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RELOAD! There are 2454 unanswered questions (93.0097% answered)
@Quill lol
Q: Transform an if statement into logical operations on arrays using Matlab?

OjiryxI would like to optimize a snippet of code, which use a multiple nested if statements. I am looking for formula to make it as a combination of multiple arrays logical operations. Please, I need just a hint to start. the script is as follow, the I is an input image (any): [w,h] = size(I); resu...

@CaptainObvious Have you tried threatening it?
Q: Custom hotkey like AutoHotkey

SakuraI'm making a hotkey program to aid me using PC faster. By saying hotkey here, I mean any combination of two or more keys in the keyboard. For example, if I press G, hold it then press M I have hotkey GM then I can launch Gmail from default browser. The idea is same with the famous AutoHotkey so...

Q: React Application Structure using Flux

Muhammad ArefI'm working on a project using React with Flux pattern, and I want to review my application structure as follow: - app - actions - user - campaign - stores - user - campaign - components - header - header.component.jsx - header.style.scss - ... - p...

Whoa. Riot finds correlation bw those who are toxic in-game and those that exhibit unacceptable workplace behavior https://twitter.com/blinkity/status/741318349049581569
CC @DanPantry
this is a cool place
possible answer invalidation by JED on question by JED: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/132257/revisions
Q: small poker program rewrite

NergalI had already put up code for review a small poker program but I have rewrote it utilizing a more appropriate data structure. other than the review, one thing I need to know is how would I compare poker hands accordingly? full source repo enum poker_hands check_hand(vector *hand) /* check what...

@Duga what's up with that? @SimonForsberg Duga posting RD tags in the 2nd monitor, bug or feature?
Maybe you guys added an extra webhook to rubberduck?
I think I might remember a conversation with Simon about posting RD tags in here
in VBA Rubberducking, 2 mins ago, by SlowLearner
New release sucks, can't reproduce any of the issues I was trying to figure out ;-/
@Mat'sMug Feature. You guys need to go download it and see what we did.
possible answer invalidation by JED on question by JED: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/132257/revisions
Thanks for these suggetions. You can refer to this codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/132257/… if you want to see my finalized product. — JED 59 secs ago
1 hour later…
@Hosch250 He's complaining the bugs are fixed?
Monking all
Q: Possible misalignment within mod message page

JamalIt appears that various elements are misaligned within the mod message page: I don't remember exactly how it used to look, but I believe the guidelines box (and the message box) should be along the left under the header with the chat boxes along the right.

possible answer invalidation by Alex Herbert on question by Alex Herbert: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/132340/revisions
Monking @Mast.
Q: Defining long, multi-line string-literals in VBA

ThunderFrameI'm writing a helper in C# (for inclusion in Rubberduck) that takes text from the user's Clipboard and reformats it for insertion into a VBA module as a string-literal. The goal is to allow the insertion of SQL/HTML/XML/text strings into VBA without tedious/error-prone syntax-corrections for doub...

I think the code you actually want to have reviewed is the one which doesn't have pre-written lines. As in, code taking input. — Mast 12 secs ago
1) "Do events only belong in the view?" -depends on what kind of events you're referring to. 2) "Do I need a cart.js view?" - that's totally up to you unless you ask a question explaining in detail why you think it is needed/not needed etc and that question is likely to be better suited for code review, not Stack Overflow. 3) "How do I create an instance of"... what did you try? What problem are you facing? You should explain in details as a question — T J 43 secs ago
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: JavaScript function to create HTML select option elements
@CaptainObvious I don't doubt his intentions, but I'm not entirely sure this is reviewable.
@Mat'sMug Feature, I believe
@StackExchange ouch, a mod message. nothing too serious, I hope
@Quill Mod messages are a somewhat common occurrence, sometimes very serious, sometimes less serious.
But it all depends on what you consider "serious" of course...
thank christ I've never got one
If I had it would've been Pops during Winterbash saying "stop mailing me <_<"
@Quill Mod messages aren't sent to users who behaves well.
@Quill ask @rolfl
@Quill I rejected it, attempt to reply.
He made the same change on another post in that question.
Or well, suggested change.
People trying to find primes really grinds my gears. There are fast algorithms out there, that uses advanced mathematics use them
StackExchange has another website for code review move this question to Code Reviewdownshift 49 secs ago
You posted functioning, well laid out code which also generates correct output. Given what users at your rep level usually post, this is massive accomplishment IMHO. The bad news: this question really belongs on Code Review because it already works. — Tim Biegeleisen 59 secs ago
@N3buchadnezzar And you think people knows that mathematics?
@SimonForsberg You do not need to know the underlying maths to use an algorithm.
True, but people don't know those algorithms.
How can I make my terrible inefficient sieve faster? Well you could do some minor improvements to speed it up 2-5x, or use a good algorithm for a 100x speed improvement. Primetesting is one of those few cases of please just use a good algorithm from the start.
If I would check for primes, without googling, I would either go with Eratosthenes, or I would loop from 1 to sqrt(MAX), increasing by 2 every time, and handle some small values outside the loop
I probably wouldn't know how to write a really efficient Eratosthenes.
Most of our users don't have 5.1k reputation on Math.SE ;)
@SimonForsberg That is exactly my point. People should not try because they do not have the background for it =)
As in they should try to make a simple sieve to learn programming. However if you want speed improvements you are much better off googling one.
@N3buchadnezzar Remember the first time you rode a bike? Did you have the background for it? People are here to learn, not always to show off their awesome already existing skill.
Like I said great for learning to ride a bike. Just do not try to enter the BMX right after you have learned to ride
1 hour later…
I'm with @N3buchadnezzar. Asking for speed improvements when the entire algorithm is wrong is just a waste of time
Well I agree with simon if it is for learning. However if you are using it for anything you are much better off just using a better algorithm from the start.
Q: Is this good java code?

newbieTried to solve this exercise of displaying a table of numbers from 1 to 256 in binary, octal and hexadecimal. I made this program to convert from decimal to binary and took that binary number to convert to octal and hexadecimal to made a table of binary, octal and hexadecimal. You might see that ...

if you want to improve your code go there(codereview.stackexchange.com) — asteriskNinja 58 secs ago
Hows it going @Quill?
alright, I'm trying to fix this weird bug in a node app I'm working on
I'm working on an extension :X
Hopefully I'll not abandon it
Because I think this time the idea is achievable and also really useful
I'm making a call to one of the web methods SE chat uses to login, and it works in all of my other apps except this one (which is an Electron app), this one 404s for some reason ;-;
@DanPantry ooooh what does it do?
that sounds interesting
also Electron is awesome, it's like Node meets native Chrome windows
The only downside with Electron is it realllly sucks on larger files
@Quill ^^
Downside is I have been banned or chat restricted a few times in the past. My last punishment was over 18 months ago, though, so..
and before that it was 2 years
Stresses of not having a job :p
Q: is there any way I can shorten this code

Asterisk Ninjaimport java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.stream.Collectors; public class AddEmployees extends Employee { public static List<Employee> addListOfEmployees(long upperLimit) { List<Employee> list = new LinkedList<>(); for (l...

Q: Convert hex value string to Binary string

Pretty_GirlI want to covert 000000000000000117c80378b8da0e33559b5997f2ad55e2f7d18ec1975b9717 hex value to it's binary format (to a string of binary), but following code throws an exception if either value being too big or too small. Why is that? Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) H...

@DanPantry Riot: curing salty players by giving them jobs
Hey there @Tim
@Quill lmao, I haven't worked for them :) They're aware I've had bans, so they might let this slide.
Hopefully :(
if it's a one off, then everyone has bad days, I suppose
function queryStringToObject (queryString) {
  const withoutQuestionMark = queryString.substring(1)
  const splitIntoPairs = withoutQuestionMark.split('&')

  return splitIntoPairs.reduce(function (map, pair) {
    const [key, value] = pair.split('=')
    // TODO: What happens if the same key is specified twice?
    return Object.assign(map, { [key]: value })
  }, {})
plain old javascript is so nice to write ^^
I guess it would be more of an issue if you got banned from using Google if you wanted to work at Google
Omg I have had stars again!
You know
If you had a proper framework behind the language
Q: I want Hex code read and writer source code in turbo c

Deepak PlayI want to write a hex code .. 00 00 55 AA in a file for my boot loader I want source code to hex code read and writer in c

the .net framework is also considerably larger than the javascript environment in terms of disk size :p
besides it's not javascript with the issue here, it's the DOM; javascript doesn't specify any functions about the DOM, it's just a language
even then, System.Net.Http is a separate assembly, you'd still have to include it. so shhhh
library size is no longer a relevant argument though
when JS has a module system that is tied down (we have the syntax, just not the mechanism), then we'll probably see stuff like that included
Why would I pass up a great opportunity to incite sectarian violence
@JeroenVannevel Tabs or JavaScript?
Q: Multithreading Python

this_is_awesomedef main(thread_count): all_check = False while not all_check: for thread_index in range(thread_count): lock.acquire() outputy_listy_local = [] stuff_local = None try: stuff_local = listy.pop() except IndexError: print 'Done with...

;-; this code is still broken
getting there :P
this is still a really simplistic example though, no UI, etc
also, zomg, no need for transpiling
@DanPantry :D
Probably going to have to use webpack though if I want a nice UI (using react)
So your code is working and you are asking for a way to improve it? You should move it to codereview.stackexchange.comaloisdg 17 secs ago
I think Code Review is the place for this — newguy 23 secs ago
Thanks, I write code on rust only two days, so I need not "code review", but "code rewrite", as you demonstrate. — user1034749 50 secs ago
@user1034749 check out the code reviews for Rust; many of them have the same amount of "check out this standard library function or crate you didn't know about" or "you are allocating too much memory here". The code reviews over there are very thorough, and often involve rewriting large chunks. Code review isn't limited to "are my variable names good". — Shepmaster 11 secs ago
Q: Math expression parser in JavaScript

thephpdevI'm pretty new to the subject of complex parsing, so what better way to learn than to try it yourself. I've written the second iteration of my math expression parser, utilising what I learned from the first attempt to make a more reliable, maintainable piece of code. If anybody wants to see the...

you guys would be proud of me, I just downloaded Maven so I can use Swagger's toolchain..
...I hate Maven
...tfw I download the jdk in 5 seconds. Wow. I remember 3-4 years ago it would take hours.
welll... maven is something you can hate on all you want
it's still better than npm
~grabs a maze
~grabs a talisman and begins to channel lightning spear
which reminds me... I wanted to do O&S with my cleric
I've had this windows installation one day and I'm realising: I'm gonna need a bigger boat SSD
This is the 9zip app o the windows store, dear lord, it looks awful
ant it doesn't bloody work anyway
Calculate the sum of the primefactors of 20000000 C 15000000 they said, it will be fun they said
that's what pushd is for
Q: Buliding a dictionary in java for PC which technology to use as Database?

Abdullahamin AminiI want to create a dictionary for PC in Java, But need advice which technology to use for storing data like in heavy dictionaries. ex Oxford dictionary

@CaptainObvious No
get outta here Craptain Obvious
Asking for possible improvements of working code is better placed at SE Code Review. — πάντα ῥεῖ 14 secs ago
There is a nice place for such questions codereview.stackexchange.comklappvisor 24 secs ago
Q: Fractional Knapsack Solution in Python

Huy VoI made a solution for fractional knapsack problem in Python. Fractional knapsack is pretty classical: given a set of items and total capacity of a knapsack, find the maximal value of fractions of items that fit into the knapsack. Input Format: The first line of the input contains the number n of...

@CaptainObvious Poff
How many loops does break break in python?
@mik1904 Nope Code Review is for analyzing and improvement of working code. — πάντα ῥεῖ 7 secs ago
Q: TCP client library using Winsock WSAEventSelect in C++

arcomberOne way to write a client which uses a specific protocol, eg http like in this case, is to create a base class with the basic socket handling functionality with virtual functions which can be overridden with an inheriting derived class. But it is more flexible I think to be able to get the sock...

> Obfuscate a program renaming each identifier to a varying amount of 0 width spaces.
Later, code: =;=;=;++;
Q: Query runs for each day for a user-defined amount of days; can this be made more efficient?

cybermonkeyI have the following code: function GetUserCountFromDays($dayCount) { $arrCnt = array(); $baseQuery; $result; for ($day = $dayCount; $day >= 1; $day--) { $baseQuery = "SELECT * FROM example.servers WHERE last_seen > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_ADD(CURDATE()...

Q: HackerRank "Lists" code

zthomas.ncI completed the following exercise on HackerRank. My program is fed a list of commands, such as: 12 insert 0 5 insert 1 10 insert 0 6 print remove 6 append 9 append 1 sort print pop reverse print Where the first line of the input is the number of commands, the rest of the lines commands and...

@JeroenVannevel lloll
You can post that as a new question. But if it has no problem, and you are just wondering if it could be written in a better way, it might be better to post it on codereview.stackexchange.com. Wherever you put it, I can have a look. Just post the link to it here once you have posted it. — trincot 30 secs ago
interesting flag in Mathematics just now...
how can one use mathematics in a post?
only some sites have it enabled, CR is one of them
@N3buchadnezzar LaTeX
I tried $ ... $ is it brackets?
on CR it's \$
@ardaozkal actually just the math-env
@N3buchadnezzar only works on-site
@Vogel612 yeah, not the whole deal
Heh, it worked thanks
It'd be a serious pain in the backside to have to write all posts in LaTeX on site
LaTeX is a bit like java
it's a huge trainwreck, but it's more feature-complete and has more libraries than any competitor
Q: How do I loop a specific piece of code in Java with the Switch Command

L. CharlesI want to loop MultipleChoice1 if the answer is not either A or B, hence the case "A" and case "B" but when I try to loop it using: int loop = 2 while( loop < 2) (The other codes) case "A": case "B": loop++ it doesn't seem to work, can anyone offer any other solutions? public static void mai...

Q: Query for working out amounts

user109292Just wondering if anyone could improve this query. select format(sum(UnitPrice),2) AS RRPPrice,format(sum(QtyOrdered),0) as totalunits, format(sum(GP),2) as GP,format(sum(NetProfit),2) AS NETPROFIT,format(sum(BoxMargin) / (sum(QtyOrdered)),2) AS BOXMARGIN from ( select distinct sorder.Orderid,so...

possible answer invalidation by Loki Astari on question by Loki Astari: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/131137/revisions
@Vogel612 Is there a competitor to LaTeX? (For academic environments)
@skiwi Some places just use Word.
I've been reading about that on Academia. LaTeX is the most common, particularly since it works cross-OS, but some journals/U's use Word.
I honestly have no good words for LaTeX, but it still is there :/
huge trainwreck :D
    fn get_unchecked_by_data_index_and_remainder(&self, data_index: usize, remainder: usize) -> bool {

Heh, stupid CR wont let me use ! in title
Q: sum of primefactors of binomial coefficients over 9000

N3buchadnezzarThe problem I have lately been working Project Euler: 231: The prime factorisation of binomial coefficients The binomial coefficient \$ ^{10}C_3 = 120 \$. \$ 120 = 23 × 3 × 5 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 5 \$, and \$ 2 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 5 = 14 \$. So the sum of the terms in the prime fac...

I feel like I'm going to create an interesting episode of Rust meets Java or something
Q: Query to work out amounts

troyRe posted due to incorrectly formatting, can anyone see if they can improve this query. Thanks in advance SELECT Format(Sum(unitprice), 2) AS RRPPrice, Format(Sum(qtyordered), 0) AS totalunits, Format(Sum(gp), 2) ...

Q: How do i fix the getnameinfo and library (Linux C)?

HelderHi everyone who is reading this, i need a huge help on this code it needs to fixed on two things: 1-the library is not worling well for a code that i added (it is located between bars like "/////////////") 2-if i remove some of the libraries to fix the errors the getnameinfo stops working(also ...

Q: Increase helpfulness of documentation

SpotlightI'm working on a minecraft plugin for my Spigot Minecraft server. I have a class which works as expected. I've done my best to hammer every single bug out (famous last words, I know) and am now taking a look at the way it's written. I've noticed that documentation definitely is not lacking, and ...

@CreationEdge You mean you don't want the Arts & Crafts site to be a welcoming place for assassins? — Rand al'Thor 18 hours ago
It's more about semantics. Your question isn't about making artistic mods to a real weapon, or crafting something like a bow. It's about a prop. I have nothing against assassins that aren't killing me and mine. — CreationEdge ♦ 17 hours ago
@N3buchadnezzar What's your title?
I'll give you a tip if I approve the title ;)
1 hour ago, by Captain Obvious
Q: sum of primefactors of binomial coefficients over 9000

N3buchadnezzarThe problem I have lately been working Project Euler: 231: The prime factorisation of binomial coefficients The binomial coefficient \$ ^{10}C_3 = 120 \$. \$ 120 = 23 × 3 × 5 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 5 \$, and \$ 2 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 5 = 14 \$. So the sum of the terms in the prime fac...

@N3buchadnezzar Well, what was the proposed title?
9000! :p
I don't get the joke.
Well, just be careful--I don't want SE closing this loophole.
Protip 1: Question titles just can't end with !.
Protip 2: SE allows Unicode characters in titles.
What's more natural than a 0-width space?
Normal spaces don't count, BTW--at least when I checked last.
Questions about optimizing already-working code are off-topic on Stack Overflow. You may be able to get help at Code Review. — MattDMo 1 min ago
hmm... 4 pins are just too much...
in other news: I just wrote my first extension method.
@Hosch250 Thanks, that worked.
@Vogel612 Apparently those weren't allowed until C# 3. What did you write one for?
Making Quantifiers into human readable descriptions
separating out i18n concerns
I don't want to rain on your parade
but I'm going to anyway
@JeroenVannevel that's kinda completely overkill
Overkill is the best kill
@skiwi meh.. "grab resource-string a and fill in the blanks"
Alright, my first question on Code Review. Waiting for answers (and for Captain Obvious here)...
> "case".ToQuantity(0) => "0 cases"
"case".ToQuantity(1) => "1 case"
"case".ToQuantity(5) => "5 cases"
"man".ToQuantity(0) => "0 men"
"man".ToQuantity(1) => "1 man"
"man".ToQuantity(2) => "2 men"
this is pretty cool
Thanks @MattDMo, will cross post on Code Review — Dhiwakar Ravikumar 53 secs ago
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 yea captain is disappointingly slow sometimes
I'm interested - how to make Duga post GitHub activity on a repo in a room I own?
Q: A prefix notation calculator that asks about everything step by step

zyabin101I made a prefix notation calculator. Prefix notation, aka Polish notation, is a form of notation for logic, arithmetic and algebra, like infix and postfix (reverse Polish) notation. The expression '+ 3 4' in prefix notation is as valid as '3 + 4' in infix notation, as well as '3 4 +' in postfix...

Q: Having trouble optimizing my solution - HackerRank “Save Humanity”

Dhiwakar RavikumarThis is a cross-posted question from Stack Overflow since this is a more appropriate place to ask. There's a problem on Hackerrank titled "Save Humanity". I've pasted the link to the problem below. https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/save-humanity/submissions/code/22295348 In a nutshell, it r...

@Hosch250 Normal spaces are stripped AFAIK.
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 do some stuff with the stuff
So basically, I need someone with knowledge in Duga's GitHub notifications. >_>
I don't know what was unclear about my message
It clearly tells you to configure a github webhook that points to your room. Like this: http://stats.zomis.net/GithubHookSEChatService/hook?roomId=26639
you ask Simon whether you may increase the load on Duga and then you go to your webhooks and ... what jeroen said
oh yeah. Also the permission thing
alternatively you ask Simon for the Dockerfile, set up your own Duga and chatbot account and then DIY
hiya @user3206631
Anybody good with php ?
have you checked the PHP room? seems more appropriate there...
I'm very good at dragging files to the trashbin if that's what you're wondering
@JeroenVannevel I thought that was the same thing??
@Vogel612 i didn't know there were one :)
Sorry for my english i'm french
I didn't see any php room when i write "php" in filter room
@Vogel612 No need for asking Simon, we all know the code is open source :P
@Vogel612 Thanks !
because SO has their own chatserver. and that's because... reasons
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 I'm not dead sure the dockerfile already works
from what I gather she wants some special-ish setup
also you should look whether you want the comment-watching functionality
unrelated: ~eurgh
you seriously want this to take more screen estate?
Wow, I need one more internet point.
@EBrown have it
so that you can enjoy chatflags, eh?
Q: Implementing Movement

tanu1215I am making a Pacman Player vs Player game in Java, and I am wondering if I am implementing movement in the game in a good manner. Anything that will reduce the code size or make the program faster is wanted. Note that the game is not complete, and I have only worked on player one (pacman). I ...

Thanks santa. ;)
@Vogel612 Oh crap, I forgot about those.
chatflags are fun
at least our chatflags are
I want nothing to do with any flags.
@EBrown even with braces it's eurgh... because the last return statement could be avoided with simple-ish escape-analysis and basic guarantees
Well make a default case.
it would be the same thing
What would give me a -2 rep being removed?
there is no necessity for a default case, because all patterns are exhausted
@EBrown an edit on a post
lipstick on a pig is not rep-economically useful :)
I wonder why this got a DV.
Q: Applying modulo operator on decreasing array indices

ReduI have an array of strings and on click of the "NEXT" button it displays the next array item in a tag while on click of the "PREV" button it displays the previous one. When it reaches to the end (beginning) it continues from the first (last) item. I have had some hard time to find a way to get ...

who else thinks that even simple regex parsing is overly complicated?
new Regex(@"((?:\\[dDwWbBntfvrsS]|\\(?:\d{3}|x\d{2}|u\d{1,4}|\d)|.)(?:-\\[dDwWbBntfvrsS]|\\(?:\d{3}|x\d{2}|u\d{1,4}|\d)|.)?)");
and that's probably wrong either way..
There is nothing simple about Regex.
 all(x == y for x, y in zip(perm, max_digit_sum))
@Vogel612 Let's say that the intent is not obvious by glancing over it
I was able to simplify it a little... I just want to find out what a character class contains
Imagine if you could program inside Regex
Like giving those classes a name and stuff like that
I can, but then I can't make them non-capturing, which is a pain
this one is easier:
For some values of easier :D
you can drop the ?<expression> part if you don't want to name it
^^ this is much easier, especially when you know that (?<!) is a negative lookbehind
and in words it's just: "Match everything in between two non-escaped brackets"
which is much easier than "Character-Class Valued escape sequence or Character Range (with character range also allowing single characters)"
Isn't it going to become ridiculously complicated as you want to capture more and more of regex's functionality?
A parser might be more appropriate
possibly, yes. but since it's just a rather very limited subset of regex functionality, I'd prefer to do it like this
has less points of failure
the funny thing is: regular expressions are not a regular language
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Web app to consume rest services and display charts accordingly
99.3783778467 ms
639.761281014 ms
Heh, I win
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Nice job.
either that or their grammar is horrendously complex
@Vogel612 Can't it be both?
hmm.. it can both be the case, but a grammar doesn't necessarily imply regularity
the problem is mostly the optionality of quantifiers and the fact that character classes don't give a damn
This probably belongs at codereview.stackexchange.com. Imho it doesn't really matter if an ID is an autoincremented number or a guid (like nosql id's, and isbn). You're then left with it not being an entity just because you don't persist it — JimL 7 secs ago
@Mast I think I'm going to make a room for the Stack Exchange Statistic Explorer.
When I get home from the store, that is.
I'm about ready to start testing it.
And have people play with it.
@Hosch250 thank you
@JeroenVannevel this is becoming more and more appropriate... and I haven't even gotten to capture groups...
hmmm.. alluring seems to be the better word
Long shot, perhaps slightly off-topic, has anyone ever had an issue where (mainly when gaming) the program would suddenly lose focus?
second monitor?
if yes, check you don't have "always on top" programs there, because they can steal focus, even from properly captured mouses
Only using one monitor
Hmmm I guess there's no easy way to see which programs are on top?
I was just doing a Formula 1 race and suddenly lost focus (but still saw the screen in bordered mode now) and then I crashed into everything :D
those that you see are on top. by definition
that's the point of "always on top"
Problem is that there's nothing I see that's on top, it's maybe more that the game goes from borderless windowed to bordered mode and lost focus suddenly
But I also have it sometimes when browsing for example, so not game related
possible answer invalidation by aurel on question by aurel: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/128309/revisions
possible answer invalidation by aurel on question by aurel: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/128412/revisions
@skiwi alt + enter
or alt + tab
both can drop you out of focus in games
@JeroenVannevel Except that's too long when racing for example
no, I mean you might've accidentally pressed them
It happened to me plenty of times when I still gamed
@Vogel612 called it
Ah no, I'm racing with a wheel, can't press my keyboard
Definitely worth it, now only a VR headset... one can dream
possible answer invalidation by aurel on question by aurel: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/128309/revisions
^^ rolled back 3 revisions...
possible answer invalidation by thephpdev on question by thephpdev: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/132374/revisions
^^ There, you have a new one to do already
still wondering why the heck chrome suddenly doesn't open new tabs on Ctrl+T and VS doesn't run tests because Ctrl+R doesn't start a Chord...
Q: Updated version of app which does CRUD on a database table

coos wolffA while ago I created my first JAVA application(JavaFX app which does CRUD on a database table). I tried to follow the MVC pattern. I posted my code for review and with the answers I got I did more research and rewrote my code. I gave every "View" class its own "Controller" class. My methods fo...

1 hour later…
Q: Processing trip route chart in C

sun qingyaoIn fact, this is the assignment of my group for our C programming lesson, but seeking help from others are not considered as cheating. The goal of the following code is to: Sort the data in start.txt by destination, and then by month if two trip routes share one destination. Count how many trip...

Q: Using an enum and Core Data entity for the same values

JimI'm building a simple iOS app using Swift that calculates the One Rep Max weight a user can theoretically lift. User inputs a weight lifted, the number of repetitions and the app uses one of several formulas to calculate the maximum weight they should be able to lift one time. I'm skeptical abou...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it would be better placed at codereview.stackexchange.com (OP has working code but wants to streamline it). — nnnnnn just now
Q: How to alter array inside a JSON object

naveenI have this JSON { "Entries": [{ "JobId": 7322, "DayOfTheWeek": "Wednesday", "Punchouts": ["2016-05-05T09:50:00", "2016-05-05T12:20:00"], "PunchIns": ["2016-05-05T10:10:00", "2016-05-05T12:40:00"] }, { "JobId": 7322, "DayOfTheWeek": "Thursd...

@naveen I've just provided an answer. If this is closed I'll move it over to Code Review too. Regardless, if you're using Angular for an ng-repeat, you can also an ng-repeat to iterate over punch ins and punch outs and you wouldn't have to modify the array at all. — Alpha 29 secs ago
That e.PunchOuts[0] || "" mechanism is exactly what I would've suggested over at codereview.stackexchange.com/q/132412/1366, but you've saved me the trouble. Nice work. — nnnnnn 41 secs ago

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