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@SwiftOnSecurity https://t.co/G3Jm9OrBa9
@Mat'sMug @Kaz ^^
RT'd :)
That's gold.
@EBrown Ah yes. I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you could somehow objectively measure the economic output of different pieces of software, MS Excel would be the most productive software application ever written by an order of magnitude.
It's easy for bureaucrats with assistants to talk crap about Office, the fact is Excel macros quite literally run the friggen planet.
Does Windows also qualify as software? ^^
@Kaz I wouldn't be surprised if Mr. Spolsky has actual data on that.
@skiwi Barely.
Q: What are used tools for code analyse of Mobile development to calculate cyclomatic complexity?

EmnaWhat are used tools for code review of Mobile development to calculate cyclomatic complexity?

Q: Calls many stored dataframes, change them and combine them

AizzaacI call many dataframes (using pickle), then I extract the interesting values of each one and finally combine them. Is there a better way to do it? For example with a for loop call them automatically instead of having to repeat the code many times? #Dataframe 1 df_NB_E = pd.read_pickle('/Datafr...

@skiwi I'd call it software, but this is why I said software application specifically.
Ah right, I ignored that word ;)
@CaptainObvious Might make a meta question, but it's off-topic at main.
Operating Systems, being a platform rather than a product, makes it very difficult to attribute output.
@skiwi it can be hardware too, depends if you shop at Staples (office supplies) or Home Hardware (need a hammer?)
Operating Systems might even be considered firmware.
@CaptainObvious @Mat'sMug Opinion?
But you have to encourage those who start from the beginning — Emna 16 secs ago
I don't 'have' to do anything.
I suspect you're reading a different help center than the one I linked, such a requirement is not stated in the one I'm reading. — Mast 15 secs ago
There. Dinnertime.
Q: protect against xss with .htaccess file

Sample_dMy htaccess redirects everything to my index.php, but i wonder if it's vulnerable to xss attacks. Am i safe? -- htaccess file RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule .*$ index.php/$1 [L] php_value auto_append_file none -- index.php ...

Hi All
.doc is so bad, they decided XML was a better option. Do you understand what I am saying.
hi @Emna!
@Mast No offense but I removed that comment. Although you are correct it didn't really add any value. It's good to encourage users, but users can be encouraged even if they post off-topic questions.
what are the tools that we can use to calculate code metrics for mobile app?
Encouraging users doesn't mean that they can post whatever questions they want.
Nice try there by Emna.
@Emna Hi Emna!
What IDE are you using?
Previously I have used Eclipse and then I used this plugin for Eclipse: metrics.sourceforge.net
in Visual Studio you don't need a plugin :)
Relevant meta questions here, here and here.
I'm a QA Engineer (not me the one i write code ) but in IOS they use Xcode and in Android Eclipse: Android Studio
There can be only one Visual Studio
@SimonForsberg No problem
@Emna So.... you want to analyse both the iOS code and the Android code?
yeah !
Are they using Swift or Objective-C for iOS?
to calculate some metrics to make QA better
Objective C
You might get some results on google if you search for "Objective C cyclomatic complexity" or "Java cyclomatic complexity"
@Mat'sMug Not in Brainfuck either, because there there's no such thing as Cyclomatic Complexity...
(hmm.... or maybe there could be....?)
nested loop levels can be a metric
oh static analysis
is BrainDuck pluggable?
by this time next year I'm hoping to have Rubberduck on a plugin architecture
@Mat'sMug Not the IDE, no. But when you write BF code in Brainduck you can write Groovy scripts that can do pretty much anything.
I need to download that. Is it going to ask me to install Java?
(and Yahoo!)
(and brag about 3 billion devices using Java, 99% of which are just Android phones)
@Mat'sMug But printers use Java!
my mug could use some java too
@Mat'sMug Your mug doesn't run Java yet? I thought Java was write-once, run everywhere.
If it doesn't run on your mug yet...
I don't drink java
@Kaz I've wasted 27 hours on one specific Factorio save.
@Mat'sMug Brainduck will require Java, yes.
Q: Correct way to modify and add parameter stored procedure

GerardoI have this store procedure @Id int AS SET FMTONLY OFF BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @TotalMonth int; DECLARE @TotalYear int; SET @TotalYear = (SELECT ISNULL(SUM(te.Hours),0) F...

@EBrown Pfft. 27 hours? Nothing!
@SimonForsberg That's a lot for me.
@EBrown started that map about two-three weeks ago ^^
Bobs mods is complicateeeed!
@SimonForsberg Is that, rocket defence?
@SimonForsberg I haven't played Factorio in quite a while.
@SimonForsberg Yes it is.
No, wait, Roboport?
@Kaz Rocket Defense? No. Roboport? Yes.
And Bob's Mods.
@SimonForsberg I haven't tried them. They good?
@Kaz Really well made. I just had to change the configuration to actually get some Cobaltite ore on the map, which I needed.
This kinda shows the complexity ^^
That looks pretty awesome
And this ^^
and for only $20
Let's just say that I'm pretty far from making a Speed Module 8...
@xDaevax It's one of the best games I've ever played. Be warned though: It is addictive as hell.
May 16 at 10:24, by rolfl
Awww, crap: visited 928 days, 1 consecutive
May 16 at 10:25, by rolfl
Apparently by playing Factorio. Blame @SimonForsberg
It's this addictive ^^
I swear, it could easily be a cyber-weapon of mass-economic destruction, designed to destroy the productivity of the IT sector in advanced economies.
paired with Facebook, the world is doomed.
@Kaz Ironically, as Factorio is all about increasing the production of all kinds of things.
@SimonForsberg and The Sims was all about having a life
(nobody here is playing The Sims, right?)
@Mat'sMug Ah, the Sims. Good times.
@Mat'sMug Turned it off ~20 minutes ago.
@Mat'sMug Does Sim City 4 count?
I loved the speech in the sims
Q: Coffee making program

Nelson CasanovaI work mainly at developing MSSQL databases but I've been trying to teach myself C# for a bit now and I wrote some simple code that prints a list of colleges an their coffee preference. I just went through it with my precarious knowledge and I cant find much more to add or remove on it, I thoug...

Q: DDoS - would this work?

PyapingSo I've written two small files and while I have tested parts of it, I don't know if it would work as a whole. I have two concerns: How could I run the code remotely, as it attempts to do with a call to subprocess.run(), if I don't know the path of the sent file on its remote address; I'm not ...

Q: Finding items of related dependencies in Factorio

milleniumbugFactorio is a game about building factories and about automation. Items can be crafted (just like Minecraft) yourself, or crafted automatically by assembling machines. To help me expand my factories I created a little script in Python 3 that shows me what other items that I can produce once I cre...

I forgot about that old Factorio question
@SimonForsberg We totally need a tag
I did start to create some Factorio mods with Lua, but I haven't really finished any of them
@Kaz For one question? :)
@SimonForsberg Worth it.
Also, I love the first line of the answer.
> This part is an if in an if in an if in a for in a for.
I would love to make some mod or an application that could create a "possibly optimal Factorio factory layout" where you could specify for example "Speed Module" and then it could create several options for the layout depending on what required materials you want to produce nearby
but who would have time for that?
There's always time to automate ^^
Just not for anything else
Damnit... should I work on Brainduck, or play Factorio?
@SimonForsberg when in doubt, write a review
Hey. I asked a question (codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/145911/…) but it's put on hold. Since I fixed the problem now; what should I do to release the hold?
@utdemir Come here, let us know about it, and then a moderator re-opens it.
possible answer invalidation by Alek Depler on question by Alek Depler: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/145939/revisions
In other words: Done.
Thanks :). Have a nice day then.
@utdemir come back anytime, we don't (always) bite :-)
@Mat'sMug , I'll thanks :). I really like the concept of code review.
@Duga Looks okay for now
Q: Java - Vigenere Code not working

John AdamsonI attempted writing an method which takes an array of characters from the main and then returns a character array of the encrypted/decrypted characters. When I apply the method twice to a given char array, the decryption appears to be wrong. static int keycnt = 0; static char[] Vignere(char[...

Q: Is there any better/ more efficient way to write the conditions?

JadWe were given a homework assignment to create a C++ program that generates 3 different random numbers each time and the user is supposed to guess the three of them AND in order. I already achieved that, however I'm not very satisfied with how long my code is, especially with the fact that I had s...

Q: Doubly Linked List implementation C++

AlexI am having trouble with my Linked List implementation, specifically the insert, get, set and remove methods. I believe what is wrong here is my iterator counter but im not quite sure what is causing problems. Im also getting a SIGSEGV: segmentation fault (null or invalid pointer/array element ac...

@Mat'sMug vb arrays are 1 indexed, right? you know what I mean don't you?
@Malachi Yes, unfortunately, and yes.
@Malachi Generally, yes.
But there are many way they could not be.
Option Base X
Being the most insidious
lol, VB.....
@Malachi Oh. My bad ^^
Definitely TTGH
that is the insidious part, right? VB is terrible....and messy.... or clear and redundant...
Q: Renaming Form Controls and Underlying Code

RaystafarianSo I was working on adjusting some variable naming on an excel project and ran into an issue that the MSForm control names needed to be updated. When you change the properties of the control on the form, the underlying code for the form doesn't seem to update accordingly. E.g. You rename ...

hey @Phrancis
Hey Dan, I meant to ask you something about React
@CaptainObvious @Mat'sMug Tell him to use Rubberduck.
@Mat'sMug you answered that question how I would have...work wins again...lol
@Phrancis go for it
So,I may have just purchased factorio...
VB makes DB code look ridiculously hard messy
@Kaz Wat, what possible benefits does that have?
Greetings, Programs.
Q: Backpropogation in simple Neural Network

mnbvcI've been working on a simple neural network implemented in Python. Currently, it seems to be learning, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to be learning effectively. The graph below shows the output of my neural network when trained over about 15,000 iterations, with 1000 training examples (it's ...

@DanPantry Suppose I'm using component/container design, and I have component Foo and its related FooContainer, but there is no business logic or state needed in said container, do you think it's best to still make FooContainer on principle (and just make it a SFC) or to not bother making a container until there is some need for state/business logic?
@Phrancis If Foo has absolutely no state associated with it then there's no need for a container
Q: identifying key words in python 3

FuzeeI need to create a program for a project that eask the user if what is wrong with their phone. The program will then identify the key words of what the user inputed, and come up with a solution based on those key words. eg if the user inputed 'my screen is cracked'the program will use the words c...

Q: SQL To Generate Email With BCP Reports

PinkSmelly BlueSocksWhat this code does, is iterate through the table @Table1 to get the Purchaser, PurchaserID, SaleID store the values in a variable, then query a secondary table to get data for the specific purchaser. 2 different data sets (one for daily, one for weekly), checks if a folder for the purchaser alr...

Q: How can i write query update/ insert in express.js mongodb?

komali have declare a PointSummary schema looking like: { user_id: String, positive_point: String, negative_point: String, } i already inserted below data { "_id": { "$oid": "56784367068a3087196a3e50" }, "user_id": "580da5653bd3cc5802f6c37c", "positive_pointS": "50", ...

@DanPantry OK, so if that changed in the future at that point I would just refactor and add a container then
That was my concern to complicate things with containers that do nothing, just for the sake of principle
YAGNI and all that.
BTW, this is my place. I own it now :) well, rent it...
No more moving about etc
@Mat'sMug I did almost the same thing as you did, but I added a month array. I like your way better, using the string format
huh, what? where?
@DanPantry Not bad.
Is that a projector screen on your left?
@mast er, no. I think what you're referring to is my box for my mac.
Or my curtains
A: Update 12 records in a database table in less than 13 queries

Mat's Mug Dim current As String = Convert.ToString(Date.Today) Dim year As String = Convert.ToString(Date.Today.AddYears(-1).Year) Dim nextyear As String = Convert.ToString(Date.Today.AddYears(15).Year) Dim period As String current = current.Substring(0, 5) period = nextyear.Substring(2, 2) It's not cl...

thanks :)
I have been peeking at it a bit since it was posted, but wasn't able to dedicate time to it
I had to certify the tickets going for release in the morning.
doesn't the OleDbCommand use the IDisposable interface as well?
yup. I did mention it too
ah you did at the very end...I skim way more than I should
@DanPantry No, higher.
A: Renaming Form Controls and Underlying Code

Mat's MugYou've basically implemented (parts of) a rename refactoring. The problem is that the VBIDE API only gives you strings to work with, so you essentially have a "smart find & replace", but it's still a find & replace. A LOT of things can go wrong when processing code without a symbol table. Imag...

^^ and I stole ThunderFrame's EVIL code too
> Naming is hard. Renaming is even harder.
@Mast I don't have a projector screen either way. higher than the mac box = curtains
This place came with solid material curtains instead of Venetian ones. <3
Much better :-)
Q: Number Guessing Game in Java course

Tragic CoderThe problem I am having is my code is supposed to loop and keep making the user guess if they can't guess the secret number. In addition, I need to figure out how to prompt the user to quit if they enter in 0. Lastly, if the user guesses the secret number it must count how many guesses it took th...

@DanPantry I showed your set-up to my wife, she immediately started yelling PORO!
@Mast that's quite adorable
@Mat'sMug String Interpolation in VB 14
A: Update 12 records in a database table in less than 13 queries

MalachiIn VB.NET 14 (for VS2015) you can use String interpolation and make your code a lot cleaner (For Reference) you could write the loop, that Mat's Mug talks about, like this: For i = 1 To 12 sqlCommandString = $"UPDATE [periods] SET [period] = {i:D2}{period} WHERE [month] = {i} AND [year] = ...

ah, nice
Q: WCF proxy client events on callback (Duplex Channel)

Shahin DohanI have a WCF duplex service that I want to subscribe to, without exposing the data contracts to the GUI, by using a proxy client that invokes events when a callback method is called by the server. The GUI is a WPF application, and I want to keep it clean by calling the proxy client and getting b...

Q: python3 identfying key words from user input

FuzeeI need to create a program for a project that eask the user if what is wrong with their phone. The program will then identify the key words of what the user inputed, and come up with a solution based on those key words. eg if the user inputed 'my screen is cracked'the program will use the words c...

@Malachi except.... you don't want to interpolate your parameter values into the sqlCommandString, you want a parameterized query
@Mat'sMug what do you mean?
WHERE [month] = {i}
that's supposed to be a parameter, no?
WHERE [month] = {i} AND [year] = {nextyear}
all the original code is doing is inserting values into the query then sending it to the database. which is the same thing that I was doing
@CaptainObvious No, that's not how this site works.
if he were running a stored procedure on the database then he could send parameters to the stored procedure that way, but that is not what he is doing. OP is creating an update query and then telling the database to execute the query, not a stored procedure.
Queries should be parameterized even if they are not stored procedures
I need some quotes in there though.
@xDaevax he is programatically changing values, there is no input from outside of the program, otherwise I agree. personally this looks like something that should be run in a stored procedure or a SQL Function
Even in the case of non-user input, last I checked (and I could very well be out of date on this), SQL Server is better able to create cached query execution plans when queries are parameterized
So even without a stored-proc, you wind up with stored-proc like performance
I appear to be exactly wrong:
Q: Why does a parameterized query produces vastly slower query plan vs non-parameterized query

Craig QuillenIn a SQL Server 2005 database I'm working on this query: select * from foo join bar on bar.x = foo.x join baz on baz.y = foo.y where foo.x = 1000 has a vastly different and faster query plan than the following parameterized version. declare @p0 int set @p0 = 1000 selec...

granted, that is some old SQL tech there
@Malachi every ? in OP's SQL is a parameter
@Mat'sMug I agree, every ? is a placeholder for a value, in the command you can give those placeholders values through the use of parameters. I did the same thing through the use of string interpolation. I bet if we look at the underlying code that both would look similar if not the same.
the placeholders are handled by the database server as they should; the interpolated string is syntax sugar for "select foo from bar where foo = " & someValue
@xDaevax I wouldn't rely on anything SQL Server 2005
Running the same query 12 times without passing in proper parameters makes the server generate 12 query plans, instead of a single one in OP's code. Concatenating parameter values into a query is always a bad idea, user input or not, stored procedure or not. String interpolation is syntax sugar for string concatenations, nothing more. — Mat's Mug ♦ 5 mins ago
so we are passing the query to the Database to create a "stored procedure" and pass it parameters that the Database needs to insert into the query? and the database says hey I have seen this before and refers back to the previous run? why wouldn't it do the same thing for a raw update run several times?
it would be more efficient to create a Stored Procedure that does this, even if it is more lines.
IMO a one-liner SP is overkill
and yes, SQL Server caches query plans and says "hey I've done this before"
If performance is critical, I'd lean towards stored procs vs. parameterized "ad hoc" queries
Just parameterize the procedure calls if need be
parameterized queries can be precompiled, though.
also it's usually cheaper to run a highly optimized query over running a procedure, at least in my experience
we are talking about UPDATE statements
simple ones.
a single table, a single field where 2 things need to match where both are integers
@Phrancis "forced parameterization" is a db setting (TIL), not a developer's behavior ;-) also, the catch is when your plan estimates X rows returned for parameter value A but then you have Y rows returned for parameter value B; the article you linked is very interesting, but IMO not applicable here
Q: Many event listeners

MarioDIs there an alternative possibly cleaner way (without so much repetition) to write the following? I'm thinking about the headache it's going to be when I have to remove all of my even listers. customCursor() { const prevButton = document.querySelector('.previous'); const nextButton = document.qu...

OP is running MS Access....
Still, OP has parameterized queries, and your answer is suggesting to concatenate their values into the query instead. IDK about the internals of Access (I hardly know about the internals of SQL Server anyway), but I can't upvote an answer that replaces parameters with concatenated values... regardless of how sexy interpolation is.
Q: INSERTS to MySQL on IIS install not executing and showing now errors?

JukEboXI have MySQL installed on a Windows IIS server. I am running this code. $sql = "INSERT INTO assets (serialno, devtype, column3, column4, column5, column6, column7) VALUES (?, ?)"; $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql); if (!$stmt) { echo "\nPDO::errorInfo():\n"; print_r($pdo->errorInfo()); } $stmt->...

@xDaevax So.... tried it yet?
@Mat'sMug good catch, didn't realize that either
As far as using stored procs, the answer is, as always: It Depends.
But since Access has no such thing anyways, it's kind of moot WRT that one question
Access/Jet truly is a very poor DB engine
@Mat'sMug I agree to a point. I don't think that there is a need to create parameters in VB as opposed to adding to a string. it is more about performance on the VB side. wouldn't you agree there, to some extent?
@Phrancis can't you create VBA scripts or something?
maybe that is what this is?
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Spring controller code to group information by date
possible answer invalidation by 200_success on question by Ardley: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/145910/revisions
OP's code is definitely .net
I actually have Access 2016
Access is still in development?
could we all agree that there are 3 fields: period, month, and year?
@Malachi yeah that's what that is; it doesn't have the pre-compiled stored routine that SQL Server and most other DBs have though
So I don't think it would improve execution performance if done with VB
"first grade penny pincher " I saw an article a while back about some employee who was billed for the electricity used because he charged his cell phone at the office. (Well, yes, it was in some tabloid, but the fact that it's even plausible suggests that there are workplaces like that.) — mickeyf 1 hour ago
I might play with access tonight...I am sure someone in the building is using it for something they shouldn't be....
@SimonForsberg Assembler machines are pretty slick.. :)
my rule of thumb would be, if you're using Access, you're probably using it for something you shouldn't be =)
@xDaevax lol, just you wait.... :)
@SimonForsberg As I begin to understand, my mind is literally exploding with the possibilities
The locals are quite hostile though...
@xDaevax Yeah, it is easy to get that feeling in the beginning. Once you have researched a few topics, it's soooooooooooo many things to explore.
@xDaevax Personal suggestion: Play in peaceful mode.
I can even recommend saving your game with your progress so far, start over and play in peaceful mode. Now you know there are enemies, now you can take the time to explore the game more peacefully.
And then another time you can play a map with a lot of enemies in non peaceful mode.
@Malachi Good luck (you'll probably need it)
Q: How to implement the hashCode() for custom hash code?

Mayur TolaniI am making a hashtable, I want to implement my own hash function, by overiding public int hashCode() but I am not sure how to do that. I surely have tried something, but I am not happy with what I have here. Here is the code. class MyClass{ public static void main(String[] args) throws Except...

@CaptainObvious not sure about that one
Q: Down votes on a answer which answers the question?

GeekSo I answered a question on code review following the rules. Then it gets down voted and two other answers which are pretty much the same (well you decide) don't. I feel the loss of the points :( I think one of the down voters was nice enough to say why, which was good, but I totally disagree wi...

@Vogel612 ^
@Mat'sMug I say code not written yet
it's closed.. I say it could use a comment to help the OP understand why their question is getting closed despite "yeah it works as intended"
Q: My manager said I spend too much time on Stack Exchange, how can I prove it's value?

WalleI was recently speaking with my manager, who stated that while my work is satisfactory, they've been noticing I'm spending a lot of time of Stack Exchange. I find Stack Exchange to be very informative and helpful in my work. Particularly considering this Stack Exchange has many users who spend ...

Q: Wrapping MongoDB Call Results in Observables

TravisI have a number of functions that follow the basic pattern below. The intent is to provide a MongoDB implementation for a storage interface in a TypeScript application. Is there a better way to clean this up so that is is simpler or more readable? find(collection: string, query: any, sort = {}...

MongoDB plays nice with JS I think, I should try playing with it
Seeing as I have loads of free time and not really anything to do with it right now, I might try to write my own compiler
That'd be a bit too hardcore, but I do want to understand Assembly more
@Mat'sMug Holy crap, VBA lets you name a UDT variable as 'String'? That's, just, words fail me.
I'm curious what an interesting application for Assembly optimization is though, one where ideally algorithmic complexity is not really relevant
Q: Square root function

Jason HeddleAs a programming exercise I made a square root function in C# using recursion, here is the function: static double root(double x, double increment, double num) { num += increment; if ((num * num).ToString() == x.ToString()) return num; else if (num * num < x) return r...

@Kaz a UDT member identifier, yeah.
Q: Read text file in MATLAB for plotting

Stan-LeeI am attempting to write a MATLAB code in which I plot the following: w=w1 plot from a text file that looks as such: data , this is what is being outputted: Actual Plot. Clearly the data is not being read properly, I have attempted moving the 'read data' part around but I am having trouble recall...

@skiwi, before that, I would try memory layout control first, then eliminating some branches/jumps
@Mat'sMug not much to add beyond the already given comment IMO
also it'd feel a bit dangerous to weigh in on a topic that I "inspired" ...
not that I didn't do it before, but ....
Eh, I only ping'd you to let you know you were mentioned on meta - you do what you want with that! :-)
Q: XXTEA cipher rounds count

Alek DeplerI've read in Wiki that XXTEA cipher is vulnerable to "a chosen-plaintext attack requiring 2^59 queries". I'dont exactly understand how bad is that, but something tell me that it's extremely hard to implement such attack on practice. Am I right? Another question: is it possible just to increase n...

Q: Generating fibonaccis in Scala

Don BransonWould you consider this to be idiomatic Scala? If not, what would you do to improve it? def fibonaccis(max: Int): List[Int] = { fibonaccis(max, 2, 1) } private def fibonaccis(max: Int, prev: Int, prevPrev: Int): List[Int] = prev >= max match { case true => List[Int](prevPrev) case false => p...

I want to add a new improvement after accepting my own answer. Would it be better to submit as a new answer or edit my existing answer? I'd imagine add new answer since the new answer is unrelated and it seems like it might be wrong to edit an already accepted answer. codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/145168/…
Or does it matter?
Does any of this really matter?
@jsuth if the new answer is totally different, you can add it separately, as long as you feel it will make for a good answer. Otherwise, just edit your existing one
oh, it's a selfie
I'd just consider the question done, and ask a new one if the improvements are worth it
About to apply to work at SE in Colorado. Blech.
@Mat'sMug why not improve it if there are reasonable ways to improve it though? i don't think it's popular enough to warrant a new post. i see SE codereview as something to potentially show to future employers so that's why I'd like to document improvements
@EBrown Blech as in, it's Colorado?
@jsuth that's perfectly reasonable then
@Phrancis Yeah. I will probably NOT get it as well. Lol
@jsuth you could delete your selfie answer and edit the question, yeah
cool. thanks
possible answer invalidation by Jamal on question by Sample_d: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/145943/revisions
@EBrown Well, you've sure proven that you can handle their APIs and other things, and well, that you know SE and care enough to report bugs/improvements and things like that, and well you know Microsoft tech really well
@Phrancis It's for a desktop support technician. Lol
@EBrown why go for that?
I've picked up "Art of Computer Programming". Then I felt how bad I am at math.
it was also using some kind of assembly to write programs ... Though after understanding that book I believe that reader can get to the ACM finals alone, without any team
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