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@Gemtastic Nice pun
Thanks ;P
@MichaelBrandonMorris Not much to review about that, is there?
@Gemtastic now split.
I think I'll stay
It was quite some time ago since I hit 21
I think we're out of puns.
We're never out of puns.
Not as long as I am in the room.
BBL, going to work with some code
@Gemtastic quite a bit of code!
It's a little bad practice I gather seeing as it's the entire application, but otoh it's such a small thing
Monking @syb0rg
@syb0rg good apeternoon
@overactor A lot of people do stuff from Project Euler
If you like math, anyways
@Phrancis I do, but I'm not particularly good at it :)
It's a good suggestion though
I know that feeling ;-;
I watch numberphile sometimes :)
@overactor I didn't think Chutes & Ladders was that difficult, as long as you don't have to make a GUI
It's just rolling dice and adding numbers, basically
@Phrancis generating a random board might be a bit tough for a beginner in Haskell
@Phrancis Well, making a GUI isn't that hard, all that matters on that is the language capabilities
@overactor The way I did it was with a multi-dim array (i.e. a table in my case), just sort in random order and pick the first one that doesn't already have a chute or ladder
@ardaozkal nice, do you have image or video samples somewhere? I might be interested in that
@Phrancis clever
@overactor FizzBuzz is always an option, but feel free to take something a tad more challenging.
Maybe I'll do Euler #14
Also, feel free to take a look at .
@Phrancis it is pretty early but well: samples, documentation
I'll add a random function soon.
The language design is terrible, don't expect much.
Language design, that's what I'd like to do with my professional life.
@ardaozkal I don't see anything visual samples, just code...?
Just code, yeah
Will add visual resources as I improve it
Ah ok, cool
Language design is pretty cool, I recommend everyone try it sometime
what's language design ?
Designing your own language.
well, like that bored guy who invented brainf*ck ?
@janos are you around? were you able to run my code --> codereview.stackexchange.com/q/128874/18427
@Dex'ter Most of the languages turn into esoteric languages, yes. Some of them get serious though.
Python started as a one-man project.
same with JS
There are some really cool esoteric languages
There's plenty of companies who write their own languages as well.
@Malachi hi, I think so. Saw your question in the Close Queue, I voted to Leave Open
morningstar, funciton, hexagony
My code has been up there for almost a month and I know it ran in one of my shells
well, there's a guy on stackexchange who solves wach puzzle in Pyth (which btw he designed it)...in less than 20 bytes
could Pyth be considered a design language ?
yeah, there's a syntax and language qualities
@Dex'ter every language was designed, no?
but now when I try to run it anywhere I get weird errors like guess isn't defined or something like that. and the other one is that the else if needs a space in it, but that was a different shell
yep, but that's python at its base
with the notable exception of PHP
it's derived from it
@overactor haha I was just about to make that joke
I don't know Pyth, but from what I've heard, it is quite different from Python by now
That's what repl.it says, not sure what my local version would say.
@Quill And COBOL, which predates the universe.
COBOL was a necessary step.
good old times
@Dex'ter My company uses Delphi as a primary language
I got a PASCAL-ish zombie...
I'll probably have to selfie it.
@Malachi ok I'm not sure if I ran it...
@overactor wow... it's still used in a large industry ?
I am going to open it up in RubyMine and see what happens
@Dex'ter define large
we're mostly shifting to C# though
I have a bunch of changes in my local copy and those are broken as well...
then...what's the point of writing DELPHI in the first place ? large = that industry which require huge infrastructure and so on...
@Dex'ter Generally speaking, the larger the industry, the older the code.
@Zak agree. I ran into some 10-years old Perlish thing which has < 10k lines
@Dex'ter we're not large, 10 employees in total
had to rewrite that in Python
When the IRS still has systems running from before Kennedy was assassinated, nothing else compares.
oh my, so beautiful
There's a sister site (codereview.stackexchange..... something) if you're looking for help improving current code. — JETM 24 secs ago
elseif should be elsif I guess. which is weird because wherever I ran it, it worked...
@janos would you be opposed to me changing that error/bug/typo??
Lol, the default binary formatter in Rust doesn't display leading or trailing zeroes...
that's totally helpful... ~cough
Q: Exclusive access to objects

SinatrTake a look at following code: /*abstract*/ class Capturable { object _lock = new object(); public bool IsCaptured { get; private set; } public bool TryCapture() { if (!IsCaptured) lock (_lock) if (!IsCaptured) return IsCap...

@Malachi I went in and fixed myself (to indicate mod support for this edit)
@janos Awesome! thank you
now I know I need to be careful what I use to run my Ruby
now I remember, I ran only my version after the review, which doesn't have "else if", probably that's why I didn't notice
monking @Vogel612
@janos I think I initially ran my version in a Git Bash shell
@skiwi just run it through left-pad.io
there is a difference between the ruby shell and the git bash prompt. one is windows and the other is nix
@overactor That's not really the point with binary... If I have a byte and bit 5 is 1 and it only displays '1' then I don't know which bit is 1
RubyMine is going to be easier to work with I think, it will run the code in the IDE
possible answer invalidation by janos on question by Malachi: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/128874/revisions
@Duga already discussed this
Alright, thanks! I also believe they don't want a bunch of non-developers signing up, only to get their hands on iOS 9... — MichaelD33 Jun 10 '15 at 6:12
FFS Apple are blocking new dev signups
goddamn it
Hmm or it formats the output to the binary representation, but I want the bitwise representation actually
@skiwi yeah, jokes aside, the trailing zeroes being left out is quite problematic
I better get back to work
Trying to figure out if it's only leading zeroes though, then it's not that big of an issue
@Malachi Ideone isn't great, go for repl.it instead or get a real interpreter.
Okay padding works luckily
Hi, I posted a question a little while ago, and have already gotten some good tips in it. (Thanks @Zak). Is it OK to improve the code in my question, or is that not considered good practice. (I'll of course leave a note thanking the user that helped.)
@StewieGriffin the latter
@StewieGriffin just post another question
@Mast lol, that is the one I ended up using before I found that JetBrains has free student licenses
@StewieGriffin You can use the tips you received to rewrite the code and use that to ask a new question
The original question should stay as it was when you received your first answer
Welcome to Code Review @StewieGriffin!
@Quill where did you get a diamond from?
@StewieGriffin love your SE description. #hahaha
For the record, I thoroughly despise installing SQL Server
@Malachi SE proposed to me, we're getting married next year
@Quill Nice!
Pro-Tem at LanguageLearning
Got it! =) Thanks!
that guy that commented on my ruby question is a big hitter for the Ruby tag on SO
@Dex'ter, ;-)
@Malachi, thanks =)
@StewieGriffin Looks like you could review some questions here!
LanguageLearning seems like a difficult topic for SE, and the stats don't look very healthy.
How is it in practice, @Quill?
yeah.... we're working on it
A minor question more: Should I wait for x minutes/hours before re-posting the improved question?
no need to wait
@StewieGriffin nope
@StewieGriffin As soon as you're ready
possible answer invalidation by Sinatr on question by Sinatr: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/132179/revisions
There is a badge for posting questions on separate days, if you want to work towards that and you posted the question today, you could wait until 00:00Z, but otherwise, no need to wait
@Duga This is what would happen if you changed the code in your question after it was reviewed @StewieGriffin
you had one job https://t.co/hTtkvOcyaP
Is that... a mouse?
oh wow, that's some crappy design
Maybe you're meant to use one of those connectors that have a 90 degree angle
Still crappy design though
at first I thought it was a mini-router or smth but couldn't see any rj-45 so..
Now I need to figure out why a byte at a specific location suddenly has different bits when trying to get bit 0 through 7 from it
The byte value suddenly changes from 11111111 to 01101000 without changing it
@skiwi what are you trying to do ?
Create an implementation of a bit vector
(I promise I'm not trying to corrupt the world or something)
C++ / C or Java
Pretty close to C++
@Quill yeay congrats Quill, great news!
@syb0rg Got it =) Good thing I didn't do it myself... Reposted as advised.
@janos thanks @janos :)
@Malachi Much better.
@Quill The double pinger
@Mat'sMug I found and now installing Reporting Services, I may have a question on occasion, but I'll ask only if I can't find on MSDN or SO :)
yay! now I can make those app things!
@Dex'ter Could've been a USB Wi-Fi router.
Time for you to learn Swift now lol
But those don't usually look like that either :P
@Mast yea'. Didn't think of it
@Phrancis and then I can start a blog... oh wait
@Phrancis You could use the new iPad app for that!
Too bad I don't own an iPad
@Quill You already got that covered
it was a joke... but I guess it's been a while since we've seen nhgrif
I miss our monkeys
@StewieGriffin you're welcome
@janos Should this be flagged or nah? codereview.stackexchange.com/a/132105/27623
@Quill, you totally should learn Swift though, we need people more active in the tag here at CR
If the code is functioning, you might want to migrate this question to codereview.stackexchange.com. — Mixxiphoid 14 secs ago
@syb0rg by telling me you've effectively flagged it
Q: Summarize raw data in new sheet, 2.0

Stewie GriffinThanks to zak for some great advice on this previous question. This is a follow up question: I have an Excel workbook with two sheets: "Raw data" and "Summary". In the raw data sheet there are several blocks with data structured like the image below: I want to create a summary of the data bel...

@Phrancis actually using a device while it is charging is bad for the battery and could lead to the battery becoming compromised (i.e explode)
at the minimum, looks like the accounts need to be merged
I think it looks Ok, personally @syb0rg
Oh, that's the issue, nvm
@Malachi Do your laptop batteries usually explode?
@janos Yeah, I think it's a valid answer... sorta
No, because batteries are safeguarded.
@StewieGriffin Any ideas for a review on this guys post? codereview.stackexchange.com/q/132122/27623
@Mast Would be a crazy world if batteries exploded every other day
@syb0rg yeah, it's an ok answer. Just account merge
@Mast no but they don't last as long when you use them while they are charging. the labels on them tell you to use them until they are almost depleted before charging them
@Mast and I said could lead to the battery becoming compromised
@Malachi Different problem.
when you buy a new laptop battery, they give you a specific charging schedule for the first few charges
@Yvette Doesn't appear to work as intended.
there is a reason for charging them a specific way, you are not supposed to use a device while charging the battery that runs it.
@Mast ah k soz
1. the battery will charge faster. 2. you won't ruin the cord. 3. it is necessary for maximum battery life
@Legato Morning
I know my new laptop will not charge the battery all the time while it's in use, even if plugged in
@syb0rg, I'll have a look... I'm not sure how much I can do though =)
@Malachi The third is bullshit. That only goes for leaving a device plugged-in while the battery is at maximum capacity.
That's needlessly taxing the battery.
Using the device while charging however, is not.
The battery will not be used in that scenario (at least with laptops).
@StewieGriffin The only suggestions I have rn are styling things, not really performance stuff which I think he's looking for
@Mast most newer devices have a mechanism built in to keep the battery from being overcharged
@Malachi That's not what I'm talking about.
we are talking about a rechargeable mouse, and we expanded to laptops. 2 totally separate things with different mechanisms for charging.
List of projects which have curated tasks specifically for new contributors: up-for-grabs.net
Not that different really, but we'd need specs to know for sure and charging specs are usually kept a secret.
a cell phone is another device that people use while plugged in, which is really bad for the cell phone, in most cases.
@Quill I wonder how I could add Khronos to that list
@Quill I don't like the title of that site.
@Malachi Proof it.
SO is not a code reviewing service — bub 7 secs ago
It is, I completely forgot about codereview. Thank you! — pfinferno 59 secs ago
@JeroenVannevel do you know of any guide for migration to the new project structures?
@Duga @ardaozkal that one could use some more explanation
@Duga RBA
@Quill I want it.
@syb0rg To be honest (waiting for an answer from OP), but I think he has the answer already. I'm quite sure it's hard to improve the performance of the vectorized code OP posted. Remains to be seen if it's actually wrong or if it's just floating point errors.
@StewieGriffin I'm wondering why he came here after he went to MathWorks, they're going to have more experts over there than here
at least the water bottle can be taken pretty much everywhere
I love my SO waterbottle, I pretty much always have it with me
I want them to make a github username sticker so much tho.
@syb0rg permute takes virtually no time, and bsxfun is the fastest way to do comparisons (<=, == etc).
Q: PHP Script to write values from JSON on image and display image

ardaozkalThis is a script I made that opens img.png, downloads the json data from the API, writes it on image and displays it. It currently is a community ad over Arqade. <?php header('Content-type: image/png'); //setting header to png so it will display as an image $donationImage = imagecreatefrompng("i...

Q: Can I speed up this binary file reading?

pfinfernoI have a bunch of binary files that have corresponding structs in them, followed by any number of bytes (this exact # of bytes are given in one of the fields in the structs). I read in data from the binary files to a struct, and assign variables from certain fields in those structs. I was wonderi...

@CaptainObvious ignore my terrible PHP
@StewieGriffin I'd say you should make an answer with all that you just told me
1. You'd get the rep
2. It's a good review, because there isn't much to review
@syb0rg True... There are however some users on SO that love to vectorize code. (Gold badge holders in tag:Vectorization).
thinking of it now, I might do something else and make the code run only every 5 minutes (the api has 5 min delay, and I don't want to spam it)
@StewieGriffin Any of them hang out in SO chatrooms?
Vectors are awesome.
@Phrancis talking about mistakes: scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/… :))
@Dex'ter LOL
@Dex'ter ouch
It's a rare evolution.
original content -> somewhere -> 9gag -> facebook
the derpachu isn't that bad- that level of jpeg is
you can't have everything
meh, people sell deformed amiibos for heaps..... usually half of them are BS though
@Mast according to tech republic that is a myth --> techrepublic.com/blog/10-things/…
@ardaozkal I believe it's tumblr -> 4chan -> reddit -> 9gag -> facebook these days
@Mast yeah, it reminded me of this
Mashable as well, but wanrs against 3rd party chargers --> mashable.com/2014/06/18/phone-charging-myths/#1raUYjONoEqQ
3rd party chargers can be a problem if they're those supercheap things illegal to be produced in the EU and USA.
but charging such devices while using them does ruin the cords...they get bent and stuff
they also said that battery memory is a myth as well. I would love to see some data on these issues, but I have some work to do...
As long as you watch the cords, there's no problem. Headphone cords can last for years as well.
If you don't watch the cords, well, sure, they'll break.
We call that negligence.
I call it technologically impaired individuals who think I am blowing smoke up their butts when I tell them to be nice to the plug ins.......<rant> <rant><rant><rant><rant>
Q: Set a variable and return it dependent on the environment

Xatenevprivate function setSavePath($action) { $env = $this->container->getParameter('kernel.environment'); switch ($action) { case '1': if ($env !== 'dev') { $savePath = '7878787878'; } else { $savePath ...

or sweetheart for short....LOL JK
@DanPantry I know it's a mess and I won't touch anything about it until it's actually released
I've seen bloggers tweet that everything changed since they last blogged on it
you took away lyrics tooo?!
Is this your real code? What is it for? — Phrancis 38 secs ago
good song
@JeroenVannevel lol :) All the same, I need to investigate .NET core and it seems the first logical step is to convert things to the new structure
@Phrancis I don't understand what's going on in that question
php is going on
oh apparently Stack Exchange use Roslyn to render some strings or something
@syb0rg aaaand, Done
@StewieGriffin Looks good!
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it properly belongs on codereview.stackexchange.comBob Gilmore 35 secs ago
Would any of you mind liking a github repo of mine simply so it shows up on profile page?
Unfortunately, questions don't get much viability, so those upvotes may take a while to trickle in
@Legato If you do the same for me ;)
@syb0rg For sure.
@Legato starred too :)
Thank you both, I really appreciate it!

Just started but planning to have a lot there over the summer.
@syb0rg That's a pretty cool project.
@Legato The foundation is all laid out, I'm taking a Machine Learning course to try and help me improve it from there
Add some actual AI capabilities
That's awesome, actually looking forward to seeing what you end up with -- once I learn more C stuff to understand it, haha.
@Legato Feel free to fork and mess around with it sometime, if you want
Always looking for contributors
@syb0rg Gratitude for the offer, I may take you up on that.
friend: recommend me CPU cooler
me: stock one will do unless you overclock
f: it sucks
m: it doesn't
f: it it was good, would they sell cpu coolers?
we need a facepalm emoji and we need it now
@ardaozkal They sell cpu coolers for overclocking...
@ardaozkal So, yesterday I was showing a friend about desktop apps and as a joke made this, just thought to share as it actually would work well as a rick roll.
@Legato rickroll? Is it like the game?
There's a rickroll game?
there is a facepalm emoji
That project would just play the song and randomly move rick astley's face.
@ardaozkal my computer can't display it :(
Almost want to post it for lulz.
@overactor same
only google and emojione has it apparently
@syb0rg Forgot to answer this one... Yes, they are active in the MATLAB and Octave Chat room...
@StewieGriffin Hmmm, let's see if I can't get this question answered by the end of the day: codereview.stackexchange.com/q/114351/27623
ah, I see
> The Face Palm emoji was approved as part of Unicode 9.0 in 2016.
Old simpsons is great
We have to wait until ios 10, osx someother lion and W10 redstone.
Social manipulation time ;)
@ardaozkal is iOS 10 coming out along with Swift 3?
I have the latest dev build of El Capitan and no facepalm emoji
Q: Script features slow when you have a lot of data

JeferThe code below is a social networking script is the class of the feed, the problem when the fees have many posts and many the followers even presents a giant slow, someone could tell me if there is something wrong with the queries and the script below , thank you public function __construct($dbo...

ummm. Maybe we could get back to topic now
Thanks Captain, this might help
@Vogel612 Topic?
@CaptainObvious looks like a "slow query" question rather than broken code
@N3buchadnezzar room topic
@overactor yes
Irritates me when people sticks with bad primality tests. To learn programming it is great to write a sieve.. However probabilistic is really the way to go.
@Vogel612 First time @Captain has ever been thanked
@overactor I VTC as unclear
@JorgeBucaran Yes, but for large number of processes / jobs, I would use a producer-consumer model where the number of worker goroutines is fixed and well quarantined. For an example see my answer at Bruteforce MD5 Password cracker. — icza 40 secs ago
@Phrancis I can't VTC. but I second that motion
Ok, it will be in the queue for others to review so all good here, hopefully they just improve their question and we can call it a day
Q: Pseudocode, Menu driven calculator, directions below

Alphonso SunNo external math libraries or math library functions are allowed. 2.You will design all mathematical functions from scratch. 3.The user should be able to input the five operators and base 10 digit numbers. 4.The user must be able to input up to five consecutive operators with associated oper...

Wow, a lot of breaking changes in Swift 3
@CaptainObvious well, that one was an easy call
@Phrancis That was quick
The first word of the title gave it away. The rest only needed to be read to confirm.
Q: Code-conversation

SinatrWhile asked only one question here I already see inconvenience of code-review site as it is now. For code-conversation (which in my opinion is code-review, where your code get improved and you change it slightly to have another iteration of improvements or perhaps to demonstrate why previous impr...

@StackExchange hrnggh... I remember there was a similar question about a year back
Q: Retrieving location coordinates from SQL database and plotting on a map android Gmaps

Saurabh BadolaHello everyone I am new to Android development and i am currently working on an android app that fetches changing location coordinates from SQL database and plots on a Map view at regular intervals. But I think this code can be made more efficient as i am unable to fetch locations after a certain...

Q: Code reveiw for an RPG made in c++

Mattboo64This is my fist attempt at making a program in C++, I was wondering if my code was good or should it be improved upon. Thanks in advance for the help. Here is the code below. Any help debugging would be greatly appreciated thanks. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() {...

"I really want to do X, I know the prefered way is Y. Can someone help me do X, even though it is really bad?"
@Mast Thanks, is there a list of all the short codes? — pacmaninbw 1 min ago
Who has the list?
@Mast Do you need a List, an ArrayList, a LinkedList, an IList, or perhaps a Collection, or an IEnumerable...
Protip: Releasing data to the OS and at the same time still using it in your program will lead to issues undefined behavior briefly thinking that your RAM is broken
@MichaelBrandonMorris Thé list.
@StackExchange found it:
Q: Dialog is difficult... why isn't there a linting tool?

Kai HendryI think this site needs a lot more work for it to become a good open-source code review platform. Otherwise, it will be blind-sided by something else soon enough! My biggest bug bears are: No sane way to integrate with jsfiddle/jsbin. Dialog is really really hard. No integration of linting t...

Q: IEnumerable and Predicate sets in .NET (complete, explained)

Dmitry NoginPreviously: Countable and uncountable sets in .NET (clean version). Thesis There is a full featured support of countable sets in .NET: IEnumerable<T>. What about uncountable sets; sets defined by predicate? How can they be manipulated and interact with IEnumerable<T>? Solution Let’s introduce ...

Q: Stuck in the foreach logic

BabuhI'm developing a plugin for Revit (a software to make 3D buildings). The goal is simple to understand. When there is an intersection between a Wall and a Duct I create an object called Reservation at this location. I need to extract the Curve of the Ducts and the Faces of the Walls in order to c...

@Mast Can I ask you a favor if you have time?
A user is having trouble installing tritium on his Mint Linux machine but I can't replicate the problem
Can you see if you have the same problem installing? github.com/syb0rg/tritium
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it would be more appropriate for codereview.stackexchange.comBob Gilmore 39 secs ago
This is no code review site. If the code runs as expected, document it properly and - iff the rules allow - try on code review. — Olaf 38 secs ago
@syb0rg Ubuntu is more or less Mint, I'll give it a shot.
@Mat'sMug Hello!
Could you explain how Duct, Wall, Curve and Face are related ? (Maybe a picture would tell more then words) — Heslacher 39 secs ago
does anybody understand how the mentioned objects are related ?

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