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Voting to close as too broad because question is possibly better suited for another site doesn't make a question off-topic. If you can better describe what your code does, include more contextual code and have a title that summarizes the purpose of the code, and the code already works as intended, then you can try Code Review. — Mat's Mug 31 secs ago
RELOAD! There are 2948 unanswered questions (92.3925% answered)
2 hours later…
@CaptainObvious I VTC as that doesn't look like actual code, more like design (like a SQL table structure for example)
Q: Backbone.js dynamic table

Node.JSI have been trying to learn backbone.js and I thought the best way to learn it is by writing a dynamic table (i.e. add, edit and delete rows of data). I am very familiar with Node.js (back-end). Any comments or suggestion to improve this backbone.js code would be appreciated. This code works fine...

Q: Naive Bayes Classifier in C#

anonymousThe following is my implementation of Naive Bayes Classifier. https://github.com/edurazee/NaiveBayesClassifier I took it from here and tried to simplify it. It takes three features and determines whether an object is a male, female, or transgender. How can I simplify my code more to make it e...

Q: Mersenne Prime Checker using Lucas-Lehmer Formula

ParadoxPreviously I created a C# script that used trial division to check to see whether or not certain Mersenne numbers were prime. Since these numbers are so big, I employed some math shortcuts to reduce the amount of division I needed to do. It was brought to my attention that using the Lucas-Lehmer ...

Q: Slicing a string into three pieces, and also controlling/manipulating through loops

RepeaterCreeper# Filename: P05_Strings.py # Author: Joseph Chua # Date: 10/18/2016 # Purpose: Slicing a string into THREE pieces. # Other: http://repeatercreeper.me #======================================================================= # Logic - Assignment #1 #================================================...

Q: Remove Duplicates from a Sorted array

thebenmanI was trying to solve https://leetcode.com/problems/remove-duplicates-from-sorted-array/ problem. I was able to come up with a approach but only when I submitted this solution and got it accepted I found that my solution ran faster than 39 % of the other contestant's solution for the same languag...

There are so many ways that this could be achieved. You will need someone to be able to look at your code. There might be an obvious vulnerability (like un-escaped sql queries) or it could be that someone knows your password because you use the same for hosting and your email, they get notified when your hosting has changed. If you still have access to your code, putting it on a share service might help (someone might take the time to review it). Or you could just hire a security expert to do a code review — Luke 10 secs ago
@idjaw Just for clarification, what is this question missing? I have posted working example code in past questions, and was told to go to code review — Vermillion 42 secs ago
@Vermillion If you were told to go to code review that was incorrect. Sorry that happened. If you did post fully functional code it is understandable that you would be told to go there but the SO community needs to get out of the habit of doing that. What your question is missing right now is your latest code attempt and the problems you were facing in your implementation. — idjaw 1 min ago
Q: Calculating the Riemann Zeta Function for x>2 real numbers

AnonymousHere's the code: #include <boost/multiprecision/cpp_dec_float.hpp> #include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp> #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp> #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <iomanip> #include <limits> #include <exception> const int PRECISION = 100; typedef boost::multiprecision::number

Q: HTML FlexBox Layout

GeekyCan someone please review my code . .container{ display:flex; flex-direction:column; flex-wrap:wrap; border:1px solid black; width:400px; } header{ border:1px solid red; text-align:center; margin:5px; } footer{ border:1px solid red; text-align:center; margin:5px; } ...

Q: MVP Winforms Implementation

A191919Is it MVP pattern? If I want to add control to the view where they should be declared in the model or in the presenter? Model: namespace WinGo.MainForms.Model { class MainModel : IMainModel { public event EventHandler<UserControl> SetView; private static Gu45ListView g...

Q: Program stopped running after class looping

user121494#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> using namespace std; using std::vector; class Info { private: string n,m; double ss,sum=0; int sub,marks,hrs; int i,aaa=0,aa=0,a=0,bbb=0,bb=0,b=0,ccc=0,cc=0,c=0,dd=0,d=0,f=0,hrs2=0; public: Info (string nnn, string mmm...

Monking @all
Q: Hangman class the steps are in comments before the the game . It has to be in java

Rao Hassan/** * Auto Generated Java Class. */ /**write a class that could be used to play a game of hangman (Hangman.java). The class should have the following instance variables: the secret word the disguised word, in which each unknown letter in the secret word is replaced with a question mark (?). Fo...

Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Solving a digitwise addition equation in Scala
I am not aware of any settingsmanager. However if you have working code you might want to post a question to 'Code Review' where people like to discuss different approaches to solve your design problem. — Aphelion 1 min ago
TIL that if you use the excel shortcuts to jump to the edge of a spreadsheet (~1 Million rows in less than a second), compared to scrolling, your cursor is effectively moving at about 10,000 mph
Q: Printing hex dump of a byte array

Andrew SavinykhThe goal is readabilty. Performance is not much of a concern, since it's not going to be used with large amount of data. Except for degenerate case when the length of the incoming byte array is zero, the dump does not end with a new line character. This is regardless whether ASCII part of the dum...

@Vogel612 monking
Q: Python code to do regex search and saving results to csv

Dhruv RanaI am a python beginner, and I wrote a simple python program, which does the following: search the pattern in the lines of a file (contains messages) pick the information from the lines and save it to disk remove the messages which matches with the regex (regular expression) saves remaining mess...

Q: Python Compressing Data removing repeating samples, Programming challange

renzopI work on a project with timeseries data. So there are samples (y), and each sample has a timestamp (x). The data will be visualized, but often there are timeseries which contain samples that do not change over several timestamps... SIN a visualization (y(x) plot) thos repetive samples can be rem...

hrngh ...
marked in red: conversation by users ... everything else is one or the other bot ...
I don't think I'll be able to not make Captain a dropdown feed with something like this mess ...
@Phrancis @Kaz @Malachi opinions?
@Vogel612 Just my impression, but it feels like there's been less conversation in the 2nd recently.
Exactly. I'm kinda trying to start things up and when I see tons of botposts I'm not really likely to start a conversation
That image looks bad, but it's also 6 hours of room activity
I can go up a bit more if you want me to ...
because it's not much better above..
@Vogel612 I think that should be the focus. Why is there less conversation than before. Not why are there so many bot posts. The 2 might be related, but its' the former that will fix things.
As an aside, something amusing I came across just now:
> Butchers Pet Care
I fell like that's not the best name for a company
@Kaz I think the latter prevents the former. ...
it's kinda exactly the point I'm trying to make
While I understand that Captain posting the questions may be a conversation starter it's more often than not just overwhelming IMO
@Vogel612 Would make for a good answer to a meta question on the subject.
I just don't want to preclude the possibility that the problem/solution could be something other than the bots/feeds.
Can you give an exemple of what is cards_18? Note that Code Review is done for this kind of question. — Laurent LAPORTE 42 secs ago
Programming question here (maybe better to ask on SO or SE.SE)
any idea why you would use a usize here instead of u32?
Yes, it's Rust, but it's about types so anyone who knows C++ or C might be able to answer this
usize being unsigned pointer size and u32 being unsigned 32-bit int
@DanPantry Well, on 32-bit computers you can use 2^32 -1 threads and on 64-bit computers you can use 2^64 - 1 threads. /s
you're.... probably not too far off, actually.
Why didn't I think of that? FML
I don't know how 2^64 - 1 threads looks like for the scheduler though
"oh god please stop"
Better try not to think about it too much
Well, kinda hard not to. Rust doesn't let you implicitly convert between u32 and usize :P
99.999% time spent in scheduling, 0.001% in execution
So I'd like to understand the reason why
That also explains why the from operation returns Result<usize> rather than just usize. Thanks @skiwi your sarcastic answer helped
Q: What's the difference between `usize` and `u32`?

VaynThe documentation says usize is Operations and constants for pointer-sized unsigned integers. In most cases, I can replace usize with u32 and nothing happens. So I don't understand why we need two types which are so alike.

I think skiwi's right
Yeah I read that before I asked here, but the point didn't "click"
I need to take a computer science course, damn
You seem to be managing just fine without...
and the first CS courses are mostly about formal languages, how to prove things and data structures
it only got interesting after a year.
I am encountering lots of issues when doing lower level programming stuff
idk if CS would help that though to be fair
probs not really, because all that is simply not taught in CS courses
the CS course I have focuses on lower hardware levels or higher abstraction levels.
So we either program java or assembler (or VHDL)
anyways I'm off for university
Q: Shift an element in a circular container

nbroI implemented a function to shift an element after another in a logical circular array. Shifting in this case simply means moving element at position i to in front of element at position j. Of course I can't simply swap the elements at position i and next(j), because I would alter the positions o...

@DanPantry ~lol :P
possible answer invalidation by ferada, misterManSam on question by GordonFreeman: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/145297/revisions
There is a better stack exchange site for these types of questions - codereview.stackexchange.comAChampion 25 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this belongs on another site in the Stack Exchange network - codereview.stackexchange.comAChampion 12 secs ago
For working code, codereview.stackexchange.com would be a better place. — GhostCat 1 min ago
Q: Converting a sentence string to a number in Scheme

Dawit AbrahamI wrote a scheme procedure that converts strings such as "Two hundred and fifty" into a number like "250" that I can use in math calculations. Is this the most efficient way of implementing it in (Guile) scheme? Thank you in Advance. ; This scheme procedure convers strings like "two hundred...

@Justinas Please read the question again... I don't have this vulnerability, I caught it before a junior developer uploaded it to Live (during a code review), but I wanted to show why this is a problem, but I can't seem to get a good demonstration with this particular situation :-) — Craig Francis 13 secs ago
You could post the code on codereview.stackexchange.com . I shall write a review if you do. There is indeed a few ideas for improvement. — chqrlie 14 secs ago
Better! But you need to narrow your question down to a specific thing you need help with (or if you just want general improvements on a finished program, take it to Code Review. — Joe Clay 58 secs ago
Q: Implementation of Ceaser's Cipher in python 3.5

ChrisIkeokwuThis is my Implementation of a Ceaser's Cipher in python using OOP principles. I'm looking for feedback for any code after the function build_shift_dict(line 89) as I wrote that code myself. Feedback on the earlier parts will be useful but not as much as it's not my actual code(but is included so...

@Vogel612 what are you talking about? changing the Feed?
Monking @Mat'sMug
how do I write the Excel formula for displaying true if D times F = G ? here is what I tried =iif((D! * F!) == G!)
I don't write formulas often so I always forget stuff
@Malachi basically yeah
Since conversations have become a rarity in here at the times I am online...
I am not sure that we are ready for that move yet...
codereview.stackexchange.com is where you want to post, not here. — MooingRawr 42 secs ago
I see why you would ask
Q: Given a eight-digit integer, separate and print the digits on the screen?

SohailI am a new student of computers science such my first assignment of C++ programming which ((Given a eight-digit integer, separate and print the digits on the screen)) I don't know about this code please write the all code of this assignment? I am uing dev I am waiting for your positive respon...

Why is using a custom type for app.config so damned convoluted?
@Malachi Phrancis opened a meta q on the matter and it's 12/1 vs 1/3 for keeping the feed as is :/
@Malachi (in row 2) =$D2*$F2=$G2
@Vogel612 I meant I understand why there is a question as to whether or not to change it to the drop down. but I don't think that we are truly being bombarded enough to warrant such a change at the moment
@The29thSaltshaker hello
what happened to the other 28 salt shakers?
@Vogel612 your screenshots are cutting off the timestamps...
@Mat'sMug how do you force the equation to round to 2 places before comparing?
Q: C# cache controller

Tom GullenProblem Currently my project utilises local caching wherever possible. There is a lot of similar looking code throughout that takes the form: private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<int, object> GetPMLocks = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, object>(); /// <summary> /// Retrieve a PM by it's ...

Q: Naive JS implementation of tidyr's gather function

BenI wrote the code below to handle some wide tabular data that I'm receiving from an API call. I need it in tidy/long format for compatibility with some existing D3 code, so I threw this together. My goal was to provide an equivalent to the gather function provided by R's tidyr package, although m...

@Mat'sMug you can verify they are from the correct time in trnascript and I didn't want to screenshot my wide screen into a narrow post
my point was that it's basically from (US) overnight activity
we need more of you guys, from the other side of the Atlantic
and Pacific too
17 hours ago I was asleep. x)
@DanPantry That's actually not what I'm fighting with.
@RubberDuck because it was designed 16 years ago for .net 1.0 :)
hi btw
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is asking for general improvements to a working program rather than asking for help with a specific programming problem. This question may be better suited to Code Review. — Joe Clay just now
@Mat'sMug 12 years ago for .net 2.0 ;)
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is asking for recommendations on a "more elegant" solution to working code, it should be on codereview at best. — Jarrod Roberson 14 secs ago
Q: Please help me avoid the segmentation fault in the program

Harikrishnan V NairThis is a code that should find the str2 from str1, reverse str2 and replace it in str1. I want it to work for multiple occurances also. But this code is giving out segmentation fault. Please help me find the error. #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> using namespace std; int m...

possible answer invalidation by 200_success on question by shaunakde: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/145407/revisions
possible answer invalidation by shaunakde on question by shaunakde: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/145407/revisions
Q: Improving python factorial efficiency

Generic SnakeSo I'm currently doing a programming challenge, where the aim is to take an input of numbers of any base from 2 -> 36, factorise them, remove trailing zeroes and then print only the last 5 numbers. I believe the code works: def treeFactor(low, high): if low + 1 < high: mid = (high+lo...

@EBrown no, O(MG) actually
feedback: there's a code review site you may wish to post your code to, and you'll get detailed help there on your style. — UKMonkey 33 secs ago
Q: Finding the closest value and matching it with the correct item in the list

SugatI have list values with their IDs like this: ID Value A 1.2 B 4.2 C 7.2 D 10.2 In C#, I want to find the ID with the closest value to a given value say 3.9. In this example, B will be the answer as it has the value(4.2) closest to the given value. My solution to this problem inv...

Q: Using Concurrent Dictionary and Lazy<T> to cache expensive query results and only run query once in a threadsafe manner

SidneyOk, so I'm querying a webservice. This webservice is slow with multiple o's. I want to cache the results of the query, because I only want to query on a given set of parameters once during my transaction (In addition to the query being slow, it's also rate limited, so I don't want to perform unne...

Q: Object Oriented Save Custom Kit Method

DennisI have a function that saves a "Custom Kit" to the database. It receives user input from an HTML form via POST, sanitizes the input, loads it into an object called $item and calls repository method to persist it into the database. class Controller { function __construct(Repository $reposi...

Casting in C#. Am I right to assume that (int) 3; would be checked at compile time and have no runtime cost, but 3 as int would be checked at runtime?
and similarly, new[] { 5 }.AsEnumerable() is a runtime cast as well
@Malachi =(ROUND($D2, 2) * ROUND($F2, 2) = ROUND($G2, 2))
You may prefer to post this at codereview.stackexchange.comrmaddy just now
A man at work Slack, who's a product owner or something, wrote at work Slack in the random channel: "Hello World" in the world's most difficult programming language: ++++++++++[>+++++++>++++++++++>+++>+<<<<-]>++.>+.+++++++..+++.>++.<<++++++++++++‌​+++.>.+++.------.--------.>+.>.
I think you all can guess my reply...
Kill me
Path.Combine("/foo/bar", "./package.json") -> /foo/bar/./package.json
Path.Combine("/foo/bar", "/package.json") -> /package.json
Path.Combine("/foo/bar", "package.json") -> /foo/barpackage.json
this makes total sense.
Though this probably wouldn't work on windows I guess...
what about Path.Combine("foo", "bar", "package.json")?
@Mat'sMug not possible, first argument in reality is a uri
hmm wouldn't it want a backslash?
var packageJsonPath = Path.Combine(path.AbsolutePath, "./package.json");
Well, I'm on a Mac, so I'd assume not, but I'm going to try with Path.DirectorySepChar or whatever it is.
oh, Mac problems. all yours!
@DanPantry that sounds like a good idea :)
It gets better.
var packageJsonPath = Path.Combine(path.AbsolutePath, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString(), "package.json");
gives /package.json.
And of course you can't just use Path.DirectorySeparatorChar because it's a char, not a string.
I must be doing something really silly because this shouldn't be this difficult.
I'm just going to use a UriBuilder, screw it.
possible answer invalidation by shaunakde on question by shaunakde: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/145407/revisions
    var builder = new UriBuilder(path);
    builder.Path += string.Concat(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString(), "package.json");
    return File.Exists(builder.Uri.AbsolutePath);
@DanPantry that's desired behaviour ...
what you want is to call Normalize on that afterwards ...
Where''s the normalize method? it's not on the Path class
yeah I've noticed that
that isn't going to fix my issue though
screw it, I've already fixed the test. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'll just make Future Dan hate 28th October Dan
This question is discussed in a very similar way here: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/63573/…Blackbam 1 min ago
@DanPantry Sounds like you need a method ForceSingleTrailingSlash which does a TrimEnd then adds a / character.
I'm very surprised there's no path resolution baked in frankly
also the Uri class itself is so damn cumbersome to work with
In all fairness, it's .NET Core
it's open sourced, write one
It's not present in .NET either....
.@Mat'sMug I am not that confident in my abilities to manipulate paths cross-platform
I totally get it's a hard task to solve. I am just surprised it hasn't been already
Though devils advocate, it's not present in .NET because .NET/mono utilise windows paths IIRC
Anyone able to answer my casting question earlier, BTW? Was wondering out of curiosity. TLDR, (<dest-type>) <variable> is done at compile time, <variable>.AsEnumerable() is a runtime cast, but is <variable> as <dest-type> done at compile time or runtime?
I would assume runtime but I don't know for sure
Not that it really matters as it's a micro-optimisation, but Rust makes me think about this stuff ._.
(@skiwi this is your fault)
you can't do foo as int if foo is a value type
@DanPantry IIRC as is runtime, due to the possibility that it may fail the cast.
@Mat'sMug That's.. interesting. Why?
I would have assumed you could because x as y just returns Nullable<y>
Q: Write a program to make an airline reservation system

ATHARVA KULKARNIThe details are: 1.store flight number using numbers(max 4),flight name,origin-destination and fare.(menu) 2.10 flights in total 3.user will only input the flight number to display all flight details 4.after that number of passenger travelling 5.final bill amount 6.It will again display the menu ...

Q: Why can't I use the as keyword for a struct?

anonI defined the following struct: public struct Call { public SourceFile caller; public SourceFile callee; public Call(SourceFile caller, SourceFile callee) { this.caller = caller; this.callee = callee; } } Later, I assign it to the Tag property of another ob...

oh wow, thanks
so it doesn't convert it to nullable, it's just that reference types are already nullable so it "just works"
it doesn't convert it to nullable, because you didn't ask for a nullable
as int? is another story
@SimonForsberg ?????
typeof(int) != typeof(int?)
I am really ADHD.....
@Mat'sMug Yeah I know, I just (assumed) that an expression something as int would return int?
but I guess I am wrong, and that would be surprising behaviour
thanks for correcting my ignorance
that would be C# doing VBA-ish annoying implicit conversions
Well it's not implicit as you're using the as keyword, but I get where you are coming from
as int
returns int?
oh, I get what you mean, right.
sorry, brain is not on all cylinders
the typo just makes that perfect
OMG I think I just "clicked" about why BF memory clusters are called "cells"
@Mat'sMug Braincells.
they're braincells
(there are about 30 pixels in that gif)
UGH I hate updates.
update: @EBrown hates updates
@DanPantry I hear you call my name :D
Shocking news: You will not believe what this guy said when we asked him how he felt about updates.
Thing number 3 will shock you
Read on to find out why updates are causing world wars!
I used to be worried about global internet tracking until Twitter started suggesting my own tweets to me
I bough chicken fillets without bones the other day. They weight between 150 - 230gr each, for a total of about 1.6kg. This gives 4 dinners à 400gr
I wrote a quick script bruteforcing the best way to sort the fillets into 4 equal portions.
The best part? My roomates think I am crazy.
if you can find chicken fillets with bones, let me know
@Mat'sMug You like those bones?
there are no bones in that part
there are when you eat it
Q: Speed-up [UInt32] -> [UInt8] -> [[UInt8]] conversion in Swift

p0ppyI am trying to speed up my current implementation of a function that converts [UInt32] to a [UInt8] which in turn is split up into [[UInt8]] with 6 arrays at each index. My implementation: extension Array { func splitBy(subSize: Int) -> [[Element]] { return 0.stride(to: self.count, ...

Q: Extracting names from a body of text

not_a_robotI am trying to extract names from a body of text to use as stopwords. I tried a few different approaches to identifying names (or proper nouns in general) below. The second approach is much faster than the first, but is admittedly a much more naïve approach (misses out on names like 'PETER' or mi...

Greetings, Programs.
@Vogel612 If you ( the RO's ) want to change it, so do it. I won't be that happy and I won't check the feed because it is lacking information like tags etc. Only the title isn't just enough IMO. I would rather stop @Duga (sorry girl) to post for SO users mentioning our site. Code invalidation is superb and should be kept.
I mean weighting chicken fillets, and doing python is completely normal. Right guys?
@DanPantry Snakes with hands look cool
No problem. For further reference, you might want to check out Code Review. — Lasooch 23 secs ago
@Heslacher SO people have been making relatively good referrals lately
@Vogel612 So rather than try to start conversation, you want to complain about the feed instead?
19 hours ago, by Mat's Mug
@Duga is there an award for "SO referral of the year"?
Agreed, maybe they are educated enough ?
I like seeing how much CR mentions happen in SO comments though. but maybe time has come to move it to some 3rd monitor?
"The Monitoring Monitor"
Good idea (my opinion)
We had 17.4 Questions per Day in April, and 18.4 now, the feed isn't the issue.
wow that's pretty linear
TTGH have a nice weekend.
That one isn't.
@Heslacher you too!
@Heslacher Later chief.
@EBrown That's a bit unfair. it's kinda hard to atart a conversation when you juat joined and everybody but Duga is at 90% transparency
@Heslacher the informatio deficit is definitely something we want to avoid then.
Q: PlayerPrcoessor timer class

Liambelow I have coded a class that runs every 60 seconds and cleans up and runs things to do with a player such as timers, notifications, and more to do with the player, each player has an instance of this class. I just wanted to know if there was any way of improving this class, I am pretty new wh...

@Vogel612 That's not what I base starting a conversation on. If I come in to start a conversation (well, usually I can't because I come in at 0200 EDT, which is like 0600UTC) I just start one. If no one is here, then so be it. Leave the message sit and someone will likely jump in.
What about an RSS feed that doesn't have messages, but does contain all the information that's also in a onebox?
@Vogel612 The problem with that is that you cannot call out an RSS feed.
True, but manageable
I see you are in full discussion here.
What happens if you need to leave information about a question? Now a user has to get the link to the question and post it themselves.
So the message is going to end up here anyway.
So we've just off-loaded it.
Like I just said on the new answer, the low amount of people-posts isn't caused by the bots.
Just think about all the users who have left the room since graduation.
rolfl, nhgrif, and RubberDuck have essentially left.
Simon and I are a lot less active than we used to be.
We have Zak and Olzhas for new users?
Ethan Bierlein is also a lot less active.
Jeroen is also less active since he got a job.
I have an idea...
Mjolka used to be in here a lot, too..
@Vogel612 I'm going to put something together quick, and hopefully we can demonstrate what's going on.
I guess I'm the defense lawyer for Captain Obvious.
@EBrown not enough new comers that stick around in The 2nd Monitor, that's what's going on imo
So we should fix that ...
On that note: it's similar with answerers. Sure there's quite some new answerers lately, but none of them are quite as addicted as anyone that I can remember in my head ...
maybe because it's dead boring here?
it is? Why?
about answering... why bother answering when no one is ever voting
I have seen chat rooms where all there is, is bot traffic, not because there aren't occasionally people in there but because there are a lot of questions being run through there....okay because there aren't any people in there.
I don't think that we have a problem with the amount of bot posts, yet. but our chat is busy
and no, I am not reading all the chat right now...just giving my two cents
yes, busy posting monking monking all day long
Q: Select to pick quarter (date)

gordonAn includable select to pick the first day of quarter: <cfparam name="dtFirst" default="#now()#"><!--- first date in select ---> <cfparam name="selQtrName" default="selQtr"><!--- name attr of select ---> <cfparam name="selQtrCss" default=""><!--- special style css ---> <cfparam name="howManyOpts...

okay now that that's out of the way
@t3chb0t so you're not interested in the room, because there's no perceptible user interaction beyond greetings?
My Kids ask Alexa to play that Rebecca Black song every Friday Morning.....
poor you
I think I introduced them to it....what was I thinking?
guess what
exactly, nothing but greetings
yesterday was Thursday
@t3chb0t Then bring valuable conversation.
It's not hard.
@Malachi hrn ... kinda somewhat sitebusiness ... just saying
The problem is finding time where everyone can speak.
I just gotta figure out how to introduce a new Alexa skill so that Alexa tells them No occasionally. that would be hilarious. or even when they ask it something I have configured it not to do.
> I can't do that, Daaaave
AFAIK @Mat'sMug works during the day so has trouble being active, @Malachi works, @Mast, @Vogel612, @Heslacher, @skiwi, @Kaz, @JeroenVannevel are all in European time-zones at the moment, @DanPantry just got a new job and is busy with that and the extracurriculars that company is involved with, @EthanBierlein and @Hosch250 are dealign with school, IIRC, @Donald.McLean works and has a new house thing going on, @arda is from Arqade so isn't around here much, @Phrancis just got a new job.
There's a lot going on in everyone's life at the moment, it's hard for what few regulars we have left to participate.
I have this chat room open all the time... so chances are that if you ping me I will hear it and reply
^ ditto
And it doesn't help that new users are generally scared off fairly quickly due to...overwhelming disagreeability? Not sure what the most appropriate term for it is, but we've been quite rude to new users within the past few months.
@Phrancis got a new job?
Acting superior and whatnot.
@Malachi ditto
A large portion of conversation here is anti-SO, which isn't very productive.
@EBrown mute them people.... </sarcasm>
@EBrown the european timezone thing isn't that big of a problem. My bedtimes align more with Mug and the rest of the RD team (when they don't pull all-nighters again)
Let me take a Selfie
@EBrown would that be less if Duga only posted invalidation and the SO-Watchdog thing were in a separate room?
also.. yeah, day job, and then I get home and it's supper time, then kids' bed time, then I usually work on Rubberduck and have 2-3 chat tabs open.. but then these days I'm busy visiting houses, and then soon will be busy packing up and moving, and then settling in. and in-between all that I handle a couple of flags and try to keep up with MSE stuff.
@Vogel612 Possibly, which should be the case anyway, but the fact that a large portion of our conversations (several %) are "SO did a migration wrong" with no call-to-action to fix it, is definitely going to throw new users off.
#CodeReview #selfies https://t.co/d6faA2isfs
not quite what I had in mind.....
Sep 19 at 16:46, by pacmaninbw
Can anyone tell I think the OP is an idiot http://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/141817/lexical-analysis-program
Is that productive to new users joining the room?
@Malachi Obviously I have a tab open for this
Q: Player Permission System

LiamI have coded a fully working permission system for my gaming emulator to determine permissions for users, here it is. What I really want to know is Is my code standard good enough? Is the design of the class good? (Not sure about so many Initialize methods) Is there any parts of the classes t...

Not trying to call that user out specifically, but statements like that are what create a bad attitude of our room.
@EBrown Social Media has ruined us all.
nah, just you lol
meaning that people are more apt to be rude when correcting people over the internet than in person, and they don't realize that it can be seen by anyone
@Mat'sMug if you open that picture, I am actually wearing my CR shirt today!
saw that :)
> I've asked a few questions on SO, I feel like I'm searching for landmines by stomping on the ground.
Same problem, just generally bashing SO.
@EBrown FWIW I saw that post, and this was my reply:
Sep 19 at 16:46, by Mat's Mug
> I am relatively new to C++, so if there are any common practices that I am missing it would be great to point them out.
but that is generally true if you aren't used to asking questions on SO, granted I think that SO has gotten better about this
too subtle?
@Mat'sMug Possibly. Unfortunately without a good search API for SE chat messages, it's difficult to find good examples of this happening.
eh, I've done my share of bad-code bashing, too
@t3chb0t if it is a language I review and the question is good, and the answer is readable I vote, and usually often. I used to Vote A LOT
@Mat'sMug We all have, the problem is that none of us have learned from past mistakes.
We need to be actively learning from each other rather than pointing fingers and bashing each other (and other sites, networks, users, etc.).
@Malachi me either, to get the second gold badge :P
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