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I don't know why, all my "weird" questions have tons of views, my normal ones don't
Q: Javascript Graph Representation

finesse.pngThis js was written strictly for a visualization of a graph redesign included in a stats report within our game systems. It all works properly, but i know there has to be a much neater way to organize this. I have some ideas, but i don't quite know how to approach it. Any guidance would be greatl...

@Zak Sounds bad.
@Mat'sMug Nobody knows their scope.
@Mast I dunno. The description literally starts with "Hi, I'm a pyramid scheme"
@Zak So the new recession will be caused by evil AI after all.
Funny, I was reading the Financial Times the other day and they had a pretty solid idea why it wouldn't.
@Mast Well, the first person in that chain is called "Patient Zero"
@skiwi Doing Git right is difficult.
@Zak Awful.
Q: Simple graphic equaliser

Tom KealyThis is a simple graphic equaliser I wrote, and would like some feedback - particularly on how to test the GUI. import Tkinter as Tk import scipy.signal as sig import numpy as np from scipy.io import wavfile import matplotlib.pyplot as pl import pyaudio import wave import tkFileDialog import pdb...

@TimWilliams looooong story. Doubt anyone would care to follow XD — findwindow 17 secs ago
@Duga lol
Q: Is this a good Java Servlet GET/POST parameter error checking utility

dimleeI have written an imperfect utility for parameter verification and error checking of simple parameters passed to a Java Servlet via GET/POST requests. As a junior programmer, I got tired of having to check for things like null/empty values and testing whether certain parameters such as password, ...

Protip: if you write a library and intend to sell it as a product, please don't use global variables
It helps your customers not despise you
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Getting employee details according to the role
possible answer invalidation by MegaTron on question by MegaTron: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/129827/revisions
@Duga Rolled back.
@syb0rg Did you inherit something like that?
@Mast Yep, a product the company I'm working for is looking to buy so we can sell it with our product
It's disgraceful code
They also thought it was smart to rewrite every tool they'd ever need in their libraries
XML parsing? We got it
The C standard libraries? Who would have those on their machine? Let's include it!
Someone probably wrote it as an exercise and decided to put it in the official thing just to make sure they had enough LoC.
Measuring code quality in LoC, blech
Yup. One would hope that practice has died out by now, but I'm pretty sure there are still backwards corps out there.
I just granted explicit write access to a MS-Excel MVP in the Rubberducking chat. RD 2.0 is going to be downloaded by pretty much every existing Office MVP out there... #NoPressure
@Mat'sMug As it should
I suppose... I mean, it's great! but at the same time, knowing all the issues and bugs and corner cases... makes me wonder if that's even a good idea
Bugs and issues you know about are much better than otherwise :)
Thread.sleep(3000);                 //1000 milliseconds is one second.
Well, I'm having to do some things that I'm not sure I'm supposed to be doing for my project (like using an XML configure file), but idk how else to make this dumb library work
@Duga Looks like an okay question for here, maybe need a better title
@Mat'sMug is it being migrated?
if you want to run this faster then remove Thread.sleep(3000) but I guess it will ruin the suspense — wero 12 mins ago
Actually lol
and VTC'd
This guy should learn about System.out.printf
and many, many, many other things too!
Voted to close as too broad for Stack Overflow, and flagged to migrate to Code Review. You're going to love it! =) — Mat's Mug 40 secs ago
@Mat'sMug What you get for 'every magic number should have a comment'
@Mat'sMug Maybe I'm missing something, but what's wrong with that comment?
The comment is absolutely true and absolutely useless.
It should tell WHY 3000 is a good number.
And why it isn't in a constant for that matter...
@SirPython about as useful as // winter in the US is summer in Australia
@Mat'sMug So, time for some awesome fixes in the near future?
RIght, that makes sense.
This is probably a better fit for codereview.stackexchange.comLuke Taylor 33 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it would be better posted in codereview.stackexchange.com/ — Martin Bonner 22 secs ago
Q: Let's play Rock, Paper, Scissors

Joe HuryszI have written my first rock, paper, scissors project recently. I had to use a lot of if statements and System.out.println(); commands in the program. I am wondering what ways I could optimize my program to contain less lines of code/run faster. Are there ways to get the job done using more pract...

We will be starting the migration of Stack Overflow and all Stack Exchange services over to Fastly in about 2 hours. Stay tuned for updates.
@CaptainObvious I'm really wondering why he has 2 different Scanner
Because this code works, it would be a better fit for CodeReview.SE. — briantist 50 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by MegaTron on question by MegaTron: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/129827/revisions
Q: Python code for Mad Libs

slou92I posted this in the wrong spot initially. Sorry about that. I am a beginner with only about 2 months under my belt. I'm learning python 3 using the Automate the Boring Stuff with Python manual. In the chapter on reading and writing files one of the exercises is to make a program that would fill...

Q: Async Implementation Javascript

JackSeeking code review comments for the following implementation. The JSFiddle implementation is here https://jsfiddle.net/eanarh/93ptjnj2/ /** * You need to run a number of async tasks, but you're being rate limited. * Run as many concurrent tasks as you can, queueing the rest for when the * task...

Q: The best way to convert multiple options into a type?

user1206480I am a new programmer in general, and as well to F#. I've ran into this particular problem several times, and have yet to solve it efficiently in my opinion. Here is the problem: I have these example types: type Retail1 = | Fashion | Auto | Sports type Wholesale1 = | Fashion | Auto | Sports ...

Q: Convert to Roman numerals in Ruby

iGELChallenged by Sandy Metz's newsletter, I've tried to implement this kata from exercism. However, my solution, which passes the tests, is quite a lot simpler than Sandy's solution. Ok, so she's using refinements and also supports the inverse, but still... As she's probably smarter than me, do I mi...

Q: [R]Calculate profit and loss for trades

Android BeginnerI have this script which calculates profit and loss of trades. It works fine but I think it can be improved. It will be great to get rid of the for loops at least to make the code look compact. Can anyone please help me out ? The logic to calculate profit/loss is first to match the sell trades ...

possible answer invalidation by Jake Rieger on question by Jake Rieger: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/129843/revisions
Q: Scraping the date of most recent post from various social media services

A_S00The Task I have a large spreadsheet (csvToRead in my code). Each line includes (among other things I don't care about): The URL of a social media account (not always reliably formatted) A field indicating whether the account is "active" (i.e., has been posted to in the last year) or "inactive...

Someone else told me to remove the answer and add it as an update to my code but the rules say not to do that. Pardon my confusion
If you want to post any follow-up at all, you can undelete your self-answer, but you must add an explanation, otherwise it's not a valid Code Review answer.
In my opinion, you need not write any follow-up, since it's just a mild derivative of Caridorc's code.
Noted. Thanks. I will leave the answer deleted and remove the update in my post
Actually, I suggest an improvement on your solution: output = take 16 $ map returnNote $ fibonacci 0 1
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