI, and I need to setup a cron task to it.
(I need to write the python code first, but I have no idea how to setup a cron for it.)
What's your question?
First: where is the crontab? Is it /etc somewhere?
Which user do you want to run as, and how frequently?
Any user, and every 30 seconds or so if possible.
The root user will work for now.
Crib jobs run at most once per minute.
Alright, that's fine.
I can get by with that.
If it's every 30 seconds, you would be better off with a long-running daemon.
I don't know how to do that yet, but the timing doesn't really matter.
The more frequently it runs the better, but I can get by with every minute for now.
Create a file in /etc/cron.d/ with the job definition.
See man 5 crontab for the syntax.
So * * * * * will run it every minute?
That should work.
Hey it worked! :D
* * * * * root touch /home/username/test.txt
Thanks @200_success! I got everything working! :)
My name is Bill. I have 20 years of software development experience. I only have about 6 git commands memorized. https://twitter.com/gortok/status/835954028831997954
Q: Height of all nodes in a binary tree

user132110My code only show the height of all tree but i m lost with print all height nodes. //method in class Nodo public Integer eachNodeHeight(){ if(this.left == null && this.right == null){ return 0; } if(this.left != null && this.right != null){ if(this.left.eachNodeHeig...

@Phrancis the funny part about this is, that it started with a rant and became a string of confessionals
@ThomasWard I actually have some code possibly ready for review. ;)
i was pinged
@EBrown if you post it, link.
I don't know how to get it off this RPi lol
I need a network share.
Python <3
@EBrown scp or winscp, or FileZilla over SFTP
real easy if you put SSH access on :p
Why does SE log me out like every 5 days? FFS
@Phrancis I think that @EBrown is beginning to embrace the python :)
@ThomasWard I'm VNC'd in, file transfer is easy.
ah, I never use VNC file transfer :p
i'm picky :P
Yeah Python is super easy if you are used to traditional OOP programming
aside from the sometimes mildly confusing global scope ...
@EBrown That's odd, never had that problem before
somebody should scrape the tweet-tree that started with the root ...
seems like it's easy enough to do with some scripting language and the twitter API
@ThomasWard Is there a way to check what Python version is installed?
@EBrown python --version
it's either 2.6, 2.7, or 3.x
It's 2.7.9.
yeah not too many changes between that and what i have :p
just HTTPS handling and a few other things
Well a new question posted for everyone.

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