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RELOAD! There are 2365 unanswered questions (93.1356% answered)
> What's the difference between YouTube comments and scraping your eyes out with a rusty knife
totally unrelated: I think I got a new gaming.se title ...
> Does mutilating my enemies make them saltier?
I always thought Christian Bale was the most mysterious star
1 hour later…
Q: Histogram generator

Jerry CoffinThis is some code to generate a histogram (or maybe: histochart) in the form of a simple list of words and how many of that word were found in the input file. It accepts an input file name on the command line. For our purpose, a "word" consists of English letters and/or the apostrophe (e.g., so w...

Q: Faster Palindrom Checker in Java

Mona JalalI wonder if there could be a faster Palindrom checker in Java. The best one I have is O(n/2) which is O(n) eventually: public static boolean isPalindromeNaive(String s) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(s); StringBuilder sbReverse = sb.reverse(); if (s.equals(Stri...

1 hour later…
Q: Interpolating data of multiple trains

theotheraussieI have written a piece of VBA code to essentially replace a complex formula that I was using in the Excel cells. I have the data on Sheet2, which describes multiple train journey's along the same track. the data is set out with each train journey after each other in an order of start time. The ...

Q: Java If Statement Not working

BabbyI Am Making a Command Console for java, but the if statement inside the loop won't work whenever I type "help". import java.util.*; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args){ Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("Colsole: Enter Commands"); S...

possible answer invalidation by 200_success on question by Sergio: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/117921/revisions
1 hour later…
Q: Detecting if two strings are anagrams using TreeMap

Mona JalalI decided to use Java TreeMap because it seems like a great data structure to fit this problem. However I am not sure if there could be much simpler methods using better data structure or how I could start improving the time complexity of this algorithm. Also I would like to know how can I improv...

Q: Practicing rogue-wave I/O

LegatoWhat I'm doing: Searching in current directory for a set of files. Filtering the set. Searching through the filtered set of files for a specific line sequence. Write to an output file that line along with the line that directly preceded it and the file in which it is found. There's no actual ...

Q: IoC component registration

Dmitry NoginHow do you list your referenced solution assemblies for IoC registration? I was really tired of typing something strange as new [] { typeof(SomeType).Assembly, … }. What do you think about the following approach? Use case: class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { foreac...

SO isn't for code improvement and suggestions, that's the point of Code Review. — Spencer Wieczorek 56 secs ago
Q: Install ruby using rbenv in bash script

Shilpi KayalI want to write an automated bash script for installing ruby and rails using rbenv. But I am getting issue of session reload in terminal. My bash script:- #!/bin/bash echo "Installing rbenv.." git clone https://github.com/rbenv/rbenv.git ~/.rbenv git clone https://github.com/rbenv/ruby-build.gi...

Q: find the number with square braces using regx

maki need to remove all the numbers appearing inside square braces such as [9] , [2] , .... This is my regx "(?:\[\d*\])" which is working fine. But i am totally new to regx so let me know if is there a better regx that can be used

Q: SQL-Query Performance Issue

Waqar AhmedList<ApprovedTransactionViewModel> transactionListAll = transactionsAll.ToList(); totalRecords = transactionListAll.Distinct(new ApprovedTransactionViewModelComparer()).Count(); Below one, It sends two calls to DB but query only 10 records. totalRecords = transactionAll.Count(); List<ApprovedT...

@CaptainObvious Title issue.
possible answer invalidation by Mast on question by mak: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/129345/revisions
@Duga Oh shut it, I just re-arranged the formatting of the code a little.
Q: FizzBuzz Javascript Help Required

KimiCreate a function fizzBuzz to return 'Fizz', 'Buzz', 'FizzBuzz', or the argument it receives, all depending on the argument of the function, a number that is divisible by, 3, 5, or both 3 and 5, respectively. When the number is not divisible by 3 or 5, the number itself should be returned. This ...

@CaptainObvious Broken.
Q: Iä, Iä, [Cthulhu] Fthagn! (Driving a boat through it.)

JadascWhile commenting on the need for a God Machine tag that stands separately from the nwod-god-machine tag, I made an offhand reference to a hypothetical cthulhu. Turns out we have one. Turns out it's being used awfully. Here's the description from the tag wiki: "Cthulhu is a fiction being [si...

Awesome title.
@SpencerWieczorek Code review or programming. — Jeremy J Starcher 21 secs ago
@leoOrion While its a good question, this site mostly about coding problems. THere are sister sites on the overflow network, including Programming and Code Review that are better for questions like this. — Jeremy J Starcher 40 secs ago
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Displaying a Google map with multiple complex markers and unique info windows
Monking @all
Monking Zak
Q: printing out python binary tree from python list

ross.cI want to define a function called list_tree(list) which returns a tree but has the list values laid out in level order and the values that are None have no value at that spot. For example this list [2, 29, 4, 26, None, None, 2, None, None, None, None, None, None, 9, None, end]. Would print out ...

I ran into this issue recently because I posted my assignment on Code Review, it got Hot Network Question status, and everyone found it. I was scolded but pointed out that I retained rights to my work per university guidelines and the syllabus mentioned nothing of posting your work online. Didn't get any complaints after that email was sent. No way would I take a 0 in a class for something like that. — Insane 23 hours ago
Q: Use of Module Design Pattern in simple D3 "overlay" program

PPGI have been learning JS (mostly using D3) and I wanted to put the Module Design Pattern to use. I wrote a simple script that lets you build a bar chart with more ease / readable code. My concerns: I feel that having to make sure to call some functions before others means my structure is off ...

@CaptainObvious We also want you to define that function before we can review it.
And monking, btw
@MathiasEttinger Monking
Q: How to properly set a different formatter for a specific logger's child?

zezolloFor certain modules or functions, I want to have a different format for the logged messages. I have done this in a way that looks a bit hacky: I have set a special Logger, containing a special Handler, that has the right Formatter. Here is a simplified portion of my configuration file: formatte...

@MathiasEttinger Fixed the indentation.
@Mast I don't think that main() nor def main(): should have been indented too
not sure though, that's why I left this task to OP
anyway, it doesn't really matters, we won't write their code
Good catch.
And no, we don't write their code. So he'll have to fix the rest himself.
One more VTC to close it.
Let me know if this is better for CodeReview.SE and I'll move it. — Szabolcs 1 min ago
No, it isn't better for Code Review. Code should work to the best of your knowledge to be on-topic there and your question reads like you haven't verified it. — Mast 47 secs ago
This question is cross-posted on Code Review: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/121138/…Curt F. 59 secs ago
Q: Validate a form using jQuery

phantomI am validating a form using jQuery. It is working perfectly, but I just feel the code is quite "bulky". There is a lot of if statements being used to achieve this logic in the app.sendForm.init() function. I think this could be tidied and any advice here would be greatly appreciated. Perhaps I...

user image
@Mast ^^
If you hover a bar, it shows a comparison line and how far ahead/behind each other bar it is.
(Wrote that part all on my own.)
Very shiny.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because "how can I improve this code" questions are better suited to codereview.stackexchange.com — khelwood 42 secs ago
@khelwood This question would instantly be closed as stub/example code on Code Review. Please take a look at what is and what isn't on-topic at Code Review. — Mast 43 secs ago
@Mast I stand corrected. — khelwood 26 secs ago
Q: Comments needed for my code "Mirror for a Binary tree"

funwithlinxI wrote a small routines to create a mirror for any binary tree. I am just sharing my necessary routines instead of full class. could you please let me know your comments on this. I just curious to find the complexity of this but i am new to algorithms. Is there a better way than this. void tree...

@CaptainObvious Added , seems to fit.
If you want to hear opinions on your code I think you should better go to codereview.stackexchange.comAlex Stybaev just now
So, I may need to refactor this line.
adviserData.SumByCompoundPredicate(2, adviserData.ColumnIndexOfHeader(DATE_SUBMITTED_HEADER), UnitArray(1, adviserData.ColumnIndexOfHeader(INVESTMENT_AMOUNT_HEADER)), CompoundPredicateFromDateHeader(header), MatchAll:=True)
On the plus side, it works, which I honestly was not expecting.
If there is code review, please let us know how this ternary operator is appreciated. — thefourtheye 14 secs ago
Somehow, that makes me feel a lot safer than if they were running on modern systems.
> "This system remains in use because, in short, it still works,"
And that's very, very, very important when launching nuclear missiles.
The zombie rating of the software would be through the roof.
Now I want to simulate it...
At least 11, I guess.
Thanks, Alex, and ThomasS. I shall move the question to codereview.stackexchange.com — Lucas T 28 secs ago
@Mast make it 20.
Q: Unit testing Equals, hashcode and comparator - asserting contracts

Lucas TAfter reading Joshua Blosh's Effective Java 2nd edition, I decided to implement equals, hashcode and comparable(where applicable) to every class I have been implementing. I have written a generic unit test class for equals, hashcode and comparable that will test every contract of each function. ...

Q: Bubble sort algorithm in swift

siddharth shahimport Foundation var array: [Int] = [99, 88, 56, 3, 1, 91, 43, 11, 53] func swapNum(indexOne :Int, indexTwo :Int) { let tempNum = array[indexOne] array[indexOne] = array[indexTwo] array[indexTwo] = tempNum } var flip = true; while(flip) { flip = false for var i = 0; i < array....

possible answer invalidation by Valeriu Timbuc on question by Valeriu Timbuc: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/129173/revisions
@Duga How about no.
So, my colleague in Slack has mentioned our DB version of Live is "out of date" because no version script was run and that is "ill advised". I've just checked the git tag of that live version and he is the one that signed it off without a version script. wot
Same colleague doesn't want to learn the git cli :( sigh
I'm tired
I booked 2 days off and even then I can't get 4 hours into my time off without having to do stuff x)
If you work during your day off, ask them to pay overtime.
Or refund the day.
At least.
Q: Parallax animation running well on Chrome but slow on Safari

Valeriu TimbucThis is the continuation of a previous question I posted here. I've improved (at least I think so) the initial script from the previous question, now storing the data in an array, it runs slightly better, but still sometimes there's some lag in safari. I've tried to call requestAnimationFrame on...

Overtime has to be approved, unfortunately
(ahead of time)
Today I will read the git internals chapter of the git book, finally..
So go home.
I am home.
Unplug your telephone.
It's a mobile phone. We don't have corded phones anymore, gramps ;-)
Remove battery.
Nuke the phone from high orbit.
It's an iPhone. That would not be advised.
Faraday is your friend.
Besides, I have Slack on my PC ^^
There's this wonderful thing. It's called an off-button.
It lets you ignore your phone without resorting to WMD.
Q: 2d transient heat equation using cranck nicolson method

mona#include "mpi.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #define NXPROB 500 /* x dimension of problem grid */ #define NYPROB 500 /* y dimension of problem grid */ #define TIME_STEPS 2000 /* number of time steps */ #define MAXWORKER 8 /* maximum number of worker tasks */ #define MINWORKER 3 /* minim...

Need some more rejects on this suggested edit: codereview.stackexchange.com/review/suggested-edits/57251
Greetings, Programs.
And I still haven't gotten an actual review on the Scala in my code. Sigh.
Q: How to avoid the if Flag, ruby

Ilia AptsiauriI have two very similar methods, which make HTTP requests, the difference is that one makes PUT and another GET, is there any proper ruby way not to repeat the setup code and not to pass the flag parameter. def notify_client(url, params) uri = URI.parse(url) https = Net::HTTP.new(uri.hos...

@MathiasEttinger User doesn't seem to get it, despite the two comments on his question
Don't know if editors get custom rejection reason, but I tried a third comment in here.
@MathiasEttinger It looks like the user didn't understand they could change their email in their settings and decided to make a new account with a different email
@Donald.McLean How's the scala community on CR?
Is this some kind of fundamentality contest? Do we have a panel of celebrity judges? All these three concepts can be used to define a measure on a space $\mathbb{R}^d$. However for a given CDF, MGF and PDF may not exist, as PDF is defined as a derivative of CDF, and MGF is defined as a $\int_{\mathbb{R}}\exp(tx)dF(x)$, and this integral need not exist. However this does not mean that any of these concepts is less fundamental. Fundamental is a nice adjective which has no mathematical definition. It is a synonym of important. — mpiktas yesterday
Q: Algorithm for Tic Tac Toe

leoOrionCurrently I am using an alg that finds the best move based on the existing states of the board. Is there a better way to do it?? Is there a data structure that I can use?? I have also considered the Min Max alg, but did not want to use it as it checks for evry possibility on every turn. var pl...

@CaptainObvious I think I remember this from SO.
I just found myself naming a variable "meta..."
Hi @Neal
I wonder if this would be a better fit for codereview.stackexchange.com? However, my opinion is that I prefer 2 over 1, because accessing something "invisible" is never good ;) if somehow the class was instantiated directly, it would throw an exception. I think it would be better to have one TextCommand class that handles the cut and the copy - depending on an argument passed in to it. (def run(self, edit, **kwargs):) — Keith Hall 57 secs ago
@Mast Shalom. Whats up?
Telling chips they shouldn't fry themselves.
Telling data to make an orderly exit.
The usual.
Quite good actually :-)
I think I haven't seen you in a while.
Monking @EthanBierlein
@KeithHall # Do some stuff => stub code => off-topic for code review. See the help center. — Mathias Ettinger 29 secs ago
@Duga Could be. I highly doubt you should use recursion there though, as OP seems to think.
@Mast Scala is a (comparatively) small community in general, and I get the impression that many Scala people don't care for Stack Exchange in general, though I'm not entirely sure why.
@Donald.McLean I got a lot of languages on my list of 'handy to know a thing or two about', but Scala hasn't made it so far. Sorry :-)
What's Scala's strong suit?
@Mast It's basically an advanced form of Java where the functional features simplify many things that can be clumsy or require boiler-plate code.
@skiwi Monking!
@skiwi I've been reading that online book you recommended on neural nets and I must say that I really enjoy it so far
@Donald.McLean Similar to Groovy?
@Donald.McLean Maybe I should look into Scala more then... I think Groovy writes nicer than Java and Scala but the performance cost is just too big, how about Scala?
@syb0rg Good :) The details can be a bit difficult at the start though
@skiwi Yeah, I sorta skimmed through chapter 2 because it was getting hard to follow and he said it wasn't completely necessary to read to understand them
I'm reading 3 books at the same time, that's probably a bad idea.
Does anybody know if the "God Mode" style CLSIDs change between Windows 7, 8, and 10? e.g., does explorer shell:::{F02C1A0D-BE21-4350-88B0-7367FC96EF3C} still open the Network window on 8 and 10?
Is there a better way than just Process.Start("Explorer", "explorer shell:::{F02C1A0D-BE21-4350-88B0-7367FC96EF3C}"); ?
@skiwi Scala is mostly just syntactic sugar and libraries. It's Java under the hood.
@syb0rg Chapter 1 is really the most important one to start with
Depending on how deep you want to get into it I'd suggest to make a neural network yourself that can classify MNIST images
Which is why I just don't understand why it doesn't see wider adaptation. I have found almost no disadvantages to using Scala, and many advantages.
@skiwi Yeah, I learned a lot from chapter 1
@Donald.McLean As in Java bytecode? Because Groovy also runs just fine on the JVM, but it's using way too many method call lookups in my opinion
I think I might, cause I like the improvements it's making as it goes on
Like because of dynamic method dispatch it needs to check against all available methods like almost every time
@skiwi Yes, the Scala compiler produces standard JVM class files. And it is 99.9% compatible with Java libraries. Very handy.
If anyone needs charts about how legacy systems are bad, have at it.
Ah okay then Scala does seem quite interesting indeed
Though I'm more thinking about learning Rust as next language instead of Scala for example
@Donald.McLean 99.9, what's the catch?
And that remembers me that I need to check on how Rust and Go compare
Too many languages :|
@skiwi Rust is quite high on my list as well.
@Mast "Social Security Administration ... is comprised of 162 subsystems written in COBOL"
If you'd port it to C, it would be progress.
@Mast That hurts
> From somewhere else but relevant:
in the 1960s, billions of lines of it were written. (One could argue this is because it took so many lines of COBOL to do anything.)
From what I understand about COBOL, that's close to the truth.
So what I understand is that Go falls into the Java, etc. etc. category that relies garbage collection and Rust falls in the C++ category where you need to manage memory
@Mast "60 Million Lines of COBOL in production"
@skiwi Rust falls in the C++ category when it's about speed IIRC. It's awfully fast.
Wow. (also from elsewhere): "An estimated 2 million people are currently working in COBOL"
"As the Department of the Navy said when it explained why it still used 200 billion lines of COBOL code, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” right?"
The navy still uses it a lot on it's ships.
Radar systems and trajectory calculations in COBOL, yuck.
@Zak I guess it is true to some extent... You can't say that with Windows XP for example as that is really broken with security issues
Gotta learn me some COBOL and get a ludicrously paid government contracting gig ^^
Q: Get all members from country depending on multiple tables

AdamI have 4 tables, filled with some example data user table id | name | idAddress | ------------------------ 1 | Bernd | 1 | 2 | Max | 2 | 3 | Tom | 3 | 4 | Bob | 4 | 5 | Alice | 5 | address id | country | zip | ---------------------- 1 ...

@Mast Shots fired
A a side note, if it happens to be in C or C++ and you post it on Code Review, I'll be happy to compare it against several production-quality sorting algorithms. — Morwenn 19 secs ago
@Zak Government doesn't pay that well, does it?
@Mast There was one case where I saw that the Scala type system made it impossible for the Scala compiler to determine which version of an overloaded function from a Java library I was implementing. I had to create a Java abstract class that implemented both methods and called two abstract functions with different names. Annoying, but easily handled.
@Malachi Depends. There aren't that many COBOL programmers around these days (who aren't nearing their retirement age). My impression is that COBOL pays about as well as any other programming job you might get, with exceptional job security.
except, if you thought VBA was a PITA...
@Mat'sMug Hey. How's RD going?
at the moment, not very well if you're on 32-bit Office
Q: Untrappable COMException with GetRefTypeInfo

Mat's MugI have a function whose role is to return the name of a COM type; it works fine on x64, but crashes in the middle of iterating the COM types in the Excel type library (and MS-Project too, ..and probably other ones I'm not aware of), and I can't seem to be able to do anything to catch the exceptio...

If this code works, it should be posted to Code Review. — Quentin 56 secs ago
I was going to say there's a site called cobolhacker, but the owner deceased years ago.
lol not funny ..k maybe a bit
I think I've just implemented a (restricted subset of) a pseudo-pivot-table in my Class ^^
Didn't @meehow have a good blog on VBA programming? Does anyone know where that page is?
Namely, I can feed it a list of Predicate-MatchBasis-MatchIndex triples, and have it sum a list of indexes where (any or all) of those predicates evaluate to true ^^
@Zak Why didn't you just use a pivot table?
So something like `SumWhere(Rows, SumColumns, adviserPredicate, matchAll, adviserColumn, monthPredicate, matchAll, dateColumn, 2015sheetsPredicate, matchAny, sourceSheetColumn)
@Mast Various reasons. Initially, because I didn't know they existed. Then, because the data was messy and my data-cleaning was inter-mingled with my data-analysis. Now, because I'm building this class, and it's really great experience.
(And it's faster to just add these bits in than to re-write the whole thing for a pivot table)
Plus, it's uplifting to build this stuff and see it work ^^
And, because I built it, I can tweak it in various useful ways.
@Zak Yes, that's always a good thing.
Hello. I've been informed that I have a viewing of my flat on Sunday. Because who needs to give people notice, right? ^^
Also, I found out today that I don't have an Hexkey for my old desk. Fortunately, I shortly found out that hammers can do the job quite well. I'm starting to see the wisdom in "if all you have is a hammer..."
@DanPantry an axe works too. and it's more fun. and the result is just as impossible to re-assemble :)
Haha. I don't have an axe to hand, unfortunately.
There's not much wood to chop in the middle of a city so justifying having one would be difficult
Q: refactor code to be more modular

phantomI have recently carried out a test for university where I was given the following instructions: Write a simple JavaScript application that reads paragraphs of text input by the user and creates a tabular list of all the words entered. It should also display a count of words, commas and full stop...

Q: simple form validation

maxi've just started to learn python /django .. im coming from php world ...i mostly struggle with None values which are new to me .. in php i mostly did my boll checking with true/false but in python None is favored .. .also collections (list , dictionary) are different here but javascript has prep...

Q: Divide data into segment

NeamahI want to divide a time-series data into segments. The data arrangement should not unchanged. more details, I have a file that contains the following columns : time stamp, date, x data , y data and z data ( please see the attached file). These data is the acceleration data of one user for 5 min. ...

@DanPantry Q: Why do you have an axe? A: I'm a programmer, maintaining someone else's code.
Alternative answers include "I haven't had my coffee this morning"
"I have code that work fine but it's too slow" -- then post this on code review SE, and make sure to include the code you have. — roryap just now
@DanPantry A small torch and a sturdy piece of metal are usually enough as well, break it open without damaging the caging too much.
A friend sent me that comic strip just the other day.
@Mast haha, just torch the damn thing to ashes - problem solved!
@Mast Something something safety hazard something
@Edward AG is was fun.
@Mat'sMug small torch
@Edward Why programmers shouldn't play Minecraft.
Q: Exercise 1-22 from K and R

cristchI'm actually learning C with K&R, i'm right now in the exercise 1-22, but it's a little... hard to understand (at least for me). It says: Write a program to "fold" long input lines into two or more shorter lines after the last non-blank character that occurs before the n-th column of input. M...

Q: using structs in C

fra9001After reading the book from which this example is from I started using APIs like this typedef struct stack { char **items; int len; } stack; stack *stack_new() { stack *out = malloc(sizeof(stuff)); //initialize the struct *out = (stack) {}; return out; } void add(stac...

Q: Small Python class for Lindenmayer Systems

AnnaL-systems are basically rules for recursively rewriting a string, which can be used to characterize e.g. some fractal and plant growth. I wrote a small class to represent deterministic L-systems and used it for two examples. Any comments would be greatly appreciated, especially about the class d...

Personal favourite:
@Edward LOL //this is a bridge
Q: Accessing SharePoint's Managed Metadata TermSets Locally and Remotely

BassieI have written a small program which has 2 main classes : ServerSideMMS: This can access the SharePoint Managed Metadata Services, but only from the server which is running SharePoint ClientSideMMS: This can access the SharePoint Managed Metadata Services from any client machine These can bo...

Q: rails refactoring complex polymorphic model code

Szilard MagyarSo I have a polymorphic notification model. When user gets a notification he can get on the page of the notifiable to check out what happened exactly. For instance invited you to join product or commented on a post. On the top of this I also have a polymorphic comment model. So user can get a no...

posted on May 26, 2016 by CommitStrip

Conference News : CommitStrip will be at EclipseCon in Toulouse the 7th-9th of June, and at Web2Day in Nantes the 15th-17th June !

@CommitStrip facepalm
@CommitStrip @Quill
I don't get it
It's basically hyping up something
and then saying "it's just an LED blinking"
gimme-the-codes is off-topic on all SE sites. Please just read the documentation of the function call. — Dan Pantry 7 secs ago
@DanPantry you're gentle
Devs charge their clients to write code for them. Hire a dev, SO isn't a place to ask for people to write your code. — Mat's Mug 40 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it really belongs on the code review siteSuever 20 secs ago
Q: Pong game with a random twist

Rakete1111I made a simple Pong game using SDL2, with a twist: You don't get to play :), only the 2 AIs get to. ;) Because Pong is a very small game, I put everything in a single file (main.cpp). If that was the wrong choice, please tell me :). I know that global variables are bad, but in my defense they...

@Mat'sMug RBA, guess he got the hint.
Q: Simple code refactoring in javascript

bTaziThis code is working but there's a lot of duplication, how can I refactor it ? if ($(".page-on-center").length) { var pageNotification = $(".page-on-center #mobile_notification").text(); var pageAlert = $(".page-on-center #mobile_alert").text(); } else { var pageNotif...

when Rubberduck 2.0 launches, reviewers can start pointing users to RD's website (still in dev) - Hosch250 successfully referenced the actual project assembly from the website project, and so our code inspections page will have a very cool little box:
who would have thought, running a VBE add-in in a website!
lol --> this one doesn't have a hover over abstrusegoose.com/1 it is a picture link....lol
most inspections will "just work" - others (e.g. "object variable not set") won't work due to lack of context, but we'll make that clear in the inspection results box
@Malachi The term you're looking for is 'alt text'.
@Mast or hover text
but yes, the alt attribute value of the img tag is not present
No matter what I'm doing to this code I'm working with, it just will not stop linking to the pthread library...
It's the weirdest phenomenon
@syb0rg Try a clean project.
@Mast It automatically cleans itself before rebuilding
Obviously it does something wrong.
So I wouldn't trust the autocleaner too much at this stage.
Q: Check that files doesn't contain Unicode

JonasI use this code to check that all files in a directory are free from Unicode and non printable characters. Can I improve the structure of the code? #!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import os import string import sys def main(input_folder): for directory, subdirs, files in os.walk(in...

in VBA Rubberducking, 1 min ago, by Hosch250
I can't find how to make the bloody thing load content into the same page after I call a post method.
anyone has any experience with AJAX/ASP.NET MVC?
I've been trying very hard to avoid that.
I've succeeded for 15 years
and now it's coming to bite me
@CaptainObvious Here, have some more tags.
@Mat'sMug Bite back. It should die.
nah, I think the time has come. I'm mentally prepared. I'm ready for this.
Don't do it!
All those years of fighting will have been in vain.
Meanwhile on Stack Overflow: You've earned the "Marshal" badge (Raise 500 helpful flags).
well done!
All those additional seconds of flagging obsolete or too chatty comments finally paid off!
Every answer I've read recently I've checked the comments on to see if anything should be cleaned up
@SimonForsberg Try catching up ^^
@Mast I have 199 edits more than you! yay!
I should get 2 more, just to get Strunk
@SimonForsberg So that's how mods think when they're out in the wild? :)
@Mast With this speed, I might. But I won't try to. Just happy I got the badge :)
> 277 posts edited
186 helpful flags
3,781 votes cast
@SimonForsberg It isn't like you aren't part of enough contests already.
@Mat'sMug Looks a bit like my CR stats.
> 268 posts edited
693 helpful flags
4,091 votes cast
10 posts edited
27 helpful flags
1,428 votes cast
357 posts edited
89 helpful flags
7,539 votes cast
Kinda lacking in flags, oh well
My flags don't go as fast as they used to, got my CV privs back.
Good vote count though syb0rg. Voting is important.
I mean, Jamal doesn't have too many flags either and nobody complains.
> 19,664 posts edited
321 helpful flags
20,211 votes cast
I used to be in the top row of all time voters: codereview.stackexchange.com/users?tab=Voters&filter=all
Nothing wrong with 2nd row, especially since the first row are 4 moderators and the first behind that used to be a moderator.
Where's @Jamal when we need him?
Oh oops @Mast took care of that
@skiwi what for?
@syb0rg For his stats of course ;)
@Mast This is dedication, ladies and gentlemen
I suspect an addition to editing
@Mat'sMug At least 336 of them and probably many more.
He's slowing down though. I suspect he got a life.
Q: Why are Germans called so differently in languages?

AcroneosI was inspired by the other question "Why is French and German so different?". But while for me, the answer was obvious (Romans did not conquer most part of todays Germany and so on), another question came into my mind and it's answer is less obvious. Firstly, take for example Germanys close nei...

If you read this, we're very glad you went above and beyond :-)
> Dutch: Duits
Almost. Duitsers.
Dang it hot network questions, I'm supposed to learn about code, not about workplace ethics or history
possible answer invalidation by Alan on question by Alan: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/129141/revisions
@Duga syb0rg FGITW
@Mast pew pew
@Duga What would we do without you?
@SimonForsberg Ignorance is bliss.
If it's true that ignorance is bliss, I'm necessarily a very happy guy.
Q: Are there confirmed cases where a country changed its language without being conquered?

Wladimir PalantI thought about this question and wondered: Are there any known cases where a country switched to a different language other than because of being conquered? If some country ever did this I would be very interested in how exactly they implemented it. What I could come up with: Mongols that con...

This makes me appreciate that in The Netherlands we only have two languages
And really only one is being used ;)
Depends though, if you look in the international database we got over 10.
Twents etc.
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Pool readers and streams with Json.NET
@RoboSanta Can a C-sharpie take look at the short answer? If he's right, it's good enough for an upvote. I simply don't know whether he's right.
Q: C Matrix Compression

Craig SwearingenI am learning Cuda with C for a project and haven't used C in a while. I was learning about Matrix compression and implemented a csr matrix compression and would like to know what I can do better, especially with C specific practices. Main.c ////////////////////////////////////////////////// /...

@syb0rg I used to be all over the top boards
My experiences with Rust so far... Managed to install it, cannot seem to actually find where it is
And right as I get annoyed I manage to find it :)
@skiwi find -iname "Rust" /
May or may not take forever, depending on the size of your system lol
@syb0rg I used to be second place to @Jamal for edits as well --> codereview.stackexchange.com/users?tab=Editors&filter=all actually I think I was ahead of him at one point....
I am probably mistaken though
Hi! I have some problems with attracting attention to my question. It is unanswered for 4 days. I found and fixed serious bug in my code and now it seems to work as expected. Could you please have a look at it and see if there's something that drives people away?
Q: type_list with utilities

Olzhas ZhumabekThe post is follow up to my previous Typelist with extractor. The code of type_list and extraction feature is identical to the accepted answer (by user2296177). The idea of the code is to provide type list with some handy features. Following is the list of features which are provided, in the orde...

@skiwi Inconvenient.
> Reasons for bad parts of the code:
No. Bad parts should be fixed.
They don't have a reason.
> Is there a way to make the code better?
Define 'better'.
@OlzhasZhumabek Be more concise with your review request
Q: How to get the best value out of Code Review - Asking Questions

rolfl I have a project I am working on, and I would like some, or all of it reviewed, how can I ask for this review on Code Review in a way that produces the best possible value? This is not about a question being on-topic, or off topic. Rather, this is about making on-topic questions great qu...

Have fun :-)
Include the code, say only what necessary, then leave the rest to the reviewers
Now that a lot of time has past though, you might need a bounty on it to give it enough recognition
I'm glad you fixed it though.
@Mast, thanks. I've read that one :) Will fix problems shortly
Q: Javascript: Building a 2d array "month view" for a given date

JosephI am working on a calendar widget for a project. For any given date, I need to build a 2d array representing the "Month" that the date falls in, where the rows represent weeks in the month and the cells in those rows are individual days. The weeks must start on Monday, and if the month does not s...

@syb0rg ok, thanks!
@OlzhasZhumabek @Edward Interested in a zombie?
@DanPantry A) why did you ping me B) why did someone star you pinging me?
@Quill B) Welcome to The 2nd Monitor!
May 5 at 18:55, by Mast
yesterday, by skiwi
Everything here has a chance to be starred
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs in CodeReview — Scott Hunter 15 secs ago
@Quill idk why I starred that... seemed appropriate
it's like an lol almost
@Mast What zombie did you have in mind?
@Edward I believe it's my question :)
Q: type_list with utilities

Olzhas ZhumabekThe post is follow up to my previous Typelist with extractor. The code of type_list and extraction feature is identical to the accepted answer (by user2296177). The idea of the code is to provide type list with some handy features. Following is the list of features which are provided, in the orde...

OK, thanks. I'll take a look when I'm finished with this other review.
thank you
in VBA Rubberducking, 1 min ago, by Mat's Mug
because you're doing ASP.NET MVC, not ASP Classic - encoding HTML strings is pretty much a last resort. you want to be working with the framework, not against it
am I sticking a foot in my mouth here?
gosh I need to learn ASP.NET MVC and JavaScript now
Q: Factoring out a "get-change-set" pattern with Clojure's Records

CarcigenicateI'm remaking an old program of mine in Clojure. It involves "Beings" (generic entities capable of attacking and breeding) let loose in a confined space. I've noticed a pattern of taking a record, creating a modified version of one of its fields, then "overwriting" the field. It generally seems ...

Hmm Rust 1.9 just released 3 hours ago, I didn't know that but I guess my timing is about just right :)
Q: Modular widget that minimizes js and css scope pollution

Emmett R.So, my goal with this is to create a simple login widget that does as close to nothing to the global scope as possible. The login mechanism is less important than the encapsulation. The whole script is wrapped in an immediately invoked function expression, no ids are used on elements, document.cu...

where can I post code review questions? — Start Coding 33 secs ago
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