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I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is seeking a code reviewQuentin 32 secs ago
well, the way I thought this will work is: look after index_value (I already know it) and try to match what's after it
It's more than just a code review. It's about logic. The OP wants someone to think about and solve the problem. — MelanciaUK 31 secs ago
@Duga He's right I guess.
I'm all for migrating this to Code Review. Feel free to post a new question there and remove this one, that's usually faster than migrating. — Mast 50 secs ago
I think this is more appropriate for codereview.stackexchange.comskyline3000 1 min ago
@skyline3000 Next time? Probably. Note that the question already has answers now and not all answers are valid reviews on Code Review. Migrating this in it's current state would be a bad idea. — Mast 20 secs ago
@Dex'ter It does, I didn't understand what you meant. But now do, :) It works as you expect. Also you can change joined_values back to what you had before if you change values_in_row to values_in_row = search_regs_index.groups('')
@JoeWallis well yes, it works. But not entirel: I mean, I need a regex which will match both index(v1) or index(v1)(v2)
@Dex'ter re.escape(index_value) + '\((.*?)\)' + '(?:\((.*?)\))?' does
I didn't know there was a Code Review area. Do i just change the tag or is there a link that i can follow to that area? — Josh Wachsman 15 secs ago
@Dex'ter I'd use joined_values = ''.join(re.search(re.escape(index_value) + '\((.*?)\)(?:\((.*?)\))?', row).groups('')) to remove None nonsense. :)
Any Python gurus in here?
Just checking if this works: codereview.stackexchange.com/a/132067/27623
thanks @JoeWallis ^_^ it does the trick apparently
@Dex'ter I used an optional-non-capture for the second one, and the .groups('') is needed for when it's omitted. :)
@syb0rg Seems ok. I don't agree with the wording as it reads to me as: any(k > 1 and len(list(g)) > 1 for k, g in itertools.groupby(...)), where it should probably check k == 2 rather than k > 1.
@JoeWallis But what if k is three? or four?
That still means there are consecutive items in the array, right?
@syb0rg I read it slightly wrong, you omitted k. Sorry.
It's all good :)
My reading is really bad today, XD
Q: ruby refactoring long conditional

Szilard MagyarWhat is the best way to refactor the following method? def notification_redirection_path(notification) notifiable_type = notification.notifiable_type notifiable_id = notification.notifiable_id action = notification.action if action == "commented" route = case notifiable_type ...

Q: Finding consecutive occurrences of a value in an array

user2390183 Given an array of ints, return True if the array contains a 2 next to a 2 somewhere. has22([1, 2, 2]) - True has22([1, 2, 1, 2]) -False has22([2, 1, 2]) - False I do aware of a quick solution by iterating the list in a for loop and comparing current and next items for equality until ...

Q: Adding Reversed Numbers - ADDREV on SPOJ. Not Accepted why?

Suraj JainI tried solving this problem on SPOJ, in which you reverse the digits of two numbers, add them, and print the reversed digits of the sum. (When reversing, leading zeroes in the result should be dropped, and trailing zeroes in the result shouldn't happen.) I submitted this code and it did not get...

Q: Simple singly linked list in Java

Planet_EarthThe list is pretty simple, here is my code: ILinkedList.java package datastructures; public interface ILinkedList<T> { public enum posForOperation { BEGGINIG,BEFORE ,AFTER ,END } public class Node<T>{ T data; Node next; public Node(T data){ this.data...

Q: Scoreboard with score evolution plots using classes. Am I doing it right?

nicocoI've very recently started using OOP paradigms for the code in my work (academic research). As an exercise I tried coding this quick scoreboard. I'm not interested in improving the 'display' part, I know there would be a lot to do there, but does my use of classes make any sense? import os from...

:30375176 I asked for clarification from the OP, we'll see what he says
Shouldn't be too hard of an edit if it is more specific
possible answer invalidation by syb0rg on question by user2390183: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/132066/revisions
@Duga Shuddyap
What is your question then? "clean" is not an objective criteria, and if you're looking for opinions, SO doesn't do those. You might be able to ask this question on Code Review, but you should read their help center to determine if it is on topic. — Mike McCaughan 32 secs ago
@syb0rg You have to love OP sometimes, asks for improvements won't accept them.
tbf I wouldn't accept most imprisonments either ;-)
@JoeWallis I have yet to see someone on here asking for imprisonments...
Haha, XD I really need more sleep.
Aw, he fixed it
We just need to wait until Michael Schofield asks for a Code Review.
I was thinking SE was offering a new service.
@JoeWallis I think he just edited a minor part of his question so my user wouldn't appear at the bottom of his question
@syb0rg I mean the comment thread under the question.
I'm trying to find a way to do it without groupby() since he doesn't seem to like it but I can't lol
@SimonForsberg I was watched last night. Very interesting.
@JoeWallis Now my answer fits everything he is looking for: codereview.stackexchange.com/a/132067/27623
@Phrancis yes
@syb0rg It's like jumping through loops, :O Surely they think it's good now!
I mean, if he really doesn't want to import anything, he could just copy and paste the method behind the link
@Donald.McLean I'm gonna be watched tonight. Can't wait for it!
Q: How can I make this jQuery more efficient?

JoshjQuery is completely new to me and I just wrote the below code to show the slide in the querystring and hide the other slides in the flexslider. However, a few things: I know this code probably isn't the best way to write what needs to be accomplished. There has to be a better way because obvio...

Q: Finding the multiple of 3 and 5

Hannan RhodesWrite a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100. But for multiples of three print “Fizz” instead of the number and for the multiples of five print “Buzz”. For numbers which are multiples of both three and five print “FizzBuzz”. Is this the best way of doing this? def fizz_buzz(num): i...

@ardaozkal OK, I'm considering maybe making a mod for a Steam game that uses it, but I have 0 experience with Unity, and not much with C# (I know mostly Java and SQL), I was curious if it was very difficult to learn/use
On a side note, my Chutes & Ladders in SQL is coming along pretty decent, just finished setting up working logic for populating chutes, now just need to copy it and change it a bit for ladders, then I'm reading to setup the game flow which shouldn't be too hard
while @NumberOfChutes > 0
    delete from @RandomizedCells;
    insert into @RandomizedCells (Random, CellId, GoToCell)
            [Random] = cast(newid() as varchar(50)),
        from @Board;
    set @CurrentCell = (select top 1 CellId from @RandomizedCells where GoToCell is null order by Random);
    set @GoToCell = (select top 1 CellId from @RandomizedCells where GoToCell is null and CellId < @CurrentCell order by Random);
    update @Board
@Phrancis C# is Java but with very few different semantics
Q: Create a list of random numbers with sum = n

Stewie GriffinI want to create a list of random integers in the range [0, 9], that sums up to 100 in Excel, using VBA. The list should be printed in a single column. The routine I've written is as follows: Sub RandomList() Dim arr(100) As Integer Dim i As Integer i = 0 Do arr(i) = In...

@DanPantry I figured as much
`@annotation` is `[Annotation]`
`public void methodName()` is `public void MethodName()`
`public interface IInterfaceName` is `public interface InterfaceName`

All concurrency structures are encapsulated by `Task<T>`
Generics are run-time information, not just compile-time
We use NuGet, which is similar to Maven
Any method may throw without declaring it will
@syb0rg i=0;exec"print i%3/2*'Fizz'+i%5/4*'Buzz'or-~i;i+=1;"*100
@N3buchadnezzar But readability
@syb0rg Huh? :p
@syb0rg Any tips what is more readable, explicitly outputing 15 or just building the string part by part?
@N3buchadnezzar I'd say build the string part by part
omg javascript has an internationlisation api?
@N3buchadnezzar Do know how ` is used in Python? I remember seeing it in some Python code-golfs...
`def fizzBuzz0(n):
    s = ''
    if n%3==0: s +='Fizz'
    if n%10 in [0,5]: s +='Buzz'
    if not s: s = n
    return s`
Just dug up some old code :p
@JoeWallis No idea
@Phrancis Awesome.
I was working on the framework for the next challenge, but my hardware died on me.
So you're saying @Mat'sMug is downvoting me because I did the required X but didn't offer the Y up on this occasion? I'd agree with that but I don't agree with the downvote overall as the Y is optional, this is not code review simply to support what people have, which can be harder than code review. — Gary Evans 10 secs ago
@Duga And now you just earned my downvote
In S&L do you count turns as a new turn for each player, or a new turn once all players have played?
@Phrancis it is pretty easy to learn and use
Q: Refactor multiple if staments in event handler

user992731I am trying to detect whether a condition is being returned true or false. Only problem is I have a bunch of if/else statements. Is it possible to refactor this in less lines? Maybe a for loop or re-writing my markup? $(document).on('click', '.cert-modal-btn', function(event) { event.preventDefa...

@syb0rg I answered that question..
Q: Using cURL to retrieve remote image

user3477054I am using the following code to retrieve the URL of a random image in a remote folder that I own. As a newbie and although this is working I would like to know if this is done properly, if it could be improved and if there is any security issue with this approach. I am using json_encode and js...

This question might be better suited to Code Review Stack Exchange since it is already working. One option which comes to mind for you is to use the command pattern to handle the various commands coming from the console. — Tim Biegeleisen 29 secs ago
@Mat'sMug The number of elements to return isn't known from the start. That's a logic error on the OP's part. They want to add random numbers until they hit a certain sum. They've simply assumed that they won't need more random numbers than their sum.
I misread that then
Noted. That's a simple typeof a==='number' && typeof b==='number' check. Aside, have voted +1 on the comment that suggests this should go into code review! — user6387024 59 secs ago
@Zak I've edited my answer, and gave you an upvote. thanks for making me see the light! lol
Q: The best way to manipulate tuple contents in Python

Ross DrewSo I have this piece of Python code that essentially takes a tuple, then modifies the second (and every other) element by prepending a string to it. Unfortunately the only way I can think to do it is convert it to a list, step through, edit and then convert back to a tuple. It works so I can't ...

possible answer invalidation by Hack-R on question by Hack-R: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/131987/revisions
@Zak however this: ReDim dynamicArray (1 to 1) is still sub-optimal; you want to get to 100 and you're generating random numbers between 0 and 9 - you know you can do ReDim dynamicArray (1 to 11) from the start and never need to resize if you're really really really lucky (or if you're using return 9 for a RNG, but that's a whole other story)
@Mat'sMug If this were an embedded system running on 8KB of RAM then I might actually care about such a micro-optimisation ^^ As it stands, I prefer to keep things as simple and obvious as possible.
Q: Optimising sql self join query with dependent subquery

NikolaBI have a query which returns direct status changes (no intermediary changes) of user statuses. SELECT u.id uId, pro.id pId, uaud2.status oldStatus, uaud1.status newStatus, uaud1.statuschangereason, uaud1.statuschangedate FROM cs_program p...

Q: Password Protect Page with PHP

Mike HarrisonI am using the following code to password protect pages on my site. This is how I am including it on a page: <?php include("/path/to/password_protect.php"); ?> After that line I have the rest of the page code, which is not displayed if the user is not logged in. This is the password protect c...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this belongs on codereview.stackexchange.comJarrod Roberson 43 secs ago
@Zak Function DetermineOptimalArraySize(ByVal targetSum As Long, ByVal maximumElementValue As Long) As Long seems obvious enough to me ;-) </pedantic-mug>
This question is off-topic because it is not about a specific programming problem, but rather presents a task for us to complete. If you want to get help on refactoring working code, you might visit codereview.stackexchange.com, but be warned that they might not take kindly to being asked to doing all of your work for you, either. — Cody Gray 30 secs ago
Try CodeReview.SE — Andrew L 1 min ago
General code review comments: 1) don't use a raw Comparator. You probably want Comparator<UserMeal>. 2) Instead of sorting and reversing, just reverse the comparator using Comparator.reversed(). 3) It's rather odd to have a List<Optional<T>>. What does it mean to have an empty Optional in the midst of a list? Since the list has been sorted, it's no longer correlated by index to any other data structure. Maybe some rethinking of the object modeling is required here. — Stuart Marks 5 secs ago
@Phrancis Long time no see.
@EBrown Likewise, been AFK lately
Q: Comparing three data structures for dealing with probability distributions in Java

coderoddeIntroduction Suppose you are given three elements \$a, b, c\$ with respective weights \$1, 1, 3\$. Now, a probability distribution data structures will return upon request \$a\$ with probability 20%, \$b\$ with probability 20%, and \$c\$ with probability 60%. The API for my probability distribu...

Q: C++, object contains its iterator in an external std::list

peterhMy intention is to have a class A and class B. class B has a std::list from a pointers of class A. I need three operations to complete very fast: Inserting new A elements into the list in B Removing these very fast Iterate through the A-s already registered in B sequentially. Their order is irr...

Q: I want to re-factor the code to use the System.Numerics type Vector3 and Matrix4x4. Could somebody help me translate it

muscleman71Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim rotation As Vector = New Vector(45, 0, -90) Dim delta As Vector = New Vector(10, 10, 10) Dim result As Vector = InverseVector(delta, rotation) ...

It's funny how Greenwich is 10 minutes away from me yet I'm not on Greenwich Mean Time
@EBrown @Mat'sMug I think will be impressed by this C&L stored proc I just finished
absolutely hilarious
@Phrancis More than likely, yes.
Question incoming pretty soon, after I clean it up a bit
what's C&L?
@Mat'sMug Chutes and Ladders. The Community Challenge.
oh my
This is probably better suited for codereview. I would note, though, that you may have a bug: your sections marked // if only left side valid and // if only right side valid both test side[0]Glorin Oakenfoot 1 min ago
I want to build an F# module which can calculate the actual derivative of a function, not just estimate it.
@Phrancis oh my
impressive :)
@JeroenVannevel British Summer Time ;-)
more like BS Time
more like anything except UTC is BS I hate timezones
i've done nothing other than timezones this week.
@DanPantry also can we burn dst while at it?
@ardaozkal yes
@DanPantry It gets worse.
@DanPantry thank god
@EBrown I am failing to see how it could have been worse :(
Someone wrote some code that would create dates but strip them of their timezone informatino, so every date in the DB is at least one hour out for the past 8 months
just save every time in epoch
That's what I do.
Yes, but that's the problem.......
I save all times as UTC.
Then I convert for display purposes.
this is what the developer did
var utcDate = Date.UTC(date.getMinutes()...)
what this does is that he would take a date that was in GMT+1, take all of the attributes from it except the timezone and just say "this is UTC now"
so if you entered 12pm in the GMT+1 timezone, sorry, you just entered 12pm in the GMT timezone instead
@ardaozkal My internet is garbage.
The way it was being stored and such was working correctly, but the date/time picker logic was not
basically that
CaptainObvious feed being slow today?
is that anything new?
I guess not :)
> Yes, you may call me crazy!
oh, but we do =)
I didn't know you could do that with views. I also learned how to make a scalar function :D
Q: Flexible Chutes & Ladders using SQL stored procedure

PhrancisI thought this would be a fun exercise to use SQL to participate in the June 2016 Community Challenge, so I did. Yes, you may call me crazy! I had to write a few little things to help me, I needed a function to simulate a dice roll, but functions do not support the using of RAND() function becau...

not having metadata information about methods and classes in a TFS changeset is so silly
@Phrancis why not include that shot in your post?
you literally have the entire solution, TFS. Freaking show me the important stuff
@Mat'sMug good idea!
@JeroenVannevel they didn't tell you it was TFS before you signed up? ;-)
they did not
but they're switching to git next week
so I'm willing to look past it and just don't work until then
lol nice
Team Frustration Server
Q: how to design a class having lots of conditions

user109054I have a class which deals with managing medical data. I have to calculate some algorithm value but there are lots of conditions. Now I want to place these codes in a very readable and maintainable way. May be if some design pattern can help but not sure. Can someone suggest me what is the best ...

You can get get critiques if you put real code on codereview.stachexchange.com — JETM 27 secs ago
@CaptainObvious Is that stub code? Don't know enough C# to tell for sure but this looks odd
    if (IsValid(side[0]) && IsValid(side[1]))
       return medicalData.AlgorithmValue = // here goes some
                              //calculation logic and return
@Phrancis Yes. Stub/example.
Firstly this is not the correct site for code reviews. There is one for that. Secondly you never included any code for us to review. Thirdly whatever you write and you get paid for, is professional code. In my 15 year career I have seen code so elegant and beautiful I felt like weeping and code so bad and inefficient that I probably did end up weeping. All written by professionals. — graham.reeds 52 secs ago
@Mat'sMug It's gone HNQ. Explains my sudden influx of rep.
Writing actor based code is easier than writing tests for actor based code.
@Phrancis I would recommend against using that product.
@Phrancis Total Fail SourceControl
Q: Should an ordered set in C# implement ISet<T> or IList<T>?

I'll add comments tomorrowI need a generic data structure that ensures that its elements are unique. C# has HashSet<T>, great! As it turns out, the elements have to stay in the order in which they were added, too. This sounds more like List<T>. I tried to create my own: using System.Collections; using System.Collection...

Q: Showing A Png Image Instead Of Form

DaniyalIm Trying To Show A PNG Image With Two TextBox On It Instead Of Form(This Is What I Want) I Know That C#(Winform) It's Not Good At Transparent But I'm Really Looking Forward To It!!! I Have A Project That Opens This Png Image Itself But I Want This Image To Be As My Form(With Textboxes)! Any Idea?

import React from 'react'
import { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server'
import { IntlProvider, FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl'

const GreetingMessage = (props) => {
  return <h1>
    <FormattedMessage id='greeting'
      values={{ username }}
      defaultMessage='Greetings, {username}' />

const messages = {
  'greeting': 'Hello, { username }'

const tree = <IntlProvider locale='en' messages={messages}>
  <GreetingMessage username='Dan Pantry' />

localisation hurts
Lets ditch: non-english languages, non-american dialects, timezones except utc, dst, java and php.
That'd would make world a better place
and internet as PHP is going
and "most devices"^[citation-needed] as Java is going
@ardaozkal Java is nowhere near going
@DanPantry I'm talking about the perfect world
@ardaozkal A perfect world wouldn't have DST
@JoeWallis yeah, said that above too
so, rewriting all Java and PHP with VBA will fix the world?
Burn VBA as well.
Burn that one with fire.
A violent, raging fire.
The kind that you can't put out, ever.
pfft. so you're stuck with VBA toxic fumes for eternity. how's that any better?
I can at least wear a mask for that.
@EBrown congrats on 10k+ total rep
@ardaozkal I don't have 10k+ total rep.
Oh you...
It shows 9991, so you are 10 rep away anyways
Better congratulate early than late
You can do anything late.
I give out "happy birthday's" months late.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is code review. — Jay Blanchard 15 secs ago
@ardaozkal I love that song.
yeah, it isn't bad
Ask your question on codereview.stackexchange.com Post your code there. If it's lengthy, you might also consider asking a few more specific questions about it that deal with certain sections that you have doubts about — Craig Estey 36 secs ago
I guess you should ask about this information on [this] (codereview.stackexchange.com/help/on-topic) site.I have given a direct link to information about what you can ask over there. — froost1999 12 secs ago
Q: Formatting number on Android issue

LeonzWhat I'm trying to accomplish is to get the code to format the number according to these rules: If number is integer smaller than 10^9 or bigger than 10^-6, write it as integer, else write it in scientific format, rounded to 8 decimal places at most. If number is decimal smaller than 10^9 or bi...

@CaptainObvious HAMMERTIME!
@Mat'sMug your favouriute time of the day
If there are any .Net developers around: 'https://rn11.ultipro.com/SPA1004/JobBoard/JobDetails.aspx?__ID=*F441EA343883B58B‌​'
@Donald.McLean bused link
Greetings everyone.
@DanPantry Interesting - it's the chat renderer mangling the URL. Not sure how to fix that.
@Donald.McLean Throw it in backticks.
@EBrown Like that?
@Donald.McLean That works.
> Server Error in '/SPA1004' Application.
@EBrown and that's why they need .net devs
There we go.
> Server Error in '/SPAGAPP'
Weird. How about navigating from the index page: rn11.ultipro.com/SPA1004/JobBoard/listjobs.aspx?Page=List
@Mat'sMug Check the URL
Remove %E2%80%8C from the end.
Not sure how it got there, but it was on my link and the one @Donald.McLean linked.
if I go from the index page, it works
if I go direct, it fails
I was kidding. "SPAGAPP" == "Spaghetti App"
Windows won't boot.
there's no difference in the URL :(
Once again, Microsoft effed it.
> Hits "reboot"
> Breaks Windows
+1 Microsoft.
I can help
What is the error
There is no error.
Just black screen.
It looks like there is no error. Would you like to report this error to Microsoft?
Oh look, Windows Update is downloading the world again.
Yep, Windows 10 is garbage.
drive encrypted?
After all these years of people breaking Windows by throwing their PC out of it, it's nice for Microsoft to break Windows themselves and leave us out of the equation.
with bitlocker or not?
I do like Windows 10, but the upgrade model... gr
I DO NOT want Automatic Updates.
Don't want automatic updates? you must be a business. pay for this 3k license.
Upgrade or fresh?
1511 iso or not?
Try booting with the installation drive and try "repair this PC" feature
I already fixed it.
Startup Repair worked, somehow.
But now I cannot use my internet connection.
Because my 3Mbps connection is saturated with Windows Update.
that is the first time I heard Startup Repair working
@EBrown problem solved? now it can't auto update
@EBrown 3mbps here too :(
@DanLyons No, it is auto-updating.
without a connection? :o
@DanLyons magic^TM
maybe the auto-update is a patch that fixes auto-updating?
No, it is connected.
Now my other devices cannot do anything on the net.
why don't I have any of these Win10 problems on my Win10 desktop at home?
You probably don't have the pre-release build.
indeed, I don't.
Oh look, problem solved.
Find the Windows Update service in Services, "Startup type: Disabled"
beware, next time you turn it on, prepare for a 12 petabyte download!
I do them when I get home from work, at 2:00AM.
I just plugged Windows 10 into the internet again, 3 seconds later "Set a default location for your PC", "You don't have the latest version of Office."
@MelanciaUK thanks for your help again. I got it figured out. Your code was spot on, just had to change the regex a tad and now it works! Sorry again for posting this here. As i mentioned, i had no clue about the Code Review site. — Josh Wachsman 17 secs ago
@Microsoft Who decided to engineer Windows Update so that it is impossible to schedule updates? Scheduling a reboot is NOT the same thing.
Q: Project Euler #50 Consecutive prime sum

denisI'm having trouble optimising the project euler #50 exercise, it runs for around 30-35 seconds, which is terrible performance. The prime 41, can be written as the sum of six consecutive primes: 41 = 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 11 + 13 This is the longest sum of consecutive primes that adds to a pr...

I didn't know if this was more appropriate for SO or CR, so I put it on SO first: stackoverflow.com/questions/37842445/…
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because the code works. You might want to ask on Code Review. — gerrit 21 secs ago
@Microsoft Oh, and if you push an update out (when I do my weekly installation) to fix it, I'll just block Windows Update with pfSense.
I'll go all out.
I swear.
Microsoft is playing a dirty game, and I'll fight back with fire.
@MichaelBrandonMorris Sounds like a specific problem, so SO is the place to be.
And it'll be glorious.
@EBrown I'd fight back with bricks. They tend to cause havoc with windows.
@MichaelBrandonMorris I tend to fight those battles with opera singers
@syb0rg Even better.
My interview is in 15 minutes.
I thought it was at 7:30pm GMT. Nope. GMT+1.
why must timezones ruin EVERYTHING
Is it remote?
@DanPantry Well, good luck.
Yes, it's over Skype.
Thanks @MichaelBrandonMorris
Good. Otherwise you were never going to make it.
Dublin is a long way from Cardiff. Definitely more than 15 minutes.
getting to LA in 1 hour 15 minutes
That's some Elon Musk stuff right there
No, the first interview is with someone in LA
You'd need a wormhole.
Then technical in dublin, then on site in Dublin, and finally on site ni LA
apparently Riot like putting their potential hires through jetlag ^^
At least they're thorough.
I like it when a company has a thorough solicitation procedure, prevents surprises.
"I'm beta testing the new Microsoft LinkedIn interface." https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/4nw9ro/im_beta_testing_the_new_microsoft_linkedin/ https://t.co/41Oyutcgfu
Hey @Mat'sMug I'd like to ask you something in private at your convenience, nothing to be concerned about I'd just like to ask a favor
@EBrown rofl
That's good.
Yeah it is.
Clips came back.
Looks like I'm going to have to use pfSense to block Windows Updates until I want to do them.
No big deal, I'll just have two pfSense firewalls on my network at this point.
I should draw a topology map in Visio one of these days.
what you can't see in this photo is my heart in my chest
wish me luck :p
Also, my teeth are not that crooked IRL... >.>
Mine are far more crooked.
I bet they aren't as crooked as Windows 10's update policy
@DanPantry That's a burn if I ever heard one.
This seems to be more of a code review question. There's an SO site devoted to that: codereview.stackexchange.comMattD 1 min ago
This question could be suitable for Code Review, as long as (a) your code works as intended, (b) your code is real code, rather than example code, and (c) your code is included in the body of the question. If you wish for a peer review to improve all aspects of your code, please post it on Code Review. — Mike McCaughan 1 min ago
> Satya Nadella endorsed you for skill: bypassing Windows 10 Update requirements.
Thanks LinkedIn.
I read that as Satya Nutella
@Mat'sMug thanks I'll email you shortly :)
Also I just noticed I'm about to interview for Riot while wearing my current work lanyard. :-)
Apple has: tvOS iOS watchOS macOS Microsoft has: Windows 10
Best part is, in my experience, all four of Apple's OS' work.
Except whne you're doing .NET stuff
(until .NET core)
This USB adapter is Microsoft’s final admission that Kinect failed http://www.theverge.com/2016/6/14/11931142/microsoft-xbox-one-s-kinect-adapter-usb?utm_campaign=tomwarren&utm_content=chorus&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter https://t.co/K2sLXgoIEI
That picture.
@EBrown We just hate Microsoft today, don't we?
Q: FIFO stack from sql table

Bogdan WoodI am trying to create some kind of FIFO stack from sql tabel i.e. If limit of table is 50 records and if it's full, after insert, Last record in table will be deleted and new will be inserted. here some code create trigger LimTab after insert on Posts declare tableCount int; Set tableCount=(s...

FIFO. Stack. Fail.
@MichaelBrandonMorris This whole Windows Update fiasco has me irked.
A: Showing the slide named in the query string and hiding the others

Josh WachsmanI have this all figured out now thanks to the help of a mod. Here's the working code: <script> jQuery(document).ready(function() { var queryString = location.search; var regEx = new RegExp("slide[0-9]"); var match = queryString.search(regEx); if (match === -1) { ...

So, looks like that monopoly challenge is going to be a thing. Any of you guys going to participate?
@Legato I think I might, considering it's my challenge
@Legato I'll plan on it.
@syb0rg 90% sure that the asker and Andre answerer are the same.
@EBrown Me too, I've noticed a lot of users doing that recently
Stacks aren't FIFO, by definition. 'Stack' is a moniker fora LIFO collection. — Legato 1 min ago
@Legato I don't have time to participate, I just solicit them.
I'd have to review all the specifics of Monopoly.
@Mat'sMug sent
@200_success What do you mean?
@Legato I linked the rules, they seem pretty straight forward to implement from that link
Never mind. You've clarified it.
I think Monopoly is probably a good challenge to take up as a group...some group thing should be a challenge.
@Mat'sMug I'll just wait for the service pack.
@Marc-Andre I am ordering Halo 5 from Newegg right now, soon as I get it we can play together.
Q: ExtensionMethods for iterating hierarchically data structures depth/breath-first

JanDotNetI wrote a few simple extension methods that allow to traverse a hierachically data structure depth-first or breath-first using LINQ: Usage: public class Item { public Item(string name, params Item[] children) { Name = name; Items = (children ?? new Item[0]).ToList(); ...

Q: Adding/removing map values: unsymmetric implementation

blubbI am learning Clojure by implementing a simplistic resource reservation system. At its core are the two functions for placing/canceling reservations for a given resource: ; thread-safe map of {resource -> #{reservations}} (def known-reservations (atom {})) (defn place-reservation [new-res] ...

@EBrown Nice :D !
Any volunteers, I'm looking to boost up my technology endorsements on LinkedIn I would appreciate if there are any endorsements you feel you could contribute, you're welcome to add me as well and I will return the favor
I'm now on week 6 of this class, rest of class is on 3rd day :P
@Phrancis Remind me this weekend!
If I haven't endorsed you already. (Have I?)
Even if I have, I can endorse you again

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