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Unrelated question... How hard is basic network troubleshooting (from tech support stand point) for someone who has not done that before? (like me)
@syb0rg I think the bigger problem is the question, it's asking about a folder structure, not really about code
Q: Class Modeling: Multiple Person, only two user system

user98498In my hospital system have Patients Professionals = medical, secretary, hospital staff Suppliers = product suppliers Companies = heath plan, others Among the four, only two can access the system: Professional (to work) and patient (To access your information) In my financial module, everyone...

Voting to close since we don't review folder structures, just code. — syb0rg 6 secs ago
> Basic knowledge of NT and UNIX workstations
Who, what
Maybe this is not really for me at the moment ~.~
@forsvarir Definitely right, that bad answer came up in the review queue so I didn't get to look at the question beforehand
@Mat'sMug Why thiz no working?
HAI 1.2
    I HAS A i ITZ 10
        VISIBLE i
Oh gosh, LOLCODE -_-"
you probably want to put this on codereview.stackexchange.com — Alnitak 22 secs ago
It only shows 0, wherez teh rest?
@Mast because interpreter bugs
@Pimgd I figured as much, so I tried it on multiple interpreters. No joy anywhere.
loop construct control variables (x in YR <x>) are set to 0.
yes, stab stab stab stab stab.
Fine. Let's make it needlessly complicated to work around the interpreter.
I'll shoot the interpreter to pieces.
If this were posted on Code Review, we would ask for a title and description that actually explains what the code does / is meant for. That said, it would be on-topic on CR. — Phrancis 42 secs ago
I'll nomz it!
This question is too broad for SO, but Code Review seems like it would be an excellent fit. I recommend deleting your post here before you accrue any downvotes and posting it on code review. — zzzzBov 34 secs ago
@Mast Make a better interpreter, made with LOLCODE
@syb0rg I'll write one in C++. Doubles development time but halves the amount of bugs.
@syb0rg no support for string manipulation in LOLCODE
@Pimgd There's string concatenation though.
@Mast yep, which leads to crap like this:
Q: LOLCODE String Parsing

dpwilsonSuppose I have a string that takes the form "## ##" in stdin that I want to read in, e.g. "15 16". That's simple enough: I HAS A STRINGY GIMMEH STRINGY That grabs the whole line from stdin and stores it into the string—er, excuse me, YARN—called STRINGY. How would I go about extracting the t...

It sounds simple, right? Input is 15 16. Output should be 31. How do?
Better idea... don't write LOLCODE?
@Phrancis you are boring
yesterday, by user2296177
It's not fair that 1% of the users hold 75% of the lolcode questions. #OccupyMatsMug
@Mast ^^^
actually I might totally turn that into a working thing and put it on CR
Somebody must take the unholy task of learning this forsaken language and MESSIN TEH STATZ.
it'll be a KALKULATUR
You guys may as well contribute to LOLCODE dev while you're at it
@Phrancis don't encourage LOLCODE!
Make it less painful for the next person
@Phrancis Yea, where's the 1.3 spec anyway? Can only find the 1.2.
Eh, who cares for documentation. I am just going to the bathroom. Two minutes later... What sort of strange alien wrote this code!
that question deserves 1 moar upvote so the asker can get a nice question badge =D
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on [CodeReview](codereview.stackexchange.com) — Alnitak 28 secs ago
@Alnitak Close because it's off-topic here. Whether it's on-topic for Code Review is quite irrelevant. — Mast 19 secs ago
@JoeWallis You there?
Q: What good is the NERFIN loop operation in LOLCODE?

JB.What the spec says on the subject: Iteration loops have the form: IM IN YR <label> <operation> YR <variable> [TIL|WILE <expression>] <code block> IM OUTTA YR <label> Where <operation> may be UPPIN (increment by one), NERFIN (decrement by one), or any unary function. That oper...

This belong on code review. — Adam 17 secs ago
found the real reason
> That operation/function is applied to the <variable>, which is temporary, and local to the loop.
@syb0rg Yo
I have the following conditional in Python:
@Pimgd Yea, that's not exactly working either.
if time_list[i][1] == '01/01/70 00:00:00'
	time_list[i][1] == None
	print time_list[i][1]
But time_list[i][1] keeps printing 01/01/70 00:00:00
@Pimgd expected end of expression at: DUZ
@syb0rg Check the types.
@Mast I know it's entering the conditional tho
What type is it?
I think it's another case of me doing something really dumb
@syb0rg I guess it can't assign None.
@Mast DUZ?
@Pimgd When trying that answer.
@JoeWallis Should be a string
Probably isn't though.
Try assigning it "" instead of None.
Yep, type(time_list[i][1]) prints 'str'
> Creating functions is done with a new HOW IZ I operator instead of HOW DUZ I.
from 1.3 spec
@syb0rg I mean the containers time_list is a list<list<string>>?
@Mast Tried that too, same thing
@syb0rg Should time_list[i][1] == None be time_list[i][1] = None
@Pimgd Guess my interpreter only accepts 1.3 now, not 1.2.
@JoeWallis list<tuple(string)>
@Mast so replace with IZ to fix
@syb0rg You should be getting a TypeError
Tuple object doesn't support item assignment?
@forsvarir I'm facepalming, but not a complete fix
@Pimgd Now it's failing the same at 5.
@syb0rg Tuples are immutable, so yeah they don't
> You've earned the "Nice Answer" badge (Answer score of 10 or more) for "LOLCODE String Parsing".
Well sheeit
Greetings, Earthlings.
Welcome to Python :-)
Try using a list, :)
@Mast see the answer:
@Donald.McLean Greetings, ET.
> Unfortunately, there is an "efficiency hack" which prevents code inside a loop from modifying the loop variable using R:
and links to a github
Many, perhaps most, modern languages have immutability as a key feature in many of the library classes.
@JoeWallis Can't, I'm using an external lib and that's what it's returning
I'm pretty sure that Scala tuples are also immutable.
@syb0rg Do you have a code dump I may look at?
@Pimgd So I need to patch my interpreter?
Yeah =/
@JoeWallis What about time_str = '' if time_list[i][1] == '01/01/70 00:00:00' else time_list[i][1]
that; or alternatively, use the suggestion by OP
Is there a better way to write that?
@syb0rg I'd use that, :)
Is there a way to default to time_list unless that condition?
Like in C, with a GNU extension I could do time_str = time_list[i][1] != "01/01/70 00:00:00" ?: ""
Or something like that
Not that I know of, ):
@Pimgd I'll ping you when I finished my program and put it up for review :P
@JoeWallis Well, it works so that's the good thing
No problem, :)
possible answer invalidation by theblindprophet on question by theblindprophet: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/134684/revisions
@Duga needs rollback, I think...?
@Pimgd I mean, he didn't change anything he just updated to say what he ended up doing. The original question remains intact imo
@throck95 should be a self-answer then
@N3buchadnezzar try [text](link)
I can only type so fast with one pinky ;v)
being a nonuple amputee is hard
How is nonuple even a word and why does it fit so perfectly into this setting?
Q: Replace text in emacs buffer with processed one

Srv19I have function that processes text and returns it in altered state. Result of the processing is a property list with following properties of interest: :success - t if processing finished correctly :text - complete changed text :changedLines: list of changed lines as 2 element vectors [number-o...

it's the latin version of nine
+ uple (a la double triple quadruple quintuple)
and nonauple would see the a removed because ... I dunno, English. I don't know what all the rules are called
@Pimgd Random rubbish?
Black magic?
No, we call those "linguistics"
you don't tend to have two vowels next to each other in portmanteaus
if you have any other questions of the sort, I suggest your redirect them to the appropriate stacks
You may have better luck on codereview.stackexchange.comjaco0646 37 secs ago
or... CR, apparently, you may have better luck there
Might post my implementation of Baillie-PSW here for a review.
However will need some time to try to clean up the code first
@DanPantry That isn't a portmanteau because nona is a prefix and uple is a root. They're designed to go together to make a whole word.
Good morning all.
Do we ever transfer questions to programmers? codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/134746/…
> You've earned the "Enlightened" badge (First to answer and accepted with score of 10 or more) for "LOLCODE String Parsing".
@pacmaninbw sometimes, but that can only be done by moderators
user-migrations are restricted to StackOverflow and Meta.CR
Just wondering
why can't we migrate to programmers?
is it because of potential crap shoveling
@Pimgd probably because the overlap is so small and programmers scope is under discussion and this and that
They might shovel it back.
also the migration volume for programmers is basically negligible
@Vogel612 then the migration volume for stackoverflow is basically negligible ... times two
I think of these migrations away no more than two were performed by users...
@Mat'sMug do you have better stats?
@Vogel612 Since when is the scope under discussion?
@skiwi since quite a while actually
Are they like going to fix their scope? Or will that never happen ^^
Q: New Site Name and Scope Proposals

Thomas OwensFrom Ana, a Stack Exchange Community Manager in the previous question about changing the site name: It took us a good while, but the Community Team has circled up and here's where we stand on your request to change Programmers.SE's name. We agree that renaming this site is a good idea....

@skiwi they are intending to and from what I can see it looks good.
@JoeWallis Another quick question
Oh interesting, don't think I've seen that post yet
@Vogel612 nope, we have the same identical page :)
How can I return a list from a function best?
value_input_list = [None] * args.range
for i, val in enumerate(value_input_list, start = 1)
	value_input_list[i-1] = 'flcon1:DataValue~Osiris_Test_Data_' + str(i) + '.Value'
I basically have to do this a bunch in my code
But with that little string (.Value) at the end varying for each list
Right now I have a lot of copy and paste code... which is bad and I hate
> Coffee McWhiskeyface is right out
awww :(
@Zak saaaaad
@skiwi it's not so much fixing their scope, it's more toward making it cleaner
@syb0rg I'd use a list comprehension there.
return [
    'flcon1:DataValue~Osiris_Test_Data_' + str(i + 1) + '.Value'
    for i in range(args.range)
A broad way to describe Programmers is for questions that aren't directly about programming, rather the art of being a programmer
this post is better suited for CodeReview than SO — RGA 49 secs ago
I've flagged your question to be migrated over to Code Review, where this type of question is precisely what the site's scope is all about. On Stack Overflow though, this would be too broad. — Mat's Mug 41 secs ago
@syb0rg You could try using str.format but I dunno if you'd like it 'flcon1:DataValue~Osiris_Test_Data_{}.Value'.format(i + 1)
@JoeWallis Is it faster?
@JoeWallis This is within my main loop as of right now, how should I functionalize it?
@syb0rg Not fast, but simple.
Yeah, better for CodeReview - but may I suggest first avoid using .SelectBruceWayne 13 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by Issa Khoury on question by Issa Khoury: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/134031/revisions
@Duga thanks BatMan
@syb0rg functionalize?
@JoeWallis Move the functionality to a function
So I could do value_input_list = get_list(num, '.Value')
@Duga sigh I want to rollback on principle, but the edit doesn't conflict with any answers
@syb0rg You could do something like:
def get_list(amount, end):
    return [
        'flcon1:DataValue~Osiris_Test_Data_' + str(i + 1) + end
        for i in range(amount)
@Pimgd It's up ^^
Can we change our name to Coffee McWhiskeyface if we ask nicely? Surely everybody will still understand the point of this site.
man google prettify needs LOLCODE support
keyword: needs
You people star the most random things. sigh
@N3buchadnezzar lol. just wait. I think that one might get to 10
@JoeWallis Magical, thanks!
Has anyone seen Captain Slowpoke today?
He's being extra slow.
@Mast nope. He's still moving slowly to this chat
Maybe he is in another chatroom
Q: Trying to make more simple VBA

DiogoI have few models like this below for diferent tools i manage. I am trying to clean/improve the code... Could you help me? All the informations comes inside columns B to N, and the column P concatenate it with ";". There are 6 sheets i do the same thing. Any ideas to have a better performance a...


Mast It's not fair that 1% of the users hold 75% of the lolcode questions. #OccupyMatsMug ~ user2296177 I agree. Without further ado, here's the LOLCODE version of 99 bottles of beer on the wall: OBTW PRINT TEH LOLCODE VERSHUN OV N BOTTLEZ OV BER ON TEH WALL. TLDR HAI 1.3 HOW IZ I CO...

there he is
Speak of the devil
@syb0rg woah that was fast
@Mat'sMug Hm?
The migration?
@Mast that name....
Well he is Obviously a slowpoke
baddum tish
Question belongs on CodeReview. flagged as such — RGA 36 secs ago
@Mat'sMug Oh lol
@throck95 Titles should be descriptive.
@N3buchadnezzar the name actually came from the feed posting questions we've all already seen on the main site by the time they're posted here :)
@CaptainObvious HNQ quality
@Mast that name only works because of the var names lol. the all caps tho is a little much tho
@Mat'sMug I know ;)
@Donald.McLean well... technically, I'm still correct
@throck95 The entire language is ALLCAPS, can't help it.


Himz iz probably rightz
Naming is hard. Naming in LOLCODE is harder.
@Mast might also have something to do that LOLCODE doesn't even use english structure
they created their own language that has almost no similarity to any existing language
@N3buchadnezzar cool pic
@throck95 THANKS!
@N3buchadnezzar YOU CAN RITE LOLCODE
Oh dang, I thought I was reading a LOLCODE question, turns out it's VBA
Q: How to avoid carrying around a lock with my variable when multiple threads instantiation in Python?

DelganI created an application using multiple threads defined in multiple class files which read and write into a "shared variable" (a dictionary). To ensure thread-safety, I am using a Lock, and I pass it as argument to my Thread class next to my variable. What bothers me is that two objects which a...

anyone know how to do small text in answers
alright, mostly done writing my answer
gotta go back to actual work
@skiwi LOL!
to be fair, LOLCODE is probably newer
> Proper LOLCODE uses cats, it doesn't abuse them.
hasn't been updated since like 2007 though =/
@Mat'sMug needs rephrasing for more impact =/
insta HNQ, btw.
this is how clickbait rants on meta are started
@Quill You would not believe what language this code was written in! Click here for 5 more crazy programming dialects!
@Mast expect nhgrif's downvote as soon as he sees that LOLCODE question though
Q: Celestial age calculator

CodesInTheValleyOur solar system has 8 planets, including earth. Our calendar has some very confusing concepts such as leap years, which I still don't fully understand. In fact, since where I live, we use a different solar calendar that is different from the Gregorian reforms of the Julian Western calendar, I th...

> 12 votes, 25 views
@CaptainObvious when I was your age it had 9
@Mat'sMug What? It still has 9
Pluto is no longer classified as one...
Thanks, Neil deGrasse Tyson
#Make Pluto Great Again
if pluto is a planet, then I'm a JAVA coder
@Mat'sMug They re-reclassified Pluto as a dwarf planet. nasa.gov/audience/forstudents/k-4/stories/nasa-knows/…
@DanPantry you should change it then :)
No one likes oneboxed gifs
@DanPantry once it's moved up enough, nobody will look at it unless they view the transcript. So it incites conversation to get it off the screen faster!
@Phrancis bad reasoning, people can exist on not-planets just fine
Of course, but children don't know that :)
"Pluto doesn't exist as a planet, people can live in space, and santa isn't real, screw you kid"
@DanPantry (in cursive)
Technically Earth isn't a planet when you look at it in comparison to Jupiter. And Pluto is a pebble in the same light
unfair comparison. Jupiter is a gas giant...
We only have a way to define what is and isn't a planet because we use our planet as a relative base comparison.
If our planet was the size of Jupiter, Pluto and Mars would not be planets
that's all too arbitrary. let's just call 'em "space balls"
@Mat'sMug that made me think of Space Jam lol
@throck95 true, but probably because our planet would have eaten them due to gravity
@throck95 I take it that you haven't seen Space Balls
@Mat'sMug nope lol
@Mat'sMug I've heard it's an astronomically good film
This bugs me a little, in that post
> It's not fair that 1% of the users hold 75% of the lolcode questions. #OccupyMatsMug
~ user2296177
@Pimgd Jupiter hasn't eaten us or Mars. And it's gravitational pull actually isn't as big as people think. Look at the info on Juno and you'll see what I mean
@throck95 Compared to UY Scuti every star is a pebble. If you start comparing it with galaxies or galaxy clusters everything is a pebble, including your own life. Before you know it we will start discussing the inevitable heat death of the universe. But hey, lets rather talk about something fun.
@N3buchadnezzar lol
@Phrancis it's a chat transcript quote
@throck95 If you resize earth to jupiter it would probably start to have some funky effects on the solar system?
I mean if you want to spark a discussion, sciencealert.com/…
like "poof"
@Mat'sMug I know...
@Pimgd I don't mean resize, I mean if it just were that size
what of it?
I suppose it won't be the first time something is posted for (mostly) popularity's sake
@throck95 how did it become that size? something has to have changed
would rather not get into discussion about that
@Phrancis When has LOLCODE ever been posted not for popularity sake? Oh sorry guys, my boss forced me to write his website in LOLCODE, can you help me review it?
We can just talk about the Big Bounce instead XD
@N3buchadnezzar fair enough lol
@throck95 I like big bounces and can not lie.
Not too far off from all those FizzBuzz questions
Why can I not get 110011 in binary to convert to 33 in hex for Python?
@N3buchadnezzar like your paycheck
How did we get this offtrack.....
Someone move all this crap to the Nth Monitor and let's move on lol
@CaptainObvious blame this
FWIW the first post was simply posted because of , and.. cough me smoking the LOLCODE manual cough
@syb0rg You can? hex(int(str(110011), 2))[2:]
@syb0rg hex(int('010110', 2))?
possible answer invalidation by CodesInTheValley on question by CodesInTheValley: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/134765/revisions
@JoeWallis Curses foiled again!
@JoeWallis I have to specify that second parameter to int()? Even if the string is already in binary?
@syb0rg maybe it's hex without any values higher than 1; computer does not know
@Duga probably not
@syb0rg Yeah it defaults to 10.
@Duga looks OK I think
would you like to get hit with octal if it was 070707 when you expected hex
@JoeWallis Gives me 1b
I'm converting some integers with bin() before and then concat-ing them to get "110011"
@syb0rg Did you miss one of the zeros?
@syb0rg bin(num)[2:] ?
@N3buchadnezzar Something like that: hex(int(bin(...)[2:] + bin(...)[2:] + ...))
@Mat'sMug It's at +12/-0 at the moment. Meh.
Feel free to write an answer for a change, Mug :-)
I don't think you have any in that tag yet.
@JoeWallis Mmm, yeah
But I also need to leave off the 2nd parameter for int
@Phrancis Actually, is worse in that regards. At least serves a purpose, to see whether you have a basic understanding of the language and writing code in general.
that's exactly why my first post was a
@Mast Well just work and no play makes jack a dull boy.
> This means that it falsely forces a KITTEH to break their paw when it wasn't necessary.
@JoeWallis So in a binary conversion, I need a 0 value to expand to two 0's, not one. Can I do that with bin()?
Oh my, @Pimgd, I lost it there for a moment.
> My "hello world" was going to be a fizzbuzz. I like it because it nicely illustrates the basics of a language - variables, operators, looping, conditionals, and the likes.
Meybe we can use to see if anyone need some professional help and is going insane?
Yup, everybody can write a Hello World and it doesn't show a thing. Unless you're writing a very low-level language perhaps.
sad, somebody posted a funny and self-censored
@Pimgd I think it was removed by a mod
My comment was removed too
well that's fast
@Mat'sMug The only thing that post showed was proper research, not a decent understanding about how to write idiomatic code in that language.
indeed, indeed
@syb0rg What? I think I may need a little more info here...
reminds me of that question
Oh probably not...
So say I do bin(0)
It's going to spit out 0
I need 00
Should I use format()?
Does bin(2) turn into 100 or 10?
Yeah you can use format then '{:0>2b}'.format(0)
@syb0rg Why not 00?
bin(num)[2:].replace('0', '00')
@syb0rg Whether that's the best approach I don't know, but it would definitely work and is definitely unambiguous.
@N3buchadnezzar Because if it's 1, I need it to be 01
If it's 3, I need it to show 11
And those are the only values I'll be converting, 0-3
@syb0rg format(14, '#010')
This seems to work, just change 14 into whatever and 10 into how long your padding needs to be.
@N3buchadnezzar format(14, '#010b') to also convert to binary
Yeah, I forgot about the b when copyting
> You've earned the "Nice Answer" badge (Answer score of 10 or more) for "NUMAH LITTERS OV KITTEHS ON TEH NETZ".
That's... pretty fast
@N3buchadnezzar Alternate form (#) not allowed in string format specifier
Python 3?
Oh, I fixed it somehow
I don't even know how I fixed that bug...
The best kind of bugfix I suppose
@syb0rg Does the padding work now?
@N3buchadnezzar Not with the values in my actual code
But with some test values it did
I'll do a bit of debugging
So I'm currently on a 3-way screen-sharing conference call between me, our IT support, and Adobe IT support. Because they can't install a simple PDF Editor without full administrative network acces.
   format(0, '#02b')
=> '0b0'
   format(0, '#02')
=> '00'
Weird, I didn't think the b would do that
It includes the 0b in the padding... easy fix
Q: Phishing Project Sending Email Reworked

throck95@Pimgd gave some good feedback on the previous post. I've made the changes that I think best suit my application and am looking to see what people think of this implementation. PhishingController /** * sendEmail * Function mapped to Laravel route. Defines variable arrays and calls Email Class...

@syb0rg Yeah, all binary numbers start with that. You probably already have found the fix
@syb0rg You can use '{:0>2b}'.format(0)
@CaptainObvious ooh this highlights as green for me
Or format(0, '0>2b')
@JoeWallis Is that faster? Or just more preferred?
Note that there is also codereview.stackexchange.com for improving working code. — kojiro 6 secs ago
@syb0rg You don't get 0b

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