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Name		API Param	URL					Closed Beta Date		Open Beta Date			Launch Date			State	Gathered			Answers per Minute	API Revision	Badges per Minute	New Active Users	Questions per Minute	Total Accepted	Total Answered	Total Answers	Total Badges	Total Comments	Total Questions	Total Unanswered	Total Users	Total Votes	Manual	Comments Per Entity		Votes Per Entity		Minutes Since Launch	Days Since Launch	Answers Per Minute Actual	Questions Per Minute Actual	Votes Per Minute Actual	Answers Per Hour Actual	Questions Per Hour Actual	Votes Per Hour Actual	Answers Per Day Actual	Questions Per Day Actual	Votes P
@DanPantry seems completely reasonable, I'd strongly advise to ask your boss for a quick check, company culture may dictate special procedures. This also serves as instant escalation to keep your boss in the loop
That's a lot of data.
@EBrown the format is completely bork, too
@Vogel612 I've been in the company for 2 years, I know quite a bit about the culture. This is completely new and counter to it.
@Vogel612 Copy/paste to notepad or a fixed width editor.
Here's a version for excel:
Name	ApiSiteParameter	SiteUrl	ClosedBetaDate	OpenBetaDate	LaunchDate	SiteState	Gathered	AnswersPerMinute	ApiRevision	BadgesPerMinute	NewActiveUsers	QuestionsPerMinute	TotalAccepted	TotalAnswered	TotalAnswers	TotalBadges	TotalComments	TotalQuestions	TotalUnanswered	TotalUsers	TotalVotes	Manual	CommentsPerEntity	VotesPerEntity	MinutesSinceLaunch	DaysSinceLaunch	AnswersPerMinuteActual	QuestionsPerMinuteActual	VotesPerMinuteActual	AnswersPerHourActual	QuestionsPerHourActual	VotesPerHourActual	AnswersPerDayActual	QuestionsPerDayActual	VotesPerDayActual	QuestionAnswerAcceptRate	QuestionAnswerRate
I need to get this website finished up so that you guys can go run your own queries.
> Installing software (Node 6.3) from an installer on the Node official website. I can’t do this because the installer will only let me install to /usr/local, which requires sudo privileges.
@DanPantry Expected reply: Use something else that does work ^^
@skiwi Unless you want me to compile from source (which will require installing a toolchain.. thus admin rights)
Are they able to understand that?
Bottom line, if they don't trust me on my machine they shouldn't trust me writing code that is running on a server with admin rights
code shouldn't be running with admin rights in the first place
not even compilation should do that
Welcome to IIS and Windows Server.
> If neither of these are options, please find the following non-exhaustive list of software that I need to develop my resignation notice.
IIS shouldn't be running app pools with admin rights, either
> because it several impacts my
Yesterday, we got 11 more accepted answers, 21 more questions were answered, 46 more answers were posted, 161 badges were earned, 87 comments were left, 44 more questions were asked, 23 more questions were unanswered, 105 users were created, and 327 votes were created.
Our question answer accept rate went down by 0.0418%.
Our question answer rate went down by 0.0552%, and our answer accept rate went down by 0.0087%.
Down down and down.
what's our answer rate now?
Q: Optimizing Java HTML parser

Martin LukášI wrote a program that goes through a webpage and returns matches of regex. I used it on my letterboxd.com account to go through all of my movies (over 900 entries) and then find genres field for each of them in order to get the number of movies I've seen in each genre (that makes 53 pages for ge...

Q: Generate SQL for translated resources from Excel Spreadsheet

DannnnoI do some work that involves translating resources for a webpage. These are all stored in a SQL Server table that looks like this (plus a few irrelevant constraints). CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblResources]( [lResourceID] [int] IDENTITY(1000,1) NOT NULL, [lLocaleID] [int] NOT NULL, [txtRes...

For all the lovers in the room.
@Vogel612 Stop him!
@Vogel612 Trust me, nothing can go wrCthulhu
Well a good alternative to parse HTM it's friday, friday.
@Vogel612 @skiwi instead of sending that message through the helpdesk, I've 1) sent a message to my boss highlighting this and my concerns and 2) sent a message to the helpdesk asking for every bit of software I need for both iOS and Windows development. it's quite an expensive list.
@DanPantry Do you mean expansive?
I meant extensive
still thinking about how much this mac costs to just be a paper weight
@DanPantry Close synonym to expansive :) thesaurus.com/browse/expansive
@Quill lol
I can run node through bash
just not right-click open
that's almost Windows level of stupid..
That's just Mac-level stupid.
meh, you can install node from homebrew, you don't need the binaries
everyone's used to not having a package manager like apt or brew for windows
I've been trying to install nvm
@DanPantry Never Mind?
which isn't through brew
I'll try after brew stops choking itself over tmux
it's a pain the ass on Windows from my perspective, when I have to go to the site, find the download, wait for the executable to download, install it, etc. brew is easy: brew install whatever and you're good
+1 homebrew is great
It took me 40 minutes to install Mongo on windows this monday
I like downloads.
I sit there and count the bytes (or rather, the kilobytes) coming in.
@Quill pacman -S whatever
well... sudo [..], but eh
@Quill That sounds Mongo... =P
on a side note, Mongo use JavaScript for their CLI, which is an interesting choice, but then again they're all about JSON
I hit my 500th First Posts queue item today
it's not 1000, but still. mini-yay
It's not hard to reach 1000.
well it takes time ...
@Quill 500 is half of 1000
apparently 1 and a half month of having maxed out queues every day
which explains why I'm on 247 FP reviews on Programmers after two weeks
I need a mac.
Just using it. I need a mac.
because it's friday and we need something funny in our lives
@N3buchadnezzar Nope, you're not getting a star, you're not getting a star at all
Reminds me of the second answer here stackoverflow.com/questions/739654/….
@skiwi =P
@Quill Shout day.
Apparently this is the new friday Eg. what the cool kids hate.
@N3buchadnezzar tfw
@N3buchadnezzar ???
This kid is like 12
So much autotune
My ears
@N3buchadnezzar Me viewing this video
yeah, that's the only thing that gets micspammed on lobbies these days
in CS:NO, right?
@EBrown Rebbecca was 13, what maybe 14 when her song was made?
I asked Cortana to tell me how much a Mac is because I want her to dig her own grave
@N3buchadnezzar Yeah, I've lost all hope for society.
@DanPantry You can wear my sweatshirt if you watch the entire thing.
@DanPantry yeah
@EBrown Meh, more like bad parenting I guess.
pushy parenting imo
I'm proud to say I've not seen it once.
the type of parent that allows that is the type of parent who actively encourages it
to a fault
Instagram makes it too easy for kids to think they're hot shit and start doing stuff like that vide
Over saturate the quality of a platform by making it easier to create.... double-edged sword
I'm also proud to say I don't have an Instagram account.
Going to be so fun when they grow up and have kids and grandkids. Granpa what is this video of you on the internet, and what is twerking?
I don't think it's the problem of any given site, I think it's just parents pushing kids too hard, that's all
Oh, I don't. Kids are naturally awful. More like parents not restraining their kids enough.
If I could make my future kid make a friday friday like video, then show it to him 10 years later that would be hilarious.
I won't say parents never push their kids, because they do.
@DanPantry I doubt it, most parents these days haven't got a clue about anything social media related
@Quill I think that's a very broad statement
and factually incorrect :P
But I've also seen parents not restraining their kids enough way more often.
@Quill Get these internet whippersnappers wizards of my lawn!
Will Smiths son lose on the internet.
that was three years ago, lol
He is still getting flak for it. lol
Never forget. Never forgive.
@DanPantry perhaps it's just my demographic, but I get it all the time at work; you'd expect 25~40 yr olds to understand social media even a little, but nope
I think there's a difference between "understanding" and "not caring"
I understand FB for it, but I don't care for it
> The awfulness of Rebecca Black's "Friday" made sense to you. She released it when she was 13 years old. Her mom had paid a production company $4,000 to write her two songs and do one big mad video about how exciting it is to sit on or in or around cars on the best day of the week.
Poor mom.
To be fair, I don't get how Snapshot and Instagram are supposed to work either, because I never use them :P
I understand how they work, but not how they can be abused by kids ^^
How she could manage to live with her kid, I don't know.
Poor Rebecca.
How she could manage to live with her mom, I don't know.
Thank you R#. Switch branches, made me clear my caches and reboot VS.
meh, i'd be okayw ith rebooting VS every once in a while for R#
R# is damn awesome
@skiwi Embaressing shower pictures amongst others.
Had to nearly deal with a few ugly situations as a teacher.
A less serious one is being totally ignored. Think if all your friends photos gets loads of likes and comments, whiles yours get none. I mean for me and hopefully most of you that would mean nothing. However for a confused teenagers trying to confirm their place in the world, the situation is completely different :p
@pacmaninbw Well you posted two answers. That is a great start! Also a smart idea to start pimpin early
@pacmaninbw Thanks for your comment on meta btw.
You're welcome. It's definitely worth discussion, I'd like to do my reviews faster.
possible answer invalidation by jsuth on question by jsuth: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/135593/revisions
Probably better over at codereview.stackexchange.comtymeJV 53 secs ago
How do I do a rollback? I can't find the documentation on the help page. Just a link to the help page will do.
in the revisions there should be a small link
@JasonS If you cite where you get it from, for example Numerical Recipes or Art of Programming, and someone still denies it from code review as unmaintainable, that person shouldn't be reviewing code. There are some bibles/oracles we simply trust as sources of good algorithms so we don't go reinventing things ourselves. — corsiKa 53 secs ago
@Vogel612 Thanks, OP took care of it after I posted a comment.
@nephtes That's for sure. But I'll leave it for code review. — Eugene Sh. 14 secs ago
Q: Output formatting. Is there an easier way to do this?

Bob StoutI'm using a java servlet to generate HTML code to produce a printable form. I want the form to look like the paper version being used now (or as close as possible) to reduce confusion during the transition from paper to online. However, to achieve the formatting I want, I've got a LOT of code g...

Q: JavaScript to parse json that can be, string, object and array

toyI have to parse a json object that can be a string, array, array of strings and array of object. I realised that it's not good from the beginning that one object can be many types, but I can't change the code from upstream so I'll have to deal it in my code instead. I'm building a pixel library ...

Q: Initializing a std::array from a recursive template computation

zwolI wrote this code for an answer over on SO. I suspect it's possible to clean it up a bit, particularly the base-case specialization for FactorialArray, which is repetitive and contains odd bits (for instance: why double curly braces? because clang complains about un-braced subobject initializers...

Naruto answer; accepted non-selfie answer with 0 score: Very Simple UNO Game
why on earth did someone on SO make a tag just wtf
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Nesting BsonDocuments in MongoDB queries
I don't speak cat but I'm pretty sure he wants in. https://t.co/gxI4m9krsy
lmfao, wat
>> cat letmein
I don't know MongoDB, this has a selfie answer codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/115353/…
Q: Filtering conversation by filter type and value

Muhammad CatubigI have been assigned to developed a feature that filters a conversation. For example, I want to filter the conversation by user id then export it to something either JSON or text file. In this case, I created a class that handles the filters like this. import java.util.ArrayList; import java.uti...

Q: [Script][Linux] Check the battery's charge level and emit an alert on low/high value

EPadronU#!/bin/env sh //usr/bin/env kotlinc -script "$0" $@; exit $? /* ***************************************************************************/ import java.io.BufferedReader import java.io.InputStreamReader /* ***************************************************************************/ /* *******...

wat the tags
I think this should be posted on Code Review SEMatias Cicero 15 secs ago
Perhaps codereview is a more suitable place for this question? codereview.stackexchange.combitten 56 secs ago
Should be posted on Code Review SE — Matias Cicero 45 secs ago
@Quill werkz... maybe
Q: Password validation required

YoYoYo I'm AwesomeI wanted to learn some regex, but learning regex is super boring so I decided to write a password validator that will validate a password with regular expressions. How it works: You enter a password that has no echo thanks to the getpass library The password is run against five different valid...

Q: calculation improvement for if textbox is null then

samerIs this the correct way to set value of textbox to zero when its null? Is there any way I can improve the calculation that I am doing below? private void TB_PAID_CASH_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TB_TOTAL_INV.Text) &&...

Q: Python 3: Checking if a word can be made from another word's letters

thewhiterabbitI'm new to python 3.5 and I am having trouble with a function. I want to check if the letters I input would be able to create the word that I input. For example, if I input the list of letters "afdoor", it would be able to create the inputed word "food" from it. This would return as true. However...

@SimonForsberg Are you going to do the Swedish translation again, or should we plan on releasing without it?
@DanPantry Would you be interested in doing the Welsh translation?
doesn't Zak know Welsh too?
I don't know.
Is Welsh and Gaelic the same language?
hopes I didn't offend anyone
@Hosch250 Welsh.. spoken in Wales. Gaelic spoken in Galicia, better known as Ireland (and parts of Scotland, depending on who you ask)
I was just about to say that I'm certain I've read about people speaking Gaelic in Scotland.
Q: Java: Take Two Sets of Randomly-Sorted Scores and Find Their Common Improvement Percentage

RESTfulInSeattleI was studying for an upcoming phone interview, and Googling programming terms which I needed to strengthen myself in. Well after I Googled "Dependency Injection", a banner appeared asking if I wanted to play a game. It then took me into a command environment, and stated a challenge, which I ch...

Q: Should my Java method close the input stream?

FreiheitI have a Java class responsible for validating documents, its signature is: String validate(String workingDirectory, InputStream input) Should this method close the InputStream and clean up after itself or is that up to the caller?

Now, are Welsh and Gaelic similar, the way Spanish and English share a lot of Latin roots, or are they completely separate?
they're about as similar as Icelandish and any other language, from what I gather .
Huh, never even looked at Icelandish. Is that almost like Chinese, or something?
it's IIRC related to no other language on earth
Are you sure?
like... completely and utterly separate
Pigs. == Svín. That "Svín." looks like it shares the root of "Swine".
hmmm... seems I was wrong... it comes from Old Norse
Depending on the phrase in Google translate, it looks ... peculiar.
Sometimes it uses normal letters, sometimes with those special marks, and other times it uses a sort of hieroglyph that looks a bit like Russian.
Apparently there are a lot of unique languages in some small area in Mexico.
A lot of native tribes are there with their own completely distinct language.
They even have a traditional legend about the angel delivering languages accidentally tearing his bag open and spilling them there are so many.
@Hosch250 uh
I don't speak welsh well enoguh
and @Zak is from London. I'm pretty sure he knows the queen better than he knows welsh
no, welsh and gaelic are not the same language
they are similar - both celtic languages - but different
it's closer to german and french than swedish and norwegian
@DanPantry @Zak can you confirm this? Is the queen nice?
I don't suppose @Quill knows any aboriginal Australian languages...
only bogan
@Vogel612 Makes sense that some words are similar. English was heavily influenced by the Vikings' language (Old Norse).
@Quill What does that look like?
it's a joke, bogan is slang, kind of like an australian version of a redneck
I don't speak any Aboriginal languages and they don't teach them outside of specialised schools.
I'm learning French at the moment though, which is fun
I'm about ready to just do some 2.1 work.
At least, I wouldn't have to feel bad about doing nothing, that way.
@Quill ~shivers
French is one of the languages I passionately hate. It comes right after Latin
and then Latin comes after JavaScript?
I assumed we were talking about natural languages.
JavaScript comes before Java, Java comes before Latin
there's some intermediate steps there, that I skipped because I can't recall the objects of hate that well
You hate Java? Come use C#!
mfw you have a VS solution to solve your math questions.
@Hosch250 meh.. it's just insignificantly better. Has more stylistic issues, but less architectural ones.. Windows is a dealbreaker though
for C++ manual memory management is the breaker
I don't know Haskell well enough, but I imagine it to be... difficult for state
the list basically goes on and on
Q: Mad Libs program

PLP123Is there any way I could reduce the code yet work just as efficiently? Also, is there anything I could add to make the experience more convenient? from tkinter import * from tkinter import messagebox root = Tk() root.title("Mad Libs: Action Movie") x = 0 #para is the paragraph %s is variabl...

Q: Task-Based Overlapped IO In .NET

ginknerI've been working wrapping the Windows API's Overlapped methods in the more usable Task based approach. There isn't much information out there on doing this, so I've been flying blind apart from a few blog posts. I was hoping to get feedback on what I've come up with so far. An example method is...

Q: Take two sets of randomly-sorted scores and find their common improvement percentage

RESTfulInSeattleI was studying for an upcoming phone interview, and Googling programming terms which I needed to strengthen myself in. Well after I Googled "Dependency Injection", a banner appeared asking if I wanted to play a game. It then took me into a command environment, and stated a challenge, which I ch...

vtc broken
Which is a shame, I had such a nice answer
Q: Find installed and available Windows Updates

FabioI have a function that uses Windows Update Agent (WUA) API through COM using the win32com.client module, part of pywin32 package for retrieving the installed and the available (not yet installed) Windows Updates. For each update, name, url of the relative Microsoft documentation and category is d...

Q: Poker Hand Evaluator

PaparazziPoker is 52 cards - 4 suite and 13 rank Ace counts as both low and high Order of hands Straight-Flush all same suite and in order Quad four of same rank Boat three of one rank and two of another rank Straight e.g. 56789 Two pair One pair High card The code below gives the correct answers to ...

Q: C Threadsafe Priority Queue O(log n) push, O(1) pop

JavaProphetI wrote this for an A* implementation: (pqueue.c) #include "pqueue.h" #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> struct pqueue* new_pqueue(size_t capacity, int mt) { struct pqueue* pqueue = malloc(sizeof(struct pqueue)); pqueue->...

Q: KNN pipeline w/ cross_validation_scores

srytoomanyquestionsUsing the wine quality dataset, i'm attempting to perform a simple KNN classification (w/ a scaler, and the classifier in a pipeline). I just wanted to make sure i was implementing all this correctly. For me, it became a little less straightforward using the cross_val_scores inside the pipeli...

inb4 great question
Q: Stampcalculator - Given a set of stamps, what combinations are there to reach a certain amount?

PimgdProblem description (long version): My mother has a hobby of buying and reselling books via online trading sites. After a price is agreed on, the books have to be put into an envelope for mailing. On this envelope, stamps have to be applied to pay for postage (mailing fee). My mother buys stamps...

Ooh what an interesting question
you should totally check it out!
(Even although chat's asleep atm)
hmm that green picture seems to remind me of someone.
Yeah I wonder who it could be

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