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RELOAD! There are 2569 unanswered questions (92.8663% answered)
Q: JS cross-fade transition

Damian ChrzanowskiAs the question says....Can this be done any better? I could introduce more variables to cut down on function number, but does it make sense? So this is a simple cross-fade between two images : var slide_number = 1; var slide_number2 = 2; var slide1 = new Image() slide1.src = "img/top_slideshow/...

> Read w3schools.com/js/js_best_practices.asp , github.com/rwaldron/idiomatic.js , and any other "good practices" documentation you ever find please. Marco Scabbiolo 3 mins ago
especially w3schools is nowhere near good practise
Q: Functional Merge Sort

Atte JuvonenI just finished this Merge Sort in Clojure, structured according to ex. 22-26 of this workshop. The main question I have can be answered without spending time understanding the code: halve is called twice in merge-sort, is this still O(n log n)? (last lines in the code sample) Since it's functio...

@Quill I didn't know about those template literals, that's pretty sweet!
template literals are my favourite part of ES6
It's a bit hard to give very targeted feedback without seeing your actual code. You might consider posting a few of your functions to codereview.stackexchange.com to get more specific suggestions. — Randy C 40 secs ago
If you have working code that you just want to submit for peer review for optimization, your question is more appropriate for Code Review. This site is for problems with code and programmers tools, and working code is not problem codel — Ken White 8 secs ago
@Phrancis you here?
@N3buchadnezzar Sort of yes, what's up?
I was just thinking about an idea I had, but wanted to air it here first.
I have been reading meta lately, and the concesus in chat is that the number of answers is dwindling along with the rise of zombies.
There have been many suggestions for weapons to use to combat this problem.
On meta we have this thread meta.codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/4952/…. Which I find very useful. It is a collection of friendly toned frequently posted comments.
Q: Get only intended input from user through the console

user103722I finally worked out all of the bugs in this bit of code. I'm pretty proud of it and I wanted to give it to all of you so that you could have it if you wanted it for any console programs that you make. At the same time, this is ridiculous. C++ is double my age and there should seriously be a bet...

@N3buchadnezzar Right
What about the same for short answer bits? The idea is not to encourage copy-and-paste answers. However there are some themes and principles which occurs over, and over again. To have a short list of such codebits could speed up the answer progress.
Nevermind, I misread
It's true that there are bits that seem to come up frequently, though they can vary by language
It seems you repeat yourself quite a bit in your code [insert few examples here], you should really try to follow the DRY principle [insert explanation / link to this principle]
@Phrancis Yeah. My idea was one "answer" on meta on general principles, and one for each language.
That's actually a pretty sensible idea, I think
In Python Pep 8 style guide is usually referenced in every answer. It can be hard to always keep a friendly tone, when I feel like I keep repeating myself over and over.
It also seems quite a few users already does this and copies parts from their earlier answers.
Idk, I just do not want the thread to encourage copy-and-paste answers. I really want to empazise that these sections must be coupled with examples from the posters code.
Alright, my thought is, why don't you write up the Q on meta explaining your idea and how it is meant to be used, encouraging the community to participate add/edit to it etc.. Then start an answer thread for General Principles, and one for your favorite language
No need to get into lots of details on either of the answers, just a couple of things each, and let's see what the community thinks about it
If it's considered a bad/unpopular idea, you'll be sure to get DVs on the Q. Either way, we'll know we've tried that approach
Agree, it should just be short comments often used.
Just focus on the Q part to make sure to communicate the intention of these "lists" of common improvements
Just wanted to air the idea here first. For me the threshold to post something on meta is far higher than on the main site.
I feel that way too, stuff on meta can establish precedents that could affect the whole site
If you are unsure, you're welcome to write up a draft and share the Gist/pastebin with some of the regulars before posting on meta
Yeah, think I will do that =)
Cool, keep me in the loop! I'm sure you will get some good suggestions/critiques from the chat regulars if you give it a day or so before posting on meta
@N3buchadnezzar copy pasting stuff rarely works
I got some Neverwinter calling my name, now... ;D
repeating yourself happens, but if it's that generic that you can copy paste the content verbatim everytime, you need to write better reviews
@Quill Well that is exactly what I am trying to do. Automate the things that seem to pop up again and again, and focus on what is unique about the question.
I think "facilitate" is probably a better way to describe it than "automate"
So you're basically gonna copy paste "Use PEP8" every time
@Phrancis Agree, my English is not particularly good.
if it becomes such a generic point that you can't even be bothered to discern how it's applied then it loses its meaning and quality
@Quill Use Pep 8 is too general.
Say in python, a large number of users misuse the quit(). Saying why it's bad is mostly the same every time. However after this one would go on to show the user how to refactor his code, to get rid of the quit() command.
> Your table aliases are not helpful. Single-letter aliases give no information at all about what they are referencing. It's fine for aliases to be short, as long as they carry some form of useful meaning. For instance, [start critiquing the specifics of OP code]
SQL example^ that I come across all the time
Exactly and then throw in some references here and there.
> Your main method is responsible for too many things. The main method is meant to be an entry point into your program, rather than the program itself. It would be better to extract some of the code into [routines/methods/functions/classes and continue with OP code and examples]
More general one^
possible answer invalidation by Jaymit Desai on question by Jaymit Desai: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/135528/revisions
Q: LCA in binary search tree

user1229441static Node lca(Node root, int v1, int v2) { if (root == null) return null; if (v1 > v2) swap(v1, v2); // v1 is the smaller element if (v1 == root.data || v2 == root.data) return root; if (v1 < root.data && v2 > root.data) return root; do { ...

good morning
Q: Turtle Graphics Confusion

ConnorI'm making a Tic-Tac-Toe program. I'm using Turtle to draw the board and pieces and whatnot. However, after changing something completely unrelated to the drawing of the o's and x's, the o's now don't show up when drawn but the x's still do. Have a look and see if you can figure out what exactly ...

@AndyK Monking!
@EBrown technically, the most i18n friendly way to do that is to use a Intl.NumberFormatter.
const rounder = new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', { maximumFractionDigits: 2 })
const rounded = rounder.format(yourNumber)
This has the benefit of also using region specific settings for numbers, etc
Please consider posting this on Code Review. codereview.stackexchange.comMaverick 50 secs ago
@Quill I can't seem to comment on that, but OP is a bundle of sticks
"it's good practice to use var to group everything at the top"
No, you group everything at the top because you're using var. You should always define variables right before they are used and no earlier. The exception being constants, which should be defined close to the beginning of the scope they are relevant in
I would say though that standard is not the... standard on idiomatic JS. To encourage use of var in ES6 is dumb, but I wouldn't cite feross/standard as a way of proving that.
+1 on slam dunking his reference to w3 though
Maybe w3 is good now, maybe not, but it's been crap for a long time and should never be used as a reference. MDN is significantly better
I was hoping you were around at the time to slam dunk em but I handled it
Joseph (who is one of the CR regulars) approved my edit
am wondering why it is displaying var for me though
@DanPantry Not, today =/
Q: A buffer that holds and provides the latest n items

NgmI have developed the following code to hold n latest items it has received, and when asked for provide these n latest items. The interface is: public interface ICircularBuffer<T> { void Put(T item); // put an item T[] Read(); // provides the last "n" requests } The implementat...

It is a bit of an hard day being from Norway today...
@N3buchadnezzar Ah, him
I remember watching those things unfold
it was terrifying
Ye. My best friend lost 3 or 4 friends that day. Slaughtering children is one of the worst things one can do.
@DanPantry Anyhow. To change topic to something more pleasant. Any thoughts on my idea above?
The thing regarding generic answers?
Feels very "not-Code Review"
A big part of the site is that our answers are usually more tailored to the OP rather than a mishmash of answers
Excactly. Or rather that is what one would ideally spend time on. Usually though one starts with explaining why a certain bit of code is wrong, or could be improved. Before actually providing the improvements. DRY principle, Special purpose entity, CamelCase vs lower_case etc. Sections that vary little from answer to answer, but is important to give justification to why a certain part of the OP's code is "wrong" / could be improved.
> So I accidentally ordered too many Raspberry Pi's
One does not simply have "too many" Raspberry Pis.
@Quill OP missed a golden opportunity to put it inside some cotton wool and say he had made a cluster in the cloud
that's an interesting font
shame it's $199 >.
huh? I thought that one was free
It's called Operator Mono and most definitely not free
You can use it for free through web fonts, but not in your editor
possible answer invalidation by Ngm on question by Ngm: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/135562/revisions
A guy just asked me why I put a picture of a "really attractive woman" in a circular email to my team
That guy is 40 years old and a father, and that "really attractive woman" is a picture of rebecca black from friday
Is there a manual of conduct like that sopython.com/chatroom for this forum?
Generally, those rules are applicable to us as well. Rule #1 is site business comes first, so don't discuss crap when that's going on (like discussing a question)
Anything political goes into our side room
and applies here too
other than that we're pretty easy going
cool @DanPantry
@Quill exciting, async/await has reached stage 3
@AndyK oh, and don't do what a user did a few days ago and post a question here saying "No answers :("... 8 minutes after he posted it
'k @DanPantry
usually, I'm patient unless critical and if so, I will not post it here
Q: Crawl site getting URL and status code

SamI wrote a crawler that for every page visited collects the status code. Below my solution. Is this code optimizable? import urllib def getfromurl(url): start = urllib.urlopen(url) raw = '' for lines in start.readlines(): raw += lines start.close() ...

This question would fit better codereview.stackexchange.comPatrick Trentin 40 secs ago
10/10 laffed so hard dude
@Dan, I pinged you in a github issue, when you're not too busy, could you take a look please? :3
@Quill ye sure
@Quill replied
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Setting and showing an image file on a QGraphicsView
Q: Haskell Parsec parser of Verilog-style number literals

mcmayerI've set myself the task to write a function that parses Verilog-style number literals. In Verilog, numbers are written like this: 8'b10101100, 16'hffff, '789 The syntax is: <size>'<radix>value where <...> denotes an optional field, and size is the binary representation length of the numbe...

Q: Simple school assignment - want to know if it is self documenting

Harrison TranHere's a simple school assignment I did: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> void menuPrompt(); short getMenuSelection(); void program1(); void squareLengthPrompt(); void displaySquare(int, char); void program2(); void billPrompt(); void numPeoplePrompt(); double CalculateAmountPerPerson(dou...

so I had a docs change from a few hours ago that just got rejected by someone approving a newer edit that butchered the post.... stackoverflow.com/documentation/proposed/changes/26271
Well, the paragraph is almost an improvement
but yes the code changes wtf
How can I improve your edit suggestion @Quill?
instead of suggesting improvements in comments
huh, what do you mean?
You have these changes
i'd like to approve & edit
think review queue
oh, you have to approve and then make your own edit suggestion
oh, right
Q: Age verification Module python

Megadon.cyberi am trying to build an age verification module in python 2.5 . How can i improve on current_year? import time perhaps? *current_year = 2016 year_of_birth = int(raw_input('Enter Year Of Birth: ')) age = current_year - year_of_birth mytext = 'You are %s years old.' print(mytext % age) if age < 1...

@Quill how does this look?
Looks good, I'm out of review items for today though
aww they nerfed the reps
-60 =/
Q: I don't think I have completely grasped the concept of promises

Christian WattengårdI have the following class in Typescript (using the Aurelia SPA-framework). import { inject } from "aurelia-framework"; import {Apiclient} from "../services/apiclient"; import * as gravatarUrl from "gravatar-url"; // Dialogs import {DialogService} from "aurelia-dialog"; import {RedigerBruker} f...

@CaptainObvious or titles
Q: Optimize Arabic to Roman Number in Ruby on Rails

Dinesh SainiI am making a class method in ruby to convert from roman number to Arabic and vice versa. However the loop is run to match each character and again to match with roman mapper. Can I optimize the same? class String private def roman_mapping { 1000 => "M", ...

Q: Constructing entities from API with foreign keys

dnanonI'm loading three kinds of entities from an API (in csv format unfortunately). While the first two are fine, the third has foreign keys to both of them. What I'm currently doing is constructing the first two lists and then while constructing the third list I assign the entities for every item. Th...

For the sake of keeping the answer up to date, it should be noted that the new V8 TurboFan compiler supports try-catch optimization, though it is still a few months from making it into Chrome and Node. See e.g. codereview.chromium.org/1996373002csvan 1 min ago
Post on code review if you wish to learn what's wrong with the question. — mash 5 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by Ngm on question by Ngm: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/135562/revisions
@Duga OP added example at my request to illustrate that their code wasn't broken
How is it going for people with the Monopoly challenge?
@SimonForsberg Monking!
guess what I'm making at work
started yesterday afternoon
@JeroenVannevel Monopoly?
That's right! A SQL diff tool using the TSql ScriptDOM library
@JeroenVannevel a javascript compiler written in a brainfuck variant where you write everything in welsh characters?
Now I'll put it all available in a web site
@Quill ca de geg
make sure people can push sprocs to prod/qa/dev, see diffs between them, etc
check it out
So... red-gate.com sql source control?
@DanPantry he's writing blue gate, lol
yeah but that's expensive and stuff and doesn't do what they want to do
We'll make this open source
Gonna add analyzers and shit
> from $1,795
Are you planning on adding a GUI @JeroenVannevel?
@Quill That's for the entire toolkit. The toolbelt, which only contains sql source control, compare and something else (I forget) is about half that.
@JeroenVannevel It is expensive, but that's only because it has no competition
You should make it a plugin for SSMS so it can compete directly with redgate.
@Quill Yep, today. Bossman wants me to create an asp.net core web front for it
One of the main "pulls" for redgate is that it integrates with SSMS
I'm doing it exactly the way my boss wants though
no shoulds or buts
still a really cool thing to work on
It's basically Roslyn
good enough
@furquanahmad This came to mind because I got told the same thing in a code review recently. Wrapping it gives more info about what the maps hold and is a good idea if you have a collection within a collection like this is what I was told. What is it exactly that you are storing in the maps? Can you post some dummy data thats similar to the actual data? I'll see if I can come up with an example then. — Chris just now
@JeroenVannevel you seem to do quite a bit of static analysis :P
I know, it's awesome!
Q: Replace Vowel in a string by number 1, 2,...,5

Ashish MasihI'm a java Beginner and I;m trying to Replace Vowel in a string by number 1, 2,3,4,5. for example - aeiously is printed as 12345sly. being stuck in this code for like the past 2 hours. Kindly help me into this. I'm getting an error in the line i = string.indexOf(vowel); Here's the code - packag...

Q: Is the uniform_int_distribution used correctly in this quicksort implementation?

all3foxI have not used C++ for a while. Could you please tell me what is wrong with my understanding of how the <random> module is to be used? Any other comments are also welcome, certainly. #include <random> #include <iterator> namespace quicksort { using generator = std::mt19937; namespace detail {...

Well, just because I'm a beginner, I already asked two questions. Now I have a limit of 1 week. That's why I asked here. — Ashish Masih 10 mins ago
@Pimgd Answertime?
No, at punishment of downvotes
it's broken
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because questioner asks for feedback on working code, which should better go to codereview.stackexchange.com — GhostCat 1 min ago
@Pimgd I saw that, any idea what is wrong? Seems like she is trying to do the string.indexOf(vowel) where vowel is not a string but a dictionary.
Monking @skiwi! How is it going?
@Pimgd Seems like changing i = string.indexOf(vowel); into i = string.indexOf(vowel[j]); should make the code work agree?
@N3buchadnezzar Doing okay, it's still pretty hot though but had a thunderstomr in the morning
@skiwi Cool
I'm not used to this heat, so when coding I tend to forget what I was doing and that doesn't really work :D
Q: Creating a factory class in JavaScript

randyI have some validation classes. To keep things smooth, I create a single class that has those validation classes inside of it. That class will be a singleton, and gets injected into my other classes. The validation classes have a method that needs to be executed by the depending object. So lets ...

possible answer invalidation by Jaymit Desai on question by Jaymit Desai: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/135528/revisions
Greetings, Programs.
Greetings, Donald.
@Donald.McLean I really gotta watch the Tron movie so that I learn what the correct response is to that.
@SimonForsberg it's pretty good, man
It sounds like you have real, working code that you want to make better. Consider positing to codereview.stackexchange.com instead. — JETM 50 secs ago
Q: Game of Fifteen - A Sliding Puzzle Game

jsuthI'm reviewing C by working through the edX CS50 problem sets. This task was to implement Game of Fifteen aka 15 Puzzle. Project details here. Given project skeleton here. Note that the CS50 Library a dependency - I don't have enough rep to post the link, but if you want to grab it, there's a pa...

Consider posting to Code Review - that's the place for working code just needing optimisations — Dave 7 secs ago
Q: return value in multi if in python

Estina EsitnaI'm doing a unit testing, I'm checking fields in two databases collections so during it I have to do a multi if conditions like this: if ... : if ... : self.assert400(response, message="Bad request.") else: self.assert200(response, message...

possible answer invalidation by 200_success on question by Harrison Tran: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/135569/revisions
@Duga heh
macbook pros are heavy
stackoverflow.com/questions/27379059/… stackoverflow.com/questions/21764299/… codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/90147/… and many other resources can be found using a Google search on compare two file contents in java. — CommonsWare 57 secs ago
Does anyone know how to backup my Windows (C://) drive properly? Right now it complains a lot about administrator :|
I am the administrator! I have should have the power
@skiwi sudo delete system 32
@CrazyNinja Welcome, are you new here? =D
the horrors of bad design
load a field = read
save a field = append with separator
save load save, you get "text separator text"
but wait, we have a fix, we just replace the first instance of text with empty string!
hey ho
my mac has arrived for work
good news: I can still get on SO, FB isn't blocked so I can log in
bad news: App store is blocked
not sure why the app store is blocked and FB is not
@DanPantry weird ports? or maybe they can't actually intercept installations, so just block app store
@Pimgd Probably the latter, but there's zero dev software on here - including Homebrew atm
@N3buchadnezzar If that works I'm in trouble
"sorry late reply dinner was ready" @Phrancis
have seen coworkers ignoring a big red 1 (of notifications) on stack overflow before
The dark blue in chat is more scary to ignore
@SimonForsberg I don't think that there is a ritual response to that line in the movie. Feel free to use a quote from somewhere else. "Kill the pig." is good.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it would be better suited for codereview.se — aynber 49 secs ago
@Duga ' WHERE order_id = "'. addslashes ( $row [ 'order_id' ]). '"'
Best. Name. Ever.
@Phrancis Old
is there any way to retag all the to ? One level higher, is there any way to search for the use of a synonym tag?
I'm not a sudoer
on my own laptop
raise request with internal IT
sit around all day doing nothing
notify person in charge on timely basis (every day / hour / day segment)
either you get access or you get rest
Sorry, it was shorthand instead of a link. Actual link is codereview.stackexchange.comaynber 50 secs ago
Q: Peer Review Powershell cmdlet Download Microsoft Ebooks

koderMonkeyPeers, If you could review the below Powershell cmdlet and provided constructive feedback I would appreciate it. This is my solution for mass downloading a know location that has a http redirect. Note the list.txt is in the format htt://domain.com/miniurl #Requires -Version 3.0 # -------------...

@DanPantry (I don't own a Mac) Exactly how bad is that?
@skiwi tried linux?
@Pimgd Somewhat
Q: HackerEarth Prateek and his Friends non-contiguous

Nikhil BalyanHow to solve this problem for non-contiguous range? Prateek wants to give a party to his N friends on his birthday, where each friend is numbered from 1 to N. His friends are asking for a gift to come to the party, instead of giving him one. The cost of the gifts are given in the array Value whe...

no sudo, no root.
apt-get install? Nope; fetch your admin.
RIP programming today-today
no sudo = no admin access in Windows.
it's pretty bad
you can't install anything
not that i can install anything anyway as all connections to the app store and to the outside world from terminal are blocked anyway
@skiwi The file may well be being used by another program.
That will give the same error.
Reboot your system and try again.
it's like 170GB out of 250GB that I cannot copy
yoohoo @DanPantry
o7 @JeroenVannevel
Hi, @JeroenVannevel.
Anyone feel like reviewing/approving the NULL topic ?
I've got this css (bootstrap) which doesn't want to make my textareas larger than 280px
<div class="row">
    <div class="span12">
        <h2 class="text-center">Compare two procs</h2>
            <textarea class="well" style="width: 800px; height: 700px"></textarea>
            <textarea class="well pull-right" style="width: 500px; height: 700px"></textarea>

        <button class="btn btn-success" style="width: 250px;">COMPARE</button>
result ^
Any idea why that might be?
pretty sure width is advisory for inline-block elements. isn't textarea inline-block? I may be wrong
css isn't my thing
I heard CSS?
if it is inline-block, width isn't going to do anything
@JeroenVannevel Did you try using the web tools in your browser to select the textarea and see what rules are affecting it?
@Daryl You sweet giant
input, select, textarea {
    max-width: 280px;
what is this shit
(though the local css should take precedence)
ah, there ya go
That would do it
I didn't think to suggest that because I thought @JeroenVannevel might have already checked it as he knows what he is doing
I was wrong ;)
@DanPantry That is false, inline-block supports width
@Phrancis I know there's some dimension it doesn't support... is it height?
I never know what I'm doing with UI stuff
@JeroenVannevel HTML/CSS is awful. You have my sympathy.
@DanPantry nope, supports that too
If I wasn't alone on this project, I'd pawn it off
whatever drugs i am on, i'll have more of them
@Hosch250 Any better alternatives?
because they clearly must be good
next trial: trying to center that button
ahhh it's inline that doesn't support that stuff
Well, CSHTML is better than raw HTML...
I've heard about XHTML too...
margin-left: 450px -- done
Bootstrap is the biggest problem, though. It is harder working around all their styles/limitations than just getting it to work in all the different browsers anyway.
@JeroenVannevel stab stab stab stab
@JeroenVannevel #Magic Numbers
more like "what is this thing called responsive design"
// Anybody using the app will need a monitor that is exactly 1920px in width
Call it a requirement, screw responsiveness
If you persuade your company to hire me, I can take care of it.
I'll be looking for a job starting early May of next year.
@Hosch250 I've found Bootstrap rather easy to work with, personally. Since you can add your own CSS to modify their classes it's no big deal
you can always apply. They're constantly hiring
@Phrancis Maybe I'm using it wrong, but I hate it.
I'd be willing to bet that you are :)
@JeroenVannevel I can see that, they even hired you to do UI things.
@N3buchadnezzar true, nice, necessary
apply margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto to the button to center it in its container
Some Tongue-in-cheek comments, should be accepted..
I get that, but it just sounds so hostile sometimes
@Daryl tried that but didn't work -- can't be bothered to find out why a stupid button doesn't center tbh. I'm going to make it functional first
then someone else can make it pretty
@JeroenVannevel a <button> button?
text-align: center
on uhhh lemme check
Maybe i need to liven up my comments with /kappa /s =P =P =P YOLO XDXD So people know I am not serious.
the parent div
@Pimgd funky!
@N3buchadnezzar Maybe? Adding one of them would definitely help
@JeroenVannevel I have a story on this sprint, estimated 2 days
I spent 1 day building things
Atleast it was in the center of your attention
=/ =| =)
that one was funny even although I didn't want it to be
Did you manage to center it?
@Pimgd Congratulations =P /s
If you'd like your code reviewed, I suggest you post it on the Code Review site, not here. — martineau 40 secs ago
When cleaning up obsolete log files, don't accidentally delete important configuration files.
@Donald.McLean Who made log files and configuration files look so much alike, anyway?

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