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RELOAD! There are 2498 unanswered questions (92.9513% answered)
Q: Remove adjacent duplicate characters

Jae BradleyIntroduction This problem is essentially equivalent to this HackerRank problem. The task is to remove all duplicate characters that are adjacent to each other in a given String, until no adjacent characters are the same. If a String only contains adjacent duplicate characters then return an emp...

1 hour later…
Q: Eight queens puzzle

Sam EstepProblem In the famous eight queens puzzle, one must place eight queens on a chessboard without letting any queen threaten any other queen. There are 92 (or 12, depending on how you count) solutions to the original puzzle, but it can also be generalized to smaller or larger boards. Solution My ...

Q: How to open a custom name file from user's input

BigMouthI want to open a file with the user's username, which the user need to input to open. Now the compiler doesn't say there's an error, but the file just won't open. #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; void title(); string username,...

In case anyone is interested, just saw this new challenge on PPCG. Might be fun to try in non-golfing way, CR-style as well.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Dr Green Eggs and Iron ManWhere should I put my mirror? code-golf string palindrome This is a mirror: |. I just found out that you can stick a mirror in the middle of a string if the string can be mirrored on itself! For example, the string abccba. If you cut it in half the two halves are mirror images of each other: ...

@Phrancis Can you pin that? ^^
Monopoly sounds like a lot of boilerplate code
Quite likely.
I'm about to attempt it.
Q: August 2016 Community Challenge

EBrownWe've just gotten the July 2016 Community Challenge going, so it's time to pick one for August. It's time to choose a community-challenge for August 2016. Post your challenge as an answer to this question. Feel free to resubmit non-winning ideas from previous months. Vote for those answers w...

I suppose if you have a database handy, you could store a lot of the boilerplate stuff (tiles, chance/community cards, etc.) there
Well that's not so much boilerplate.
That's just data.
Is this question broken or a hypothetical stub?
Q: Synchronous loop with internal asynchronous calls

user3419168Below I've written a simple version of what I'm attempting to accomplish. I'm new to asynchronous functions, so it's difficult to wrap my head around this. My goal is to wait for the loop to finish all the callbacks before console.log() runs, but I want all the callbacks inside the loop to be asy...

@EBrown There are 16 Chance cards, and 16 Community Chest cards, all of which are essentially separate functions that change one or more variables
@Phrancis So? It's pretty easy to abstract them.
That's not counting the 40 tiles which all behave differently
+ number of houses / existence of hotel
Still no big deal.
It'd be fun to try, for sure, but it still sounds like a lot of boilerplate
Just a class with a few properties.
Of course "a lot" to a human can be "very little" to a computer
Pun intended.
Hey @EBrown I have an idea: Why don't we shove all those things into a SQL database, including the C# code for each thing as long strings in a column, and give someone some dynamic code nightmares? ;D
Let's do it.
I just recently learned how to eval C# code like that.
Q: Bash scripts and udev rules to handle USB auto mounting / unmounting

dbmitchVery new to Raspberry Pi and bash, but working on a headless server that will run a streaming app from USB audio card. The plan is to take a USB card with settings file, and when inserted, the usb will automount, check for settings file, load the streamer using config file and wait for the audio...

For my bot. (Sara)
I've seen SQL query strings dynamically built from multiple columns and rows in a SQL database, it made my head spin
Very hard to debug, and very inefficient to boot
var someString = $"$\"{textBox2.Text}\"";
var evaluationResult = (await CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync(someString, ScriptOptions.Default.WithImports(new[] { "System", "System.Math" }), values)).ToString();
i had to explain why eval was bad the other day at work
Oh god.
declare varchar(MAX) @sql = 'select ' + Fields + ' from ' + Table + ' where ' + WhereConditions + ';';
execute @sql;
@EBrown uh, C# injection, basically?
@Phrancis Yep.
Type code into textBox2 and it's evaluated by this method.
Sounds dangerous, and fun.
It's nasty.
Brutal, even.
Good news is it's fed right into a string interpolation.
You could inject code that would make the program disable or delete itself, right?
So you can't inject funky stuff into it.
@Phrancis No, because I sanitize the script.
Ah, ok
Sanitizing is alright I suppose
if you can sanitise the worker that executes the code you can basically build a REPL
        private void checkSanitizeScript(string script)
            var codeLevels = 0;
            var code = string.Empty;
            var codeBlockCount = 0;

            var invalidReferences = new List<ScriptReference>();

            var validIdentifiers = new[] { "System.Math", "System.Environment.NewLine", "Math", "Environment.NewLine" };

            for (var i = 0; i < script.Length; i++)
                if (script[i] == '{')
                    if (script[i + 1] != '{')
I just make sure the script itself doesn't do bad stuff.
Basically, you can use Environment.NewLine, and anything from System.Math.
Please tell me you weren't serious on this:
8 mins ago, by EBrown
Let's do it.
I was, mate.
Let's make it happen.
Attach all the C# code for doing things to the objects themselves.
In the SQL database.
And use no parameterized queries.
I can picture the SQL database stuff, but the C# stuff eludes me a bit
Code varchar(MAX)
Q: A PHP backend framework

kjdion84I just finished writing my own backend framework and am looking for a bit of feedback. It uses an MVC pattern and I wrote it because I couldn't find a framework that does, out of the box, what Pixull does. The website is pixull.com and any reviews would be greatly appreciated.

I suppose there aren't that many variables to keep track of
SELECT * FROM dbo.Tiles WHERE TileNumber = '14'
Then you just EvaluateAsync(result["Code"]).
Each player's token, money, properties, along with how many houses/hotels on each property, which can just be a simple enum
Or an integer.
If it's 5, it's a hotel.
Then, a simple lookup can be used.
enums seem cleaner though, for some reason
oooh this monopoly challenge looks cool
It can be.
@Quill Right?
@Phrancis and I are discussing it right now.
I'm going to build a full C# solution
With text files to store the data.
In some format, not sure which yet.
Also need to keep track of the bank though, how many of each kind of bill
Trivial things for a database (or most structures really)
Probably JSON or TSV/CSV/PSV.
@Phrancis I wouldn't even do that.
Just keep track of total currency owned.
Unless you're building an actual GUI.
I guess whatever kind of bills is used is irrelevant
You, could, keep track of them, though.
Then, you could allow the player to select what bills to play with.
Force the other players to make change.
Would need some special handling in case the bank runs out of money, which is possible (though very rare)
Or consult the bank.
@Phrancis Nope.
I could probably chuck an ES7 solution together in a few minutes, the output would be the hard part though
@Quill Could be a console app, though it'd be pretty difficult to play that way
> If the Bank runs out of money, the Banker may issue as much more as may be needed by writing on any ordinary paper. See: manual
:30781935 Didn't realize that was a line break.
So, the bank doesn't need any sort of treatment for that. They always have enough bills
That makes things simpler
Yeah. Just issue whatever money is needed.
I think the hardest part is going to be having each special tile.
Could be coded as having a boolean flag IsRegularTile and if it's false, call the special handling code
Hell no.
Just make each tile have an Action<Player> that gets called.
Then, on construction of the game, build each Action<Player> and assign each tile.
You could possibly do that, but it could get messy.
Monopoly would be a fun thing to code, but Twister would be the real challenge
You could also make it a Func<Something, Player> et al.
@Quill LOL
You have tiles like: Property, Railroad, Chance, Community, and a few special ones like Jail and GoToJail
Thanks @200_success for changing those tags.
Seems like few enough tile types to extract a certain amount of logic out of
Property tiles always have 6 costs, depending on the amount of houses you use whatever cost fits that
And if it's owned.
Oh yeah, forgot about that one
If a property isn't owned, it should be buyable.
Depending on the rule set (not sure which is official), a seller can decide whatever price they want to sell (or trade) something for
That may be the really dicey part, though I'm not sure if that's official rules or not
Make it an option.
Under game setup.
> Allow Property Sales/Trades
Long story short, Monopoly just has a lot of damn rules
But none of them are complex.
True. Only the whole set of rules becomes complex, in practice
only complex to family members
Damn I want to play Monopoly now :\
Build the sim for it.
Ironic, that we're talking about simulating Monopoly, when I'm watching a simulation of something while watching the Insurgent movie.
@EBrown Does not compute, too meta
Also, it's not really ironic :)
Shush you.
Going to bed.
OK good night!
Q: Template function which determines the how to move assign a type (C++)

Chris BeckIn some code that I am writing, I am manipulating some heterogeneous containers of user-defined types. I desperately need to be able to move assign these types without generating exceptions. However, this can cripple the usability of my code because many standard library types do not have noexc...

Q: Triple-type template container

alvaroceballos1I made a triple-type container, that is, a single type that can store a value, under one of the three types used. It's somewhat similar to Boost::Variant. The header file (multitype.hpp): #ifndef MULTITYPE_HPP #define MULTITYPE_HPP #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <typeinfo> ty...

Q: Program for finding a word in a sentence with maximum specific character count

UnbreakableI am new to PHP development. So Kindly, review my code and guide me make it better/optimize. Currently, it works well with inputs that I have tried. <?php // Program to find the word in a sentence with maximum specific character count // Example: "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?” // So...

I'm back, because I cannot commit to anything, even sleep.
@EBrown I know the feeling
@EBrown one possible problem with the Monopoly game is that there are so many different editions of Monopoly
That is all
There is no other
There's not really such a thing though, AFAIK
Yes it is.
The original Monopoly.
1935 version?
God I hate when random websites have video ads.
"Oh, let's mute the video but no the advertisements."
I had no idea Monopoly had such a rich history
Most of it's largely based on Atlantic City.
> n 1941 the British Secret Service had John Waddington Ltd., the licensed manufacturer of the game outside the U.S., create a special edition for World War II prisoners of war held by the Nazis. Hidden inside these games were maps, compasses, real money, and other objects useful for escaping. They were distributed to prisoners by the International Red Cross.
That's quite captivating
Sounds like it should be the plot of a movie
My Windows PC has this nasty habit of randomly turning on without my order.
Not sure what's doing it, but I'm getting real irritated.
Like, the PSU actually firing on at random?
The PC randomly turns on.
Very strange
I think it's Wake on LAN.
You sure it's not just waking up from Sleep mode?
Well, you could just unplug the PSU
I did, after it turned on twice on it's own.
Freaking PoS.
And not point of sale.
So houses and hotels have finite supply, unlike Monopoly money
No substitutes allowed
Time to build a Monopoly.
So we'd need a sort of Property-To-Houses mapping/structure
"Oh, hey, I know we were just in Hibernate mode, but I feel like not reopening anything is the right way to go here."
Or maybe a Houses-To-Properties mapping would make more sense
@Phrancis Why?
Just keep a number of houses attached to each property.
Then LINQ can tell you how many are left.
Also: holy carp. SSMS recovered a file, for once.
@EBrown Uh, wat?
@Phrancis Yeah, "Recover Selected Files"
SSMS has files...?
Can you quote the documentation that made it seem that you can't connect a QWidget to a QWidget? Also, does your program work or not? If not, please include the error. If you are looking for a code review this is the wrong site, better post at codereview.stackexchange.com instead. — titusjan 15 secs ago
Well my .sql files.
Oh, right OK
@SimonForsberg There should be voting for false positives.
Whelp, time to play Skylines and watch Allegiant.
@EBrown So a game has 32 little houses and 12 hotels
@Phrancis So then just have a number of houses/hotels attached to each property, and use LINQ to see how many are left.
Would you keep a count for each?
Have a GameSetup value for TotalHouses and TotalHotels.
Then numHousesAvail = gameConfiguration.TotalHouses - properties.Sum(x => x.HouseCount);
LINQ just looks too good to be true.
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 Well, Duga's newest isn't one. But if any comment does not mention Code Review the SE site, you could feed back to Duga and she'll improve her heuristics to find comments about CR the SE site.
@Phrancis :P
LINQ is pretty good.
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 the ratio of false positives is pretty small
If you plug a normal (non-Mac) mouse to a Mac, the scroll-wheel is upside down.
Probably eliminate most false positives (but probably a few false negatives) by only looking for Code Review / CodeReview but not code review or codereview, except if it's part of the URL
@Phrancis So basically, make Duga case sensitive.
I like this idea :)
More or less, yes
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 would be pretty simple to implement I think
@Phrancis nice answeron the java question.
@N3buchadnezzar thanks
I mostly copied what @200_success recommended on his answer to my question on the same problem
Q: Termbin.com clone (commandline pastebin)

Christophe De TroyerFor fun I decided to write a 'real' Haskell program. The intention of the program is that it listens on a socket on a given port for input. The client can send some raw text on it and the server generates a paste for it. As an example: Client dino :: ~ % echo "Schoolbus" | nc call-cc.be 9999 h...

Translating it from C# to Java was simple enough
@Phrancis Any reason not using /* */ for comments?
@N3buchadnezzar lazy
@N3buchadnezzar Too lazy?
But writng // for every line takes more time. Mmmm
Not with an IDE
Ctrl + /
Right I use the same with the /* */ I just mark the text
Or Notepad++ or SublimeText [or ...]
Does <kbd> work in chat?
@EBrown Evidently not
Might need to install a compiler for Java and C++ into SublimeText
@EBrown HTML formatting in general doesn't work in chat, because reasons
Probably XSS or injection or something
Going back to bed.
Maybe I'll sleep this time.
Or figure out a way to get the same apperance in IntelliJ .
If I was a betting man I'd probably say XSS
@Phrancis I think that is a good thing. The start thing is bad enough.
@N3buchadnezzar start thing?
@N3buchadnezzar Ok, still not sure what you are talking about though
Think about all the crazy colors people would start to use if HTML was enabled.
@N3buchadnezzar I could think of worst things<script="text/javascript">alert("like this");</script>
Eh, syntax errors too, but it would probably work anyways, cuz JavaScript
Q: Basic ul li elements in JavaScript listeners

UnbreakableI am learning JavaScript and I have written a code snippet. Can someone suggest some improvements? Array.prototype.pushIfDoesntExist = function (item){ if(this.indexOf(item) === -1) { this.push(item); return true; } return false; } ...

Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Modbus connection over TCP and Serial port
Q: Inserting Gap in File Series

cafeKazeSo I'm trying to write a program that will create a gap at the specified file number, e.g. if the current files are spam001.txt spam002.txt spam003.txt and I specify 2 in the argument, then it will become: spam001.txt spam003.txt spam004.txt The code below seemed to work, until I tried adding...

Would this make me a picky/pedantic reviewer?
(see the pink numbers and arrows on the left)
That question honeslty belongs on codereview.stackexchange.com, but... Put the class info in an array of structures, where each structure record contains an available, adultPrice, childPrice, and studentPrice. The selected class is then used to index into that array of structures, where you will find that class' record-keeping data. Prime the array at program startup. All the messaging that calls out "class N" is then setup to use "class %d" and use the selectedClass, etc. That would eliminate about 80% of this code. Best of luck. — WhozCraig just now
@WhozCraig there can definitively be some things improved about this code, with your fix applied to make it work, that could make it on-topic for Code Review. The author of the original question should read What topics can I ask about here [on Code Review]? first though. — Phrancis 41 secs ago
@Phrancis What language is this?
@N3buchadnezzar JavaScript (probably Node.js)
You dislike the non-descriptive variable names and declarations? :p
@N3buchadnezzar Eh, all languages have more or less that, unless whoever is writing the code actually tries
That is like saying that everyone who works does a bad job unless they are true. While the statement is true, it is a bit pedantic.
I was mostly wanting to criticize the spacing, but I guess it is pedantic compared to the rest of the code
I see your point though
@N3buchadnezzar Call me cynical ;p
But yeah it is more-or-less a "No True Scotsman" argument
Thinking about switching away from windows...
Everybody keeps telling me you have to use the command line, but it is so cumbersome in W7 / W8.
I do not really game either, so there is not much reason to stay.
Everybody that writes code also says you should switch to Linux
(that way with Linux you have less support and more bugs, so you get better at fixing the bugs)
I guess mac is an option but eh, I still want to keep my soul.
(also please don't lynch me, Linux people)
IMO when it comes to picking between Windows, OS X and Linux, it's mostly a matter of picking your poison
They all suck in some ways, and excel in others
Not sure how prevalent bugs are if yoyu use one of the more common distributions. However I guess it can get funky if you choose to run a redhat distro or something.
Just pick whatever operating system you least mind dealing with problems related to it, and move on doing something more fun than deliberating which OS to get
You'll have plenty of time to regret your OS decision later, no matter which one you choose.
@N3buchadnezzar Oh, side note, you probably should use Git Bash instead of the (horrible) Windows command line
As far as I can tell Git Bash can do everything the Windows CLI can, it's just a lot better and prettier
You can actually copy and paste in Git Bash, just that feature is worth it all
@Phrancis That is one of my biggest peevees
Why can you not copypaste? I can not see what purposes the CMD was made for
@N3buchadnezzar The default Windows command line is one of the worst applications I've ever used
@Phrancis Maybe it was made by linux, mac users or satan.
Q: Inserting Gap into Filename Series

cafeKazeSo I've written a little program that will create a gap at the specified file number, e.g. if the current files are spam001.txt spam002.txt spam003.txt and I specify 2 in the argument, then it will become: spam001.txt spam003.txt spam004.txt I would like to add additional code to also handle ...

Really wanting to migrate all my coding to a single IDE
On the other hand, the Mac OS X CLI is beautiful
Yeah, but they could have made the windows one horrible so people should switch.
@N3buchadnezzar Nah, it was horrible from the first day
(thumb up)
If Micro$oft had any incentive to retain programmers, they would have improved their command line app
They just made new frameworks/environments instead, like VBA, SQL Server, and .NET
@Phrancis What are these numbers?
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 spaces of indentation
If you can't set your text editor or IDE to use the same indentation in all your files, maybe you should RTFM
@N3buchadnezzar You can move it to one editor, but one IDE is not possible if you use enough languages.
Although Notepad++ and Atom can be turned into light multi-language IDEs.
Again, that is personal preference. I wouldn't bring it up in a code review because it's not objectively correct. I think it's more comfortable to read with the brackets. — Matis Lepik just now
Q: A Blum Blum Shub pseudorandom RNG implementation in JavaScript

zyabin101I made a Blum Blum Shub pseudorandom number generator implementation in JavaScript. Blum Blum Shub (B.B.S.) is a pseudorandom number generator proposed in 1986 by Lenore Blum, Manuel Blum and Michael Shub that is derived from Michael O. Rabin's oblivious transfer mapping. Blum Blum S...

@Phrancis You can also copy and paste in the default Windows CLI, FYI.
Monking @JNat
I'll move some messages to Nth
> "Blum Blum Shub"
Q: Method to count unread messages

Graham SlickI currently use this method to count unread messages for a user (self here): def unread_messages_count number = 0 conversations = Conversation.where {|conversation| conversation.user1 == self || conversation.user2 == self } conversations.each do |conversation| number += conversation.m...

possible answer invalidation by Phrancis on question by zyabin101: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/133753/revisions
@Duga I know, just edited the Mathjax or \$LaTeX\$ a bit
Seems a bit funny that LaTeX renders so weird in LaTeX
Can someone tell me why codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/127418/… is marked as "modified 8 hours ago by Community" in the "Active" view? I cannot see any modification since May 4. I am just curious – is there some change which I don't see (lacking enough reputation)?
There is a Code Review Stack Exchange ;) — gcampbell 35 secs ago
Q: Renames file-name references inside files in a directory

evans_murithiThe filenames.txt contains all the names of the files that you want to change in a given directory. It is generated by: import os walk = os.walk("./app/") for dirpath, dirs, files in walk: for filename in files: fpath = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) with open("filenames.t...

... I just found the apparent reason: meta.codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/5005/….
@MartinR community bump I'd guess
Q: Karger's algorithm implemented in python

Giulio Cesarefrom numpy import inf from random import choice from copy import deepcopy # We use the karger method for finding the minimum cut in a graph. # Each row of "original_Graph" needs to match a vertice and each element of # the row corrispond to the vertices to which it's connected. # In addition in ...

Q: In-memory B-Tree

MAGI know B-Trees are meant to be used for external memory, but I implement it to understand the algorithms involved in insertion and deletion. Also I didn't used a vector because I was ask no to use it (I will probably reimplement this using vectors later). Code: namespace mds { template<type...

Q: Implemenation for concurrent file access (read/write)

JanDotNetI am developing an application that works with files and folder on a network share (similar to the windows explorer). The application is used by multiple users and provides some commands for modifying the file system. To avoid conflicts, a centralized locking mechanism should be created. Require...

This question is more suitable for code reviewGuy 59 secs ago
Put your <header> inside the <section> as sections need to have some header as per the standard. <p>s shouldn’t be the only element in a <header>. But anyway, doesn’t this belong to CodeReview? It doesn’t even seem to be a bad question. — Xufox 22 secs ago
Thanks :) . Um, I was not even aware of CodeReview. Next time I will ask there. — Tomeister 46 secs ago
Q: Summarize JS Array more efficiently

TheFullResolutionI am working on a project for Udacity, where I should use CSV files to display data on fake corporate dashboard. Structure of the data I am working on is like this: I am using AngularJS for this project, I created service for getting the data, formatting it to JSON and summarizing data into mont...

Hey, consider posting a question on Code Review, as it stands, your question is opinion-based for Stack Overflow (i.e. has no one good answer). Please note that Code Review only accepts full, working code, make sure to read their help center to see what's on-topic there. — Madara Uchiha ♦ 5 secs ago
Q: LinkedList of Nodes at each level - optimalization

MalvinkaThat's already known problem: to return an array of linked lists that contain values of elements at each level. Eg for tree with depth n there should be n linked lists. I wrote the solution: public ArrayList<LinkedList<Integer>> levelLists() { class NodeLevel { public BinaryTreeNode ...

@Phrancis jesus christ. wild night? lol
Why are the Town Hall links pinned? o_O
@Quill Why not?
Petty, uptight and obnoxious. This is a behavioral issue in the way React is being rendered, not to do with the components themselves. This should be left open, as someone might have experienced similar and have an easy solution, but instead you vote to close my question down and prevent me from possibly figuring this out. Your kind of attitude is not helpful for people trying to learn. — DorianHuxley 17 mins ago
What an asshole.
Because pins for important things that everyone should see, rather than things that already passed and have no real relevance to Code Review
I think those links are useful to everyone
They concern chat as a whole
I think that's very relevant to the 2nd monitor, a chat room
plus they've only been up a day, we've had less relevant things pinned before
just give it a few days until it's had some exposure and i'm sure theyl'l be unpinned
Sure they're relevant just like the FAQ is relevant, the Be Nice policy is relevant, that MCR post is relevant, etc. Many links are relevant, but that doesn't mean we should pin them all
Monking @Vogel612
@DanPantry you have no Idea how wild a night I had.. The first wedding that wasn't amazingly boring
@Quill Because those are implicit rules in the chat room.
That Town Hall link has been up under 48 hours
And occured 48 hours ago
It's a recent event that concerns a lot of people, esp this chat room. It deserves the exposure
It'll probably be removed by the end of the week
@DanPantry it occurred like a week ago o_O
@Quill ..welp, that just goes to show unaware I am
11 days ago, sorry
See my answer here which shows how to create a goroutine worker pool: Bruteforce MD5 Password crackericza 18 secs ago
... gets 5 rep for his BBS question and a message... reads message... question edited... looks at edit Seems legit.
point was that the ROs (aka. Phrancis and me) thought it could use some exposure
note that there was some discussion about what ROs can and can't do beforehand as well as something about how we would fill the ranks of ROs again
Is there a RO shortage in your opinion @Vogel612?
not right now no
I think there could be more coverage in the early mornings
but just phrancis and me are around, and I'm finding myself around here less and less
if the Riot interview goes well (2 days!!!) I may have more time to be an RO again like I was back in the start of the year
possible answer invalidation by Lulzsec on question by Lulzsec: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/133655/revisions
names himself lulzsec
asks "Is it possible that somehow, someone bypass the reset system ?"
lol, he removed all of the code
@DanPantry CET, UTC or Aussie mornings?
@Mast UTC
the sec on that code was extremely lulz though
> corrected something
For some values of corrected.
Q: How to increase the speed of the ball every time i click on it?

SppSo this is the code of the ball I've written. I want to increase the speed of the ball every time i click it. Please help me to do it. import java.awt.*; import java.util.Formatter; import javax.swing.*; public class BouncingBallSimple extends JPanel { private static final int BOX_WIDTH = 6...

cv please
Q: Reverse string in javascript without using reverse()

AndyHave to reverse a string in Javascript and cannot use the built in reverse() function. It does not seem efficient to have to create two arrays but is there a better way? function reverseString(str) { newarr = str.split(""); result = []; x = newarr.length; for (i = x; i > -1; i--) { ...

Q: How to increase the speed of the ball every time i click on it?

SppSo this is the code of the ball I've written. I want to increase the speed of the ball every time i click it. Please help me to do it. import java.awt.*; import java.util.Formatter; import javax.swing.*; public class BouncingBallSimple extends JPanel { private static final int BOX_WIDTH = 6...

@DanPantry That's a very simple problem.
Easy to screw-up performance wise though...
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