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> Could you please tell me where I am going wrong.
I'm not gonna down vote it because that is in the grey area for posting to SO or CR
could it be considered a MCVE, or it's too much code?
Yep, I don't think I can help you here. I'm not even sure SO is the place to ask this kind of question. Maybe code review suits better. Anyway, there's a quite good wiki page about line wrappingBrewal 57 secs ago
@DanPantry what do you use instead of rubymine?
Q: Filter JS array according to conditions

Rayn DI've the following code which works! I want to get some feedback if it can be handled better in JS http://jsfiddle.net/xzbwo2Lb/ I need to filter the arrray according the following: uniqe ID (the entry 1 & 3 are exist just once) timestemp (add just the object with the last timestemp) Th...

Q: Sorting Collection on the fly

Alex KBeing new to coding and slow in understanding sorting methods such as "bubble sorting" and others, I tried to invent something easier to solve the sorting problem by making new Collection. I transfer items from old Collection comparing them to the new Collection. I don't know how to compare it wi...

Q: Merge two already sorted linked list

Bijon GuhaThis is a code to merge two sorted linked lists. l1, and l2 are sorted. While calling the merge function via l3, I am passing l3 as a object by referance in that function. Code is running fine, but can someone suggest me how to code better, I mean while dealing with class objects and passing them...

Q: Generalizing the Initialization of Singleton Derived Classes

KillercamI have the following construct for storing and restoring my applications settings to and from XML. public interface ISettingsProvider : ICustomXmlSerializableObject { void RestoreDefaultSettings(bool force = false); } where I use a wrapper for the XmlSerialization to prevent access from m...

@CaptainObvious Jeez, get your act together mate
You're filling up our feed
at least the feeds are back up :)
@Mat'sMug I'd say close enough, but I don't know what SO would say about it.
Shhh, do not talk about the feds.
@Mat'sMug any idea where rolfl went?
I'm on the fence about migrating. and when in doubt, don't.
@N3buchadnezzar he's... not a feed
@Mat'sMug That's exactly how migrating should work!
did you mean "on the border"?
whatever the saying is for "ambivalent" ;-)
@Pimgd In that case Stack Overflow is Mexico, with Code Review being America
pssst. it's Stack Overflow, not StackOverflow ;-)
I have no clue what you're talking about ;)
@syb0rg Code Review F*** YEAH!
@Mast got the green light from a SO mod, it's migrated now
I should probably revise my posts a bit more before posting them shouldn't I
meh, I'm just toying with things... I should be working actually
Japanese got a design
pgAdmin III is not responding
@Quill They sure do :-)
@Mat'sMug Same lol
30 seconds and running...
@CaptainObvious not sure about that one
@Pimgd got a clustered index on that table?
e.g. a primary key?
I've got code running an "add constraint"
9084 timndb timndb 2016-06-08 16:13:15.779+02 ALTER TABLE timndb.BER ADD CONSTRAINT RC_BER_PS FOREIGN KEY (PS) REFERENCES timndb.PRS ON DELETE RESTRICT
and it's been running for 15 minutes now so I wanna see if the database is "stuck" or just busy
just about 0% disk usage atm
exec sp_who2;
I've got to convert one of my scraper DBs and data from SQL Server to Mongo or Postgres soon
and ~5% cpu
wait is it SQL Server?
ah, good luck then!
maybe @Phrancis could help
@Pimgd I think when I did that on the Ch Registry (~4.1 Million Records) it took a good 3 minutes or so to run.
Adding the primary key took 12 minutes to run.
that's... not good
protip: add the PK before you start inserting a gazillion records :)
Q: Chutes & Ladders Board Generator (June 2016 Community Challenge)

Michael Brandon MorrisThis is an "entry" I made for the June 2016 Community Challenge to make a Chutes and Ladders generator. It generates a random number of chutes and ladders with a total delta of -50 and displays their start points, endpoints, and deltas. Some notes: The number of chutes must be at least 2, and ...

there's 16666 records according to the log
so there's no "gazillion"
this shouldn't have taken that long
@Pimgd You need another 650,000 records. ;)
yeah, or finish DB crafting before you insert valid non-test rows
oh goody, it's a deadlock!
note to self: postgres deadlocks doing a select count(*) from table. and I thought Rubberduck had bugs.
@Pimgd Yeah 17k records should be (almost) instantaneous for any reasonable query.
... the deadlock occured by adding an index to a table
which was before I did a select count
Sounds odd.
Q: VBA - Looping through two ranges in two excel worksheets

RaitoI'm new to VBA and currently trying to accomplish a simple task: There are two worksheets with the used Range("E2:G7"). For each value greater 4 in worksheet(1) I want to colour the corresponding cell in worksheet(2). Sub Button1_Click() Dim Zelle As Range For Each Cell In Tabelle1.Ran...

@CaptainObvious Nope
in VBA Rubberducking, 1 hour ago, by Mat's Mug
Software 101: a release never goes as planned. never.
restarted database and application server
constraint got added in 35 ms
Woo, on the top bar for this week: codereview.stackexchange.com/…
woo, third bar
Woo. Zilch.
reading is hard
really hard
how do I program when I can't even read
@Pimgd Damn. Now you've piqued my curiosity.
@Pimgd I have read many programs where I have doubted that the programer can read :p Sometimes I wonder if they are from italy and enjoy watching lady and the tramp.
@N3buchadnezzar It's a fine movie
except when you have 2yo twins that watch it every. single. day. for 2 years.
@overactor Sure is! It also contains a lota ofa spaghetti
@Mat'sMug Be thankful they haven't found Frozen instead ^^
I did get the reference :)
lol! I haven't even seen Frozen. I'm VERY thankful!
Is there such a thing as ratatouille code?
@Mat'sMug No need, just let it go.
you mean, ♪ let it goooooo ♪
you can't make that joke if you haven't seen the movie
my best friend has a girl 6 months younger than my boys
don't worry, I heard the song :)
I actually saw that movie before it got popular.. Saw it in like desember / november. puts on cool hipster glasses
Zootopia was a suprisingly good family movie.
@Quill That question you suggested, I put in the final re-open vote.
@Zak there was this edit suggestion
which LOOKS like it's roboreviewers roboing super hard
"please reject"
> edit approved
especially if viewed like this
but it was someone who is actually not being robo reviewer at all
and going oh heyyyy, I don't need to reject this edit, I can just fix it so it is better
ofc I realize this AFTER I say something like "wow roboreviewers to the max"
People like that still exist on SO?
@Mast :)
My faith in humanity just got a little higher.
@N3buchadnezzar I think you forgot to upvote a good answer.
Q: Simple Hang Man

MORTALI am trying to create a simple hangman game. The game has edit mode for first run which is the user has to supply 6 unique words. Game starts by shuffling words then for every turn, it takes one words that the user has to figure it out. The user has only 6 tries to get it right for every word. ...

@Malachi javascript
I haven't use Ruby in a while, if I ha dto write it I'd use vim or sublime
@SimonForsberg thanks for the catch.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it seems to be asking for codereview. codereview.stackexchange.com might be a better place to ask this question (please see the help for their guidelines). — Felix Kling 20 secs ago
@FelixKling just to be clear, if I'm not going to provide an example, this would be not for codereview? My aim is to get an answer to this, not sure if codereview is the best place by the way thank you. — loretoparisi 49 secs ago
@DanPantry I use Atom, has the added benefit of working both Windows and Linux-side.
As long as it colours the code I write and has some sense of what variables are currently in use, it's good.
Notepad++ works good as well.
Execute Ruby and rspec from CLI.
Q: Simple Rock Paper Scissors in Erlang

Robert HickmanI'm very new to Erlang and I'm specifically interested in making my Erlang idiomatic (in other words, can you tell I don't know Erlang from this code?) and removing code duplication. I am not as interested in performance or the UI of the "game." This is a simple interactive Rock, Paper, Scissors...

@DanPantry I haven't gotten to work much with Rubymine yet, but from what I see so far I like it.
@Mast notepad++ doesn't seem to have the enough syntax highlighting for my taste
Well, arent you just delightful — Plutonix 11 mins ago
Stack Overflow is mostly for troubleshooting programming issues. The general rule of thumb is, if your code is working correctly as is and the question is simply seeking help optimizing the code in some way (making it faster, more readable, etc.) it's probably a better fit for Code Review. — p.s.w.g 57 secs ago
Note that NULL is not even guaranteed to be 0. It can be 0L, in which case a call to void f(int); void f(char *); will be ambiguous. nullptr will always favor the pointer version, and never call the int one. Also note that nullptr is convertible to bool (the draft says that at 4.12). — Johannes Schaub - litb Aug 15 '09 at 18:09
Just C++ stuff?
@skiwi NULL != 0.
@Malachi Yea, I added the rest manually.
What is the specific issue you are facing? Do you have a stack trace or example output? Right now your question is more appropriate on CodeReview — walsht 10 secs ago
@Mast The syntax highlighting?
Q: I can has(kell) cheezburger?

Michael Brandon MorrisThis is a very rudimentary lolcats translator (it only works on the phrase "Can I have a cheeseburger") in Haskell. This is my first ever attempt at Haskell (or any functional programming language). I am sure that my code is absolutely atrocious (the documentation was dismal) but it works. Teh C...

Q: 1 Player to 2 Player Connect Four

greatdonutThis code works completely fine, however I can't seem to make this game into a two player game. Everytime I attempt it, I get thrown with error messages becauseI can't get the logic right. Can someone help me out? That last two functions are what need to be played with in order to achieve this, b...

@CaptainObvious You say it's "completely fine", but then you say it isn't.
@Malachi Yes, added custom rules.
@Mast nice, you willing to share your custom rules?
@200_success His code works, but his attempt at turning it into 2-Player game failed.
@Mast which makes it a "please help me implement a new feature" question
Q: Loading a file in vim via piped output of ag

AnthonyI feel as if my scenario is fairly simple but that I might be overcomplicating it. I am searching through files looking for a special condition, that is where the method .all with arguments exists. In the real world that looks like: ba_mbn_programs = Program.ba_and_managed_bar.all(:conditions =

Q: Read A File Into A List Tail First

Onorio CatenacciThis is some code which I created to read a file into a list tail first. In this case, I need to search for something in the file from the end first so this works out perfectly for what I need. def file_into_list_tailfirst(file) do :io.setopts(:standard_io, encoding: :latin1) File.open!(fil...

I'm a bit skeptical that they wrote the code themselves, given the type of request.
@Mat'sMug Yup. Which makes it very off-topic.
@Malachi Sure, if I can find where I put them.
Somebody released highlighting for LOLCODE in Notepad++...
@Mast OMG my life is complete!
@Mat'sMug Here
This question doesn't fit the format of this site well since this question is primarily opinion based. Stack Exchange actually has a Code Review site that might be a better format for this. — Charles Caldwell 57 secs ago
Code Review is full of working implementations for this, including some in VBA. Browse & learn! ;-) — Mat's Mug 48 secs ago
Q: Anyway to turn this into a coalescing or making it more compact?

James WilsonFirstly ShowMarkupQuote is a bool of non-nullable type. However DealerSettings can be null if the customer has no settings in the database. I'm wondering if there is a way to clean up this 9 lines of code to be more compact like a coalescing variable? DealerSettings dealerSettings = dapdb....

Show us the code. If you code works correctly, post on [email protected] for an efficiency review. — Thomas Matthews 32 secs ago
@Duga that's an email address...
@Mat'sMug Don't you know that whenever you email that address a post is put up on the main site?
@Mast doesn't show well with my dark theme
@skiwi ??? that sounds familiar.....
A: When is a BIG Rewrite the answer?

Ryan HayesIt's time for a rewrite when: The cost of rewriting the application + maintaining the rewritten application is less than the cost of maintaining the current system over time. Some factors that make maintaining the current one more expensive: The language is so old you have to pay people that ...

@Malachi You can change the colours :P
> Relax, this happens to a lot of people. A junior thrown in at the deep end with no experience, who has no help, no support and no guidance isn't exactly a recipe for success. Hiring and expecting a junior programmer to build a brand new system from scratch that works well, performs well and is maintainable is not realistic whatsoever. Hell you're lucky if all that happens with a senior programmer.
This unfortunately sounds oddly familiar
@skiwi Next question is when one is allowed to put //Here be dragons. in production code.
@Mast I don't think I want to use LOLCODE that badly...
> if you can justify a rewrite, and you have superstar developers, then do it.
I don't have any here be dragons in comments - but I do see it in a few exception messages for "impossible" edge cases
like in WIX custom action code
@Malachi There's good news and bad news. The good news is I found the rules. The bad news is the background color doesn't get exported properly and resets to white and I suspect other things got lost in the export as well.
I've got this one :P
fn compute_data_index_and_remainder(&self, index: usize) -> (usize, S) {
    let data_index = index / (std::mem::size_of::<S>() * 8);
    let remainder = index % (std::mem::size_of::<S>() * 8);
    // we know that remainder is always smaller or equal to the size that S can hold
    // for example if S = u8 then remainder <= 2^8 - 1
    let remainder: S = num::cast(remainder).unwrap();
    (data_index, remainder)
I'm pretty sure I'm right, but I'll just leave the comment there in case
usize can be either 32 or 64 bits unsigned and S can be 8, 16, 32 or 64 bits unsigned, so it should always fit, in theory, right?
@DanLyons That's usually the places where I encounter comments like // You're not supposed to be here
Q: Properly structuring SQLite classes/operations in Android

user6419910I am new to Android development and I want to ensure I'm learning decent practices for doing things. Right now this is my database class, which currently allows me to make a new instance of the singleton, as well as create a profiles table, as well as add/retrieve from the profiles table. This ...

@Mast or the dragons will eat you :)
@Mast that's usually where my code says Debug.Assert({condition});
@CaptainObvious Who upvoted that?
lol, found this one
> The code is intended to be absolutely positively completely 100% accurate (when it doesn't give up).
I can't believe i have to explain this
we have a ~40 file merge commit on master because someone couldn't be bothered to rebase or use a topic branch for their 2 file commit
@Mast hmmmm
@skiwi Sounds like my code, my code is also supposed to be 100% accurate.
Whether it actually is, well, who knows.
I am sure that when I decide whether or not that I actually need to be coding in Ruby I will already have a designated IDE or I will not be coding with Ruby on the regular....
@DanPantry you can't protect [master] and force it to only ever be PR'd into?
@DanPantry Reverting the commit is no option?
@Mast Reverting the commit isn't going to solve the broken git blame/git bisect
So somebody pushed a commit that broke the system and there's no way to fix that?
It's Git, that can't be right.
@Mat'sMug I could do that, but given this is a developer that refuses to use the git cli, I may need a little bit more leverage to just go ahead and do that
@Mast It hasn't broken the system, but it's introduced a massive (read: 40+ file merge commit) when only 2 files changed
Q: Html Canvas + JavaScript code feedback

PhrosenI would like some feedback on how to optimize and improve my code: HTML: <!doctype html> <html lang="sv"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../styles/style.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="pong.css"> <title>Super Pong!</title> ...

Q: UnitTesting with Mocking and Dependency Injection using Ninject

KillercamI have the following scenario that I have not come across so far using Ninject. I have the following class structure (simplified for easy of reading :]). First the abstract base class for all IDocuments public abstract class DocumentController : IDocumentController, IDisposable { ... pri...

@Malachi Ruby doesn't need an IDE though, just like Python. IMO.
but it has made a merge commit over 2 refactorings that have changed, which means now if I do git bisect or git blame to track down a bug related to that refactoring I'll get stuck on that merge commit
@DanPantry I hardly ever use the CLI, and my main branch is protected like that
@DanPantry Yes, and that problem can't be reverted?
Assuming it's not way too late to do so of-course.
@Mast No, because it will still be in the history of the master branch, so git bisect will still break on it.
The only fix would be to git reset --hard to the previous commit, then rebase the branch to put the commits on top and finally git push -fu
Quick poll: is SVN or Git better?
That would be fine if it were just me, but it's not, there's other developers developing off of this master branch
"push -fu" has a funny ring to it
@syb0rg you know what Git told SVN? git lost
@Malachi I've tried JRuby with Eclipse with a plug-in for scripting language and I must say that for the moment I'm reaaly happy !
@syb0rg Git is the future.
@Mast Yeah. I did upvote that answer now
@Mat'sMug @Vogel612 takes credit for that
@Mast I agree, but it is nice to be able to write your code and hit run to
Git has a higher learning curve but it is so much better.
@Malachi I prefer to use the cli + text editor
@DanPantry Some coworkers of mine are trying to convince me SVN is better than git... and I'm like wtf why do I work with you
use vim and tmux and you never even have to leave the cli
@Malachi Notepad++ can, you can make a shortcut to run commands on the CLI.
@Marc-Andre I am currently using Rubymine from JetBrains and I like it, but when I have to pay for it I may not like it as much
cmd /K ruby "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)"
There you go.
@syb0rg they have pros/cons. Git is almost always better, but if you absolutely really need centrallised version control, SVN might be better. It took a while to get the esteemed colleague I mentioned earlier to understand why things he committed on his local repository weren't automatically on the remote one without using git push.
what is the /K?
What is going on with the increase in hanged men on the site lately?
@Malachi I've tried it and I must say I was not able to appreciate it totally. Too much options too quickly I was lost!
One thing that Git has over SVN is that you pretty much always need a dedicated GUI or using the CLI in order to achieve it's full power. With SVN you can pretty much just use the right-click context menu of TortoiseSvn if you wanted.
@N3buchadnezzar Eh?
@DanPantry I came from Git and had to learn SVN and I found it more confusing tbh
@DanPantry tell 'em to try TortoiseGit then
@DanPantry "loads" of hangman related questions.
@Marc-Andre lol, right now I am only learning the basics, so I haven't noticed the other stuff
There are like 3-4 conversations going on here, it's getting harder to keep track ^^
We can take the git/svn discussion to Nth if you want
I see only 2
git and ruby
@syb0rg I went the other way around and found Git confusing. So I guess it's a matter of what you're used to, as usual.
git, ruby ,hangman
oh yes...
there's also git extensions, which is OK for most day-to-day work
Be aware of the ruby Gitman.
thought that was a dead conversation
@Mast it's a matter of understanding the difference between centralized and distributed I think
+1 @Mat'sMug. A big hurdle was getting my team to understand why changes made locally weren't automatically synced to the server.
@Mat'sMug You can do centralized on both.
This is especially true when they are used to centralized version control
Another thing that was confusing to them was "I don't need a separate folder for branches?" and "I can re-arrange and delete commits locally? O:"
Also explaining why you could only have one branch active at a time compared to SVN was a ballache
@Mast dumb question, where do I put that????
@Mast Gitman, fighter of the SVNman aaaah. Champion of the Sun.
@DanPantry SVN branching is a complete mess. let alone explaining it to people that have never worked outside [master]
@Mat'sMug I know, I remember. I was working on TrinityCore back when it used SVN. Making an experimental branch was a lot of fun
@Mat'sMug I always prefer to work with a centralized repo for git. Yes it's ditributed but always to a centralized source at the end. Maybe it's my SVN habits kicking it there , but hey it works
@Mat'sMug raises hand sheepishly
Git isn't really centralized. yes, you can have a central server that you push to, but you are still making changes locally before you do anything and yo ucan add/remove those changes or never push them at all.
That's what makes Git so powerful compared to SVN imo.. combined with the cheapness of branches, it encourages random spikes and exploration without having to commit (heh) to anything
well, not pushing kinda defeats the purpose of source control IMO
No, it doesn't
@Marc-Andre it can occasionally be nice to set a co-worker as my origin when we're working on the same feature, though I still usually work in a centralized manner against the github server
I never push things on my local PC
But I still value the rest of git for projects
@DanLyons I thought that would fall apart if your colleague wasn't using a bare repo?
@DanPantry laptop runs under a truck, PC dives out the window: where's your repo now?
@Mat'sMug Yeah, sure, having a backup is useful, but backups are not the only feature of source control
You can use git plenty fine without ever touching git remote/git push
@DanPantry never had much issue as long as we just pull from one another.
@DanLyons So you could say you decided to git a wingman? ;-)
it gets dicey if you try to push, though - it works only if the other person has a different branch/revision checked-out
@DanLyons I used Git in personal/small project. Never used it at work unfortunately.
Yeah, otherwise it might overwrite their working dir
bare repos don't have that, which is why it works fine for them (git init --bare)
you could go oldschool and send each other git request-pull :P
@Marc-Andre we were using more of an SVN-like VCS way back, then someone convinced my team to use TFS -- 2 weeks later, scrambling for anything else, someone mentioned git
totally worth it :)
@DanLyons We went from SVN (initially) to TFS (after 2 months) to Git (after ~14 months)
my quality of code has increased significantly since moving to Git because I can create local branches and actually work on them and revise them or throw them away etc
You have shelvesets and (heavy) branches in TFS, but that's about all you've got it with that
don't mention branching with SVN
I've occasionally taken issues, and as discussion, created several alternative example branches, then let the team figure out which one to keep :)
black line is where i switched from tfs to git locally
(the massive dip is when i had a holiday.. and then had my development hours reduced to do more support/lead adoption of git across the organisation)
@Malachi ^^
Q: TCP authentication server and client

Daniel NetzerThis is the first time I'm dealing with C# as I'm accustomed to Java sockets, so I do want your full review and anything you think I can accomplish better or optimize in the code will be very appreciated. In this few classes what I have tried to accomplish is a login and registration server base...

And no, I never bothered adding it on this machine. But it does work.
@CaptainObvious That's a nasty mixing of responsibilities..
if you have a file where you're doing using System.Net and using UnityEngine; you're doing it wrong
stringly-typed values /shudder
type LanguagePair = {
  label: string,
  value: 'en-GB' | 'it' | 'de' | 'jp' | 'fr'
@DanLyons :D
> I have always shied away from object oriented PHP because I just didn't understand it.
Because PHP can't be OOP, it becomes PHPOOP at that point.
And we all know what happens if you check the PH levels of your poop.
@DanPantry In this case I'd probably using the System.Net parts I need separately or not shortcut them at all.
@EBrown Your hands get dirty.
And nobody has a good time.
Q: My first PHP OOP code

AndyHwelcome to my first post :D I have been writing PHP for a number of years but in a procedural style. I have always shied away from object oriented PHP because I just didn't understand it. However now I'm back for another go. I have a large web application which is written in procedural style PH...

Ugh, I need to get this web interface going soon.
I need to quit putting it off.
Someone remind me after work today to work on it.
@EBrown That's in what, 4-5 hours?
@Mast LOL no it's on ~10 hours.
Actually, more like 11.
This question is probably better suited to Code Review Stack Exchange. — Jordan 43 secs ago
It's 14:30, I get home from work at 02:00.
Starred for lacking a better method of reminding you.
Why do i look at code i wrote years ago...
It hurts master, it's hurts us
@Mast That would be a good bot command to add...
Then I can get graphing done tonight, probably, and everyone can start viewing the graphs of our stuff.
@syb0rg As long as it isn't abused or in a separate room. Doesn't Reddit have a bot doing something like that?
@Mast Yeah, !RemindMe or something like that
This kind of questions belongs in another community, don't remember which it was... [codereview](codereview.stackexchange.com)? — Endless 38 secs ago
@Duga Haha
@Duga He's looking for examples, that never makes good questions on SE.
@Endless try [codereview.se] for an automagic link next time ;-) — Mat's Mug 11 secs ago
Do the other communites know about Duga? Or do they just think Mat's is exceptionally good at creeping?
@Mat'sMug Cool, thanks will try it out now... [codereview.stackexchange.com] — Endless just now
@N3buchadnezzar I hope it's the latter
@Duga You don't follow instructions...lol
@Duga #fail
> Let me try what you just said, but not exactly what you just said, I'm going to change it just a little bit.
That said, if the code works as intended and the author is interested in feedback on any/all aspects of the code, this would indeed be a good fit for Code ReviewMat's Mug 58 secs ago
Q: Looking to speed up or mask delay in loading a select list

Troy BryantRequirements are to populate a select list with roughly 1100 or so options for a user to select from. This is a must so cant get around that. My issue is that obviously with this many li's being populated its slow, and more so it throws off the rest of the document animation. The flow is user ...

@CaptainObvious ?
550+ views, dang
Q: Bare bones painter app in Java

coderoddeI have this tiny program for drawing: PaintCanvas.java: package net.coderodde.javapaint; import java.awt.Canvas; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseMotionL...

@syb0rg I didn't know you Java.
@Mast I dabble
It helped that my Software Analysis class used it
But I still prefer the "dangerous and explosive" C :P
@syb0rg you had an opportunity to make a c4 pun there and you blew it
@DanPantry Teach him, master.

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