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RELOAD! There are 3111 unanswered questions (92.1507% answered)
soo ... why the heck is there a styleclass everyonelovesstackoverflow in the Code Review CSS?
Q: Two-letter word dictionary

overexchangeHere is the code for a two-letter word dictionary (ex: aa), /* dictionary.h */ #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> #include<stddef.h> #define WORDSIZE 2 #define LETTERS 26 #define WORDS LETTERS*LETTERS #define EOS '\0' #define MAXDEFINITIONSIZE 512 typedef struct { char word[WORDS...

@Vogel612 They saw that we are a bunch of SO-Siths here.
@Vogel612 I was wondering the same thing.
ads maybe?
I wonder if the announcement about Mat should be pinned, or not?
'adzerk' is in the content of there.
It is certainly relevant information.
@Hosch250 I'd prefer to wait for a meta-post
Makes sense.
It is relevant to the entire site, so that is meta.
Q: Graph and Node classes with BFS and DFS functions

123I've created a Node class and a Graph class class Node: def __init__(self, val): self.val = val self.edges = [] class Graph: def __init__(self, nodes=[]): self.nodes = nodes def add_node(self, val): newNode = Node(val) self.nodes.append(newNo...

@Hosch250 I won't run, unless someone really convinces me to. I don't really have time for it and I don't have the rep/badges to be competitive.
Q: Why the verify method is not working properly?

JaxI have a method to insert at the begin of a linked list: void insertBegin(int value) { struct node *var; var=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof (struct node)); var->data=value; if(head==NULL) { head=var; head->next=NULL; } else { var->next=head;...

@CaptainObvious 200 beat me by about 2 seconds.
Sweet, a Necromancer badge :D
Q: Is there any way to execute node.js file using require JS in visual studio cordova app?

RajanI need to run node.js file in my android app. I can execute it by cmd and it is working fine, in these file there is auto command for tweet. When these file is called by cmd it post a tweet. How do I use these file or call these file in my index.html file in order to execute these functionality f...

Q: Make Python Frequency Analysis More Memory Efficient (counting keywords)

jrjames83I have a csv with around 10,000,000 lines. Each line looks appx like: keyword1, keyword2, ....keywordn keyword1, keyword2, ....keywordn keyword1, keyword2, ....keywordn keyword1, keyword2, ....keywordn The script which does a frequency count and outputs to another text file is below: from col...

Q: What is wrong with my DP solution for the Pogo-Cow problem on USACO 2013 silver?

harry47341Problem link: http://www.usaco.org/index.php?page=viewproblem2&cpid=345 Here is my code: #include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<vector> #include<cstring> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; ifstream fin("pogocow.in"); ofstream fout("pogocow.out"); vector<pair<int, int>> a; int n; lo...

Q: HackerRank - Bear and Steady Gene - C# code

Jianmin Chenproblem statement: https://www.hackerrank.com/contests/hourrank-6/challenges/bear-and-steady-gene I wrote two version of C# code, please help. First version: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace BearAnd...

@EBrown check this out: newegg.com/Product/…
8 bucks; no more fiddling with switching HDMI cords :)
Q: Python 3. How to open a text file in binary mode?

df86In the following python code: counter = 0 with open("data.dat", "rb") as f: for byte in f: counter += 1 print(byte) print(counter) data.dat abcdef Output b'abcdef' 1 Why is the entire string printed instead of individual bytes? More importantly, why does counter = ...

@CaptainObvious off-topic and Closed.
@skiwi I know that rustfmt says we should use 4 spaces for indentation, but 2 spaces reads much easier
@DanPantry I use 4 spaces for C#...
2 spaces isn't that readable.
2 spaces is super readable for me
If you're used to JS than 2 spaces reads pretty easy too, at least for code with relatively short lines
Java with 2 spaces is really hard to read
I prefer 4 spaces for JS. I'm used to it.
with a language as verbose as rust you run out of line space pretty damn quickly with 4 spaces
@Phrancis Well now that I'm on the new TV I don't need to switch HDMI cords. Lol
@DanPantry @Hosch250 I use three spaces. Who needs even numbers?
@EBrown Star for... uniqueness?
Q: "Get Node Value" Problem in Linked List structure

Andy TeeHere is the link I'm solving this problem with the most basic way I can think. I know there are better recursion solutions for this task. But I'm struggling with my code. int GetNode(Node *head,int positionFromTail) { Node* reversedHead = new Node(); // reversedHead will be the 1st node of...

2 hours later…
I'm so mad at Microsoft right now.
This stupid "use the internet for everything" culture is just crap.
My Xbox decided to do updates (while I was at work), the problem is that all of the updates it wants to do are 5GB+, with Halo 5 being 45GB. Now it won't let me play any of the games in the update queue while they're in the queue.
And you can't cancel an update.
So, now I have to disconnect from wireless, uninstall the game, reinstall the game, and hope it doesn't decide magically to reconnect.
And if you pause one of the updates, it only moves it to the bottom of the queue and continues.
There's no way to pause the whole queue.
Monking ^^
@EBrown It was that very moment when I decided to buy a Macbook Pro
@Dex'ter Yeah, my iMac works great. My PS4 works great. If a game on my PS4 needs an update, it let's me play the game offline while it updates.
there's so much sh----i----eet in this world that I decided not to but a TV. So I never touched a PS4 or XBOX 360.
hmm, how do I cut a letter ? I thought it was <s></s>
Use ---letter---.
Q: Haskell: using maybe for error handling

iluvASI've just got into haskell a few days ago and I love it. Looking for some pointers and best practices on how to organise and write haskell code specifically when it comes to managing errors. The following is an implementation of "select a list from a 2D list, take the last item from its nearest ...

Q: Code Optimisation for reading complete contact in Android

Apps WiseMy Goal is to read complete contact information on an android application. I am using below code, but it is very slow and my understanding is since the contacts are stored in locally in phone database it shouldn't take long to fetch complete contact details - public void readContacts() { Log...

@Mast codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/148390/… there isn't anything hypothetical about this question - all relevant parts considering the problem are provided by the OP.
If what you want is just a better way to write some working code, then the right place is codereview.stackexchange.comettanany 29 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because OP is seeking for optimisations and CodeReviews is the right place for it. — Rajesh 25 secs ago
@ettanany as it is, the question lacks context and it'll probably be closed as off-topic on [codereview](codereview.stackexchange.com) — Dex' ter 9 secs ago
Q: Hence they are not pleased with

saonisinghHence they are not pleased with Testo Vital their sexual lifestyle and so their associates are also not pleased. Testo Vital complement words excellent to bring the androgenic hormonal or testosterone stage up hence adding more fun in your sexual lifestyle, affecting your emotions positively and...

^ lol
Monking @all
@DanPantry That might work better indeed... Clojure also uses 2 spaces :D
Q: TypingTest Autotyper Userscript

Patrick RobertsFor fun, I decided to inspect the obfuscated source code on TypingTest and figure out how to write an auto typer for it. I came up with the following UserScript. A couple of notes: The site's code simply checks for focus on the .test-edit-area element, and handles each keydown and keypress eve...

Hi there. As there are no functionality issues with your code, this post would be better suited to the sister site Code review. You might get a better response on there. — Glitch_Doctor 14 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs to codereview.stackexchange.comvishes_shell 37 secs ago
Q: Expand string patterns in Elisp

cevingI need to expand logical patterns to list of strings. For example I have the following definition: (expand-pattern '(and "xy" (or "1" "2") (or (and "ab0" (or "1" "2" "3")) "cd01"))) Which eval...

@CaptainObvious Meh, I don't really like the premise of that script, but it's on-topic
Seems like this question would be more appropriate for Code Review Stack Exchange. — augurar 14 secs ago
Q: Decoding Truecolour PNG to Grayscale and performing edge detection

EvusI keep this short. Program idea is take normal PNG with colour type 2(Truecolour), decode it to grayscale and perform edge detection operator. I have rewritten code asked here before. Now my mainly concerns is Style Reasoning errors(algorithms, "Why did you put it there", etc) Is code easy...

Q: IP rotation for website scrapping

VISWESWARAN1998There is no good implementation of I.P rotation in Python which is a necessary evil in website scrapping. Nowadays websites have become more advanced and started to divert the bots to captcha land so this implementation will really help in web-crawler programming. GimmyProxy has general API but ...

possible answer invalidation by iluvAS on question by iluvAS: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/148412/revisions
Q: How to recreate this script in the most optimized/elegant way w/o import anything?

To DoI am trying to create a submenu-in-submenu so I came up with this: def main(): for steps in range(len(menu)): print('%d. %s' % (steps+1,menu[steps])) print print("************************") print sl=int(input('Choose your Job: '))-1 while sl < 0 or sl > 12: ...

@Captain Already self deleted :(
Q: blackjack game Python 2.7

G.GabuniaPlease review my game. I am learning python now, so any suggestions are welcome. I am running this on linux machine, in Komodo and terminal. #!/usr/bin/python #encoding=utf8 import random # init global variables used for game player = [] dealer = [] class Deck(object): def __init__(se...

Hmm didn't expect to reach HNQ with this
Q: Difference between FakeDbset and Moq DataSet

FooVirusI'm creating a context for unit testing, first, I create dbset with moq which cause issue that Collection was modified, enumeration operation may not executed. Here Code for MoqDbSet private ISkill skillManager; [TestInitialize] public void Init() { v...

If the code works already you may consider to post that question to codereview.stackexchange — HimBromBeere 17 secs ago
@Dex'ter apparently you're not the only one who wonders if they should socialize with other collegues
@t3chb0t yea... I've chosen this software engineer life out of two reasons: it's beautiful and it doesn't involve people much. Since I moved to a multinational, it does :(
hi friends, as we are doing php project, there will be registered users and admin , both have some common pages like "profile" , " orders" , is it better to write code for both user & admin in one page [ if else conditions] or is it better to use profile1.php - for admin & profile2.php - for users = > which give more quality & performance......
@abcd it's always better to split the logic into several functions / classes / views so..without seeing any of your code, I'd choose the second option :)
@Dex'ter I'm not saying there is anything wrong with being a software engineer - on the contrary
@t3chb0t I know. I just expected less interaction with my colleagues
@Dex'ter thanks a lot for valuable information, so you are telling its not depend on pages - profile1.php - admin, profile2.php - users, it all about Class A/function A for user & Class B/function B for admin , am i right ?
@abcd I can't tell that for sure without seeing what you actually have so far. More, it's also about consistency. If you followed a specific style guide. logic and so on, you should stick to that. But usually, we recommend to always split your logic into several functions / classes etc :) Maybe somebody from here would be able to give you some more infos regarding this, but I doubt since we have no idea what's going on there in your project :)
Thanks a lot @Dex'ter .....
Monking ASM Guy aka @skiwi hehe
@Dex'ter I also decided to become a software developer for this reason, but after a six months internship I ended as a lead developer in a small game development studio where I have to talk to people all day long.
hey @Dex'ter, good call, because I do have my BF compiler on the menu for today :P
@skiwi what do you plan do add to that ? ^^
Basically more optimizations
My compiler used to 1:1 compile to ASM, recently I added the option to add together multiple statements (+++ would be add 1, add 1, add 1 and now is add 3)
Next one up is loop optimizations
@Stud well, that's life ^^ we have to deal with it. As somebody recommended in one oh his comments: "If you make connections to people, you will find them far more cooperative. If you make connections to people, they will far more likely to forgive a mistake. If you make connections to people you are FAR more likely to survive a layoff. You truly need to read some books on office politics, you can't afford to sit in a bubble all day."
Q: (Beginner) I can't get my ball to bounce off of the walls or paddles in my pong game

Chris DiepenmaatI am working on a pong game for my informatics class in high school. I have no experience prior to this attempt at C#. I use visual studio, and the project is a windows forms project. I know a lot of things (like the keydown and keyup) can be used a lot more efficient using cases (or maybe method...

@Dex'ter well said, i completely agree....... just golden words.....
@skiwi you might as well add that project to your CV. ASM programmers are rare and wealthy paid :p
@Dex'ter Kind of doubt they are needed around here, I don't have it on my CV, but I did as x86 Assembly (basic knowledge) as a skill
@skiwi as a reference project to that skill (that's what I meant)
Still trying to figure out how to deal with mostly my Rust, Clojure, C#, WPF and x86 Assembly skills... Used to list them on my CV as (beginner), but now I changed it to (basic knowledge), things like Java, Javascript, Git, SQL, etc. etc. don't hae anything behind it
@Dex'ter Ah right, I'd definitely bring it up if I'm actively searching for an ASM job :P For now not really
@Dex'ter I never though about books on office politics, that a good idea!
@Stud that's the advantage of posting questions on stackexchange. You can find A LOT of good ideas.
While going to the office, I used to read books. Now, I'm reading the HNQ and I find out to be an incredible source of information :)
office politics? if there even was such thing
the CEO doesn't care about anyone anyway and your collegues have no influence on anything so socializing with them is useless
That's a very... dim? view
everything beyond a casual small talk is a waste of time
@t3chb0t I tend to take your side on this
but not entirely
they're organizing lan parties in the company where I work or soccer evening on wednesdays... I don't think if you make a mistake sometime they're gonna say "oh, you were at the party and are a nice guy, will forgive you the 1mln dollar mistake and won't fire you"
@skiwi bleak
Monking @Vogel612
@t3chb0t hunans are strange. Sometimes they do objectively stupid things
BTW, this morning I said to my GF MONKING out of habbit. She gave me that look ...
I just slept too long and missed two lectures...
@Dex'ter LOL
@skiwi yea..
@t3chb0t so negative
@JeroenVannevel hard-edged
Q: Validator Class in PHP

CoderDude TwodeeI am trying to create a validation class that can be used to validate many forms of my webpage in general. It makes use of the database as well to verify records. The problem with it is that it looks bad and somewhat inefficient. I couldn't find any alternatives and I have used too many if-else...

Nothing tough about being a pessimist
Q: First programming challenge in R FizzBuzz

papasmurfI was messing around online at work the other day when our phone systems went down. I came across the R programming language. Now I'm not guru with programming by any means but I like to mess around with different languages here and there, I believe it helps me to become a better programmer. So I...

Any advice would be appreciated is the kind of question that is off-topic for StackOverflow. You should consider looking at the CodeReview Stack Exchange to see if your question fits the requirements for what is on-topic for their site as this question may be a fit there. — Lexi 15 secs ago
Q: Hex Color Analyzer in javafx

MakHere is a simple hex color fetcher and analyzer in javafx that i wrote to understand multi-threading in javafx. Questions: Is my regex ok? or it can be write in more better way. I am not much familiar with javafx multi-threading so need know that i am doing it properly. Need special attention ...

Q: Finding The Minimum Moves to Achieve Equal Array Elements

Innat3Long story short, the other day I discovered the site LeetCode and started solving some of its problems until I stumbled into this one I'll paste the description here: Given a non-empty integer array of size n, find the minimum number of moves required to make all array elements equal, where a ...

codereview.stackexchange.com but it has been asked there more than a million times already. — Idos 17 secs ago
@JeroenVannevel Did the sun wake you from your hibernation? :D
Q: Vending Machine if and else statements in java

caoimI'm trying to get the money working on the vending machine. It keeps coming up incorrect amount even when it is the right amount even though i've said differently in the if and else statements would anyone be able to help me please? I can't seem to find where i have gone wrong int totalstock = 0...

@skiwi slow compilations
codereview.stackexchange.com, or something else, also note that indentation (spaces/tabs) play an important role in python — Christophe Roussy 51 secs ago
Q: PHP Script to generate hreflang tags

JavacadabraI'm currently working on a website which provides content to users based on their region. As a result the website has sub directories for the appropriate regions. For example a pricing page would look something like this: http://mydomain.com/ie/pricing http://mydomain.com/gb/pricing http://mydo...

You guys remember how yesterday a German telephone and internet provider couldn't service a million people?... Well they say the Russians did it now..
@Vogel612 Obviously, huh
interestingly the responsible hackers apparently didn't really do all that well ...
at least that's what the news say
If your code is working it's probably off-topic here. Try submitting to codereview.stackexchange.com instead. — Chris 48 secs ago
Q: This code takes words from a sentence enters them into a file and then prints the number of the position of each word

Ieuan Dunnfirstsentence = input("enter a sentence: ") #asks the user to enter a sentence sentence = firstsentence x = sentence.split() #splits the chosen sentence into single word another = [0] for count, i in enumerate(x): if x.count(i) < 2: another.append(max(another) + 1) #finds the position of each...

@CaptainObvious One more VTC
wow that thing is alive for half an hour now :/
> It keeps coming up incorrect amount even when it is the right amount even though i've said differently in the if and else statements would anyone be able to help me please?
@Vogel612 poof
@EladTabak several commenters and also you convinced me that this question would have been for some other forum (CodeReview?) and dealt in more detail. We would probably share some points. — Joop Eggen 44 secs ago
python is strange ..
code before:
if __name__ == '__main__';
	x = np.arange(-1.0, 1.0, 0.001)
	equi = plt.plot(x, as_polynom(equidistant_points(8)), 'r-', label="Equidistant Supporting Points")
	tsch = plt.plot(x, as_polynom(tschebyscheff_points(8)), 'g-', label="Tschebyscheff Supporting Points')
works just fine when executing ...
now take the same code, wrap it in a function like so:
def plot_points(n):
	# code here

if __name__ == '__main__':
and suddenly python complains about the name x being undefined inside as_polynom, where I didn't change jack...
@Vogel612 Did you use as_polynom(equidistant_point(x))? or as_polynom(equidistant_point(n))?
with n
Oh, wait, you get a NameError: 'x' in as_polynom?
Well, time to define x in as_polynom ;)
but ... I didn't have to before... why?
Before, x was in the global scope
x = np.arange(-1.0, 1.0, 0.001)
so, if it is the same, you can pass it as parameter
if not, time to fix your bug
urk... that actually makes sense, but the easier solution is to just define it in the __name__ == '__main__' block
@Vogel612 but the cleanest and the readable is the latest
no, def as_polynom(whatever, x): and use it like as_polynom(equidistant_points(n), x)
Hmm, I still don't get it
@Dex'ter it's just a partial exercise solution :)
@MathiasEttinger yea I should ... but then I should pull it out into that block anyways.
because that is what defines the domain of the function I'm plotting
So you still want to rely on a global variable, even after being bitten by it?
shush. fixed
I just pulled it through all functions and the code is write-once-use-once-and-then-throw-away:)
Tumbleweed candidate; zero score, no answers, no comments, and low views: Login System In Batch
Q: Insert Excel Graphs using Class to define parameters

tom prestonI have a loop in my main sub routine which creates multiple graphs. This is run across a number of sheets, creating the same graphs for each sheet, but with different ranges and other variables. I have a separate subroutine for each graph (two are shown below, others are similar and can be poste...

I feel bad for this hack, I should probably remove it
int _ = (movingForward) ? maskIterator.next() : maskIterator.previous();
Don't think it gets any simpler than this though...
if (movingForward) {
else {
Greetings, Programs.
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Eliminate code duplication for copying properties between two classes
Greetings, @Donald.McLean.
this is working fine for me... i appreciate for any suggestion thanks - if so, then this question is more for http://codereview.stackexchange.com/Fabio 9 secs ago
Damn, I was loudly arguing with my own code :|
welcome to the club of coders that went insane without noticing
I swear I want to do something to the guy who write Java's ListIterator...
Just kidding... but damn do I hate that class, but I need it
Actually, I guess the class is written quite okay, but just difficult
Maybe I'm the crazy one
what exactly do you want to do with ListIterator?
because there's some things it just was designed to make really hard
Q: Plotting different parameterized polynoms

Vogel612For a university assignment I had to plot different polynomial functions depending on one single parameter. That parameter gave the number of supporting points to interpolate a given function in the domain \$\lbrack -1.0, 1.0 \rbrack \$. The supporting points were to be calculated in two differ...

@skiwi how exactly. anything special about how you iterate? because otherwise ...
I want to build a LinkedList with it, start with a 0 node, move to the right if the BF code moves the pointer to the right, move to the left if the code does that and alter the current cell if the BF code tells me to do that
yea that's not what an Iterator does ...
an Iterator iterates every element in a collection exactly once.
Makes me wonder why I'm not using the normal operations actually
what you want is memory-access... and an Iterator is designed to exactly not do that
But it works... Only need to add the begin and end index to the code :/
Optimizing BF loops is not as fun as I thought
> [0^]
[-1, 0^] : ptr +1
[-1, 3^]
[0^, -1, 3] : ptr -2
[3^, -1, 3]
[3, -1^, 3] : ptr +1
Does that list make any sense?
It's for [->+++<<+++>]
With my ListIterator shenanigans I managed to build [3, -1, 3] as list, and the list "starts" at index 1, only need to figure out how I can calculate that with my code
It seems so trivial, but I'm missing the point I think
Q: Optimize shunting-yard algorithm

Dan DanFollowing your suggestions, I updated my expression evaluator with a Shunting-Yard algorithm. I've created two classes, a Shunting-yard class and a RPNsolver class. The first I mentioned converts from infix to postfix notation and the other solves the postfix expression. I'm open to suggestion...

I just realized why this chat is called "The 2nd Monitor"
Im at school using dual monitors and I have this chat on the 2nd one
possible answer invalidation by TomCa on question by TomCa: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/148393/revisions
@Duga rolled back
And I just realize that all I need to do really is to count the amount of elements added to the left
@skiwi I'm just thankful I rarely have to use iterators.
@Donald.McLean pastebin.com/JugzghkA I'm not going to argue that my code is clear and concise
I also like how I wrote that top method and then proceeded to totally ignore it :/
instanceof = blech
Yeah... I'm pretty sure my Abstract Syntax Tree is not properly set up
@Smarticles101 I hate when I have to take my laptop to a meeting because that reduces me to a single monitor. Something nearly as bad as slamming a finger in a door.
But now I've got this setup rolling I guess I should just keep on rolling with it
@CaptainObvious @Vogel612 No example output?
SO is not a code-testing service. You are fully capable of running it and seeing if it works yourself. Make sure to check edge cases like multiple identical keys and empty trees. If it doesn't work, it'll give bad output or crash, not destroy the universe. Don't be afraid to run your code and just see if it works. If you're looking for code review, there's another SE site for that. If you have a specific problem, this is the place. And if you have an update or clarification for your question it is best to post it as an edit to the question rather than a comment. — CollinD 53 secs ago
Passed 6k today :-)
@Mast Gats!
Hey I'm at 6,099 I see :P
@Mast not quite sure what sample output you're expecting ... I sure can add the generated diagrams
@Vogel612 For example. IMO it would improve the question, but it's up to you.
the point is that these aren't terribly interesting, because their magnitude is really low for an extended part of the domain but it scales out by about two orders ..
@skiwi Thanks :-)
@Vogel612 Well, perhaps someone has a good point on how to make them more interesting to look a.
@Mast but then they wouldn't be plotting the relevant polynoms anymore ...
sure I could put the yscale onto log scaling, but that's not really the point of the code, I think
I feel slightly stupid now... Apparently you can just read what's being appended to a file by using tail -f filename
It's your call, I'm just trying to help :-)
the image above is the most interesting of the 4 generated plots...
Just curious: Would this better fit into codereview.stackexchange.com ? — Top Questions 35 secs ago
public class MemoryAddMultipleOfStoredValueExpression implements Expression { }
for progress i would suggest passing an IProgress item msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh193864(v=vs.110).aspx however this is not a coding question, i would suggest you move it to codereview.stackexchange.comMikeT 53 secs ago
I woke up with 6 pings and was like "oh god what crap did I say"
Turns out it was all skiwi and jacwah
Q: WPF async ObservableTaskQueue class

ProfetI'm currently working on a WPF application, making calls to various web APIs. Thus, I'm looking after a special observable tasks queue : Progress value must be available Tasks (API calls)/seconds must be limited Failed tasks must be restarted (API calls may unexpectedly raise exceptions) Si...

@DanPantry People like pinging you.
@DanPantry Didn't you know?
@DanPantry It's great fun.
Доброе утро!
Yea, good luck to you too.
@Mast ಠ_ಠ
possible answer invalidation by Jamal on question by Innat3: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/148442/revisions
@Duga been a whiles since I've seen one of these :D
> │ ├── MemorySetValue
│ │ └── Integer(0)
│ ├── MemoryPointerChange
│ │ └── Integer(-1)
│ ├── MemoryAddMultipleOfStoredValue
│ │ └── Integer(9)
│ ├── MemoryStoreCurrentValue
Yes yes, no, that's not going to work at all
Q: Cache for slow API

kharandziukI work with an API which answers really slowly. I created a module which constantly asks the API and update some cached value. The code is degraded for study purposes: // module cache.js const Promise = require('bluebird') let results function setter(_results) { results = _results } functi...

@skiwi What's that?
@Stud Part of an Abstract Syntax Tree of Brainfuck code :P
@skiwi But... Why?
Q: Dijkstra's Algorithm using Priority Queue Java

Taylor GonzalesI need to implement Dijkstra's Algorithm using priority queue in Java. Here is my code so far: public class Node { long idNum; String label; HashSet<Edge> outEdges; HashSet<Edge> inEdges; int indegree; int outdegree; int inNum, outNum...

I heard about Brainfuck before but never looked into it... The only thing I can say is that is it well named.
@Stud Because we are crazy here :P
Better for Code Review. — Neal 52 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on codereview.stackexchange.comNeal 42 secs ago
@BA If that's working code, it looks like it'd form the basis of a good question on codereview.stackexchange.comWayne Conrad 45 secs ago
@Duga why not edit the comment?? ... this and the two before are on the same question
@Vogel612 Duga is a bot, right? chat.stackexchange.com/users/125580/duga
ps. see codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/148463/… for comments on this code & also a Proxy Funciton for ConvertTo-CSV which adds culture support. — JohnLBevan 55 secs ago
@Stud Yep.
Seems like it's working now... I blame one oversight and well another oversight
Computers check things faster than people. In general, you run a battery of tests. If something fails and you can't find the problem, you post here. If it appears to work, but you have doubts, you post to CodeReview. — Prune 22 secs ago
Kevin Troy on November 29, 2016
Our data platform, Providence, has evolved over the last two years. We look at how and why it has changed, and the effects on our counts of developers.
Q: PowerShell Export-CSV with Cultural Awareness

JohnLBevanI recently had a requirement to export data to CSV in a different culture & hit an issue (see http://stackoverflow.com/a/40871162/361842). Here's my workaround: function ConvertTo-SpecifiedCulture { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline)] [PSOb...

I asked because recursion may be better handled by a database engine. That being said, you might consider posting your question at Code Reviewdevlin carnate 27 secs ago
Q: What is the recommended approach to have less contrived code in the function of my component that reacts on data changed from the store?

ibizaLong question warning... I have a React/Flux web app and want to follow the architecture best practices: I will focus on one view for my question, the component used to insert/update an entity (a User in occurence). Everything is working with this code, but the core of my question is about t...

Q: Hospital managment system

user_1604Need help in designing classes for my project. Hospital is composed of departments and wards. Department has staff. Person *-------------*Hospital Class Hospital { private String name; private Address address; private List<...

Could someone please inform California that it is meant to be Winter?
@DanPantry Winter != snow.
Winter is also != 16c but here we are
In California it does
If you want 30F, come to MN.
Although our snow is melting just now, so make that more like 35-40F.
Come around January 15. We'll probably have snow then.
At our locations, we have white Christmases about 50/50.
30f? what's that in the unit that literally the rest of the world uses
Use your Microsoft Calculator to figure it out.
About -1c.
Or 272k.
@EthanBierlein Since when did you know how to use the cryllic alphabet?
You know, I want to start a town called "Height".
So the weatherman can say "It is fair in Height today."
crowd groans
Q: Can Media Queries be placed internally in .html?

user124375I tried placing the media query above and below the main CSS but it won't take either way. I've used them before but am stuck here. The content should have a 10px margin when the screen is less than 813px. Is there something obvious here I do not know about? <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <...

Q: Check if relations exists for a parent node before deleting it so that we don't have any orphan child node

iCodeHere I am trying to delete a parent node but only if it doesn't have any child node. Please review this code. PostController.php /** * Delete the given post. * * @param int $post_id * @return void * * @throws \App\Exceptions\RelationExistsException */ public function deletePost($post_i...

@CaptainObvious Yes, but don't
> Also, the rules for the site are any and every point is up for discussion, even if some points are more equal than others.
This looks more like a Code Review question...codereview.stackexchange.comRdster 1 min ago
Q: Uncaught Reference Error: myTotal() is not defined, when i use the button with the onClick event

Robin Jennings <script> var food = document.getElementById("foodItems").value; var howMany = document.getElementById("itemTotal").value; var shippingCost = parseFloat("3.50"); var totalBill = food ++ parseFloat(shippingCost) + parseFloat(howMany); function myTotal() { if (isNaN(totalBill)...

@DanPantry It was -7 in my backyard last night.
Coldest November night since 1998 I heard.
It will probably be a week or two until we get that low.
@Mast you're kinda close to shore though. on the "large scale" that is. We've had colder nights a few weeks ago already
@Malachi I guess that new user hasn't read your comment yet, but since I have ammo again, have an upvote. You wrote a marvelous answer, worthy of stealing my check mark.
@Vogel612 That's what I thought, till it got -22 a couple years ago in February.
@Mast I thought that I had it for a little while, or at least until he commented....
That's just nuts for my location.
@Mast thank you
Global cooling
now I have the Check mark again....
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Saving data to a Sharepoint list taking a long time
Q: Thread safe singleton class to connect to cassandra

davidI am working with Cassandra and using Datastax Java driver for it. Below is my singleton class where it makes connection to cassandra. public class CassUtil { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getInstance(CassUtil.class); private Session session; private Cluster cluster; priv...

@Stud We are so obsessed with writing fabulous code we don't mind the challenge of trying the same in weird languages, including Brainfuck.
Brain fuck fabulous
So, if you don't mind hanging around with a bunch of obsessed nutjobs trying to be very good at what they do, feel free to stick around :-)
Someone was talking about BF, yea?
I'm converting ASM to BF and writing ASM at the same time
Eh, make that converting BF to ASM...
I'm not going to do the other way around!
@skiwi Just try it.
I'm still working on transforming loops to more efficient code whenever possible
Turns out that I forgot to save a very important part
Back to the drawing board...
@skiwi Does that include unrolling them?
Actually, I didn't forget, I just forgot that I did it
@Hosch250 Hmm, I don't know if you can talk about unrolling loops in BF
@skiwi Sure you can.
How would you?
Instead of looping, just write the code out in sequence.
How else would you unroll a loop?
Oh, this is for for loops and stuff.
Does BF have for loops, or just while loops?
Yeah okay, in BF you have loops that ultimately do not change the pointer, and you have loops that do change the pointer
@Hosch250 Just while loops
OK, should a little trickier.
When I'm talking about a pointer here I'm talking about a pointer to the current memory cell
Say I have memory of: [0, ^8]
And I find the code sequence of [-<+++++++++>]
Yeah, whatever. I don't know BF.
Then it's equivalent to a mask of [+9, -1^]
And in BF it's while-loops until the current cell is zero
As the current cell is 8, and on every iteration you do -1, you get to 0 after 8 iterations
Well, you can make that into a for loop.
Now you can add 8 * 9 to the cell to the left
posted on November 29, 2016 by CommitStrip

Yeah, if you know that, you can unroll the loop.
It's more a calculation than unrolling though /methinks
Just write the body out 8 times, or whatever, with the modification at the end of each loop.
The thing is that I'm not writing it out 8 times, I'm just doing it all at once
Yeah, but sometimes unrolling it makes it faster.
And I'm actually at this very part right now
Don't ask me how or why--I'm not a CS major.
Not in this case, I'm not looping at all anymore in this loop
Then it isn't a loop.
It used to be a loop, until I removed it :)
Whatever. I don't get it.
int number = 5;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
Yes I know very ugly code there
but I could replace the loop by number += 10;
That's somewhat similar to what I'm doing
Q: Groups/colors/removes cells

RossBased on the value of what is in column B (column A is hidden) it groups/colors/removes the corresponding node(s). "R - " values are nodes that need to be grouped. The rows are 6 cells apart before a new node starts. It also adds a formula below the value. I wrote this code and it of course look...

int[] memory = { 0, 8 };
int pointer = 1;
while (memory[pointer] != 0) {
    memory[pointer] -= 1;
    memory[pointer - 1] += 9;
That comes pretty close to the BF code ^^
I change it to:
int[] memory = { 0, 8 };
int pointer = 1;
temp = memory[pointer];
memory[pointer] = 0;
memory[pointer - 1] += (memory[pointer - 1] * temp);
I bet you anything you could get a job on a compiler team.
Hm I don't know, I find it pretty difficult
BF and ASM are right now together breaking my mind
this is what we get when Microsoft open-sources .NET projects
You are basically already doing it. You've proved you are interested and can do it--most companies wouldn't mind teaching you the rest.
@skiwi Isn't that what BF is made for?
@Stud Correct...
@DanLyons Wow, lol
And simultaneously I think you've just been my rubber duck @Hosch250 ;)
@skiwi Glad to help.
@SimonForsberg I started learning Russian recently. I'm still not totally familiar with it yet.
@EthanBierlein Ah, cool. I speak a little bit Ukranian.
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