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Q: LINQ Provider: Supporting Projections

Mat's MugUp until recently, my LINQ-to-Sage provider didn't support projections, so the client code had to explicitly "transfer" to LINQ-to-Objects, like this: var vendorCodes = context.Vendors.ToList().Select(e => e.Code); Now, with a bit of help from Stack Overflow, I was able to modify my IQueryPr...

@CaptainObvious don't interupt me
@DanPantry "After the last community standup, there was an announcement about the phasing out of project.json"
@Heslacher Blame Smash the mug!
Smash can have multiple meanings...
@skiwi ok *boots up unity*
@JeroenVannevel mfw
Hi, I am not sure whether my question is suitable to ask/post on code review. Could someone please let me know if it is? I have written a program in php/symfony that asks a user to pay for a lesson, and when that is complete they have the option to pay for a ride to that lesson. However I am having difficulty determining when both have been booked. The mysql queries I have written work, but when used in my program I get problems. Would this be ok in more detail with extracts of my code?
that might be better for SO
CR is more for working code
@mp252 if your code doesn't work as intended, then you need to narrow down on a specific issue and post a MCVE on Stack Overflow. Code Review will help you improve code that already works as it should.
Ok thanks, will do.
Damn segfaults...
@syb0rg Fails here as well.
Makefile:61: recipe for target 'install' failed
make: *** [install] Error 1
number 2 tuple?
@Mast I'm really curious why Travis and my build machines don't bring up this problem
@syb0rg Did you mean make tritium instead? That works.
There's also a whole slew of build warnings.
@Mast From CMake? Or my code? I know there are a few warnings for my code
@Mast make alone should work, a target shouldn't have to be specified
@syb0rg lang/cmu_time_awb/cmu_time_awb.c:42:34: warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] cmu_time_awb_lex.phone_table = cmu_time_awb_lex_phone_table;
Things like that.
@Mast Okay, that stuff should be "fine", it should build despite that
@syb0rg No, the final step of your installation manual.
To complete installation onto your system, run make install.
Does it finish the build of the library with make tritium?
build$ make tritium
[  6%] Built target cmu_us_slt
[ 12%] Built target PortAudio
[ 16%] Built target audio
[ 27%] Built target util
[ 29%] Built target regex
[ 33%] Built target hrg
[ 35%] Built target stats
[ 41%] Built target speech
[ 43%] Built target lexicon
[ 49%] Built target synth
[ 54%] Built target wavesynth
[ 57%] Built target cg
[ 62%] Built target cmulex
[ 75%] Built target usenglish
[ 79%] Built target cmu_us_kal
[ 84%] Built target cmu_time_awb
[ 88%] Built target cmu_us_kal16
[ 94%] Built target cmu_us_awb
Oh, so it builds! That's good
Yes, but make install doesn't make sense IIRC.
Weird how it won't install tho
Unless you intent install to be a target as well.
@Mast Why's that?
Well right now it's trying to do this:
install(DIRECTORY include/
Found the problem.
Copy rights.
Tell the user to switch to superuser.
facepalm helmetpalm
build$ sudo make install
[sudo] password for mathias:
[  6%] Built target PortAudio
[ 12%] Built target cmu_us_slt
[ 16%] Built target audio
[ 27%] Built target util
[ 29%] Built target regex
[ 33%] Built target hrg
[ 35%] Built target stats
[ 41%] Built target speech
[ 43%] Built target lexicon
[ 49%] Built target synth
[ 54%] Built target wavesynth
[ 57%] Built target cg
[ 62%] Built target cmulex
[ 75%] Built target usenglish
[ 79%] Built target cmu_us_kal
[ 84%] Built target cmu_time_awb
[ 88%] Built target cmu_us_kal16
Use an array. Ask this on Code Review. Amazing community there. — findwindow 9 secs ago
First thing to check when debugging on Linux.
@Duga looks like I totally converted this one! #Success
Because most of us are too stupid to do user-management right.
@Duga Yay. More VBA.
We got a couple of VBA experts on Code Review. Feel free to join us. — Mast 33 secs ago
> If this was a client, he would also rage why the glass doesn't fill itself, make coffee, climb stairs, or have Comic Sans on it.
@N3buchadnezzar LOL!
@Jovica See Code Review - note that ideally you'd provide the entire procedure's body, or better, the whole module =) — Mat's Mug 1 min ago
This question is probably more suitable for Code ReviewDavid Cullen 1 min ago
@Mast Updated README, glad it worked for you
Thanks for doing that
Note, Code Review will want to see a better explanation of exactly what "this code" is doing. — Mat's Mug just now
@N3buchadnezzar I'm going to use this in a CR post one day
@Duga That code is absolutely horrible. Crazy inefficient.
@syb0rg Great. Really love that gif
possible answer invalidation by peterh on question by Saurabh Badola: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/132192/revisions
Avoided posting it directly to not get mugged again =)
> make sure you have the privaleges
You got a typo there.
@Duga Oh god I'm running away from that review
I 've copied question to Code Review, thank you guys. — Jovica 56 secs ago
@Mast Fak
@Duga that's not what I said
Cross posted on Code Review. Feel free to remove the question on Stack Overflow. No need to ask it on two sites. — Mast 32 secs ago
@syb0rg Much better ^^
@Duga seems okay
@Duga aaaand RBA
Shit, we found a user who listens to good advice.
Be careful with that one.
Q: How to speed for/next loop, when copying values from one sheet to another

JovicaI am trying to copy values from one sheet to another using loop with two conditions and it is very slow. Removing conditions from code doesn't have any effect on the speed of the execution. I already have sample sheet where everything is done with functions (if/match/index...) but I would like to...

@CaptainObvious imagines @Mat's and @Zak fighting over the low-hanging fruit
ususally they don't
most vba has enough low.hanging fruit for two or three reviews
at least the most "first post vba"
most "first post vba" are "how can I speed up this code" questions. it gets boring.
@Mat'sMug My life in C
how about switching tags?
@Mat'sMug Better with: this code works but makes my eyes burn, and my boss started crying, questions?
Would it make sense to have a Tag warning on ?
because people are repeating themselves over and over and over
For Each rCell In rRng.Cells
    If rCell.Value <> "" Then
        If Len(rCell.Value) > 3 Then
What would you want to warn about, that they should read other questions first?
        End If
        End If
    Next rCell
@Mast other performance questions with the same language tag
@Mat'sMug I suspect those ifs can be smashed together.
vba has three basic performance optimizations that can be recommended about every new question
The first looks redundant.
I daresay it's not much different in other tags
@Mast the outer if can be smashed, period.
I've added name of the subroutine and end sub, now it's the complete code. By the way I like that rule, it's much easier to figure out what is going on if the whole code is provided. — Jovica 1 min ago
Q: Grouping rectangles horizontally and vertically

TheLethalCoderAs you can see the below code for each method is that same, except for the properties it uses. For example X vs Y and Width vs Height. Is there anyway that I can refactor the code to use a common main method that changes on which property it uses? Notes: The all caps constant is BOX_LINEUP_TOLE...

@Mat'sMug you right now
(this gif never gets old)
At least now I know it's from castle.
it's such a good feeling to refactor away from a static class and have it dependency injected instead.
@skiwi a bit too rushed, but enjoy gfycat.com/CautiousSneakyBudgie
not a mug, but close enough
Sometimes I hate the FGITW people. Then I spend 2 minutes telling somebody that ScreenUpdating can be turned off, immediately pick up 80 rep, and I get it.
@ardaozkal Do you want a 3D mug? I think I still got one somewhere.
@Legato Are you going to accept an answer on that question of yours?
@Mast creating fragments would be too much work, but thanks for the offer
Q: Determine which range a character falls into

JordanI am categorizing terms depending on what letter the term starts with. What is the cleanest way to do so? var parentGroup, startsWith = "H"; // Just simplifying and giving a static example here. switch(startsWith) { case "A": case "B": case "C": case "D": case "E": ...

Also, that's a brand new CR user right there. Go say hi. codereview.stackexchange.com/a/132206/81541
@Zak look who's talking :)
> @Zak beat me to the performance tune-ups, so I'll address the eye-popping low-hanging fruit.
Welcome @Brian
This is the 2nd Monitor, Code Review's Official chatroom.
Wait, are we official?
Thanks! @Zak Just found out about this site about 30 minutes ago. Looks great! Been using SO for quite a while.
@Zak Yes.
Code Review is far superior to Stack Overflow. Our code works.
@Zak Looks like it. In some ways I was a bit intimidated to answer.
I'm still navigating the VBA worls myself.
@Brian Keep asking/answering VBA stuff on CR and you'll be awesome in no time.
@Zak I plan on it! Thanks!!
@Brian but you did it anyways. good job :)
Worst thing about Code Review is that when you don't get answers you don't know if you code is good or the question just didn't get enough attention.
it's probably the latter. find a punny title, edit the post, and last resort, put up a +250 bounty =)
@ardaozkal thats the same with answers.
@Vogel612 Thank you!
With this speed we'll own the VBA world in a year.
@Mat'sMug I suck at finding punny titles, so I'm open for title recommendations for this.
The whole thing. Outright.
Microsoft will come to us for advice.
@Brian obligatory meta:
Q: Welcome to The 2nd Monitor!

PhrancisSo, you have found your way to the Code Review main chat room, The 2nd Monitor, perhaps for one of these reasons: You were invited or "pinged" by a site moderator or other user to discuss a post on the main Code Review site; You visited Code Review for the 1st or Nth time, and noticed the chat ...

@Mast Best advice: Get rid of VBA already
BBIAB... probably
@Mast that's before or after they give me a million bucks for Rubberduck?
@Phrancis I so didn't read that
lol ;D
@Mat'sMug Depends on how fast RD's development goes :P
Imagine if you could script stuff for Excel with something like Python or C#
@Phrancis What makes you think you can't. It's just not as seamlessly integrated with the object model.
possible answer invalidation by pfinferno on question by pfinferno: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/132184/revisions
@Brian Oh yeah, you definitely need to go get rubberduckvba.com
@Mast fun fact: Am a Microsoft Student Partner... so you could say that they already do
@Phrancis once you know the inner plumbings of the Excel object model, trust me you DON'T want to do that
ah, new VBA question has also gone HNQ
TODO make Python interpreter that translates to VBA
this explains why I've almost mortarboarded today.
@Zak Interesting, I'll have to read that more thoroughly when I have more time.
@Zak 3 answers in 5 minutes and a crapton of upvotes tend to do that yeah
@Marc-Andre "On FedEx vehicle for delivery"
I should install ublock on chrome too
@Duga its ok
LOL It's on the vehicle for delivery, I go downstairs, and it's already here.
Q: Project Euler, #76

dsaxtonI was working on a problem from Project Euler which I can't seem to solve. The question is to find the number of ways to write 100 as a sum of at least two integers. My thinking was to break the problem up as follows: Define a function f(n, {k, k+1, ..., n-k}) that returns the number of ways n...

@CaptainObvious It's broken bro
204k views, you would think I would have 100 votes on this by now: raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/a/8735/8631
@syb0rg This one has three fiddy still not reached a hundred votes raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/374/…
@N3buchadnezzar The answer has tho
@EBrown Nice! I won't time to play tonight or tomorrow though! What's your timezone by the way ?
@syb0rg Yes, eventually. I don't accept questions in less than a week on personal policy. I found that it would be to the discredit even to the answerer since the question gets less views and therefore upvotes.
@ardaozkal Doesn't count.
@EBrown Getting spam the old-fashioned way?
@Mast :(
Q: Nucleotide count in Scala

CodeYogiThis is my second day in learning Scala and I still need to develop a taste of functional programming, I often find myself doing imperative coding. Below is the result of my TDD practice. Code class DNA(dnaSequence: String) { var count = collection.mutable.Map('A' -> 0, 'T' -> 0, 'C' -> 0, 'G' -

Hello on stackoverflow. Please read the help center to understand that your question ... actually doesn't fit here to good. For "working code that requires review" ... codereview.stackexchange.com might be a better place. — Jägermeister 28 secs ago
Interesting stuff... got a letter from the fiscal authorities
they want my tax return for 2014 ...
@Jägermeister User "got lost when trying to work out the discount part.". Definitely not for Code ReviewArjan 45 secs ago
@ardaozkal Unless you want to become the next VBA developer there.
@Vogel612 I guess they're a bit late.
I'm not sure it's clear what OP is looking for. I thought this was for codereview because of this Im sure i made alot of mistakes and that the code could have been written out much more simply.so im really excited to see how else it could have been done more correctly.Lexi 22 secs ago
Looks like a perfect question for codereviewempiric just now
@Mat'sMug COM is an acronym that stands for Creates Only Misery
@DanLyons really? damn, and they sell it as Component Object Model!
In it's current state, Code Review can't do anything with it either. It's too messy. I don't doubt the intentions of the author, but please take a look at what's on-topic here (help center) and, if you decide you want a review, at their help center as well. — Mast 54 secs ago
@Marc-Andre I'm EST/EDT, UTC-0400 right now.
At this precise moment, it's 13:44:31
it's painful when installing another, unrelated app breaks yours because it screwed with the COM registration :|
But, I have a 35GB update it has to download. At 3Mbps, that will take a while.
About 26 hours by my calculations.
@EBrown beats uninstalling VS ;-P
Yes it does, sadly. Lol
@Mat'sMug and as i found out today, the .net rc1 preview tools
@EBrown where do you live? it might be faster for one of us to download it and drive it to you :P
@DanLyons Toledo, OH, US.
@Mast why not :)
If I'd be within 5 hours of you I'd totally drive it to you.
@EBrown 3mbp/s? is the line to your house a series of shoestrings tied together?
@DanPantry mine might be
@ardaozkal I love how it says FAST there
For all we know it's fast for his region.
@skiwi yeah, it is misleading, but it makes sense as fast.com
it could be worse - I remember spending 7 hours downloading 14MB Doom 2 when I was a kid, only to lose it all because mom picked up the phone
According to @ardaozkal's profile he is Turkish
this in LoL, mind you
@DanPantry fancy a round ?
@Vogel612 After this ARAM, sure.
Same name, EUW :)
@Legato Mmmm, good policy
@DanPantry That's an expensive copper line you got there. 160 Mb/s, nice.
@ardaozkal That's not possible.
@Mast It's fibre optics. £40/mo
@DanPantry Fibre should get more upload than that.
it's throttled
@Mast it is my VM :P
here is my pc
@ardaozkal Testing against what, your computer as router?
@Mast my provider is virgin media, so you can look it up, but they limited our upload to 12mb/s.
@Mast 1gbps are not unheard of :)
With a download that fast, I'm not sure I'd complain actually.
'nuff bragging :)
@Vogel612 I've added you, but I am still in game at the moment.
> At last month's town hall, we all clamored to speak and it was a little hard to dig into the meat of the subject at hand.
It was a mess...
@Mast Yeah I remember, was pretty chaotic
@syb0rg Flagged as NAA.
@syb0rg Ugh, ew
What's a linked list and a tree got to do with each other...?
they're both data structures, I guess
that's about where the similarity ends
That's what I thought as well
i mean technically speaking a linked list is a unary tree
^^ that
both are subtypes of Graphs
a broccoli looks like a tree, too
takes after its mom and dad ;-)
which reminds me... I wanted to do that Regular Expression thingie
That's going to be nice stuff to review
fun to review
pick 1
actually a regex debugger and explainer
I'll be throwing in Trees, Automata and Stateful debugging :D
Q: Is this an efficient way to execute the parsing of this data?

basicI am receiving data from an external API that is returned in the below form: TagName,Value,AlStatus,AlType,Quality In order to give the user an easy way to utilize this data (this is being compiled as a library) I am creating an arraylist of all of the data with maps inside to reference the actu...

@Vogel612 now you'll have 2 4 problems :D
@DanPantry No, it's wireless.
There's an antenna on the roof of my house that uses a cellular tower to get my internet connection.
Q: Q about object pool

FrankI am a beginner and would like to build a pool. I made some research and found out that if my software has heavy object create and delete part, I should use a pool because of performance. I made some function to get a T from the pool and reset it, and would like to know if it works correctly. I t...

I've reduced some code my company is using from 2978 lines to 848 lines
That's a 71.5% reduction
I'm not even done trying to make it cleaner yet
@syb0rg Golfed?
@N3buchadnezzar No; dead code mostly
And inefficient code
Q: How to make this JavaScript function more “elegant”?

Paul OsetinskyThe following is a function that accepts a hex value (with or without a #, 3 or 6 character) and returns another hex value that is "closest" to it from a set of static hex values defined within the function. It involves a conversion to RGB. How do I make this function more "elegant"? This is mor...

@syb0rg =)
Like right now I'm trying to whittle down this 500 line switch statement dealing with some different "types"
But a lot of these types are similar
Despite that, there is a separate case for every type
A lot of duplicated code
@syb0rg That's way easier to maintain.
Thanks! If you are using an external diff tool like Beyond Compare, change the last line to git difftool $base HEAD --dir. It's useful when doing a code review of someone else's branch. — styfle 15 secs ago
@EBrown An update for Halo 5?
@Marc-Andre Windows 10.
Q: find minimal window in a string

Lin MaI post the problem and two versions of code. The differences between two versions of code is, the first one will move the start index when there is a match, the 2nd version will not move the start index when there is a move. Wondering if logics are both correct? If both have the correct logic, w...

What would be the point in posting bug-free code? That would be for CodeReview. — Weather Vane 12 secs ago
TIL: There's such a thing as AdBlocker Ultimate.
yeah AdBlocker standard comes with a pack of free emoticons and three searchbars, Ultimate only has opt-in emoticons </shutupmug>
uBlock FTW
@syb0rg yeah, ublock is the best
it is on firefox for android too
@Mat'sMug Dang it, I was trying to find the opening tag and couldn't find it
@skiwi you trying to parse html with regex again?
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Heap selection sort - follow-up
@Mat'sMug No, I'm trying to parse your lines with my mind
@Mat'sMug The standard comes with white-listed advertising. Ultimate doesn't.
You can still white-list, but none of it has done by default.
and you can't un-whitelist the whitelisted ads?!
I added the whitelisted ads to the blacklist, which overrules the whitelist ^^
so...... why get Ultimate then?
@RoboSanta we need one of these for arqade
Because I got tired of blacklisting and got a fresh install anyway.
@ardaozkal @janos You got fans.
@RoboSanta Have an upvote.
Yea, I saw it on your profile yesterday.
if youre just trying to get feedback on already working code, you should check out stack exchange's code review site. that said, if the two projects are on different domains this will not work. you cannot make cross site requests like that. — Pootie Tang 48 secs ago
@ardaozkal wait till you get unsung hero
Quick question: if a proposal fails but still has at least a couple of upvotes, is it still allowed to tag a response question to that with ?
Where fails means not enough votes to be top-scoring.
@Vogel612 pls no
Or should I take this to meta.CR instead...
@Mast in theory, no. in practice... who cares?
BTW is now officially badgeable. who will earn the first [badge:community-challenge]?
I second the mug.
I think I've made 3 or so proposals that didn't win, but were runner-ups. Though none as bad as the IoT one -- I misjudged interest on that.
It's for fun anyway + people like to see the result.
I know I do, even when I don't participate.
@Mat'sMug janos is in the lead with 65 over 10 answers.
@Legato Yup, same here.
@Legato I'm willing to post a question about it anyway and I'm wondering whether I should tag it as .
I guess I'll just do it and see what happens.
Go for it! Post pictures of the hardware when you do though!
Sure :-)
I'll make something too, not sure what though...I'm thinking of a way to do both the challenges in one.
If it goes as good as I hope, it will even be a (crappy-quality) video.
I'm trying to build a MALP.
Have been trying to for a while, but I finally got the time and enough progress.
I still need a decent battery though, so for now it runs on 230.
Looking forward to it.
So far I got lighting and a camera.
There's servo motors as well, but those need some work.
The camera isn't properly forwarded yet either.
I can probably hack a cheap client together to make it all visible, perhaps even on my N900.
Totally mobile and all, totally IoT.
The hardest part is the structure of it all.
@Mast I actually did that...
I think
Welcome @SisomaMunden
Good job on the title
Much better than the play I made on it
I'm pretty away from unsung hero :( 10 accepted with score 0, but I feel short from the percentage. 10 out of 57 accepted.
Nov 30 '15 at 23:32, by Mast
We are Code Review.
Lower your shields and surrender your code.
We have seen the flaws and will criticise it like it was our own.
Your code will adapt to best practices.
Resistance is futile.
@ardaozkal I got unsung on SO
Haskell, brave choice.
SO is easy
I mean arqade
@Mast the code is arguably broken though
The community is terrible! They upvote every good answer.
it's only "right-recursive" or so
@Vogel612 Just define it as a work in progress and nobody will care. That's what I did...
Q: Messed up Elevator Management System

MastIn light of our current community-challenge I decided to build an Elevator Management System. Initially I intended to program the EMS like a real-time operating system and the elevators as finite-state machine threads with each their own handler. It didn't go according to plan, but it works. For...

The title though.
Even the title indicates it's crap. And still.
I like how the question and answer are identical in upvotes.
Yes, that's quite satisfactory.
The answerer definitely deserves those upvotes.
For CR, the code doesn't need to do everything you eventually want it to, it just needs to work and do everything you designed it to do, up to that point.
I think I've said something along those lines to a few people every now and then.
Exactly. And it did. That I happened to have narrowed the specification based on what the code was doing at that point is quite irrelevant.
I posted tic-tac-toe without any of the logic, and then with the logic, and finally ultimate tic-tac-toe. All the answers were helpful.
I'm totally apathetic for anything involving code :/
@Zaggler I kill Hungarian Notation wherever I see it, for all the reasons in that post, and because it's useless clutter that makes code harder to read than it needs to be. Take strSurnames here, the variable is an array of strings. Or possibly a generic List, or just any IEnumerable(Of String). What's str buying the OP? Isn't surnames simpler and more meaningful? Why would count be anything other than an int? And if it had to be an Int64 for some reason, would it be a different prefix? Variables should be named after what they're used for, not their type. — Mat's Mug 5 mins ago
I should totally not be having this discussion in SO comments...
Mar 23 at 16:07, by Mat's Mug
♪ let it go ♪
and yes this is coming to haunt you :D
every. single. time
@Vogel612 So, what are you doing on Code Review exactly?
janitoring, mostly
This is... interesting, just took a quiz, look at these results
Should You Be a SQL Server DBA? (Brent Ozar)

Q1: 1,2,5		3 / 5
Q2: D 			5
Q3: B 			5
Q4: C 			5
Q5: 1 			5
Q6: 1,2,4 		3
Q7: B 			5
Q8: 4 			0
Total			31 / 40 : Pretty darn good fit
@Vogel612 235 answers. Uhu.
I just realize that today is the first time I'm going to write an integration test that really integrates into something
@Phrancis nice :)
@Mat'sMug Well, I'm starting to think I should seriously consider it as a career option
(this wasn't a skill test, it was more of "would you enjoy being a DBA?" test)
@Mast I've got no time to read it yet but I'm really curious why it's called "messed up"
@Vogel612 Is it not sorting correctly or are there gaps of almost a year in between? ;-)
sth like that, yea
Operations Engineer at Intel (@jobsatintel) [Aylesbury, UK] http://stackoverflow.com/jobs/118614/operations-engineer-intel-corporation #javascript
You could post that over at codereview.stackexchange.com to see if anyone can help you tighten it up at all. — rrauenza 1 min ago
Please read "How to Ask", make sure your sample code is syntactically correct, and it does what you want, then look at Code Review and see if that'd be a better fit for your question. — the Tin Man 58 secs ago
As @anatolyg suggested, if the code works and you are looking for ways to improve it, Code Review is definitely the best place for that! — Phrancis 55 secs ago
@funforums FYI, this behavior is now documented in the messaging documentation (the difference is here: codereview.chromium.org/1874133002/patch/80001/90002). — Rob W 1 min ago
oh my @Duga
Only one that's a bit iffy is the middle one by the Tin Man

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