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RELOAD! There are 3343 unanswered questions (91.8620% answered)
@TetaliAnirudh Code Review is not for debugging. It is for code that works fine, but might have potential for improvement, e.g. performance wise. — Hermann Döppes just now
There is a code review stack exchange Community where you can post this question. — VHS 41 secs ago
@HermannDöppes yes. i am looking for code review. thanks. — Tetali Anirudh 13 secs ago
I'm leaning how to use git like a good programmer (I think. I know there are other version control solution out there.)
Q: need optimal solution for less time complexity in python

Tetali Anirudhquestion: answer(start,length) #start is the starting number of the matrix #length is number of rows. example 1: answer(0,3) 0 1 2 / 3 4 / 5 6 / 7 8 where the answer is 2 (by using XOR (^) checksum is 0^1^2^3^4^6 == 2.) example 2: answer(17,4) 17 18 19 20 / 21 22 23 / 24 25 26 / 27 ...

Q: Consolidating event listeners, or being excessively redundant?

Trevor BlackmanIn my project, I'm at a point where I need to attach a handful of event listeners to various HTML elements (buttons). A few, in particular, share a parent element, which makes me want to use a delegation event; something like... $parentContainer.on('click', '.button', function(){ // do some...

3 hours later…
I suggest moving this to Code Review SE. — Sir Jony 55 secs ago
1 hour later…
possible answer invalidation by yoni on question by yoni: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/152941/revisions
@Duga taken care of
@t3chb0t I don't know any of the words in this song (Macht der Gefühle) but it's a good song.
@EBrown I have spanish and romanian playlists (very small) and I don't understand any of the words either but some songs are good even if you don't know what they sing ;-]
Q: 4 sum challenge (part 2)

Lin MaThis is a continued discussion from (4 sum challenge) by return count only. Problem Given four lists A, B, C, D of integer values, compute how many tuples (i, j, k, l) there are such that A[i] + B[j] + C[k] + D[l] is zero. To make problem a bit easier, all A, B, C, D have same len...

this is strange, the browser-spotify shows on one of the playlists 30 songs more then the desktop app but the additional songs are not playable :-|
Could be unavailable in your country. That happens to me a lot.
I think you're right, I remember adding them, well, I think I'll need to rip some of them before they're gone for good, I thought only youtube would have such issues
they're stupid, some songs are 20 years old and yet they're unavailable, they seem to have nothing better to do
and some of them are still available via other albums :-| I thought having a premium account would guaranee that you can listen to all songs
@MohammadSadiqurRahman: While Code Review is for seeking improvements to working code and this is working code, the question isn't asking for improvements to the code; it is asking what (one aspect of) the code does. It wouldn't really be on-topic at CR. It is more or less on topic here at SO, but it is a surprising question. I'm having difficulty working out a good way to close it. — Jonathan Leffler 46 secs ago
Q: How about my anagram

Solehkanstatic boolean isAnagram(String A,String B) { HashMap<Character, Integer> map = new HashMap<Character, Integer>(); List<HashMap<Character, Integer>> listA = new ArrayList<HashMap<Character, Integer>>(); List<HashMap<Character, Integer>> listB = new ArrayList<HashMap<Character, Integer>>...

Q: Browser-based Mafia game in PHP

Stefan van LingenBecause I'm rather new to PHP and Object Oriented Programming, I'm often looking for some practice. Thus I decided to focus on making a browser-based Mafia game that should work like a Dutch variant: http://www.bendes.nl/. Before I go any further, I would like to put a disclaimer right here. I'm...

Q: Max amount of items in one time step - backtracking? (Google Foobar: Escape Pods Challenge)

Final_RunThis is for the Google Foobar challenge: Escape Pods (I know it's long, but please bear with me) Given the starting room numbers of the groups of bunnies, the room numbers of the escape pods, and how many bunnies can fit through at a time in each direction of every corridor in between, figure...

Q: cryptography routine for stream data

majidarifI have code that was taken from a C++ project, I have implemented it in Go but with this line by line re-code comes a few non-optimized parts. Being an encryption routine for incoming and outgoing packets (client <-> server) I need it to be as fast as it can be. I've tried to optimize it a bit b...

Q: Python traverse a directory recursively and print contact numbers

SinscaryI am writing a python code to recursively traverse a directory containing only text files and then print the 10 digit Indian phone number and all its variants. I am very new to python and I have written the following code to print the numbers and this code is working fine. I want to know if there...

@Matt The general consensus is Git is one of the better ones, considered it's used properly.
Stackoverflow is for specific problems in code. If your code works and you want suggestions on how to improve it then Code Review would be a more appropriate place to ask. — kaylum 28 secs ago
how could I move my question to code review? — How Chen 49 secs ago
Several options: (1) Flag for moderator attention, specify as the reason that the question should be moved. (2) Delete the question and resubmit on Code Review. Option 1 is better IMO, however. — StoryTeller 36 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on Code ReviewStoryTeller 25 secs ago
Btw,if you need review of your code which works, you can ask question on CodeReview. — Atomic_alarm 21 secs ago
Q: How could I shorten my code in this old graded homework?

Blue MondayI have this old graded homework, I am looking how to improve the or shorten the code, I have some lines with over 200 chars. to_pairs(network) does the opposite. n_friends(network, n) gets a network (the second presentation) and returns a set of names of persons that have exactly n friends. l...

Q: Building a UI to fetch list of features and edit them

rameshI am building a UI which fetches a list of features based on an ID and then the user can edit the list of features and save it. The script also build the UI based on the data structure currently hard coded in. Was hoping you guys review it and let me know how I can improve it "use strict"; ...

omg the Rubberduck team finds the worst edge cases and wtfs of VBA
Perhaps this could be asked at Code Review. I am not sure - you are not really looking to improve this current code, but rather for an alternative solution, correct? — Rad Lexus 24 secs ago
Yes, you might be right, but I have to admit I'm not really familiar with what type of questions are within the scope of Code Review. I do want to improve this code by implementing an alternative solution. Would you recommend to move over, then? — Schmuddi 1 min ago
Q: I want advice about how to optimize my code, as it take too long for execution

Abdel-RaoufI wrote a javascript code for finding the first two consecutive prime numbers (that doesn't have divisors except one and itself) with a specific gap between them. It works well but take too much time to give results for large numbers, when i test: gap = 8 ,start = 3,000,000 and end = 4,000,00...

@ASliceOfBread The code can also be considered underhanded: it looks so innocent as to be overseen in a code review for security issues. For the C language this is a real problem and there's even a contest for it: underhanded-c.orgJens 1 min ago
I think this question might be better asked on codereview.stackexchange.comAshley Mills 37 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because I think it might be better asked on codereview.stackexchange.com — Ashley Mills just now
That is not what SO is for - questions asking for code improvements go on codereview.stackexchange.com . — luk2302 53 secs ago
Q: Implement a basic generic priority queue using an unsorted list in C#

stt106I am aware that there are other ways of implementing a priority queue e.g. using a sorted array/list. Would appreciate some comments on my implementation of a basic priority queue supporting three simple operations: Insert, Min, Max public class QueueEntry<TKey, TValue> : IComparable<QueueEntry<...

Q: Better way to parse and convert DMS Coordinates from String to Double

Alex BartişSo I have some coordinates looking like N47° 15' 36.75",E011° 20' 38.28",+001906.00 and i've created a class to parse and convert them to double struct PLNWaypointCoordinate { var latitude: Double = 0.0 var longitude: Double = 0.0 init(coordinateString: String) { self.lati...

Q: is there any way to avoid several looping state and accomplish using only loop once?

alaskaz1864Note: Please do not use any string methods. No sorting allowed. No additional data structures including arrays allowed. An array is defined to be maxmin equal if it contains at least two different elements and the number of times the maximum value occur is the same as the number of times the min...

possible answer invalidation by Tiger Hwang on question by Tiger Hwang: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/153258/revisions
@Duga rolledback
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs to codereview.stackexchange.comCKing 53 secs ago
only bots are talking today
@t3chb0t let's change that
I have a question, if I want to ask something about the workings of UEFI which SE do I go to?
not SO, because it's not about programming with UEFI I guess
@BernardoMeurer this is a good question; @Vogel612 is it possible to search across all SE sites at the same time?
google helps...
@BernardoMeurer superuser sounds about right
@Vogel612 Lemme see
@t3chb0t Yes.
it's a very technical question though
StackExchange has a search box in the top right corner.
it's about driver management and hardware interfacing under UEFI and BIOS environments
Also, duckduckgo can bang-search most SE sites.
I don't know if that's fit for that
@BernardoMeurer Read the help.
@Mast oh, nice, I hadn't expected that
@Mast Seems it is fit! Thanks folks!
Naruto answer; accepted non-selfie answer with 0 score: Simple Python IoC
Umm.... why is this closed as a duplicate?
Q: is there any way to avoid several looping state and accomplish using only loop once?

alaskaz1864Note: Please do not use any string methods. No sorting allowed. No additional data structures including arrays allowed. An array is defined to be maxmin equal if it contains at least two different elements and the number of times the maximum value occur is the same as the number of times the min...

@SimonForsberg because this seems to be a duplicate so I marked it as a duplicate but I actually hadn't expected it to be closed immediately, I thought the gold c# tag allows me to only close c# questions and this is java so I thought it should be given for voting whether it's a duplicate or not
Good question.
There's no comment either.
@t3chb0t The code is not the same. Both questions solve the same problem, but it's not the same code.
And it wasn't closed by you alone. Although I'm not sure how it got closed exactly.
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: zlib wrapper class
well, I just marked it as a possible duplicate, few minutes later the Community user closed it I was wondering, no voting?
Q: How do we define duplicate questions?

Joe PhillipsThis QA site doesn't quite take the form that others do. Here, we have fairly specific questions. But I already see two Project Euler #1 questions that are similar. Are these duplicates?

I now know it was probably wrong but as I said, it get closed pretty quickly somehow
@t3chb0t what do you think about my answer here?
@SimonForsberg Did you just stumble upon a bug or do you have an explanation why it got closed by a single user & Community?
Possibly Community auto-checked the content of both questions and determined they were similar enough. If Community has a feature like that, we may want to disable it on Code Review.
@denis there is some good and some bad advice as far as I'm concerned but some of them are just a matter of taste so you got my +1, I think a dictionary is a good idea and actually even a sorted-dictionary could be used but the OP wants to pretend only the List exits ;-)
Yeah a sorted collection would be the way to go but..
Can you point some of those bad advises ? I suppose you are speaking of the multiple overloads of the constructor ?
@denis exactly, I prefer multiple overloads over defautl parameters, I read a book about API design and I've been convinced to not use defautl values
@Mast I don't know why Community closed it.
@denis you've mentioned the missing IEnumerable interface, this is a good advice, you can also write a few words about the Add method taking TKey and TValue so that one can use a collection initializer and the same for the Insert so that you don't have to pass it a QueueEntry object but just the two values and create the entry internally
Good idea.
I will update it an add a check for the key of the dictionary as I forgot that.
The dictionary is bad idea, you cant have multiple entries with the same Key.
@Mast community-close is when the OP agrees with the CV as dup (cc@SimonForsberg)
@denis oh, now when you say that ;-]
@Vogel612 That makes sense.
I really dislike when homework questions are asked in an ambiguous manner ..
Let A,B,C be subsets of \Omega. where A, B, C are independent ...
Prove: A \cup B and C are independent ...
what is the first one saying... P(A\capB\capC) = P(A)P(B)P(C) or just pairwise independence?
Q: Handling date rollover in same function

RobertoI have a program that specifies when an alarm should be active (say, 10AM to 8PM). Part of my program then checks if the alarm is active right now. The "is it active" checker needs to deal with alarm ranges that cross the midnight boundary into tomorrow (say, 8PM to 10AM alarm). I am currently h...

@t3chb0t updated the answer, how does it look now?
@denis much better exactly what I meant, you only need to remove the duplication in the two Add methods, the add with free parameters should call the one with the entry parameter ;-)
Great thanks @t3chb0t updated the answer again.
Q: Java class 'SymmetricEncryption': Caesar Cipher, ROT13, Vigenere

mizechI had to do the following exercise: Write a class 'Symmetric Encryption' which has methods for the following encryption techniques: Caesar Cipher ROT13 (Simplified) Vigenere Cipher The precise requirements concerning the methods I've added as comments to the source code. Here my Java class...

@Vogel612 How exactly can the OP agree with it?
@SimonForsberg he can, I know I could on SO once
@SimonForsberg There is a small window asking whether the 'x' link solved your problem and if not it tells you to edit the question to show the difference.
@SimonForsberg not so recent new feature to SE
Q: math.pow programmed manually

Alex13Hi I am trying to program math.pow manually. This is my work so far, but eclipse returns when I run it. Any kind of review is welcome. Thanks in advance import java.util.Scanner; public class Vjezyva { public static void main(String[] args) {} Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); i...

Make my code faster is off topic for Stack Overflow. Read the asking section in codereview's help, adapt your question to suit their rules, and ask at codereview.stackexchange.com. — user4581301 56 secs ago
Q: A Go package for making AES encryption just a little easier

hermancainAES encryption in Go is already pretty simple, Gencrypt is a package that acts as a wrapper around Go's standard packages used for AES encryption to make it even more simple. https://gitlab.com/zfeldt/gencrypt go get gitlab.com/zfeldt/gencrypt My questions are mostly centered around this part...

This answer has been fixed:
A: Merging Overlapping Intervals

user3202969Version similar to Widdershins version but easier to read of you do not know iterable methods. It reuses the sorted array by contracting it merging or copying intervals as needed. Without tuples it gets subtly more compact as s[m] = (s[m][0], t[1]) can become s[m][1] = t[1]. def merge_intervals(...

@EBrown :-)
@t3chb0t Good enough for me. :)
It's not really upvote-worthy, but I gave it one because the OP did fix it.
yep, I think he deserves one upvote, it's rare thet someone cooperates
Yeah, OP did the edit, added a description (still isn't a great answer, but it's no longer a bad answer) so I felt he deserved a little compensation for his efforts.
Q: Extracting JSON from string of javascript using regex?

yourfavoriteI need to get the value of item inside of this string and parse it as JSON. I've got some working code but I feel like it could be optimized (a lot) and cleaned up (a lot). Any tips or pointers are appreciated. Thanks! My current code: let result = script.match(/item:(.*|[\s\S]*)onSelected/gm)...

@CaptainObvious Tried to punnify it.
Q: Java - Log4j Singleton

lincolnadymFirst time on this community board. I'm trying to design and develop a singleton class that will handle resolution and configuration of log4j (not log4j2). The basic idea is to have a single class, reusable in any application, that handles log4j configuration and management. I want the followi...

Q: Should I be preserving encapsulation?

Nick BorisenkoI've just finished up a project in which I created a visual simulation of the life cycle of an ARM instruction in a single cycle processor. I used the MVC pattern in this project and ran into a design crossroads when I thought about how I was going to handle a specific part of the data being pass...

Q: Fetching meta-data from the AndroidManifest.xml in a fragment

Kit SundeI'm creating a YouTubePlayerFragment inside of a fragment. When initialising the player I need to pass an API key to it. So I end up with something like this: public class ItemAttachmentFragment extends ItemFragment { private String getYouTubeKey(){ Context context = getContext(); ...

Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Getting client timezone name to use with PHP date_default_timezone_set()
Q: Reverse for 'post_detail' with arguments '('',)' and keyword arguments '{}' not found. 1 pattern(s) tried: ['posts/(?P[0-9]+)/$']

SpinningAtInfinityI have this error : Reverse for 'post_detail' with arguments '('',)' and keyword arguments '{}' not found. 1 pattern(s) tried: ['posts/(?P[0-9]+)/$'] from the line 7 in home.html template : <a href="{% url 'post_detail' post.id %}">{{ post.title }}</a> From urls.py urlpatterns = [ ...

Q: Super calculator in C

machine_1For my mathematical research, I am to deal with very large numbers and I know that the standard C types are not going to stand a chance against them due to their limited capacity, so I decided to write a super calculator in C language in hope that I won't have to resort to a super computer. I st...

possible answer invalidation by lincolnadym on question by lincolnadym: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/153314/revisions
@Duga no harm
This type of question is specifically off-topic for stackoverflow and specifically on-topic for codereview.stackexchange.com so I would recommend that you take it there. — Mike Nakis 57 secs ago
Code Review exists for people to improve algorithms and things like that. Perhaps this question would be better there. — Brandon Ibbotson 10 secs ago
f = urllib.urlopen(input_file)
tree = ET.parse(f)
root = tree.getroot()
s = 0
for i in root.findall(expression):
    s += int(i.text)
print s
How not to sum values from an XML.
Q: Computing the Minimum Number of Flight Segments using BFS

Daniel ChepenkoI'm practicing with graph, and trying to solve a problem of calculating minimum number of flight segments, applying bfs. It is work, but I think, that is not clean. Can anyone suggest how can I better refactor it? def distance(adj, s, t): n = len(adj) queue = [] visited = set() ...

The code I wrote here works -- Seems like you could use a CodeReview codereview.stackexchange.com/tourcricket_007 38 secs ago
Q: Making a For Loop Much More Efficient / Concise

user7454532Is there any way to make this for loop more concise or efficient? I fell like there should be a way that you can cahnge the for loop so that it is about half the size that it is know. By the way, the array list defaultArabic has the values of {1,5,10,50,100,500,1000). Also, I'm not sure if you ne...

Q: Hackerrank Gemstones Solution

jeremy radcliffI'm looking for any possible improvements in terms of memory usage and speed, but really any advice is welcome. Problem statement: John has discovered various rocks. Each rock is composed of various elements, and each element is represented by a lower-case Latin letter from 'a' to 'z...

Anyone online and active that is pythonically savvy?
I'm trying to have the user input a raw string that gets used as part of a function. I have read about python's eval() built-in, and it would serve my purpose
I just wonder about potential bottlenecks there; I am having the user input a function in x and t, which will be used to animate plots via matplotlib
> I have read about python's eval() built-in, and it would serve my purpose
please be absolutely 100% sure you need to use eval
eval is a huge mess for security concerns
im reading about that now lol
If this is working code, see Code Review. But why are you parsing HTML with regex? — jonrsharpe 51 secs ago
do you have any alternative ideas?
I'm actually a security engineer so let me give you a scenario
someone makes a web app that utilises your function - for whatever reason
You don't whitelist the input correctly, I input a python script that downloads malware and runs it into the web app
that gets sent to your backend, into the program that you've created, gets evaled and I now own your box
could i perhaps check the input string
No, I don't, I'm not a pythonista, just warning you
eval is almost never a good idea
to make sure it onlyu consits of certain characters?
you could do that
you'll want a whitelist rather than a blacklist
only numbers, -=/* and x,t
and space of course
consult an actual pythoner before you release this in the wild though
hah thanks
im coding a visualizer for time varying functions
it definitely would make a great web app
Q: Project Euler problem 2 in Haskell

Andrew VershininI have just started Haskell, and I want to check if my code is following the spirit of the language. By considering the terms in the Fibonacci sequence whose values do not exceed four million, find the sum of the even-valued terms. fibonacci :: [Int] fibonacci = 1 : 1 : (next 1 1) where...

Q: Ordered Map in C++

Dagoberto PiresThis is the final version of my ordered-by-insertion map in C++. What do you think and how can I make it even better? I'm open to all kind of suggestions! I intend to make a similar class, this time, a ordered-by-insertion set! #ifndef CORE_TABLE_H #define CORE_TABLE_H template <typename K, typ...

Q: OAuth 2.0 implicit flow implementation

BodzioSamolotI have been implementing the OAuth 2.0 implicit flow to secure the API I use in an Angular SAP. Please, could you review my code? I am sure there is a lot of stuff to improve in it. I have separated the API into two instances: Authentication server which checks the user and password and issues...

out-of-ammo TTGTB
@DanPantry You know CSS well?
Hello. I am that programmer that just made an extra hour of work because I wanted the old class names to be prettie… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/823283411162787840
@EBrown uh.... for some values of well
What do you need help with?
@DanPantry I fixed it.
glad I could help
I needed to align an element on the right edge of a box, and I managed to make it work via magic.
Through a combination of float: right;, position: relative; and position: absolute; I made all the bad parts of CSS do good stuff.
float, absolute positioning and flexbox would work here
ouch but you used two of the three
CSS's floating rules are really weird
Fortunately this is a clear case in CSS.
Unfortunately my other layout portions are not.
.... {
  position: absolute;
  right: 0;
would work as long as the parent element was position: relative
.item-container > .outside {
    float: right;
    position: relative;
    left: 1px;
    .item-container > .outside > .outside-cont {
        min-width: 24px;
        position: absolute;
        top: 5px;
        text-align: center;
        border: 1px solid #ccc;
        border-top-right-radius: 3px !important;
        border-bottom-right-radius: 3px !important;
        background-color: #fafafa;
        border-left: 0;
gotta love css
This project looks gorgeous though.
Except for one part, but that's on purpose.
I made it ugly to draw attention to it.
The Ugly Divling
It's all red, italic text entirely...
.item-container.deleted {
    background-color: #ffdfdf !important;

    .item-container.deleted * {
        border-color: #ffbfbf !important;
        font-style: italic;

        .item-container.deleted > .item-box > .item-content > .header > .hidden-text {
            font-weight: bold;
            margin-right: 5px;
@DanPantry ^^
That's the CSS for the massive ugly block.
I showed no mercy. Lol
do not want. lol
I should post a picture.
Unfortunately that would give this project away and I don't want to do that just yet.
Q: calculate the first n primes (linux-windows bug)

leo.leoSo I have this code working fine after compiling with mingw. Then it compiles under ubuntu-16.10 and when I execute it, it yields a floating point exception. The command in both tests is the same: $ gcc primes.c -o primes -lm where is the bug? also i would like to know if there are any ideas t...

thanks for the call-out @Vogel612 :)
no worries.
[rolfl/gopi-sysfs] rolfl created repository
[rolfl/wordcount] rolfl created repository
[rolfl/powerman] rolfl created repository
[rolfl/netui] rolfl created repository
Bad Duga?
monkey business
Oh well.
Just @rolfl creating repos and using this room's ID in the Duga-hook.
@DainIIIronfoot IIUC repository creation methods can only happen by watching
hooks are not usable when the repo doesn't exist
so newly added hooks are going to be pings
in VBA Rubberducking, Dec 12 '16 at 17:49, by Duga
[EBrown8534/RubberduckWeb] Ping: Practicality beats purity.
^^ like this
I think he maybe had a hook on a non-published repo.
Q: second degree connection ranking

Lin MaWorking on below second degree connection ranking problem. Post the problem and my code, my current solution is, find all first degree connection, and then for each first degree connection, I try to find true (i.e. not overlapped with first degree connection) second degree connection, and build a...

Or maybe he just made them public.
Because they all have activity from several days ago already.
Q: Can I talk to rubber duck at work?

kukisI have noticed I have had great success using another co-worker as a metaphorical rubber duck (sometimes intentionally, sometimes unintentionally). It improves my productivity vastly. However, I know that it probably distracts others when I am using them in that way. That's why I want to buy a l...

Not a single quackers pun in that comment thread? Cracks knuckles
There's absolutely nothing wrong with rubber duck debugging. People may think you're a bit quackers, but if it gets the job done. I have a colleague who does this and no one really cares. — Dan Pantry 12 secs ago
I have no regrets.

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