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Hi Mat's Mug, I have contacted the author of the answer under my question, and he kindly helped to modified his answer to match with the question, and he told me to ask SE admin to expunge the revision history, can you help to do the expunge?
> I have re-modified my question, can you help to take a min to check and see if it invalidates your answer significantly?

Done. I’ve tweaked my answer to match the updated question.

When you ask the SE admins to expunge the revision history from your answer, tell them to do the same to mine.

— Alex
@Kidd When you want to ping someone, you need to put an "@" in front of their name, like so: @Kidd
Hi @SimonForsberg, thank you for the help, yes, i have edited the question and will update this for my managers to review.
Hi @Zak, can i edit my post here?
@Kidd Only for the first 3 minutes after posting.
@Kidd @Mat'sMug @Jamal @SimonForsberg
@Kidd yes, we can rewrite history redact revision history. But with 14 revisions and numerous rollbacks and destructive edits it's going to have to be done manually... 13 times over... give it time, I'm at work right now, I think @SimonForsberg is going to get the ball rolling on this in a few hours
Hi @Mat'sMug, thank you for the help and the patience. Hopefully this could save my stupid mistake... it's a bit late in my time now, glad to talk to you all!
Thanks for being cooperative and understanding. It's thoroughly appreciated
I've been trying to get some coding done since 8am this morning. Still haven't managed it. I had my IDE open for 2 minutes at one point, that's as close as I got.
@user6351569 I believe codereview.stackexchange.com code review would better suit this question, as you just want feedback.. — Evan Carslake 56 secs ago
This question might be suited for Code Review Site, but as is will probably be removed from Stack Overflow. — wizloc 50 secs ago
@Zak Yes, it's been a mental block couple of days for me too
I don't think you meant to edit your last message :P
@DanPantry Not even a mental block, people just keep giving me urgent tasks.
I know what you mean. Everyone comes directly to you with a task and it must be done right that minute before everyone else's.
@DanPantry It wouldn't be so bad if they were short tasks, but nooo.
That's what project owners are meant to stop, unfortunately each of our users know where the help desk is.. and the help desk know my username and assign the tasks to me
I'm in work for 8 hours and I'm currently scheduled to only have 4 of those dedicated to the main project I am working on... lol
It's less "The help desk knows where I am" and more "The entire office is within 10 meters of me" ^^
> Your call is important to us. Please hold the line, a dev will hear your request as soon as possible. In the meantime, feel free to create a ticket to document your request and help prioritize the workload. elevator music
Personal favourite: "We can't wait for the financial platform to do the [complicated, technical, regulated] tax calculations for our client's portfolio for the last tax year (which won't be released for another 6 weeks), we need you to accurately estimate them. Today."
> Your call is important to us. Please hold the line, a dev will hear your request as soon as possible. In the meantime, feel free to create a ticket *that contains more than "It doesn't work" to document your request and help prioritize the workload. elevator music
@Zak My favourite thing is when I am assigned 4 hours of work but the PMO wonders why in that four hours I am not putting out 8 hours worth
If you want me to put out 8 hours worth of work don't put half of my workload towards user support, hire a damn support team
It's not just me, mind you, all of our developers have this
Of course there is the argument that developers doing support = developers care more about not putting bugs in the app, but unfortunately expectations have been managed such that we are expected to put out production ready code in far too short of a space of time
I believe it's called a Death March in programming project parlance
Q: How to sort/compare/classify classes in java ? (reflection)

Pierre Antoine GuillaumeMy goal is to fit subtypes of controllers separatelly, but when one try to store a Class in a HashMap (with following example) : ActionButtonController and it's implémentation does not fit together as classes. Somehow, i've made a system that works (for me, as I know the implementation) but i...

@DanPantry Reminds me of the #JoelOnSoftware post on hiring QA people. "Yes, you can "just get the developers to do it", but their time costs twice as much as a QA's will, so hire some damned QAs already."
Yeah.. we have no QA yet either
yet being the operative word we will be getting some in the next few months, though I can't believe it took nearly a year after the software was released to realise we need QA on internal; systems as well as external ones
I would argue internal systems are more important.. sure, if there's a bug in a customer-facing app, that's an issue, but compare a small bug in a customer-facing app vs sales not processing correctly
A bug in an app will annoy some customers, a bug in mission-critical software can sink the entire company.
Ultimately, though, me ranting on like this just enforces the Us vs Them mentality that is in our company atm.. external devs vs internal devs. That helps no-one.
There are lots of talented developers on both sides of the glass (literally, we have glass dividing us) but we don't work together and are pitted against each other by higher-level team managers. :s
I mean there's a developer on the other side of the glass onboarding Angular in his app but he can't view the colossal amount of work done in Angular on our project and take what we've learned from it on board
@DanPantry Why not?
That's outright dumb
Because corporate red tape prevents him from seeing the code of the project
Because he is in the "external" project team
and I am in the internal one
@DanPantry That's, dumb.
It just takes the principle of least privilege way too extreme IMO
I love where I work sometimes and other times it is very "wtf"
Either way it's gradually burning me out. I havent' written code at home in weeks
Q: Is this pause until exit script correct

ThinkingMediaNAME="ahtagd" PIDFOLDER=/var/run/${NAME} PIDFILE=${PIDFOLDER}/${NAME}.pid LOCKFILE=${PIDFOLDER}/${NAME}.lock if [[ -e ${PIDFILE} && -e ${LOCKFILE} ]]; then PID=$(cat ${PIDFILE}); WAIT=120 echo "Waiting ${WAIT} seconds for stop" rm -f ${LOCKFILE} COUNT=1 while [[ -e /proc/${PID} && ${...

@CaptainObvious why is your bash file shouting at me
also, broken, VTC, etc
@CaptainObvious VTC bingo
I can't seem to find the VTC bingo image we had here a little while ago
This question seems more like a core review, it is probably better asked over on codereview.stackexchange.comDavid Pine 5 secs ago
@Barmar I would vote to reopen this question. OP's question is NOT how to remove item from array (so not duplicate), but "explain what I have misunderstood". Maybe the question is more suitable for Code Review than SO, but I do not think is duplicate. Maybe OP could weigh in too with his opinion. — wintvelt 48 secs ago
Q: Jon Skeet is getting out of line again

JCMThe great number of badges is making it break the line on the user card, screenshot: Here is the link to the answer: http://stackoverflow.com/a/420914/710693

Let's just suspend the guy until 2025 and be done with it ... — rene 14 mins ago
thanks, that's so unfortunate. We have code reviews and build validation before the submit based on pending changelist. I think in such case there is no use for git fusion in our case — Maximus 20 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs to codereview.stackexchange.comTomTom 41 secs ago
@TomTom If you want to close a question, please pick a bona fide off-topic reason that is documented in the help center. "Belongs on Code Review" currently isn't one of those reasons. — 200_success 43 secs ago
lol nice @200_success
This question would be down-voted on Code Review at the moment, possibly even closed as unclear, because there's no description whatsoever about what the query does or how the database structure looks like. — Simon Forsberg 15 secs ago
There are so many global variables in my companies code
One of my companies libraries actually forces me to define a global variable or it will fail the build of my project
You would get the most (appropriate) feedback at Code Review I'm thinking. — Marcus 28 secs ago
@200_success Probably not 10,000
But I wouldn't be surprised if there are a few thousand
@Marcus Please note that Foo/Bar identifiers would make it an inappropriate Code Review question. — 200_success 48 secs ago
This might fit better on Code ReviewMatt Burland 13 secs ago
Time for lunch
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it would fit better on code reviewMatt Burland 28 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by Nat on question by Nat: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/128457/revisions
Q: Can anybody help me with this (graph theory)?

John LoganThis is not a programming assignment and I am not a student. I want to develop this solution in less time complexity. I am trying to solve this using DFS (see the code below): This is the question: public class Maze { public int largestCycle(int[] edges, int N) { /* * By default color i...

@Duga Rolled back
effort == dump some links on the moderator asking you to put some effort into your post
clicks link - oh, a cross-post
@Raystafarian For the record, images hosted on i.stack.imgur.com are fine, since that is where the image upload tool puts them. It's the fact that the image is textual that is the objection.
sigh always a joy to go back to an online account you forgot the password for, and you realize you also forgot the password to the email account it sends the reset message to
I have raised this on code review, as suggested, although I wasn't really after a code review, more the name of the algorithm. codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/128682/…Sam Shiles 52 secs ago
This might be better suited for: codereview.stackexchange.comHEADLESS_0NE 15 secs ago
Q: 'Articulate' badge for perfect presentation

SmandoliI propose the Articulate badge, to be awarded for posting [n] questions which remain up for [given amount of time] receive no edits receive at least one up-vote Basically, a reward for perfect presentation. This will encourage well-crafted questions, which are valuable because: They hel...

Q: Distributing a purchase quantity into rated bands

Sam ShilesI am working on a monthly billing application that utilises a rate band pricing mechanism to reward increasing consumption within a designated billing period. For example: Say I have the following rates bands: Minimum Quantity | Price --------------------------- 10 1 20 ...

Q: typeahead that gives suggestions to user based on iput

AntwonI am new to the idea of html, JavaScript and all that good stuff and I'm trying to learn this language in order to implement something similar to twitter's type ahead feature. I'm looking at this link to start somewhere. The website says that I have to first download "typeahead.js" from its Gi...

posted on May 18, 2016 by CommitStrip

Today CommitStrip is sponsored by EclipseCon, and you might be surprised to learn that EclipseCon isn’t just a conference about Eclipse IDE. It’s a conference including workshops on Arduino, Angular, there are various tracks to find out about Science, the Internet of Things, the Cloud, DevOps… and of course Eclipse technologies. And here’s the best bit: CommitStrip is giving the Keynote on Thur

Q: Python: how to normalize data over a distribution?

emaxI have some temporal data that I want to normalize over their frequency distribution. This is how I am doing and I want to check if there is a better way to implement the same normalization. def normalizeIndicators(X): tmp = list() for i in range(0,len(X)): tmp.extend(X[i]) ...

Q: Infinite monkey theorem

HuserOzI'm trying to learn python and that's my first programming language.I was reading 'Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures' by Brad Miller and David Ranum, and there was an exercise about replacing the monkey in The Infinite Monkey Theorem with python code. Here is my code, please tel...

possible answer invalidation by user_000 on question by user_000: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/128431/revisions
@Duga @janos it's your answer, you decide if it's an invalidation
Q: Expressjs display specific error messages on signup

TroyI'm using Node + Express + Mongo, my user Schema has three required fields: username email password I already took care of how the password is handled, but when it comes to username and email, here's what I did: router.post('/', function(req, res, next) { var username = req.body.username, ...

Got the [badge:yearling] CR badge.
I found my copy of C# In Depth that I lost, time to get to reading.
A reusable ProgressIndicator might be more like what you're looking for. — Mat's Mug 30 secs ago
Q: Tic Tac Toe Java personal project

user105765Hey guys it's me I'm currently working on a personal project - trying to create a tic tac toe game in java in preparation for my seconds personal project (chess game). but anyway I would like you guys to review my code if you wouldn't mind please and thank you for taking the time to read my quest...

Q: Insertion sort in JavaScript

Shaun Luttin// Insertion Sort with Loop var array = [ 2, 4, 6, 8, 0, 5, 2, 5, 7, 8, 4, 7, 9 ]; var solution = [ 0, 2, 2, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9 ]; // start looping at the second item in the array for(var i = 1; i < array.length; ++i) { var key = array[i]; // loop thru the earlier items //...

Q: Array of pointers and strtok

TonyI doubt arose regarding this code #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> int main() { int i=1, a; char *prompt="[*]:>"; char comando[256]; char *token[12]; while(i==1) { printf("%s",prompt); fgets(comando,256,stdin); a = 0; ...

@CaptainObvious Seemed to be off topic, now deleted anyhoo
in VBA Rubberducking, 30 secs ago, by FreeMan
@Hosch250 so... you start an infinite loop and everything hangs? I never saw that coming. ;)
Q: Fortran Matrix-Vector Multiplication Gives Me Infinite Values

CurtisI am just two days into my adventure with Fortran for research I am doing in ADR systems. I am delving into arrays and I am curious why I am getting [INFINITY INFINITY INFINITY INFINITY INFINITY] when I run the code my code is: program matrixmultiplication real m(1,5),v(5),sum(5) do 10,...

Q: Page animations using requestAnimationFrame

Valeriu TimbucI wrote the following code to create a "parallax" effect on the page using requestAnimationFrame, it works really well on chrome but on safari it gets "stuck", so when I scroll the animation starts then gets stuck, the window freezes and after a few seconds it runs again. I guess the code is a li...

looks like a copy-pasta job from the SO tag
It looks like you want to have your code reviewed. Consider migrating your question to Code Reviewnull 49 secs ago
@null no, he doesn't. He want the reason it lags and how to fix, which Code Review doesn't do. We can't help fix it not working/lagging, only general improvements. — easterly irk 47 secs ago
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I wouldn't hammer it down, performance improvements are on-topic
> Changing to a temporary map size of 1000,1000 did stop the lag, however the map sizes will likely be upwards of 5000,5000.
code works as intended with smaller data sets
@Mat'sMug That's what I was thinking, might be okay for a migration
FWIW I've flagged for migration over to Code Review. Performance improvements are on-topic over there, given that the code works as intended with a smaller data set. Also voting to close as too broad for Stack Overflow. — Mat's Mug 23 secs ago
@Mat'sMug That sounds like a particularly bland form of pasta. It probably has GMOs.
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Changing sales stage
I just repcapped again on Deep Web day 2
It's going to take quite a lot of effort just to read what the code is doing. I'd suggest trying to come up with a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example - basically try to reproduce the problem with simpler code. And then once you have a solution and working code, I strongly recommend putting it up (the actual, real, working code) on Code Review. — Mat's Mug 38 secs ago
Q: Simple spinlock for C using ASM, revision #1

user1235831Revision #1 for Simple spinlock for C using ASM The code: static inline void atomic_open(volatile int *gate) { asm volatile ( "jmp check\n" // Renegade selected, lets skip the line! "wait:\n" // Honest citizens wait in line. "pause\...

Q: Flickr API with Angular

ILIASI have built the following application which searches Flickr API and returns photos. I am presenting the code: index.html <html ng-app="myapp"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <title>F1000 coding challenge</title> <script src="https://code.angularjs.org/1.5.3/angular.min.js"></script> <...

@Mat'sMug A lot of tags have that.
@Quill Irrelevant if the site dies. How's the site doing?
day 2 and posts per day are doing well
user involvement in meta is going well
so far so good, I suppose we'll see again closer to public beta
How's the quality of the questions?
they're good, I suppose. we're getting technical questions about the use of robots.txt and .htaccess
as well as questions about the more social aspects of a non-indexed society
@EBrown Was it, lost in the depths?
bah-dum, tish
@Quill It would be great if it didn't turn into total failure, let's see what open beta brings next week.
If the community pulls hard enough, any site can succeed.
yeah... I get the feeling a lot of sites would run out of things to say
but somehow they pull through
Just look at Code Review. Not a great topic for Q&A, but it worked. Because we made it work.
Because the old-timers refused to give-up.
also because we have a near unlimited question space
looks at Jamal
looks at rolfl
if all programming tool development stopped in general, you could dupe close pretty much all the new stuff on SO
People with way too much time on their hands made this site work.
Entire tags without a following got a following because people kept posting questions in it.
I've been trying to get Language Learning started, but the CMs haven't installed mods yet
A: Add a console to Stack Snippets

HaneyThanks for bringing this up! Thanks in large part to the efforts of canon and his MIT licensed virtual console library for Stack Snippets, we now have a virtual console! Normally I'd do screenshots, but with Stack Snippets I can just give you a live demo instead. Check it out! console.log(...

Stack Snippets JS console is live
That's shiny.
Now it's waiting till someone find a major bug with it which makes computers explode.
At least it will be a shiny explosion.
Is this post on-topic? Read the comments; I've been having a conversation with the OP.
@SirPython It has been closed by people knowledgeable in Java.
I know, but now the OP is saying some things that I feel are different than what the post was originally conveying.
Also, I don't entirely care who closed it - I just wanted to know why, and if it's on-topic now that the OP is (I think) saying something different.
I think I might insert a few of these into the code I'm developing: stackoverflow.com/q/184618/1937270
* For the brave souls who get this far: You are the chosen ones,
* the valiant knights of programming who toil away, without rest,
* fixing our most awful code. To you, true saviors, kings of men,
* I say this: never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down,
* never gonna run around and desert you. Never gonna make you cry,
* never gonna say goodbye. Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you.
If I ever get rickrolled in code, I'm going to smack the writer.
Q: Poker Hands in Python

qwrFor Project Euler problem 54, I wrote a python program that reads poker hands from a file and counts how many wins the first player has over the second player. I wrote it rather hastily, but I also tried to make use of python features. Here are my questions: Are the functions clear and does eva...

@SirPython that whole thing is a hack, if it even works
and it's basically a self-made type-resolution system
the "buggy" may be misguided
with some cleaner explanation it should be on-topic though
Q: Speed Distance Time Calculator

exitc0deWhenever I try a new language I always try to write a speed distance time calculator as well as possible. I did this with C++ a while ago now. This is a similar question but this time in rust. Basically the program calculates speed, distance or time from the other two variables in the equation a...

for (;!Controller.class.equals(c.getClass().getInterfaces()[k])
    && !Controller.class.isAssignableFrom(c.getClass().getInterfaces()[k]);++k);
how not to write while-loops
also I'm disappointed that the vanilla syrup in my whiskey didn't mix with the whiskey.... at all :/
IE8 is great until 2016 when it still has 15% marketshare — James M. Jun 25 '10 at 15:48
how dare you do that to your whiskey?!
it's not like it was good whiskey
never said that
ok then
"vanilla whiskey" ...am I the only one that.. nevermind.
it's recommended to add mineral water :/
and ice
I got some standards alright
@StingyJack. Amazing. This just saved me after some corruption of the the assigned to fields in code review items after upgrading to TFS 2015. — pero 56 secs ago
Q: Python Dictionary Spellchecker

KimHow to create a class SpellChecker. Upon initialisation, this class should load the content of the glossary file into a Dictionary (i.e., an instance of the class you created in the previous task). A method of SpellChecker should count how many words in any nominated text file belong to class 1 (...

Q: Sieve of Erathosthenes to count the number of primes in C and C++11

rubikI found this old piece of code that I wrote while I was learning C a while back: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <N>\n", argv[0]); return 1; } size_t limit = strt...

@Vogel612 Does your whiskey come with a recipe book? Over here we just open the bottle and drink it
@Phrancis the vanilla syrup did....
Sounds weird
Q: Sum of numbers that equal 100

Thomas VincentI was asked to find all the numbers that added up to 100 with no duplicates in Ruby. I float between Python, GoLang, and Ruby in a day. I am always concerned if I am doing something in the most optimal way. require 'pp' sumdata = [ 95, 5, 95, 5 ] def find_sum(data) result = [] processed = ...

Q: Python execute OS command

AlanI've written these 2 methods and I'm wondering if the 2nd method, which uses yield is more efficient or if I'm using yield wrong. Can someone refactor the 2nd method to make it more efficient for reading system os calls with large output? def exec_cmd(command): proc = subprocess.Popen(comman...

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