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RELOAD! There are 2531 unanswered questions (92.9319% answered)
This belongs on code review. — Coatless 26 secs ago
Ha thanks for the link - seems that hardcoding the function will be best then performance-wise as passing R functions to Rcpp seems to be slow... Anyway, any other advice would be wellcome! But I can also ask my question on codereview.stackexchange.com if you guys prefer - all the same for me... — Tom Wenseleers 34 secs ago
knocked out two zombies - one from May and one from June :)
Q: Integer to roman number converter

Jerry CoffinThis is (yet another) integer to Roman numeral converter. To give it a slightly interesting twist, I've implemented this as a num_put facet of a C++ locale, so by creating the right locale, and imbuing a stream to use that locale, all the numbers written to that stream will be written out in Rom...

Q: R: Simulating evolution of a trait in an asexual population (performance tuning, maybe using Rcpp?)

Tom WenseleersI just coded a simple simulation module that looks at the evolution of a continuous trait in a haploid asexually reproducing population under density dependent competition in discrete time (i.e. non-overlapping generations, using recurrence equations). What I am interested in is finding out wheth...

@Mast *waves*
Q: Verifying if one list contains a string from another list

RobbenI am trying to validate that when given two lists, List<String> models; List<String> titleOfVehicle; that one of the models must be contained in each of the titleOfVehicle. For example, given the following: models = {Accord, Civic, Element} titleOfVehicle1 = {2014 Honda Accord, 2011 Toyota C...

1 hour later…
Q: Shell Sort code- can it be improved

Amit.rk3I have a working shell sort code. I had already written a code for insertion sort, which I have used as underlying algorithm for doing shell sort on sub lists. So if you pass value of gap as 1 to method insertionSortNew, it would become a normal insertion sort. Can this code be improved ? Shell...

Q: python random number generater 1 to 9

Hyunclass Baseball_Engine(object): def __init__(self): self.count = 0 self.random_number_list = [0, 0, 0] while self.count < 3: random_number = random.randint(1, 9) self.random_number_list[self.count] = random_number if self.random_...

Q: Why do my doubles return as 0 when divided?

PtSageFor some reason on the class tuna, humanAge keeps transferring over to ageLeft as 0? What is causing this? import java.util.Scanner; public class oats { public static void main (String args[]) { Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); tuna tunaObject = new tuna(); System.out.pr...

Q: Repeatitive Brute Force algorithm Java

ProgrammingCuberI have a program that brute force searches for a combination of inputted array elements by the user and when the program is searching all the for loops are nested for the brute search then I have this test() which looks is responsible for testing out all the possible combinations of the nested fo...

possible answer invalidation by mdfst13 on question by Hyun: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/134934/revisions
Huh, this Q and selfie-A is a bit odd maybe? I can't tell exactly the time lapse, but seems like the Q and selfie-A were posted pretty close to each other
The Q and the A users are disjointed
for (int k = 0; k < gap; k++) {
  for (int i = k; i < arr.length; i = i + gap) {
    for (int j = i; j > k; j = j - gap) {
      if (arr[j] < arr[j - gap]) {
      	// ...
@CaptainObvious #NamingThings
Q: Rolling z-score function in R

EkaI have written a rolling z-score function myself. Is my implementation of rolling z-score function correct? #x is an xts object and y duration eg rollz(x,25) rollz<-function(x,y){ avg=rollapply(x, y, mean) std=rollapply(x, y, sd) z=(x-avg)/std return(z) }

Q: Node Application EJS issue

Anand Deep SinghI am planning to create below type application. below is my Node code :- // index page app.get('/', function(req, res) { var movieData = []; jsonfile.readFile(file, function(err, obj) { movieData = obj; res.render('pages/index', { taglineAnand : tagl...

@Mast I would've done something had I known a better title. But I guess I can do so anyway and someone else may come up with a better title.
@Jamal Seems pretty decent
@Phrancis Eeek
@N3buchadnezzar ಠ_ಠ
@Phrancis I am almost done writing on the document for PE02
I have done all the coding, just writing the end of the explanations. Also need to add some performances tests at the end
@N3buchadnezzar Do share and ping me when it's ready
I've enjoyed what you've written so far
Will do. I am really pleased with my solution on PE02. Can evaluate the sum of all even fibonacci numbers under 4*10^1000 in about a milisecond.
DAMN that's fast
> find the sum of all even Fibonacci numbers under 10^10 000 in about a 1 ms
@N3buchadnezzar "a 1 ms" sounds kinda weird
Q: Is there any better way to refactor this Backbone.model based class code?

Anthony KongI have created a class to keep track of some internal states. You can see it as a very simple implementation of a state machine class State extends Backbone.Model defaults: step: 'start' initialize: -> @stepDefs = [ name : 'start' , name : STAGE_...

This is no code review site. Leearn how to benchmark and compare the assembler code. — Olaf 10 secs ago
@Duga this is a code review site, so...
... it is still pretty much off-topic here... you gotta race your horses if all you care about is fast
also, huh, races to 20k? hah
about 14 more lolcode questions and I'm there?
Congratulations, @JeroenVannevel, on reaching 10k!
Jeroen Vannevel, London, United Kingdom
10k 1 23 68
Q: How to effectively test DAO classes using spring

NewUserMy Junit class looks like: @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) @ContextConfiguration(classes = { Configuration1.class, Configuration2.class }) public class Dao1Test extends GenericPostTestExecutor { @Before public void setUp() { // Insert seed data } @After publ...

Q: Create/Verify signed license files

JanDotNetThe purpose of the class is to provide an easy way for create and verify a signed license file (or key). I am interested in any improvments / thoughts about the class. Usage: var signer = new LengthSigner(); // creation var properties = new Dictionary<string, string>(); properties.Add("Key1", ...

@CaptainObvious needs migration
I dunno yet, candidates are SO, software testing and QA, and programmers
lemme look at them tours
awww they deleted it
I was being nice too
> Hi, welcome to Code Review! I'm afraid your question is off-topic - the code you posted is hypothetical code (or code severely lacking in context). Furthermore, as you say, you're not really looking for a code review, you're looking for a design review. It's a good question, and I'm pretty sure we can move it somewhere where it can get answered, but for this site it's out of scope.
SQA has poor docs
I'mma just ask on their meta
I'll either learn or they'll get their stuff together
@CaptainObvious Based on the wishful , , and tags, I'm not 100% sure that the author wants a code review.
Q: Site scope - are questions asking about how to test and/or alter your specific design to be better testable on-topic?

PimgdI'm primarily active on Code Review, where we review people's code. Someone posted a question there that was about improving the testability of their code. You'll need 10k rep to see it, so here's a link and an image: How to effectively test DAO classes using spring I understand that if you ...

there we go
Shame this spec hasn't been updated in nearly a year
also, SQA stats after 1899 days... are not all that good
Software Quality Assurance & Testingsqa.stackexchange.com

Beta Q&A site for software quality control experts, automation engineers, and software testers.

Currently in public beta.

just not very active, it seems
because no one wants to test their code?
gotta share more interesting stuff
Q: Employer has my signature on a blank form. Is this allowed?

Canadian LukeIn BC, we have many forms to get things ordered or to move along. One form I am responsible for signing and giving the yay-nay on has been copied with all the fields blanked out, except my signature. The purpose of this form is to prove I was consulted before the decision to purchase. Having my ...

this screams nope nope nope to me
@Phrancis Ogreed
Tumbleweed candidate; zero score, no answers, no comments, and low views: Bootstrapped tabbed table view
Monking @all
more workplace horror
Q: Dealing with expensive office traditions

MagischIn the company I work at (more than 200 employees), it's customary to buy cakes for everyone when it is your birthday. This is all but an explicitly stated requirement -- it's taken very seriously. Although they can't fire me for noncompliance, I would really like to avoid annoying my boss signif...

the some of the answers go along with the question, stating "To survive this period in your life, you need to be creative. Borrow if you need to, ask a coworker, freelance, sell things, do whatever you need to (legally) do to survive and get through this."
You're an intern prototyper code slave that's being paid crap wages and they make you buy cake for everybody?
I literally got told today not to come to work next week
@Quill that's... interesting.
now I wanna know more
@Pimgd you can't have your cake and eat it too
@Quill Because they gave you paid vacation and is planning a suprise party when you return, right? right?
the project lead doesn't want to farm out any issues, so I've got little to do, and he basically said "the rest of the issues for this release are ones I'm going to do, so you don't need to come to work next week"
I politely reminded him that he's not my boss, and that I have other things to do
Q: Restricted file upload to remote the Ruby way

BrauserSo I am using a Rails web app on the machine webapp, from which I call an action, that pushes a file to a remote server backend. Due to security reasons, we are using SSH keys and put the public part into user@backend:~/.ssh/authorized_keys. The keys are restricted, so the Rails app does not have...

I might be a code slave, but I ain't your code slave
Casually introducing tight coupling because "it doesn't matter" as hackfixes instead of doing it correctly. :S Why can't people be bothered to put in a little extra work and do it right
@N3buchadnezzar I sure as hell can, just gotta make a bigger cake
then you can eat half and keep the other half
At 200 people you shouldn't need to buy fro everyone. It's customary in small companies here too to buy cake or coffeebread when it's their birthday, but when it gets too big it's just impossible
@Gemtastic big companies as well
We're 150-200 strong in this office and we buy cakes for people's birthdays
But it's not a cake that is meant to accommodate everyone, usually just the team that person is in
@DanPantry Are you at the same here as I am?
@Vogel612 you're from germany, right? Tell us about this weird cake culture you've got
Also yeah, at larger companies it's sometimes still customary, depending on the company type and if it happens it's only for the team/department.
@Gemtastic Hmm?
But I don't know any company 100+ people that has the custom to serve EVERYONE cake on your birthday
@Pimgd While oh noes there is little cake left == True: bake more
2 mins ago, by Dan Pantry
@Gemtastic big companies as well
@Gemtastic your question was worded confusingly - "are you at the same here"? :P
I have worked in a few schools and colleges. The customary here is that others bring you stuff on your birthday. Bringing your own cake for your own birthday seems strange.
@DanPantry I said " It's customary in small companies here" and you added large companies too. It made it sound like you were refering to the same "here" as I am.
Companies everywhere can have very different cultures.
> Oh, and it doesn't go away as you rise the corporate ladder. I worked for one company where, if a person at a VP level or higher wasn't donating tens of thousands of dollars to charity, their promotion chances were nil. Their chances of having a need to find new employment, however, were rather high.
Being surprised with cake, chocolate and freshly brewed coffee in the teachers lounge is much better =)
@Zak Is that not a good thing? Well it deppends on your salary though of course.
Personally I think the whole make everyone else celebrate you on your birthday thing is backwards. People should be buying YOU cake.
The cake is a lie
Though I also am a weirdo who don't want my birthday celebrated
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Printing a prime normalized sequence
Celebrated and being given cake is two different things though?
@Gemtastic Oh, right. Sorry :) No, I'm from a different "here" ^^ My brain omitted the location part of your statement
> Sup my dawg, congrats on your b day. Now eat this cake and shut it fool
@DanPantry Good, then we got that sorted out :)
To me it's natural to celebrate people you like on their birthdays. Forcing your birthday on others just feels weird. "Nobody loves me so you all better eat my cake so that I can pretend people want to come to my birthday party"
> . Along the way, the goals and scope evolved, eventually realizing that instead having an arbitrary amount of time to make a new version, they should instead release a new version for each year.
Reading this article. The cognitive dissonance is quite funny :P
Q: WPF Multi-Threaded Collection Update with UI Interaction

KillercamI have the following code XAML: MainWindow.xaml: <Window x:Class="MultiThreadListBox.MainWindow" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" xmlns:d="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/blen...

Q: Find numbers that are both Traingle numbers and Square numbers

Paras D PainI've written a simple javascript function to find numbers that contain both the attributes of a Triangle \$ n(n+1)/2 = x \$ and a Square number. \$ n^2 = x \$ The challenge was given in Matt Parker's Things to Make and Do in the Fourth Dimension. function main() { for (var i = 1; i < 1000000...

quick, it's a pikachu, catch it @Dawny33
Q: Asks the user for an input, stores and prints it to the console c#

bubblez go popMy code is very simple, it asks for an input then stores the input. I am new to c# and wanted to know if it was possible to both ask and accept the input on one line. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Co...

@DanPantry haha :D
man, real flexible hours are super cool
roll out of bed, play a game, show up at work an hour later, whatevs, still have 6 hours of overtime left
overwatch time?
@skiwi Monking!
Confusing why so many libraries have dead code in them
function stripCommentsFromElement(element) {
  if (element instanceof jqLite) {
    switch (element.length) {
      case 0:
        return [];
break is being flagged as dead code by typescript which is causing build errors lol
@thepoosh It could be on CodeReview, but it's also a pretty valid Stack Overflow question. It's quite tightly scoped and asking a specific question. — Zak 5 secs ago
our internal proxy is blocking me from git pushing to our internal bitbucket
@DanPantry I skipped reading the word code in your last comment . It sounded like you had really weird libraries around you.
Q: Check if the website is up

CodeYogiapi.js 'use strict'; const http = require('http'); module.exports = url => { const options = { host: url, method: 'HEAD', path: '/' }; const req = http.request(options); req.end(); const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let connected = false; req.on('re...

I'm coming for you @Mat'sMug
@Zak the race is on
@skiwi Would be helpful, unfortunately TypeScript only has the --allowUnreachableCode flag which switches it on for all unreachable code
Also wow, I did not realise I'd done that much answering.
Also, no CR gold badge yet :(
Though at this rate, I might get that badge in time for christmas ^^
cake story time!
@Pimgd I am, but I can't...
because I don't understand it myself
it's just... convention
It's your birthday, so you bring something to eat for everyone in small companies
or for everyone with "first-come first-serve" and when it's out it's out.
Sometimes C-Levels will provide the breakfast for everyone on their birthdays
in this case the intern has to provide all the cake
Incompatible data type issues are common when working with multiple modules. If you want the rest of your code reviewed, I suggest you post it on codereview.stackexchange.com instead of here. — martineau 14 secs ago
which seems unreasonable
even in the Netherlands we just treat the team, not the whole company
@Pimgd Seems like a good day to be sick :D
Invalid isolate scope definition for directive 'headerPanel'. Definition: {... middleCallback: '&middle?' ...} help its friday and I can't stop derping (gotta put the question mark after the &)
I already had to delete one answer because I went off the tracks so hard the resulting output was wrong
and another answer completely disregarded the OP's statements
question says "I didn't do the documentation" answer says "you've got some shoddy docs here"
zzzz can we just skip to weekend already
@Zak I see I got some catching up to do. What do we race for, 10k?
Q: Export data from python to spreadsheet.

learner123for the export to have the format: , i have coded following. Please let me know the betterments. Thanks in advance. import numpy as np import xlwt #THIS MAY BE GOOD #from pandas import DataFrame amin =2 amax=10 da = 2 names = ['amin', 'amax', 'da'] values = [amin, amax, da] fname='EXPORTexampl...

@Mast I'd be up for that ^^
@Zak The race is on :-)
@SimonForsberg can we get Racing stats for syb0rg (27623) and me (37660) as well as Mast (52915) and Zak (161702)?
I have mad css skills, that's why my elements are flying all over the place
@Pimgd hooray angular
@Pimgd Are you sure you didn't put it in an <marquee>?
@skiwi <bilnk> surely
already fixed that, just gotta center that button =D
still, it looked pretty wtf
I only know how to do it in jQuery.
puts on face of shame
@DanPantry bilnk
@skiwi I know what i meant
@Mast yeah that's because in CSS it's a bit harder because it depends on context ^^
      // going forward a day to ensure we avoid timezone issues.
      const end = new Date(scheduler.view().endDate().getTime() + 144000000).toUTCString()
I'm having some spare stars today
This is really one of the biggest forms of "there i fixed it" I've seen today
@ChrisG What about the guys with 5 years of experience for a 3 year old language that everyone wants? I bet they have like 160% mastery. — corsiKa yesterday
@DanPantry Going a day forward to what? That sounds hacky.
It is.
Buckle up, here's the story.
This is for displaying a calendar. We have a start and end date which are calculated based on the visible start/end dates by a 3rd party widget.
The 3rd party widget, if it says the "end" date is the 15th of July, will give us the date of 15th July 2016 00:00 GMT
So we sent that to the server as an ISO string as you would expect, so far so good
Except the date/times for the calendar items in the server are stored separately; ONDATE and ONTIME. The way the API is currently set up means that, in combination with 15th July 2016 00:00, the server will return all the events up to the 15th July 2016 00:00, but not for the 15th July 2016 00:00.
So... the developer added a day to the end date so that we sent 16th July 2016 00:00 when we want the events for 15th July 2016 00:00.
Yup, hacky.
Also edge case if you're in a time zone and request events on the midnight, you'll only get events up to DayYouRequested - TimeZoneHours because the date is correctly converted to UTC.
Of course, the correct solution is to send the dates you want, keep the time zone information and have the server handle those edge cases, not the client, but alas...
Apparently I am crazy for suggesting that the API should handle implementation detail and not leak it to the client ^^
You should try profiling and measuring the performance of your program to figure out which points are the slowest and whether memory or CPU power is the limiting factor. That will help you narrow down what particular changes could help you. Then you could also upload the slowest parts of your source code to a question on codereview.stackexchange.com and ask for advice on improving its performance. — gfv 17 secs ago
@DanPantry Any proper seperation-of-concerns book will tell you the same thing, but hey.
Isn't the whole idea behind MVC and the likes to avoid this?
But MVC isn't a silver bullet, it takes discipline still to separate things out instead of just do things the easy way
@Vogel612 to which room?
here would be an option, alternatively the Nth
I don't think there's any other overlap
@Vogel612 @Duga is spammy here already. Nth it will be.
Remind me about it tomorrow, currently at work.
sure thing. Thanks :)
Also remind me that I seriously need to improve @Duga's configuration... I gotta start giving her a Groovy DSL
There, have a star. Now you'll be remembered.
but there's so many other things I have to do as well... let's see how much I can get done with five weeks vacation...
#developer #languages https://t.co/1EuoEmeXdM
@SimonForsberg 5 weeks? :o That's a nice amount
> "This browser does not support video playback"
Sweden is awesome? ^^
@Vogel612 Get a real browser :P
Sweden is pretty.. Swell
@Mast Chromium doesn't count?
I haev issues with Flash video on Chrome but HTML5 stuff works fine
I guess not.
and Chromium as well *
because I think it might be seriously dumb to try IE on Arch
bah. I don't like FF
@Vogel612 Yes, that would definitely be worse.
Don't get me started on Opera
I could try vivaldi, but then I'd have to configure all my bookmarks again
and that's not a little number of bookmarks :/
@N3buchadnezzar That PE document is quite fancy.
@Vogel612 Why?
the addin system seems significantly more intrusive
also I don't like the menu and settings structure...
@DanPantry @Vogel612 Just out of curiousity, can you check if minesweeperflags.net/gwt/html/build/dist work on your browsers? There should appear a game.
@SimonForsberg seems to load for me
And work
aside from the unfortunate problem that I can't click "Start Game" when I add three players ... works
@SimonForsberg The menu is a little screwed here.
possible answer invalidation by Selvin on question by Selvin: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/134870/revisions
I think your question is probably better suited for Code ReviewFairy 53 secs ago
@Vogel612 @Mast git blame bazola. I think we'll remove the option to play with more than two players though.
@Mast It's a fun one, isn't it? :)
@SimonForsberg That's 2 AI playing each other, I haven't looked at the actual gameplay yet.
It goes a tad fast if it's AI vs AI though.
Crap, I should ask another question or I'll lose this race before it's a day old.
Q: Sherlock and The Beast exapmle problems

user111488A Decent Number has the following properties: Its digits can only be 3's and/or 5's. The number of 3's it contains is divisible by 5. The number of 5's it contains is divisible by 3. If there are more than one such number, we pick the largest one. Moriarty's virus shows a clock counting down to ...

@Mast Yeah, I'm not sure if we have implemented that delay or not yet.
Q: My code is the start of a Caesar cipher. c#

bubblez go popMy code takes an input, uses the input to take a number of letters from the start of the alphabet and put them at the end. I intend to use this to create a Caesar style cipher. Is there a way to do this more elegantly? using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Sy...

Q: HTML-formular with animated input-elements

mizechThe idea is to improve the usage of larger formulars. Done by adding a little animation to the input-elments. When one of the textboxes is clicked or focussed via tab appears a colored border. Signalling the user which exact box has become active. (function() { var inputs = document.quer...

I just went outside. Unthinkable.
And caught a Dratini.
@DanPantry Lucky you. I just went outside, said hell no, and walked back inside.
I'm quite content sitting at my desk in the AC :)
@DanPantry Congratulations.
I've always preferred having at least one Dragon in my party whenever realistically possible.
@throck95 What's your location? It ain't that hot in NW Europe at the moment.
@Mast OH, USA - 8 AM already 80 F
@throck95 looked at my answer again; at least you can still use the non-documentation comments
@throck95 Oh, yea, must be high summer there.
@Pimgd yep, did my comment make sense tho as to why i didnt wait :P
@Mast very - my car is 100 F when i get in it after work
@throck95 Where in OH?
@syb0rg Cincy
hmmh I dunno, it seems weird that you have nothing else to do?
@Pimgd intern where i have 2 other projects that are waiting on the business
@syb0rg lol - born and raised cincy :P
@DanPantry Lies, you just used a drone
annnnd added 1 moar comment
now gotta do my own work
@Pimgd you don't HAVE to do your work. it's just highly suggested
@skiwi That's a surprisingly good idea.
in case of call success, open the side panel
in case of call failure... open the side panel anyway
hopefully just knocked out another zombie :P
Finding zombies to answer is surprisingly hard, given there are so many of them.
@Mast not that many in laravel tho, got to really look for a good one
I got some queries, but they all output crap. I don't have enough answers yet for them to be effective.
the dutch version of iff is weird... English - "If and only if"; Dutch - "Dan en slechts dan als"//"Then and only then if"
One of the questions it suggests to answer is this:
Q: Finding minimum scalar product using ST Monad

rampionInspired by a Stack Overflow question, I decided to practice my Haskell by taking a crack at the Google Code Jam's Minimum Scalar Product problem: Given two vectors \$\mathbf{v_1}=(x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_n)\$ and \$\mathbf{v_2}=(y_1,y_2,\ldots,y_n)\$. If you could permute the coordinates of each ve...

An old zombie.
@Pimgd sent ya a comment on your answer btw - maybe you'll have some suggestions o_O
@Pimgd Some things are better left not translated.
@Mast insert weird native curse word here
A better translation would be 'In geval van en enkel in geval van', of 'Enkel en alleen als'.
Dan en slechts dan als (afkorting: desda) is in de wiskunde en in de logica een algemeen gebruikte uitdrukking om equivalentie van twee uitspraken aan te geven. Varianten zijn onder andere bi-implicatie, wederzijdse implicatie, dan en alleen dan als en P is nodig en voldoende voor Q (als alternatief voor P dan en slechts dan als Q). Het symbool voor 'dan en slechts dan als' is ⇔ {\displaystyle \Leftrightarrow } . Onder andere in het academisch wiskundemilieu gebruikt men als en slechts dan als. Equivalente uitdrukkingen: asa (het in België meer gebruikte...
don't blame meee
co-worker casually drops "desda" in conversation and I'm like "wat"
Better than what some of my ex-colleagues tend to call each other :P
1 + 2 in Ruby: 1.next.next
Just because it works, doesn't mean you should do it...
Q: Finds second el representing lowest second valued float in list of nested list, prints first el of each list with same value

Duncan BettsI'm teaching myself programming, apologies for the horrible title, I couldn't think of better words. I would like to know how I could make this Python3 could more flexibile, for example if I wanted to find students with the 3rd lowest grade, or the lowest, or any other value. Based on this piece...

Q: Spring: xml and annotation based mapping

RudziankoŭI feel like I made some redundancy. I have both xml mapping and annotation mapping. My web.xml is following: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <web-app xmlns="http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="ht...

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